
271 строка
11 KiB

* Copyright 2011 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "libyuv/cpu_id.h"
#include "libyuv/scale_argb.h"
#include "libyuv/row.h"
#include "../unit_test/unit_test.h"
namespace libyuv {
// Test scaling with C vs Opt and return maximum pixel difference. 0 = exact.
static int ARGBTestFilter(int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_width, int dst_height,
FilterMode f, int benchmark_iterations) {
const int b = 128;
int i, j;
int src_argb_plane_size = (Abs(src_width) + b * 2) *
(Abs(src_height) + b * 2) * 4;
int src_stride_argb = (b * 2 + Abs(src_width)) * 4;
align_buffer_64(src_argb, src_argb_plane_size);
MemRandomize(src_argb, src_argb_plane_size);
int dst_argb_plane_size = (dst_width + b * 2) * (dst_height + b * 2) * 4;
int dst_stride_argb = (b * 2 + dst_width) * 4;
align_buffer_64(dst_argb_c, dst_argb_plane_size);
align_buffer_64(dst_argb_opt, dst_argb_plane_size);
memset(dst_argb_c, 2, dst_argb_plane_size);
memset(dst_argb_opt, 3, dst_argb_plane_size);
// Warm up both versions for consistent benchmarks.
MaskCpuFlags(0); // Disable all CPU optimization.
ARGBScale(src_argb + (src_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb_c + (dst_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height, f);
MaskCpuFlags(-1); // Enable all CPU optimization.
ARGBScale(src_argb + (src_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb_opt + (dst_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height, f);
MaskCpuFlags(0); // Disable all CPU optimization.
double c_time = get_time();
ARGBScale(src_argb + (src_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb_c + (dst_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height, f);
c_time = (get_time() - c_time);
MaskCpuFlags(-1); // Enable all CPU optimization.
double opt_time = get_time();
for (i = 0; i < benchmark_iterations; ++i) {
ARGBScale(src_argb + (src_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb_opt + (dst_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height, f);
opt_time = (get_time() - opt_time) / benchmark_iterations;
// Report performance of C vs OPT
printf("filter %d - %8d us C - %8d us OPT\n",
f, static_cast<int>(c_time * 1e6), static_cast<int>(opt_time * 1e6));
// C version may be a little off from the optimized. Order of
// operations may introduce rounding somewhere. So do a difference
// of the buffers and look to see that the max difference isn't
// over 2.
int max_diff = 0;
for (i = b; i < (dst_height + b); ++i) {
for (j = b * 4; j < (dst_width + b) * 4; ++j) {
int abs_diff = Abs(dst_argb_c[(i * dst_stride_argb) + j] -
dst_argb_opt[(i * dst_stride_argb) + j]);
if (abs_diff > max_diff) {
max_diff = abs_diff;
return max_diff;
static const int kTileX = 8;
static const int kTileY = 8;
static int TileARGBScale(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
int src_width, int src_height,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int dst_width, int dst_height,
FilterMode filtering) {
for (int y = 0; y < dst_height; y += kTileY) {
for (int x = 0; x < dst_width; x += kTileX) {
int clip_width = kTileX;
if (x + clip_width > dst_width) {
clip_width = dst_width - x;
int clip_height = kTileY;
if (y + clip_height > dst_height) {
clip_height = dst_height - y;
int r = ARGBScaleClip(src_argb, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height,
x, y, clip_width, clip_height, filtering);
if (r) {
return r;
return 0;
static int ARGBClipTestFilter(int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_width, int dst_height,
FilterMode f, int benchmark_iterations) {
const int b = 128;
int src_argb_plane_size = (Abs(src_width) + b * 2) *
(Abs(src_height) + b * 2) * 4;
int src_stride_argb = (b * 2 + Abs(src_width)) * 4;
align_buffer_64(src_argb, src_argb_plane_size);
memset(src_argb, 1, src_argb_plane_size);
int dst_argb_plane_size = (dst_width + b * 2) * (dst_height + b * 2) * 4;
int dst_stride_argb = (b * 2 + dst_width) * 4;
int i, j;
for (i = b; i < (Abs(src_height) + b); ++i) {
for (j = b; j < (Abs(src_width) + b) * 4; ++j) {
src_argb[(i * src_stride_argb) + j] = (random() & 0xff);
align_buffer_64(dst_argb_c, dst_argb_plane_size);
align_buffer_64(dst_argb_opt, dst_argb_plane_size);
memset(dst_argb_c, 2, dst_argb_plane_size);
memset(dst_argb_opt, 3, dst_argb_plane_size);
// Do full image, no clipping.
double c_time = get_time();
ARGBScale(src_argb + (src_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb_c + (dst_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height, f);
c_time = (get_time() - c_time);
// Do tiled image, clipping scale to a tile at a time.
double opt_time = get_time();
for (i = 0; i < benchmark_iterations; ++i) {
TileARGBScale(src_argb + (src_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, src_stride_argb,
src_width, src_height,
dst_argb_opt + (dst_stride_argb * b) + b * 4, dst_stride_argb,
dst_width, dst_height, f);
opt_time = (get_time() - opt_time) / benchmark_iterations;
// Report performance of Full vs Tiled.
printf("filter %d - %8d us Full - %8d us Tiled\n",
f, static_cast<int>(c_time * 1e6), static_cast<int>(opt_time * 1e6));
// Compare full scaled image vs tiled image.
int max_diff = 0;
for (i = b; i < (dst_height + b); ++i) {
for (j = b * 4; j < (dst_width + b) * 4; ++j) {
int abs_diff = Abs(dst_argb_c[(i * dst_stride_argb) + j] -
dst_argb_opt[(i * dst_stride_argb) + j]);
if (abs_diff > max_diff) {
max_diff = abs_diff;
return max_diff;
#define TEST_FACTOR1(name, filter, hfactor, vfactor, max_diff) \
TEST_F(libyuvTest, ARGBScaleDownBy##name##_##filter) { \
int diff = ARGBTestFilter(benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_, \
Abs(benchmark_width_) * hfactor, \
Abs(benchmark_height_) * vfactor, \
kFilter##filter, benchmark_iterations_); \
EXPECT_LE(diff, max_diff); \
} \
TEST_F(libyuvTest, ARGBScaleDownClipBy##name##_##filter) { \
int diff = ARGBClipTestFilter(benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_, \
Abs(benchmark_width_) * hfactor, \
Abs(benchmark_height_) * vfactor, \
kFilter##filter, benchmark_iterations_); \
EXPECT_LE(diff, max_diff); \
// Test a scale factor with 2 filters. Expect unfiltered to be exact, but
// filtering is different fixed point implementations for SSSE3, Neon and C.
#define TEST_FACTOR(name, hfactor, vfactor) \
TEST_FACTOR1(name, None, hfactor, vfactor, 2) \
TEST_FACTOR1(name, Linear, hfactor, vfactor, 2) \
TEST_FACTOR1(name, Bilinear, hfactor, vfactor, 2) \
TEST_FACTOR1(name, Box, hfactor, vfactor, 2)
TEST_FACTOR(2, 1 / 2, 1 / 2)
TEST_FACTOR(4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4)
TEST_FACTOR(8, 1 / 8, 1 / 8)
TEST_FACTOR(3by4, 3 / 4, 3 / 4)
#define TEST_SCALETO1(name, width, height, filter, max_diff) \
TEST_F(libyuvTest, name##To##width##x##height##_##filter) { \
int diff = ARGBTestFilter(benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_, \
width, height, \
kFilter##filter, benchmark_iterations_); \
EXPECT_LE(diff, max_diff); \
} \
TEST_F(libyuvTest, name##From##width##x##height##_##filter) { \
int diff = ARGBTestFilter(width, height, \
Abs(benchmark_width_), Abs(benchmark_height_), \
kFilter##filter, benchmark_iterations_); \
EXPECT_LE(diff, max_diff); \
} \
TEST_F(libyuvTest, name##ClipTo##width##x##height##_##filter) { \
int diff = ARGBClipTestFilter(benchmark_width_, benchmark_height_, \
width, height, \
kFilter##filter, benchmark_iterations_); \
EXPECT_LE(diff, max_diff); \
} \
TEST_F(libyuvTest, name##ClipFrom##width##x##height##_##filter) { \
int diff = ARGBClipTestFilter(width, height, \
Abs(benchmark_width_), Abs(benchmark_height_), \
kFilter##filter, benchmark_iterations_); \
EXPECT_LE(diff, max_diff); \
/// Test scale to a specified size with all 4 filters.
#define TEST_SCALETO(name, width, height) \
TEST_SCALETO1(name, width, height, None, 0) \
TEST_SCALETO1(name, width, height, Linear, 3) \
TEST_SCALETO1(name, width, height, Bilinear, 3) \
TEST_SCALETO1(name, width, height, Box, 3)
TEST_SCALETO(ARGBScale, 320, 240)
TEST_SCALETO(ARGBScale, 352, 288)
TEST_SCALETO(ARGBScale, 640, 360)
TEST_SCALETO(ARGBScale, 1280, 720)
} // namespace libyuv