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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIInputStream;
interface nsIPresentationAvailabilityListener;
interface nsIPresentationRespondingListener;
interface nsIPresentationSessionListener;
interface nsIPresentationTransportBuilderConstructor;
interface nsIPrincipal;
webidl Blob;
webidl EventTarget;
{ 0x1d9bb10c, 0xc0ab, 0x4fe8, \
{ 0x9e, 0x4f, 0x40, 0x58, 0xb8, 0x51, 0x98, 0x32 } }
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
[ref] native URLArrayRef(const nsTArray<nsString>);
[scriptable, uuid(12073206-0065-4b10-9488-a6eb9b23e65b)]
interface nsIPresentationServiceCallback : nsISupports
* Called when the operation succeeds.
* @param url: the selected request url used to start or reconnect a session.
void notifySuccess(in AString url);
* Called when the operation fails.
* @param error: error message.
void notifyError(in nsresult error);
[scriptable, uuid(de42b741-5619-4650-b961-c2cebb572c95)]
interface nsIPresentationService : nsISupports
const unsigned short ROLE_CONTROLLER = 0x1;
const unsigned short ROLE_RECEIVER = 0x2;
const unsigned short CLOSED_REASON_ERROR = 0x1;
const unsigned short CLOSED_REASON_CLOSED = 0x2;
const unsigned short CLOSED_REASON_WENTAWAY = 0x3;
* Start a new presentation session and display a prompt box which asks users
* to select a device.
* @param urls: The candidate Urls of presenting page. Only one url would be used.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param origin: The url of requesting page.
* @param deviceId: The specified device of handling this request, null string
* for prompt device selection dialog.
* @param windowId: The inner window ID associated with the presentation
* session. (0 implies no window ID since no actual window
* uses 0 as its ID. Generally it's the case the window is
* located in different process from this service)
* @param eventTarget: The chrome event handler, in particular XUL browser
* element in parent process, that the request was
* originated in.
* @param principal: The principal that initiated the session.
* @param callback: Invoke the callback when the operation is completed.
* NotifySuccess() is called with |id| if a session is
* established successfully with the selected device.
* Otherwise, NotifyError() is called with a error message.
* @param constructor: The constructor for creating a transport builder.
[noscript] void startSession(in URLArrayRef urls,
in AString sessionId,
in AString origin,
in AString deviceId,
in unsigned long long windowId,
in EventTarget eventTarget,
in nsIPrincipal principal,
in nsIPresentationServiceCallback callback,
in nsIPresentationTransportBuilderConstructor constructor);
* Send the message to the session.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param data: the message being sent out.
void sendSessionMessage(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in AString data);
* Send the binary message to the session.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param data: the message being sent out.
void sendSessionBinaryMsg(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in ACString data);
* Send the blob to the session.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param blob: The input blob to be sent.
void sendSessionBlob(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in Blob blob);
* Close the session.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
void closeSession(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in uint8_t closedReason);
* Terminate the session.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
void terminateSession(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role);
* Reconnect the session.
* @param url: The request Urls.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param callback: NotifySuccess() is called when a control channel
* is opened successfully.
* Otherwise, NotifyError() is called with a error message.
[noscript] void reconnectSession(in URLArrayRef urls,
in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in nsIPresentationServiceCallback callback);
* Register an availability listener. Must be called from the main thread.
* @param availabilityUrls: The Urls that this listener is interested in.
* @param listener: The listener to register.
[noscript] void registerAvailabilityListener(
in URLArrayRef availabilityUrls,
in nsIPresentationAvailabilityListener listener);
* Unregister an availability listener. Must be called from the main thread.
* @param availabilityUrls: The Urls that are registered before.
* @param listener: The listener to unregister.
[noscript] void unregisterAvailabilityListener(
in URLArrayRef availabilityUrls,
in nsIPresentationAvailabilityListener listener);
* Register a session listener. Must be called from the main thread.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param listener: The listener to register.
void registerSessionListener(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in nsIPresentationSessionListener listener);
* Unregister a session listener. Must be called from the main thread.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
void unregisterSessionListener(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role);
* Register a responding listener. Must be called from the main thread.
* @param windowId: The window ID associated with the listener.
* @param listener: The listener to register.
void registerRespondingListener(in unsigned long long windowId,
in nsIPresentationRespondingListener listener);
* Unregister a responding listener. Must be called from the main thread.
* @param windowId: The window ID associated with the listener.
void unregisterRespondingListener(in unsigned long long windowId);
* Notify the receiver page is ready for presentation use.
* @param sessionId An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param windowId The inner window ID associated with the presentation
* session.
* @param isLoading true if receiver page is loading successfully.
* @param constructor: The constructor for creating a transport builder.
void notifyReceiverReady(in AString sessionId,
in unsigned long long windowId,
in boolean isLoading,
in nsIPresentationTransportBuilderConstructor constructor);
* Notify the transport is closed
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param reason: the error message. NS_OK indicates it is closed normally.
void NotifyTransportClosed(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in nsresult reason);
* Untrack the relevant info about the presentation session if there's any.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
void untrackSessionInfo(in AString sessionId, in uint8_t role);
* The windowId for building RTCDataChannel session transport
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
unsigned long long getWindowIdBySessionId(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role);
* Update the mapping of the session ID and window ID.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
* @param windowId: The inner window ID associated with the presentation
* session.
void updateWindowIdBySessionId(in AString sessionId,
in uint8_t role,
in unsigned long long windowId);
* To build the session transport.
* NOTE: This function should be only called at controller side.
* @param sessionId: An ID to identify presentation session.
* @param role: Identify the function called by controller or receiver.
void buildTransport(in AString sessionId, in uint8_t role);