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/** Tests for NetworkPrioritizer.jsm (Bug 514490) **/
const LOWEST = Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_LOWEST;
const LOW = Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_LOW;
const NORMAL = Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_NORMAL;
const HIGH = Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_HIGH;
const HIGHEST = Ci.nsISupportsPriority.PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
const DELTA = NORMAL - LOW; // lower value means higher priority
// Test helper functions.
// getPriority and setPriority can take a tab or a Browser
function* getPriority(aBrowser) {
if (aBrowser.localName == "tab")
aBrowser = aBrowser.linkedBrowser;
return yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, null, function* () {
return docShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation)
function* setPriority(aBrowser, aPriority) {
if (aBrowser.localName == "tab")
aBrowser = aBrowser.linkedBrowser;
yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, aPriority, function* (aPriority) {
.priority = aPriority;
function* isWindowState(aWindow, aTabPriorities) {
let browsers = aWindow.gBrowser.browsers;
// Make sure we have the right number of tabs & priorities
is(browsers.length, aTabPriorities.length,
"Window has expected number of tabs");
// aState should be in format [ priority, priority, priority ]
for (let i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) {
is(yield getPriority(browsers[i]), aTabPriorities[i],
"Tab " + i + " had expected priority");
function promiseWaitForFocus(aWindow) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
waitForFocus(resolve, aWindow);
add_task(function*() {
// This is the real test. It creates multiple tabs & windows, changes focus,
// closes windows/tabs to make sure we behave correctly.
// This test assumes that no priorities have been adjusted and the loadgroup
// priority starts at 0.
// Call window "window_A" to make the test easier to follow
let window_A = window;
// Test 1 window, 1 tab case.
yield isWindowState(window_A, [HIGH]);
// Exising tab is tab_A1
let tab_A2 = window_A.gBrowser.addTab("");
let tab_A3 = window_A.gBrowser.addTab("about:config");
yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab_A3.linkedBrowser);
// tab_A2 isn't focused yet
yield isWindowState(window_A, [HIGH, NORMAL, NORMAL]);
// focus tab_A2 & make sure priority got updated
window_A.gBrowser.selectedTab = tab_A2;
yield isWindowState(window_A, [NORMAL, HIGH, NORMAL]);
// Next tab is auto selected synchronously as part of removeTab, and we
// expect the priority to be updated immediately.
yield isWindowState(window_A, [NORMAL, HIGH]);
// Open another window then play with focus
let window_B = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow();
yield promiseWaitForFocus(window_B);
yield isWindowState(window_A, [LOW, NORMAL]);
yield isWindowState(window_B, [HIGH]);
yield promiseWaitForFocus(window_A);
yield isWindowState(window_A, [NORMAL, HIGH]);
yield isWindowState(window_B, [NORMAL]);
yield promiseWaitForFocus(window_B);
yield isWindowState(window_A, [LOW, NORMAL]);
yield isWindowState(window_B, [HIGH]);
// Cleanup
yield BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(window_B);
add_task(function*() {
// This is more a test of nsLoadGroup and how it handles priorities. But since
// we depend on its behavior, it's good to test it. This is testing that there
// are no errors if we adjust beyond nsISupportsPriority's bounds.
yield promiseWaitForFocus();
let tab1 = gBrowser.tabs[0];
let oldPriority = yield getPriority(tab1);
// Set the priority of tab1 to the lowest possible. Selecting the other tab
// will try to lower it
yield setPriority(tab1, LOWEST);
let tab2 = gBrowser.addTab("");
yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab2.linkedBrowser);
gBrowser.selectedTab = tab2;
is(yield getPriority(tab1), LOWEST - DELTA, "Can adjust priority beyond 'lowest'");
// Now set priority to "highest" and make sure that no errors occur.
yield setPriority(tab1, HIGHEST);
gBrowser.selectedTab = tab1;
is(yield getPriority(tab1), HIGHEST + DELTA, "Can adjust priority beyond 'highest'");
// Cleanup
yield setPriority(tab1, oldPriority);
add_task(function*() {
// This tests that the priority doesn't get lost when switching the browser's remoteness
if (!gMultiProcessBrowser) {
let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "web page should be loaded in remote browser");
is(yield getPriority(browser), HIGH, "priority of selected tab should be 'high'");
yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
ok(!browser.isRemoteBrowser, "about:rights should switch browser to non-remote");
is(yield getPriority(browser), HIGH,
"priority of selected tab should be 'high' when going from remote to non-remote");
yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
ok(browser.isRemoteBrowser, "going from about:rights to web page should switch browser to remote");
is(yield getPriority(browser), HIGH,
"priority of selected tab should be 'high' when going from non-remote to remote");