
192 строки
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Executable File

# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Graph tree-open status, via tbox graph server.
use Sys::Hostname; # for ::hostname()
# Location of this file. Make sure that hand-runs and crontab-runs
# of this script read/write the same data.
my $script_dir = "/builds/tinderbox/mozilla/tools/tinderbox";
my $sheriff_string;
# Send data to graph server.
sub send_results_to_server {
my ($value, $data, $testname, $tbox) = @_;
my $tmpurl = "";
$tmpurl .= "?value=$value&data=$data&testname=$testname&tbox=$tbox";
print "send_results_to_server(): \n";
print "tmpurl = $tmpurl\n";
# libwww-perl has process control problems on windows,
# spawn wget instead.
if ($Settings::OS =~ /^WIN/) {
system ("wget", "-o", "/dev/null", $tmpurl);
print "send_results_to_server() succeeded.\n";
} else {
my $res = eval q{
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->timeout(10); # seconds
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $tmpurl);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
return $res;
if ($@) {
warn "Failed to submit startup results: $@";
print "send_results_to_server() failed.\n";
} else {
print "Results submitted to server: \n",
$res->status_line, "\n", $res->content, "\n";
print "send_results_to_server() succeeded.\n";
sub is_tree_open {
my $tbox_url = "";
# Dump tbox page source into a file.
print "HTTP...";
system ("wget", "-q", "-O", "$script_dir/tbox.source", $tbox_url);
print "done\n";
my $rv = 0;
$sheriff_string = "";
# Scan file, looking for line that starts with <a NAME="open">
open TBOX_FILE, "$script_dir/tbox.source";
while (<TBOX_FILE>) {
# Scan for open string
if(/^<a NAME="open">/) {
# look for "open" string
if (/open<\/font>$/) {
print "open\n";
$rv = 1;
} else {
print "closed\n";
$rv = 0;
# Scan for sheriff string & save it off for HTTP submit later.
if(/^<br><a NAME="sheriff"><\/a>/) {
$sheriff_string = $_;
# Strip out content to save space.
# Strip out permanent content.
$sheriff_string =~ s/^<br><a NAME="sheriff"><\/a>//;
# Crude attempt at reducing the random html that shows up here.
# Order is important, pick off easy tags, then make it legal cgi,
# then shorten it up.
$sheriff_string =~ s/<[pP]>//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/\015//g; # ^M
$sheriff_string =~ s/<br>//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/<\/a>//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/<//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/>//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/"/ /g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/\///g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/\\//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/#/[lb]/g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/mailto://g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[aA][iI][mM]://g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[iI][rR][cC]://g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/a href//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[sS]heriff//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[mM]onday//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[tT]uesday//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[wW]ednesday//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[tT]hursday//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[fF]riday//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/[wW]eekend//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/^[tT]he //g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/\/a//g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/;
$sheriff_string =~ s/;
$sheriff_string =~ s/ is / /g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/ for / /g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/ on / /g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/ in / /g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/ = / /g;
$sheriff_string =~ s/ - / /g;
$sheriff_string = substr($sheriff_string,0,60);
print "sheriff string = $sheriff_string\n";
close TBOX_FILE;
# Clean up.
return $rv;
# main
my $time_since_open = 0;
# Get tree status.
if(is_tree_open()) {
# Record tree open time if not set.
if (not (-e "$script_dir/timefile")) {
open TIMEFILE, ">$script_dir/timefile";
print TIMEFILE time();
} else {
# Timefile found, compute difference and report that number.
print "found timefile!\n";
my $time_tree_opened = 0;
my $now = 0;
open TIMEFILE, "$script_dir/timefile";
while (<TIMEFILE>) {
$time_tree_opened = $_;
print "time_tree_opened = $time_tree_opened\n";
$now = time();
print "now = $now\n";
# Report time in hours.
$time_since_open = ($now - $time_tree_opened)/3600;
print "time_since_open (hours) = $time_since_open\n";
# Clamp time to 20 hours so we don't get huge spikes for
# extended open times (weekends)
if($time_since_open > 20.0) {
$time_since_open = 20.0;
} else {
# tree is closed, leave tree_open_time at zero.
# Delete timefile if there is one.
if (-e "$script_dir/timefile") {
send_results_to_server("$time_since_open", "$sheriff_string", "treeopen", ::hostname());