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<TITLE>Draft Pluglet API test design</TITLE>
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<H1>Pluglet API tests specification.</H1>
The subject of testing is <a href=> Pluglet API </a>
Goals of testing - to detect errors in pluglet api
implementation and in functioning of this api in mozilla.
This API is divided on two part:
- called by browser (latter called <B>Pluglet side API</B>)
- called by pluglet (latter called <B>Browser side API</B>).
Basic <A href=sequence.html>template</A> of runtime scenario of calling of
<B>Pluglet side API</B> methods.
Scenario variations:
- basic straight scenario - without and with calls caused
by data to be loaded for pluglet
- behaviour of the same pluglet instance in case of back-forward
- re-creating pluglet instance after reload
The different pluglets display types:
- embedded
- embedded hidden
- full page pluglets
Additional situations:
- incorrect environment (for example PLUGLET)
- absence of pluglet
- incomplete pluglet (for example without instance class)
<I>Comment: in these cases (1-3) we need to ensure that mozilla doesn't fall</I>
- different pluglets having pluglet instances (or other classes)
with equal names
- finding and loading pluglets based on mime type of data and
handled mime types of pluglet
Security issues:
- based on fact that the pluglets are run in java environment
the tests should check the correspondence of actual runtime
constrains to specified constrains.
So, the sets of tests to develop:
1. scenario tests for each combinations of scenario variations and pluglet display type
The sequence of calls of pluglet side API methods should be corresponding to
situation (in correct order, without lacks and additional non-specified calls)
2. the tests of correctnesses of passed in values and objects in situations of
different scenario and pluglet display type
3. returning (for cases when non-void return value is specified) by pluglet side api different values
from set of expected values, boundary and non-correct values (from point of
view of functional sense of return value)
4. the tests of <B>Browser side API</B>
(passed in objects (for example PlugletManager) as well as
objects by request (for example PlugletTagInfo))
- the passing in different <a href=equiv_classes.html>sets of parameters</a>, including
boundary and non-correct values(from point of view of functional sense of parameters)
- checking that correct values are returned (if applicable)
- checking that correct action are performed (if applicable)
5. the tests for non-falled (and/or correct) behaviour for "additional" situations
6. the more typical subset of 1,2,3 tests in cases of more than one pluglet
instance (in parallel ( on the same page) as well as in sequence (pluglet on the next page))
7. the more typical subset of api tests in multithreading mode - calling the browser side
api methods simultaneously from different threads
8. security tests
Test space organization:
- The src, build, config, util, log and doc directories.
- All necessary files should be compiled or copied into the build directory.
- All common perl scripts should be placed in the util directory
- Recursive organization of makefiles.
- The top-level makefile is placed to src/org/mozilla/pluglet/test/basic
- Top package for all test classes is org.mozilla.pluglet.tests.basic
- The suffixes are like to
- Every test is like to consist of necessary java files, html file to cause
pluglet instantiation, test properties file - needed settings
for test if they are different from common settings (as example $DELAY for stress
tests or <B>$PLUGLET</B> for testing incorrect value of this one
may differ from common settings) and test parameters file - the parameters that identify
concrete test case in set of tests with the same structure.
- Perl script <B></B> is used to invoke automated test cases
and to record their results