
601 строка
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>,
# Harrison Page <>
# Gervase Markham <>
# Richard Walters <>
# Jean-Sebastien Guay <>
# Frédéric Buclin <>
# Run me out of cron at midnight to collect Bugzilla statistics.
# To run new charts for a specific date, pass it in on the command line in
# ISO (2004-08-14) format.
use AnyDBM_File;
use strict;
use IO::Handle;
use lib ".";
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Search;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Bugzilla::Product;
use Bugzilla::Field;
# Turn off output buffering (probably needed when displaying output feedback
# in the regenerate mode).
$| = 1;
# Tidy up after graphing module
if (chdir("graphs")) {
unlink <./*.gif>;
unlink <./*.png>;
# This is a pure command line script.
my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db();
# To recreate the daily statistics, run " --regenerate" .
my $regenerate = 0;
if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "--regenerate") {
$regenerate = 1;
my $datadir = bz_locations()->{'datadir'};
my @myproducts = map {$_->name} Bugzilla::Product->get_all;
unshift(@myproducts, "-All-");
# As we can now customize the list of resolutions, looking at the actual list
# of available resolutions only is not enough as some now removed resolutions
# may have existed in the past, or have been renamed. We want them all.
my @resolutions = @{get_legal_field_values('resolution')};
my $old_resolutions =
$dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT bugs_activity.added
FROM bugs_activity
INNER JOIN fielddefs
ON = bugs_activity.fieldid
LEFT JOIN resolution
ON resolution.value = bugs_activity.added
SELECT bugs_activity.removed
FROM bugs_activity
INNER JOIN fielddefs
ON = bugs_activity.fieldid
LEFT JOIN resolution
ON resolution.value = bugs_activity.removed
undef, ('resolution', 'resolution'));
push(@resolutions, @$old_resolutions);
# Exclude "" from the resolution list.
@resolutions = grep {$_} @resolutions;
# Actually, the list of statuses is predefined. This will change in the near future.
my $tstart = time;
foreach (@myproducts) {
my $dir = "$datadir/mining";
&check_data_dir ($dir);
if ($regenerate) {
&regenerate_stats($dir, $_);
} else {
&collect_stats($dir, $_);
my $tend = time;
# Uncomment the following line for performance testing.
#print "Total time taken " . delta_time($tstart, $tend) . "\n";
local $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} = 'cmdline';
local $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'ctype=rdf';
my $perl = $^X;
# Generate a static RDF file containing the default view of the duplicates data.
open(CGI, "$perl -T duplicates.cgi |")
|| die "can't fork duplicates.cgi: $!";
open(RDF, ">$datadir/duplicates.tmp")
|| die "can't write to $datadir/duplicates.tmp: $!";
my $headers_done = 0;
while (<CGI>) {
print RDF if $headers_done;
$headers_done = 1 if $_ eq "\r\n";
close CGI;
close RDF;
if (-s "$datadir/duplicates.tmp") {
rename("$datadir/duplicates.rdf", "$datadir/duplicates-old.rdf");
rename("$datadir/duplicates.tmp", "$datadir/duplicates.rdf");
sub check_data_dir {
my $dir = shift;
if (! -d $dir) {
mkdir $dir, 0755;
chmod 0755, $dir;
sub collect_stats {
my $dir = shift;
my $product = shift;
my $when = localtime (time);
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $product_id;
if ($product ne '-All-') {
my $prod = Bugzilla::Product::check_product($product);
$product_id = $prod->id;
# NB: Need to mangle the product for the filename, but use the real
# product name in the query
my $file_product = $product;
$file_product =~ s/\//-/gs;
my $file = join '/', $dir, $file_product;
my $exists = -f $file;
# if the file exists, get the old status and resolution list for that product.
my @data;
@data = get_old_data($file) if $exists;
# If @data is not empty, then we have to recreate the data file.
if (scalar(@data)) {
open(DATA, '>', $file)
|| ThrowCodeError('chart_file_open_fail', {'filename' => $file});
else {
open(DATA, '>>', $file)
|| ThrowCodeError('chart_file_open_fail', {'filename' => $file});
# Now collect current data.
my @row = (today());
my $status_sql = q{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs WHERE bug_status = ?};
my $reso_sql = q{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs WHERE resolution = ?};
if ($product ne '-All-') {
$status_sql .= q{ AND product_id = ?};
$reso_sql .= q{ AND product_id = ?};
my $sth_status = $dbh->prepare($status_sql);
my $sth_reso = $dbh->prepare($reso_sql);
my @values ;
foreach my $status (@statuses) {
@values = ($status);
push (@values, $product_id) if ($product ne '-All-');
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_status, undef, @values);
push(@row, $count);
foreach my $resolution (@resolutions) {
@values = ($resolution);
push (@values, $product_id) if ($product ne '-All-');
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_reso, undef, @values);
push(@row, $count);
if (!$exists || scalar(@data)) {
my $fields = join('|', ('DATE', @statuses, @resolutions));
print DATA <<FIN;
# Bugzilla Daily Bug Stats
# Do not edit me! This file is generated.
# fields: $fields
# Product: $product
# Created: $when
# Add existing data, if needed. Note that no count is not treated
# the same way as a count with 0 bug.
foreach my $data (@data) {
print DATA join('|', map {defined $data->{$_} ? $data->{$_} : ''}
('DATE', @statuses, @resolutions)) . "\n";
print DATA (join '|', @row) . "\n";
close DATA;
chmod 0644, $file;
sub get_old_data {
my $file = shift;
open(DATA, '<', $file)
|| ThrowCodeError('chart_file_open_fail', {'filename' => $file});
my @data;
my @columns;
my $recreate = 0;
while (<DATA>) {
next unless $_;
if (/^# fields?:\s*(.+)\s*$/) {
@columns = split(/\|/, $1);
# Compare this list with @statuses and @resolutions.
# If they are identical, then we can safely append new data
# to the end of the file; else we have to recreate it.
$recreate = 1;
my @new_cols = ($columns[0], @statuses, @resolutions);
if (scalar(@columns) == scalar(@new_cols)) {
my ($removed, $added) = diff_arrays(\@columns, \@new_cols);
last if (!scalar(@$removed) && !scalar(@$added));
next unless $recreate;
next if (/^#/); # Ignore comments.
# If we have to recreate the file, we have to load all existing
# data first.
my @line = split /\|/;
my %data;
foreach my $column (@columns) {
$data{$column} = shift @line;
push(@data, \%data);
return @data;
sub calculate_dupes {
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT dupe_of, dupe FROM duplicates");
my %dupes;
my %count;
my $key;
my $changed = 1;
my $today = &today_dash;
# Save % count here in a date-named file
# so we can read it back in to do changed counters
# First, delete it if it exists, so we don't add to the contents of an old file
my $datadir = bz_locations()->{'datadir'};
if (my @files = <$datadir/duplicates/dupes$today*>) {
map { trick_taint($_) } @files;
unlink @files;
dbmopen(%count, "$datadir/duplicates/dupes$today", 0644) || die "Can't open DBM dupes file: $!";
# Create a hash with key "a bug number", value "bug which that bug is a
# direct dupe of" - straight from the duplicates table.
foreach my $row (@$rows) {
my ($dupe_of, $dupe) = @$row;
$dupes{$dupe} = $dupe_of;
# Total up the number of bugs which are dupes of a given bug
# count will then have key = "bug number",
# value = "number of immediate dupes of that bug".
foreach $key (keys(%dupes))
my $dupe_of = $dupes{$key};
if (!defined($count{$dupe_of})) {
$count{$dupe_of} = 0;
# Now we collapse the dupe tree by iterating over %count until
# there is no further change.
while ($changed == 1)
$changed = 0;
foreach $key (keys(%count)) {
# if this bug is actually itself a dupe, and has a count...
if (defined($dupes{$key}) && $count{$key} > 0) {
# add that count onto the bug it is a dupe of,
# and zero the count; the check is to avoid
# loops
if ($count{$dupes{$key}} != 0) {
$count{$dupes{$key}} += $count{$key};
$count{$key} = 0;
$changed = 1;
# Remove the values for which the count is zero
foreach $key (keys(%count))
if ($count{$key} == 0) {
delete $count{$key};
# This regenerates all statistics from the database.
sub regenerate_stats {
my $dir = shift;
my $product = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $when = localtime(time());
my $tstart = time();
# NB: Need to mangle the product for the filename, but use the real
# product name in the query
my $file_product = $product;
$file_product =~ s/\//-/gs;
my $file = join '/', $dir, $file_product;
my @bugs;
my $and_product = "";
my $from_product = "";
my @values = ();
if ($product ne '-All-') {
$and_product = q{ AND = ?};
$from_product = q{ INNER JOIN products
ON bugs.product_id =};
push (@values, $product);
# Determine the start date from the date the first bug in the
# database was created, and the end date from the current day.
# If there were no bugs in the search, return early.
my $query = q{SELECT } .
$dbh->sql_to_days('creation_ts') . q{ AS start, } .
$dbh->sql_to_days('current_date') . q{ AS end, } .
$dbh->sql_to_days("'1970-01-01'") .
qq{ FROM bugs $from_product
WHERE } . $dbh->sql_to_days('creation_ts') .
qq{ IS NOT NULL $and_product
ORDER BY start } . $dbh->sql_limit(1);
my ($start, $end, $base) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query, undef, @values);
if (!defined $start) {
if (open DATA, ">$file") {
my $fields = join('|', ('DATE', @statuses, @resolutions));
print DATA <<FIN;
# Bugzilla Daily Bug Stats
# Do not edit me! This file is generated.
# fields: $fields
# Product: $product
# Created: $when
# For each day, generate a line of statistics.
my $total_days = $end - $start;
for (my $day = $start + 1; $day <= $end; $day++) {
# Some output feedback
my $percent_done = ($day - $start - 1) * 100 / $total_days;
printf "\rRegenerating $product \[\%.1f\%\%]", $percent_done;
# Get a list of bugs that were created the previous day, and
# add those bugs to the list of bugs for this product.
$query = qq{SELECT bug_id
FROM bugs $from_product
WHERE bugs.creation_ts < } .
$dbh->sql_from_days($day - 1) .
q{ AND bugs.creation_ts >= } .
$dbh->sql_from_days($day - 2) .
$and_product . q{ ORDER BY bug_id};
my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($query, undef, @values);
push(@bugs, @$bug_ids);
# For each bug that existed on that day, determine its status
# at the beginning of the day. If there were no status
# changes on or after that day, the status was the same as it
# is today, which can be found in the bugs table. Otherwise,
# the status was equal to the first "previous value" entry in
# the bugs_activity table for that bug made on or after that
# day.
my %bugcount;
foreach (@statuses) { $bugcount{$_} = 0; }
foreach (@resolutions) { $bugcount{$_} = 0; }
# Get information on bug states and resolutions.
$query = qq{SELECT bugs_activity.removed
FROM bugs_activity
INNER JOIN fielddefs
ON bugs_activity.fieldid =
AND bugs_activity.bug_id = ?
AND bugs_activity.bug_when >= } .
$dbh->sql_from_days($day) .
" ORDER BY bugs_activity.bug_when " .
my $sth_bug = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $sth_status = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT bug_status
FROM bugs
WHERE bug_id = ?});
my $sth_reso = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT resolution
FROM bugs
WHERE bug_id = ?});
for my $bug (@bugs) {
my $status = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_bug, undef,
'bug_status', $bug);
unless ($status) {
$status = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_status, undef, $bug);
if (defined $bugcount{$status}) {
my $resolution = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_bug, undef,
'resolution', $bug);
unless ($resolution) {
$resolution = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth_reso, undef, $bug);
if (defined $bugcount{$resolution}) {
# Generate a line of output containing the date and counts
# of bugs in each state.
my $date = sqlday($day, $base);
print DATA "$date";
foreach (@statuses) { print DATA "|$bugcount{$_}"; }
foreach (@resolutions) { print DATA "|$bugcount{$_}"; }
print DATA "\n";
# Finish up output feedback for this product.
my $tend = time;
print "\rRegenerating $product \[100.0\%] - " .
delta_time($tstart, $tend) . "\n";
close DATA;
chmod 0640, $file;
sub today {
my ($dom, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time))[3, 4, 5];
return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", 1900 + $year, ++$mon, $dom;
sub today_dash {
my ($dom, $mon, $year) = (localtime(time))[3, 4, 5];
return sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900 + $year, ++$mon, $dom;
sub sqlday {
my ($day, $base) = @_;
$day = ($day - $base) * 86400;
my ($dom, $mon, $year) = (gmtime($day))[3, 4, 5];
return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", 1900 + $year, ++$mon, $dom;
sub delta_time {
my $tstart = shift;
my $tend = shift;
my $delta = $tend - $tstart;
my $hours = int($delta/3600);
my $minutes = int($delta/60) - ($hours * 60);
my $seconds = $delta - ($minutes * 60) - ($hours * 3600);
return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d" , $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
sub CollectSeriesData {
# We need some way of randomising the distribution of series, such that
# all of the series which are to be run every 7 days don't run on the same
# day. This is because this might put the server under severe load if a
# particular frequency, such as once a week, is very common. We achieve
# this by only running queries when:
# (days_since_epoch + series_id) % frequency = 0. So they'll run every
# <frequency> days, but the start date depends on the series_id.
my $days_since_epoch = int(time() / (60 * 60 * 24));
my $today = $ARGV[0] || today_dash();
# We save a copy of the main $dbh and then switch to the shadow and get
# that one too. Remember, these may be the same.
my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_main_db();
my $shadow_dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db();
my $serieses = $dbh->selectall_hashref("SELECT series_id, query, creator " .
"FROM series " .
"WHERE frequency != 0 AND " .
"($days_since_epoch + series_id) % frequency = 0",
# We prepare the insertion into the data table, for efficiency.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO series_data " .
"(series_id, series_date, series_value) " .
"VALUES (?, " . $dbh->quote($today) . ", ?)");
# We delete from the table beforehand, to avoid SQL errors if people run
# twice on the same day.
my $deletesth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM series_data
WHERE series_id = ? AND series_date = " .
foreach my $series_id (keys %$serieses) {
# We set up the user for's permission checking - each series
# runs with the permissions of its creator.
my $user = new Bugzilla::User($serieses->{$series_id}->{'creator'});
my $cgi = new Bugzilla::CGI($serieses->{$series_id}->{'query'});
my $search = new Bugzilla::Search('params' => $cgi,
'fields' => ["bugs.bug_id"],
'user' => $user);
my $sql = $search->getSQL();
my $data;
# We can't die if we get dodgy SQL back for whatever reason, so we
# eval() this and, if it fails, just ignore it and carry on.
# One day we might even log an error.
eval {
$data = $shadow_dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);
if (!$@) {
# We need to count the returned rows. Without subselects, we can't
# do this directly in the SQL for all queries. So we do it by hand.
my $count = scalar(@$data) || 0;
$sth->execute($series_id, $count);