
600 строки
25 KiB

// This file tests the packaged app service - nsIPackagedAppService
// NOTE: The order in which tests are run is important
// If you need to add more tests, it's best to define them at the end
// of the file and to add them at the end of run_test
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// test_bad_args
// - checks that calls to nsIPackagedAppService::GetResource do not accept a null argument
// test_callback_gets_called
// - checks the regular use case -> requesting a resource should asynchronously return an entry
// test_same_content
// - makes another request for the same file, and checks that the same content is returned
// test_request_number
// - this test does not make a request, but checks that the package has only
// been requested once. The entry returned by the call to getResource in
// test_same_content should be returned from the cache.
// test_package_does_not_exist
// - checks that requesting a file from a <package that does not exist>
// calls the listener with an error code
// test_file_does_not_exist
// - checks that requesting a <subresource that doesn't exist> inside a
// package calls the listener with an error code
// test_bad_package
// - tests that a package with missing headers for some of the files
// will still return files that are correct
// test_bad_package_404
// - tests that a request for a missing subresource doesn't hang if
// if the last file in the package is missing some headers
// test_worse_package
// - tests that a request for a missing/existing resource doesn't
// break the service and the async verifier.
var gPrefs = Cc[";1"]
// The number of times this package has been requested
// This number might be reset by tests that use it
var packagedAppRequestsMade = 0;
// The default content handler. It just responds by sending the package data
// with an application/package content type
function packagedAppContentHandler(metadata, response)
if (packagedAppRequestsMade == 2) {
// The second request returns a 304 not modified response
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 304, "Not Modified");
response.bodyOutputStream.write("", 0);
response.setHeader("Content-Type", 'application/package');
var body = testData.getData();
if (packagedAppRequestsMade == 3) {
// The third request returns a 200 OK response with a slightly different content
body = body.replace(/\.\.\./g, 'xxx');
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
function getChannelForURL(url, notificationCallbacks) {
let uri = createURI(url);
let ssm = Cc[";1"]
let principal = ssm.createCodebasePrincipal(uri, {});
let tmpChannel =
uri: url,
loadingPrincipal: principal,
contentPolicyType: Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_OTHER
if (notificationCallbacks) {
tmpChannel.loadInfo.originAttributes = { appId: 1024,
inIsolatedMozBrowser: false
// Use custom notificationCallbacks if any.
tmpChannel.notificationCallbacks = notificationCallbacks;
} else {
tmpChannel.loadInfo.originAttributes = { appId: principal.appId,
inIsolatedMozBrowser: principal.isInIsolatedMozBrowserElement
// After bug 1291652, we should get originAttributes from the nsILoadInfo,
// bug not from the nsILoadContext.
tmpChannel.notificationCallbacks = null;
return tmpChannel;
// The package content
// getData formats it as described at
var testData = {
packageHeader: 'manifest-signature: dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk\r\n',
content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /index.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /scripts/app.js", "Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /scripts/helpers/math.js", "Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "export function sum(nums) { ... }\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" }
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
getData: function() {
var str = "";
for (var i in this.content) {
str += "--" + this.token + "\r\n";
for (var j in this.content[i].headers) {
str += this.content[i].headers[j] + "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += this.content[i].data + "\r\n";
str += "--" + this.token + "--";
return str;
function signedPackage(origin) {
return [
"Content-Location: manifest.webapp\r",
"Content-Type: application/x-web-app-manifest+json\r",
" \"name\": \"My App\",",
" \"moz-resources\": [",
" {",
" \"src\": \"page2.html\",",
" \"integrity\": \"JREF3JbXGvZ+I1KHtoz3f46ZkeIPrvXtG4VyFQrJ7II=\"",
" },",
" {",
" \"src\": \"index.html\",",
" \"integrity\": \"zEubR310nePwd30NThIuoCxKJdnz7Mf5z+dZHUbH1SE=\"",
" },",
" {",
" \"src\": \"scripts/script.js\",",
" \"integrity\": \"6TqtNArQKrrsXEQWu3D9ZD8xvDRIkhyV6zVdTcmsT5Q=\"",
" },",
" {",
" \"src\": \"scripts/library.js\",",
" \"integrity\": \"TN2ByXZiaBiBCvS4MeZ02UyNi44vED+KjdjLInUl4o8=\"",
" }",
" ],",
" \"moz-permissions\": [",
" {",
" \"systemXHR\": {",
" \"description\": \"Needed to download stuff\"",
" },",
" \"devicestorage:pictures\": {",
" \"description\": \"Need to load pictures\"",
" }",
" }",
" ],",
" \"package-identifier\": \"611FC2FE-491D-4A47-B3B3-43FBDF6F404F\",",
" \"moz-package-origin\": \"" + origin + "\",",
" \"description\": \"A great app!\"",
"Content-Location: page2.html\r",
"Content-Type: text/html\r",
" page2.html",
"Content-Location: index.html\r",
"Content-Type: text/html\r",
" Last updated: 2015/10/01 14:10 PST",
"Content-Location: scripts/script.js\r",
"Content-Type: text/javascript\r",
"// script.js",
"Content-Location: scripts/library.js\r",
"Content-Type: text/javascript\r",
"// library.js",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "uri", function() {
return "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort;
// The active http server initialized in run_test
var httpserver = null;
// The packaged app service initialized in run_test
var paservice = null;
// This variable is set before getResource is called. The listener uses this variable
// to check the correct resource path for the returned entry
var packagePath = null;
function run_test()
// setup test
httpserver = new HttpServer();
httpserver.registerPathHandler("/package", packagedAppContentHandler);
httpserver.registerPathHandler("/304Package", packagedAppContentHandler);
httpserver.registerPathHandler("/badPackage", packagedAppBadContentHandler);
let worsePackageNum = 6;
for (let i = 0; i < worsePackageNum; i++) {
httpserver.registerPathHandler("/worsePackage_" + i,
packagedAppWorseContentHandler.bind(null, i));
paservice = Cc[";1"]
ok(!!paservice, "test service exists");
// Channels created by addons could have no load info.
// In debug mode this triggers an assertion, but we still want to test that
// it works in optimized mode. See bug 1196021 comment 17
if (Components.classes[";1"]
.isDebugBuild == false) {
// run tests
// This checks the proper metadata is on the entry
var metadataListener = {
onMetaDataElement: function(key, value) {
if (key == 'response-head') {
var kExpectedResponseHead = "HTTP/1.1 200 \r\nContent-Location: /index.html\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n";
ok(0 === value.indexOf(kExpectedResponseHead), 'The cached response header not matched');
else if (key == 'request-method')
equal(value, "GET");
ok(false, "unexpected metadata key")
// A listener we use to check the proper cache entry is returned by the service
function packagedResourceListener(content) {
this.content = content;
packagedResourceListener.prototype = {
QueryInterface: function (iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback) ||
return this;
onCacheEntryCheck: function() { return Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED; },
onCacheEntryAvailable: function (entry, isnew, appcache, status) {
equal(status, Cr.NS_OK, "status is NS_OK");
ok(!!entry, "Needs to have an entry");
equal(entry.key, uri + packagePath + "!//index.html", "Check entry has correct name");
var inputStream = entry.openInputStream(0);
pumpReadStream(inputStream, (read) => {
equal(read, this.content); // not using do_check_eq since logger will fail for the 1/4MB string
var cacheListener = new packagedResourceListener(testData.content[0].data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These calls should fail, since one of the arguments is invalid or null
function test_bad_args() {
Assert.throws(() => { paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(""), cacheListener); }, "url's with no !// aren't allowed");
Assert.throws(() => { paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL("!//test"), null); }, "should have a callback");
Assert.throws(() => { paservice.getResource(null, cacheListener); }, "should have a channel");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This tests that the callback gets called, and the cacheListener gets the proper content.
function test_callback_gets_called() {
packagePath = "/package";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), cacheListener);
// Tests that requesting the same resource returns the same content
function test_same_content() {
packagePath = "/package";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), cacheListener);
// Check the content handler has been called the expected number of times.
function test_request_number() {
equal(packagedAppRequestsMade, 2, "2 requests are expected. First with content, second is a 304 not modified.");
// This tests that new content is returned if the package has been updated
function test_updated_package() {
packagePath = "/package";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
new packagedResourceListener(testData.content[0].data.replace(/\.\.\./g, 'xxx')));
// This tests that requested URI with reference should still work.
function test_request_has_ref() {
packagePath = "/package";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html#Ref";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), cacheListener);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This listener checks that the requested resources are not returned
// either because the package does not exist, or because the requested resource
// is not contained in the package.
var listener404 = {
onCacheEntryCheck: function() { return Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED; },
onCacheEntryAvailable: function (entry, isnew, appcache, status) {
// XXX: it returns NS_ERROR_FAILURE for a missing package
// and NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND for a missing file from the package.
// Maybe make them both return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND?
notEqual(status, Cr.NS_OK, "NOT FOUND");
ok(!entry, "There should be no entry");
// Tests that an error is returned for a non existing package
function test_package_does_not_exist() {
packagePath = "/package_non_existent";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), listener404);
// Tests that an error is returned for a non existing resource in a package
function test_file_does_not_exist() {
packagePath = "/package"; // This package exists
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//file_non_existent.html";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), listener404);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Broken package. The first and last resources do not contain a "Content-Location" header
// and should be ignored.
var badTestData = {
content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /index.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "export function sum(nums) { ... }\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" }
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
getData: function() {
var str = "";
for (var i in this.content) {
str += "--" + this.token + "\r\n";
for (var j in this.content[i].headers) {
str += this.content[i].headers[j] + "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += this.content[i].data + "\r\n";
str += "--" + this.token + "--";
return str;
// Returns the content of the package with "Content-Location" headers missing for the first and last resource
function packagedAppBadContentHandler(metadata, response)
response.setHeader("Content-Type", 'application/package');
var body = badTestData.getData();
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
// Checks that the resource with the proper headers inside the bad package is still returned
function test_bad_package() {
packagePath = "/badPackage";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), cacheListener);
// Checks that the request for a non-existent resource doesn't hang for a bad package
function test_bad_package_404() {
packagePath = "/badPackage";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//file_non_existent.html";
paservice.getResource(getChannelForURL(url), listener404);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: This test only runs in NON-DEBUG mode.
function test_channel_no_loadinfo() {
packagePath = "/package";
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
let channel = getChannelForURL(url);
channel.loadInfo = null;
paservice.getResource(channel, cacheListener);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Worse package testing to ensure the async PackagedAppVerifier working good.
function getData(aTestingData) {
var str = "";
for (var i in aTestingData.content) {
str += "--" + aTestingData.token + "\r\n";
for (var j in aTestingData.content[i].headers) {
str += aTestingData.content[i].headers[j] + "\r\n";
str += "\r\n";
str += aTestingData.content[i].data + "\r\n";
str += "--" + aTestingData.token + "--";
return str;
var worseTestData = [
// 0. Only one broken resource.
{ content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
// 1. Only one valid resource.
{ content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /index.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
// 2. All broken resources.
{ content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "export function sum(nums) { ... }\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" }
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
// 3. All broken resources except the first one.
{ content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /index.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "export function sum(nums) { ... }\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" }
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
// 4. All broken resources except the last one.
{ content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "export function sum(nums) { ... }\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /index.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
// 5. All broken resources except the first and the last one.
{ content: [
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /whatever.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "module Math from '/scripts/helpers/math.js';\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
{ headers: ["Content-Type: text/javascript"], data: "export function sum(nums) { ... }\r\n...\r\n", type: "text/javascript" },
{ headers: ["Content-Location: /index.html", "Content-Type: text/html"], data: "<html>\r\n <head>\r\n <script src=\"/scripts/app.js\"></script>\r\n ...\r\n </head>\r\n ...\r\n</html>\r\n", type: "text/html" },
token : "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p",
function packagedAppWorseContentHandler(index, metadata, response)
response.setHeader("Content-Type", 'application/package');
var body = getData(worseTestData[index]);
response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length);
function test_worse_package(index, success) {
packagePath = "/worsePackage_" + index;
let url = uri + packagePath + "!//index.html";
let channel = getChannelForURL(url);
paservice.getResource(channel, {
QueryInterface: function (iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback) ||
return this;
onCacheEntryCheck: function() { return Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED; },
onCacheEntryAvailable: function (entry, isnew, appcache, status) {
let cacheSuccess = (status === Cr.NS_OK);
equal(success, status === Cr.NS_OK, "Check status");
function test_worse_package_0() {
test_worse_package(0, false);
function test_worse_package_1() {
test_worse_package(1, true);
function test_worse_package_2() {
test_worse_package(2, false);
function test_worse_package_3() {
test_worse_package(3, true);
function test_worse_package_4() {
test_worse_package(4, true);
function test_worse_package_5() {
test_worse_package(5, true);
// Used as a stub when the cache listener is not important.
var dummyCacheListener = {
QueryInterface: function (iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback) ||
return this;
onCacheEntryCheck: function() { return Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED; },
onCacheEntryAvailable: function () {}
function setTrustedOrigin() {
let pref = "network.http.signed-packages.trusted-origin";
ok(!!Ci.nsISupportsString, "Ci.nsISupportsString");
let origin = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString); = uri;
gPrefs.setComplexValue(pref, Ci.nsISupportsString, origin);
function resetTrustedOrigin() {