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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_quota_quotamanager_h__
#define mozilla_dom_quota_quotamanager_h__
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include "Client.h"
#include "ErrorList.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/InitializedOnce.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/QMResult.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/CommonMetadata.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/InitializationTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/PersistenceType.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaCommon.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsClassHashtable.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsTStringRepr.h"
#include "nscore.h"
#include "prenv.h"
class mozIStorageConnection;
class nsIEventTarget;
class nsIFile;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsIRunnable;
class nsIThread;
class nsITimer;
class nsPIDOMWindowOuter;
namespace mozilla {
class OriginAttributes;
namespace ipc {
class PrincipalInfo;
} // namespace ipc
} // namespace mozilla
namespace mozilla::dom::quota {
class ClientUsageArray;
class ClientDirectoryLock;
class DirectoryLockImpl;
class GroupInfo;
class GroupInfoPair;
class OriginDirectoryLock;
class OriginInfo;
class OriginScope;
class QuotaObject;
class UniversalDirectoryLock;
class QuotaManager final : public BackgroundThreadObject {
friend class DirectoryLockImpl;
friend class GroupInfo;
friend class OriginInfo;
friend class QuotaObject;
using PrincipalInfo = mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo;
using DirectoryLockTable =
nsClassHashtable<nsCStringHashKey, nsTArray<NotNull<DirectoryLockImpl*>>>;
class Observer;
QuotaManager(const nsAString& aBasePath, const nsAString& aStorageName);
static nsresult Initialize();
static bool IsRunningXPCShellTests() {
static bool kRunningXPCShellTests =
return kRunningXPCShellTests;
static bool IsRunningGTests() {
static bool kRunningGTests = !!PR_GetEnv("MOZ_RUN_GTEST");
return kRunningGTests;
static const char kReplaceChars[];
static Result<MovingNotNull<RefPtr<QuotaManager>>, nsresult> GetOrCreate();
// TODO: Remove this overload once all clients use the synchronous GetOrCreate
static void GetOrCreate(nsIRunnable* aCallback);
// Returns a non-owning reference.
static QuotaManager* Get();
// Returns true if we've begun the shutdown process.
static bool IsShuttingDown();
static void ShutdownInstance();
static bool IsOSMetadata(const nsAString& aFileName);
static bool IsDotFile(const nsAString& aFileName);
bool IsOriginInitialized(const nsACString& aOrigin) const {
return mInitializedOrigins.Contains(aOrigin);
bool IsTemporaryStorageInitialized() const {
return mTemporaryStorageInitialized;
* For initialization of an origin where the directory already exists. This is
* used by EnsureTemporaryStorageIsInitialized/InitializeRepository once it
* has tallied origin usage by calling each of the QuotaClient InitOrigin
* methods.
void InitQuotaForOrigin(const FullOriginMetadata& aFullOriginMetadata,
const ClientUsageArray& aClientUsages,
uint64_t aUsageBytes);
* For use in special-cases like LSNG where we need to be able to know that
* there is no data stored for an origin. LSNG knows that there is 0 usage for
* its storage of an origin and wants to make sure there is a QuotaObject
* tracking this. This method will create a non-persisted, 0-usage,
* mDirectoryExists=false OriginInfo if there isn't already an OriginInfo. If
* an OriginInfo already exists, it will be left as-is, because that implies a
* different client has usages for the origin (and there's no need to add
* LSNG's 0 usage to the QuotaObject).
void EnsureQuotaForOrigin(const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
* For use when creating an origin directory. It's possible that origin usage
* is already being tracked due to a call to EnsureQuotaForOrigin, and in that
* case we need to update the existing OriginInfo rather than create a new
* one.
* @return last access time of the origin.
int64_t NoteOriginDirectoryCreated(const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata,
bool aPersisted);
// XXX clients can use QuotaObject instead of calling this method directly.
void DecreaseUsageForClient(const ClientMetadata& aClientMetadata,
int64_t aSize);
void ResetUsageForClient(const ClientMetadata& aClientMetadata);
UsageInfo GetUsageForClient(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata,
Client::Type aClientType);
void UpdateOriginAccessTime(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
void RemoveQuota();
void RemoveQuotaForOrigin(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata) {
MutexAutoLock lock(mQuotaMutex);
LockedRemoveQuotaForOrigin(aPersistenceType, aOriginMetadata);
nsresult LoadQuota();
void UnloadQuota();
already_AddRefed<QuotaObject> GetQuotaObject(
PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata,
Client::Type aClientType, nsIFile* aFile, int64_t aFileSize = -1,
int64_t* aFileSizeOut = nullptr);
already_AddRefed<QuotaObject> GetQuotaObject(
PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata,
Client::Type aClientType, const nsAString& aPath, int64_t aFileSize = -1,
int64_t* aFileSizeOut = nullptr);
already_AddRefed<QuotaObject> GetQuotaObject(const int64_t aDirectoryLockId,
const nsAString& aPath);
Nullable<bool> OriginPersisted(const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
void PersistOrigin(const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
using DirectoryLockIdTableArray =
AutoTArray<Client::DirectoryLockIdTable, Client::TYPE_MAX>;
void AbortOperationsForLocks(const DirectoryLockIdTableArray& aLockIds);
// Called when a process is being shot down. Aborts any running operations
// for the given process.
void AbortOperationsForProcess(ContentParentId aContentParentId);
Result<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>, nsresult> GetDirectoryForOrigin(
PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const nsACString& aASCIIOrigin) const;
nsresult RestoreDirectoryMetadata2(nsIFile* aDirectory);
// XXX Remove aPersistenceType argument once the persistence type is stored
// in the metadata file.
Result<FullOriginMetadata, nsresult> LoadFullOriginMetadata(
nsIFile* aDirectory, PersistenceType aPersistenceType);
Result<FullOriginMetadata, nsresult> LoadFullOriginMetadataWithRestore(
nsIFile* aDirectory);
// This is the main entry point into the QuotaManager API.
// Any storage API implementation (quota client) that participates in
// centralized quota and storage handling should call this method to get
// a directory lock which will protect client's files from being deleted
// while they are still in use.
// After a lock is acquired, client is notified via the open listener's
// method DirectoryLockAcquired. If the lock couldn't be acquired, client
// gets DirectoryLockFailed notification.
// A lock is a reference counted object and at the time DirectoryLockAcquired
// is called, quota manager holds just one strong reference to it which is
// then immediatelly cleared by quota manager. So it's up to client to add
// a new reference in order to keep the lock alive.
// Unlocking is simply done by dropping all references to the lock object.
// In other words, protection which the lock represents dies with the lock
// object itself.
RefPtr<ClientDirectoryLock> CreateDirectoryLock(
PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata,
Client::Type aClientType, bool aExclusive);
// XXX RemoveMe once bug 1170279 gets fixed.
RefPtr<UniversalDirectoryLock> CreateDirectoryLockInternal(
const Nullable<PersistenceType>& aPersistenceType,
const OriginScope& aOriginScope,
const Nullable<Client::Type>& aClientType, bool aExclusive);
// Collect inactive and the least recently used origins.
uint64_t CollectOriginsForEviction(
uint64_t aMinSizeToBeFreed,
nsTArray<RefPtr<OriginDirectoryLock>>& aLocks);
* Helper method to invoke the provided predicate on all "pending" OriginInfo
* instances. These are origins for which the origin directory has not yet
* been created but for which quota is already being tracked. This happens,
* for example, for the LocalStorage client where an origin that previously
* was not using LocalStorage can start issuing writes which it buffers until
* eventually flushing them. We defer creating the origin directory for as
* long as possible in that case, so the directory won't exist. Logic that
* would otherwise only consult the filesystem also needs to use this method.
template <typename P>
void CollectPendingOriginsForListing(P aPredicate);
bool IsStorageInitialized() const {
return static_cast<bool>(mStorageConnection);
void AssertStorageIsInitialized() const
#ifdef DEBUG
nsresult EnsureStorageIsInitialized();
// Returns a pair of an nsIFile object referring to the directory, and a bool
// indicating whether the directory was newly created.
Result<std::pair<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>, bool>, nsresult>
EnsurePersistentOriginIsInitialized(const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
// Returns a pair of an nsIFile object referring to the directory, and a bool
// indicating whether the directory was newly created.
Result<std::pair<nsCOMPtr<nsIFile>, bool>, nsresult>
EnsureTemporaryOriginIsInitialized(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
nsresult EnsureTemporaryStorageIsInitialized();
void ShutdownStorage();
// Returns a bool indicating whether the directory was newly created.
Result<bool, nsresult> EnsureOriginDirectory(nsIFile& aDirectory);
nsresult AboutToClearOrigins(
const Nullable<PersistenceType>& aPersistenceType,
const OriginScope& aOriginScope,
const Nullable<Client::Type>& aClientType);
void OriginClearCompleted(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const nsACString& aOrigin,
const Nullable<Client::Type>& aClientType);
void StartIdleMaintenance() {
for (const auto& client : *mClients) {
void StopIdleMaintenance() {
for (const auto& client : *mClients) {
void AssertCurrentThreadOwnsQuotaMutex() {
nsIThread* IOThread() { return mIOThread->get(); }
Client* GetClient(Client::Type aClientType);
const AutoTArray<Client::Type, Client::TYPE_MAX>& AllClientTypes();
const nsString& GetBasePath() const { return mBasePath; }
const nsString& GetStorageName() const { return mStorageName; }
const nsString& GetStoragePath() const { return *mStoragePath; }
const nsString& GetStoragePath(PersistenceType aPersistenceType) const {
if (aPersistenceType == PERSISTENCE_TYPE_PERSISTENT) {
return *mPermanentStoragePath;
if (aPersistenceType == PERSISTENCE_TYPE_TEMPORARY) {
return *mTemporaryStoragePath;
return *mDefaultStoragePath;
uint64_t GetGroupLimit() const;
uint64_t GetGroupUsage(const nsACString& aGroup);
uint64_t GetOriginUsage(const PrincipalMetadata& aPrincipalMetadata);
void NotifyStoragePressure(uint64_t aUsage);
// Record a quota client shutdown step, if shutting down.
// Assumes that the QuotaManager singleton is alive.
static void MaybeRecordQuotaClientShutdownStep(
const Client::Type aClientType, const nsACString& aStepDescription) {
// Callable on any thread.
// Record a quota client shutdown step, if shutting down.
// Checks if the QuotaManager singleton is alive.
static void SafeMaybeRecordQuotaClientShutdownStep(
Client::Type aClientType, const nsACString& aStepDescription);
// Record a quota manager shutdown step, if shutting down.
void MaybeRecordQuotaManagerShutdownStep(const nsACString& aStepDescription);
static void GetStorageId(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const nsACString& aOrigin, Client::Type aClientType,
nsACString& aDatabaseId);
static bool IsPrincipalInfoValid(const PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo);
static PrincipalMetadata GetInfoFromValidatedPrincipalInfo(
const PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo);
static nsAutoCString GetOriginFromValidatedPrincipalInfo(
const PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo);
static Result<PrincipalMetadata, nsresult> GetInfoFromPrincipal(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
static Result<nsAutoCString, nsresult> GetOriginFromPrincipal(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
static Result<nsAutoCString, nsresult> GetOriginFromWindow(
nsPIDOMWindowOuter* aWindow);
static nsLiteralCString GetOriginForChrome();
static PrincipalMetadata GetInfoForChrome();
static bool IsOriginInternal(const nsACString& aOrigin);
static bool AreOriginsEqualOnDisk(const nsACString& aOrigin1,
const nsACString& aOrigin2);
static Result<PrincipalInfo, nsresult> ParseOrigin(const nsACString& aOrigin);
static void InvalidateQuotaCache();
virtual ~QuotaManager();
nsresult Init();
void Shutdown();
void RegisterDirectoryLock(DirectoryLockImpl& aLock);
void UnregisterDirectoryLock(DirectoryLockImpl& aLock);
void AddPendingDirectoryLock(DirectoryLockImpl& aLock);
void RemovePendingDirectoryLock(DirectoryLockImpl& aLock);
uint64_t LockedCollectOriginsForEviction(
uint64_t aMinSizeToBeFreed,
nsTArray<RefPtr<OriginDirectoryLock>>& aLocks);
void LockedRemoveQuotaForOrigin(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
already_AddRefed<GroupInfo> LockedGetOrCreateGroupInfo(
PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const nsACString& aSuffix,
const nsACString& aGroup);
already_AddRefed<OriginInfo> LockedGetOriginInfo(
PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata);
nsresult UpgradeFromIndexedDBDirectoryToPersistentStorageDirectory(
nsIFile* aIndexedDBDir);
nsresult UpgradeFromPersistentStorageDirectoryToDefaultStorageDirectory(
nsIFile* aPersistentStorageDir);
nsresult MaybeUpgradeToDefaultStorageDirectory(nsIFile& aStorageFile);
template <typename Helper>
nsresult UpgradeStorage(const int32_t aOldVersion, const int32_t aNewVersion,
mozIStorageConnection* aConnection);
nsresult UpgradeStorageFrom0_0To1_0(mozIStorageConnection* aConnection);
nsresult UpgradeStorageFrom1_0To2_0(mozIStorageConnection* aConnection);
nsresult UpgradeStorageFrom2_0To2_1(mozIStorageConnection* aConnection);
nsresult UpgradeStorageFrom2_1To2_2(mozIStorageConnection* aConnection);
nsresult UpgradeStorageFrom2_2To2_3(mozIStorageConnection* aConnection);
nsresult MaybeCreateOrUpgradeStorage(mozIStorageConnection& aConnection);
OkOrErr MaybeRemoveLocalStorageArchiveTmpFile();
nsresult MaybeRemoveLocalStorageDataAndArchive(nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile);
nsresult MaybeRemoveLocalStorageDirectories();
Result<Ok, nsresult> CopyLocalStorageArchiveFromWebAppsStore(
nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile) const;
Result<nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection>, nsresult>
CreateLocalStorageArchiveConnection(nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile) const;
Result<nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection>, nsresult>
RecopyLocalStorageArchiveFromWebAppsStore(nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile);
Result<nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection>, nsresult>
DowngradeLocalStorageArchive(nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile);
Result<nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection>, nsresult>
UpgradeLocalStorageArchiveFromLessThan4To4(nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile);
nsresult UpgradeLocalStorageArchiveFrom4To5();
Result<Ok, nsresult> MaybeCreateOrUpgradeLocalStorageArchive(
nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile);
Result<Ok, nsresult> CreateEmptyLocalStorageArchive(
nsIFile& aLsArchiveFile) const;
template <typename OriginFunc>
nsresult InitializeRepository(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
OriginFunc&& aOriginFunc);
nsresult InitializeOrigin(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata,
int64_t aAccessTime, bool aPersisted,
nsIFile* aDirectory);
using OriginInfosFlatTraversable =
nsTArray<NotNull<RefPtr<const OriginInfo>>>;
using OriginInfosNestedTraversable =
nsTArray<nsTArray<NotNull<RefPtr<const OriginInfo>>>>;
OriginInfosNestedTraversable GetOriginInfosExceedingGroupLimit() const;
OriginInfosNestedTraversable GetOriginInfosExceedingGlobalLimit() const;
void ClearOrigins(const OriginInfosNestedTraversable& aDoomedOriginInfos);
void CleanupTemporaryStorage();
void DeleteFilesForOrigin(PersistenceType aPersistenceType,
const nsACString& aOrigin);
void FinalizeOriginEviction(nsTArray<RefPtr<OriginDirectoryLock>>&& aLocks);
Result<Ok, nsresult> ArchiveOrigins(
const nsTArray<FullOriginMetadata>& aFullOriginMetadatas);
void ReleaseIOThreadObjects() {
for (Client::Type type : AllClientTypes()) {
DirectoryLockTable& GetDirectoryLockTable(PersistenceType aPersistenceType);
bool IsSanitizedOriginValid(const nsACString& aSanitizedOrigin);
int64_t GenerateDirectoryLockId();
void MaybeRecordShutdownStep(Maybe<Client::Type> aClientType,
const nsACString& aStepDescription);
template <typename Func>
auto ExecuteInitialization(Initialization aInitialization, Func&& aFunc)
-> std::invoke_result_t<Func, const FirstInitializationAttempt<
Initialization, StringGenerator>&>;
template <typename Func>
auto ExecuteInitialization(Initialization aInitialization,
const nsACString& aContext, Func&& aFunc)
-> std::invoke_result_t<Func, const FirstInitializationAttempt<
Initialization, StringGenerator>&>;
template <typename Func>
auto ExecuteOriginInitialization(const nsACString& aOrigin,
const OriginInitialization aInitialization,
const nsACString& aContext, Func&& aFunc)
-> std::invoke_result_t<Func, const FirstInitializationAttempt<
Initialization, StringGenerator>&>;
template <typename Iterator>
static void MaybeInsertNonPersistedOriginInfos(
Iterator aDest, const RefPtr<GroupInfo>& aTemporaryGroupInfo,
const RefPtr<GroupInfo>& aDefaultGroupInfo);
template <typename Collect, typename Pred>
static OriginInfosFlatTraversable CollectLRUOriginInfosUntil(
Collect&& aCollect, Pred&& aPred);
// Thread on which IO is performed.
LazyInitializedOnceNotNull<const nsCOMPtr<nsIThread>> mIOThread;
nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> mStorageConnection;
// A timer that gets activated at shutdown to ensure we close all storages.
LazyInitializedOnceNotNull<const nsCOMPtr<nsITimer>> mShutdownTimer;
EnumeratedArray<Client::Type, Client::TYPE_MAX, nsCString> mShutdownSteps;
LazyInitializedOnce<const TimeStamp> mShutdownStartedAt;
Atomic<bool> mShutdownStarted;
// Accesses to mQuotaManagerShutdownSteps must be protected by mQuotaMutex.
nsCString mQuotaManagerShutdownSteps;
mutable mozilla::Mutex mQuotaMutex;
nsClassHashtable<nsCStringHashKey, GroupInfoPair> mGroupInfoPairs;
// Maintains a list of directory locks that are queued.
nsTArray<RefPtr<DirectoryLockImpl>> mPendingDirectoryLocks;
// Maintains a list of directory locks that are acquired or queued. It can be
// accessed on the owning (PBackground) thread only.
nsTArray<NotNull<DirectoryLockImpl*>> mDirectoryLocks;
// Only modifed on the owning thread, but read on multiple threads. Therefore
// all modifications (including those on the owning thread) and all reads off
// the owning thread must be protected by mQuotaMutex. In other words, only
// reads on the owning thread don't have to be protected by mQuotaMutex.
nsTHashMap<nsUint64HashKey, NotNull<DirectoryLockImpl*>>
// Directory lock tables that are used to update origin access time.
DirectoryLockTable mTemporaryDirectoryLockTable;
DirectoryLockTable mDefaultDirectoryLockTable;
// A list of all successfully initialized persistent origins. This list isn't
// protected by any mutex but it is only ever touched on the IO thread.
nsTArray<nsCString> mInitializedOrigins;
// A hash table that is used to cache origin parser results for given
// sanitized origin strings. This hash table isn't protected by any mutex but
// it is only ever touched on the IO thread.
nsTHashMap<nsCStringHashKey, bool> mValidOrigins;
// This array is populated at initialization time and then never modified, so
// it can be iterated on any thread.
LazyInitializedOnce<const AutoTArray<RefPtr<Client>, Client::TYPE_MAX>>
using ClientTypesArray = AutoTArray<Client::Type, Client::TYPE_MAX>;
LazyInitializedOnce<const ClientTypesArray> mAllClientTypes;
LazyInitializedOnce<const ClientTypesArray> mAllClientTypesExceptLS;
// This object isn't protected by any mutex but it is only ever touched on
// the IO thread.
InitializationInfo mInitializationInfo;
const nsString mBasePath;
const nsString mStorageName;
LazyInitializedOnce<const nsString> mIndexedDBPath;
LazyInitializedOnce<const nsString> mStoragePath;
LazyInitializedOnce<const nsString> mStorageArchivesPath;
LazyInitializedOnce<const nsString> mPermanentStoragePath;
LazyInitializedOnce<const nsString> mTemporaryStoragePath;
LazyInitializedOnce<const nsString> mDefaultStoragePath;
uint64_t mTemporaryStorageLimit;
uint64_t mTemporaryStorageUsage;
int64_t mNextDirectoryLockId;
bool mTemporaryStorageInitialized;
bool mCacheUsable;
} // namespace mozilla::dom::quota
#endif /* mozilla_dom_quota_quotamanager_h__ */