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19 KiB

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//! Timing functions.
use heartbeats;
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcReceiver};
use profile_traits::energy::{energy_interval_ms, read_energy_uj};
use profile_traits::time::{ProfilerCategory, ProfilerChan, ProfilerMsg, TimerMetadata};
use profile_traits::time::{TimerMetadataFrameType, TimerMetadataReflowType};
use servo_config::opts::OutputOptions;
use std::{f64, thread, u32, u64};
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
use std_time::precise_time_ns;
use trace_dump::TraceDump;
pub trait Formattable {
fn format(&self, output: &Option<OutputOptions>) -> String;
impl Formattable for Option<TimerMetadata> {
fn format(&self, output: &Option<OutputOptions>) -> String {
match *self {
// TODO(cgaebel): Center-align in the format strings as soon as rustc supports it.
Some(ref meta) => {
let url = &*meta.url;
match *output {
Some(OutputOptions::FileName(_)) => {
/* The profiling output is a CSV file */
let incremental = match meta.incremental {
TimerMetadataReflowType::Incremental => "yes",
TimerMetadataReflowType::FirstReflow => "no",
let iframe = match meta.iframe {
TimerMetadataFrameType::RootWindow => "yes",
TimerMetadataFrameType::IFrame => "no",
format!(" {}\t{}\t{}", incremental, iframe, url)
_ => {
/* The profiling output is the terminal */
let url = if url.len() > 30 {
} else {
let incremental = match meta.incremental {
TimerMetadataReflowType::Incremental => " yes",
TimerMetadataReflowType::FirstReflow => " no ",
let iframe = match meta.iframe {
TimerMetadataFrameType::RootWindow => " yes",
TimerMetadataFrameType::IFrame => " no ",
format!(" {:14} {:9} {:30}", incremental, iframe, url)
None => {
match *output {
Some(OutputOptions::FileName(_)) => {
format!(" {}\t{}\t{}", " N/A", " N/A", " N/A")
_ => {
format!(" {:14} {:9} {:30}", " N/A", " N/A", " N/A")
impl Formattable for ProfilerCategory {
// some categories are subcategories of LayoutPerformCategory
// and should be printed to indicate this
fn format(&self, _output: &Option<OutputOptions>) -> String {
let padding = match *self {
ProfilerCategory::LayoutStyleRecalc |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutRestyleDamagePropagation |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutNonIncrementalReset |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutGeneratedContent |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDisplayListSorting |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutFloatPlacementSpeculation |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutMain |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutStoreOverflow |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDispListBuild |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDamagePropagate |
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPerTile |
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPrepBuff => "+ ",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutParallelWarmup |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutSelectorMatch |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutTreeBuilder |
ProfilerCategory::LayoutTextShaping => "| + ",
_ => ""
let name = match *self {
ProfilerCategory::Compositing => "Compositing",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutPerform => "Layout",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutStyleRecalc => "Style Recalc",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutTextShaping => "Text Shaping",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutRestyleDamagePropagation => "Restyle Damage Propagation",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutNonIncrementalReset => "Non-incremental reset (temporary)",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutSelectorMatch => "Selector Matching",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutTreeBuilder => "Tree Building",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDamagePropagate => "Damage Propagation",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDisplayListSorting => "Sorting Display List",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutGeneratedContent => "Generated Content Resolution",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutFloatPlacementSpeculation => "Float Placement Speculation",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutMain => "Primary Layout Pass",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutStoreOverflow => "Store Overflow",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutParallelWarmup => "Parallel Warmup",
ProfilerCategory::LayoutDispListBuild => "Display List Construction",
ProfilerCategory::NetHTTPRequestResponse => "Network HTTP Request/Response",
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPerTile => "Painting Per Tile",
ProfilerCategory::PaintingPrepBuff => "Buffer Prep",
ProfilerCategory::Painting => "Painting",
ProfilerCategory::ImageDecoding => "Image Decoding",
ProfilerCategory::ImageSaving => "Image Saving",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptAttachLayout => "Script Attach Layout",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptConstellationMsg => "Script Constellation Msg",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptDevtoolsMsg => "Script Devtools Msg",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptDocumentEvent => "Script Document Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptDomEvent => "Script Dom Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptEvaluate => "Script JS Evaluate",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptFileRead => "Script File Read",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptImageCacheMsg => "Script Image Cache Msg",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptInputEvent => "Script Input Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptNetworkEvent => "Script Network Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptParseHTML => "Script Parse HTML",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptParseXML => "Script Parse XML",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptPlannedNavigation => "Script Planned Navigation",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptResize => "Script Resize",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptEvent => "Script Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptUpdateReplacedElement => "Script Update Replaced Element",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptSetScrollState => "Script Set Scroll State",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptSetViewport => "Script Set Viewport",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptTimerEvent => "Script Timer Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptStylesheetLoad => "Script Stylesheet Load",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptWebSocketEvent => "Script Web Socket Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptWorkerEvent => "Script Worker Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptServiceWorkerEvent => "Script Service Worker Event",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptEnterFullscreen => "Script Enter Fullscreen",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptExitFullscreen => "Script Exit Fullscreen",
ProfilerCategory::ScriptWebVREvent => "Script WebVR Event",
ProfilerCategory::ApplicationHeartbeat => "Application Heartbeat",
format!("{}{}", padding, name)
type ProfilerBuckets = BTreeMap<(ProfilerCategory, Option<TimerMetadata>), Vec<f64>>;
// back end of the profiler that handles data aggregation and performance metrics
pub struct Profiler {
pub port: IpcReceiver<ProfilerMsg>,
buckets: ProfilerBuckets,
output: Option<OutputOptions>,
pub last_msg: Option<ProfilerMsg>,
trace: Option<TraceDump>,
impl Profiler {
pub fn create(output: &Option<OutputOptions>, file_path: Option<String>) -> ProfilerChan {
let (chan, port) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
match *output {
Some(ref option) => {
// Spawn the time profiler thread
let outputoption = option.clone();
thread::Builder::new().name("Time profiler".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
let trace = file_path.as_ref()
.map(|res| TraceDump::new(res.unwrap()));
let mut profiler = Profiler::new(port, trace, Some(outputoption));
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
// decide if we need to spawn the timer thread
match option {
&OutputOptions::FileName(_) => { /* no timer thread needed */ },
&OutputOptions::Stdout(period) => {
// Spawn a timer thread
let chan = chan.clone();
thread::Builder::new().name("Time profiler timer".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
loop {
if chan.send(ProfilerMsg::Print).is_err() {
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
None => {
// this is when the -p option hasn't been specified
if file_path.is_some() {
// Spawn the time profiler
thread::Builder::new().name("Time profiler".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
let trace = file_path.as_ref()
.map(|res| TraceDump::new(res.unwrap()));
let mut profiler = Profiler::new(port, trace, None);
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
} else {
// No-op to handle messages when the time profiler is not printing:
thread::Builder::new().name("Time profiler".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
loop {
match port.recv() {
Err(_) => break,
Ok(ProfilerMsg::Exit(chan)) => {
let _ = chan.send(());
_ => {}
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
let profiler_chan = ProfilerChan(chan);
// only spawn the application-level profiler thread if its heartbeat is enabled
let run_ap_thread = || {
if run_ap_thread() {
let profiler_chan = profiler_chan.clone();
// min of 1 heartbeat/sec, max of 20 should provide accurate enough power/energy readings
// waking up more frequently allows the thread to end faster on exit
const SLEEP_MS: u32 = 10;
const MIN_ENERGY_INTERVAL_MS: u32 = 50;
const MAX_ENERGY_INTERVAL_MS: u32 = 1000;
let interval_ms = enforce_range(MIN_ENERGY_INTERVAL_MS, MAX_ENERGY_INTERVAL_MS, energy_interval_ms());
let loop_count: u32 = (interval_ms as f32 / SLEEP_MS as f32).ceil() as u32;
thread::Builder::new().name("Application heartbeat profiler".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
let mut start_time = precise_time_ns();
let mut start_energy = read_energy_uj();
loop {
for _ in 0..loop_count {
if run_ap_thread() {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(SLEEP_MS as u64))
} else {
let end_time = precise_time_ns();
let end_energy = read_energy_uj();
// send using the inner channel
// (using ProfilerChan.send() forces an unwrap and sometimes panics for this background profiler)
let ProfilerChan(ref c) = profiler_chan;
if let Err(_) = c.send(ProfilerMsg::Time((ProfilerCategory::ApplicationHeartbeat, None),
(start_time, end_time),
(start_energy, end_energy))) {
start_time = end_time;
start_energy = end_energy;
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
pub fn new(port: IpcReceiver<ProfilerMsg>, trace: Option<TraceDump>, output: Option<OutputOptions>) -> Profiler {
Profiler {
port: port,
buckets: BTreeMap::new(),
output: output,
last_msg: None,
trace: trace,
pub fn start(&mut self) {
while let Ok(msg) = self.port.recv() {
if !self.handle_msg(msg) {
fn find_or_insert(&mut self, k: (ProfilerCategory, Option<TimerMetadata>), t: f64) {
fn handle_msg(&mut self, msg: ProfilerMsg) -> bool {
match msg.clone() {
ProfilerMsg::Time(k, t, e) => {
heartbeats::maybe_heartbeat(&k.0, t.0, t.1, e.0, e.1);
if let Some(ref mut trace) = self.trace {
trace.write_one(&k, t, e);
let ms = (t.1 - t.0) as f64 / 1000000f64;
self.find_or_insert(k, ms);
ProfilerMsg::Print => if let Some(ProfilerMsg::Time(..)) = self.last_msg {
// only print if more data has arrived since the last printout
ProfilerMsg::Exit(chan) => {
let _ = chan.send(());
return false;
self.last_msg = Some(msg);
/// Get tuple (mean, median, min, max) for profiler statistics.
pub fn get_statistics(data: &[f64]) -> (f64, f64, f64, f64) {
data.iter().fold(-f64::INFINITY, |a, &b| {
debug_assert!(a < b, "Data must be sorted");
let data_len = data.len();
debug_assert!(data_len > 0);
let (mean, median, min, max) =
(data.iter().sum::<f64>() / (data_len as f64),
data[data_len / 2],
data[data_len - 1]);
(mean, median, min, max)
fn print_buckets(&mut self) {
match self.output {
Some(OutputOptions::FileName(ref filename)) => {
let path = Path::new(&filename);
let mut file = match File::create(&path) {
Err(e) => panic!("Couldn't create {}: {}",
Ok(file) => file,
write!(file, "_category_\t_incremental?_\t_iframe?_\t_url_\t_mean (ms)_\t\
_median (ms)_\t_min (ms)_\t_max (ms)_\t_events_\n").unwrap();
for (&(ref category, ref meta), ref mut data) in &mut self.buckets {
data.sort_by(|a, b| {
if a < b {
} else {
let data_len = data.len();
if data_len > 0 {
let (mean, median, min, max) = Self::get_statistics(data);
write!(file, "{}\t{}\t{:15.4}\t{:15.4}\t{:15.4}\t{:15.4}\t{:15}\n",
category.format(&self.output), meta.format(&self.output),
mean, median, min, max, data_len).unwrap();
Some(OutputOptions::Stdout(_)) => {
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut lock = stdout.lock();
writeln!(&mut lock, "{:35} {:14} {:9} {:30} {:15} {:15} {:-15} {:-15} {:-15}",
"_category_", "_incremental?_", "_iframe?_",
" _url_", " _mean (ms)_", " _median (ms)_",
" _min (ms)_", " _max (ms)_", " _events_").unwrap();
for (&(ref category, ref meta), ref mut data) in &mut self.buckets {
data.sort_by(|a, b| {
if a < b {
} else {
let data_len = data.len();
if data_len > 0 {
let (mean, median, min, max) = Self::get_statistics(data);
writeln!(&mut lock, "{:-35}{} {:15.4} {:15.4} {:15.4} {:15.4} {:15}",
category.format(&self.output), meta.format(&self.output), mean, median, min, max,
writeln!(&mut lock, "").unwrap();
None => { /* Do nothing if not output option has been set */ },
fn enforce_range<T>(min: T, max: T, value: T) -> T where T: Ord {
assert!(min <= max);
match value.cmp(&max) {
Ordering::Equal | Ordering::Greater => max,
Ordering::Less => {
match value.cmp(&min) {
Ordering::Equal | Ordering::Less => min,
Ordering::Greater => value,
pub fn duration_from_seconds(secs: f64) -> Duration {
pub const NANOS_PER_SEC: u32 = 1_000_000_000;
// Get number of seconds and check that it fits in a u64.
let whole_secs = secs.trunc();
assert!(whole_secs >= 0.0 && whole_secs <= u64::MAX as f64);
// Get number of nanoseconds. This should always fit in a u32, but check anyway.
let nanos = (secs.fract() * (NANOS_PER_SEC as f64)).trunc();
assert!(nanos >= 0.0 && nanos <= u32::MAX as f64);
Duration::new(whole_secs as u64, nanos as u32)