
226 строки
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Test DOM full-screen API.
<title>Test for Bug 545812</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="file_fullscreen-utils.js"></script>
body {
background-color: black;
<script type="application/javascript">
/** Test for Bug 545812 **/
function ok(condition, msg) {
opener.ok(condition, "[fullscreen] " + msg);
function is(a, b, msg) {, b, "[fullscreen] " + msg);
<body onload='document.body.mozRequestFullScreen();'>
<iframe id='inner-frame'></iframe>
var iframeContents = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><body onload%3D'parent.SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function(){document.body.mozRequestFullScreen();});'><iframe id%3D'inner-frame'><%2Fiframe><%2Fbody><%2Fhtml>";
var iframe = null;
var outOfDocElement = null;
var inDocElement = null;
var container = null;
var button = null;
function sendMouseClick(element) {
synthesizeMouseAtCenter(element, {});
function setRequireTrustedContext(value) {
opener.SpecialPowers.setBoolPref("full-screen-api.allow-trusted-requests-only", value);
function fullScreenElement() {
return document.getElementById('full-screen-element');
function enter1(event) {
ok(document.mozFullScreen, "1. Should be in full-screen mode (first time)");
is(, document, "2. Event target should be full-screen document #1");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, fullScreenElement(), "3. Full-screen element should be div element.");
ok(document.mozFullScreenElement.matches(":-moz-full-screen"), "4. FSE should match :-moz-full-screen");
var fse = fullScreenElement();
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit1);
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "5. Full-screen element should be null after removing.");
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "6. Should have left full-screen mode when we remove full-screen element");
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "7. Should not return to full-screen mode when re-adding former FSE");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "8. Full-screen element should still be null after re-adding former FSE.");
function exit1(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "9. Should have left full-screen mode (first time)");
is(, document, "10. Event target should be full-screen document #2");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "11. Full-screen element should be null.");
iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.allowFullscreen = true;
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter2);
iframe.src = iframeContents;
function enter2(event) {
ok(document.mozFullScreen, "12. Should be back in full-screen mode (second time)");
is(, document, "13. Event target should be full-screen document #3");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, iframe, "14. Full-screen element should be iframe element.");
is(iframe.contentDocument.mozFullScreenElement, iframe.contentDocument.body, "15. Full-screen element in subframe should be body");
// The iframe's body is full-screen. Cancel full-screen in the subdocument to return
// the full-screen element to the previous full-screen element. This causes
// a fullscreenchange event.
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit2);
function exit2(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "16. Should have left full-screen when canceling fullscreen in ancestor document.");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "17. Full-screen element should have rolled back.");
is(iframe.contentDocument.mozFullScreenElement, null, "18. Full-screen element in subframe should be null");
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter3);
function enter3(event) {
ok(document.mozFullScreen, "19. Should be back in full-screen mode (second time)");
is(, document, "20. Event target should be full-screen document #3");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, fullScreenElement(), "21. Full-screen element should be div.");
// Transplant the FSE into subdoc. Should exit full-screen.
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit3);
var _innerFrame = iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("inner-frame");
var fse = fullScreenElement();
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "22. Should exit full-screen after transplanting FSE");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "23. Full-screen element transplanted, should be null.");
is(iframe.contentDocument.mozFullScreenElement, null, "24. Full-screen element in outer frame should be null.");
is(_innerFrame.contentDocument.mozFullScreenElement, null, "25. Full-screen element in inner frame should be null.");
ok(!iframe.contentDocument.mozFullScreen, "26. Outer frame should not acquire full-screen status.");
ok(!_innerFrame.contentDocument.mozFullScreen, "27. Inner frame should not acquire full-screen status.");
function exit3(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "28. Should be back in non-full-screen mode (second time)");
is(, document, "29. Event target should be full-screen document #4");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "30. Full-screen element should be null.");
iframe = null;
// Do a request out of document. It should be denied.
// Continue test in the following mozfullscreenerror handler.
outOfDocElement = document.createElement("div");
function error1(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "31. Requests for full-screen from not-in-doc elements should fail.");
container = document.createElement("div");
inDocElement = document.createElement("div");
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter4);
function enter4(event) {
ok(document.mozFullScreen, "32. Should still be in full-screen mode (third time)");
is(, document, "33. Event target should be full-screen document #5");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, inDocElement, "35. FSE should be inDocElement.");
var n = container;
do {
ok(n.matches(":-moz-full-screen-ancestor"), "Ancestor " + n + " should match :-moz-full-screen-ancestor")
n = n.parentNode;
} while (n && n.matches);
// Remove full-screen ancestor element from document, verify it stops being reported as current FSE.
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit4);
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "36. Should exit full-screen mode after removing full-screen element ancestor from document");
is(document.mozFullScreenElement, null, "37. Should not have a full-screen element again.");
function exit4(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "38. Should be back in non-full-screen mode (third time)");
function error2(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "Should still be in normal mode, because calling context isn't trusted.");
button = document.createElement("button");
button.onclick = function(){fullScreenElement().mozRequestFullScreen();}
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter5);
function enter5(event) {
ok(document.mozFullScreen, "Moved to full-screen after mouse click");
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit5);
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "Should have left full-screen mode.");
function exit5(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "Should have left full-screen mode (last time).");
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref("full-screen-api.enabled", false);
is(document.mozFullScreenEnabled, false, "document.mozFullScreenEnabled should be false if full-screen-api.enabled is false");
function error3(event) {
ok(!document.mozFullScreen, "Should still be in normal mode, because pref is not enabled.");
SpecialPowers.setBoolPref("full-screen-api.enabled", true);
is(document.mozFullScreenEnabled, true, "document.mozFullScreenEnabled should be true if full-screen-api.enabled is true");
function begin() {
addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter1);
<div id="full-screen-element"></div>