зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev.git
418 строки
15 KiB
418 строки
15 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
<binding id="documenttab">
<content observes="bcast_urlbarState">
<xul:vbox anonid="container" class="documenttab-container" left="0" top="0" observes="bcast_urlbarState">
<xul:stack anonid="page" flex="1">
<html:canvas anonid="thumbnail" class="documenttab-thumbnail" left="0" moz-opaque="true" empty="true"
<xul:hbox anonid="reload" class="documenttab-reload" left="0" top="0" onclick="document.getBindingParent(this)._onUndo();" observes="bcast_urlbarState"/>
<xul:hbox anonid="close-container" class="documenttab-close-container" top="0" align="center" onclick="event.stopPropagation(); document.getBindingParent(this)._onClose()" observes="bcast_urlbarState">
<xul:image anonid="close" class="documenttab-close" mousethrough="always" observes="bcast_urlbarState"/>
<xul:label anonid="title" crop="end" class="documenttab-title" observes="bcast_urlbarState"/>
<handler event="click" clickcount="1" action="this._onClick()"/>
<field name="ignoreUndo">false</field>
<field name="thumbnail" readonly="true">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "thumbnail");</field>
<field name="_reload" readonly="true">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "reload");</field>
<field name="_closeContainer" readonly="true">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "close-container");</field>
<field name="_title" readonly="true">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "title");</field>
<field name="_container" readonly="true">this.parentNode.parentNode;</field>
<method name="updateTabletLayout">
<parameter name="thumbnail"/>
let tabWidth, tabHeight;
if (Util.isTablet()) {
tabWidth = 176;
tabHeight = 108;
} else {
tabWidth = 104;
tabHeight = 65;
if (tabWidth != thumbnail.width) {
let reload = this._reload;
let closeContainer = this._closeContainer;
let title = this._title;
thumbnail.width = reload.width = title.width = tabWidth;
thumbnail.height = reload.height = closeContainer.height = tabHeight;
<method name="_onClick">
this._container.selectedTab = this;
let selectFn = new Function("event", this._container.parentNode.getAttribute("onselect"));
<method name="_onClose">
let callbackFunc = this._container.parentNode.getAttribute(this.hasAttribute("reload") ? "onclosereloadtab" : "onclosetab");
let closeFn = new Function("event", callbackFunc);
<method name="_onUndo">
let container = this._container;
let closeFn = new Function("event", container.getAttribute("onreloadtab"));
<method name="updateTitle">
<parameter name="title"/>
this._title.value = title;
<method name="updateThumbnail">
<parameter name="browser"/>
<parameter name="width"/>
<parameter name="height"/>
let thumbnail = this.thumbnail;
// Ensure the thumbnail will have the correct
// dimensions for tablet and phone modes
if (browser.currentURI.spec == "about:blank") {
thumbnail.setAttribute("empty", "true");
const tabWidth = thumbnail.width;
const tabHeight = thumbnail.height;
let ratio = tabHeight / tabWidth;
if (browser.contentDocumentWidth > 0)
width = Math.min(width, browser.contentDocumentWidth);
if (browser.contentDocumentHeight > 0)
height = Math.min(height, browser.contentDocumentHeight);
let newHeight = width * ratio;
if (height >= newHeight) {
height = newHeight;
} else {
// the browser aspect ratio does not match the tabs aspect ratio
width = height / ratio;
// Recreate the canvas as it may be tainted and not useable for remote pages
if (thumbnail.hasAttribute("restored")) {
thumbnail = this.thumbnail.cloneNode(false);
this.thumbnail.parentNode.replaceChild(thumbnail, this.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
let self = this;
let renderer = rendererFactory(browser, thumbnail);
renderer.drawContent(function(ctx, callback) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, tabWidth, tabHeight);
ctx.scale(tabWidth / width, tabHeight / height);
callback(browser, 0, 0, width, height, "white");
// We don't have an event for the async drawContent anymore, so hack it
setTimeout(function() {
// Save the thumbnail to the session in case we need to use it in a restore
let data = thumbnail.toDataURL("image/png");
let ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore);
ss.setTabValue(self, "thumbnail", data);
}, 800);
<binding id="tablist">
<xul:scrollbox anonid="tabs-scrollbox" class="tabs-scrollbox" flex="1">
<xul:vbox class="tabs-list" anonid="tabs-children" />
<xul:box class="tabs-list" anonid="tabs-undo"/>
<handler event="TapDouble" action="this._onDoubleTap();"/>
<field name="children">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tabs-children");</field>
<field name="_scrollbox">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tabs-scrollbox");</field>
<field name="_tabsUndo">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "tabs-undo");</field>
<field name="_selectedTab">null</field>
// This customDragger wraps the default dragger, and looks for
// horizontal movement to hide or show the tab bar in tablet mode.
let scrollbox = this._scrollbox;
let [,scroller,dragger] = ScrollUtils.getScrollboxFromElement(scrollbox);
scrollbox.customDragger = {
_grabSidebar: false,
isDraggable: function isDraggable(target, content) {
return { x: true, y: true };
dragStart: function dragStart(cx, cy, target) {
this._canGrabSidebar = true;
this._grabSidebar = false;
dragger.dragStart(cx, cy, target, scroller);
dragStop: function dragStop(dx, dy) {
if (this._grabSidebar)
dragger.dragStop(dx, dy, scroller);
dragMove: function dragMove(dx, dy) {
if (this._canGrabSidebar) {
this._grabSidebar = TabletSidebar.tryGrab(dx);
// After trying once, don't keep checking every move.
this._canGrabSidebar = false;
if (this._grabSidebar)
return dragger.dragMove(dx, dy, scroller);
<!-- Used by the chrome input handler -->
<property name="boxObject"
onget="return this._scrollbox.boxObject;"/>
<field name="scrollBoxObject">
<field name="_closedTab">null</field>
<property name="hasClosedTab" readonly="true" onget="return !!this._closedTab;"/>
<property name="selectedTab" onget="return this._selectedTab;">
if (this._selectedTab)
if (val)
val.setAttribute("selected", "true");
this._selectedTab = val;
<method name="addTab">
let tab = document.createElement("documenttab");
return tab;
<method name="removeTab">
<parameter name="aTab"/>
let closedTab = this._closedTab;
if (closedTab) {
this._closedTab = null;
let isEmpty = (aTab.thumbnail && aTab.thumbnail.hasAttribute("empty"));
if (aTab.ignoreUndo || isEmpty) {
} else if (!closedTab || closedTab != aTab) {
// duplicate the old thumbnail to the new one because moving the
// tab in the dom clear the canvas
let oldThumbnail = aTab.thumbnail.toDataURL("image/png");
let thumbnailImg = new Image();
thumbnailImg.onload = function() {
if (aTab.thumbnail)
aTab.thumbnail.getContext("2d").drawImage(thumbnailImg, 0, 0);
thumbnailImg.src = oldThumbnail;
aTab.setAttribute("reload", "true");
this._closedTab = aTab;
<method name="removeClosedTab">
if (!this._closedTab)
<method name="resize">
let container = Rect.fromRect(this.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect());
if (container.height == 0)
return; // Don't try to resize while collapsed.
let element = Rect.fromRect(this._scrollbox.getBoundingClientRect());
let undo = Rect.fromRect(this._tabsUndo.getBoundingClientRect());
let lastChild = Rect.fromRect(this.parentNode.lastChild.getBoundingClientRect());
let height = window.innerHeight - element.top - (lastChild.top - element.bottom) - lastChild.height;
this.children.style.height = height + "px";
this._scrollbox.style.height = height + "px";
<field name="_columnsCount">0</field>
<method name="_updateWidth">
// XXX we can do better than using a constant
const COLUMN_MARGIN = 20;
let firstBox = this.children.firstChild.getBoundingClientRect();
let lastBox = this.children.lastChild.getBoundingClientRect();
// We can't rely on getBoundingClientRect() for this.children height
// it is not synced (sometimes, especially during resize) with the
// style.height rule
let columnsCount = Util.isTablet() ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.children.childNodes.length / Math.floor(parseInt(this.children.style.height) / (firstBox.height + 4)));
if (this._columnsCount != columnsCount && window.innerWidth > 1) { // > 1 to ignore column resizing while the main window is loading
let width = columnsCount * (COLUMN_MARGIN + firstBox.width);
this.children.style.width = width + "px";
// Clamp the sidebar width so it won't overflow the window. Only clamp
// the scrollbox. The children need to be the full width.
if (width > window.innerWidth - firstBox.width)
width = window.innerWidth - firstBox.width;
this._scrollbox.style.width = width + "px";
this._columnsCount = columnsCount;
<method name="_onDoubleTap">
new Function("event", this.getAttribute("ondoubletap")).call();
<binding id="documenttab-popup" extends="chrome://browser/content/bindings.xml#richlistitem">
<xul:box class="tab-popup-item-box">
<xul:image class="documenttab-popup-checkmark"/>
<xul:image class="documenttab-popup-favicon" xbl:inherits="src=img"/>
<xul:label class="documenttab-popup-label" xbl:inherits="value=label" crop="center"/>
<xul:button class="documenttab-popup-closebutton" onclick="event.stopPropagation(); document.getBindingParent(this)._onClose()" />
<field name="_container" readonly="true">this.parentNode;</field>
<field name="tab">null</field>
<method name="_onClick">
this._container.selectedTab = this;
let selectFn = new Function("event", this._container.getAttribute("onselect"));
<method name="_onClose">
let callbackFunc = this._container.getAttribute(this.hasAttribute("reload") ? "onclosereloadtab" : "onclosetab");
let closeFn = new Function("event", callbackFunc);
<handler event="click" action="this._onClick();"/>