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* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
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* Reserved.
-- edit.cgi
-- A very basic CGI example. Use this script as a skeleton for creating more sophisticated
-- CGIs. All this one does is echo back all the CGI variables passed to it.
-- As with all AppleScript CGIs, make sure you save this as an application, with the
-- "Stay Open" and "Never Show Startup Screen" options selected.
-- This file is part of the WebCenter distribution. You are free to do
-- whatever you wish with it.
-- Please report bugs to me, Chris Hawk,
-- Change this to point to the Camelot root directory.
property gCamelotRoot : "Ringo:Camelot:"
property gSourceTree : gCamelotRoot & "tree:"
property gSessionPath : gCamelotRoot & "Raptor.mcvs"
-- Create the standard HTTP header. We'll prepend this to any result we return
property crlf : (ASCII character 13) & (ASCII character 10)
property http_header : "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" & crlf & "Server: QuidProQuo" & crlf & Â
"MIME-Version: 1.0" & crlf & "Content-type: text/html" & crlf & crlf
This is the AppleEvent handler. After this CGI is launched, is spins its wheels waiting for
an AppleEvent to get here. When it does, this next section of code is executed. After it returns
its result, it goes back to waiting for another AppleEvent.
on handle CGI request path_args Â
searching for http_search_args Â
with posted data post_args Â
using access method access_method Â
from address client_address Â
from user user_name Â
using password using_password Â
with user info from_user Â
from server server_name Â
via port server_port Â
executing by script_name Â
of content type content_type Â
referred by referrer Â
from browser user_agent
-- This example extracts all the possible variables passed to CGIs.
-- You probably won't need all of these in a typical CGI,
-- but it doesn't really hurt to get them.
-- Debug the arguments.
-- return http_header & "<H2>Post Args</H2>" & post_args
-- use CGI parser to break apart post_args.
set formData to (parse CGI arguments post_args)
set formAction to (CGI field "formAction" from formData)
set cvsUser to (CGI field "cvsUser" from formData default value "")
set cvsPassword to (CGI field "cvsPassword" from formData default value "")
set projectToEdit to (CGI field "projectToEdit" from formData default value "")
set filesToAdd to (CGI field "filesToAdd" from formData default value "")
set filesToRemove to (CGI field "filesToRemove" from formData default value "")
-- validate parameters.
if (cvsUser is "") then
error "Please specify a valid CVS user name."
end if
if (cvsPassword is "") then
error "Please specify a valid CVS password."
end if
if (projectToEdit is "") then
error "Please specify a valid Mac project name."
end if
if (formAction is "Query") then
return http_header & "<H2>Project Query Results</H2>" & Â
query_project(cvsUser, cvsPassword, projectToEdit)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {crlf}
set filesToAddList to tokenize(filesToAdd)
set filesToRemoveList to tokenize(filesToRemove)
return http_header & "<H2>Project Editor Results</H2>" & Â
edit_project(cvsUser, cvsPassword, projectToEdit, filesToAddList, filesToRemoveList)
end if
on error error_message
-- last ditch attempt, logout of cvs.
on error
end try
-- We're not doing much here, so there shouldn't be any errors, but just in case...
return http_header & "<H2>Project Editor Error</H2>" & error_message
end try
end handle CGI request
on query_project(cvsUser, cvsPassword, projectToQuery)
-- "login" to CVS.
cvs_login(cvsUser, cvsPassword)
-- make sure we have latest versions of all referenced files.
-- "logout" of cvs.
-- make sure the project is in fact a project file.
-- used to convert Mac paths to mozilla tree paths.
set mozillaTreePathOffset to (1 + (count of gSourceTree))
set query_results to "<H3>Project: " & projectToQuery & "</H3>"
-- perform the query.
set projectPath to (gSourceTree & replace(projectToQuery, "/", ":"))
set targetsList to getTargets()
set targetNames to names of targetsList
repeat with targetNameRef in targetNames
set targetName to (contents of targetNameRef)
set query_results to query_results & "<H3>Source files in target " & targetName & ":</H3>"
set targetFiles to getTargetFiles(targetName)
repeat with targetFile in targetFiles
-- only store the path name relative to the source tree itself.
set targetFilePath to substring(contents of targetFile, mozillaTreePathOffset)
set query_results to query_results & (replace(targetFilePath, ":", "/") & "<BR>")
end repeat
end repeat
return query_results
end query_project
on edit_project(cvsUser, cvsPassword, projectToEdit, filesToAddList, filesToRemoveList)
if (filesToAddList = {}) and (filesToRemoveList = {}) then
return "No files added or removed from project " & projectToEdit & "."
end if
-- "login" to CVS.
cvs_login(cvsUser, cvsPassword)
-- make sure we have latest versions of all referenced files.
set filesToCheckout to {projectToEdit} & filesToAddList & filesToRemoveList
-- make sure the project is in fact a project file.
-- perform the edits.
if (filesToAddList ­ {}) then add_files(projectToEdit, filesToAddList)
if (filesToRemoveList ­ {}) then remove_files(projectToEdit, filesToRemoveList)
-- finally, check in the project, with a comment stating what was done.
set checkInComment to summarize_edits(filesToAddList, filesToRemoveList)
-- if (projectToEdit starts with "mozilla/build/mac/test") then
checkin_files({projectToEdit}, checkInComment)
-- end if
-- "logout" of cvs.
return Â
"Checked in project: " & projectToEdit & "<BR>" & Â
"Checkin Comment: " & checkInComment & "<BR>"
end edit_project
(* returns a list of tokens according to AppleScript's text item delimiters. *)
on tokenize(aString)
set itemList to {}
repeat with anItemRef in (text items of aString)
set anItem to (contents of anItemRef)
if (anItem ­ "") then
set itemList to itemList & anItem
end if
end repeat
return itemList
end tokenize
(* replaces oldChar with newChar in a string. *)
on replace(aString, oldChar, newChar)
set newString to ""
repeat with aChar in (every character of aString)
if (contents of aChar = oldChar) then
set newString to newString & newChar
set newString to newString & aChar
end if
end repeat
return newString
end replace
on substring(aString, anOffset)
set aSubString to ""
repeat with charIndex from anOffset to (count aString)
set aSubString to aSubString & (character charIndex of aString)
end repeat
return aSubString
end substring
on summarize_edits(aAddedFilesList, aRemovedFilesList)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {", "}
set addedFiles to (aAddedFilesList as string)
set removedFiles to (aRemovedFilesList as string)
set editList to {}
if (addedFiles ­ "") then
set editList to editList & ("added files: " & addedFiles)
end if
if (removedFiles ­ "") then
set editList to editList & ("removed files: " & removedFiles)
end if
return (editList as string)
end summarize_edits
on cvs_login(aUser, aPassword)
tell application "MacCVS Pro 2.2.2 debug"
-- store a reference to the session, for convenience
set myDoc to the first session
-- customize the session for this user.
tell myDoc
set the remote user of myDoc to aUser
set the password of myDoc to aPassword
end tell
end tell
end cvs_login
on cvs_logout()
cvs_login("", "")
end cvs_logout
on checkout_files(aFileList)
tell application "MacCVS Pro 2.2.2 debug"
-- store a reference to the session, for convenience
set myDoc to the first session
-- checkout the specified files.
repeat with aFileRef in aFileList
set aFile to (contents of aFileRef)
checkout myDoc module aFile
end repeat
on error errMsg number errNum
-- display dialog "The checkout could not be completed because " & errMsg & return & errNum with icon 0
error errMsg number errNum
end try
end tell
end checkout_files
on checkin_files(aFileList, aCheckinComment)
tell application "MacCVS Pro 2.2.2 debug"
-- store a reference to the session, for convenience
set myDoc to the first session
-- display dialog "checking into session " & (name of myDoc)
-- checkin the specified files.
repeat with aFileRef in aFileList
set aFile to (contents of aFileRef)
tell myDoc
-- display dialog "checking in file " & aFile
check in file aFile comment aCheckinComment
end tell
end repeat
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog "The commit could not be completed because " & errMsg & return & errNum with icon 0
error errMsg number errNum
end try
end tell
end checkin_files
(* ensures that only a valid CodeWarrior project is specified for editing. *)
on validate_project(aProject)
set projectPath to (gSourceTree & replace(aProject, "/", ":"))
tell application "Finder"
set projectFileType to get file type of alias projectPath
end tell
if (projectFileType is not "MMPr") then
error "Can only edit project files. The file: ``" & aProject & "'' isn't a valid CodeWarrior project file."
end if
end validate_project
(* uses MacCVS to MRO a file. *)
on modify_read_only(aFilePath)
tell application "MacCVS Pro 2.2.2 debug"
-- store a reference to the session, for convenience
set myDoc to the first session
tell myDoc
if (status of file aFilePath is not locally modified) then
modify read only file aFilePath
end if
on error
-- do nothing; it's ok
end try
end tell
end tell
end modify_read_only
(* CW Pro IDE Interface Handlers. *)
on openProject(aProjectFile)
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
-- activate
open aProjectFile
end tell
end openProject
on closeProject(aProjectFile)
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
Close Project
end tell
end closeProject
on getTargets()
set targetList to {}
set nameList to {}
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
set currentProject to project document 1
repeat with targetIndex from 1 to (count of targets of currentProject)
set currentTarget to (target targetIndex of currentProject)
set targetList to targetList & {currentTarget}
set nameList to nameList & {name of currentTarget}
end repeat
return {target:targetList, names:nameList}
end tell
end getTargets
on getTargetFiles(targetKey)
set targetFiles to {}
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
set currentProject to project document 1
set currentTarget to (target targetKey of currentProject)
repeat with fileIndex from 1 to (count of target files of currentTarget)
set targetFile to (target file fileIndex of currentTarget)
-- only consider text files, since other platforms won't be managing binaries.
-- also, only consider if target file is directly linked.
if (type of targetFile is text file) and (linked of targetFile) then
set targetFiles to targetFiles & {Access Paths of targetFile}
end if
end repeat
end tell
return targetFiles
end getTargetFiles
on addTargetFile(targetFile, targetList)
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
add (project document 1) new target file with data {targetFile} to targets targetList
end tell
end addTargetFile
on setCurrentTarget(currentTargetName)
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
Set Current Target currentTargetName
end tell
end setCurrentTarget
on removeTargetFile(targetFile)
tell application "CodeWarrior IDE 3.2"
Remove Files {targetFile}
end tell
end removeTargetFile
(* adds a list of "/" delimited file paths to the specified project. *)
on add_files(aProject, aFileList)
set projectPath to (gSourceTree & replace(aProject, "/", ":"))
-- display dialog "adding files to project: " & projectPath
set targetsList to getTargets()
set targetNames to names of targetsList
repeat with aFileRef in aFileList
set aFile to (contents of aFileRef)
set filePath to (gSourceTree & replace(aFile, "/", ":"))
-- display dialog "adding file: " & filePath
addTargetFile(filePath, targetNames)
on error errMsg number errNum
-- something failed, try closing/opening project, adding it again.
addTargetFile(filePath, targetNames)
on error errMsg2 number errNum2
-- give up, and attempt to at least close the project before bailing.
on error
end try
error "Error adding files: " & errMsg2 number errNum2
end try
end try
end repeat
end add_files
(* removes a list of files from the specified project. *)
on remove_files(aProject, aFileList)
set projectPath to (gSourceTree & replace(aProject, "/", ":"))
-- display dialog "removing files from project: " & projectPath
set targetsList to getTargets()
set targetNames to names of targetsList
repeat with targetNameRef in targetNames
set targetName to (contents of targetNameRef)
repeat with aFileRef in aFileList
set aFile to (contents of aFileRef)
set filePath to (gSourceTree & replace(aFile, "/", ":"))
-- display dialog "removing file: " & filePath & " from target: " & targetName
end repeat
end repeat
on error errMsg number errNum
on error
end try
error "Error removing files: " & errMsg number errNum
end try
end remove_files
on open_session(aSessionPath)
tell application "Finder"
-- open the session file
open alias aSessionPath
end tell
end open_session
(* When the CGI is first loaded, this will cause MacCVS to load the Raptor CVS Session file. *)
on run
-- open the MacCVS session file.
end run