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# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is ChatZilla i18n strings, english
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Chiaki Koufugata.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Chiaki Koufugata, original author
# Robert Ginda,, owner/maintainer
# James Ross,, pref pages code
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
### Notes for localizers ###
# The following version number is the "localisation version number", and MUST
# match the locale.version in the original locale this is based on. In other
# words, if the locale.version in two files is the same, both files MUST have
# exactly the same list of locale strings.
# If you always start with an en-US locale, and replace all strings, you can
# leave this value alone. If you update your locale file based on changes in
# the en-US locale, please remember to always update this in your locale to
# match en-US when you're done.
# locale.error is the message is the message displayed to the user if the
# locale version number does not match what ChatZilla is expecting, and will
# have the the following replacements:
# %1$S ChatZilla version (e.g. "0.9.69").
# %2$S Expected locale version (e.g. "0.9.69").
# %3$S Locale being loaded (e.g. "fr-FR").
# %4$S Actual locale version being (e.g. "").
# In the example above, the user would be using ChatZilla 0.9.69, which
# expects a locale version of 0.9.69. It tried to use the fr-FR locale,
# but found it was only version
# Note: the ChatZilla version and expected locale versions may not always be
# the same. For example, if only non-locale changes have been made, the
# expected locale version will stay the same. This is to make using
# localisations between versions easier.
### End of notes ###
locale.version =
locale.error = You are using ChatZilla %1$S, which requires the locale version %2$S. The currently selected locale, %3$S, is version %4$S, and therefore there may be problems running ChatZilla.\n\nIt is strongly advised that you update or remove the ChatZilla locale in question.
# Misc
# util.js
msg.alert = Alert
msg.prompt = Prompt
msg.confirm = Confirm
# command.js
### Notes for localizers ###
# ChatZilla uses cmd.<command name>.* to construct the command's help,
# parameters and any UI labels. For the command to continue to function, the
# *.params entries MUST NOT BE CHANGED. Hopefully in the future you will be
# able to localize these items as well.
# All localised strings may contain certain entities for branding purposes.
# The three standard brand entities (brandShortName, brandFullName, vendorName)
# can all be used like this:
# = Some text used in &brandFullName;!
### End of notes ###
cmd.about.label = About ChatZilla = Display information about this version of ChatZilla.
cmd.alias.params = [<alias-name> <command-list>] = Defines <alias-name> as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by <command-list>. If <command-list> is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed. If <alias-name> is not provided, all aliases will be listed.
cmd.attach.params = <irc-url> = Attaches to the IRC URL specified by <irc-url>. If you are already attached, the view for <irc-url> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated. You may omit the irc:// portion of the <irc-url>. Examples are; /attach moznet, /attach moznet/chatzilla, and /attach,isnick.
cmd.away.label = Away (default)
cmd.away.format = Away ($reason)
cmd.away.params = [<reason>] = If <reason> is specified, sets you away with that message. Used without <reason>, you are marked away with a default message.
cmd.back.label = Back
cmd.back.params = = Marks you as no longer away.
cmd.ban.label = Ban
cmd.ban.format = Ban from $channelName
cmd.ban.params = [<nickname>] = Bans a single user, or mask of users, from the current channel. A user's nickname may be specified, or a proper host mask can be used. Used without a nickname or mask, shows the list of bans currently in effect. = Cancels a /attach or /server command. Use /cancel when ChatZilla is repeatedly trying to attach to a network that is not responding, to tell ChatZilla to give up before the normal number of retries.
cmd.charset.params = [<new-charset>] = Sets the character encoding mode for the current view to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided. = [<motif> [<channel>]] = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|. = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<channel>]]]] = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the channel <channel>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel is assumed.
cmd.clear-view.label = Cl&ear Tab
cmd.clear-view.params = [<view>] = Clear the current view, discarding *all* content. = Make the ``*client*'' view current. If the ``*client*'' view has been deleted, it will be recreated.
cmd.cmd-docommand.params = <cmd-name> =
cmd.cmd-undo.label = &Undo
cmd.cmd-undo.key = accel Z
cmd.cmd-undo.params = = Undoes the last change made to text in the input box.
cmd.cmd-redo.label = &Redo
cmd.cmd-redo.key = accel Y
cmd.cmd-redo.params = = Redoes the last change to the text in the input box which you undid.
cmd.cmd-cut.label = Cu&t
cmd.cmd-cut.key = accel X
cmd.cmd-cut.params = = Copies the currently-selected text to clipboard, and removes it from the source.
cmd.cmd-copy.label = &Copy
cmd.cmd-copy.key = accel C
cmd.cmd-copy.params = = Copies the currently-selected text to clipboard.
cmd.cmd-paste.label = &Paste
cmd.cmd-paste.key = accel V
cmd.cmd-paste.params = = Pastes the contents of clipboard.
cmd.cmd-delete.label = &Delete
cmd.cmd-delete.key = VK_DELETE
cmd.cmd-delete.params = = Deletes the current selection.
cmd.cmd-selectall.label = Select &All
cmd.cmd-selectall.key = accel A
cmd.cmd-selectall.params = = Selects all the text in the current view.
cmd.cmd-copy-link-url.label = Copy Link Location
cmd.cmd-copy-link-url.params = <url> = Copies the URL of the current link to clipboard.
cmd.cmd-mozilla-prefs.label = &&brandShortName; Preferences...
cmd.cmd-mozilla-prefs.params = =
cmd.cmd-prefs.label = Pr&eferences...
cmd.cmd-prefs.params = =
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-prefs.label = ChatZilla Pr&eferences...
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-prefs.params = =
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-opts.label = &Options...
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-opts.params = =
cmd.commands.params = [<pattern>] = Lists all command names matching <pattern>, or all command names if pattern is not specified.
cmd.create-tab-for-view.params = <view> =
cmd.custom-away.label = Away (custom)... = Prompts for a custom away message and then sets you away using it. Use the |/away| command to specify an away message as part of the command. = Synchronizes all views with their current font settings. = Synchronizes all views with their current header display setting. = Synchronizes all views with their current logging setting. = Synchronizes all views with their current motif setting. = Synchronizes all views with their current timestamp display settings. = Synchronizes all views with their current output window setting.
cmd.ctcp.params = <target> <code> [<params>] = Sends the CTCP code <code> to the target (user or channel) <target>. If <params> are specified they are sent along as well.
cmd.default-charset.params = [<new-charset>] = Sets the global default character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current global default character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided.
cmd.describe.params = <target> <action> = Performs an 'action' at the |target|, either a channel or a user.
cmd.dcc-accept.params = [<nickname> [<type> [<file>]]] = Accepts an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be accepted (for security reasons, this will not work in the first 10 seconds after an offer is received). You can also use a regular expression for either <nickname> or <file>.
cmd.dcc-accept-list.params = = Displays the DCC auto-accept list for the current network.
cmd.dcc-accept-list-add.params = <nickname> = Add someone to your DCC auto-accept list for the current network.
cmd.dcc-accept-list-remove.params = <nickname> = Remove someone from your DCC auto-accept list for the current network.
cmd.dcc-chat.params = [<nickname>] = Sends a DCC Chat offer to |nickname| on the current server. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user.
cmd.dcc-chat.label = Direct Chat
cmd.dcc-close.params = [<nickname> [<type> [<file>]]] = Closes an existing DCC connection. |nickname| may be omitted if run from a DCC view, in which case the DCC connection for that view will be closed. |type| and |file| may be needed to identify the connection. You can also use a regular expression for either <nickname> or <file>.
cmd.dcc-decline.params = [<nickname>] = Declines an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be declined. You can also use a regular expression for <nickname>.
cmd.dcc-list.params = [<type>] = Lists the currently known about DCC offers and connections. This may be limited to just "chat" or "send" using the |type| parameter.
cmd.dcc-send.params = [<nickname> [<file>]] = Offers a file to |nickname|. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user. A file may be specified directly by passing |file| or, if omitted, selected from a browse dialog.
cmd.dcc-send.label = Send File...
cmd.delete-view.key = accel W
cmd.delete-view.label = &Close Tab
cmd.delete-view.params = [<view>] = Clear the current view, discarding *all* content, and drop its icon from the tab strip. If a channel view is deleted this way, you also leave the channel.
cmd.dehop.label = Remove Half-operator Status
cmd.dehop.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Removes half-operator status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
cmd.deop.label = Remove Operator Status
cmd.deop.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Removes operator status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
cmd.desc.params = [<description>] = Changes the 'ircname' line returned when someone performs a /whois on you. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network. If you omit <description>, the current description is shown.
cmd.devoice.label = Remove Voice Status
cmd.devoice.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Removes voice status from <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status.
cmd.disconnect.format = Disconnect From $networkName
cmd.disconnect.label = &Disconnect
cmd.disconnect.params = [<reason>] = Disconnects from the server represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason <reason> or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.
cmd.disconnect-all.label = &Disconnect From All Networks
cmd.disconnect-all.params = [<reason>]
cmd.disconnect-all.key = accel D = Disconnects from all networks providing the reason <reason> or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.
cmd.echo.params = <message> = Displays <message> in the current view, but does not send it to the server.
cmd.enable-plugin.params = <plugin> = Meant to be used to re-enable a plugin after calling |disable-plugin|, this command calls the plugin's enablePlugin function. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly enable itself.
cmd.eval.params = <expression> = Evaluates <expression> as JavaScript code. Not for the faint of heart.
cmd.except.params = [<nickname>] = Excepts a user from channel bans. A user's nickname may be specified, or a proper host mask can be used. Used without a nickname or mask, shows the list of exceptions currently in effect.
cmd.exit.label = E&xit ChatZilla
cmd.exit.params = [<reason>] = Disconnects from all active servers and networks, providing the reason <reason>, or the default reason if <reason> is not specified. Exits ChatZilla after disconnecting.
cmd.exit-mozilla.label = E&xit = Exit &brandShortName;.
cmd.faq.label = ChatZilla FAQ
cmd.find.label = &Find...
cmd.find.key = accel F
cmd.find.params = [<rest>] = Finds text in the current view.
cmd.find-again.label = Find A&gain
cmd.find-again.key = accel G
cmd.find-again.params = = Finds the next instance of your previously searched word.
cmd.focus-input.key = VK_ESCAPE = Force keyboard focus to the input box.
cmd.font-family.params = [<font>] = Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Omit <font> to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly.
cmd.font-family-default.label = Default &Font
cmd.font-family-serif.label = Se&rif
cmd.font-family-sans-serif.label = S&ans Serif
cmd.font-family-monospace.label = Mo&nospace
cmd.font-family-other.format = Other ($fontFamily)...
cmd.font-family-other.label = O&ther... = Prompts for a font family name.
cmd.font-size.params = [<font-size>] = Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Omit <font-size> to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time.
cmd.font-size-bigger.label = Make Text &Bigger
cmd.font-size-bigger.key = accel +
cmd.font-size-bigger2.key = accel =
cmd.font-size-smaller.label = Make Text &Smaller
cmd.font-size-smaller.key = accel -
cmd.font-size-default.label = Default Si&ze
cmd.font-size-default.key = accel 0
cmd.font-size-small.label = Sma&ll
cmd.font-size-medium.label = &Medium
cmd.font-size-large.label = Lar&ge
cmd.font-size-other.format = Other ($fontSize pt)...
cmd.font-size-other.label = &Other... = Prompts for a font size.
cmd.goto-url.label = Open Link
cmd.goto-url.params = <url> = Navigate to the url specified by <url>. If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in the most recent browser window.
cmd.goto-url-newwin.label = Open Link in New Window
cmd.goto-url-newwin.params = <url> = Navigate to the url specified by <url>. If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in a new browser window.
cmd.goto-url-newtab.label = Open Link in New Tab
cmd.goto-url-newtab.params = <url> = Navigate to the url specified by <url>. If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in a new tab in the most recent browser window.
cmd.goto-url-external.label = Open Link in Default Browser
cmd.goto-url-external.params = <url> = Navigate to the url specified by <url>. If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in your system default browser. = Toggles visibility of the header bar. = [<pattern>] = Displays help on all commands matching <pattern>, if <pattern> is not given, displays help on all commands.
cmd.hide-view.label = &Hide Tab
cmd.hide-view.params = [<view>] = Drop the current view's icon from the tab strip, but save its contents. The icon will reappear the next time there is activity on the view.
cmd.homepage.label = ChatZilla Homepage
cmd.hop.label = Give Half-operator Status
cmd.hop.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Gives half-operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.
cmd.reconnect.format = Reconnect To $networkName
cmd.reconnect.label = &Reconnect
cmd.reconnect.params = [<reason>] = Reconnects to the network represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason <reason> when disconnecting, or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.
cmd.reconnect-all.label = &Reconnect To All Networks
cmd.reconnect-all.params = [<reason>] = Reconnects to all networks providing the reason <reason> when disconnecting, or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.
cmd.toggle-ui.params = <thing> = Toggles the visibility of various pieces of the user interface. <thing> must be one of: tabstrip, userlist, header, status.
cmd.userlist.label = User List
cmd.userlist.key = accel shift L
cmd.tabstrip.label = Tab Strip
cmd.tabstrip.key = accel shift T
cmd.statusbar.label = Status Bar
cmd.statusbar.key = accel shift S
cmd.header.label = Header
cmd.header.key = accel shift H
cmd.input-text-direction.params = <dir> =
cmd.text-direction.params = <dir> = = Switches text direction to Right-to-Left. = Switches text direction to Left-to-Right. = Switches input area direction to Right-to-Left. = Switches input area direction to Left-to-Right.
cmd.toggle-text-dir.label = S&witch Text Direction
cmd.toggle-text-dir.key = accel shift X
cmd.toggle-pref.params = <pref-name> = Toggles the boolean preference specified by <pref-name>.
cmd.toggle-usort.label = Sort Users By Mode
cmd.toggle-ccm.label = Collapse Co&nsecutive Messages
cmd.toggle-copy.label = Copy &Important Messages
cmd.toggle-umode.label = Show Mode as Symbol
cmd.toggle-timestamps.label = Show &Timestamps
cmd.unban.label = Un-ban
cmd.unban.format = Un-ban from $channelName
cmd.unban.params = <nickname> = Removes the ban on a single user, or removes a specific ban mask from the channel's ban list.
cmd.unexcept.params = <nickname> = Removes a channel ban exception.
cmd.user.params = [<username> <description>] = Sets your username to <username> and your description (``Real Name'') to <description>. Equivalent to using the |name| and |desc| command. The new name and description will be used the next time you connect to the network. You can use this command without parameters to show the current username and description. = Toggles the visibility of the user list.
cmd.ignore.params = [<mask>] = Add someone to your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask. With no parameters, it shows a list of all currently ignored users.
cmd.invite.params = <nickname> [<channel-name>] = Invites <nickname> to <channel-name> or current channel if not supplied. Requires operator status if +i is set.
cmd.j.params = <channel-name> [<key>] = This command is an alias for /join.
cmd.join.label = &Join channel...
cmd.join.key = accel J
cmd.join.params = [<channel-name> [<key>]] = Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key <key> if specified.
cmd.join-charset.params = [<channel-name> <charset> [<key>]] = Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>. Messages will be encoded and decoded according to the character encoding specified by <charset>. The <charset> parameter is independent of the default character encoding, which can be selected with the /charset command. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key <key> if specified.
cmd.kick.format = Kick from $channelName
cmd.kick.label = Kick
cmd.kick.params = <nickname> [<reason>] = Kicks <nickname> off the current channel. Requires operator status.
cmd.kick-ban.format = Kickban from $channelName
cmd.kick-ban.label = Kickban
cmd.kick-ban.params = <nickname> [<reason>] = Bans *!username@hostmask from the current channel, then kicks them off. Requires operator status.
cmd.knock.params = <channel-name> [<reason>] = Requests an invitation from the specified channel with optional reason. This command is not supported by all servers.
cmd.label-user.format = «$nickname»
cmd.label-user.label = <unknown>
cmd.label-user.params = <unspecified> =
cmd.leave.format = Leave $channelName
cmd.leave.label = &Leave
cmd.leave.params = [<channel-name> [<reason>]] = Leaves the current channel. Use /delete to force the view to go away, losing its contents, or /hide to temporarily hide it, preserving its contents. Many servers do not support the optional <reason> parameter. Your preferences are used to determine whether to delete the tab. If you are dispatching this command from a script, you may override this behaviour with the <delete-when-done> parameter. = Displays the "links" to the current server. This is a list of the other servers in the network which are directly connected to the one you are connected to.
cmd.list.params = [<channel-name>] = Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to. If you omit the optional channel argument, all channels will be listed. On large networks, the server may disconnect you for asking for a complete list.
cmd.list-plugins.params = [<plugin>] = If <plugin> is not provided, this command lists information on all loaded plugins. If <plugin> is provided, only its information will be displayed. If this command is dispatched from the console, you may specify <plugin> by either the plugin id, or index.
cmd.load.params = <url> = Executes the contents of the url specified by <url>. See also: The |initialScripts| pref.
cmd.reload-plugin.params = <plugin> = Reloads the plugin from the same url it was loaded from last time. This will only work if the currently loaded version of the plugin can be disabled.
cmd.log.params = [<state>] = Turns logging on or off for the current channel. If <state> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off. Omit <state> to see the current logging state. The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close ChatZilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel.
cmd.rlist.params = <regexp> = Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to, filtered by the regular expression. = Reload the ChatZilla XUL file. Used during development. = Similar to /links, but provides a graphical "Network Map" of the IRC network. Mainly used for routing purposes.
cmd.match-users.params = <mask> = Shows a list of all users whose hostmask matches <mask>. = <action> = Sends the text <action> to the channel as a statement in the third person. Try it and see! = Displays the "Message of the Day", which usually contains information about the network and current server, as well as any usage policies.
cmd.mode.params = [<target>] [<modestr> [<param> [<...>]]] = Changes the channel or user mode of <target> using <modestr> and any subsequent <param> if added. When used from a channel view, <target> may be omitted. For a list of modes you may use, see
cmd.motif.params = [<motif>] = Sets the default CSS file used for the message tabs. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |network-motif|, |channel-motif|, |user-motif|.
cmd.motif-default.label = &Default Motif
cmd.motif-dark.label = Dar&k Motif
cmd.motif-light.label = &Light Motif
cmd.msg.params = <nickname> <message> = Sends the private message <message> to <nickname>. = [<username>] = Changes the username displayed before your hostmask if the server you're connecting to allows it. Some servers will only trust the username reply from the ident service. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network. If you omit <username>, the current username will be shown.
cmd.names.params = [<channel-name>] = Lists the users in a channel. = <network-name> = Sets the current network to <network-name> = Lists all available networks as clickable links. = [<motif> [<network>]] = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|. = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<network>]]]] = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the network <network>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed.
cmd.nick.label = Change nickname...
cmd.nick.params = [<nickname>] = Changes your nickname. If |nickname| is omited, a prompt is shown.
cmd.notify.params = [<nickname> [<...>]] = With no parameters, /notify shows you the online/offline status of all the users on your notify list. If one or more <nickname> parameters are supplied, the nickname(s) will be added to your notify list if they are not yet on it, or removed from it if they are.
cmd.notice.params = <nickname> <message> = Sends the notice <message> to <nickname>.
cmd.op.label = Give Operator Status
cmd.op.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Gives operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status. = [<toggle>] = Used to add the current view to the list of views that will be automatically opened at startup. If <toggle> is not provided, the status of the current view will be displayed. <toggle> can be one of: yes, on, true, 1, no, off, false, 0, or toggle, to toggle the current state.
cmd.oper.params = <opername> [<password>] = Requests IRC Operator status from the current server. If <password> is not provided, you will be asked to enter the password in a prompt with a masked textfield (so nobody will be able to read it when you type it).
cmd.print.label = &Print...
cmd.print.key = accel P
cmd.print.params = = Opens the print dialog for the current view. = Save View &As... = accel S = [<filename> [<savetype>]] = Save the current view as file <filename>. If <filename> is omitted, a Save As... dialog will be shown. <savetype> can be either |complete|, |htmlonly| or |text|. If it is omitted, it is deduced from the file extension. Files with the extension .html, .xhtml, .xhtm or .htm will be saved as complete views, .txt files as text files. Any other extensions will throw an error if <savetype> is not provided.
cmd.say.params = <message> = Sends a message to the current view. This command is used automatically by ChatZilla when you type text that does not begin with the "/" character.
cmd.stats.params = [<params>] = Request server statistics. Use this command with no parameters to get a server-specific list of available parameters for use with this command.
cmd.time.params = [<nickname>] = Asks <nickname> what time it is on their machine. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not. If you do not specify <nickname>, ChatZilla will ask the server for the time it is on the server.
cmd.time.label = Get Local Time
cmd.timestamps.params = [<toggle>] = Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If <toggle> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state. Omit <toggle> to see the current state.
cmd.toggle-oas.format = Open This $viewType at Startup
cmd.toggle-oas.label = Open at &Startup
cmd.pass.params = <password> = Sends a password to the server for use when connecting to password-protected servers. = <nickname> = Ping takes its name from the technique of measuring distance with sonar. In IRC, it is used to measure the time it takes to send a message to someone, and receive a response. Specify a channel to ping everyone in that channel. Some IRC clients will display ping requests to the user. ChatZilla does not. = Ping User
cmd.plugin-pref.params = <plugin> [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref>]]] = Sets the value of the plugin's preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences for <plugin> will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
cmd.pref.params = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref>]]] = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
cmd.query.label = Open Private Chat
cmd.query.params = <nickname> [<message>] = Opens a one-on-one chat with <nickname>. If <message> is supplied, it is sent as the initial private message to <nickname>.
cmd.quit.label = &Quit ChatZilla
cmd.quit.params = [<reason>] = Quit ChatZilla.
cmd.quit-mozilla.label = &Quit = Quit &brandShortName;.
cmd.quote.params = <irc-command> = Sends a raw command to the IRC server, not a good idea if you don't know what you're doing. see IRC RFC1459 <> for complete details.
cmd.rejoin.params = [<reason>] = Rejoins the channel displayed in the current view. Only works from a channel view.
cmd.rejoin.format = Rejoin $channelName
cmd.rejoin.label = Rejoin
cmd.server.params = <hostname> [<port> [<password>]] = Connects to server <hostname> on <port>, or 6667 if <port> is not specified. Provides the password <password> if specified. If you are already connected, the view for <hostname> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.
cmd.set-current-view.params = <view> =
cmd.sslserver.params = <hostname> [<port> [<password>]] = Connects to server using SSL <hostname> on <port>, or 9999 if <port> is not specified. Provides the password <password> if specified. If you are already connected, the view for <hostname> is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.
cmd.squery.params = <service> [<commands>] = Sends the commands <commands> to the service <service>.
cmd.stalk.params = [<text>] = Add <text> to list of words for which you would like to see alerts. Whenever a person with a nickname matching <text> speaks, or someone says a phrase containing <text>, your ChatZilla window will become active (on some operating systems) and its taskbar icon will flash (on some operating systems.) If <text> is omitted the list of stalk words is displayed. = Shows status information for the current view. = Toggles the visibility of the status bar. = Lists the capabilities of the current server, as reported by the 005 numeric. = Displays a sample text. Used to preview styles.
cmd.topic.params = [<new-topic>] = If <new-topic> is specified and you are a chanop, or the channel is not in 'private topic' mode (+t), the topic will be changed to <new-topic>. If <new-topic> is *not* specified, the current topic will be displayed. = Toggles the visibility of the channel tab strip.
cmd.unignore.params = <mask> = Removes someone from your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask.
cmd.unstalk.params = <text> = Remove word from list of terms for which you would like to see alerts.
cmd.urls.params = [<number>] = Displays the last few URLs seen by ChatZilla. Specify <number> to change how many it displays, or omit to display the default 10.
cmd.userhost.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Requests the hostmask of every <nickname> given.
cmd.userip.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Requests the IP-address of every <nickname> given.
cmd.disable-plugin.params = <plugin> = This command calls the plugin's disablePlugin function, if it exists. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly disable itself.
cmd.usermode.params = [<new-mode>] = Changes or displays the current user mode.
cmd.user-motif.params = [<motif> [<user>]] = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
cmd.user-pref.params = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<user>]]]] = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the user <user>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed.
cmd.version.label = Get Version Information
cmd.version.params = [<nickname>] = Asks <nickname> what irc client they're running. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not. If you do not specify <nickname>, ChatZilla will ask the server for the version of the IRCserver software it is running.
cmd.voice.label = Give Voice Status
cmd.voice.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Gives voice status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status.
cmd.who.params = <rest> = List users who have name, host, or description information matching <rest>.
cmd.whois.label = Who is
cmd.whois.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Displays information about the user <nickname>, including 'real name', server connected to, idle time, and signon time. Note that some servers will lie about the idle time. The correct idle time can usually be obtained by using |wii| instead of |whois|.
cmd.wii.params = <nickname> [<...>] = Displays the same information as |whois|, but asks the server to include the user's real idle time.
cmd.whowas.label = Who was
cmd.whowas.params = <nickname> [<limit>] = Displays the last known information about the user <nickname>, including 'real name', for a user that has left the server.
## dispatch-related error messages ##
msg.err.internal.dispatch = Internal error dispatching command ``%1$S''.
msg.err.internal.hook = Internal error processing hook ``%1$S''. = No command named ``%1$S''.
msg.err.invalid.param = Invalid value for parameter %1$S (%2$S).
msg.err.disabled = Sorry, ``%1$S'' is currently disabled.
msg.err.notimplemented = Sorry, ``%1$S'' has not been implemented.
msg.err.required.param = Missing required parameter %1$S.
msg.err.ambigcommand = Ambiguous command, ``%1$S'', %2$S commands match [%3$S]. = Missing %1$S parameters. This alias requires at least %2$S parameters.
msg.err.max.dispatch.depth = Reached max dispatch depth while attempting to dispatch ``%1$S''.
## ChatZilla error messages ##
msg.err.invalid.pref = Invalid value for preference %1$S (%2$S).
msg.err.failure = Operation Failed: %1$S.
msg.err.scriptload = Error loading subscript from <%1$S>.
msg.err.pluginapi = Plugin <%1$S> is missing a required function.
msg.err.invalid.scheme = Invalid scheme in url <%1$S>.
msg.err.item.not.found = Startup script item <%1$S> does not exist or is inaccessible.
msg.err.unknown.pref = Unknown pref name ``%1$S''. = Unknown network ``%S''. = Unknown channel ``%S''.
msg.err.unknown.user = Unknown user ``%S''.
msg.err.unknown.stalk = Not stalking %S.
msg.err.unknown.motif = Unknown motif ``%S''.
msg.err.invalid.charset = Invalid character encoding mode ``%S''.
msg.err.improper.view = ``%S'' cannot be used from this view.
msg.err.not.connected = Not connected.
msg.err.last.view = Cannot delete last view.
msg.err.last.view.hide = Cannot hide last view.
msg.err.bad.ircurl = Invalid IRC URL ``%S''. = Command ``%1$S'' must be run in the context of a network.
msg.err.need.server = Command ``%1$S'' must be run in the context of an attached server. = Command ``%1$S'' must be run in the context of a channel.
msg.err.need.user = Command ``%1$S'' must be run in the context of a user.
msg.err.need.recip = Command ``%1$S'' must be run in the context of a user or a channel. = Please do not just type into this tab, use an actual command instead. = No match for ``%S''. = Error creating socket. = The network ``%S'' has no secure servers defined.
msg.err.cancelled = Connection process canceled.
msg.err.offline = The host software platform (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox) is in ``offline mode''. No network connections can be made in this mode.
msg.err.badalias = Malformed alias: %S" = %S is not a valid CTCP function for this client = %S does not have any help information = The host application UID "%S" is not recognised. Please report what application you are running ChatZilla in, and the UID given. = The current view does not support printing.
msg.err.unsupported.command = The server does not support the ``%S'' command.
msg.err.invalid.mode = The mode string you entered (``%S'') is invalid. A valid mode string consists of one or more sequences of a + or - followed by one or more alphabetical characters. = Saving the list of away messages failed (%S).
msg.err.invalid.url = ``%S'' is not a valid url nor an alias for a url, and therefor could not be loaded.
# Specific bug messages.
msg.bug318419.warning = ChatZilla has detected a potential abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 318419 <>. You are strongly advised to restart the host application (&brandShortName;) to prevent further problems.
msg.bug318419.error = ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 318419 <>. You MUST restart the host application (&brandShortName;) to fix this.
# Ask for oper pass if not explicitly given in the command:
msg.need.oper.password = Please enter a password for obtaining IRC Operator privileges.
# Better IRC error messages
msg.irc.381 = You are now an IRC Operator.
msg.irc.464 = Incorrect password, please try again with the correct password.
msg.irc.464.login = Please specify your password using the "/pass" command to continue connecting.
msg.irc.471 = This channel has reached its set capacity; you cannot join it.
msg.irc.473 = This channel is invite-only. You must have an invite from an existing member of the channel to join.
msg.irc.474 = You are banned from this channel.
msg.irc.475 = This channel needs a key. You must provide the correct key to join the channel. See "/help join" for details on joining a channel with a key.
msg.irc.477 = This channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it).
msg.irc.491 = Only few of mere mortals may try to enter the twilight zone (your host did not match any configured 'O-lines').
# This is an extended version that is only used if the server support /knock.
msg.irc.471.knock = %S You might be able to use "/knock %S" to ask the channel operators to invite you in. [[Knock][Asks the channel operators to let you in][%S]]
msg.irc.473.knock = %S Use "/knock %S" to ask the channel operators to invite you in. [[Knock][Asks the channel operators to let you in][%S]]
msg.irc.475.knock = %S You might be able to use "/knock %S" to ask the channel operators to invite you in. [[Knock][Asks the channel operators to let you in][%S]]
msg.warn.unk.command = Unknown command ``%S'', just guessing.
msg.val.on = on = off
## formatting ##
msg.fmt.usage = "%1$S %2$S"
msg.fmt.jsexception = "%1$S: %2$S @ <%3$S> %4$S"
# 1: error number, 2: error text, 3: file name, 4: line number, 5: function name
# 1: pref name 2: value
msg.fmt.pref = Preference ``%1$S'' is ``%2$S''.
msg.fmt.netpref = Network preference ``%1$S'' is ``%2$S''.
msg.fmt.chanpref = Channel preference ``%1$S'' is ``%2$S''.
msg.fmt.userpref = User preference ``%1$S'' is ``%2$S''.
msg.fmt.pluginpref = Plugin preference ``%1$S'' is ``%2$S''.
msg.fmt.plugin1 = Plugin at index %S, loaded from <%S>.
msg.fmt.plugin2 = id: %S, version: %S, enabled: %S, status: %S.
msg.fmt.plugin3 = Description: %S.
msg.fmt.usercount = "%S, %S@, %S%%, %S+"
msg.fmt.alias = "%S = %S"
msg.fmt.seconds = "%S seconds
msg.fmt.matchlist = "%S matches for ``%S'': [%S]
msg.fmt.ctcpreply = CTCP %S reply ``%S'' from %S"
msg.fmt.chanlist = "%S %S %S"
msg.fmt.logged.on = "%S is logged in as %S"
# 1: local short date/time, 2: nick info
msg.fmt.status = "%S %S"
msg.unknown = <unknown>
msg.none = <none> = <n/a>
msg.commasp = ", "
msg.always = always
msg.and = and
msg.primary = primary
msg.secondary = secondary = you = Network
msg.server = Server = Channel
msg.user = User
msg.client = Client
msg.view = View = Tab
msg.loading = Loading
msg.error = Error = here
msg.gone = gone
msg.connecting = Connecting
msg.connected = Connected
msg.disconnected = Disconnected
msg.days = "%S days
msg.hours = "%S hours
msg.minutes = "%S minutes
msg.seconds = "%S seconds = 1 day
msg.hour = 1 hour
msg.minute = 1 minute
msg.second = 1 second
msg.rsp.hello = [HELLO] = [HELP]
msg.rsp.usage = [USAGE]
msg.rsp.error = [ERROR]
msg.rsp.warn = [WARNING] = [INFO]
msg.rsp.evin = [EVAL-IN]
msg.rsp.evout = [EVAL-OUT]
msg.rsp.disconnect = [QUIT]
msg.mnu.chatzilla = &ChatZilla
msg.mnu.irc = &IRC
msg.mnu.edit = &Edit = &Help
msg.mnu.view = &View
msg.mnu.motifs = Co&lor Scheme
msg.mnu.opcommands = &Operator Commands
msg.mnu.usercommands = &User Commands
msg.mnu.fonts = &Font Family and Size = *client*
msg.cant.disable = Unable to disable plugin %S.
msg.cant.enable = Unable to enable plugin %S. = Plugin %S is already disabled. = Plugin %S is already enabled. = Help not available. = No commands match ``%1$S''. = There are no plugins loaded.
msg.cmdmatch = Commands matching ``%1$S'' are [%2$S]. = This command is an alias for |%1$S|.
msg.extra.params = Extra parameters ``%1$S'' ignored.
msg.version.reply = ChatZilla %S [%S]
msg.source.reply = = No connection or /list in progress, nothing to cancel.
msg.cancelling = Cancelling connection to ``%S''...
msg.cancelling.list = Cancelling /list request...
msg.current.charset = Using ``%S'' as default character encoding.
msg.current.charset.view = Using ``%S'' as character encoding for this view.
msg.current.css = Using <%S> as default motif. = Using <%S> as default motif for this network.
msg.current.css.chan = Using <%S> as motif for this channel.
msg.current.css.user = Using <%S> as motif for this user. = Sorry, but your version of &brandShortName; doesn't support styling the entire application with a motif. This functionality will now be disabled.
msg.subscript.loaded = Subscript <%1$S> loaded with result ``%2$S''. = Default nickname, ``%S'', username ``%S'', and description ``%S''. = "%S: User %S connected via %S:%S (%S server). = "%S: Connected for %S, last ping: %S, server roundtrip (lag): %S seconds.
msg.connect.via = Connected via %S"
msg.user.mode = User mode for %S is now %S"
msg.not.connected = "%S: Not connected.
msg.insecure.server = Your connection to the server ``%S'' is not secure. = Signed by %S" = Displays security information about the current connection
msg.member = Member
msg.operator = Operator member
msg.voiced = Voiced member
msg.voiceop = Operator and voiced member = no mode = "%S, %S: Topic, ``%S'' = "%S, %S: No topic. = "%S: %S of %S (%S) <%S> = "%S/%S: %S users total, %S operators, %S voiced.
msg.nonmember = "%S: No longer a member of %S.
msg.end.status = End of status.
msg.networks.heada = Available networks are [
msg.networks.headb = ].
msg.messages.cleared = Messages Cleared. = Channel view for ``%S'' opened.
msg.match.unchecked = (%S users were not checked)
msg.matching.nicks = The following users matched your query: %S. %S = There were no users matching your query. %S
msg.commands.header = Type /help <command-name> for information about a specific command.
msg.matching.commands = Currently implemented commands matching the pattern ``%S'' are [%S].\nType /help <command-name> for information about a specific command.
msg.all.commands = Currently implemented commands are [%S]. = Help is available from many places:\n - |/commands| lists all the built-in commands in ChatZilla. Use |/help <command-name>| to get help on individual commands.\n - The IRC Help website <> provides introductory material for new IRC users. \n - The ChatZilla FAQ <> answers many common questions about using ChatZilla.\n - The ChatZilla Support Channel <irc://moznet/chatzilla> is always available to answer any further questions about ChatZilla.
msg.homepage = Please visit the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information.
msg.client.opened = JavaScript console for ``*client*'' opened. = YOU are now known as %S
msg.newnick.notyou = "%S is now known as %S
msg.localeurl.homepage =
msg.localeurl.faq = = Your notify list is empty.
msg.notify.addone = "%S has been added to your notify list.
msg.notify.addsome = "%S have been added to your notify list.
msg.notify.delone = "%S has been removed from your notify list.
msg.notify.delsome = "%S have been removed from your notify list. = No such alias: %S.
msg.alias.removed = Removed alias: %S.
msg.alias.created = Created alias: %S = %S. = No aliases are defined. = No stalking victims.
msg.stalk.list = Currently stalking [%S].
msg.stalk.add = Now stalking %S.
msg.stalk.del = No longer stalking %S.
msg.stalking.already = Already stalking %S.
msg.status = Status = User %S on ``%S'' (%S:%S) = User %S, not connected to network ``%S''
msg.title.nonick = <unregistered-user> = No Topic = No Mode = "%S on %S (%S): %S"
msg.title.user = Conversation with %S %S"
msg.title.dccchat = DCC Conversation with %S"
msg.title.dccfile.send = "%S%% of ``%S'' sent to %S"
msg.title.dccfile.get = "%S%% of ``%S'' received from %S"
msg.title.unknown = ChatZilla!
msg.title.activity = "%S -- Activity [%S]
msg.output.url = URL
msg.output.knownnets = Known Networks
msg.output.connnets = Connected Networks
msg.output.notconn = Not Connected
msg.output.lag = Lag
msg.output.mode = Mode
msg.output.users = Users
msg.output.topic = Topic
msg.output.via = Connected via = Connected to
msg.output.file = File
msg.output.progress = Progress = Logging is off.
msg.logging.on = Logging is on. Log output is going to file <%S>.
msg.logfile.closed = Logfile closed.
msg.logfile.error = Unable to open file <%S>. Logging disabled.
msg.logfile.opened = Now logging to <%S>.
msg.logfile.closing = Closing log file <%S>.
msg.logfile.write.error = Unable to write to file <%S>. Logging disabled.
msg.query.opened = Query view for ``%S'' opened. = Network view for ``%S'' opened.
msg.already.connected = You are already connected to ``%S''.
msg.enter.nick = Please select a nickname = Attempting to connect to ``%S''. Use /cancel to abort.
msg.banlist.item = "%S banned %S from %S on %S.
msg.banlist.button = [[Remove][Remove this ban][%S]]
msg.banlist.end = End of %S ban list.
msg.exceptlist.item = "%S excepted %S from bans in %S on %S.
msg.exceptlist.button = [[Remove][Remove this ban exception][%S]]
msg.exceptlist.end = End of %S exception list. = You need to be an operator in %S to do that.
msg.ctcphelp.clientinfo = CLIENTINFO gives information on available CTCP commands
msg.ctcphelp.action = ACTION performs an action at the user
msg.ctcphelp.time = TIME gives the local date and time for the client
msg.ctcphelp.version = VERSION returns the client's version
msg.ctcphelp.source = SOURCE returns an address where you can obtain the client
msg.ctcphelp.os = OS returns the client's host's operating system and version = HOST returns the client's host application name and version = PING echos the parameter passed to the client
msg.ctcphelp.dcc = DCC requests a direct client connection
# DCC CHAT messages.
msg.dccchat.sent.request = Sent DCC Chat offer to ``%S'' from YOU (%S:%S) %S. = Got DCC Chat offer from ``%S'' (%S:%S) %S.
msg.dccchat.accepting = Auto-accepting DCC Chat offer from ``%S'' (%S:%S) in %S seconds %S. = Auto-accepting DCC Chat offer from ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.accepted = Accepted DCC Chat with ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.declined = Declined DCC Chat with ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.aborted = Aborted DCC Chat with ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.failed = Failed DCC Chat with ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.opened = DCC Chat with ``%S'' (%S:%S) connected.
msg.dccchat.closed = DCC Chat with ``%S'' (%S:%S) disconnected.
# DCC FILE messages.
msg.dccfile.sent.request = Sent DCC File Transfer offer to ``%S'' from YOU (%S:%S) of ``%S'' (%S) %S. = Got DCC File Transfer offer from ``%S'' (%S:%S) of ``%S'' (%S) %S.
msg.dccfile.accepting = Auto-accepting DCC File Transfer offer from ``%S'' (%S:%S) of ``%S'' (%S) in %S seconds %S. = Auto-accepting DCC File Transfer offer from ``%S'' (%S:%S) of ``%S'' (%S).
# 1 = file, 2 = to/from, 3 = nick, 4 = IP, 5 = port.
msg.dccfile.accepted = Accepted DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.declined = Declined DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.aborted = Aborted DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.failed = Failed DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.opened = DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S) started.
msg.dccfile.closed.sent = DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S) finished.
msg.dccfile.closed.saved = DCC File Transfer of ``%S'' %S ``%S'' (%S:%S) finished. File saved to ``%S''.
# 1 = percent, 2 = current pos, 3 = total size, 4 = speed.
msg.dccfile.progress = %S%% complete, %S of %S, %S.
msg.dccfile.send = Pick file to send = Save incoming file (%S)
msg.dccfile.err.notfound = The file specified could not be found.
msg.dccfile.err.notafile = The path specified is not a normal file.
msg.dccfile.err.notreadable = The file specified cannot be read.
# General DCC messages.
msg.dcc.pending.matches = "%S pending incoming DCC offers matched.
msg.dcc.accepted.matches = "%S DCC connections matched. = You must specify enough of the user's nickname to uniquely identify the request, or include the request type and even the filename if necessary.
msg.dcc.not.enabled = DCC is disabled. If you need DCC functionality, you may turn it on from the Preferences window.
msg.dcc.not.possible = DCC is unavailable in this version of the host software platform (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox) - the feature "scriptable server sockets" is missing. Mozilla builds after 2003-11-15 should contain this feature (e.g. Mozilla 1.6 or later).
msg.dcc.err.nouser = Must specify |nickname| or run the command from a query view.
msg.dcc.err.accept.time = You cannot use the short form of |/dcc-accept| within the first 10 seconds of receiving a DCC request.
msg.dcc.err.nochat = Must specify |nickname| or run the command from a DCC Chat view.
# /dcc-list words and phrases. = incoming
msg.dcclist.dir.out = outgoing (offer) = to
msg.dcclist.from = from
## Params: index, state, direction (incoming/outgoing), DCC type, direction (to/from), user (ip:port), commands.
msg.dcclist.line = %S: %S %S DCC %S %S %S (%S:%S) %S
## Params: waiting, running, done.
msg.dcclist.summary = DCC sessions: %S pending, %S connected, %S finished.
msg.dccaccept.disabled = Currently not auto-accepting DCC on this network.
msg.dccaccept.list = Currently auto-accepting DCC on this network from [%S].
msg.dccaccept.add = Now auto-accepting DCC on this network from %S.
msg.dccaccept.del = No longer auto-accepting DCC on this network from %S.
msg.dccaccept.adderr = You are already auto-accepting DCC on this network from %S.
msg.dccaccept.delerr = %S not found on your DCC auto-accept list for this network.
msg.dcc.command.accept = [[Accept][Accept this DCC offer][%S]]
msg.dcc.command.decline = [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]]
msg.dcc.command.cancel = [[Cancel][Cancels this DCC offer][%S]]
msg.dcc.command.close = [[Close][Close (disconnect) this DCC offer][%S]]
# DCC state names.
msg.dcc.state.abort = Aborted
msg.dcc.state.request = Requested
msg.dcc.state.accept = Accepted
msg.dcc.state.connect = Connected
# 1 = percent, 2 = current pos, 3 = total size, 4 = speed.
msg.dcc.state.connectPro = Connected (%S%% complete, %S of %S, %S)
msg.dcc.state.disconnect = Done
msg.dcc.state.decline = Declined = Failed
# SI general format (1$ == number, 2$ == scale suffix). = %1$S %2$S = %1$S %2$S
# SI suffixes for sizes. = B = KiB = MiB = GiB = TiB = PiB = EiB
# SI suffixes for speeds. = B/s = KiB/s = MiB/s = GiB/s = TiB/s = PiB/s = EiB/s
msg.ident.server.not.possible = Ident Server is unavailable in this version of the host software platform (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox) - the feature "scriptable server sockets" is missing. Mozilla builds after 2003-11-15 should contain this feature (e.g. Mozilla 1.6 or later). = Enter a password for the server %S:
msg.url.key = Enter key for url %S:
msg.startup.added = <%1$S> will now open at startup.
msg.startup.removed = <%1$S> will no longer open at startup.
msg.startup.exists = <%1$S> is currently opened at startup.
msg.startup.notfound = <%1$S> is not currently opened at startup.
msg.test.hello = Sample HELLO message, <>. = Sample INFO message, <>.
msg.test.error = Sample ERROR message, <>. = Sample HELP message, <>.
msg.test.usage = Sample USAGE message, <>.
msg.test.status = Sample STATUS message, <>.
msg.test.privmsg = Normal message from %S to %S, <>.
msg.test.action = Action message from %S to %S, <>.
msg.test.notice = Notice message from %S to %S, <>.
msg.test.url = Sample URL <> message.
msg.test.styles = Sample text styles *bold*, _underline_, /italic/, |teletype| message.
msg.test.emoticon = Sample emoticon :) :( :~( :0 :/ :P :| (* message.
msg.test.rheet = Sample Rheeeeeeeeeet! message.
msg.test.topic = Sample Topic message, <>.
msg.test.join = Sample Join message, <>.
msg.test.part = Sample Part message, <>.
msg.test.kick = Sample Kick message, <>.
msg.test.quit = Sample Quit message, <>.
msg.test.stalk = "%S : Sample /stalk match, <>.
msg.test.ctlchr = Sample control char >%01<\\1 -- >%05<\\5 -- >%10<\\10
msg.test.color = Sample color %033c%034o%034l%033o%033r%034%20%036t%036e%032s%034t%0f message.
msg.test.quote = Sample ``double quote'' message.
msg.welcome = Welcome to ChatZilla...\nBelow is a short selection of information to help you get started using ChatZilla.
msg.welcome.url = Because ChatZilla was launched from a URL, the target has been opened for you. You can find it on the tab bar, next to this view.
msg.tabdnd.drop = Would you like to use the file ``%S'' as your new motif?
msg.default.status = Welcome to ChatZilla!
msg.closing = Disconnecting from IRC. Click close again to exit now.
msg.confirm.quit = You are still connected to some networks, are you sure you want to quit ChatZilla?\nConfirming will close the window, and disconnect from all the networks and channels you're connected to.
msg.quit.anyway = &Quit Anyway
msg.dont.quit = &Don't Quit
msg.warn.on.exit = Warn me when quitting while still connected = "%S <%S@%S> ``%S''
msg.whois.channels = "%S: member of %S"
msg.whois.server = "%S: attached to %S ``%S''
msg.whois.idle = "%S: idle for %S (on since %S)
msg.whois.away = "%S: away with message ``%S''
msg.whois.end = End of WHOIS information for %S.
msg.ignore.list.1 = Currently not ignoring anyone.
msg.ignore.list.2 = Currently ignoring [%S].
msg.ignore.add = You are now ignoring %S.
msg.ignore.adderr = You are already ignoring %S.
msg.ignore.del = You are no longer ignoring %S.
msg.ignore.delerr = "%S not found in your ignore list. = You have invited %S to %S. = "%S (%S@%S) has invited you to %S. = The nickname ``%S'' is already in use, use the /nick command to pick a new one.
msg.retry.nick = The nickname ``%S'' is already in use, trying ``%S''.
msg.nick.prompt = Enter a nickname to use:
msg.list.rerouted = List reply will appear on the ``%S'' view.
msg.list.end = Displayed %S of %S channels.
msg.who.end = End of WHO results for ``%S'', %S user(s) found.
msg.who.match = User %S, (%S@%S) ``%S'' (%S), member of %S, is connected to <irc://%S/>, %S hop(s).
msg.connection.attempt = Connecting to %S (%S)...
msg.connection.refused = Connection to %S (%S) refused.
msg.connection.timeout = Connection to %S (%S) timed out. = Unknown host ``%S'' connecting to %S (%S).
msg.connection.closed = Connection to %S (%S) closed.
msg.connection.reset = Connection to %S (%S) reset.
msg.connection.quit = Disconnected from %S (%S).
msg.close.status = Connection to %S (%S) closed with status %S.
msg.proxy.connection.refused = The proxy server you configured is refusing the connection. = Unknown proxy host connecting to %S (%S).
# In these messages, %1$S is a connection error from above.
msg.connection.exhausted = "%1$S Connection attempts exhausted, giving up. = "%1$S Reconnecting in %2$S. = "%1$S %2$S attempts left, reconnecting in %3$S. = "%1$S 1 attempt left, reconnecting in %2$S.
msg.reconnecting = Reconnecting...
msg.confirm.disconnect.all = Are you sure you want to disconnect from ALL networks? = You are not connected to any networks. = There are no networks to reconnect to. = Ping reply from %S in %S. = Malformed ping reply from %S.
msg.prefix.response = "%S, your result is,
msg.topic.changed = "%S has changed the topic to ``%S''
msg.topic = Topic for %S is ``%S'' = No topic for channel %S" = Topic for %S was set by %S on %S" = YOU (%S) have joined %S"
msg.someone.joined = "%S (%S@%S) has joined %S" = YOU (%S) have left %S"
msg.someone.left = "%S has left %S"
msg.someone.left.reason = "%S has left %S (%S)
msg.youre.gone = YOU (%S) have been booted from %S by %S (%S)
msg.someone.gone = "%S was booted from %S by %S (%S)
msg.mode.all = Mode for %S is %S"
msg.mode.changed = Mode %S by %S"
msg.away.on = You are now marked as away (%S). Click the nickname button or use the |/back| command to return from being away. = You are no longer marked as away.
msg.away.prompt = Enter an away message to use:
msg.away.default = User is away. = YOU (%S) have left %S (%S)
msg.someone.quit = "%S has left %S (%S)
msg.unknown.ctcp = Unknown CTCP %S (%S) from %S" = Font family is ``%S'' = Enter the font family you wish to use:
msg.fonts.size.fmt = Font size is %Spt
msg.fonts.size.default = Font size is default
msg.fonts.size.pick = Enter the font size you wish to use:
msg.supports.chanTypes = Supported channel types: %S"
msg.supports.chanModesA = Supported channel modes (A: lists): %S"
msg.supports.chanModesB = Supported channel modes (B: param): %S"
msg.supports.chanModesC = Supported channel modes (C: on-param): %S"
msg.supports.chanModesD = Supported channel modes (D: boolean): %S"
msg.supports.userMode = "%S (%S)
msg.supports.userModes = Supported channel user modes: %S"
msg.supports.flagsOn = This server DOES support: %S"
msg.supports.flagsOff = This server DOESN'T support: %S"
msg.supports.miscOption = "%S=%S"
msg.supports.miscOptions = Server settings/limits: %S"
msg.conf.mode.on = Conference Mode has been enabled for this view; joins, leaves, quits and nickname changes will be hidden.
msg.conf.mode.stayon = Conference Mode is enabled for this view; joins, leaves, quits and nickname changes are hidden. = Conference Mode has been disabled for this view; joins, leaves, quits and nickname changes will be shown. = Join Channel on %S (%S) = <create new channel> = Filtering... = Filtering %S channels, this may take a moment... = Filtering %S channels... = Showing %S of %S channels. = Waiting for current list operation to finish... = Fetching channel list... = Fetched %S channels... = There was an error loading the channel list. = Loaded %S channels...
msg.urls.none = There are no stored URLs.
msg.urls.header = Listing the %S most recent stored URLs (most recent first):
msg.urls.item = URL %S: %S" = View, Complete = View, HTML Only = View, Plain Text = %S_files = Save View ``%S'' As... = You must specify either a normal extension or <savetype>. Nothing was saved. = The path ``%S'' is not a valid path or URL to save to. Only local file paths and file:/// urls are accepted. = The extension ``%S'' cannot be used without supplying a <savetype>. Use either |.xhtml|, |.xhtm|, |.html|, |.htm| or |.txt| as a file extension, or supply <savetype>. = The savetype ``%S'' is not a valid type of file to save to. Use either |complete|, |htmlonly| or |text|. = Saving the view ``%1$S'' to ``%2$S'' failed:\n ``%3$S'' = The file ``%S'' already exists.\n Click OK to overwrite it, click Cancel to keep the original file. = The view ``%1$S'' has been successfully saved to ``%2$S''.
msg.inst1.msg1 = ChatZilla would like to send a simple "ping" to a central server each time you start it, indicating which version you are using, and what Operating System you use. This information will be kept completely private, and does not contain any personally identifiable information. You have the choice to %1$S or %2$S this.
msg.inst1.msg2 = Use |/%1$S| to allow, or |/%2$S| to deny this request.
msg.inst1.msgRply1 = Startup ping failed with error ``%S''.
msg.inst1.msgRply2 = Startup ping sent OK.
msg.inst1.command.yes = [[Allow][Allow ChatZilla to send "ping" on startup][%S]] = [[Deny][Don't allow ChatZilla to send "ping" on startup][%S]]
munger.mailto=Mailto channel
munger.bugzilla-link=Bugzilla link
munger.quote=Double Quotes
munger.talkback-link=Talkback link
munger.ctrl-char=Control Chars
# Date/Time representations for strftime = Sunday^Monday^Tuesday^Wednesday^Thursday^Friday^Saturday = Sun^Mon^Tue^Wed^Thu^Fri^Sat
datetime.month.long = January^February^March^April^May^June^July^August^September^October^November^December
datetime.month.short = Jan^Feb^Mar^Apr^May^Jun^Jul^Aug^Sep^Oct^Nov^Dec
datetime.uam = AM
datetime.lam = am
datetime.upm = PM
datetime.lpm = pm = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S = %I:%M:%S %p
datetime.presets.lx = %Y-%m-%d
datetime.presets.ux = %H:%M:%S
# Messages used in config.js, part of the pref window.
# We only allow one pref window open at once, this occurs when a 2nd is opened.
msg.prefs.alreadyOpen = ChatZilla's preferences are already open; you may not open a second copy. = An exception occurred trying to save the preferences: %S.
msg.prefs.browse = Browse...
msg.prefs.browse.title = ChatZilla Browse
msg.prefs.move.up = Move up
msg.prefs.move.down = Move down
msg.prefs.add = Add...
msg.prefs.edit = Edit
msg.prefs.delete = Delete
msg.prefs.list.add = Enter item to add:
msg.prefs.list.edit = Edit the item as needed:
msg.prefs.list.delete = Are you sure you want to remove the item ``%S''?
msg.prefs.object.delete = Are you sure you want to remove the object ``%S'' and all its preferences?
msg.prefs.object.reset = Are you sure you want to reset all the preferences for ``%S'' to their defaults?
# First is for adding prefix/suffix to the overall header, and the next three
# are for the different objects (first is network name, second is channel/user
# name).
msg.prefs.fmt.header = "%S" = Network %S" = Network %S, channel %S"
msg.prefs.fmt.display.user = Network %S, user %S"
# Name for "global" object. = Global Settings
# Localized names for all the prefs and tooltip "help" messages.
# NOTE: "Bugzilla", "ChatZilla" and "mIRC" are product names.
pref.activityFlashDelay.label = Activity flash delay = When a tab that has had activity gets more activity, the tab is flashed. This preference is the length of the flash in milliseconds: 0 disables it.
pref.aliases.label = Command aliases = Allows you to make shortcuts to various commands or sequences of commands. Each item is of the form "<name> = <command-list>". The command-list is a list of commands (without the leading "/") along with their parameters, each separated by ";". The name of the alias will automatically be turned into a command when ChatZilla starts.
pref.autoAwayCap.label = Auto away-check user limit = ChatZilla automatically checks which users are here and which are away in each channel you are a member of, however, this causes significant lag on larger channels. Any channel bigger than this limit won't be checked.
pref.autoAwayPeriod.label = Auto away-check period length = ChatZilla automatically checks which users are here and which are away in each channel you are a member of. This specifies how many minutes should pass between checks.
pref.autoperform.label = Auto-perform = When connecting to a server, you might want to send some commands automatically. Simply enter each command in this list (without the leading "/"), with parameters, and ChatZilla will do it all for you. The commands are run in the order listed.
pref.autoRejoin.label = Rejoin when kicked = If this is turned on, ChatZilla will try (only once) to rejoin a channel you got kicked from. Note, some channels dislike auto-rejoin, and will ban you, so be careful.
pref.away.label = Away status =
pref.awayNick.label = Nickname (away) = This nickname will automatically be used when you mark yourself away, if different from 'Nickname'. You may leave this blank to not change nickname when going away.
pref.bugURL.label = Bugzilla URL = The URL used for links to bugs, with "%s" replaced with the bug number. The text "bug " followed by a number will get turned into a link using this URL.
pref.charset.label = Character encoding = For multiple clients to correctly read messages with non-ASCII characters on IRC, they need to use the same character encoding.
pref.collapseMsgs.label = Collapse messages = Makes multiple messages from one person only show their nickname against the first, which can look cleaner than having the nickname repeated.
pref.collapseActions.label = Collapse actions when collapsing messages = Makes multiple actions from one person only show their nickname against the first, which can look cleaner than having the nickname repeated.
pref.conference.limit.label = Conference mode limit = When the number of users in a channel sufficiently exceeds this limit, ChatZilla switches the channel into "conference mode", during which JOIN, PART, QUIT and NICK messages for other users are hidden. When the user count drops sufficiently below the limit, normal operation is resumed automatically. Setting this to 0 will never use conference mode, likewise setting this to 1 will always use it.
pref.connectTries.label = Connection attempts = The number of times ChatZilla attempts to connect to a server or network. Set to -1 for unlimited attempts.
pref.copyMessages.label = Copy important messages = Any message marked as "important" will be copied to the network view. It allows you to quickly see messages that were addressed to you when you were away from the computer.
pref.dcc.enabled.label = DCC Enabled = When disabled, no DCC-related commands will do anything, and all DCC requests from other users will be ignored.
pref.dcc.autoAccept.list.label = Auto-accept list = List of nicknames to automatically accept DCC chat/file offers from. Hostmasks are also accepted, using "*" as a wildcard. If this list is empty, all DCC requests must be manually accepted or declined.
pref.dcc.downloadsFolder.label = Downloads folder = Specifies the default destination for files received via DCC.
pref.dcc.listenPorts.label = Listen Ports = List of ports that other users can connect to remotely. Each item may be a single port number, or a range specified as "lower-upper". Leave empty to use a random, OS-picked port. Each time you offer a DCC connection to someone, the next port listed is picked.
pref.dcc.useServerIP.label = Get local IP from server = When turned on, ChatZilla will ask the server for your IP address when connecting. This allows DCC to obtain the correct IP address when operating behind a gateway or NAT-based system.
pref.debugMode.label = Debug mode = This preference is for debugging ChatZilla and can generate a lot of debug output (usually to the console). It is a list of letters, signifying what you want debug messages about. "c" for context menus (dumps data when opening a context menu), "d" for dispatch (dumps data when dispatching commands), and "t" for trace/hook (dumps data about hooks and the event queue processing) debugging.
pref.defaultQuitMsg.label = Default quit message = Specifies a default quit message to use when one is not explicitly specified. Leave blank to use the basic ChatZilla one, which simply states what version you have.
pref.desc.label = Description = Sets the "description" (aka "real name") field shown in your /whois information. It is commonly used to include one's real name, but you are not required to enter anything.
pref.deleteOnPart.label = Delete channel views on part = Causes /leave and /part to also close the channel view.
pref.displayHeader.label = Show header = Display the chat header on this view. This contains information like the URL of the current view, and the topic and modes for a channel view. = Font Family = Selects the font in which ChatZilla will display messages. The value "default" will use your global font family; "serif", "sans-serif" and "monospace" will use your global font settings; other values will be treated as font names.
pref.font.size.label = Font Size (pt) = Selects the font size you want ChatZilla to display messages with. The value 0 will use your global font size, and other values will be interpreted as the size in points (pt).
pref.guessCommands.label = Guess unknown commands = If you enter a command (starts with "/") that ChatZilla doesn't understand, then it can try "guessing" by sending the command to the server. You can turn this off if you don't want ChatZilla to try this.
pref.hasPrefs.label = Object has prefs = Indicates the object has preferences saved. Never shown in preferences window. :)
pref.identd.enabled.label = Enable Identification Server during connection process = Allows ChatZilla to connect to servers that require an ident response.
pref.initialURLs.label = Auto-connect URLs = A list of IRC URLs to which ChatZilla should connect when starting. These will not be processed if ChatZilla was started by clicking on a hyperlink to an irc host.
pref.initialScripts.label = Auto-load scripts = When ChatZilla starts, it loads all the scripts listed here. If an item is a directory, however, it loads "init.js" from that directory, and any subdirectory.
pref.inputSpellcheck.label = Spellcheck the inputbox = Whether or not the inputbox will be spellchecked. Only works on recent &brandShortName; builds. = Focus browser when opening links = Moves the focus to the browser window when opening URLs from ChatZilla.
pref.log.label = Log this view = Makes ChatZilla log this view. The log file is usually stored in your profile, which can be overridden with "Profile path" (for the base path) or "Log file name" for a specific view's log.
pref.logFileName.label = Log file name = The log file used for this view. If the view is currently open and logging, changing this option won't take effect until the next time it starts logging.
pref.logFile.client.label = Log file for client = Specifies the name of the log file for the client view. This is appended to the 'log folder' to create a full path. = Log file for networks = Specifies the name of the log file for network views. This is appended to the 'log folder' to create a full path. = Log file for channels = Specifies the name of the log file for channel views. This is appended to the 'log folder' to create a full path.
pref.logFile.user.label = Log file for users = Specifies the name of the log file for user/query views. This is appended to the 'log folder' to create a full path.
pref.logFile.dccuser.label = Log file for DCC = Specifies the name of the log file for DCC chat/file views. This is appended to the 'log folder' to create a full path.
pref.logFolder.label = Log folder = Specifies the base location for all logs. The various "Log file for" preferences specify the exact names for the different types of log file. = Normal click = What to do when clicking a URL normally.
pref.messages.ctrlClick.label = Control-click = What to do when clicking a URL with the Control key held down.
pref.messages.metaClick.label = Alt/Meta-click = What to do when clicking a URL with the Alt or Meta key held down.
pref.messages.middleClick.label = Middle-click = What to do when clicking a URL with the middle mouse button.
pref.motif.dark.label = Dark motif = The dark motif selectable from the View > Color Scheme menu.
pref.motif.light.label = Light motif = The light motif selectable from the View > Color Scheme menu.
pref.motif.default.label = Default motif = The default motif selectable from the View > Color Scheme menu.
pref.motif.current.label = Current motif = The currently selected motif file. A Motif is a CSS file that describes how do display the chat view, and can be used to customize the display.
pref.multiline.label = Multiline input mode = Sets whether ChatZilla is using the multiline input box or the single-line one.
pref.munger.bold.label = Bold = Makes ChatZilla display text between astersks (e.g. *bold*) in an actually bold face.
pref.munger.bugzilla-link.label = Bugzilla links = Makes ChatZilla hyperlink "bug <number>" to the specified bug, using the "Bugzilla URL" as the base link. = Channel links = Makes ChatZilla convert "#channel" into a link to the channel.
pref.munger.colorCodes.label = mIRC colors = Enables the display of colors on the chat text, as well as other mIRC codes (bold and underline). When disabled, ChatZilla will simply hide mIRC codes.
pref.munger.ctrl-char.label = Control characters = Makes ChatZilla display control characters it doesn't understand.
pref.munger.face.label = Faces (emoticons) = Makes ChatZilla display images for common smilies, such as :-) and ;-).
pref.munger.italic.label = Italic = Makes ChatZilla italicize text between forward slashes. (e.g. /italic/) = Web links = Makes ChatZilla hyperlink text that looks like a URL.
pref.munger.mailto.label = Mail links = Makes ChatZilla hyperlink text that looks like an e-mail address.
pref.munger.quote.label = Neater quotes = Makes ChatZilla replace `` with \u201C and '' with \u201D.
pref.munger.rheet.label = Rheet = Makes ChatZilla hyperlink "rheet": a very feature.
pref.munger.talkback-link.label = Talkback links = Makes ChatZilla hyperlink "TB<numbers><character>" to the specified talkback stack trace.
pref.munger.teletype.label = Teletype = Makes ChatZilla display |teletype| actually in teletype (a fixed-width font).
pref.munger.underline.label = Underline = Makes ChatZilla underline text between underscores. (e.g. _underline_)
pref.munger.word-hyphenator.label = Hyphenate long words = Makes ChatZilla insert "hyphenation points" into long words and URLs so they can wrap to the screen size.
pref.newTabLimit.label = Max auto-created views = Sets the number of views (such as query views) that may be created automatically by ChatZilla. Once the limit is reached, private messages will show up on the current view instead. Set this to 0 for unlimited or 1 to disallow all auto-created views.
pref.nickCompleteStr.label = Nickname completion string = This string is appended to a nickname when tab-completed at the start of a line.
pref.nickname.label = Nickname = This is the name seen by everyone else when on IRC. You can use anything you like, but it can't contain particularly "weird" characters, so keep to alpha-numeric characters.
pref.nicknameList.label = Nickname List = This is a list of nicknames you want ChatZilla to try if the one you were using happens to be already in use. Your normal nickname need not be listed.
pref.notify.aggressive.label = Aggressive notify = When someone sends you a private message, says your nickname, or mentions one of your "stalk words", ChatZilla considers the message to be worth getting your attention. This preference sets whether it's allowed to flash the window or bring it to the front (varies by OS) in order to get your attention.
pref.notifyList.label = Notify list = A list of nicknames to periodically check to see if they are on-line or not. Every 5 minutes, ChatZilla will check this list, and inform you if anyone is now on-line or has gone off-line.
pref.outgoing.colorCodes.label = Enable sending color codes = Allows you to send color and other mIRC codes, such as bold and underline, using special %-sequences. When enabled, simply type "%" to see a popup of the various choices.
pref.outputWindowURL.label = Output Window = You probably don't want to change this. The chat view loads this URL to display the actual messages, header, etc., and the file must correctly define certain items or you'll get JavaScript errors and a blank chat window!
pref.profilePath.label = Profile path = This is the base location for ChatZilla-related files. By default, ChatZilla loads scripts from the "scripts" subdirectory, and stores log files in the "logs" subdirectory.
pref.proxy.typeOverride.label = Proxy Type = Override the normal proxy choice by specifying "http" to use your browser's HTTP Proxy or "none" to force no proxy to be used (not even the SOCKS proxy). Note that this usually only works when the browser is set to use a manual proxy configuration.
pref.reconnect.label = Reconnect when disconnected unexpectedly = When your connection is lost unexpectedly, ChatZilla can automatically reconnect to the server for you.
pref.showModeSymbols.label = Show user mode symbols = The userlist can either show mode symbols ("@" for op, "%" for half-op, "+" for voice), or it can show colored dots (green for op, dark blue for half-op, cyan for voice, and black for normal). Turn this preference on to show mode symbols instead of colored dots.
pref.sortUsersByMode.label = Sort users by mode = Causes the userlist to be sorted by mode, op first, then half-op (if supported on the server), then voice, followed by everyone else.
pref.sound.enabled.label = Enabled = Tick this preference to allow sound, or untick to turn off all sounds. Provides nothing more than a global toggle.
pref.sound.overlapDelay.label = Overlap Delay = Sets the period of time during which the same event will not trigger the sound to be played. For example, the default value of 2000ms (2 seconds) means if two stalk matches occur within 2 seconds of each other, only the first will cause the sound to be played.
##pref.sound.surpressActive.label = Suppress Sounds for active view = Stops sounds generated by the active view from playing if ChatZilla is the active window. Sounds from other views, or when ChatZilla is not active, will always play. = Channel: Start session = = Channel: Non-chat event = = Channel: Normal chat = = Channel: Stalk match =
pref.sound.user.start.label = User: Start session =
pref.sound.user.stalk.label = User: Normal chat =
pref.stalkWholeWords.label = Stalk whole words only = This preferences toggles ChatZilla's handling of stalk words between finding matching words, or simple substrings. For example, "ChatZilla is cool" will match the stalk word "zilla" only if this preferences is off.
pref.stalkWords.label = Stalk words = A list of words that will cause a line to be marked "important" and will try to get your attention if "Aggressive notify" is turned on. = Max stored URLs = Sets the maximum number of URLs collected and stored by ChatZilla. The "/urls" command displays the last 10 stored, or more if you do "/urls 20", for example.
pref.userlistLeft.label = Display the userlist on the left = Display the userlist on the left. Uncheck to display the userlist on the right instead.
pref.username.label = Username = Your username is used to construct your "host mask", which is a string representing you. It includes your connection's host name and this username. It is sometimes used for setting auto-op, bans, and other things specific to one person.
pref.usermode.label = Usermode = Your usermode is an option string that is sent to the IRC network. It is composed of a plus sign ("+") followed by one or more letters, each of which represents an option. The letter "i" represents "invisible mode". When you are are invisible, your nickname will not appear in channel userlists for people who are not in the channel with you. The letter "s" allows you to see server messages like nickname collisions. For a more complete list of available options, look up usermode on
pref.warnOnClose.label = Warn me when quitting while still connected = When quitting while still connected to networks, a message appears asking you if you are sure you want to quit. Uncheck this to disable it.
# Preference group labels # = General = Connection = Identification = Logging = Appearance = Miscellaneous = Motifs = Timestamps = The Format preference uses strftime replacements. For example, "%A %l:%M:%S%P" might become "Thursday 1:37:42pm". = Userlist = DCC = Ports = Auto-accept = Formatting = Startup = Auto-connect URLs = Auto-load scripts = Lists = Stalk words = Command aliases = Notify list = Nickname List = Auto-perform = Global = Headers = Sets the default visibility for headers of views. Each view can override this default if necessary. = Links = The three link preferences define how ChatZilla reacts to different kinds of clicks on links. You can re-arrange these to suit your preferences. = Log these view types = Sets the default logging state for views. Each view can override this default if necessary. = Scrollback size = The number of lines of text to keep in this view type. Once the limit is reached, the oldest lines are removed as new lines are added. = Sound Configuration = = Sound Events = Sounds for certain client events. These preferences are a space-separated list of either "beep" or file: URLs.
# These are the prefs that get grouped #
pref.networkHeader.label = Networks =
pref.channelHeader.label = Channels =
pref.userHeader.label = Users =
pref.dccUserHeader.label = DCC =
pref.networkLog.label = Networks =
pref.channelLog.label = Channels =
pref.userLog.label = Users =
pref.dccUserLog.label = DCC =
pref.clientMaxLines.label = Client =
pref.networkMaxLines.label = Networks =
pref.channelMaxLines.label = Channels =
pref.userMaxLines.label = Users =
pref.dccUserMaxLines.label = DCC =
pref.timestamps.display.label = Format =
pref.timestamps.label = Enabled =
pref.msgBeep.label = New query view =
pref.queryBeep.label = Query message =
pref.stalkBeep.label = Important message =