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Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use canvas_traits::webgl;
use euclid::Size2D;
use ipc_channel::ipc;
use ipc_channel::ipc::{IpcReceiver, IpcSender};
use msg::constellation_msg::PipelineId;
use rust_webvr::VRServiceManager;
use script_traits::ConstellationMsg;
use servo_config::prefs::PREFS;
use std::{thread, time};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use webvr_traits::{WebVRMsg, WebVRResult};
use webvr_traits::webvr::*;
/// WebVRThread owns native VRDisplays, handles their life cycle inside Servo and
/// acts a doorman for untrusted VR requests from DOM Objects. These are the key components
/// * WebVRThread::spawn() creates a long living thread that waits for VR Commands from DOM objects
/// and handles them in its trusted thread. The back and forth comunication with DOM is implemented
/// using IPC-channels. This thread creates the VRServiceManager instance, which handles the life cycle
/// of all VR Vendor SDKs and owns all the native VRDisplays. These displays are guaranteed to live while
/// the spawned thread is alive. The WebVRThread is unique and it's closed using the Exit message when the
/// whole browser is going to be closed.
/// * A Event Polling thread is created in order to implement WebVR Events (connected, disconnected,..).
/// This thread wakes up the WebVRThread from time to time by sending a PollEvents message. This thread
/// is only created when there is at least one live JavaScript context using the WebVR APIs and shuts down it when
/// the tab is closed. A single instance of the thread is used to handle multiple JavaScript contexts.
/// Constellation channel is used to notify events to the Script Thread.
/// * When the WeVR APIs are used in a tab, it's pipeline_id is registered using the RegisterContext message. When
/// the tab is closed, UnregisterContext message is sent. This way the WebVR thread has a list of the pipeline
/// ids using the WebVR APIs. These ids are used to implement privacy guidelines defined in the WebVR Spec.
/// * When a JavaScript thread gains access to present to a headset, WebVRThread is not used as a intermediary in
/// the VRDisplay.requestAnimationFrame loop in order to minimize latency. A direct communication with WebRender
/// is used instead. See WebVRCompositorHandler and the WebVRCommands for more details.
pub struct WebVRThread {
receiver: IpcReceiver<WebVRMsg>,
sender: IpcSender<WebVRMsg>,
service: VRServiceManager,
contexts: HashSet<PipelineId>,
constellation_chan: Sender<ConstellationMsg>,
vr_compositor_chan: WebVRCompositorSender,
polling_events: bool,
presenting: HashMap<u32, PipelineId>
impl WebVRThread {
fn new(receiver: IpcReceiver<WebVRMsg>,
sender: IpcSender<WebVRMsg>,
constellation_chan: Sender<ConstellationMsg>,
vr_compositor_chan: WebVRCompositorSender)
-> WebVRThread {
let mut service = VRServiceManager::new();
WebVRThread {
receiver: receiver,
sender: sender,
service: service,
contexts: HashSet::new(),
constellation_chan: constellation_chan,
vr_compositor_chan: vr_compositor_chan,
polling_events: false,
presenting: HashMap::new()
pub fn spawn(vr_compositor_chan: WebVRCompositorSender)
-> (IpcSender<WebVRMsg>, Sender<Sender<ConstellationMsg>>) {
let (sender, receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
let (constellation_sender, constellation_receiver) = mpsc::channel();
let sender_clone = sender.clone();
thread::Builder::new().name("WebVRThread".into()).spawn(move || {
let constellation_chan = constellation_receiver.recv().unwrap();
WebVRThread::new(receiver, sender_clone, constellation_chan, vr_compositor_chan).start();
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
(sender, constellation_sender)
fn start(&mut self) {
while let Ok(msg) = self.receiver.recv() {
match msg {
WebVRMsg::RegisterContext(context) => {
WebVRMsg::UnregisterContext(context) => {
WebVRMsg::PollEvents(sender) => {
WebVRMsg::GetDisplays(sender) => {
WebVRMsg::GetFrameData(pipeline_id, display_id, near, far, sender) => {
self.handle_framedata(pipeline_id, display_id, near, far, sender);
WebVRMsg::ResetPose(pipeline_id, display_id, sender) => {
self.handle_reset_pose(pipeline_id, display_id, sender);
WebVRMsg::RequestPresent(pipeline_id, display_id, sender) => {
self.handle_request_present(pipeline_id, display_id, sender);
WebVRMsg::ExitPresent(pipeline_id, display_id, sender) => {
self.handle_exit_present(pipeline_id, display_id, sender);
WebVRMsg::CreateCompositor(display_id) => {
WebVRMsg::GetGamepads(synced_ids, sender) => {
self.handle_get_gamepads(synced_ids, sender);
WebVRMsg::Exit => {
fn handle_register_context(&mut self, ctx: PipelineId) {
fn handle_unregister_context(&mut self, ctx: PipelineId) {
fn handle_get_displays(&mut self, sender: IpcSender<WebVRResult<Vec<VRDisplayData>>>) {
let displays = self.service.get_displays();
let mut result = Vec::new();
for display in displays {
fn handle_framedata(&mut self,
pipeline: PipelineId,
display_id: u32,
near: f64,
far: f64,
sender: IpcSender<WebVRResult<VRFrameData>>) {
match self.access_check(pipeline, display_id) {
Ok(display) => {
sender.send(Ok(display.borrow().inmediate_frame_data(near, far))).unwrap()
Err(msg) => sender.send(Err(msg.into())).unwrap()
fn handle_reset_pose(&mut self,
pipeline: PipelineId,
display_id: u32,
sender: IpcSender<WebVRResult<VRDisplayData>>) {
match self.access_check(pipeline, display_id) {
Ok(display) => {
Err(msg) => {
// This method implements the privacy and security guidelines defined in the WebVR spec.
// For example a secondary tab is not allowed to read VRDisplay data or stop a VR presentation
// while the user is having a VR experience in the current tab.
// These security rules also avoid multithreading race conditions between WebVRThread and
// Webrender thread. See WebVRCompositorHandler implementation notes for more details about this.
fn access_check(&self, pipeline: PipelineId, display_id: u32) -> Result<&VRDisplayPtr, &'static str> {
if *self.presenting.get(&display_id).unwrap_or(&pipeline) != pipeline {
return Err("No access granted to this Display because it's presenting on other JavaScript Tab");
self.service.get_display(display_id).ok_or("Device not found")
fn handle_request_present(&mut self,
pipeline: PipelineId,
display_id: u32,
sender: IpcSender<WebVRResult<()>>) {
match self.access_check(pipeline, display_id).map(|d| d.clone()) {
Ok(display) => {
self.presenting.insert(display_id, pipeline);
let data = display.borrow().data();
self.notify_event(VRDisplayEvent::PresentChange(data, true).into());
Err(msg) => {
fn handle_exit_present(&mut self,
pipeline: PipelineId,
display_id: u32,
sender: Option<IpcSender<WebVRResult<()>>>) {
match self.access_check(pipeline, display_id).map(|d| d.clone()) {
Ok(display) => {
if let Some(sender) = sender {
let data = display.borrow().data();
self.notify_event(VRDisplayEvent::PresentChange(data, false).into());
Err(msg) => {
if let Some(sender) = sender {
fn handle_create_compositor(&mut self, display_id: u32) {
let compositor = self.service.get_display(display_id).map(|d| WebVRCompositor(d.as_ptr()));
fn handle_get_gamepads(&mut self,
synced_ids: Vec<u32>,
sender: IpcSender<WebVRResult<Vec<(Option<VRGamepadData>, VRGamepadState)>>>) {
let gamepads = self.service.get_gamepads();
let data = gamepads.iter().map(|g| {
let g = g.borrow();
// Optimization, don't fetch and send gamepad static data when the gamepad is already synced.
let data = if synced_ids.iter().any(|v| *v == {
} else {
(data, g.state())
fn poll_events(&mut self, sender: IpcSender<bool>) {
loop {
let events = self.service.poll_events();
if events.is_empty() {
// Stop polling events if the callers are not using VR
self.polling_events = self.contexts.len() > 0;
fn notify_events(&self, events: Vec<VREvent>) {
let pipeline_ids: Vec<PipelineId> = self.contexts.iter().map(|c| *c).collect();
self.constellation_chan.send(ConstellationMsg::WebVREvents(pipeline_ids.clone(), events)).unwrap();
fn notify_event(&self, event: VREvent) {
fn schedule_poll_events(&mut self) {
if !self.service.is_initialized() || self.polling_events {
self.polling_events = true;
let webvr_thread = self.sender.clone();
let (sender, receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
// Defines the polling interval time in ms for VR Events such as VRDisplay connected, disconnected, etc.
let polling_interval: u64 = PREFS.get("dom.webvr.event_polling_interval").as_u64().unwrap_or(500);
thread::Builder::new().name("WebVRPollEvents".into()).spawn(move || {
loop {
if webvr_thread.send(WebVRMsg::PollEvents(sender.clone())).is_err() {
// WebVR Thread closed
if !receiver.recv().unwrap_or(false) {
// WebVR Thread asked to unschedule this thread
}).expect("Thread spawning failed");
/// Notes about WebVRCompositorHandler implementation:
/// Raw pointers are used instead of Arc<Mutex> as a heavy optimization for latency reasons.
/// This also avoids "JS DDoS" attacks: like a secondary JavaScript tab degrading performance
/// by flooding the WebVRThread with messages while the main JavaScript tab is presenting to the headset.
/// Multithreading won't be a problem because:
/// * Thanks to the security rules implemented in the WebVRThread, when a VRDisplay is in a presenting loop
/// no other JSContext is granted access to the VRDisplay. So really there arent multithreading race conditions.
/// * VRDisplay implementations are designed to allow calling compositor functions
/// in another thread by using the Send + Sync traits.
/// VRDisplays pointers are guaranteed to be valid memory:
/// * VRDisplays are owned by the VRServiceManager which lives in the WebVRThread.
/// * WebVRCompositorHandler is stopped automatically when a JS tab is closed or the whole browser is closed.
/// * WebVRThread and its VRDisplays are destroyed after all tabs are dropped and the browser is about to exit.
/// WebVRThread is closed using the Exit message.
pub struct WebVRCompositor(*mut VRDisplay);
pub struct WebVRCompositorHandler {
compositors: HashMap<webgl::WebVRDeviceId, WebVRCompositor>,
webvr_thread_receiver: Receiver<Option<WebVRCompositor>>,
webvr_thread_sender: Option<IpcSender<WebVRMsg>>
unsafe impl Send for WebVRCompositor {}
pub type WebVRCompositorSender = Sender<Option<WebVRCompositor>>;
impl WebVRCompositorHandler {
pub fn new() -> (Box<WebVRCompositorHandler>, WebVRCompositorSender) {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel();
let instance = Box::new(WebVRCompositorHandler {
compositors: HashMap::new(),
webvr_thread_receiver: receiver,
webvr_thread_sender: None
(instance, sender)
impl webgl::WebVRRenderHandler for WebVRCompositorHandler {
fn handle(&mut self, cmd: webgl::WebVRCommand, texture: Option<(u32, Size2D<i32>)>) {
match cmd {
webgl::WebVRCommand::Create(compositor_id) => {
webgl::WebVRCommand::SyncPoses(compositor_id, near, far, sender) => {
if let Some(compositor) = self.compositors.get(&compositor_id) {
let pose = unsafe {
(*compositor.0).synced_frame_data(near, far).to_bytes()
let _ = sender.send(Ok(pose));
} else {
let _ = sender.send(Err(()));
webgl::WebVRCommand::SubmitFrame(compositor_id, left_bounds, right_bounds) => {
if let Some(compositor) = self.compositors.get(&compositor_id) {
if let Some((texture_id, size)) = texture {
let layer = VRLayer {
texture_id: texture_id,
left_bounds: left_bounds,
right_bounds: right_bounds,
texture_size: Some((size.width as u32, size.height as u32))
unsafe {
webgl::WebVRCommand::Release(compositor_id) => {
impl WebVRCompositorHandler {
fn create_compositor(&mut self, display_id: webgl::WebVRDeviceId) {
let sender = match self.webvr_thread_sender {
Some(ref s) => s,
None => return,
sender.send(WebVRMsg::CreateCompositor(display_id as u32)).unwrap();
let display = self.webvr_thread_receiver.recv().unwrap();
match display {
Some(display) => {
self.compositors.insert(display_id, display);
None => {
error!("VRDisplay not found when creating a new VRCompositor");
// This is done on only a per-platform basis on initialization.
pub fn set_webvr_thread_sender(&mut self, sender: IpcSender<WebVRMsg>) {
self.webvr_thread_sender = Some(sender);