
370 строки
11 KiB

function fillContextMenu(name, treeName)
if (!name) return(false);
var popupNode = document.getElementById(name);
if (!popupNode) return(false);
// remove the menu node (which tosses all of its kids);
// do this in case any old command nodes are hanging around
while (popupNode.childNodes.length)
var treeNode = document.getElementById(treeName);
if (!treeNode) return(false);
var db = treeNode.database;
if (!db) return(false);
var compositeDB = db.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
if (!compositeDB) return(false);
var isupports = Components.classes["component://netscape/rdf/rdf-service"].getService();
if (!isupports) return(false);
var rdf = isupports.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
if (!rdf) return(false);
var target_item = document.popupNode.parentNode.parentNode;
if (target_item && target_item.nodeName == "treeitem")
if (target_item.getAttribute('selected') != 'true') {
var select_list = treeNode.selectedItems;
var separatorResource = rdf.GetResource("");
if (!separatorResource) return(false);
// perform intersection of commands over selected nodes
var cmdArray = new Array();
var selectLength = select_list.length;
if (selectLength == 0) selectLength = 1;
for (var nodeIndex=0; nodeIndex < selectLength; nodeIndex++)
var id = null;
// if nothing is selected, get commands for the "ref" of the tree root
if (select_list.length == 0)
id = treeNode.getAttribute("ref");
if (!id) break;
var node = select_list[nodeIndex];
if (!node) break;
id = node.getAttribute("id");
if (!id) break;
var rdfNode = rdf.GetResource(id);
if (!rdfNode) break;
var cmdEnum = db.GetAllCmds(rdfNode);
if (!cmdEnum) break;
var nextCmdArray = new Array();
while (cmdEnum.hasMoreElements())
var cmd = cmdEnum.getNext();
if (!cmd) break;
if (nodeIndex == 0)
cmdArray[cmdArray.length] = cmd;
nextCmdArray[cmdArray.length] = cmd;
if (nodeIndex > 0)
// perform command intersection calculation
for (var cmdIndex = 0; cmdIndex < cmdArray.length; cmdIndex++)
var cmdFound = false;
for (var nextCmdIndex = 0; nextCmdIndex < nextCmdArray.length; nextCmdIndex++)
if (nextCmdArray[nextCmdIndex] == cmdArray[cmdIndex])
cmdFound = true;
if ((cmdFound == false) && (cmdArray[cmdIndex]))
var cmdResource = cmdArray[cmdIndex].QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
if ((cmdResource) && (cmdResource != separatorResource))
cmdArray[cmdIndex] = null;
// need a resource to ask RDF for each command's name
var rdfNameResource = rdf.GetResource("");
if (!rdfNameResource) return(false);
// build up menu items
if (cmdArray.length < 1) return(false);
var lastWasSep = false;
for (var cmdIndex = 0; cmdIndex < cmdArray.length; cmdIndex++)
var cmd = cmdArray[cmdIndex];
if (!cmd) continue;
var cmdResource = cmd.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
if (!cmdResource) break;
// handle separators
if (cmdResource == separatorResource)
if (lastWasSep != true)
lastWasSep = true;
var menuItem = document.createElement("menuseparator");
lastWasSep = false;
var cmdNameNode = compositeDB.GetTarget(cmdResource, rdfNameResource, true);
if (!cmdNameNode) break;
cmdNameLiteral = cmdNameNode.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
if (!cmdNameLiteral) break;
cmdName = cmdNameLiteral.Value;
if (!cmdName) break;
var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuItem.setAttribute("value", cmdName);
// work around bug # 26402 by setting "oncommand" attribute AFTER appending menuitem
menuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "return doContextCmd('" + cmdResource.Value + "', '" + treeName + "');");
// strip off leading/trailing menuseparators
while (popupNode.childNodes.length > 0)
if (popupNode.childNodes[0].tagName != "menuseparator")
while (popupNode.childNodes.length > 0)
if (popupNode.childNodes[popupNode.childNodes.length - 1].tagName != "menuseparator")
popupNode.removeChild(popupNode.childNodes[popupNode.childNodes.length - 1]);
var searchMode = 0;
if (pref) searchMode = pref.GetIntPref("");
if (pref && bundle)
// then add a menu separator (if necessary)
if (popupNode.childNodes.length > 0)
if (popupNode.childNodes[popupNode.childNodes.length - 1].tagName != "menuseparator")
var menuSep = document.createElement("menuseparator");
// And then add a "Search Mode" menu item
var propMenuName = (searchMode == 0) ? bundle.GetStringFromName("enableAdvanced") : bundle.GetStringFromName("disableAdvanced");
var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuItem.setAttribute("value", propMenuName);
// Work around bug # 26402 by setting "oncommand" attribute
// AFTER appending menuitem
menuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "return setSearchMode();");
function setSearchMode()
var searchMode = 0;
if (pref) searchMode = pref.GetIntPref("");
if (searchMode == 0) searchMode = 1;
else searchMode = 0;
if (pref) pref.SetIntPref("", searchMode);
function doContextCmd(cmdName, treeName)
var treeNode = document.getElementById(treeName);
if (!treeNode) return(false);
var db = treeNode.database;
if (!db) return(false);
var compositeDB = db.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
if (!compositeDB) return(false);
var isupports = Components.classes["component://netscape/rdf/rdf-service"].getService();
if (!isupports) return(false);
var rdf = isupports.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
if (!rdf) return(false);
// need a resource for the command
var cmdResource = rdf.GetResource(cmdName);
if (!cmdResource) return(false);
cmdResource = cmdResource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
if (!cmdResource) return(false);
// set up selection nsISupportsArray
var selectionInstance = Components.classes["component://netscape/supports-array"].createInstance();
var selectionArray = selectionInstance.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsArray);
// set up arguments nsISupportsArray
var argumentsInstance = Components.classes["component://netscape/supports-array"].createInstance();
var argumentsArray = argumentsInstance.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsArray);
// get argument (parent)
var parentArc = rdf.GetResource("");
if (!parentArc) return(false);
var select_list = treeNode.selectedItems;
if (select_list.length < 1)
// if nothing is selected, default to using the "ref" on the root of the tree
var uri = treeNode.getAttribute("ref");
if (!uri || uri=="") return(false);
var rdfNode = rdf.GetResource(uri);
// add node into selection array
if (rdfNode)
else for (var nodeIndex=0; nodeIndex<select_list.length; nodeIndex++)
var node = select_list[nodeIndex];
if (!node) break;
var uri = node.getAttribute("ref");
if ((uri) || (uri == ""))
uri = node.getAttribute("id");
if (!uri) return(false);
var rdfNode = rdf.GetResource(uri);
if (!rdfNode) break;
// add node into selection array
// get the parent's URI
var parentURI="";
var theParent = node;
while (theParent)
theParent = theParent.parentNode;
parentURI = theParent.getAttribute("ref");
if ((!parentURI) || (parentURI == ""))
parentURI = theParent.getAttribute("id");
if (parentURI != "") break;
if (parentURI == "") return(false);
var parentNode = rdf.GetResource(parentURI, true);
if (!parentNode) return(false);
// add parent arc and node into arguments array
// do the command
compositeDB.DoCommand( selectionArray, cmdResource, argumentsArray );
/* Note: doSort() does NOT support natural order sorting, unless naturalOrderResource is valid,
in which case we sort ascending on naturalOrderResource
function doSort(sortColName, naturalOrderResource)
var node = document.getElementById(sortColName);
// determine column resource to sort on
var sortResource = node.getAttribute('resource');
if (!sortResource) return(false);
var sortDirection="ascending";
var isSortActive = node.getAttribute('sortActive');
if (isSortActive == "true")
sortDirection = "ascending";
var currentDirection = node.getAttribute('sortDirection');
if (currentDirection == "ascending")
if (sortResource != naturalOrderResource)
sortDirection = "descending";
else if (currentDirection == "descending")
if (naturalOrderResource != null && naturalOrderResource != "")
sortResource = naturalOrderResource;
var isupports = Components.classes["component://netscape/rdf/xul-sort-service"].getService();
if (!isupports) return(false);
var xulSortService = isupports.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIXULSortService);
if (!xulSortService) return(false);
xulSortService.Sort(node, sortResource, sortDirection);
debug("Exception calling xulSortService.Sort()");
function setInitialSort(node, sortDirection)
// determine column resource to sort on
var sortResource = node.getAttribute('resource');
if (!sortResource) return(false);
var isupports = Components.classes["component://netscape/rdf/xul-sort-service"].getService();
if (!isupports) return(false);
var xulSortService = isupports.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIXULSortService);
if (!xulSortService) return(false);
xulSortService.Sort(node, sortResource, sortDirection);