
262 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef _HyperTextAccessibleBase_H_
#define _HyperTextAccessibleBase_H_
#include "AccAttributes.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleText.h"
namespace mozilla::a11y {
class Accessible;
class TextLeafPoint;
class TextRange;
// This character marks where in the text returned via Text interface,
// that embedded object characters exist
const char16_t kEmbeddedObjectChar = 0xfffc;
const char16_t kImaginaryEmbeddedObjectChar = ' ';
const char16_t kForcedNewLineChar = '\n';
* An index type. Assert if out of range value was attempted to be used.
class index_t {
MOZ_IMPLICIT index_t(int32_t aVal) : mVal(aVal) {}
operator uint32_t() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(mVal >= 0, "Attempt to use wrong index!");
return mVal;
bool IsValid() const { return mVal >= 0; }
int32_t mVal;
class HyperTextAccessibleBase {
* Invalidate cached HyperText offsets. This should be called whenever a
* child is added or removed or the text of a text leaf child is changed.
virtual void InvalidateCachedHyperTextOffsets() = 0;
* Return child accessible at the given text offset.
* @param aOffset [in] the given text offset
virtual int32_t GetChildIndexAtOffset(uint32_t aOffset) const;
* Return child accessible at the given text offset.
* @param aOffset [in] the given text offset
virtual Accessible* GetChildAtOffset(uint32_t aOffset) const;
* Return text offset of the given child accessible within hypertext
* accessible.
* @param aChild [in] accessible child to get text offset for
int32_t GetChildOffset(const Accessible* aChild) const;
* Return text offset for the child accessible index.
virtual int32_t GetChildOffset(uint32_t aChildIndex) const;
* Return character count within the hypertext accessible.
virtual uint32_t CharacterCount() const;
* Get/set caret offset, if no caret then -1.
virtual int32_t CaretOffset() const;
virtual void SetCaretOffset(int32_t aOffset) = 0;
* Transform magic offset into text offset.
index_t ConvertMagicOffset(int32_t aOffset) const;
* Return text between given offsets.
virtual void TextSubstring(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
nsAString& aText) const;
* Get a character at the given offset (don't support magic offsets).
bool CharAt(int32_t aOffset, nsAString& aChar,
int32_t* aStartOffset = nullptr, int32_t* aEndOffset = nullptr);
* Return a rect (in dev pixels) for character at given offset relative
* given coordinate system.
virtual LayoutDeviceIntRect CharBounds(int32_t aOffset, uint32_t aCoordType);
* Return a rect (in dev pixels) of the given text range relative given
* coordinate system.
virtual LayoutDeviceIntRect TextBounds(int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordType);
* Return the offset of the char that contains the given coordinates.
virtual int32_t OffsetAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, uint32_t aCoordType);
* Get a TextLeafPoint for a given offset in this HyperTextAccessible.
* If the offset points to an embedded object and aDescendToEnd is true,
* the point right at the end of this subtree will be returned instead of the
* start.
TextLeafPoint ToTextLeafPoint(int32_t aOffset, bool aDescendToEnd = false);
* Return text before/at/after the given offset corresponding to
* the boundary type.
virtual void TextBeforeOffset(int32_t aOffset,
AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset,
nsAString& aText);
virtual void TextAtOffset(int32_t aOffset,
AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset,
nsAString& aText);
virtual void TextAfterOffset(int32_t aOffset,
AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
int32_t* aStartOffset, int32_t* aEndOffset,
nsAString& aText);
* Return true if the given offset/range is valid.
bool IsValidOffset(int32_t aOffset);
bool IsValidRange(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset);
* Return link count within this hypertext accessible.
uint32_t LinkCount();
* Return link accessible at the given index.
Accessible* LinkAt(uint32_t aIndex);
* Return index for the given link accessible.
int32_t LinkIndexOf(Accessible* aLink);
* Return link accessible at the given text offset.
virtual int32_t LinkIndexAtOffset(uint32_t aOffset) {
Accessible* child = GetChildAtOffset(aOffset);
return child ? LinkIndexOf(child) : -1;
* Return text attributes for the given text range.
virtual already_AddRefed<AccAttributes> TextAttributes(bool aIncludeDefAttrs,
int32_t aOffset,
int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
* Return text attributes applied to the accessible.
virtual already_AddRefed<AccAttributes> DefaultTextAttributes() = 0;
* Return an array of disjoint ranges for selected text within the text
* control or the document this accessible belongs to.
virtual void SelectionRanges(nsTArray<TextRange>* aRanges) const = 0;
* Return selected regions count within the accessible.
virtual int32_t SelectionCount();
* Return the start and end offset of the specified selection.
virtual bool SelectionBoundsAt(int32_t aSelectionNum, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
virtual const Accessible* Acc() const = 0;
Accessible* Acc() {
const Accessible* acc =
const_cast<const HyperTextAccessibleBase*>(this)->Acc();
return const_cast<Accessible*>(acc);
* Get the cached map of child indexes to HyperText offsets. If the cache
* hasn't been built yet, build it.
* This is an array which contains the exclusive end offset for each child.
* That is, the start offset for child c is array index c - 1.
virtual const nsTArray<int32_t>& GetCachedHyperTextOffsets() const = 0;
* Build the HyperText offsets cache. This should only be called by
* GetCachedHyperTextOffsets.
void BuildCachedHyperTextOffsets(nsTArray<int32_t>& aOffsets) const;
* Transform the given a11y point into an offset relative to this hypertext.
* Returns {success, offset}, where success is true if successful.
* If unsuccessful, the returned offset will be CharacterCount() if
* aIsEndOffset is true, 0 otherwise. This means most callers can ignore the
* success return value.
std::pair<bool, int32_t> TransformOffset(Accessible* aDescendant,
int32_t aOffset,
bool aIsEndOffset) const;
* Helper method for TextBefore/At/AfterOffset.
* If BOUNDARY_LINE_END was requested and the origin is itself a line end
* boundary, we must use the line which ends at the origin. We must do
* similarly for BOUNDARY_WORD_END. This method adjusts the origin
* accordingly.
void AdjustOriginIfEndBoundary(TextLeafPoint& aOrigin,
AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
bool aAtOffset = false) const;
* Return text selection ranges cropped to this Accessible (rather than for
* the entire text control or document). This also excludes collapsed ranges.
virtual void CroppedSelectionRanges(nsTArray<TextRange>& aRanges) const;
} // namespace mozilla::a11y