
624 строки
19 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { Cu } = require("chrome");
const {
} = require("devtools/server/actors/breakpoint");
const { ActorClassWithSpec } = require("devtools/shared/protocol");
const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils");
const { assert } = DevToolsUtils;
const { joinURI } = require("devtools/shared/path");
const { sourceSpec } = require("devtools/shared/specs/source");
loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "Services");
() => Cu.getGlobalForObject(Cu).WebExtensionPolicy
function isEvalSource(source) {
const introType = source.introductionType;
// Script elements that are dynamically created are treated as eval sources.
// We detect these by looking at whether there was another script on the stack
// when the source was created.
if (introType == "scriptElement" && source.introductionScript) {
return true;
// These are all the sources that are essentially eval-ed (either
// by calling eval or passing a string to one of these functions).
return (
introType === "eval" ||
introType === "debugger eval" ||
introType === "Function" ||
introType === "eventHandler" ||
introType === "setTimeout" ||
introType === "setInterval"
exports.isEvalSource = isEvalSource;
function getSourceURL(source, window) {
if (isEvalSource(source)) {
// Eval sources have no urls, but they might have a `displayURL`
// created with the sourceURL pragma. If the introduction script
// is a non-eval script, generate an full absolute URL relative to it.
if (source.displayURL && source.introductionScript) {
if (source.introductionScript.source.url === "debugger eval code") {
if (window) {
// If this is a named eval script created from the console, make it
// relative to the current page. window is only available
// when we care about this.
return joinURI(window.location.href, source.displayURL);
} else if (!isEvalSource(source.introductionScript.source)) {
return joinURI(source.introductionScript.source.url, source.displayURL);
return source.displayURL;
} else if (source.url === "debugger eval code") {
// Treat code evaluated by the console as unnamed eval scripts
return null;
return source.url;
exports.getSourceURL = getSourceURL;
* A SourceActor provides information about the source of a script. Source
* actors are 1:1 with Debugger.Source objects.
* @param Debugger.Source source
* The source object we are representing.
* @param ThreadActor thread
* The current thread actor.
* @param Boolean isInlineSource
* Optional. True if this is an inline source from a HTML or XUL page.
* @param String contentType
* Optional. The content type of this source, if immediately available.
const SourceActor = ActorClassWithSpec(sourceSpec, {
typeName: "source",
initialize: function({ source, thread, isInlineSource, contentType }) {
this._threadActor = thread;
this._url = null;
this._source = source;
this._contentType = contentType;
this._isInlineSource = isInlineSource;
this._startLineColumnDisplacement = null;
this.source = this.source.bind(this);
this._getSourceText = this._getSourceText.bind(this);
this._init = null;
get isInlineSource() {
return this._isInlineSource;
get threadActor() {
return this._threadActor;
get sources() {
return this._threadActor.sources;
get dbg() {
return this.threadActor.dbg;
get breakpointActorMap() {
return this.threadActor.breakpointActorMap;
get url() {
if (!this._url) {
this._url = getSourceURL(this._source, this.threadActor._parent.window);
return this._url;
get extensionName() {
if (this._extensionName === undefined) {
this._extensionName = null;
// Cu is not available for workers and so we are not able to get a
// WebExtensionPolicy object
if (!isWorker && this.url) {
try {
const extURI =;
if (extURI) {
const policy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByURI(extURI);
if (policy) {
this._extensionName =;
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
return this._extensionName;
form: function() {
const source = this._source;
let introductionUrl = null;
if (source.introductionScript) {
introductionUrl = source.introductionScript.source.url;
return {
actor: this.actorID,
extensionName: this.extensionName,
url: this.url ? this.url.split(" -> ").pop() : null,
isBlackBoxed: this.threadActor.sources.isBlackBoxed(this.url),
sourceMapURL: source ? source.sourceMapURL : null,
introductionUrl: introductionUrl
? introductionUrl.split(" -> ").pop()
: null,
introductionType: source ? source.introductionType : null,
destroy: function() {
if (this.registeredPool && this.registeredPool.sourceActors) {
delete this.registeredPool.sourceActors[this.actorID];
_findDebuggeeScripts(query = null) {
query = { ...query };
!("url" in query) && !("source" in query),
"Debuggee source and URL are set automatically"
query.source = this._source;
return this.dbg.findScripts(query);
_getSourceText: async function() {
const toResolvedContent = t => ({
content: t,
contentType: this._contentType,
const isWasm = this._source.introductionType === "wasm";
if (isWasm) {
const wasm = this._source.binary;
const buffer = wasm.buffer;
wasm.byteOffset === 0 && wasm.byteLength === buffer.byteLength,
"Typed array from wasm source binary must cover entire buffer"
return toResolvedContent(buffer);
// If we are replaying then we can only use source saved during the
// original recording. If we try to fetch it now it may have changed or
// may no longer exist.
if (this.dbg.replaying) {
return this.dbg.replayingContent(this.url);
// Use `source.text` if it exists, is not the "no source" string, and
// the content type of the source is JavaScript or it is synthesized
// wasm. It will be "no source" if the Debugger API wasn't able to load
// the source because sources were discarded
// (javascript.options.discardSystemSource == true). Re-fetch non-JS
// sources to get the contentType from the headers.
if (
this._source &&
this._source.text !== "[no source]" &&
this._contentType &&
(this._contentType.includes("javascript") ||
this._contentType === "text/wasm")
) {
return toResolvedContent(this._source.text);
const result = await this.sources.htmlFileContents(
/* partial */ false,
/* canUseCache */ this.isInlineSource
// Record the contentType we just learned during fetching
this._contentType = result.contentType;
return result;
getBreakableLines: async function() {
const positions = await this.getBreakpointPositions();
const lines = new Set();
for (const position of positions) {
if (!lines.has(position.line)) {
return Array.from(lines);
// For inline <script> tags in HTML pages, the column numbers of the start
// line are relative to the column immediately after the opening <script> tag,
// rather than the start of the line itself. Calculate the start line and any
// column displacement from the start of that line in the HTML file.
_getStartLineColumnDisplacement() {
if (this._startLineColumnDisplacement) {
return this._startLineColumnDisplacement;
// Allow fetching the partial contents of the HTML file. When getting the
// displacement to install breakpoints on an inline source that just
// appeared, we don't expect the HTML file to be completely loaded, and if
// we wait for it to load then the script will have already started running.
// Fetching the partial contents will only return a promise if we haven't
// seen any data for the file, which will only be the case when the debugger
// attaches to an existing page. In this case we don't need to get the
// displacement synchronously, so it's OK if we yield to the event loop
// while the promise resolves.
const fileContents = this.sources.htmlFileContents(
/* partial */ true,
/* canUseCache */ this.isInlineSource
if (fileContents.then) {
return fileContents.then(contents =>
return this._setStartLineColumnDisplacement(fileContents);
_setStartLineColumnDisplacement(fileContents) {
const d = this._calculateStartLineColumnDisplacement(fileContents);
this._startLineColumnDisplacement = d;
return d;
_calculateStartLineColumnDisplacement(fileContents) {
const scripts = this._findDebuggeeScripts();
if (!scripts.length) {
return {};
const sorted = scripts.sort((a, b) => b.startLine < a.startLine);
const startLine = sorted[0].startLine;
const lineBreak = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/;
const fileStartLine =
fileContents.content.split(lineBreak)[startLine - 1] || "";
const sourceContents = this._source.text;
if (lineBreak.test(sourceContents)) {
// The inline script must end the HTML file's line.
const firstLine = sourceContents.split(lineBreak)[0];
if (firstLine.length && fileStartLine.endsWith(firstLine)) {
const column = fileStartLine.length - firstLine.length;
return { startLine, column };
return {};
// The inline script could be anywhere on the line. Search for its
// contents in the line's text. This is a best-guess method and may return
// the wrong result if the text appears multiple times on the line, but
// the result should make some sense to the user in any case.
const column = fileStartLine.indexOf(sourceContents);
if (column != -1) {
return { startLine, column };
return {};
// If a { line, column } location is on the starting line of an inline source,
// adjust it upwards or downwards (per |upward|) according to the starting
// column displacement.
_adjustInlineScriptLocation(location, upward) {
if (!this._isInlineSource) {
return location;
const info = this._getStartLineColumnDisplacement();
if (info.then) {
return info.then(i =>
this._adjustInlineScriptLocationFromDisplacement(i, location, upward)
return this._adjustInlineScriptLocationFromDisplacement(
_adjustInlineScriptLocationFromDisplacement(info, location, upward) {
const { line, column } = location;
if (this._startLineColumnDisplacement.startLine == line) {
let displacement = this._startLineColumnDisplacement.column;
if (!upward) {
displacement = -displacement;
return { line, column: column + displacement };
return location;
getBreakpointPositions: async function(query) {
const {
start: { line: startLine = 0, column: startColumn = 0 } = {},
end: { line: endLine = Infinity, column: endColumn = Infinity } = {},
} = query || {};
const scripts = this._findDebuggeeScripts();
const positions = [];
for (const script of scripts) {
// This purely a performance boost to avoid needing to build an array
// of breakable points for scripts when we know we don't need it.
if (
script.startLine > endLine ||
script.startLine + script.lineCount < startLine
) {
const offsets = script.getPossibleBreakpoints();
for (const { lineNumber, columnNumber } of offsets) {
if (
lineNumber < startLine ||
(lineNumber === startLine && columnNumber < startColumn) ||
lineNumber > endLine ||
(lineNumber === endLine && columnNumber >= endColumn)
) {
// Adjust columns according to any inline script start column, so that
// column breakpoints show up correctly in the UI.
const position = await this._adjustInlineScriptLocation(
line: lineNumber,
column: columnNumber,
/* upward */ true
return (
// Sort the items by location.
.sort((a, b) => {
const lineDiff = a.line - b.line;
return lineDiff === 0 ? a.column - b.column : lineDiff;
getBreakpointPositionsCompressed: async function(query) {
const items = await this.getBreakpointPositions(query);
const compressed = {};
for (const { line, column } of items) {
if (!compressed[line]) {
compressed[line] = [];
return compressed;
* Handler for the "onSource" packet.
* @return Object
* The return of this function contains a field `contentType`, and
* a field `source`. `source` can either be an ArrayBuffer or
* a LongString.
source: function() {
return Promise.resolve(this._init)
.then(({ content, contentType }) => {
if (
typeof content === "object" &&
content &&
content.constructor && === "ArrayBuffer"
) {
return {
source: new ArrayBufferActor(this.threadActor.conn, content),
return {
source: new LongStringActor(this.threadActor.conn, content),
.catch(error => {
reportError(error, "Got an exception during SA_onSource: ");
throw new Error(
"Could not load the source for " +
this.url +
".\n" +
* Handler for the "blackbox" packet.
blackbox: function(range) {
this.threadActor.sources.blackBox(this.url, range);
if (
this.threadActor.state == "paused" &&
this.threadActor.youngestFrame &&
this.threadActor.youngestFrame.script.url == this.url
) {
return true;
return false;
* Handler for the "unblackbox" packet.
unblackbox: function(range) {
this.threadActor.sources.unblackBox(this.url, range);
* Handler for the "setPausePoints" packet.
* @param Array pausePoints
* A dictionary of pausePoint objects
* type PausePoints = {
* line: {
* column: { break?: boolean, step?: boolean }
* }
* }
setPausePoints: function(pausePoints) {
const uncompressed = {};
const points = {
0: {},
1: { break: true },
2: { step: true },
3: { break: true, step: true },
for (const line in pausePoints) {
uncompressed[line] = {};
for (const col in pausePoints[line]) {
uncompressed[line][col] = points[pausePoints[line][col]];
this.pausePoints = uncompressed;
* Ensure the given BreakpointActor is set as a breakpoint handler on all
* scripts that match its location in the generated source.
* @param BreakpointActor actor
* The BreakpointActor to be set as a breakpoint handler.
* @returns A Promise that resolves to the given BreakpointActor.
applyBreakpoint: async function(actor) {
let { line, column } = actor.location;
// Find all entry points that correspond to the given location.
const entryPoints = [];
if (column === undefined) {
// Find all scripts that match the given source actor and line
// number.
const scripts = this._findDebuggeeScripts({ line }).filter(
script => !actor.hasScript(script)
// This is a line breakpoint, so we add a breakpoint on the first
// breakpoint on the line.
const lineMatches = [];
for (const script of scripts) {
const possibleBreakpoints = script.getPossibleBreakpoints({ line });
for (const possibleBreakpoint of possibleBreakpoints) {
lineMatches.push({ ...possibleBreakpoint, script });
lineMatches.sort((a, b) => a.columnNumber - b.columnNumber);
if (lineMatches.length > 0) {
// A single Debugger.Source may have _multiple_ Debugger.Scripts
// at the same position from multiple evaluations of the source,
// so we explicitly want to take all of the matches for the matched
// column number.
const firstColumn = lineMatches[0].columnNumber;
const firstColumnMatches = lineMatches.filter(
m => m.columnNumber === firstColumn
for (const { script, offset } of firstColumnMatches) {
entryPoints.push({ script, offsets: [offset] });
} else {
// Adjust columns according to any inline script start column, to undo
// the adjustment performed when sending the breakpoint to the client and
// allow the breakpoint to be set correctly in the source (which treats
// the location after the <script> tag as column 0).
let adjusted = this._adjustInlineScriptLocation(
{ line, column },
/* upward */ false
if (adjusted.then) {
adjusted = await adjusted;
line = adjusted.line;
column = adjusted.column;
// Find all scripts that match the given source actor, line,
// and column number.
const scripts = this._findDebuggeeScripts({ line, column }).filter(
script => !actor.hasScript(script)
for (const script of scripts) {
// Check to see if the script contains a breakpoint position at
// this line and column.
const possibleBreakpoint = script
minColumn: column,
maxColumn: column + 1,
if (possibleBreakpoint) {
const { offset } = possibleBreakpoint;
entryPoints.push({ script, offsets: [offset] });
setBreakpointAtEntryPoints(actor, entryPoints);
exports.SourceActor = SourceActor;