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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* OEone Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Garth Smedley <>
* Mike Potter <>
* Eric Belhaire <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* C A L E N D A R C L A S S E S
* CalendarWindow Class
* Maintains the three calendar views and the selection.
* eventSource - the event source, an instance of CalendarEventDataSource
* dateFormater - a date formatter, an instance of DateFormater
* monthView - an instance of MonthView
* weekView - an instance of WeekView
* dayView - an instance of DayView
* multiweekView - an instance of MultiweekView
* currentView - the currently active view, one of the above three instances
* selectedEvent - the selected event, instance of CalendarEvent
* selectedDate - selected date, instance of Date
* CalendarWindow Constructor.
* calendarDataSource - The data source with all of the calendar events.
* There is one instance of CalendarWindow
function CalendarWindow( )
//setup the preferences
this.calendarPreferences = new calendarPreferences( this );
// miniMonth used by preferences
this.miniMonth = document.getElementById( "lefthandcalendar" );
//setup the calendars
this.calendarManager = new Object();
//this.calendarManager = new calendarManager( this );
//setup the calendar event selection
this.EventSelection = new CalendarEventSelection( this );
//global date formater
this.dateFormater = new DateFormater( this );
//the different views for the calendar
this.monthView = new MonthView( this );
this.weekView = new WeekView( this );
this.dayView = new DayView( this );
this.multiweekView = new MultiweekView( this );
// we keep track of the selected date and the selected
// event, start with selecting today.
this.selectedEvent = null;
this.selectedDate = new Date();
// set up the current view - we assume that this.currentView is NEVER null
// after this
this.currentView = null;
//depending on the selected index, change views to that view.
var SelectedIndex = document.getElementById( "calendar-deck" ).selectedIndex;
switch( SelectedIndex )
case "1":
this.currentView = this.weekView;
document.getElementById( "week-tree-hour-0" ).focus();
case "2":
this.currentView = this.dayView;
document.getElementById( "day-tree-item-0" ).focus();
case "3":
this.currentView = this.multiweekView;
this.currentView = this.monthView;
// now that everything is set up, we can start to observe the data source
// make the observer, the calendarEventDataSource calls into the
// observer when things change in the data source.
var calendarWindow = this;
var savedThis = this;
var calendarObserver = {
QueryInterface: function (aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calICompositeObserver) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
mInBatch: false,
onStartBatch: function() {
this.mInBatch = true;
onEndBatch: function() {
this.mInBatch = false;
onLoad: function() {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onAddItem: function(aItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onModifyItem: function(aNewItem, aOldItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onDeleteItem: function(aDeletedItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onAlarm: function(aAlarmItem) {},
onError: function(aErrNo, aMessage) {},
onCalendarAdded: function(aDeletedItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onCalendarRemoved: function(aDeletedItem) {
if (!this.mInBatch)
onDefaultCalendarChanged: function(aNewDefaultCalendar) {}
var ccalendar = getDisplayComposite();
* Switch to the day view if it isn't already the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.switchToDayView = function calWin_switchToDayView( )
document.getElementById( "day-tree-item-0" ).focus();
this.switchToView( this.dayView )
* Switch to the week view if it isn't already the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.switchToWeekView = function calWin_switchToWeekView( )
document.getElementById( "week-tree-hour-0" ).focus();
this.switchToView( this.weekView )
* Switch to the month view if it isn't already the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.switchToMonthView = function calWin_switchToMonthView( )
this.switchToView( this.monthView )
* Switch to the multiweek view if it isn't already the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.switchToMultiweekView = function calWin_switchToMultiweekView( )
this.switchToView( this.multiweekView )
* Display today in the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.goToToday = function calWin_goToToday( )
this.clearSelectedEvent( );
var Today = new Date();
this.currentView.goToDay( Today );
document.getElementById( "lefthandcalendar" ).value = Today;
* Choose a date, then go to that date in the current view.
CalendarWindow.prototype.pickAndGoToDate = function calWin_pickAndGoToDate( )
var currentView = this.currentView;
var args = new Object();
args.initialDate = this.getSelectedDate();
args.onOk = function receiveAndGoToDate( pickedDate ) {
currentView.goToDay( pickedDate );
document.getElementById( "lefthandcalendar" ).value = pickedDate;
"GoToDateDialog", // target= window name
"chrome,modal", args);
* Go to the next period in the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.goToNext = function calWin_goToNext( value )
this.currentView.goToNext( value );
* Go to the previous period in the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.goToPrevious = function calWin_goToPrevious( value )
this.currentView.goToPrevious( value );
this.currentView.goToPrevious( );
* Go to today in the current view
CalendarWindow.prototype.goToDay = function calWin_goToDay( newDate )
this.currentView.goToDay( newDate );
* Change the selected event
* selectedEvent - an instance of CalendarEvent, MUST be from the CalendarEventDataSource
CalendarWindow.prototype.setSelectedEvent = function calWin_setSelectedEvent( selectedEvent )
this.EventSelection.replaceSelection( selectedEvent );
* Clear the selected event
* unSelectedEvent - if null: deselect the selected event.
* - if a CalendarEvent: only deselect if it is the currently selected one.
CalendarWindow.prototype.clearSelectedEvent = function calWin_clearSelectedEvent( unSelectedEvent )
var undefined;
this.EventSelection.emptySelection( );
if( unSelectedEvent === undefined || unSelectedEvent == null )
this.currentView.clearSelectedEvent( );
* Set the selected date
CalendarWindow.prototype.setSelectedDate = function calWin_setSelectedDate( date, noHighlight )
// Copy the date because we might mess with it in place
this.selectedDate = new Date( date );
/* on some machines, we need to check for .selectedItem first */
if( document.getElementById( "event-filter-menulist" ) &&
document.getElementById( "event-filter-menulist" ).selectedItem &&
document.getElementById( "event-filter-menulist" ).selectedItem.value == "current" )
//redraw the top tree
setTimeout( "refreshEventTree();", 150 );
if( "hiliteSelectedDate" in this.currentView && noHighlight != false )
this.currentView.hiliteSelectedDate( );
* Get the selected date
CalendarWindow.prototype.getSelectedDate = function calWin_getSelectedDate( )
// Copy the date because we might mess with it in place
return new Date( this.selectedDate );
* Change the hour of the selected date
CalendarWindow.prototype.setSelectedHour = function calWin_setSelectedHour( hour )
var selectedDate = this.getSelectedDate();
selectedDate.setHours( hour );
selectedDate.setMinutes( 0 );
selectedDate.setSeconds( 0 );
this.setSelectedDate( selectedDate );
* Helper function to switch to a view
* newView - MUST be one of the three CalendarView instances created in the constructor
CalendarWindow.prototype.switchToView = function calWin_switchToView( newView )
// only switch if not already there
if( this.currentView !== newView )
// call switch from for the view we are leaving
if( this.currentView )
// change the current view
this.currentView = newView;
// switch to and refresh the view
* This changes the text for the popuptooltip text
* This is the same for any view.
CalendarWindow.prototype.changeMouseOverInfo = function calWin_changeMouseOverInfo( calendarEvent, event )
// XXX fixme
const toolTip = document.getElementById( "gridOccurrenceTooltip" );
while( toolTip.hasChildNodes() )
toolTip.removeChild( toolTip.firstChild );
var holderBox;
if("calendarToDo" in event.currentTarget)
holderBox = getPreviewForTask( event.currentTarget.calendarToDo );
holderBox = getPreviewForEventDisplay( event.currentTarget.calendarEventDisplay );
toolTip.appendChild( holderBox );
* This returns the lowest element not in the array
* eg. array(0, 0, 1, 3) would return 2
* Used to figure out where to put the day events.
CalendarWindow.prototype.getLowestElementNotInArray = function calWin_getLowestElementNotInArray( InputArray )
var Temp = 1;
var AllZero = true; //are all the elements in the array 0?
//CAUTION: Watch the scope here. This function is called from inside a nested for loop.
//You can't have the index variable named anything that is used in those for loops.
for ( var Mike = 0; Mike < InputArray.length; Mike++ )
if ( InputArray[Mike] > Temp )
return (Temp);
if ( InputArray[Mike] > 0)
AllZero = false;
Temp++; //don't increment if the array value is 0, otherwise add 1.
if ( AllZero )
return (1);
return (Temp);
* Use these comparison functions in Array.sort
CalendarWindow.prototype.compareNumbers = function calWin_compareNumbers(a, b) {
return a - b
CalendarWindow.prototype.compareDisplayEventStart = function calWin_compareDisplayEventStart(a, b) {
var startComparison =;
if (startComparison != 0)
return (startComparison);
// If the events have the same start time, return the longest item first
return (;
CalendarWindow.prototype.compareDisplayEventEnd = function calWin_compareDisplayEventEnd(a, b) {
var endComparison =;
if (endComparison != 0)
return (endComparison);
// if same end, return earlier start first (groups zero duration events)
return (;
CalendarWindow.prototype.onMouseUpCalendarSplitter = function calWinOnMouseUpCalendarSplitter()
//check if calendar-splitter is collapsed
CalendarWindow.prototype.onMouseUpCalendarViewSplitter = function calWinOnMouseUpCalendarViewSplitter()
//check if calendar-view-splitter is collapsed
if( document.getElementById( "bottom-events-box" ).getAttribute( "collapsed" ) != "true" )
//do this because if they started with it collapsed, its not showing anything right now.
//in a setTimeout to give the pull down menu time to draw.
setTimeout( "refreshEventTree();", 10 );
* The resize handler, used to set the size of the views so they fit the screen.
window.onresize = CalendarWindow.prototype.doResize = function calWin_doResize(){
if( gCalendarWindow )
* CalendarView Class
* Abstract super class for the three view classes
* calendarWindow - instance of CalendarWindow that owns this view
function CalendarView( calendarWindow )
this.calendarWindow = calendarWindow;
this.localeDefaultsStringBundle = srGetStrBundle("chrome://calendar/locale/");
/** A way for subclasses to invoke the super constructor */
CalendarView.prototype.superConstructor = CalendarView;
* Select the date and show it in the view
* Params: newDate: the new date to go to.
* ShowEvent: Do we show an event being highlighted, or do we show a day being highlighted.
CalendarView.prototype.goToDay = function calView_goToDay( newDate, ShowEvent )
var oldDate = this.calendarWindow.getSelectedDate();
this.calendarWindow.setSelectedDate( newDate );
switch( this.calendarWindow.currentView )
case this.calendarWindow.monthView:
if( newDate.getFullYear() != oldDate.getFullYear() ||
newDate.getMonth() != oldDate.getMonth() )
this.refresh( ShowEvent )
case this.calendarWindow.multiweekView:
case this.calendarWindow.weekView:
case this.calendarWindow.dayView:
if( newDate.getFullYear() != oldDate.getFullYear() ||
newDate.getMonth() != oldDate.getMonth() ||
newDate.getDate() != oldDate.getDate() )
this.refresh( ShowEvent )
* Refresh display of events and the selection in the view
CalendarView.prototype.refresh = function calView_refresh( ShowEvent )
this.refreshDisplay( ShowEvent )
if("doResize" in this.calendarWindow.currentView)
* Create eventboxes. Calls aInteralFunction for every day the occurence
* spans.
* prototype: aInteralFunction(aItemOccurrence, aStartDate, aEndDate);
* Doesn't check if the parts fall withing the view. This is up to
* the internal function
//CalendarView.prototype.displayTimezone = "/";
CalendarView.prototype.createEventBox = function(aItemOccurrence, aInteralFunction )
var startDate;
var origEndDate;
startDate = aItemOccurrence.startDate.getInTimezone(calendarDefaultTimezone()).clone();
origEndDate = aItemOccurrence.endDate.getInTimezone(calendarDefaultTimezone()).clone();
var displayStart = gCalendarWindow.currentView.displayStartDate;
var displayEnd = gCalendarWindow.currentView.displayEndDate;
//multiweek and month views call their display range something else
if(!displayStart) {
displayStart = gCalendarWindow.currentView.firstDateOfView;
displayEnd = gCalendarWindow.currentView.endExDateOfView;
if(startDate.jsDate < displayStart) {
startDate.jsDate = displayStart;
if (aItemOccurrence.startDate.isDate)
startDate.isDate = true;
startDate = startDate.getInTimezone(calendarDefaultTimezone());
var endDate = startDate.clone();
endDate.hour = 23;
endDate.minute = 59;
endDate.second = 59;
while ( < 0 && startDate.jsDate < displayEnd) {
aInteralFunction(aItemOccurrence, startDate, endDate); = + 1;
startDate.hour = 0;
startDate.minute = 0;
startDate.second = 0;
startDate.normalize(); = + 1;
// Allday has exclusive enddate. Need to skip the last day from displaying
// (would have zero length, but we show it anyway)
if (!aItemOccurrence.startDate.isDate)
aInteralFunction(aItemOccurrence, startDate, origEndDate);
* Set classes on a eventbox
CalendarView.prototype.setEventboxClass = function calView_setEventboxClass(aEventBox, aEvent, aViewType)
// set the event box to be of class <aViewType>-event-class
// and the appropriate calendar-color class
var categoriesClassList = "";
if( aEvent.getProperty("CATEGORIES") != null ) {
var categoriesList = aEvent.getProperty("CATEGORIES").split(",");
for ( var i=0; i<categoriesList.length; ++i ) {
// Remove illegal chars.
categoriesList[i] = categoriesList[i].replace(' ','_');
categoriesClassList = categoriesClassList + categoriesList[i].toLowerCase();
aEventBox.setAttribute("class", aViewType + "-event-class ");
aEventBox.setAttribute("item-calendar", aEvent.calendar.uri.spec);
aEventBox.setAttribute("item-category", categoriesClassList);
* Calculate startHour (the first hour of 'date' that has events,
* or default value from prefs) and
* endHour (the last hour of 'date' that has events,
* or default value from prefs).
CalendarView.prototype.getViewLimits = function calView_getViewLimits( dayDisplayEventList, date )
//set defaults from preferences
var sHour = getIntPref( this.calendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "event.defaultstarthour", 8 );
var eHour = getIntPref( this.calendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "event.defaultendhour", 17 );
//get date start and end as millisecs for comparisons
var tmpDate =new Date(date);
var dateStart = tmpDate.valueOf();
var dateEnd = tmpDate.valueOf();
for ( var i = 0; i < dayDisplayEventList.length; i++ ) {
if( dayDisplayEventList[i].event.startDate.isDate != true ) {
if( dayDisplayEventList[i].displayDate < dateStart ) {
} else {
if( dayDisplayEventList[i].displayDate <= (dateStart + sHour*kDate_MillisecondsInHour))
sHour = Math.floor((dayDisplayEventList[i].displayDate - dateStart)/kDate_MillisecondsInHour);
if( dayDisplayEventList[i].displayEndDate > dateEnd ) {
} else {
if( dayDisplayEventList[i].displayEndDate > (dateStart + (eHour)*kDate_MillisecondsInHour) )
eHour = Math.ceil((dayDisplayEventList[i].displayEndDate - dateStart)/kDate_MillisecondsInHour);
return { startHour: sHour, endHour: eHour };
* Sets the following for all events in dayEventList
* event.startDrawSlot - the first horizontal slot the event occupies
* event.drawSlotCount - how many slots the event occupies
* event.totalSlotCount - total horizontal slots (during events duration)
* Used in DayView, WeekView
CalendarView.prototype.setDrawProperties = function calView_setDrawProperties( dayEventList ) {
//non-allday Events sorted on displayDate
var dayEventStartList = new Array();
var eventStartListIndex = 0;
//non-allday Events sorted on displayEndDate
var dayEventEndList = new Array();
var eventEndListIndex = 0;
// parallel events
var currEventSlots = new Array();
// start index (in dayEventStartList) of the current (contiguous) group of events.
var groupStartIndex = 0;
// Add non-allday events to dayEventStartList and dayEventEndList.
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dayEventList.length; i++) {
var displayEvent = dayEventList[i];
if (!displayEvent.event.startDate.isDate) {
if( dayEventStartList.length > 0 ) {
//init (horizontal) event draw slots .
for ( i = 0; i < dayEventStartList.length; i++ )
dayEventStartList[i].startDrawSlot = -1;
dayEventStartList[i].drawSlotCount = -1;
dayEventStartList[i].totalSlotCount = -1;
while( eventStartListIndex < dayEventStartList.length ) {
var nextEventStarting = dayEventStartList[eventStartListIndex];
var nextEventEnding = dayEventEndList[eventEndListIndex];
if ( < 0 ||
// special: same time and zero length events are next in both lists:
// ensures they are added as starts before they are removed as ends.
( == 0 && == 0 && == 0)) {
var event = nextEventStarting;
//find a slot for the event
for( i = 0; i <currEventSlots.length; i++ )
if( currEventSlots[i] == null ) {
// found empty slot, set event here
// also check if there is room for event wider than 1 slot.
event.startDrawSlot = i;
var k = i;
for (; k < currEventSlots.length && currEventSlots[k] == null; k++)
currEventSlots[k] = event;
event.drawSlotCount = k - i;
if( event.startDrawSlot == -1 ) {
// there were no empty slots, see if previous event could be thinner.
// check slots from low to high so events at same time stay in order.
// (want same-time events to stay in same order as in source file.
// note: may be shuffled by data source sort if sort is not stable.)
var m;
for( m = 1; m < currEventSlots.length; m++ )
if( currEventSlots[m] == currEventSlots[m-1] ) {
// take all but first slot, so events at same time stay in order
var wideEvent = currEventSlots[m];
event.startDrawSlot = wideEvent.startDrawSlot + 1;
event.drawSlotCount = wideEvent.drawSlotCount - 1;
wideEvent.drawSlotCount = 1;
// set slots taken to event
while(m < currEventSlots.length && currEventSlots[m] == wideEvent)
currEventSlots[m++] = event;
if (event.startDrawSlot == -1) {
//event's not yet placed: must add a new slot
var oldTotal = currEventSlots.length;
currEventSlots[currEventSlots.length] = event;
event.startDrawSlot = i;
event.drawSlotCount = 1;
// find ended events occupying old last slot and extend them 1 slot
for (i = groupStartIndex; i < eventStartListIndex; i++) {
var prevEvent = dayEventStartList[i];
if (prevEvent.startDrawSlot + prevEvent.drawSlotCount == oldTotal
&& <= 0)
prevEvent.drawSlotCount += 1;
} else { // event ended
// remove event from its slot(s), note if any slots remain filled
var currEventSlotsAreAllEmpty = true;
for( i = 0; i < currEventSlots.length; i++ ) {
if( currEventSlots[i] != null ) {
if( currEventSlots[i] == nextEventEnding )
currEventSlots[i] = null;
currEventSlotsAreAllEmpty = false;
if( currEventSlotsAreAllEmpty ) {
// There are no events in the slots, so we can set totalSlotCount
// for the previous contiguous group of events
for( i = groupStartIndex; i < eventStartListIndex; i++ ) {
dayEventStartList[i].totalSlotCount = currEventSlots.length;
currEventSlots.length = 0;
groupStartIndex = eventStartListIndex;
// set totalSlotCount for the last contiguous group of events
for ( i = groupStartIndex; i < dayEventStartList.length; i++ )
dayEventStartList[i].totalSlotCount = currEventSlots.length;
Check for error displayEvent.displayDateEnd < displayEvent.displayDate,
caused by rare end < start error in input. Graceful workaround swaps
display times to avoid later error that aborts rest of display
(bug 285892).
CalendarView.prototype.checkDisplayDatesInvariant = function calView_checkDisplayDatesInvariant(displayEvent) {
if (displayEvent.displayEndDate < displayEvent.displayDate) {
var JSCONSOLE = Components.classes[";1"]
("Warning: event end < start, will swap display times"+
"\n title: "+displayEvent.event.title+
"\n end: "+displayEvent.event.end+
"\n start: "+displayEvent.event.start+
"\n displayEndDate: "+new Date(displayEvent.displayEndDate)+
"\n displayStartDate: "+new Date(displayEvent.displayDate));
var swapDate = displayEvent.displayEndDate;
displayEvent.displayEndDate = displayEvent.displayDate;
displayEvent.displayDate = swapDate;
* Sets the following all-day event draw order properties.
* Used in day view and week view.
* allDayStartsBefore
* (true if event starts before startDate)
* allDayEndsAfter
* (true if event ends after endDate)
* startDrawSlot
* (index of the day the event will be drawn on. Used in weekview)
* drawSlotCount
* (count of days the event occupies between startDate and endDay. Used in weekview)
* drawRow
* (which allday-row the event should be drawn on. Used in weekview)
CalendarView.prototype.setAllDayDrawProperties = function calView_setAllDayDrawProperties( eventList, startDate, endDate) {
startDate.setHours( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( !endDate ) {
endDate = new Date(startDate);
endDate.setDate( endDate.getDate() + 1 );
endDate.setHours( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
var startDateValue = startDate.valueOf();
var endDateValue = endDate.valueOf();
var recurObj = new Object();
var starttime;
var endtime;
var dayCount = ( endDateValue - startDateValue ) / kDate_MillisecondsInDay;
var row;
var rowFound;
var usedSlotMatrix = new Array(); //all-day rows
usedSlotMatrix.push( new Array() ); //first row, one column per day between startDate and endDate
var i;
for( i = 0; i < dayCount; i++ ) {
usedSlotMatrix[0].push( false );
for( i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++ ) {
if( eventList[i].event.startDate.isDate) {
if( eventList[i].event.recur ) {
//get start time for correct occurrence
//HACK: didn't know how to get the correct occurrence, ended
// up just selecting the last one... This is definitely wrong,
// and should be fixed when recurring event occurrences are
// easier to handle (bug 242544)
if( eventList[i].event.getPreviousOccurrence( endDate.getTime(), recurObj ) ) {
starttime = recurObj.value;
endtime = starttime + (eventList[i].event.end.getTime() -
} else {
starttime = eventList[i].event.start.getTime();
endtime = eventList[i].event.end.getTime();
if( starttime < startDateValue ) {
eventList[i].allDayStartsBefore = true;
} else {
eventList[i].allDayStartsBefore = false;
eventList[i].startDrawSlot = (starttime - startDateValue) / kDate_MillisecondsInDay;
if( endtime > endDateValue ) {
eventList[i].allDayEndsAfter = true;
eventList[i].drawSlotCount = ((endDateValue - startDateValue) / kDate_MillisecondsInDay)-eventList[i].startDrawSlot;
} else {
eventList[i].allDayEndsAfter = false;
eventList[i].drawSlotCount = ((endtime - startDateValue) / kDate_MillisecondsInDay)-eventList[i].startDrawSlot;
rowFound = false;
var k;
while( ( !rowFound ) && ( row < usedSlotMatrix.length ) ) {
//check if there is room for the event on the row
rowFound = true;
for( k = eventList[i].startDrawSlot; k < (eventList[i].startDrawSlot + eventList[i].drawSlotCount); k++) {
if( usedSlotMatrix[row][k] ) {
rowFound = false;
if( !rowFound ) {
if(!rowFound) {
//add new all-day-row
var newArray = new Array();
for( k = 0; k < dayCount; k++ ) {
newArray.push( false );
row = usedSlotMatrix.length - 1;
eventList[i].drawRow = row;
for( k = eventList[i].startDrawSlot; k < (eventList[i].startDrawSlot + eventList[i].drawSlotCount); k++) {
usedSlotMatrix[row][k] = true;
Common function to remove elements with attribute from DOM tree.
Works around diffences in getElementsByAttribute list between
Moz1.8+, and Moz1.7- (Moz1.8+ list contents is 'live', and changes
as elements are removed from dom, while in Moz1.7- list is not 'live').
CalendarView.prototype.removeElementsByAttribute =
function calView_removeElementsByAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue)
var liveList = document.getElementsByAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
// Delete in reverse order. Moz1.8+ getElementsByAttribute list is
// 'live', so when an element is deleted the indexes of later elements
// change, but in Moz1.7- list is 'dead'. Reversed order works with both.
for (var i = liveList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var element = liveList.item(i);
if (element.parentNode != null)
Common function to clear a marker attribute from elements in DOM tree.
Works around diffences in getElementsByAttribute list between
Moz1.8+, and Moz1.7- (Moz1.8+ list contents is 'live', and changes
as attributes are removed from dom, while in Moz1.7- it is not 'live').
CalendarView.prototype.removeAttributeFromElements =
function calView_removeAttributeFromElements(attributeName, attributeValue)
var liveList = document.getElementsByAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
// Delete in reverse order. Moz1.8+ getElementsByAttribute list is
// 'live', so when an attribute is deleted the indexes of later elements
// change, but in Moz1.7- list is 'dead'. Reversed order works with both.
for (var i = liveList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Return the preferred start day of the week as an integer.
0: Sun, 1: Mon, 2: Tue, 3: Wed, 4: Thu, 5: Fri, 6: Sat
Based on current preference setting or locale default.
CalendarView.prototype.preferredWeekStart = function() {
var defaultWeekStart = this.localeDefaultsStringBundle.GetStringFromName("defaultWeekStart" );
return getIntPref(this.calendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "week.start", defaultWeekStart );
Return an array of booleans for each day of week: true means isDayOff.
Indexed using integers for days of the week.
0: Sun, 1: Mon, 2: Tue, 3: Wed, 4: Thu, 5: Fri, 6: Sat
Constructed based on current preference settings or locale default.
CalendarView.prototype.preferredDaysOff = function() {
var isDayOff = new Array();
var daysOffPropNames = ["SundaysOff","MondaysOff","TuesdaysOff","WednesdaysOff","ThursdaysOff","FridaysOff","SaturdaysOff"];
for (var i = 0; i < daysOffPropNames.length; i++) {
var isDefaultDayOff = ("true"==this.localeDefaultsStringBundle.GetStringFromName("defaultWeek"+ daysOffPropNames[i]));
var prefName = "week.d"+i+daysOffPropNames[i].toLowerCase();
isDayOff[i] = getBoolPref(this.calendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, prefName, isDefaultDayOff);
return isDayOff;