
550 строки
20 KiB

# Copyright 2013 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
# file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
#> or the MIT license
# <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
import contextlib
import os
import fnmatch
import itertools
import re
import StringIO
import sys
from licenseck import licenses
filetypes_to_check = [".rs", ".rc", ".cpp", ".c", ".h", ".lock", ".py", ".toml", ".webidl"]
reftest_dir = "./tests/ref"
reftest_filetype = ".list"
ignored_files = [
# Upstream
os.path.join(".", "support", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "tests", "wpt", "css-tests", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "tests", "wpt", "harness", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "tests", "wpt", "update", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "tests", "wpt", "web-platform-tests", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "python", "mach", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "components", "script", "dom", "bindings", "codegen", "parser", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "components", "script", "dom", "bindings", "codegen", "ply", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "python", "_virtualenv", "*"),
# Generated and upstream code combined with our own. Could use cleanup
os.path.join(".", "target", "*"),
os.path.join(".", "ports", "gonk", "src", "native_window_glue.cpp"),
os.path.join(".", "ports", "cef", "*"),
# MIT license
os.path.join(".", "components", "util", "deque", ""),
# Hidden files/directories
os.path.join(".", ".*"),
def should_check(file_name):
if ".#" in file_name:
return False
if os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] not in filetypes_to_check:
return False
for pattern in ignored_files:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_name, pattern):
return False
return True
def should_check_reftest(file_name):
return file_name.endswith(reftest_filetype)
EMACS_HEADER = "/* -*- Mode:"
VIM_HEADER = "/* vim:"
def check_license(file_name, contents):
if file_name.endswith(".toml") or file_name.endswith(".lock"):
raise StopIteration
while contents.startswith(EMACS_HEADER) or contents.startswith(VIM_HEADER):
_, _, contents = contents.partition("\n")
valid_license = any(contents.startswith(license) for license in licenses)
acknowledged_bad_license = "xfail-license" in contents[:100]
if not (valid_license or acknowledged_bad_license):
yield (1, "incorrect license")
def check_length(file_name, idx, line):
if file_name.endswith(".lock"):
raise StopIteration
max_length = 120
if len(line.rstrip('\n')) > max_length:
yield (idx + 1, "Line is longer than %d characters" % max_length)
def check_whatwg_specific_url(idx, line):
match ="https://html\.spec\.whatwg\.org/multipage/[\w-]+\.html#([\w\:-]+)", line)
if match is not None:
preferred_link = "{}".format(
yield (idx + 1, "link to WHATWG may break in the future, use this format instead: {}".format(preferred_link))
def check_whatwg_single_page_url(idx, line):
match ="https://html\.spec\.whatwg\.org/#([\w\:-]+)", line)
if match is not None:
preferred_link = "{}".format(
yield (idx + 1, "links to WHATWG single-page url, change to multi page: {}".format(preferred_link))
def check_whitespace(idx, line):
if line[-1] == "\n":
line = line[:-1]
yield (idx + 1, "no newline at EOF")
if line.endswith(" "):
yield (idx + 1, "trailing whitespace")
if "\t" in line:
yield (idx + 1, "tab on line")
if "\r" in line:
yield (idx + 1, "CR on line")
def check_by_line(file_name, contents):
lines = contents.splitlines(True)
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
errors = itertools.chain(
check_length(file_name, idx, line),
check_whitespace(idx, line),
check_whatwg_specific_url(idx, line),
check_whatwg_single_page_url(idx, line),
for error in errors:
yield error
def check_flake8(file_name, contents):
from flake8.main import check_code
if not file_name.endswith(".py"):
raise StopIteration
def stdout_redirect(where):
sys.stdout = where
yield where
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
ignore = {
"W291", # trailing whitespace; the standard tidy process will enforce no trailing whitespace
"E501", # 80 character line length; the standard tidy process will enforce line length
output = StringIO.StringIO()
with stdout_redirect(output):
check_code(contents, ignore=ignore)
for error in output.getvalue().splitlines():
_, line_num, _, message = error.split(":", 3)
yield line_num, message.strip()
def check_lock(file_name, contents):
if not file_name.endswith(".lock"):
raise StopIteration
contents = contents.splitlines(True)
idx = 1
packages = {}
# package names to be neglected (as named by cargo)
exceptions = ["glutin", "wayland-kbd"]
while idx < len(contents):
content = contents[idx].strip()
if 'name' in content:
base_name = content.split('"')[1]
# we need the base package because some other package might demand a new version in the following lines
packages[base_name] = contents[idx + 1].split('"')[1], idx + 2, base_name
if 'dependencies' in content:
idx += 1
while contents[idx].strip() != ']':
package = contents[idx].strip().strip('",').split()
name, version = package[0], package[1]
if name not in packages: # store the line number & base package name for future comparison
packages[name] = (version, idx + 1, base_name)
elif all([packages[name][0] != version, name not in exceptions, base_name not in exceptions]):
line = idx + 1
version_1 = tuple(map(int, packages[name][0].split('.')))
version_2 = tuple(map(int, version.split('.')))
if version_1 < version_2: # get the line & base package containing the older version
packages[name], (version, line, base_name) = (version, line, base_name), packages[name]
message = 'conflicting versions for package "%s"' % name
error = '\n\t\033[93mexpected maximum version "{}"\033[0m'.format(packages[name][0]) + \
'\n\t\033[91mbut, "{}" demands "{}"\033[0m' \
.format(base_name, version)
suggest = "\n\t\033[93mtry upgrading with\033[0m " + \
"\033[96m./mach cargo-update -p {}:{}\033[0m" \
.format(name, version)
yield (line, message + error + suggest)
idx += 1
idx += 1
def check_toml(file_name, contents):
if not file_name.endswith(".toml"):
raise StopIteration
contents = contents.splitlines(True)
for idx, line in enumerate(contents):
if line.find("*") != -1:
yield (idx + 1, "found asterisk instead of minimum version number")
def check_rust(file_name, contents):
if not file_name.endswith(".rs") or \
file_name.endswith("") or \
file_name.endswith(os.path.join("style", "")) or \
file_name.endswith(os.path.join("unit", "style", "")):
raise StopIteration
contents = contents.splitlines(True)
comment_depth = 0
merged_lines = ''
import_block = False
whitespace = False
uses = []
mods = []
for idx, line in enumerate(contents):
# simplify the analysis
line = line.strip()
# Simple heuristic to avoid common case of no comments.
if '/' in line:
comment_depth += line.count('/*')
comment_depth -= line.count('*/')
if line.endswith('\\'):
merged_lines += line[:-1]
if comment_depth:
merged_lines += line
if merged_lines:
line = merged_lines + line
merged_lines = ''
# Keep track of whitespace to enable checking for a merged import block
# Ignore attributes, comments, and imports
if import_block:
if not (line_is_comment(line) or line_is_attribute(line) or line.startswith("use ")):
whitespace = line == ""
if not whitespace:
import_block = False
# get rid of strings and chars because cases like regex expression, keep attributes
if not line_is_attribute(line):
line = re.sub('".*?"|\'.*?\'', '', line)
# get rid of comments
line = re.sub('//.*?$|/\*.*?$|^\*.*?$', '', line)
# get rid of attributes that do not contain =
line = re.sub('^#[A-Za-z0-9\(\)\[\]_]*?$', '', line)
match =",[^\s]", line)
if match and '$' not in line:
yield (idx + 1, "missing space after ,")
if line_is_attribute(line):
pre_space_re = r"[A-Za-z0-9]="
post_space_re = r"=[A-Za-z0-9\"]"
# - not included because of scientific notation (1e-6)
pre_space_re = r"[A-Za-z0-9][\+/\*%=]"
# * not included because of dereferencing and casting
# - not included because of unary negation
post_space_re = r"[\+/\%=][A-Za-z0-9\"]"
match =, line)
if match and not is_associated_type(match, line, 1):
yield (idx + 1, "missing space before %s" %[1])
match =, line)
if match and not is_associated_type(match, line, 0):
yield (idx + 1, "missing space after %s" %[0])
match ="\)->", line)
if match:
yield (idx + 1, "missing space before ->")
match ="->[A-Za-z]", line)
if match:
yield (idx + 1, "missing space after ->")
# Avoid flagging ::crate::mod and `trait Foo : Bar`
match = line.find(" :")
if match != -1:
if line[0:match].find('trait ') == -1 and line[match + 2] != ':':
yield (idx + 1, "extra space before :")
# Avoid flagging crate::mod
match ="[^:]:[A-Za-z]", line)
if match:
# Avoid flagging macros like $t1:expr
if line[0:match.end()].rfind('$') == -1:
yield (idx + 1, "missing space after :")
match ="[A-Za-z0-9\)]{", line)
if match:
yield (idx + 1, "missing space before {")
# ignored cases like {}, }` and }}
match ="[^\s{}]}[^`]", line)
if match and not (line.startswith("use") or line.startswith("pub use")):
yield (idx + 1, "missing space before }")
# ignored cases like {}, `{ and {{
match ="[^`]{[^\s{}]", line)
if match and not (line.startswith("use") or line.startswith("pub use")):
yield (idx + 1, "missing space after {")
# imports must be in the same line, alphabetically sorted, and merged
# into a single import block
if line.startswith("use "):
import_block = True
use = line[4:]
if not use.endswith(";"):
yield (idx + 1, "use statement spans multiple lines")
uses.append((use[:len(use) - 1], idx + 1))
elif len(uses) > 0 and whitespace or not import_block:
sorted_uses = sorted(uses)
for i in range(len(uses)):
if sorted_uses[i][0] != uses[i][0]:
message = "use statement is not in alphabetical order"
expected = "\n\t\033[93mexpected: {}\033[0m".format(sorted_uses[i][0])
found = "\n\t\033[91mfound: {}\033[0m".format(uses[i][0])
yield(uses[i][1], message + expected + found)
uses = []
if import_block and whitespace and line.startswith("use "):
whitespace = False
yield(idx, "encountered whitespace following a use statement")
# modules must be in the same line and alphabetically sorted
if line.startswith("mod ") or line.startswith("pub mod "):
mod = ""
if line.startswith("mod "):
mod = line[4:]
mod = line[8:]
match = line.find(" {")
if match == -1:
if not mod.endswith(";"):
yield (idx + 1, "mod statement spans multiple lines")
mods.append(mod[:len(mod) - 1])
elif len(mods) > 0:
sorted_mods = sorted(mods)
for i in range(len(mods)):
if sorted_mods[i] != mods[i]:
message = "mod statement is not in alphabetical order"
expected = "\n\t\033[93mexpected: {}\033[0m".format(sorted_mods[i])
found = "\n\t\033[91mfound: {}\033[0m".format(mods[i])
yield (idx + 1 - len(mods) + i, message + expected + found)
mods = []
# There should not be any extra pointer dereferencing
if ": &Vec<" in line:
yield (idx + 1, "use &[T] instead of &Vec<T>")
# Avoid flagging <Item=Foo> constructs
def is_associated_type(match, line, index):
open_angle = line[0:match.end()].rfind('<')
close_angle = line[open_angle:].find('>') if open_angle != -1 else -1
is_equals =[index] == '='
generic_open = open_angle != -1 and open_angle < match.start()
generic_close = close_angle != -1 and close_angle + open_angle >= match.end()
return is_equals and generic_open and generic_close
def line_is_attribute(line):
return"#\[.*\]", line)
def line_is_comment(line):
return"^//|^/\*|^\*", line)
def check_webidl_spec(file_name, contents):
# Sorted by this function (in pseudo-Rust). The idea is to group the same
# organization together.
# fn sort_standards(a: &Url, b: &Url) -> Ordering {
# let a_domain = a.domain().split(".");
# a_domain.pop();
# a_domain.reverse();
# let b_domain = b.domain().split(".");
# b_domain.pop();
# b_domain.reverse();
# for i in a_domain.into_iter().zip(b_domain.into_iter()) {
# match i.0.cmp(b.0) {
# Less => return Less,
# Greater => return Greater,
# _ => (),
# }
# }
# a_domain.path().cmp(b_domain.path())
# }
if not file_name.endswith(".webidl"):
raise StopIteration
standards = [
# Not a URL
"// This interface is entirely internal to Servo, and should not be" +
" accessible to\n// web pages."
for i in standards:
if contents.find(i) != -1:
raise StopIteration
yield 0, "No specification link found."
def check_spec(file_name, contents):
base_path = "components/script/dom/"
if base_path not in file_name:
raise StopIteration
file_name = os.path.relpath(os.path.splitext(file_name)[0], base_path)
patt = re.compile("^\s*\/\/.+")
# Pattern representing a line with a macro
macro_patt = re.compile("^\s*\S+!(.*)$")
# Pattern representing a line with comment containing a spec link
link_patt = re.compile("^\s*///? https://.+$")
# Pattern representing a line with comment
comment_patt = re.compile("^\s*///?.+$")
pattern = "impl %sMethods for %s {" % (file_name, file_name)
contents = contents.splitlines(True)
brace_count = 0
in_impl = False
for idx, line in enumerate(contents):
if "// check-tidy: no specs after this line" in line:
if not patt.match(line):
if pattern.lower() in line.lower():
in_impl = True
if ("fn " in line or macro_patt.match(line)) and brace_count == 1:
for up_idx in range(1, idx + 1):
up_line = contents[idx - up_idx]
if link_patt.match(up_line):
# Comment with spec link exists
if not comment_patt.match(up_line):
# No more comments exist above, yield warning
yield (idx + 1, "method declared in webidl is missing a comment with a specification link")
if '{' in line and in_impl:
brace_count += 1
if '}' in line and in_impl:
if brace_count == 1:
brace_count -= 1
def collect_errors_for_files(files_to_check, checking_functions):
for file_name in files_to_check:
with open(file_name, "r") as fp:
contents =
for check in checking_functions:
for error in check(file_name, contents):
# filename, line, message
yield (file_name, error[0], error[1])
def check_reftest_order(files_to_check):
for file_name in files_to_check:
with open(file_name, "r") as fp:
split_lines =
lines = filter(lambda l: len(l) > 0 and l[0] != '#', split_lines)
for idx, line in enumerate(lines[:-1]):
next_line = lines[idx + 1]
current = get_reftest_names(line)
next = get_reftest_names(next_line)
if current is not None and next is not None and current > next:
yield (file_name, split_lines.index(next_line) + 1, "line not in alphabetical order")
def get_reftest_names(line):
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens) == 3:
return tokens[1] + tokens[2]
if len(tokens) == 4:
return tokens[2] + tokens[3]
return None
def get_html_file_names_from_reftest_list(reftest_dir, file_name):
for line in open(os.path.join(reftest_dir, file_name), "r"):
for token in line.split():
if fnmatch.fnmatch(token, '*.html'):
yield os.path.join(reftest_dir, token)
def check_reftest_html_files_in_basic_list(reftest_dir):
basic_list_files = set(get_html_file_names_from_reftest_list(reftest_dir, "basic" + reftest_filetype))
for file_name in os.listdir(reftest_dir):
file_path = os.path.join(reftest_dir, file_name)
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_path, '*.html') and file_path not in basic_list_files:
yield (file_path, "", "not found in basic.list")
def scan():
all_files = (os.path.join(r, f) for r, _, files in os.walk(".") for f in files)
files_to_check = filter(should_check, all_files)
checking_functions = [check_license, check_by_line, check_flake8, check_toml,
check_lock, check_rust, check_webidl_spec, check_spec]
errors = collect_errors_for_files(files_to_check, checking_functions)
reftest_files = (os.path.join(r, f) for r, _, files in os.walk(reftest_dir) for f in files)
reftest_to_check = filter(should_check_reftest, reftest_files)
r_errors = check_reftest_order(reftest_to_check)
not_found_in_basic_list_errors = check_reftest_html_files_in_basic_list(reftest_dir)
errors = list(itertools.chain(errors, r_errors, not_found_in_basic_list_errors))
if errors:
for error in errors:
print "\033[94m{}\033[0m:\033[93m{}\033[0m: \033[91m{}\033[0m".format(*error)
return 1
print "\033[92mtidy reported no errors.\033[0m"
return 0