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Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "Cookie.h"
#include "CookieCommons.h"
#include "CookieLogging.h"
#include "CookieStorage.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/nsMixedContentBlocker.h"
#include "nsIMutableArray.h"
#include "nsTPriorityQueue.h"
#include "nsIScriptError.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h"
#include "prprf.h"
#include "nsIPrefService.h"
#define ADD_TEN_PERCENT(i) static_cast<uint32_t>((i) + (i) / 10)
#undef LIMIT
#define LIMIT(x, low, high, default) \
((x) >= (low) && (x) <= (high) ? (x) : (default))
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
namespace {
// comparator class for lastaccessed times of cookies.
class CompareCookiesByAge {
static bool Equals(const CookieListIter& a, const CookieListIter& b) {
return a.Cookie()->LastAccessed() == b.Cookie()->LastAccessed() &&
a.Cookie()->CreationTime() == b.Cookie()->CreationTime();
static bool LessThan(const CookieListIter& a, const CookieListIter& b) {
// compare by lastAccessed time, and tiebreak by creationTime.
int64_t result = a.Cookie()->LastAccessed() - b.Cookie()->LastAccessed();
if (result != 0) {
return result < 0;
return a.Cookie()->CreationTime() < b.Cookie()->CreationTime();
// Cookie comparator for the priority queue used in FindStaleCookies.
// Note that the expired cookie has the highest priority.
// Other non-expired cookies are sorted by their age.
class CookieIterComparator {
int64_t mCurrentTime;
explicit CookieIterComparator(int64_t aTime) : mCurrentTime(aTime) {}
bool LessThan(const CookieListIter& lhs, const CookieListIter& rhs) {
bool lExpired = lhs.Cookie()->Expiry() <= mCurrentTime;
bool rExpired = rhs.Cookie()->Expiry() <= mCurrentTime;
if (lExpired && !rExpired) {
return true;
if (!lExpired && rExpired) {
return false;
return mozilla::net::CompareCookiesByAge::LessThan(lhs, rhs);
// comparator class for sorting cookies by entry and index.
class CompareCookiesByIndex {
static bool Equals(const CookieListIter& a, const CookieListIter& b) {
NS_ASSERTION(a.entry != b.entry || a.index != b.index,
"cookie indexes should never be equal");
return false;
static bool LessThan(const CookieListIter& a, const CookieListIter& b) {
// compare by entryclass pointer, then by index.
if (a.entry != b.entry) {
return a.entry < b.entry;
return a.index < b.index;
} // namespace
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CookieEntry
size_t CookieEntry::SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
size_t amount = CookieKey::SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
amount += mCookies.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCookies.Length(); ++i) {
amount += mCookies[i]->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
return amount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CookieStorage
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(CookieStorage, nsIObserver, nsISupportsWeakReference)
void CookieStorage::Init() {
// init our pref and observer
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
if (prefBranch) {
prefBranch->AddObserver(kPrefMaxNumberOfCookies, this, true);
prefBranch->AddObserver(kPrefMaxCookiesPerHost, this, true);
prefBranch->AddObserver(kPrefCookiePurgeAge, this, true);
size_t CookieStorage::SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
size_t amount = 0;
amount += aMallocSizeOf(this);
amount += mHostTable.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
return amount;
void CookieStorage::GetCookies(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aCookies) const {
for (const auto& entry : mHostTable) {
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = entry.GetCookies();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookies.Length(); ++i) {
void CookieStorage::GetSessionCookies(
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aCookies) const {
for (const auto& entry : mHostTable) {
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = entry.GetCookies();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookies.Length(); ++i) {
Cookie* cookie = cookies[i];
// Filter out non-session cookies.
if (cookie->IsSession()) {
// find an exact cookie specified by host, name, and path that hasn't expired.
bool CookieStorage::FindCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
const nsACString& aHost, const nsACString& aName,
const nsACString& aPath, CookieListIter& aIter) {
CookieEntry* entry =
mHostTable.GetEntry(CookieKey(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes));
if (!entry) {
return false;
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = entry->GetCookies();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookies.Length(); ++i) {
Cookie* cookie = cookies[i];
if (aHost.Equals(cookie->Host()) && aPath.Equals(cookie->Path()) &&
aName.Equals(cookie->Name())) {
aIter = CookieListIter(entry, i);
return true;
return false;
// find an secure cookie specified by host and name
bool CookieStorage::FindSecureCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
Cookie* aCookie) {
CookieEntry* entry =
mHostTable.GetEntry(CookieKey(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes));
if (!entry) {
return false;
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = entry->GetCookies();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookies.Length(); ++i) {
Cookie* cookie = cookies[i];
// isn't a match if insecure or a different name
if (!cookie->IsSecure() || !aCookie->Name().Equals(cookie->Name())) {
// The host must "domain-match" an existing cookie or vice-versa
if (CookieCommons::DomainMatches(cookie, aCookie->Host()) ||
CookieCommons::DomainMatches(aCookie, cookie->Host())) {
// If the path of new cookie and the path of existing cookie
// aren't "/", then this situation needs to compare paths to
// ensure only that a newly-created non-secure cookie does not
// overlay an existing secure cookie.
if (CookieCommons::PathMatches(cookie, aCookie->GetFilePath())) {
return true;
return false;
uint32_t CookieStorage::CountCookiesFromHost(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
uint32_t aPrivateBrowsingId) {
OriginAttributes attrs;
attrs.mPrivateBrowsingId = aPrivateBrowsingId;
// Return a count of all cookies, including expired.
CookieEntry* entry = mHostTable.GetEntry(CookieKey(aBaseDomain, attrs));
return entry ? entry->GetCookies().Length() : 0;
void CookieStorage::GetAll(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aResult) const {
for (const auto& entry : mHostTable) {
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = entry.GetCookies();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookies.Length(); ++i) {
const nsTArray<RefPtr<Cookie>>* CookieStorage::GetCookiesFromHost(
const nsACString& aBaseDomain, const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes) {
CookieEntry* entry =
mHostTable.GetEntry(CookieKey(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes));
return entry ? &entry->GetCookies() : nullptr;
void CookieStorage::GetCookiesWithOriginAttributes(
const OriginAttributesPattern& aPattern, const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aResult) {
for (auto iter = mHostTable.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
CookieEntry* entry = iter.Get();
if (!aBaseDomain.IsEmpty() && !aBaseDomain.Equals(entry->mBaseDomain)) {
if (!aPattern.Matches(entry->mOriginAttributes)) {
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& entryCookies = entry->GetCookies();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < entryCookies.Length(); ++i) {
void CookieStorage::RemoveCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
const nsACString& aHost,
const nsACString& aName,
const nsACString& aPath) {
CookieListIter matchIter{};
RefPtr<Cookie> cookie;
if (FindCookie(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes, aHost, aName, aPath,
matchIter)) {
cookie = matchIter.Cookie();
if (cookie) {
// Everything's done. Notify observers.
NotifyChanged(cookie, u"deleted");
void CookieStorage::RemoveCookiesWithOriginAttributes(
const OriginAttributesPattern& aPattern, const nsACString& aBaseDomain) {
// Iterate the hash table of CookieEntry.
for (auto iter = mHostTable.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
CookieEntry* entry = iter.Get();
if (!aBaseDomain.IsEmpty() && !aBaseDomain.Equals(entry->mBaseDomain)) {
if (!aPattern.Matches(entry->mOriginAttributes)) {
// Pattern matches. Delete all cookies within this CookieEntry.
uint32_t cookiesCount = entry->GetCookies().Length();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookiesCount; ++i) {
// Remove the first cookie from the list.
CookieListIter iter(entry, 0);
RefPtr<Cookie> cookie = iter.Cookie();
// Remove the cookie.
if (cookie) {
NotifyChanged(cookie, u"deleted");
void CookieStorage::RemoveCookiesFromExactHost(
const nsACString& aHost, const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributesPattern& aPattern) {
// Iterate the hash table of CookieEntry.
for (auto iter = mHostTable.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
CookieEntry* entry = iter.Get();
if (!aBaseDomain.Equals(entry->mBaseDomain)) {
if (!aPattern.Matches(entry->mOriginAttributes)) {
uint32_t cookiesCount = entry->GetCookies().Length();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = cookiesCount; i != 0; --i) {
CookieListIter iter(entry, i - 1);
RefPtr<Cookie> cookie = iter.Cookie();
if (!aHost.Equals(cookie->RawHost())) {
// Remove the cookie.
if (cookie) {
NotifyChanged(cookie, u"deleted");
void CookieStorage::RemoveAll() {
// clearing the hashtable will call each CookieEntry's dtor,
// which releases all their respective children.
mCookieCount = 0;
mCookieOldestTime = INT64_MAX;
NotifyChanged(nullptr, u"cleared");
// notify observers that the cookie list changed. there are five possible
// values for aData:
// "deleted" means a cookie was deleted. aSubject is the deleted cookie.
// "added" means a cookie was added. aSubject is the added cookie.
// "changed" means a cookie was altered. aSubject is the new cookie.
// "cleared" means the entire cookie list was cleared. aSubject is null.
// "batch-deleted" means a set of cookies was purged. aSubject is the list of
// cookies.
void CookieStorage::NotifyChanged(nsISupports* aSubject, const char16_t* aData,
bool aOldCookieIsSession) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = services::GetObserverService();
if (!os) {
// Notify for topic "private-cookie-changed" or "cookie-changed"
os->NotifyObservers(aSubject, NotificationTopic(), aData);
NotifyChangedInternal(aSubject, aData, aOldCookieIsSession);
// this is a backend function for adding a cookie to the list, via SetCookie.
// also used in the cookie manager, for profile migration from IE. it either
// replaces an existing cookie; or adds the cookie to the hashtable, and
// deletes a cookie (if maximum number of cookies has been reached). also
// performs list maintenance by removing expired cookies.
void CookieStorage::AddCookie(nsIConsoleReportCollector* aCRC,
const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
Cookie* aCookie, int64_t aCurrentTimeInUsec,
nsIURI* aHostURI, const nsACString& aCookieHeader,
bool aFromHttp) {
int64_t currentTime = aCurrentTimeInUsec / PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
CookieListIter exactIter{};
bool foundCookie = false;
foundCookie = FindCookie(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes, aCookie->Host(),
aCookie->Name(), aCookie->Path(), exactIter);
bool foundSecureExact = foundCookie && exactIter.Cookie()->IsSecure();
bool potentiallyTrustworthy = true;
if (aHostURI) {
potentiallyTrustworthy =
constexpr auto CONSOLE_REJECTION_CATEGORY = "cookiesRejection"_ns;
bool oldCookieIsSession = false;
// Step1, call FindSecureCookie(). FindSecureCookie() would
// find the existing cookie with the security flag and has
// the same name, host and path of the new cookie, if there is any.
// Step2, Confirm new cookie's security setting. If any targeted
// cookie had been found in Step1, then confirm whether the
// new cookie could modify it. If the new created cookies
// "secure-only-flag" is not set, and the "scheme" component
// of the "request-uri" does not denote a "secure" protocol,
// then ignore the new cookie.
// (draft-ietf-httpbis-cookie-alone section 3.2)
if (!aCookie->IsSecure() &&
(foundSecureExact ||
FindSecureCookie(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes, aCookie)) &&
!potentiallyTrustworthy) {
"cookie can't save because older cookie is secure "
"cookie but newer cookie is non-secure cookie");
aCRC, aHostURI, nsIScriptError::warningFlag, CONSOLE_REJECTION_CATEGORY,
AutoTArray<nsString, 1>{
RefPtr<Cookie> oldCookie;
nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> purgedList;
if (foundCookie) {
oldCookie = exactIter.Cookie();
oldCookieIsSession = oldCookie->IsSession();
// Check if the old cookie is stale (i.e. has already expired). If so, we
// need to be careful about the semantics of removing it and adding the new
// cookie: we want the behavior wrt adding the new cookie to be the same as
// if it didn't exist, but we still want to fire a removal notification.
if (oldCookie->Expiry() <= currentTime) {
if (aCookie->Expiry() <= currentTime) {
// The new cookie has expired and the old one is stale. Nothing to do.
"cookie has already expired");
aCRC, aHostURI, nsIScriptError::warningFlag,
CONSOLE_REJECTION_CATEGORY, "CookieRejectedExpired"_ns,
AutoTArray<nsString, 1>{
// Remove the stale cookie. We save notification for later, once all list
// modifications are complete.
"stale cookie was purged");
purgedList = CreatePurgeList(oldCookie);
// We've done all we need to wrt removing and notifying the stale cookie.
// From here on out, we pretend pretend it didn't exist, so that we
// preserve expected notification semantics when adding the new cookie.
foundCookie = false;
} else {
// If the old cookie is httponly, make sure we're not coming from script.
if (!aFromHttp && oldCookie->IsHttpOnly()) {
SET_COOKIE, aHostURI, aCookieHeader,
"previously stored cookie is httponly; coming from script");
aCRC, aHostURI, nsIScriptError::warningFlag,
AutoTArray<nsString, 1>{
// If the new cookie has the same value, expiry date, isSecure, isSession,
// isHttpOnly and SameSite flags then we can just keep the old one.
// Only if any of these differ we would want to override the cookie.
if (oldCookie->Value().Equals(aCookie->Value()) &&
oldCookie->Expiry() == aCookie->Expiry() &&
oldCookie->IsSecure() == aCookie->IsSecure() &&
oldCookie->IsSession() == aCookie->IsSession() &&
oldCookie->IsHttpOnly() == aCookie->IsHttpOnly() &&
oldCookie->SameSite() == aCookie->SameSite() &&
oldCookie->RawSameSite() == aCookie->RawSameSite() &&
oldCookie->SchemeMap() == aCookie->SchemeMap() &&
// We don't want to perform this optimization if the cookie is
// considered stale, since in this case we would need to update the
// database.
!oldCookie->IsStale()) {
// Update the last access time on the old cookie.
// Merge the scheme map in case the old cookie and the new cookie are
// used with different schemes.
MergeCookieSchemeMap(oldCookie, aCookie);
// Remove the old cookie.
// If the new cookie has expired -- i.e. the intent was simply to delete
// the old cookie -- then we're done.
if (aCookie->Expiry() <= currentTime) {
"previously stored cookie was deleted");
aCRC, aHostURI, nsIScriptError::warningFlag,
CONSOLE_REJECTION_CATEGORY, "CookieRejectedExpired"_ns,
AutoTArray<nsString, 1>{
NotifyChanged(oldCookie, u"deleted", oldCookieIsSession);
// Preserve creation time of cookie for ordering purposes.
} else {
// check if cookie has already expired
if (aCookie->Expiry() <= currentTime) {
"cookie has already expired");
aCRC, aHostURI, nsIScriptError::warningFlag,
CONSOLE_REJECTION_CATEGORY, "CookieRejectedExpired"_ns,
AutoTArray<nsString, 1>{
// check if we have to delete an old cookie.
CookieEntry* entry =
mHostTable.GetEntry(CookieKey(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes));
if (entry && entry->GetCookies().Length() >= mMaxCookiesPerHost) {
nsTArray<CookieListIter> removedIterList;
// Prioritize evicting insecure cookies.
// (draft-ietf-httpbis-cookie-alone section 3.3)
uint32_t limit = mMaxCookiesPerHost - mCookieQuotaPerHost;
FindStaleCookies(entry, currentTime, false, removedIterList, limit);
if (removedIterList.Length() == 0) {
if (aCookie->IsSecure()) {
// It's valid to evict a secure cookie for another secure cookie.
FindStaleCookies(entry, currentTime, true, removedIterList, limit);
} else {
"Too many cookies for this domain and the new "
"cookie is not a secure cookie");
// Sort |removedIterList| by index again, since we have to remove the
// cookie in the reverse order.
for (auto it = removedIterList.rbegin(); it != removedIterList.rend();
it++) {
RefPtr<Cookie> evictedCookie = (*it).Cookie();
COOKIE_LOGEVICTED(evictedCookie, "Too many cookies for this domain");
CreateOrUpdatePurgeList(getter_AddRefs(purgedList), evictedCookie);
} else if (mCookieCount >= ADD_TEN_PERCENT(mMaxNumberOfCookies)) {
int64_t maxAge = aCurrentTimeInUsec - mCookieOldestTime;
int64_t purgeAge = ADD_TEN_PERCENT(mCookiePurgeAge);
if (maxAge >= purgeAge) {
// we're over both size and age limits by 10%; time to purge the table!
// do this by:
// 1) removing expired cookies;
// 2) evicting the balance of old cookies until we reach the size limit.
// note that the mCookieOldestTime indicator can be pessimistic - if
// it's older than the actual oldest cookie, we'll just purge more
// eagerly.
purgedList = PurgeCookies(aCurrentTimeInUsec, mMaxNumberOfCookies,
// Add the cookie to the db. We do not supply a params array for batching
// because this might result in removals and additions being out of order.
AddCookieToList(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes, aCookie);
StoreCookie(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes, aCookie);
COOKIE_LOGSUCCESS(SET_COOKIE, aHostURI, aCookieHeader, aCookie, foundCookie);
// Now that list mutations are complete, notify observers. We do it here
// because observers may themselves attempt to mutate the list.
if (purgedList) {
NotifyChanged(purgedList, u"batch-deleted");
NotifyChanged(aCookie, foundCookie ? u"changed" : u"added",
void CookieStorage::UpdateCookieOldestTime(Cookie* aCookie) {
if (aCookie->LastAccessed() < mCookieOldestTime) {
mCookieOldestTime = aCookie->LastAccessed();
void CookieStorage::MergeCookieSchemeMap(Cookie* aOldCookie,
Cookie* aNewCookie) {
aNewCookie->SetSchemeMap(aOldCookie->SchemeMap() | aNewCookie->SchemeMap());
void CookieStorage::AddCookieToList(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
Cookie* aCookie) {
if (!aCookie) {
NS_WARNING("Attempting to AddCookieToList with null cookie");
CookieKey key(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes);
CookieEntry* entry = mHostTable.PutEntry(key);
NS_ASSERTION(entry, "can't insert element into a null entry!");
// keep track of the oldest cookie, for when it comes time to purge
// static
already_AddRefed<nsIArray> CookieStorage::CreatePurgeList(nsICookie* aCookie) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> removedList =
return removedList.forget();
// Given the output iter array and the count limit, find cookies
// sort by expiry and lastAccessed time.
// static
void CookieStorage::FindStaleCookies(CookieEntry* aEntry, int64_t aCurrentTime,
bool aIsSecure,
nsTArray<CookieListIter>& aOutput,
uint32_t aLimit) {
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = aEntry->GetCookies();
CookieIterComparator comp(aCurrentTime);
nsTPriorityQueue<CookieListIter, CookieIterComparator> queue(comp);
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < cookies.Length(); ++i) {
Cookie* cookie = cookies[i];
if (cookie->Expiry() <= aCurrentTime) {
queue.Push(CookieListIter(aEntry, i));
if (!aIsSecure) {
// We want to look for the non-secure cookie first time through,
// then find the secure cookie the second time this function is called.
if (cookie->IsSecure()) {
queue.Push(CookieListIter(aEntry, i));
uint32_t count = 0;
while (!queue.IsEmpty() && count < aLimit) {
// static
void CookieStorage::CreateOrUpdatePurgeList(nsIArray** aPurgedList,
nsICookie* aCookie) {
if (!*aPurgedList) {
COOKIE_LOGSTRING(LogLevel::Debug, ("Creating new purge list"));
nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> purgedList = CreatePurgeList(aCookie);
nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> purgedList = do_QueryInterface(*aPurgedList);
if (purgedList) {
COOKIE_LOGSTRING(LogLevel::Debug, ("Updating existing purge list"));
} else {
COOKIE_LOGSTRING(LogLevel::Debug, ("Could not QI aPurgedList!"));
// purges expired and old cookies in a batch operation.
already_AddRefed<nsIArray> CookieStorage::PurgeCookiesWithCallbacks(
int64_t aCurrentTimeInUsec, uint16_t aMaxNumberOfCookies,
int64_t aCookiePurgeAge,
std::function<void(const CookieListIter&)>&& aRemoveCookieCallback,
std::function<void()>&& aFinalizeCallback) {
NS_ASSERTION(mHostTable.Count() > 0, "table is empty");
uint32_t initialCookieCount = mCookieCount;
("PurgeCookies(): beginning purge with %" PRIu32
" cookies and %" PRId64 " oldest age",
mCookieCount, aCurrentTimeInUsec - mCookieOldestTime));
using PurgeList = nsTArray<CookieListIter>;
PurgeList purgeList(kMaxNumberOfCookies);
nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> removedList =
int64_t currentTime = aCurrentTimeInUsec / PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
int64_t purgeTime = aCurrentTimeInUsec - aCookiePurgeAge;
int64_t oldestTime = INT64_MAX;
for (auto iter = mHostTable.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
CookieEntry* entry = iter.Get();
const CookieEntry::ArrayType& cookies = entry->GetCookies();
auto length = cookies.Length();
for (CookieEntry::IndexType i = 0; i < length;) {
CookieListIter iter(entry, i);
Cookie* cookie = cookies[i];
// check if the cookie has expired
if (cookie->Expiry() <= currentTime) {
COOKIE_LOGEVICTED(cookie, "Cookie expired");
// remove from list; do not increment our iterator, but stop if we're
// done already.
if (i == --length) {
} else {
// check if the cookie is over the age limit
if (cookie->LastAccessed() <= purgeTime) {
} else if (cookie->LastAccessed() < oldestTime) {
// reset our indicator
oldestTime = cookie->LastAccessed();
MOZ_ASSERT(length == cookies.Length());
uint32_t postExpiryCookieCount = mCookieCount;
// now we have a list of iterators for cookies over the age limit.
// sort them by age, and then we'll see how many to remove...
// only remove old cookies until we reach the max cookie limit, no more.
uint32_t excess = mCookieCount > aMaxNumberOfCookies
? mCookieCount - aMaxNumberOfCookies
: 0;
if (purgeList.Length() > excess) {
// We're not purging everything in the list, so update our indicator.
oldestTime = purgeList[excess].Cookie()->LastAccessed();
// sort the list again, this time grouping cookies with a common entryclass
// together, and with ascending index. this allows us to iterate backwards
// over the list removing cookies, without having to adjust indexes as we go.
for (PurgeList::index_type i = purgeList.Length(); i--;) {
Cookie* cookie = purgeList[i].Cookie();
COOKIE_LOGEVICTED(cookie, "Cookie too old");
// Update the database if we have entries to purge.
if (aFinalizeCallback) {
// reset the oldest time indicator
mCookieOldestTime = oldestTime;
("PurgeCookies(): %" PRIu32 " expired; %" PRIu32
" purged; %" PRIu32 " remain; %" PRId64 " oldest age",
initialCookieCount - postExpiryCookieCount,
postExpiryCookieCount - mCookieCount, mCookieCount,
aCurrentTimeInUsec - mCookieOldestTime));
return removedList.forget();
// remove a cookie from the hashtable, and update the iterator state.
void CookieStorage::RemoveCookieFromList(const CookieListIter& aIter) {
void CookieStorage::RemoveCookieFromListInternal(const CookieListIter& aIter) {
if (aIter.entry->GetCookies().Length() == 1) {
// we're removing the last element in the array - so just remove the entry
// from the hash. note that the entryclass' dtor will take care of
// releasing this last element for us!
} else {
// just remove the element from the list
void CookieStorage::PrefChanged(nsIPrefBranch* aPrefBranch) {
int32_t val;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aPrefBranch->GetIntPref(kPrefMaxNumberOfCookies, &val))) {
mMaxNumberOfCookies =
static_cast<uint16_t> LIMIT(val, 1, 0xFFFF, kMaxNumberOfCookies);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aPrefBranch->GetIntPref(kPrefCookieQuotaPerHost, &val))) {
mCookieQuotaPerHost = static_cast<uint16_t> LIMIT(
val, 1, mMaxCookiesPerHost - 1, kCookieQuotaPerHost);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aPrefBranch->GetIntPref(kPrefMaxCookiesPerHost, &val))) {
mMaxCookiesPerHost = static_cast<uint16_t> LIMIT(
val, mCookieQuotaPerHost + 1, 0xFFFF, kMaxCookiesPerHost);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aPrefBranch->GetIntPref(kPrefCookiePurgeAge, &val))) {
mCookiePurgeAge =
int64_t(LIMIT(val, 0, INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX)) * PR_USEC_PER_SEC;
CookieStorage::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic,
const char16_t* /*aData*/) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch = do_QueryInterface(aSubject);
if (prefBranch) {
return NS_OK;
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla