
521 строка
19 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["UpdateUtils"];
const {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
const {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
const {FileUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
const {OS} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
const {ctypes} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]); /* globals fetch */
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "WindowsRegistry",
// The file that stores Application Update configuration settings. The file is
// located in the update directory which makes it a common setting across all
// application profiles and allows the Background Update Agent to read it.
const FILE_UPDATE_CONFIG_JSON = "update-config.json";
const FILE_UPDATE_LOCALE = "update.locale";
const PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION = "distribution.version";
// Do not use the PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO preference directly!
// Call getAppUpdateAutoEnabled or setAppUpdateAutoEnabled instead.
// The setting name in the FILE_UPDATE_CONFIG_JSON file for whether the
// Application Update Service automatically downloads and installs updates.
// The default value for the CONFIG_APP_UPDATE_AUTO setting and the
// PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO preference.
var UpdateUtils = {
_locale: undefined,
* Read the update channel from defaults only. We do this to ensure that
* the channel is tightly coupled with the application and does not apply
* to other instances of the application that may use the same profile.
* @param [optional] aIncludePartners
* Whether or not to include the partner bits. Default: true.
getUpdateChannel(aIncludePartners = true) {
let defaults = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null);
let channel = defaults.getCharPref("",
if (aIncludePartners) {
try {
let partners = Services.prefs.getChildList("app.partner.").sort();
if (partners.length) {
channel += "-cck";
partners.forEach(function(prefName) {
channel += "-" + Services.prefs.getCharPref(prefName);
} catch (e) {
return channel;
get UpdateChannel() {
return this.getUpdateChannel();
* Formats a URL by replacing %...% values with OS, build and locale specific
* values.
* @param url
* The URL to format.
* @return The formatted URL.
async formatUpdateURL(url) {
const locale = await this.getLocale();
return url.replace(/%(\w+)%/g, (match, name) => {
switch (name) {
case "PRODUCT":
case "VERSION":
return Services.appinfo.version;
case "BUILD_ID":
return Services.appinfo.appBuildID;
return Services.appinfo.OS + "_" + this.ABI;
case "OS_VERSION":
return this.OSVersion;
case "LOCALE":
return locale;
case "CHANNEL":
return this.UpdateChannel;
return Services.appinfo.platformVersion;
return getSystemCapabilities();
return getDistributionPrefValue(PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION);
return getDistributionPrefValue(PREF_APP_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION);
return match;
}).replace(/\+/g, "%2B");
* Gets the locale from the update.locale file for replacing %LOCALE% in the
* update url. The update.locale file can be located in the application
* directory or the GRE directory with preference given to it being located in
* the application directory.
async getLocale() {
if (this._locale !== undefined) {
return this._locale;
for (let res of ["app", "gre"]) {
const url = "resource://" + res + "/" + FILE_UPDATE_LOCALE;
let data;
try {
data = await fetch(url);
} catch (e) {
const locale = await data.text();
if (locale) {
return this._locale = locale.trim();
Cu.reportError(FILE_UPDATE_LOCALE + " file doesn't exist in either the " +
"application or GRE directories");
return this._locale = null;
* Determines whether or not the Application Update Service automatically
* downloads and installs updates. This corresponds to whether or not the user
* has selected "Automatically install updates" in about:preferences.
* On Windows, this setting is shared across all profiles for the installation
* and is read asynchrnously from the file. On other operating systems, this
* setting is stored in a pref and is thus a per-profile setting.
* @return A Promise that resolves with a boolean.
getAppUpdateAutoEnabled() {
if (AppConstants.platform != "win") {
// On platforms other than Windows the setting is stored in a preference.
let prefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO,
return Promise.resolve(prefValue);
// Justification for the empty catch statement below:
// All promises returned by (get|set)AutoUpdateIsEnabled are part of a
// single promise chain in order to serialize disk operations. We don't want
// the entire promise chain to reject when one operation fails.
// There is only one situation when a promise in this chain should ever
// reject, which is when writing fails and the error is logged and
// re-thrown. All other possible exceptions are wrapped in try blocks, which
// also log any exception that may occur.
let readPromise = updateAutoIOPromise.catch(() => {}).then(async () => {
try {
let configValue = await readUpdateAutoConfig();
// If we read a value out of this file, don't later perform migration.
// If the file is deleted, we don't want some stale pref getting
// written to it just because a different profile performed migration.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO_MIGRATED, true);
return configValue;
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("UpdateUtils.getAppUpdateAutoEnabled - Unable to read " +
"app update configuration file. Exception: " + e);
let valueMigrated = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
if (!valueMigrated) {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO_MIGRATED, true);
let prefValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO,
try {
let writtenValue = await writeUpdateAutoConfig(prefValue);
return writtenValue;
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("UpdateUtils.getAppUpdateAutoEnabled - Migration " +
"failed. Exception: " + e);
// Fallthrough for if the value could not be read or migrated.
updateAutoIOPromise = readPromise;
return readPromise;
* Toggles whether the Update Service automatically downloads and installs
* updates. This effectively selects between the "Automatically install
* updates" and "Check for updates but let you choose to install them" options
* in about:preferences.
* On Windows, this setting is shared across all profiles for the installation
* and is written asynchrnously to the file. On other operating systems, this
* setting is stored in a pref and is thus a per-profile setting.
* @param enabled If set to true, automatic download and installation of
* updates will be enabled. If set to false, this will be
* disabled.
* @return A Promise that, once the setting has been saved, resolves with the
* boolean value that was saved. If the setting could not be
* successfully saved, the Promise will reject.
* On Windows, where this setting is stored in a file, this Promise
* may reject with an I/O error.
* On other operating systems, this promise should not reject as
* this operation simply sets a pref.
setAppUpdateAutoEnabled(enabledValue) {
if (AppConstants.platform != "win") {
// Only in Windows do we store the update config in the update directory
let prefValue = !!enabledValue;
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO, prefValue);
return Promise.resolve(prefValue);
// Justification for the empty catch statement below:
// All promises returned by (get|set)AutoUpdateIsEnabled are part of a
// single promise chain in order to serialize disk operations. We don't want
// the entire promise chain to reject when one operation fails.
// There is only one situation when a promise in this chain should ever
// reject, which is when writing fails and the error is logged and
// re-thrown. All other possible exceptions are wrapped in try blocks, which
// also log any exception that may occur.
let writePromise = updateAutoIOPromise.catch(() => {}).then(async () => {
try {
return await writeUpdateAutoConfig(enabledValue);
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("UpdateUtils.setAppUpdateAutoEnabled - App update " +
"configuration file write failed. Exception: " + e);
// Rethrow the error so the caller knows that writing the value in the
// app update config file failed.
throw e;
updateAutoIOPromise = writePromise;
return writePromise;
// Used for serializing reads and writes of the app update json config file so
// the writes don't happen out of order and the last write is the one that
// the sets the value.
var updateAutoIOPromise = Promise.resolve();
var updateAutoSettingCachedVal = null;
async function readUpdateAutoConfig() {
let configFile = FileUtils.getDir("UpdRootD", [], true);
let binaryData = await;
let jsonData = new TextDecoder().decode(binaryData);
let configData = JSON.parse(jsonData);
return !!configData[CONFIG_APP_UPDATE_AUTO];
async function writeUpdateAutoConfig(enabledValue) {
let enabledBoolValue = !!enabledValue;
let configFile = FileUtils.getDir("UpdRootD", [], true);
let configObject = {[CONFIG_APP_UPDATE_AUTO]: enabledBoolValue};
await OS.File.writeAtomic(configFile.path, JSON.stringify(configObject));
return enabledBoolValue;
// Notifies observers if the value of has changed and returns
// the value for
function maybeUpdateAutoConfigChanged(newValue) {
// Don't notify on the first read when updateAutoSettingCachedVal is null.
if (updateAutoSettingCachedVal !== null &&
newValue != updateAutoSettingCachedVal) {
updateAutoSettingCachedVal = newValue;
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "auto-update-config-change",
return newValue;
/* Get the distribution pref values, from defaults only */
function getDistributionPrefValue(aPrefName) {
return Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null).getCharPref(aPrefName, "default");
function getSystemCapabilities() {
return "ISET:" + gInstructionSet + ",MEM:" + getMemoryMB();
* Gets the RAM size in megabytes. This will round the value because sysinfo
* doesn't always provide RAM in multiples of 1024.
function getMemoryMB() {
let memoryMB = "unknown";
try {
memoryMB = Services.sysinfo.getProperty("memsize");
if (memoryMB) {
memoryMB = Math.round(memoryMB / 1024 / 1024);
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("Error getting system info memsize property. " +
"Exception: " + e);
return memoryMB;
* Gets the supported CPU instruction set.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gInstructionSet", function aus_gIS() {
const CPU_EXTENSIONS = ["hasSSE4_2", "hasSSE4_1", "hasSSE4A", "hasSSSE3",
"hasSSE3", "hasSSE2", "hasSSE", "hasMMX",
"hasNEON", "hasARMv7", "hasARMv6"];
for (let ext of CPU_EXTENSIONS) {
if (Services.sysinfo.getProperty(ext)) {
return ext.substring(3);
return "unknown";
/* Windows only getter that returns the processor architecture. */
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gWinCPUArch", function aus_gWinCPUArch() {
// Get processor architecture
let arch = "unknown";
const WORD = ctypes.uint16_t;
const DWORD = ctypes.uint32_t;
// This structure is described at:
const SYSTEM_INFO = new ctypes.StructType("SYSTEM_INFO",
{wProcessorArchitecture: WORD},
{wReserved: WORD},
{dwPageSize: DWORD},
{lpMinimumApplicationAddress: ctypes.voidptr_t},
{lpMaximumApplicationAddress: ctypes.voidptr_t},
{dwActiveProcessorMask: DWORD.ptr},
{dwNumberOfProcessors: DWORD},
{dwProcessorType: DWORD},
{dwAllocationGranularity: DWORD},
{wProcessorLevel: WORD},
{wProcessorRevision: WORD},
let kernel32 = false;
try {
kernel32 ="Kernel32");
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("Unable to open kernel32! Exception: " + e);
if (kernel32) {
try {
let GetNativeSystemInfo = kernel32.declare("GetNativeSystemInfo",
let winSystemInfo = SYSTEM_INFO();
// Default to unknown
winSystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture = 0xffff;
switch (winSystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture) {
case 12:
arch = "aarch64";
case 9:
arch = "x64";
case 6:
arch = "IA64";
case 0:
arch = "x86";
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("Error getting processor architecture. " +
"Exception: " + e);
} finally {
return arch;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(UpdateUtils, "ABI", function() {
let abi = null;
try {
abi = Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI;
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("XPCOM ABI unknown");
if (AppConstants.platform == "win") {
// Windows build should report the CPU architecture that it's running on.
abi += "-" + gWinCPUArch;
if (AppConstants.ASAN) {
// Allow ASan builds to receive their own updates
abi += "-asan";
return abi;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(UpdateUtils, "OSVersion", function() {
let osVersion;
try {
osVersion = Services.sysinfo.getProperty("name") + " " +
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("OS Version unknown.");
if (osVersion) {
if (AppConstants.platform == "win") {
const BYTE = ctypes.uint8_t;
const WORD = ctypes.uint16_t;
const DWORD = ctypes.uint32_t;
const WCHAR = ctypes.char16_t;
const BOOL =;
// This structure is described at:
{dwOSVersionInfoSize: DWORD},
{dwMajorVersion: DWORD},
{dwMinorVersion: DWORD},
{dwBuildNumber: DWORD},
{dwPlatformId: DWORD},
{szCSDVersion: ctypes.ArrayType(WCHAR, SZCSDVERSIONLENGTH)},
{wServicePackMajor: WORD},
{wServicePackMinor: WORD},
{wSuiteMask: WORD},
{wProductType: BYTE},
{wReserved: BYTE},
let kernel32 = false;
try {
kernel32 ="Kernel32");
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("Unable to open kernel32! " + e);
osVersion += ".unknown (unknown)";
if (kernel32) {
try {
// Get Service pack info
try {
let GetVersionEx = kernel32.declare("GetVersionExW",
winVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = OSVERSIONINFOEXW.size;
if (0 !== GetVersionEx(winVer.address())) {
osVersion += "." + winVer.wServicePackMajor +
"." + winVer.wServicePackMinor +
"." + winVer.dwBuildNumber;
} else {
Cu.reportError("Unknown failure in GetVersionEX (returned 0)");
osVersion += ".unknown";
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("Error getting service pack information. Exception: " + e);
osVersion += ".unknown";
if ("version"), "10") >= 0) {
const WINDOWS_UBR_KEY_PATH = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion";
let ubr = WindowsRegistry.readRegKey(Ci.nsIWindowsRegKey.ROOT_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
osVersion += (ubr !== undefined) ? "." + ubr : ".unknown";
} finally {
// Add processor architecture
osVersion += " (" + gWinCPUArch + ")";
try {
osVersion += " (" + Services.sysinfo.getProperty("secondaryLibrary") + ")";
} catch (e) {
// Not all platforms have a secondary widget library, so an error is nothing to worry about.
osVersion = encodeURIComponent(osVersion);
return osVersion;