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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "js/SliceBudget.h"
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/CycleCollectedJSContext.h"
#include "mozilla/MainThreadIdlePeriod.h"
#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "nsCycleCollector.h"
#include "nsJSEnvironment.h"
namespace mozilla {
static const TimeDuration kOneMinute = TimeDuration::FromSeconds(60.0f);
// The amount of time we wait between a request to CC (after GC ran)
// and doing the actual CC.
static const TimeDuration kCCDelay = TimeDuration::FromSeconds(6);
static const TimeDuration kCCSkippableDelay =
// In case the cycle collector isn't run at all, we don't want forget skippables
// to run too often. So limit the forget skippable cycle to start at earliest 2
// seconds after the end of the previous cycle.
static const TimeDuration kTimeBetweenForgetSkippableCycles =
// ForgetSkippable is usually fast, so we can use small budgets.
// This isn't a real budget but a hint to IdleTaskRunner whether there
// is enough time to call ForgetSkippable.
static const TimeDuration kForgetSkippableSliceDuration =
// Maximum amount of time that should elapse between incremental CC slices
static const TimeDuration kICCIntersliceDelay =
// Time budget for an incremental CC slice when using timer to run it.
static const TimeDuration kICCSliceBudget = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(3);
// Minimum budget for an incremental CC slice when using idle time to run it.
static const TimeDuration kIdleICCSliceBudget =
// Maximum total duration for an ICC
static const TimeDuration kMaxICCDuration = TimeDuration::FromSeconds(2);
// Force a CC after this long if there's more than NS_CC_FORCED_PURPLE_LIMIT
// objects in the purple buffer.
static const TimeDuration kCCForced = kOneMinute * 2;
static const uint32_t kCCForcedPurpleLimit = 10;
// Don't allow an incremental GC to lock out the CC for too long.
static const TimeDuration kMaxCCLockedoutTime = TimeDuration::FromSeconds(30);
// Trigger a CC if the purple buffer exceeds this size when we check it.
static const uint32_t kCCPurpleLimit = 200;
enum class CCRunnerAction {
enum CCRunnerYield { Continue, Yield };
enum CCRunnerForgetSkippableRemoveChildless {
KeepChildless = false,
RemoveChildless = true
struct CCRunnerStep {
// The action to scheduler is instructing the caller to perform.
CCRunnerAction mAction;
// Whether to stop processing actions for this invocation of the timer
// callback.
CCRunnerYield mYield;
// If the action is ForgetSkippable, then whether to remove childless nodes
// or not. (ForgetSkippable is the only action requiring a parameter; if
// that changes, this will become a union.)
CCRunnerForgetSkippableRemoveChildless mRemoveChildless;
class CCGCScheduler {
// Mockable functions to interface with the code being scheduled.
// Current time. In real usage, this will just return TimeStamp::Now(), but
// tests can reimplement it to return a value controlled by the test.
static inline TimeStamp Now();
// Number of entries in the purple buffer (those objects whose ref counts
// have been decremented since the previous CC, roughly), and are therefore
// "suspected" of being members of cyclic garbage.
static inline uint32_t SuspectedCCObjects();
// Parameter setting
void SetActiveIntersliceGCBudget(TimeDuration aDuration) {
mActiveIntersliceGCBudget = aDuration;
// State retrieval
TimeDuration GetCCBlockedTime(TimeStamp aNow) const {
return aNow - mCCBlockStart;
bool InIncrementalGC() const { return mInIncrementalGC; }
TimeStamp GetLastCCEndTime() const { return mLastCCEndTime; }
bool IsEarlyForgetSkippable(uint32_t aN = kMajorForgetSkippableCalls) const {
return mCleanupsSinceLastGC < aN;
bool NeedsFullGC() const { return mNeedsFullGC; }
// State modification
void SetNeedsFullGC(bool aNeedGC = true) { mNeedsFullGC = aNeedGC; }
// Ensure that the current runner does a cycle collection, and trigger a GC
// after it finishes.
void EnsureCCThenGC() {
MOZ_ASSERT(mCCRunnerState != CCRunnerState::Inactive);
mNeedsFullCC = true;
mNeedsGCAfterCC = true;
void NoteGCBegin() {
// Treat all GC as incremental here; non-incremental GC will just appear to
// be one slice.
mInIncrementalGC = true;
void NoteGCEnd() {
mInIncrementalGC = false;
mCCBlockStart = TimeStamp();
mInIncrementalGC = false;
mNeedsFullCC = true;
mHasRunGC = true;
mCleanupsSinceLastGC = 0;
mCCollectedWaitingForGC = 0;
mCCollectedZonesWaitingForGC = 0;
mLikelyShortLivingObjectsNeedingGC = 0;
// When we decide to do a cycle collection but we're in the middle of an
// incremental GC, the CC is "locked out" until the GC completes -- unless
// the wait is too long, and we decide to finish the incremental GC early.
void BlockCC(TimeStamp aNow) {
mCCBlockStart = aNow;
void UnblockCC() { mCCBlockStart = TimeStamp(); }
// Returns the number of purple buffer items that were processed and removed.
uint32_t NoteForgetSkippableComplete(
TimeStamp aNow, uint32_t aSuspectedBeforeForgetSkippable) {
mLastForgetSkippableEndTime = aNow;
uint32_t suspected = SuspectedCCObjects();
mPreviousSuspectedCount = suspected;
return aSuspectedBeforeForgetSkippable - suspected;
// After collecting cycles, record the results that are used in scheduling
// decisions.
void NoteCycleCollected(const CycleCollectorResults& aResults) {
mCCollectedWaitingForGC += aResults.mFreedGCed;
mCCollectedZonesWaitingForGC += aResults.mFreedJSZones;
// This is invoked when the whole process of collection is done -- i.e., CC
// preparation (eg ForgetSkippables), the CC itself, and the optional
// followup GC. There really ought to be a separate name for the overall CC
// as opposed to the actual cycle collection portion.
void NoteCCEnd(TimeStamp aWhen) {
mLastCCEndTime = aWhen;
mNeedsFullCC = false;
// The GC for this CC has already been requested.
mNeedsGCAfterCC = false;
// The CC was abandoned without running a slice, so we only did forget
// skippables. Prevent running another cycle soon.
void NoteForgetSkippableOnlyCycle() {
mLastForgetSkippableCycleEndTime = Now();
void Shutdown() { mDidShutdown = true; }
// Scheduling
// Return a budget along with a boolean saying whether to prefer to run short
// slices and stop rather than continuing to the next phase of cycle
// collection.
inline js::SliceBudget ComputeCCSliceBudget(TimeStamp aDeadline,
TimeStamp aCCBeginTime,
TimeStamp aPrevSliceEndTime,
bool* aPreferShorterSlices) const;
inline TimeDuration ComputeInterSliceGCBudget(TimeStamp aDeadline,
TimeStamp aNow) const;
bool ShouldForgetSkippable() const {
// Only do a forget skippable if there are more than a few new objects
// or we're doing the initial forget skippables.
return ((mPreviousSuspectedCount + 100) <= SuspectedCCObjects()) ||
mCleanupsSinceLastGC < kMajorForgetSkippableCalls;
// There is reason to suspect that there may be a significant amount of
// garbage to cycle collect: either we just finished a GC, or the purple
// buffer is getting really big, or it's getting somewhat big and it has been
// too long since the last CC.
bool IsCCNeeded(TimeStamp aNow = Now()) const {
if (mNeedsFullCC) {
return true;
uint32_t suspected = SuspectedCCObjects();
return suspected > kCCPurpleLimit ||
(suspected > kCCForcedPurpleLimit && mLastCCEndTime &&
aNow - mLastCCEndTime > kCCForced);
inline bool ShouldScheduleCC() const;
// If we collected a substantial amount of cycles, poke the GC since more
// objects might be unreachable now.
bool NeedsGCAfterCC() const {
return mCCollectedWaitingForGC > 250 || mCCollectedZonesWaitingForGC > 0 ||
mLikelyShortLivingObjectsNeedingGC > 2500 || mNeedsGCAfterCC;
bool IsLastEarlyCCTimer(int32_t aCurrentFireCount) const {
int32_t numEarlyTimerFires =
std::max(int32_t(mCCDelay / kCCSkippableDelay) - 2, 1);
return aCurrentFireCount >= numEarlyTimerFires;
enum class CCRunnerState {
void InitCCRunnerStateMachine(CCRunnerState initialState) {
// The state machine should always have been deactivated after the previous
// collection, however far that collection may have gone.
MOZ_ASSERT(mCCRunnerState == CCRunnerState::Inactive,
"DeactivateCCRunner should have been called");
mCCRunnerState = initialState;
// Currently, there are only two entry points to the non-Inactive part of
// the state machine.
if (initialState == CCRunnerState::ReducePurple) {
mCCDelay = kCCDelay;
mCCRunnerEarlyFireCount = 0;
} else if (initialState == CCRunnerState::CycleCollecting) {
// Nothing needed.
} else {
MOZ_CRASH("Invalid initial state");
void DeactivateCCRunner() { mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::Inactive; }
inline CCRunnerStep GetNextCCRunnerAction(TimeStamp aDeadline);
// aStartTimeStamp : when the ForgetSkippable timer fired. This may be some
// time ago, if an incremental GC needed to be finished.
js::SliceBudget ComputeForgetSkippableBudget(TimeStamp aStartTimeStamp,
TimeStamp aDeadline);
// State
// An incremental GC is in progress, which blocks the CC from running for its
// duration (or until it goes too long and is finished synchronously.)
bool mInIncrementalGC = false;
// When the CC started actually waiting for the GC to finish. This will be
// set to non-null at a later time than mCCLockedOut.
TimeStamp mCCBlockStart;
bool mDidShutdown = false;
TimeStamp mLastForgetSkippableEndTime;
uint32_t mForgetSkippableCounter = 0;
TimeStamp mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime;
TimeStamp mLastCCEndTime;
TimeStamp mLastForgetSkippableCycleEndTime;
CCRunnerState mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::Inactive;
int32_t mCCRunnerEarlyFireCount = 0;
TimeDuration mCCDelay = kCCDelay;
// Prevent the very first CC from running before we have GC'd and set the
// gray bits.
bool mHasRunGC = false;
bool mNeedsFullCC = false;
bool mNeedsFullGC = true;
bool mNeedsGCAfterCC = false;
uint32_t mPreviousSuspectedCount = 0;
uint32_t mCleanupsSinceLastGC = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t mCCollectedWaitingForGC = 0;
uint32_t mCCollectedZonesWaitingForGC = 0;
uint32_t mLikelyShortLivingObjectsNeedingGC = 0;
// Configuration parameters
TimeDuration mActiveIntersliceGCBudget = TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(5);
js::SliceBudget CCGCScheduler::ComputeCCSliceBudget(
TimeStamp aDeadline, TimeStamp aCCBeginTime, TimeStamp aPrevSliceEndTime,
bool* aPreferShorterSlices) const {
TimeStamp now = Now();
*aPreferShorterSlices =
aDeadline.IsNull() || (aDeadline - now) < kICCSliceBudget;
TimeDuration baseBudget =
aDeadline.IsNull() ? kICCSliceBudget : aDeadline - now;
if (aCCBeginTime.IsNull()) {
// If no CC is in progress, use the standard slice time.
return js::SliceBudget(baseBudget);
// Only run a limited slice if we're within the max running time.
MOZ_ASSERT(now >= aCCBeginTime);
TimeDuration runningTime = now - aCCBeginTime;
if (runningTime >= kMaxICCDuration) {
return js::SliceBudget::unlimited();
const TimeDuration maxSlice =
// Try to make up for a delay in running this slice.
MOZ_ASSERT(now >= aPrevSliceEndTime);
double sliceDelayMultiplier = (now - aPrevSliceEndTime) / kICCIntersliceDelay;
TimeDuration delaySliceBudget =
std::min(baseBudget.MultDouble(sliceDelayMultiplier), maxSlice);
// Increase slice budgets up to |maxSlice| as we approach
// half way through the ICC, to avoid large sync CCs.
double percentToHalfDone =
std::min(2.0 * (runningTime / kMaxICCDuration), 1.0);
TimeDuration laterSliceBudget = maxSlice.MultDouble(percentToHalfDone);
// Note: We may have already overshot the deadline, in which case
// baseBudget will be negative and we will end up returning
// laterSliceBudget.
return js::SliceBudget(
std::max({delaySliceBudget, laterSliceBudget, baseBudget}));
inline TimeDuration CCGCScheduler::ComputeInterSliceGCBudget(
TimeStamp aDeadline, TimeStamp aNow) const {
// We use longer budgets when the CC has been locked out but the CC has
// tried to run since that means we may have a significant amount of
// garbage to collect and it's better to GC in several longer slices than
// in a very long one.
TimeDuration budget =
aDeadline.IsNull() ? mActiveIntersliceGCBudget * 2 : aDeadline - aNow;
if (!mCCBlockStart) {
return budget;
TimeDuration blockedTime = aNow - mCCBlockStart;
TimeDuration maxSliceGCBudget = mActiveIntersliceGCBudget * 10;
double percentOfBlockedTime =
std::min(blockedTime / kMaxCCLockedoutTime, 1.0);
return std::max(budget, maxSliceGCBudget.MultDouble(percentOfBlockedTime));
bool CCGCScheduler::ShouldScheduleCC() const {
if (!mHasRunGC) {
return false;
TimeStamp now = Now();
// Don't run consecutive CCs too often.
if (mCleanupsSinceLastGC && !mLastCCEndTime.IsNull()) {
if (now - mLastCCEndTime < kCCDelay) {
return false;
// If GC hasn't run recently and forget skippable only cycle was run,
// don't start a new cycle too soon.
if ((mCleanupsSinceLastGC > kMajorForgetSkippableCalls) &&
!mLastForgetSkippableCycleEndTime.IsNull()) {
if (now - mLastForgetSkippableCycleEndTime <
kTimeBetweenForgetSkippableCycles) {
return false;
return IsCCNeeded(now);
CCRunnerStep CCGCScheduler::GetNextCCRunnerAction(TimeStamp aDeadline) {
struct StateDescriptor {
// When in this state, should we first check to see if we still have
// enough reason to CC?
bool mCanAbortCC;
// If we do decide to abort the CC, should we still try to forget
// skippables one more time?
bool mTryFinalForgetSkippable;
// The state descriptors for Inactive and Canceled will never actually be
// used. We will never call this function while Inactive, and Canceled is
// handled specially at the beginning.
constexpr StateDescriptor stateDescriptors[] = {
{false, false}, /* CCRunnerState::Inactive */
{false, false}, /* CCRunnerState::ReducePurple */
{true, true}, /* CCRunnerState::CleanupChildless */
{true, false}, /* CCRunnerState::CleanupContentUnbinder */
{false, false}, /* CCRunnerState::CleanupDeferred */
{false, false}, /* CCRunnerState::StartCycleCollection */
{false, false}, /* CCRunnerState::CycleCollecting */
{false, false}}; /* CCRunnerState::Canceled */
ArrayLength(stateDescriptors) == size_t(CCRunnerState::NumStates),
"need one state descriptor per state");
const StateDescriptor& desc = stateDescriptors[int(mCCRunnerState)];
// Make sure we initialized the state machine.
MOZ_ASSERT(mCCRunnerState != CCRunnerState::Inactive);
if (mDidShutdown) {
return {CCRunnerAction::StopRunning, Yield};
if (mCCRunnerState == CCRunnerState::Canceled) {
// When we cancel a cycle, there may have been a final ForgetSkippable.
return {CCRunnerAction::StopRunning, Yield};
TimeStamp now = Now();
if (InIncrementalGC()) {
if (mCCBlockStart.IsNull()) {
// If we have reached the CycleCollecting state, then ignore CC timer
// fires while incremental GC is running. (Running ICC during an IGC
// would cause us to synchronously finish the GC, which is bad.)
// If we have not yet started cycle collecting, then reset our state so
// that we run forgetSkippable often enough before CC. Because of reduced
// mCCDelay, forgetSkippable will be called just a few times.
// The kMaxCCLockedoutTime limit guarantees that we end up calling
// forgetSkippable and CycleCollectNow eventually.
if (mCCRunnerState != CCRunnerState::CycleCollecting) {
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::ReducePurple;
mCCRunnerEarlyFireCount = 0;
mCCDelay = kCCDelay / int64_t(3);
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Yield};
if (GetCCBlockedTime(now) < kMaxCCLockedoutTime) {
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Yield};
// Locked out for too long, so proceed and finish the incremental GC
// synchronously.
// For states that aren't just continuations of previous states, check
// whether a CC is still needed (after doing various things to reduce the
// purple buffer).
if (desc.mCanAbortCC && !IsCCNeeded(now)) {
// If we don't pass the threshold for wanting to cycle collect, stop now
// (after possibly doing a final ForgetSkippable).
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::Canceled;
// Preserve the previous code's idea of when to check whether a
// ForgetSkippable should be fired.
if (desc.mTryFinalForgetSkippable && ShouldForgetSkippable()) {
// The Canceled state will make us StopRunning after this action is
// performed (see conditional at top of function).
return {CCRunnerAction::ForgetSkippable, Yield, KeepChildless};
return {CCRunnerAction::StopRunning, Yield};
switch (mCCRunnerState) {
// ReducePurple: a GC ran (or we otherwise decided to try CC'ing). Wait
// for some amount of time (kCCDelay, or less if incremental GC blocked
// this CC) while firing regular ForgetSkippable actions before continuing
// on.
case CCRunnerState::ReducePurple:
if (IsLastEarlyCCTimer(mCCRunnerEarlyFireCount)) {
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::CleanupChildless;
if (ShouldForgetSkippable()) {
return {CCRunnerAction::ForgetSkippable, Yield, KeepChildless};
if (aDeadline.IsNull()) {
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Yield};
// If we're called during idle time, try to find some work to do by
// advancing to the next state, effectively bypassing some possible forget
// skippable calls.
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::CleanupChildless;
// Continue on to CleanupChildless, but only after checking IsCCNeeded
// again.
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Continue};
// CleanupChildless: do a stronger ForgetSkippable that removes nodes with
// no children in the cycle collector graph. This state is split into 3
// parts; the other Cleanup* actions will happen within the same callback
// (unless the ForgetSkippable shrinks the purple buffer enough for the CC
// to be skipped entirely.)
case CCRunnerState::CleanupChildless:
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::CleanupContentUnbinder;
return {CCRunnerAction::ForgetSkippable, Yield, RemoveChildless};
// CleanupContentUnbinder: continuing cleanup, clear out the content
// unbinder.
case CCRunnerState::CleanupContentUnbinder:
if (aDeadline.IsNull()) {
// Non-idle (waiting) callbacks skip the rest of the cleanup, but still
// wait for another fire before the actual CC.
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::StartCycleCollection;
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Yield};
// Running in an idle callback.
// The deadline passed, so go straight to CC in the next slice.
if (now >= aDeadline) {
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::StartCycleCollection;
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Yield};
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::CleanupDeferred;
return {CCRunnerAction::CleanupContentUnbinder, Continue};
// CleanupDeferred: continuing cleanup, do deferred deletion.
case CCRunnerState::CleanupDeferred:
"Should only be in CleanupDeferred state when idle");
// Our efforts to avoid a CC have failed. Let the timer fire once more
// to trigger a CC.
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::StartCycleCollection;
if (now >= aDeadline) {
// The deadline passed, go straight to CC in the next slice.
return {CCRunnerAction::None, Yield};
return {CCRunnerAction::CleanupDeferred, Yield};
// StartCycleCollection: start actually doing cycle collection slices.
case CCRunnerState::StartCycleCollection:
// We are in the final timer fire and still meet the conditions for
// triggering a CC. Let RunCycleCollectorSlice finish the current IGC if
// any, because that will allow us to include the GC time in the CC pause.
mCCRunnerState = CCRunnerState::CycleCollecting;
// CycleCollecting: continue running slices until done.
case CCRunnerState::CycleCollecting:
return {CCRunnerAction::CycleCollect, Yield};
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected CCRunner state");
inline js::SliceBudget CCGCScheduler::ComputeForgetSkippableBudget(
TimeStamp aStartTimeStamp, TimeStamp aDeadline) {
if (mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime.IsNull()) {
mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime = aStartTimeStamp;
} else if (aStartTimeStamp - mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime >
kOneMinute) {
TimeStamp startPlusMinute = mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime + kOneMinute;
// If we had forget skippables only at the beginning of the interval, we
// still want to use the whole time, minute or more, for frequency
// calculation. mLastForgetSkippableEndTime is needed if forget skippable
// takes enough time to push the interval to be over a minute.
TimeStamp endPoint = std::max(startPlusMinute, mLastForgetSkippableEndTime);
// Duration in minutes.
double duration =
(endPoint - mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime).ToSeconds() / 60;
uint32_t frequencyPerMinute = uint32_t(mForgetSkippableCounter / duration);
mForgetSkippableCounter = 0;
mForgetSkippableFrequencyStartTime = aStartTimeStamp;
TimeDuration budgetTime =
aDeadline ? (aDeadline - aStartTimeStamp) : kForgetSkippableSliceDuration;
return js::SliceBudget(budgetTime);
} // namespace mozilla