
554 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "WebGLParent.h"
#include "WebGLChild.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Swizzle.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/BufferTexture.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/RemoteTextureMap.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/TextureClientSharedSurface.h"
#include "ImageContainer.h"
#include "HostWebGLContext.h"
#include "SharedSurface.h"
#include "WebGLMethodDispatcher.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvInitialize(
const webgl::InitContextDesc& desc, webgl::InitContextResult* const out) {
mHost = HostWebGLContext::Create({nullptr, this}, desc, out);
if (!mHost && !out->error.size()) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "Abnormally failed to create HostWebGLContext.");
return IPC_OK();
WebGLParent::WebGLParent() = default;
WebGLParent::~WebGLParent() = default;
// -
using IPCResult = mozilla::ipc::IPCResult;
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvDispatchCommands(Shmem&& rawShmem,
const uint64_t cmdsByteSize) {
AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("WebGLParent::RecvDispatchCommands", GRAPHICS);
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
auto shmem = webgl::RaiiShmem(this, std::move(rawShmem));
const auto& gl = mHost->mContext->GL();
const gl::GLContext::TlsScope tlsIsCurrent(gl);
const auto shmemBytes = shmem.ByteRange();
const auto byteSize = std::min<uint64_t>(shmemBytes.length(), cmdsByteSize);
const auto cmdsBytes =
Range<const uint8_t>{shmemBytes.begin(), shmemBytes.begin() + byteSize};
auto view = webgl::RangeConsumerView{cmdsBytes};
if (kIsDebug) {
const auto initialOffset =
AlignmentOffset(kUniversalAlignment, cmdsBytes.begin().get());
while (true) {
size_t id = 0;
if (!view.ReadParam(&id)) break;
const auto ok = WebGLMethodDispatcher<0>::DispatchCommand(*mHost, id, view);
if (!ok) {
const nsPrintfCString cstr(
"DispatchCommand(id: %i) failed. Please file a bug!", int(id));
const auto str = ToString(cstr);
gfxCriticalError() << str;
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvTexImage(const uint32_t level,
const uint32_t respecFormat,
const uvec3& offset,
const webgl::PackingInfo& pi,
webgl::TexUnpackBlobDesc&& desc) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
mHost->TexImage(level, respecFormat, offset, pi, desc);
return IPC_OK();
// -
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult WebGLParent::Recv__delete__() {
mHost = nullptr;
return IPC_OK();
void WebGLParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) {
if (mRemoteTextureOwner) {
mHost = nullptr;
// -
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetFrontBufferSnapshot(
webgl::FrontBufferSnapshotIpc* const ret) {
return GetFrontBufferSnapshot(ret, this);
IPCResult WebGLParent::GetFrontBufferSnapshot(
webgl::FrontBufferSnapshotIpc* const ret, IProtocol* aProtocol) {
AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("WebGLParent::GetFrontBufferSnapshot", GRAPHICS);
*ret = {};
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(aProtocol, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
const auto maybeSize = mHost->FrontBufferSnapshotInto({});
if (maybeSize) {
const auto& surfSize = *maybeSize;
const auto byteSize = 4 * surfSize.x * surfSize.y;
auto shmem = webgl::RaiiShmem::Alloc(aProtocol, byteSize);
if (!shmem) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to alloc shmem for RecvGetFrontBufferSnapshot.");
return IPC_FAIL(aProtocol, "Failed to allocate shmem for result");
const auto range = shmem.ByteRange();
*ret = {surfSize, Some(shmem.Extract())};
if (!mHost->FrontBufferSnapshotInto(Some(range))) {
gfxCriticalNote << "WebGLParent::RecvGetFrontBufferSnapshot: "
"FrontBufferSnapshotInto(some) failed after "
// Zero means failure, as we still need to send any shmem we alloc.
ret->surfSize = {0, 0};
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetBufferSubData(const GLenum target,
const uint64_t srcByteOffset,
const uint64_t byteSize,
Shmem* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
const auto allocSize = 1 + byteSize;
auto shmem = webgl::RaiiShmem::Alloc(this, allocSize);
if (!shmem) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to alloc shmem for RecvGetBufferSubData.");
return IPC_FAIL(this, "Failed to allocate shmem for result");
const auto shmemRange = shmem.ByteRange();
const auto dataRange =
Range<uint8_t>{shmemRange.begin() + 1, shmemRange.end()};
// We need to always send the shmem:
const auto ok = mHost->GetBufferSubData(target, srcByteOffset, dataRange);
*(shmemRange.begin().get()) = ok;
*ret = shmem.Extract();
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvReadPixels(const webgl::ReadPixelsDesc& desc,
const uint64_t byteSize,
webgl::ReadPixelsResultIpc* const ret) {
*ret = {};
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
const auto allocSize = std::max<uint64_t>(1, byteSize);
auto shmem = webgl::RaiiShmem::Alloc(this, allocSize);
if (!shmem) {
NS_WARNING("Failed to alloc shmem for RecvReadPixels.");
return IPC_FAIL(this, "Failed to allocate shmem for result");
const auto range = shmem.ByteRange();
const auto res = mHost->ReadPixelsInto(desc, range);
*ret = {res, shmem.Extract()};
return IPC_OK();
// -
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvCheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum target,
GLenum* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->CheckFramebufferStatus(target);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvClientWaitSync(ObjectId id, GLbitfield flags,
GLuint64 timeout, GLenum* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->ClientWaitSync(id, flags, timeout);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvCreateOpaqueFramebuffer(
const ObjectId id, const OpaqueFramebufferOptions& options,
bool* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->CreateOpaqueFramebuffer(id, options);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvDrawingBufferSize(uvec2* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->DrawingBufferSize();
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvFinish() {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetBufferParameter(GLenum target, GLenum pname,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetBufferParameter(target, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetCompileResult(ObjectId id,
webgl::CompileResult* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetCompileResult(id);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetError(GLenum* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetError();
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetFragDataLocation(ObjectId id,
const std::string& name,
GLint* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetFragDataLocation(id, name);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(
ObjectId id, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(id, attachment, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetFrontBuffer(
ObjectId fb, const bool vr, Maybe<layers::SurfaceDescriptor>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetFrontBuffer(fb, vr);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvPresentFrontBufferToCompositor(
uint64_t fb, layers::RemoteTextureId textureId,
layers::RemoteTextureOwnerId ownerId) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
auto* swapChain = mHost->GetSwapChain(fb, /* vr */ false);
if (!swapChain) {
return IPC_OK();
auto front = swapChain->FrontBuffer();
if (!front) {
gfxCriticalNoteOnce << "Swap chain front buffer does not exist";
return IPC_OK();
const auto& size = front->mDesc.size;
const auto& options = mHost->GetWebGLContext()->Options();
const auto surfaceFormat = options.alpha ? gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8
: gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8;
if (!mRemoteTextureOwner) {
mRemoteTextureOwner =
if (!mRemoteTextureOwner->IsRegistered(ownerId)) {
RefPtr<layers::RemoteTextureOwnerClient> textureOwner = mRemoteTextureOwner;
auto destroyedCallback = [textureOwner, ownerId]() {
Maybe<layers::SurfaceDescriptor> desc = front->ToSurfaceDescriptor();
if (!desc) {
auto data = mRemoteTextureOwner->CreateOrRecycleBufferTextureData(
ownerId, size, surfaceFormat);
if (!data) {
gfxCriticalNoteOnce << "Failed to allocate BufferTextureData";
return IPC_OK();
layers::MappedTextureData mappedData;
if (!data->BorrowMappedData(mappedData)) {
return IPC_OK();
const auto stride = CheckedInt<size_t>(mappedData.size.width) * 4;
const auto byteSize = stride * mappedData.size.height;
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mappedData.stride ==
auto range = Range<uint8_t>{, byteSize.value()};
if (!mHost->FrontBufferSnapshotInto(front, Some(range))) {
return IPC_OK();
bool rv = gfx::SwizzleData(, mappedData.stride,
mappedData.stride, gfx::SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8,
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(rv, "SwizzleData failed!");
mRemoteTextureOwner->PushTexure(textureId, ownerId, std::move(data),
/* aSharedSurface */ nullptr);
return IPC_OK();
// SharedSurfaces of SurfaceDescriptorD3D10 and SurfaceDescriptorMacIOSurface
// need to be kept alive. They will be recycled by
// RemoteTextureOwnerClient::GetRecycledSharedSurface() when their usages are
// ended.
std::shared_ptr<gl::SharedSurface> sharedSurface;
if ((*desc).type() == SurfaceDescriptor::TSurfaceDescriptorD3D10 ||
(*desc).type() == SurfaceDescriptor::TSurfaceDescriptorMacIOSurface) {
sharedSurface = front;
auto data =
MakeUnique<layers::SharedSurfaceTextureData>(*desc, surfaceFormat, size);
mRemoteTextureOwner->PushTexure(textureId, ownerId, std::move(data),
auto recycledSurface = mRemoteTextureOwner->GetRecycledSharedSurface(ownerId);
if (recycledSurface) {
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetIndexedParameter(GLenum target, GLuint index,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetIndexedParameter(target, index);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetInternalformatParameter(
const GLenum target, const GLuint format, const GLuint pname,
Maybe<std::vector<int32_t>>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetInternalformatParameter(target, format, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetLinkResult(ObjectId id,
webgl::LinkResult* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetLinkResult(id);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetNumber(GLenum pname, Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetNumber(pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetQueryParameter(ObjectId id, GLenum pname,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetQueryParameter(id, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetRenderbufferParameter(ObjectId id, GLenum pname,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetRenderbufferParameter(id, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetSamplerParameter(ObjectId id, GLenum pname,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetSamplerParameter(id, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetShaderPrecisionFormat(
GLenum shaderType, GLenum precisionType,
Maybe<webgl::ShaderPrecisionFormat>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetString(GLenum pname,
Maybe<std::string>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetString(pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetTexParameter(ObjectId id, GLenum pname,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetTexParameter(id, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetUniform(ObjectId id, uint32_t loc,
webgl::GetUniformData* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetUniform(id, loc);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvGetVertexAttrib(GLuint index, GLenum pname,
Maybe<double>* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->GetVertexAttrib(index, pname);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvIsEnabled(GLenum cap, bool* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->IsEnabled(cap);
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvOnMemoryPressure() {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
return IPC_OK();
IPCResult WebGLParent::RecvValidateProgram(ObjectId id, bool* const ret) {
if (!mHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "HostWebGLContext is not initialized.");
*ret = mHost->ValidateProgram(id);
return IPC_OK();
} // namespace mozilla::dom