
190 строки
4.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -I..
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use DBI;
# Get arguments
my %args;
$args{prefix} = 'ul_';
$args{drop} = 1;
$args{create} = 1;
$args{defaults} = 1;
GetOptions(\%args, 'host|h:s', 'port|p:s', 'username|u:s', 'password|p:s',
'drop!', 'defaults!', 'create!',
my $dbname = shift @ARGV;
# Get help
if($args{help} || !$dbname || @ARGV) {
print <<EOM; [OPTIONS] dbname
--help, -h, -?: Show this message.
--host: The server postgres is running on (default: this machine)
--port: The port postgres is running on (default: normal MySQL port)
--username, -u: The postgres username to use (default: current user)
--password, -p: The postgres password to use
--prefix, -P: The prefix to add to all tablenames (default: ul_)
--nodrop: Don't perform dropping of tables (default: drop)
--nocreate: Don't perform creation of tables (default: create)
--nodefaults: Don't populate the system parameters with defaults (default: populate)
If you don't know what dbname to use and you normally connect using "psql", use
your unix username as the dbname.
NOTE: population will not work unless UserLogin is installed.
# Set up defaults, initialize
my $create_file = "create_schema_mysql.sql";
generate_create_schema_file("create_schema_postgres.sql", $create_file);
my $connect_string = "dbi:mysql:$dbname";
$connect_string .= ";host=$args{host}" if $args{host};
$connect_string .= ";port=$args{port}" if $args{port};
my $dbh = DBI->connect($connect_string, $args{username}, $args{password}, { RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 });
my ($tables, $sequences) = read_tables_sequences($create_file, $args{prefix});
# Drop tables
if($args{drop}) {
drop_schema($dbh, $tables, $sequences);
# Create tables
if($args{create}) {
execute_sql_file($dbname, \%args, $create_file);
# Populate data
if($args{defaults}) {
populate_data($dbname, \%args);
sub generate_create_schema_file {
my ($old_create_schema, $new_create_schema) = @_;
open IN, $old_create_schema;
open OUT, ">$new_create_schema";
while (<IN>) {
s/\bserial\b/int4 not null auto_increment primary key/i;
if (/(create\s*table\s*)(\w+)/i) {
my $new_table_name = lc($2);
print OUT;
close OUT;
close IN;
# Actually drop tables and sequences
sub drop_schema {
my ($dbh, $tables, $sequences) = @_;
foreach my $table (@{$tables}) {
print "Dropping $table";
if($sequences->{$table}) {
print " (seq: " . join(", ", @{$sequences->{$table}}) . ")";
print " ... \n";
my $sth;
foreach my $seq (@{$sequences->{$table}}) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("drop sequence $seq");
# We don't care if there's an error here
$sth = $dbh->prepare("drop table $table");
# We don't care if there's an error here
# Read the list of tables and sequences from the create schema file
sub read_tables_sequences {
my ($create_file, $prefix) = @_;
my @tables;
my %sequences;
my $recent_table;
# Grab the list of tables and sequences
open IN, $create_file;
while(<IN>) {
if(/^\s*create\s*table\s*(\S+)/i) {
$recent_table = $1;
if($recent_table =~ /^ul_(.+)/i) {
$recent_table = "$prefix$1";
unshift @tables, $recent_table;
close IN;
return (\@tables, \%sequences);
# Populate the initial data
sub populate_data {
my ($dbname, $args) = @_;
# Execute an SQL file in mysql
sub execute_sql_file {
# XXX This doesn't respect the password argument
my ($dbname, $args, $sql_file) = @_;
# Switch the prefix to the new prefix
open OLDFILE, $sql_file;
open NEWFILE, ">$";
while(<OLDFILE>) {
print NEWFILE $_;
close NEWFILE;
close OLDFILE;
my @exec_params = ('mysql');
push @exec_params, ("-h", $args{host}) if $args{host};
push @exec_params, ("-P", $args{port}) if $args{port};
push @exec_params, ("-u", $args{username}) if $args{username};
push @exec_params, ("-p", $args{password}) if $args{password};
push @exec_params, $dbname;
my $cmd = join(' ', @exec_params);
$cmd .= " < $";
print "Executing $cmd ...\n";