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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "CustomTypeAnnotation.h"
#include "Utils.h"
CustomTypeAnnotation StackClass =
CustomTypeAnnotation("moz_stack_class", "stack");
CustomTypeAnnotation GlobalClass =
CustomTypeAnnotation("moz_global_class", "global");
CustomTypeAnnotation NonHeapClass =
CustomTypeAnnotation("moz_nonheap_class", "non-heap");
CustomTypeAnnotation HeapClass =
CustomTypeAnnotation("moz_heap_class", "heap");
CustomTypeAnnotation NonTemporaryClass =
CustomTypeAnnotation("moz_non_temporary_class", "non-temporary");
CustomTypeAnnotation NonParam =
CustomTypeAnnotation("moz_non_param", "non-param");
void CustomTypeAnnotation::dumpAnnotationReason(BaseCheck &Check,
QualType T,
SourceLocation Loc) {
const char* Inherits =
"%1 is a %0 type because it inherits from a %0 type %2";
const char* Member =
"%1 is a %0 type because member %2 is a %0 type %3";
const char* Array =
"%1 is a %0 type because it is an array of %0 type %2";
const char* Templ =
"%1 is a %0 type because it has a template argument %0 type %2";
AnnotationReason Reason = directAnnotationReason(T);
for (;;) {
switch (Reason.Kind) {
case RK_ArrayElement:
Check.diag(Loc, Array, DiagnosticIDs::Note) << Pretty << T << Reason.Type;
case RK_BaseClass: {
const CXXRecordDecl *Declaration = T->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
assert(Declaration && "This type should be a C++ class");
Check.diag(Declaration->getLocation(), Inherits, DiagnosticIDs::Note)
<< Pretty << T << Reason.Type;
case RK_Field:
Check.diag(Reason.Field->getLocation(), Member, DiagnosticIDs::Note)
<< Pretty << T << Reason.Field << Reason.Type;
case RK_TemplateInherited: {
const CXXRecordDecl *Declaration = T->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
assert(Declaration && "This type should be a C++ class");
Check.diag(Declaration->getLocation(), Templ, DiagnosticIDs::Note)
<< Pretty << T << Reason.Type;
// FIXME (bug 1203263): note the original annotation.
T = Reason.Type;
Reason = directAnnotationReason(T);
bool CustomTypeAnnotation::hasLiteralAnnotation(QualType T) const {
if (const TagDecl *D = T->getAsTagDecl()) {
if (const CXXRecordDecl *D = T->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
return hasFakeAnnotation(D) || hasCustomAnnotation(D, Spelling);
return false;
CustomTypeAnnotation::directAnnotationReason(QualType T) {
if (hasLiteralAnnotation(T)) {
AnnotationReason Reason = {T, RK_Direct, nullptr};
return Reason;
// Check if we have a cached answer
void *Key = T.getAsOpaquePtr();
ReasonCache::iterator Cached = Cache.find(T.getAsOpaquePtr());
if (Cached != Cache.end()) {
return Cached->second;
// Check if we have a type which we can recurse into
if (const clang::ArrayType *Array = T->getAsArrayTypeUnsafe()) {
if (hasEffectiveAnnotation(Array->getElementType())) {
AnnotationReason Reason = {Array->getElementType(), RK_ArrayElement,
Cache[Key] = Reason;
return Reason;
// Recurse into Base classes
if (const CXXRecordDecl *Declaration = T->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (Declaration->hasDefinition()) {
Declaration = Declaration->getDefinition();
for (const CXXBaseSpecifier &Base : Declaration->bases()) {
if (hasEffectiveAnnotation(Base.getType())) {
AnnotationReason Reason = {Base.getType(), RK_BaseClass, nullptr};
Cache[Key] = Reason;
return Reason;
// Recurse into members
for (const FieldDecl *Field : Declaration->fields()) {
if (hasEffectiveAnnotation(Field->getType())) {
AnnotationReason Reason = {Field->getType(), RK_Field, Field};
Cache[Key] = Reason;
return Reason;
// Recurse into template arguments if the annotation
if (hasCustomAnnotation(
Declaration, "moz_inherit_type_annotations_from_template_args")) {
const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl *Spec =
if (Spec) {
const TemplateArgumentList &Args = Spec->getTemplateArgs();
AnnotationReason Reason = tmplArgAnnotationReason(Args.asArray());
if (Reason.Kind != RK_None) {
Cache[Key] = Reason;
return Reason;
AnnotationReason Reason = {QualType(), RK_None, nullptr};
Cache[Key] = Reason;
return Reason;
CustomTypeAnnotation::tmplArgAnnotationReason(ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> Args) {
for (const TemplateArgument &Arg : Args) {
if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type) {
QualType Type = Arg.getAsType();
if (hasEffectiveAnnotation(Type)) {
AnnotationReason Reason = {Type, RK_TemplateInherited, nullptr};
return Reason;
} else if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Pack) {
AnnotationReason Reason = tmplArgAnnotationReason(Arg.getPackAsArray());
if (Reason.Kind != RK_None) {
return Reason;
AnnotationReason Reason = {QualType(), RK_None, nullptr};
return Reason;