
455 строки
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
# Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance
# with the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v 2.0 accompanying it. If
# a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one
# at
# Creates an Adobe Access signed voucher for any executable
# Notes: This is currently python2.7 due to mozilla build system requirements
import argparse, bitstring, pprint, hashlib, os, subprocess, sys, tempfile
from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder as der_encoder
from pyasn1.type import univ, namedtype, namedval, constraint
# CodeSectionDigest ::= SEQUENCE {
# offset INTEGER -- section's file offset in the signed binary
# digestAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- algorithm identifier for the hash value below. For now only supports SHA256.
# digestValue OCTET STRING -- hash value of the TEXT segment.
# }
class CodeSectionDigest(univ.Sequence):
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('offset', univ.Integer()),
namedtype.NamedType('digestAlgorithm', univ.ObjectIdentifier()),
namedtype.NamedType('digest', univ.OctetString()))
# CodeSegmentDigest ::= SEQUENCE {
# offset INTEGER -- TEXT segment's file offset in the signed binary
# codeSectionDigests SET OF CodeSectionDigests
# }
class SetOfCodeSectionDigest(univ.SetOf):
componentType = CodeSectionDigest()
class CodeSegmentDigest(univ.Sequence):
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('offset', univ.Integer()),
namedtype.NamedType('codeSectionDigests', SetOfCodeSectionDigest()))
# ArchitectureDigest ::= SEQUENCE {
# cpuType ENUMERATED CpuType
# cpuSubType ENUMERATED CpuSubType
# CodeSegmentDigests SET OF CodeSegmentDigests
# }
class SetOfCodeSegmentDigest(univ.SetOf):
componentType = CodeSegmentDigest()
class CPUType(univ.Enumerated):
namedValues = namedval.NamedValues(
('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386', 0x14c),
subtypeSpec = univ.Enumerated.subtypeSpec + \
constraint.SingleValueConstraint(0x14c, 0x8664)
class CPUSubType(univ.Enumerated):
namedValues = namedval.NamedValues(
('IMAGE_UNUSED', 0x0),
subtypeSpec = univ.Enumerated.subtypeSpec + \
class ArchitectureDigest(univ.Sequence):
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('cpuType', CPUType()),
namedtype.NamedType('cpuSubType', CPUSubType()),
namedtype.NamedType('CodeSegmentDigests', SetOfCodeSegmentDigest())
# ApplicationDigest ::= SEQUENCE {
# version INTEGER
# digests SET OF ArchitectureDigest
# }
class SetOfArchitectureDigest(univ.SetOf):
componentType = ArchitectureDigest()
class ApplicationDigest(univ.Sequence):
componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes(
namedtype.NamedType('version', univ.Integer()),
namedtype.NamedType('digests', SetOfArchitectureDigest())
def meets_requirements(items, requirements):
for r in requirements:
for n, v in r.items():
if n not in items or items[n] != v: return False
return True
# return total number of bytes read from items_in excluding leaves
def parse_items(stream, items_in, items_out):
bits_read = 0
total_bits_read = 0
for item in items_in:
name = item[0]
t = item[1]
bits = 1 if ":" not in t else int(t[t.index(":") + 1:])
if ":" in t and t.find("bytes") >= 0:
bits = bits * 8
if len(item) == 2:
items_out[name] =
bits_read += bits
total_bits_read += bits
elif len(item) == 3 or len(item) == 4:
requirements = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, dict), item[2]))
sub_items = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, tuple), item[2]))
if not meets_requirements(items_out, requirements): continue
# has sub-items based on length
items_out[name] =
bits_read += bits
total_bits_read += bits
if len(item) == 4:
bit_length = items_out[name] * 8
if bit_length > 0:
sub_read, sub_total_read = parse_items(stream, sub_items, items_out)
bit_length -= sub_read
total_bits_read += sub_total_read
if bit_length > 0:
items_out[item[3]] ='bits:' + str(bit_length))
bits_read += bit_length
total_bits_read += bit_length
raise Exception("unrecognized item" + pprint.pformat(item))
return bits_read, total_bits_read
# TODO: perhaps switch to pefile module when it officially supports python3
class SectionHeader:
def __init__(self, stream):
items = [
('Name', 'bytes:8'),
('VirtualSize', 'uintle:32'),
('VirtualAddress', 'uintle:32'),
('SizeOfRawData', 'uintle:32'),
('PointerToRawData', 'uintle:32'),
('PointerToRelocations', 'uintle:32'),
('PointerToLineNumber', 'uintle:32'),
('NumberOfRelocations', 'uintle:16'),
('NumberOfLineNumbers', 'uintle:16'),
('Characteristics', 'uintle:32')
self.items = dict()
self.relocs = dict()
_, self.bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items)
self.sectionName = self.items['Name'].decode('utf-8')
self.offset = self.items['PointerToRawData']
"Export Table",
"Import Table",
"Resource Table",
"Exception Table",
"Certificate Tble",
"Base Relocation Table",
"Global Ptr",
"TLS Table",
"Load Config Table",
"Bound Import",
"Delay Import Descriptor",
"CLR Runtime Header",
def chained_safe_get(obj, names, default=None):
if obj is None: return default
for n in names:
if n in obj:
obj = obj[n]
return default
return obj
class OptionalHeader:
def __init__(self, stream, size):
self.items = {}
items = []
if size:
items += [
('Magic', 'uintle:16'),
('MajorLinkerVersion', 'uintle:8'),
('MinorLinkerVersion', 'uintle:8'),
('SizeOfCode', 'uintle:32'),
('SizeOfInitializedData', 'uintle:32'),
('SizeOfUninitializedData', 'uintle:32'),
('AddressOfEntryPoint', 'uintle:32'),
('BaseOfCode', 'uintle:32'),
_, self.bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items)
items = []
if self.items['Magic'] == 0x10b: # PE32
items += [('BaseOfData', 'uintle:32')]
address_size = 'uintle:64' if self.items['Magic'] == 0x20b else 'uintle:32'
items += [
('ImageBase', address_size),
('SectionAlignment', 'uintle:32'),
('FileAlignment', 'uintle:32'),
('MajorOperatingSystemVersion', 'uintle:16'),
('MinorOperatingSystemVersion', 'uintle:16'),
('MajorImageVersion', 'uintle:16'),
('MinorImageVersion', 'uintle:16'),
('MajorSubsystemVersion', 'uintle:16'),
('MinorSubsystemVersion', 'uintle:16'),
('Win32VersionValue', 'uintle:32'),
('SizeOfImage', 'uintle:32'),
('SizeOfHeaders', 'uintle:32'),
('CheckSum', 'uintle:32'),
('Subsystem', 'uintle:16'),
('DllCharacteristics', 'uintle:16'),
('SizeOfStackReserve', address_size),
('SizeOfStackCommit', address_size),
('SizeOfHeapReserve', address_size),
('SizeOfHeapCommit', address_size),
('LoaderFlags', 'uintle:32'),
('NumberOfRvaAndSizes', 'uintle:32'),
if size > 28:
_, bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items)
self.bits_read += bits_read
if 'NumberOfRvaAndSizes' in self.items:
index = 0
self.items['Data Directories'] = dict()
while self.bits_read / 8 < size:
d = self.items['Data Directories'][COFF_DATA_DIRECTORY_TYPES[index]] = dict()
_, bits_read = parse_items(stream, [('VirtualAddress', 'uintle:32'), ('Size', 'uintle:32')], d)
self.bits_read += bits_read
index += 1
class COFFFileHeader:
def __init__(self, stream):
self.items = {}
self.section_headers = []
items = [
('Machine', 'uintle:16'),
('NumberOfSections', 'uintle:16'),
('TimeDateStamp', 'uintle:32'),
('PointerToSymbolTable', 'uintle:32'),
('NumberOfSymbols', 'uintle:32'),
('SizeOfOptionalHeader', 'uintle:16'),
('Characteristics', 'uintle:16')
_, self.bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items)
self.OptionalHeader = OptionalHeader(stream, self.items['SizeOfOptionalHeader'])
self.bits_read += self.OptionalHeader.bits_read
# start reading section headers
num_sections = self.items['NumberOfSections']
while num_sections > 0 :
section_header = SectionHeader(stream)
self.bits_read += section_header.bits_read
num_sections -= 1
self.section_headers.sort(key=lambda header: header.offset)
# Read Relocations
def process_relocs(self, stream):
reloc_table = chained_safe_get(self.OptionalHeader.items, ['Data Directories', 'Base Relocation Table'])
if reloc_table is None: return
orig_pos = stream.bitpos
_, stream.bytepos = self.get_rva_section(reloc_table['VirtualAddress'])
end_pos = stream.bitpos + reloc_table['Size'] * 8
while stream.bitpos < end_pos:
page_rva ='uintle:32')
block_size ='uintle:32')
for i in range(0, int((block_size - 8) / 2)):
data ='uintle:16')
typ = data >> 12
offset = data & 0xFFF
if offset == 0 and i > 0: continue
assert(typ == 3)
cur_pos = stream.bitpos
sh, value_bytepos = self.get_rva_section(page_rva + offset)
stream.bytepos = value_bytepos
value ='uintle:32')
# remove BaseAddress
value -= self.OptionalHeader.items['ImageBase']
stream.overwrite(bitstring.BitArray(uint=value, length=4 * 8), pos=value_bytepos * 8)
stream.pos = cur_pos
stream.bitpos = orig_pos
def get_rva_section(self, rva):
for sh in self.section_headers:
if rva < sh.items['VirtualAddress'] or rva >= sh.items['VirtualAddress'] + sh.items['VirtualSize']:
file_pointer = rva - sh.items['VirtualAddress'] + sh.items['PointerToRawData']
return sh, file_pointer
raise Exception('Could not match RVA to section')
def create_temp_file(suffix=""):
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix)
return path
# How to convert PFX to PEM: openssl pkcs12 -in build/certificates/testPKI/IV.pfx -out build/certificates/testPKI/IV.cert.pem
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PE/COFF Signer')
parser.add_argument('-input', required=True, help="File to parse.")
parser.add_argument('-output', required=True, help="File to write to.")
parser.add_argument('-openssl_path',help="Path to OpenSSL to create signed voucher")
parser.add_argument('-signer_cert',help="Path to certificate to use to sign voucher. Must be PEM encoded.")
parser.add_argument('-verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose output.")
app_args = parser.parse_args()
# to simplify relocation handling we use a mutable BitStream so we can remove
# the BaseAddress from each relocation
stream = bitstring.BitStream(filename=app_args.input)
# find the COFF header.
# skip forward past the MSDOS stub header to 0x3c.
stream.bytepos = 0x3c
# read 4 bytes, this is the file offset of the PE signature.
pe_sig_offset ='uintle:32')
stream.bytepos = pe_sig_offset
# read 4 bytes, make sure it's a PE signature.
signature ='uintle:32')
if signature != 0x00004550:
raise Exception("Invalid File")
# after signature is the actual COFF file header.
coff_header = COFFFileHeader(stream)
arch_digest = ArchitectureDigest()
if coff_header.items['Machine'] == 0x14c:
arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuType', CPUType('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386'))
elif coff_header.items['Machine'] == 0x8664:
arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuType', CPUType('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64'))
arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuSubType', CPUSubType('IMAGE_UNUSED'))
text_section_headers = list(filter(lambda x: (x.items['Characteristics'] & 0x20000000) == 0x20000000, coff_header.section_headers))
code_segment_digests = SetOfCodeSegmentDigest()
code_segment_idx = 0
for code_sect_header in text_section_headers:
stream.bytepos = code_sect_header.offset
code_sect_bytes ='bytes:' + str(code_sect_header.items['VirtualSize']))
digester = hashlib.sha256()
digest = digester.digest()
# with open('segment_' + str(code_sect_header.offset) + ".bin", 'wb') as f:
# f.write(code_sect_bytes)
code_section_digest = CodeSectionDigest()
code_section_digest.setComponentByName('offset', code_sect_header.offset)
code_section_digest.setComponentByName('digestAlgorithm', univ.ObjectIdentifier('2.16.840.'))
code_section_digest.setComponentByName('digest', univ.OctetString(digest))
set_of_digest = SetOfCodeSectionDigest()
set_of_digest.setComponentByPosition(0, code_section_digest)
codeSegmentDigest = CodeSegmentDigest()
codeSegmentDigest.setComponentByName('offset', code_sect_header.offset)
codeSegmentDigest.setComponentByName('codeSectionDigests', set_of_digest)
code_segment_digests.setComponentByPosition(code_segment_idx, codeSegmentDigest)
code_segment_idx += 1
arch_digest.setComponentByName('CodeSegmentDigests', code_segment_digests)
setOfArchDigests = SetOfArchitectureDigest()
setOfArchDigests.setComponentByPosition(0, arch_digest)
appDigest = ApplicationDigest()
appDigest.setComponentByName('version', 1)
appDigest.setComponentByName('digests', setOfArchDigests)
binaryDigest = der_encoder.encode(appDigest)
with open(app_args.output, 'wb') as f:
# sign with openssl if specified
if app_args.openssl_path is not None:
assert app_args.signer_cert is not None
out_base, out_ext = os.path.splitext(app_args.output)
signed_path = out_base + ".signed" + out_ext
temp_file = None
if sys.platform == "win32" and "RANDFILE" not in os.environ:
temp_file = create_temp_file()
os.environ["RANDFILE"] = temp_file
subprocess.check_call([app_args.openssl_path, "cms", "-sign", "-nodetach", "-md", "sha256", "-binary", "-in", app_args.output, "-outform", "der", "-out", signed_path, "-signer", app_args.signer_cert], )
if temp_file is not None:
del os.environ["RANDFILE"]
if __name__ == '__main__':