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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is The JavaScript Debugger.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Robert Ginda, <>, original author
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
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* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* BasicOView provides functionality of tree whose elements have no children.
* Usage:
* var myTree = new BasicOView()
* myTree.setColumnNames (["col 1", "col 2"]);
* = [["row 1, col 1", "row 1, col 2"],
* ["row 2, col 1", "row 2, col 2"]];
* { override get*Properties, etc, as suits your purpose. }
* treeBoxObject.view = myTree;
* You'll need to make the appropriate myTree.tree.invalidate calls
* when changes.
function BasicOView()
this.tree = null;
/* functions *you* should call to initialize and maintain the tree state */
/* scroll the line specified by |line| to the center of the tree */
BasicOView.prototype.centerLine =
function bov_ctrln (line)
var first = this.tree.getFirstVisibleRow();
var last = this.tree.getLastVisibleRow();
this.scrollToRow(line - (last - first + 1) / 2);
/* call this to set the association between column names and data columns */
BasicOView.prototype.setColumnNames =
function bov_setcn (aryNames)
this.columnNames = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < aryNames.length; ++i)
this.columnNames[aryNames[i]] = i;
* scroll the source so |line| is at either the top, center, or bottom
* of the view, depending on the value of |align|.
* line is the one based target line.
* if align is negative, the line will be scrolled to the top, if align is
* zero the line will be centered, and if align is greater than 0 the line
* will be scrolled to the bottom. 0 is the default.
BasicOView.prototype.scrollTo =
function bov_scrollto (line, align)
if (!this.tree)
var headerRows = 1;
var first = this.tree.getFirstVisibleRow();
var last = this.tree.getLastVisibleRow();
var viz = last - first + 1 - headerRows; /* total number of visible rows */
/* all rows are visible, nothing to scroll */
if (first == 0 && last >= this.rowCount)
/* tree lines are 0 based, we accept one based lines, deal with it */
/* safety clamp */
if (line < 0)
line = 0;
if (line >= this.rowCount)
line = this.rowCount - 1;
if (align < 0)
if (line > this.rowCount - viz) /* overscroll, can't put a row from */
line = this.rowCount - viz; /* last page at the top. */
else if (align > 0)
if (line < viz) /* underscroll, can't put a row from the first page */
line = 0; /* at the bottom. */
line = line - viz + headerRows;
var half_viz = viz / 2;
/* lines past this line can't be centered without causing the tree
* to show more rows than we have. */
var lastCenterable = this.rowCount - half_viz;
if (line > half_viz)
line = lastCenterable;
/* lines before this can't be centered without causing the tree
* to attempt to display negative rows. */
else if (line < half_viz)
line = half_viz;
/* round the vizible rows down to a whole number, or we try to end up
* on a N + 0.5 row! */
half_viz = Math.floor(half_viz);
this.tree.scrollToRow(line - half_viz);
BasicOView.prototype.__defineGetter__("selectedIndex", bov_getsel);
function bov_getsel()
if (!this.tree || this.tree.view.selection.getRangeCount() < 1)
return -1;
var min = new Object();
this.tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(0, min, {});
return min.value;
BasicOView.prototype.__defineSetter__("selectedIndex", bov_setsel);
function bov_setsel(i)
if (i == -1)
this.tree.view.selection.timedSelect (i, 500);
return i;
* functions the tree will call to retrieve the list state (nsITreeView.)
BasicOView.prototype.rowCount = 0;
BasicOView.prototype.getCellProperties =
function bov_cellprops (row, col, properties)
BasicOView.prototype.getColumnProperties =
function bov_colprops (col, properties)
BasicOView.prototype.getRowProperties =
function bov_rowprops (index, properties)
BasicOView.prototype.isContainer =
function bov_isctr (index)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.isContainerOpen =
function bov_isctropen (index)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.isContainerEmpty =
function bov_isctrempt (index)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.isSeparator =
function bov_isseparator (index)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.isSorted =
function bov_issorted (index)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.canDrop =
function bov_drop (index, orientation)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.drop =
function bov_drop (index, orientation)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.getParentIndex =
function bov_getpi (index)
if (index < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
BasicOView.prototype.hasNextSibling =
function bov_hasnxtsib (rowIndex, afterIndex)
return (afterIndex < (this.rowCount - 1));
BasicOView.prototype.getLevel =
function bov_getlvl (index)
return 0;
BasicOView.prototype.getImageSrc =
function bov_getimgsrc (row, col)
BasicOView.prototype.getProgressMode =
function bov_getprgmode (row, col)
BasicOView.prototype.getCellValue =
function bov_getcellval (row, col)
BasicOView.prototype.getCellText =
function bov_getcelltxt (row, col)
if (!this.columnNames)
return "";
if (typeof col == "object")
col =;
var ary = col.match (/:(.*)/);
if (ary)
col = ary[1];
var colName = this.columnNames[col];
if (typeof colName == "undefined")
return "";
BasicOView.prototype.setTree =
function bov_seto (tree)
this.tree = tree;
BasicOView.prototype.toggleOpenState =
function bov_toggleopen (index)
BasicOView.prototype.cycleHeader =
function bov_cyclehdr (col)
BasicOView.prototype.selectionChanged =
function bov_selchg ()
BasicOView.prototype.cycleCell =
function bov_cyclecell (row, col)
BasicOView.prototype.isEditable =
function bov_isedit (row, col)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.isSelectable =
function bov_isselect (row, col)
return false;
BasicOView.prototype.setCellValue =
function bov_setct (row, col, value)
BasicOView.prototype.setCellText =
function bov_setct (row, col, value)
BasicOView.prototype.onRouteFocus =
function bov_rfocus (event)
if ("onFocus" in this)
BasicOView.prototype.onRouteBlur =
function bov_rblur (event)
if ("onBlur" in this)
BasicOView.prototype.onRouteDblClick =
function bov_rdblclick (event)
if (!("onRowCommand" in this) || != "treechildren")
var rowIndex = this.tree.view.selection.currentIndex;
if (rowIndex == -1 || rowIndex > this.rowCount)
var rec = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(rowIndex);
if (!rec)
ASSERT (0, "bogus row index " + rowIndex);
this.onRowCommand(rec, event);
BasicOView.prototype.onRouteKeyPress =
function bov_rkeypress (event)
var rec;
var rowIndex;
if ("onRowCommand" in this && (event.keyCode == 13 || event.charCode == 32))
if (!this.selection)
rowIndex = this.tree.view.selection.currentIndex;
if (rowIndex == -1 || rowIndex > this.rowCount)
rec = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(rowIndex);
if (!rec)
ASSERT (0, "bogus row index " + rowIndex);
this.onRowCommand(rec, event);
else if ("onKeyPress" in this)
rowIndex = this.tree.view.selection.currentIndex;
if (rowIndex != -1 && rowIndex < this.rowCount)
rec = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(rowIndex);
if (!rec)
ASSERT (0, "bogus row index " + rowIndex);
rec = null;
this.onKeyPress(rec, event);
BasicOView.prototype.performAction =
function bov_pact (action)
BasicOView.prototype.performActionOnRow =
function bov_pactrow (action)
BasicOView.prototype.performActionOnCell =
function bov_pactcell (action)
* record for the XULTreeView. these things take care of keeping the
* XULTreeView properly informed of changes in value and child count. you
* shouldn't have to maintain tree state at all.
* |share| should be an otherwise empty object to store cache data.
* you should use the same object as the |share| for the XULTreeView that you
* indend to contain these records.
function XULTreeViewRecord(share)
this._share = share;
this.visualFootprint = 1;
this.isHidden = true; /* records are considered hidden until they are
* inserted into a live tree */
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.isContainerOpen = false;
* walk the parent tree to find our tree container. return null if there is
* none
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.findContainerTree =
function xtvr_gettree ()
if (!("parentRecord" in this))
return null;
var parent = this.parentRecord;
while (parent)
if ("_treeView" in parent)
return parent._treeView;
if ("parentRecord" in parent)
parent = parent.parentRecord;
parent = null;
return null;
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.__defineGetter__("childIndex", xtvr_getChildIndex);
function xtvr_getChildIndex ()
//dd ("getChildIndex {");
if (!("parentRecord" in this))
delete this._childIndex;
//dd ("} -1");
return -1;
if ("_childIndex" in this)
if ("childData" in this && this._childIndex in this.childData &&
this.childData[this._childIndex] == this)
//dd ("} " + this._childIndex);
return this._childIndex;
var childData = this.parentRecord.childData;
var len = childData.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (childData[i] == this)
this._childIndex = i;
//dd ("} " + this._childIndex);
return i;
delete this._childIndex;
//dd ("} -1");
return -1;
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.__defineSetter__("childIndex", xtvr_setChildIndex);
function xtvr_setChildIndex ()
dd("xtvr: childIndex is read only, ignore attempt to write to it\n");
if (typeof getStackTrace == "function")
/* count the number of parents, not including the root node */
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.__defineGetter__("level", xtvr_getLevel);
function xtvr_getLevel ()
if (!("parentRecord" in this))
return -1;
var rv = 0;
var parentRecord = this.parentRecord;
while ("parentRecord" in parentRecord &&
(parentRecord = parentRecord.parentRecord)) ++rv;
return rv;
* associates a property name on this record, with a column in the tree. This
* method will set up a get/set pair for the property name you specify which
* will take care of updating the tree when the value changes. DO NOT try
* to change your mind later. Do not attach a different name to the same colID,
* and do not rename the colID. You have been warned.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.setColumnPropertyName =
function xtvr_setcol (colID, propertyName)
function xtvr_getValueShim ()
return this._colValues[colID];
function xtvr_setValueShim (newValue)
this._colValues[colID] = newValue;
return newValue;
if (!("_colValues" in this))
this._colValues = new Object();
if (typeof propertyName == "function")
this._colValues.__defineGetter__(colID, propertyName);
this.__defineGetter__(propertyName, xtvr_getValueShim);
this.__defineSetter__(propertyName, xtvr_setValueShim);
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.setColumnPropertyValue =
function xtvr_setcolv (colID, value)
this._colValues[colID] = value;
* set the default sort column and reSort.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.setSortColumn =
function xtvr_setcol (colID, dir)
//dd ("setting sort column to " + colID);
this._share.sortColumn = colID;
this._share.sortDirection = (typeof dir == "undefined") ? 1 : dir;
* set the default sort direction. 1 is ascending, -1 is descending, 0 is no
* sort. setting this to 0 will *not* recover the natural insertion order,
* it will only affect newly added items.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.setSortDirection =
function xtvr_setdir (dir)
this._share.sortDirection = dir;
* invalidate this row in the tree
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.invalidate =
function xtvr_invalidate()
var tree = this.findContainerTree();
if (tree)
var row = this.calculateVisualRow();
if (row != -1)
* invalidate any data in the cache.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.invalidateCache =
function xtvr_killcache()
this._share.rowCache = new Object();
this._share.lastComputedIndex = -1;
this._share.lastIndexOwner = null;
* default comparator function for sorts. if you want a custom sort, override
* this method. We declare xtvr_sortcmp as a top level function, instead of
* a function expression so we can refer to it later.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.sortCompare = xtvr_sortcmp;
function xtvr_sortcmp (a, b)
var sc = a._share.sortColumn;
var sd = a._share.sortDirection;
a = a[sc];
b = b[sc];
if (a < b)
return -1 * sd;
if (a > b)
return 1 * sd;
return 0;
* this method will cause all child records to be reSorted. any records
* with the default sortCompare method will be sorted by the colID passed to
* setSortColumn.
* the local parameter is used internally to control whether or not the
* sorted rows are invalidated. don't use it yourself.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.reSort =
function xtvr_resort (leafSort)
if (!("childData" in this) || this.childData.length < 1 ||
(this.childData[0].sortCompare == xtvr_sortcmp &&
!("sortColumn" in this._share) || this._share.sortDirection == 0))
/* if we have no children, or we have the default sort compare and no
* sort flags, then just exit */
for (var i = 0; i < this.childData.length; ++i)
if ("isContainerOpen" in this.childData[i] &&
this.childData[i].sortIsInvalid = true;
if (!leafSort)
var tree = this.findContainerTree();
if (tree && tree.tree)
var rowIndex = this.calculateVisualRow();
dd ("invalidating " + rowIndex + " - " +
(rowIndex + this.visualFootprint - 1));
tree.tree.invalidateRange (rowIndex,
rowIndex + this.visualFootprint - 1);
delete this.sortIsInvalid;
* call this to indicate that this node may have children at one point. make
* sure to call it before adding your first child.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.reserveChildren =
function xtvr_rkids (always)
if (!("childData" in this))
this.childData = new Array();
if (!("isContainerOpen" in this))
this.isContainerOpen = false;
if (always)
this.alwaysHasChildren = true;
delete this.alwaysHasChildren;
* add a child to the end of the child list for this record. takes care of
* updating the tree as well.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.appendChild =
function xtvr_appchild (child)
if (!isinstance(child, XULTreeViewRecord))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
child.isHidden = false;
child.parentRecord = this;
if ("isContainerOpen" in this && this.isContainerOpen)
//dd ("appendChild: " + xtv_formatRecord(child, ""));
if (this.calculateVisualRow() >= 0)
var tree = this.findContainerTree();
if (tree && tree.frozen)
this.needsReSort = true;
this.reSort(true); /* reSort, don't invalidate. we're going
* to do that in the
* onVisualFootprintChanged call. */
* add a list of children to the end of the child list for this record.
* faster than multiple appendChild() calls.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.appendChildren =
function xtvr_appchild (children)
var idx = this.childData.length;
var delta = 0;
var len = children.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
var child = children[i];
child.isHidden = false;
child.parentRecord = this;
delta += child.visualFootprint;
if ("isContainerOpen" in this && this.isContainerOpen)
if (this.calculateVisualRow() >= 0)
this.reSort(true); /* reSort, don't invalidate. we're going to do
* that in the onVisualFootprintChanged call. */
* remove a child from this record. updates the tree too. DONT call this with
* an index not actually contained by this record.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.removeChildAtIndex =
function xtvr_remchild (index)
if (!ASSERT(this.childData.length, "removing from empty childData"))
var orphan = this.childData[index];
var fpDelta = -orphan.visualFootprint;
var changeStart = orphan.calculateVisualRow();
delete orphan.parentRecord;
arrayRemoveAt (this.childData, index);
if (!orphan.isHidden && "isContainerOpen" in this && this.isContainerOpen)
this.onVisualFootprintChanged (changeStart, fpDelta);
* hide this record and all descendants.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.hide =
function xtvr_hide ()
if (this.isHidden)
/* get the row before hiding */
var row = this.calculateVisualRow();
this.isHidden = true;
/* go right to the parent so we don't muck with our own visualFootprint
* record, we'll need it to be correct if we're ever unHidden. */
if ("parentRecord" in this)
this.parentRecord.onVisualFootprintChanged (row, -this.visualFootprint);
* unhide this record and all descendants.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.unHide =
function xtvr_uhide ()
if (!this.isHidden)
this.isHidden = false;
var row = this.calculateVisualRow();
if (this.parentRecord)
this.parentRecord.onVisualFootprintChanged (row, this.visualFootprint);
* open this record, exposing it's children. DONT call this method if the
* record has no children.
*/ =
function xtvr_open ()
if (this.isContainerOpen)
if ("onPreOpen" in this)
this.isContainerOpen = true;
var delta = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.childData.length; ++i)
if (!this.childData[i].isHidden)
delta += this.childData[i].visualFootprint;
/* this reSort should only happen if the sort column changed */
this.visualFootprint += delta;
if ("parentRecord" in this)
this.parentRecord.onVisualFootprintChanged(this.calculateVisualRow() +
1, delta);
* close this record, hiding it's children. DONT call this method if the record
* has no children, or if it is already closed.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.close =
function xtvr_close ()
if (!this.isContainerOpen)
this.isContainerOpen = false;
var delta = 1 - this.visualFootprint;
this.visualFootprint += delta;
if ("parentRecord" in this)
this.parentRecord.onVisualFootprintChanged(this.calculateVisualRow() +
1, delta);
if ("onPostClose" in this)
* called when a node above this one grows or shrinks. we need to adjust
* our own visualFootprint to match the change, and pass the message on.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.onVisualFootprintChanged =
function xtvr_vpchange (start, amount)
/* if we're not hidden, but this notification came from a hidden node
* (start == -1), ignore it, it doesn't affect us. */
if (start == -1 && !this.isHidden)
//dd ("vfp change (" + amount + ") from hidden node ignored.");
this.visualFootprint += amount;
if ("parentRecord" in this)
this.parentRecord.onVisualFootprintChanged(start, amount);
* calculate the "visual" row for this record. If the record isn't actually
* visible return -1.
* eg.
* Name Visual Row
* node1 0
* node11 1
* node12 2
* node2 3
* node21 4
* node3 5
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.calculateVisualRow =
function xtvr_calcrow ()
/* if this is the second time in a row that someone asked us, fetch the last
* result from the cache. */
if (this._share.lastIndexOwner == this)
return this._share.lastComputedIndex;
var vrow;
/* if this is an uninserted or hidden node, or... */
if (!("parentRecord" in this) || (this.isHidden) ||
/* if parent isn't open, or... */
(!this.parentRecord.isContainerOpen) ||
/* parent isn't visible */
((vrow = this.parentRecord.calculateVisualRow()) == -1))
/* then we're not visible, return -1 */
//dd ("cvr: returning -1");
return -1;
/* parent is the root node XXX parent is not visible */
if (vrow == null)
vrow = 0;
/* parent is not the root node, add one for the space they take up. */
/* add in the footprint for all of the earlier siblings */
var ci = this.childIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < ci; ++i)
if (!this.parentRecord.childData[i].isHidden)
vrow += this.parentRecord.childData[i].visualFootprint;
/* save this calculation to the cache. */
this._share.lastIndexOwner = this;
this._share.lastComputedIndex = vrow;
return vrow;
* locates the child record for the visible row |targetRow|. DO NOT call this
* with a targetRow less than this record's visual row, or greater than this
* record's visual row + the number of visible children it has.
XULTreeViewRecord.prototype.locateChildByVisualRow =
function xtvr_find (targetRow, myRow)
if (targetRow in this._share.rowCache)
return this._share.rowCache[targetRow];
/* if this is true, we *are* the index */
if (targetRow == myRow)
return (this._share.rowCache[targetRow] = this);
/* otherwise, we've got to search the kids */
var childStart = myRow; /* childStart represents the starting visual row
* for the child we're examining. */
for (var i = 0; i < this.childData.length; ++i)
var child = this.childData[i];
/* ignore hidden children */
if (child.isHidden)
/* if this kid is the targetRow, we're done */
if (childStart == targetRow)
return (this._share.rowCache[targetRow] = child);
/* if this kid contains the index, ask *it* to find the record */
else if (targetRow <= childStart + child.visualFootprint) {
/* this *has* to succeed */
var rv = child.locateChildByVisualRow(targetRow, childStart + 1);
//XXXASSERT (rv, "Can't find a row that *has* to be there.");
/* don't cache this, the previous call to locateChildByVisualRow
* just did. */
return rv;
/* otherwise, get ready to ask the next kid */
childStart += child.visualFootprint;
return null;
/* XTLabelRecords can be used to drop a label into an arbitrary place in an
* arbitrary tree. normally, specializations of XULTreeViewRecord are tied to
* a specific tree because of implementation details. XTLabelRecords are
* specially designed (err, hacked) to work around these details. this makes
* them slower, but more generic.
* we set up a getter for _share that defers to the parent object. this lets
* XTLabelRecords work in any tree.
function XTLabelRecord (columnName, label, blankCols)
this.setColumnPropertyName (columnName, "label");
this.label = label; = null;
if (typeof blankCols == "object")
for (var i in blankCols)
this._colValues[blankCols[i]] = "";
XTLabelRecord.prototype = new XULTreeViewRecord (null);
XTLabelRecord.prototype.__defineGetter__("_share", tolr_getshare);
function tolr_getshare()
if ("parentRecord" in this)
return this.parentRecord._share;
ASSERT (0, "XTLabelRecord cannot be the root of a visible tree.");
return null;
/* XTRootRecord is used internally by XULTreeView, you probably don't need to
* make any of these */
function XTRootRecord (tree, share)
this._share = share;
this._treeView = tree;
this.visualFootprint = 0;
this.isHidden = false;
this.isContainerOpen = true;
/* no cache passed in here, we set it in the XTRootRecord contructor instead. */
XTRootRecord.prototype = new XULTreeViewRecord (null); =
XTRootRecord.prototype.close =
function torr_notimplemented()
/* don't do this on a root node */
XTRootRecord.prototype.calculateVisualRow =
function torr_calcrow ()
return null;
XTRootRecord.prototype.reSort =
function torr_resort ()
if ("_treeView" in this && this._treeView.frozen)
this._treeView.needsReSort = true;
if (!("childData" in this) || this.childData.length < 1 ||
(this.childData[0].sortCompare == xtvr_sortcmp &&
!("sortColumn" in this._share) || this._share.sortDirection == 0))
/* if we have no children, or we have the default sort compare but we're
* missing a sort flag, then just exit */
for (var i = 0; i < this.childData.length; ++i)
if ("isContainerOpen" in this.childData[i] &&
this.childData[i].sortIsInvalid = true;
if ("_treeView" in this && this._treeView.tree)
dd ("root node: invalidating 0 - " + this.visualFootprint +
" for sort");
this._treeView.tree.invalidateRange (0, this.visualFootprint);
XTRootRecord.prototype.locateChildByVisualRow =
function torr_find (targetRow)
if (targetRow in this._share.rowCache)
return this._share.rowCache[targetRow];
var childStart = -1; /* childStart represents the starting visual row
* for the child we're examining. */
for (var i = 0; i < this.childData.length; ++i)
var child = this.childData[i];
/* ignore hidden children */
if (child.isHidden)
/* if this kid is the targetRow, we're done */
if (childStart == targetRow)
return (this._share.rowCache[targetRow] = child);
/* if this kid contains the index, ask *it* to find the record */
else if (targetRow <= childStart + child.visualFootprint) {
/* this *has* to succeed */
var rv = child.locateChildByVisualRow(targetRow, childStart + 1);
//XXXASSERT (rv, "Can't find a row that *has* to be there.");
/* don't cache this, the previous call to locateChildByVisualRow
* just did. */
return rv;
/* otherwise, get ready to ask the next kid */
childStart += child.visualFootprint;
return null;
XTRootRecord.prototype.onVisualFootprintChanged =
function torr_vfpchange (start, amount)
if (!this._treeView.frozen)
this.visualFootprint += amount;
if ("_treeView" in this && "tree" in this._treeView &&
if (amount != 0)
this._treeView.tree.rowCountChanged (start, amount);
this._treeView.tree.invalidateRow (start);
if ("changeAmount" in this._treeView)
this._treeView.changeAmount += amount;
this._treeView.changeAmount = amount;
if ("changeStart" in this._treeView)
this._treeView.changeStart =
Math.min (start, this._treeView.changeStart);
this._treeView.changeStart = start;
* XULTreeView provides functionality of tree whose elements have multiple
* levels of children.
function XULTreeView(share)
if (!share)
share = new Object();
this.childData = new XTRootRecord(this, share);
this.tree = null;
this.share = share;
this.frozen = 0;
/* functions *you* should call to initialize and maintain the tree state */
* Changes to the tree contents will not cause the tree to be invalidated
* until thaw() is called. All changes will be pooled into a single invalidate
* call.
* Freeze/thaws are nestable, the tree will not update until the number of
* thaw() calls matches the number of freeze() calls.
XULTreeView.prototype.freeze =
function xtv_freeze ()
if (++this.frozen == 1)
this.changeStart = 0;
this.changeAmount = 0;
//dd ("freeze " + this.frozen);
* Reflect any changes to the tree content since the last freeze.
XULTreeView.prototype.thaw =
function xtv_thaw ()
if (this.frozen == 0)
ASSERT (0, "not frozen");
if (--this.frozen == 0 && "changeStart" in this)
if ("needsReSort" in this) {
delete this.needsReSort;
delete this.changeStart;
delete this.changeAmount;
XULTreeView.prototype.saveBranchState =
function xtv_savebranch (target, source, recurse)
var len = source.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (source[i].isContainerOpen)
target[i] = new Object();
target[i].name = source[i]._colValues["col-0"];
if (recurse)
this.saveBranchState (target[i], source[i].childData, true);
XULTreeView.prototype.restoreBranchState =
function xtv_restorebranch (target, source, recurse)
for (var i in source)
if (typeof source[i] == "object")
var name = source[i].name;
var len = target.length;
for (var j = 0; j < len; ++j)
if (target[j]._colValues["col-0"] == name &&
"childData" in target[j])
//dd ("opening " + name);
if (recurse)
this.restoreBranchState (target[j].childData,
source[i], true);
/* scroll the line specified by |line| to the center of the tree */
XULTreeView.prototype.centerLine =
function xtv_ctrln (line)
var first = this.tree.getFirstVisibleRow();
var last = this.tree.getLastVisibleRow();
this.scrollToRow(line - (last - first + 1) / 2);
* functions the tree will call to retrieve the list state (nsITreeView.)
XULTreeView.prototype.__defineGetter__("rowCount", xtv_getRowCount);
function xtv_getRowCount ()
if (!this.childData)
return 0;
return this.childData.visualFootprint;
XULTreeView.prototype.isContainer =
function xtv_isctr (index)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
return Boolean(row && ("alwaysHasChildren" in row || "childData" in row));
XULTreeView.prototype.__defineGetter__("selectedIndex", xtv_getsel);
function xtv_getsel()
if (!this.tree || this.tree.view.selection.getRangeCount() < 1)
return -1;
var min = new Object();
this.tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(0, min, {});
return min.value;
XULTreeView.prototype.__defineSetter__("selectedIndex", xtv_setsel);
function xtv_setsel(i)
if (i != -1)
this.tree.view.selection.timedSelect (i, 500);
return i;
XULTreeView.prototype.scrollTo = BasicOView.prototype.scrollTo;
XULTreeView.prototype.isContainerOpen =
function xtv_isctropen (index)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
return row && row.isContainerOpen;
XULTreeView.prototype.toggleOpenState =
function xtv_toggleopen (index)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
//ASSERT(row, "bogus row");
if (row)
if (row.isContainerOpen)
XULTreeView.prototype.isContainerEmpty =
function xtv_isctrempt (index)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
if ("alwaysHasChildren" in row)
return false;
if (!row || !("childData" in row))
return true;
return !row.childData.length;
XULTreeView.prototype.isSeparator =
function xtv_isseparator (index)
return false;
XULTreeView.prototype.getParentIndex =
function xtv_getpi (index)
if (index < 0)
return -1;
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
var rv = row.parentRecord.calculateVisualRow();
//dd ("getParentIndex: row " + index + " returning " + rv);
return (rv != null) ? rv : -1;
XULTreeView.prototype.hasNextSibling =
function xtv_hasnxtsib (rowIndex, afterIndex)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (rowIndex);
return row.childIndex < row.parentRecord.childData.length - 1;
XULTreeView.prototype.getLevel =
function xtv_getlvl (index)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
if (!row)
return 0;
return row.level;
XULTreeView.prototype.getImageSrc =
function xtv_getimgsrc (index, col)
XULTreeView.prototype.getProgressMode =
function xtv_getprgmode (index, col)
XULTreeView.prototype.getCellValue =
function xtv_getcellval (index, col)
XULTreeView.prototype.getCellText =
function xtv_getcelltxt (index, col)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
//ASSERT(row, "bogus row " + index);
if (typeof col == "object")
col =;
var ary = col.match (/:(.*)/);
if (ary)
col = ary[1];
if (row && row._colValues && col in row._colValues)
return row._colValues[col];
return "";
XULTreeView.prototype.getCellProperties =
function xtv_cellprops (row, col, properties)
XULTreeView.prototype.getColumnProperties =
function xtv_colprops (col, properties)
XULTreeView.prototype.getRowProperties =
function xtv_rowprops (index, properties)
XULTreeView.prototype.isSorted =
function xtv_issorted (index)
return false;
XULTreeView.prototype.canDrop =
function xtv_drop (index, orientation)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
//ASSERT(row, "bogus row " + index);
return (row && ("canDrop" in row) && row.canDrop(orientation));
XULTreeView.prototype.drop =
function xtv_drop (index, orientation)
var row = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow (index);
//ASSERT(row, "bogus row " + index);
return (row && ("drop" in row) && row.drop(orientation));
XULTreeView.prototype.setTree =
function xtv_seto (tree)
this.tree = tree;
XULTreeView.prototype.cycleHeader =
function xtv_cyclehdr (col)
XULTreeView.prototype.selectionChanged =
function xtv_selchg ()
XULTreeView.prototype.cycleCell =
function xtv_cyclecell (row, col)
XULTreeView.prototype.isEditable =
function xtv_isedit (row, col)
return false;
XULTreeView.prototype.isSelectable =
function xtv_isselect (row, col)
return false;
XULTreeView.prototype.setCellValue =
function xtv_setct (row, col, value)
XULTreeView.prototype.setCellText =
function xtv_setct (row, col, value)
XULTreeView.prototype.performAction =
function xtv_pact (action)
XULTreeView.prototype.performActionOnRow =
function xtv_pactrow (action)
XULTreeView.prototype.performActionOnCell =
function xtv_pactcell (action)
XULTreeView.prototype.onRouteFocus =
function xtv_rfocus (event)
if ("onFocus" in this)
XULTreeView.prototype.onRouteBlur =
function xtv_rblur (event)
if ("onBlur" in this)
XULTreeView.prototype.onRouteDblClick =
function xtv_rdblclick (event)
if (!("onRowCommand" in this) || != "treechildren")
var rowIndex = this.tree.view.selection.currentIndex;
if (rowIndex == -1 || rowIndex > this.rowCount)
var rec = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(rowIndex);
if (!rec)
ASSERT (0, "bogus row index " + rowIndex);
this.onRowCommand(rec, event);
XULTreeView.prototype.onRouteKeyPress =
function xtv_rkeypress (event)
var rec;
var rowIndex;
if ("onRowCommand" in this && (event.keyCode == 13 || event.charCode == 32))
if (!this.selection)
rowIndex = this.tree.view.selection.currentIndex;
if (rowIndex == -1 || rowIndex > this.rowCount)
rec = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(rowIndex);
if (!rec)
ASSERT (0, "bogus row index " + rowIndex);
this.onRowCommand(rec, event);
else if ("onKeyPress" in this)
rowIndex = this.tree.view.selection.currentIndex;
if (rowIndex != -1 && rowIndex < this.rowCount)
rec = this.childData.locateChildByVisualRow(rowIndex);
if (!rec)
ASSERT (0, "bogus row index " + rowIndex);
rec = null;
this.onKeyPress(rec, event);
function xtv_formatRecord (rec, indent)
var str = "";
for (var i in rec._colValues)
str += rec._colValues[i] + ", ";
str += "[";
str += rec.calculateVisualRow() + ", ";
str += rec.childIndex + ", ";
str += rec.level + ", ";
str += rec.visualFootprint + ", ";
str += rec.isHidden + "]";
return (indent + str);
function xtv_formatBranch (rec, indent, recurse)
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < rec.childData.length; ++i)
str += xtv_formatRecord (rec.childData[i], indent) + "\n";
if (recurse)
if ("childData" in rec.childData[i])
str += xtv_formatBranch(rec.childData[i], indent + " ",
return str;