
1766 строки
32 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* All CSS types that properties can support.
exports.CSS_TYPES = {
"ANGLE": 1,
"COLOR": 2,
"LENGTH": 6,
"NUMBER": 7,
"TIME": 9,
"URL": 11,
* All cubic-bezier CSS timing-function names.
exports.BEZIER_KEYWORDS = ["linear", "ease-in-out", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease"];
* Functions that accept a color argument.
exports.COLOR_TAKING_FUNCTIONS = ["linear-gradient", "-moz-linear-gradient",
"-moz-repeating-linear-gradient", "radial-gradient",
"-moz-radial-gradient", "repeating-radial-gradient",
"-moz-repeating-radial-gradient", "drop-shadow"];
* Functions that accept an angle argument.
exports.ANGLE_TAKING_FUNCTIONS = ["linear-gradient", "-moz-linear-gradient",
"-moz-repeating-linear-gradient", "rotate", "rotateX",
"rotateY", "rotateZ", "rotate3d", "skew", "skewX",
"skewY", "hue-rotate"];
* The list of all CSS Pseudo Elements. This list can be generated from:
* let domUtils = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils);
* domUtils.getCSSPseudoElementNames();
exports.PSEUDO_ELEMENTS = [":after", ":before", ":backdrop", ":first-letter",
":first-line", ":-moz-selection", ":-moz-focus-inner",
":-moz-focus-outer", ":-moz-list-bullet",
":-moz-list-number", ":-moz-math-anonymous",
":-moz-progress-bar", ":-moz-range-track",
":-moz-range-progress", ":-moz-range-thumb",
":-moz-meter-bar", ":-moz-placeholder",
* This list is generated from the output of the CssPropertiesActor. If a server
* does not support the actor, this is loaded as a backup. This list does not
* guarantee that the server actually supports these CSS properties.
exports.CSS_PROPERTIES = {
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