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<html xmlns="">
<title>Test SVG Length conversions</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 342513</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<div width="100%" height="1" id="div">
<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="1" id="svg">
<svg xmlns="" width="600" height="400" font-size="5">
<svg font-size="10" width="20em" height="20em">
<rect id="r1" x="5em" y="6em" width="20%" height="30%" />
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
function run() {
var svgDoc = document.getElementById("svg");
var divElem = document.getElementById("div");
var expectedWidth = divElem.clientWidth;
// test for the pixel width of the svg
is(svgDoc.width.baseVal.value, expectedWidth, "svgDoc.width.baseVal.value");
// set the SVG width to ~50% in pixels
svgDoc.width.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(svgDoc.width.baseVal.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX, Math.floor(expectedWidth / 2));
// the valueInSpecifiedUnits should now be 50%
is(Math.round(svgDoc.width.baseVal.valueInSpecifiedUnits), 50, "valueInSpecifiedUnits after convertToSpecifiedUnits");
let r1 = document.getElementById("r1");
is(r1.width.baseVal.value, 40, "width in em for elements inside inner <svg> should be resolved against the inner <svg>");
is(r1.height.baseVal.value, 60, "height in em for elements inside inner <svg> should be resolved against the inner <svg>");
window.addEventListener("load", run);