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package com.netscape.jsdebugging.apitests.analyzing.analyzers;
import java.util.*;
import com.netscape.jsdebugging.apitests.xml.*;
import com.netscape.jsdebugging.apitests.analyzing.tree.*;
* Analyzes interrupts. This requires much more work and doesn't fit AnalyzerBase structure.
* @author Alex Rakhlin
public class AnalyzeInterrupts {
public AnalyzeInterrupts (HTMLWriter h, TreeNode head1, TreeNode head2, DataPoolManager dpm1, DataPoolManager dpm2){
_pass = true;
_dtinf1 = dpm1.getTestInfo();
_dtinf2 = dpm2.getTestInfo();
_sloc_pool1 = dpm1.getPool (Tags.source_location_tag);
_sloc_pool2 = dpm2.getPool (Tags.source_location_tag);
_htmlw_main = h;
Vector i1 = TreeUtils.findAllTags (head1, Tags.interrupt_tag);
Vector i2 = TreeUtils.findAllTags (head2, Tags.interrupt_tag);
_dinterrupt_list1 = new Vector ();
_dinterrupt_list2 = new Vector ();
_unknown_differences = new Vector ();
for (int i = 0; i < i1.size(); i++) {
DInterrupt d = new DInterrupt ((TreeNode) i1.elementAt (i), dpm1);
d.setTestInfo (dpm1.getTestInfo());
_dinterrupt_list1.addElement (d);
for (int i = 0; i < i2.size(); i++) {
DInterrupt d = new DInterrupt ((TreeNode) i2.elementAt (i), dpm2);
d.setTestInfo (dpm2.getTestInfo());
_dinterrupt_list2.addElement (d);
public void analyze (){
String main_filename = "int_main.html";
String all_filename = "int_all.html";
String unknown_filename = "int_unknown.html";
HTMLWriter main_htmlw = new HTMLWriter (main_filename);
HTMLWriter all_htmlw = new HTMLWriter (all_filename);
HTMLWriter unknown_htmlw = new HTMLWriter (unknown_filename);
all_htmlw.twoCellTable ("TESTS ON "+_dtinf1.getEngine(), "TESTS ON "+_dtinf2.getEngine(), "", "", "yellow", "black");
if (_remove_invalid && !_output_everything){
removeInvalid (_dinterrupt_list1, _sloc_pool1);
removeInvalid (_dinterrupt_list2, _sloc_pool2);
if (!_output_everything){
removeSequences (_dinterrupt_list1);
removeSequences (_dinterrupt_list2);
DataOutputStream d1, d2;
String file1 = "interrupt1.log";
String file2 = "interrupt2.log";
String diff = "difference.log";
try {
d1 = new DataOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (file1));
d2 = new DataOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (file2));
_strings1 = writeOutInterrupts (d1, _dinterrupt_list1, _sloc_pool1);
_strings2 = writeOutInterrupts (d2, _dinterrupt_list2, _sloc_pool2);
catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("Error initing/writing to files "); }
_differences = runDiff (file1, file2, diff);
output_all_interrupts (all_htmlw);
list (unknown_htmlw, _unknown_differences);
if (!_pass) main_htmlw.oneCellTable ("UNKNOWN DIFFERENCES", unknown_filename, "red", "white");
main_htmlw.oneCellTable ("ALL INTERRUPTS", all_filename, "white", "black");
_htmlw_main.twoCellTable ("Interrupts test", HTMLWriter.pass_fail (_number_of_known_diffs, _number_of_unknown_diffs),
main_filename, "", "white", "black");
public void outputTableBoth (int start1, int start2, int end1, int end2, String bgcolor, HTMLWriter htmlw){
htmlw.table (_strings1, _strings2, start1, start2, end1, end2, bgcolor, "black");
public void outputLeftColumnTable (int start, int end, String bgcolor, HTMLWriter htmlw){
Vector v = removeKnownDifferences (_strings1, start, end, _dinterrupt_list1, _sloc_pool1);
htmlw.table (v, new Vector(), bgcolor, "black");
public void outputRightColumnTable (int start, int end, String bgcolor, HTMLWriter htmlw){
Vector v = removeKnownDifferences (_strings2, start, end, _dinterrupt_list2, _sloc_pool2);
htmlw.table (v, new Vector(), bgcolor, "black");
public void outputTableBothToNewFile (int start1, int start2, int end1, int end2, String color, HTMLWriter htmlw){
if (end1 - start1 < 1 && end2 - start2 < 1) return;
_counter ++;
String filename = "common"+_counter+".html"; ("Common section", filename);
HTMLWriter h = new HTMLWriter (filename);
outputTableBoth (start1, start2, end1, end2, color, h);
public void output_all_interrupts (HTMLWriter htmlw){
int max;
if (_strings1.size() > _strings2.size()) max = _strings1.size();
else max = _strings2.size();
int index1 = 1, index2 = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < _differences.size(); i++){
String diff = (String) _differences.elementAt (i);
int d = diff.indexOf ('d');
int a = diff.indexOf ('a');
int c = diff.indexOf ('c');
int position;
if (d != -1) position = d;
else if (a != -1) position = a;
else if (c != -1) position = c;
else continue;
String before = new String (diff.substring (0, position));
String after = new String (diff.substring (position+1));
int comma1 = before.indexOf (',');
int comma2 = after.indexOf (',');
int from1, to1, from2, to2;
if (comma1 != -1) {
from1 = Integer.valueOf (before.substring (0, comma1)).intValue();
to1 = Integer.valueOf (before.substring (comma1+1)).intValue();
} else {
from1 = Integer.valueOf (before).intValue();
to1 = -1;
if (comma2 != -1) {
from2 = Integer.valueOf (after.substring (0, comma2)).intValue();
to2 = Integer.valueOf (after.substring (comma2+1)).intValue();
} else {
from2 = Integer.valueOf (after).intValue();
to2 = -1;
int max1 = (int) java.lang.Math.max (from1, to1);
int max2 = (int) java.lang.Math.max (from2, to2);
if (d != -1) {
outputTableBothToNewFile (index1, index2, from1, from2 + 1, _color_normal, htmlw);
outputLeftColumnTable (from1, max1 + 1, _color_d, htmlw);
if (a != -1) {
outputTableBothToNewFile (index1, index2, from1 + 1 , from2, _color_normal, htmlw);
outputRightColumnTable (from2, max2 + 1, _color_a, htmlw);
if (c != -1) {
outputTableBothToNewFile (index1, index2, from1, from2, _color_normal, htmlw);
outputTableBoth (from1, from2, max1 + 1, max2 + 1, _color_c, htmlw);
index1 = max1 + 1;
index2 = max2 + 1;
public Vector runDiff (String file1, String file2, String diff){
Vector differences = new Vector();
try {
Runtime rm = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
Process p = rm.exec ("diff "+file1+" "+file2);
BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
String st = "";
while (null != (st = din.readLine()))
if (st.charAt (0) != '>' && st.charAt (0) != '<' && st.charAt (0) != '-' )
differences.addElement (st);
catch (IOException e) { System.out.println ("ERROR EXECUTING PROGRAM "+e.getMessage()); }
return differences;
public Vector writeOutInterrupts (DataOutputStream out, Vector interrupt, DataPool pool)
throws IOException {
System.out.println ("Size: "+interrupt.size());
Vector strings = new Vector();
int i = 0;
while (i < interrupt.size()){
DInterrupt d = (DInterrupt) interrupt.elementAt (i);
if (_output_everything || ((!_remove_invalid || pool.findFirst (d.getPC()) == null) && !d.getIgnore())) {
String st = d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getURL()+" "+d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getLineno();
strings.addElement (st);
out.writeBytes (st + "\n");
else {
interrupt.removeElementAt (i);
System.out.println ("removing "+d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getLineno());
return strings;
/** If there are several interrupts with the same pc consequently, remove them, leave only one
public void removeSequences (Vector interrupt){
if (interrupt.size() == 0) return;
DInterrupt old = (DInterrupt) interrupt.elementAt (0);
int i = 1;
DInterrupt cur;
while (i < interrupt.size()){
cur = (DInterrupt) interrupt.elementAt (i);
if (cur.getPC().equalsTo (old.getPC())) interrupt.removeElement (cur);
else {
old = cur;
i ++;
* Remove interrupts with PC which is not in the other pool or was set to be ignored.
public void removeInvalid (Vector interrupt, DataPool pool){
if (interrupt.size() == 0) return;
int i = 0;
DInterrupt cur;
while (i < interrupt.size()){
cur = (DInterrupt) interrupt.elementAt (i);
if (cur.getPC().getSourceLocation().getIgnore() || pool.findFirst (cur.getPC().getSourceLocation()) == null)
interrupt.removeElementAt (i);
else i ++;
public Vector removeKnownDifferences (Vector strings, int start, int end, Vector interrupts, DataPool pool){
Vector result = new Vector ();
if (strings.size() == 0) return result;
String old = "";
boolean known_difference;
if (start <= 0) start = 1;
for (int i = start - 1; i < end-1; i++) {
DInterrupt d = (DInterrupt) interrupts.elementAt (i);
String url = d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getURL();
int lineno = d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getLineno();
if (d.getIgnore() || d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getIgnore () || pool.findFirst (d.getPC().getSourceLocation()) == null ||
(_remove_single_curly_braces && AnalyzerBase.getSource (url, lineno).trim().equals ("}")) ||
(_remove_single_curly_braces && AnalyzerBase.getSource (url, lineno).trim().equals ("{")) ||
(_remove_spaces && AnalyzerBase.getSource (url, lineno).trim().equals ("")) ||
(_remove_for_loops && AnalyzerBase.getSource (url, lineno).indexOf ("for") != -1)||
(_remove_function_declarations && AnalyzerBase.getSource (url, lineno).indexOf ("function") != -1))
known_difference = true;
_number_of_known_diffs ++;
else {
_number_of_unknown_diffs ++;
known_difference = false;
if (! known_difference ) {
_pass = false;
Enumeration e = _unknown_differences.elements ();
boolean found = false;
while (e.hasMoreElements () && !found) if (((DInterrupt)e.nextElement()).equalsTo (d)) found = true;
if (!found) _unknown_differences.addElement (d);
if (! known_difference || _output_everything) {
/* make sure we don't add two equal strings one after another */
String st = (String) strings.elementAt (i);
if (! st.equals (old) || i == start - 1) {
result.addElement (st);
old = st;
return result;
public void list (HTMLWriter h, Vector v){
Vector strings = new Vector ();
Vector info = new Vector ();
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
DInterrupt d = (DInterrupt) v.elementAt (i);
strings.addElement (d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getURL()+" "+d.getPC().getSourceLocation().getLineno());
info.addElement (d.getTestInfo().getEngine());
h.table (strings, info, "red", "white");
private DTestInfo _dtinf1;
private DTestInfo _dtinf2;
private DataPool _sloc_pool1;
private DataPool _sloc_pool2;
private HTMLWriter _htmlw_main;
private Vector _dinterrupt_list1;
private Vector _dinterrupt_list2;
private Vector _strings1;
private Vector _strings2;
private Vector _differences; // strings like "1,7d2" -- results of diff
private Vector _unknown_differences;
/* pass/fail result of the whole test */
private boolean _pass;
private int _number_of_known_diffs = 0;
private int _number_of_unknown_diffs = 0;
private int _counter = 0;
/* Do we want to output every step of stepping to the file ? */
private boolean _output_everything = true;
/* should we remove where it stoped at sourcelocations not present in the other engine run ?*/
private boolean _remove_invalid = true;
/* should ignore all single curly braces ? */
private boolean _remove_single_curly_braces = true;
/* should ignore spaces ? */
private boolean _remove_spaces = true;
/* should ignore comments ? */
private boolean _remove_comments = true;
/* should ignore "for" loops */
private boolean _remove_for_loops = true;
/* should ignore function declarations */
private boolean _remove_function_declarations = true;
private static final String _color_normal = "#FFFFFF";
private static final String _color_a = "#FFF0F0";
private static final String _color_d = "#FFF0F0";
private static final String _color_c = "#FFB0B0";