
1338 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Dan Mosedale <>
# Dave Miller <>
# Christopher Aillon <>
# Myk Melez <>
use diagnostics;
use strict;
my $UserInEditGroupSet = -1;
my $UserInCanConfirmGroupSet = -1;
use lib qw(.);
require "";
require "";
use RelationSet;
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once":
use vars qw(%versions
my $whoid = confirm_login();
my $requiremilestone = 0;
use vars qw($template $vars);
# Begin Data/Security Validation
# Create a list of IDs of all bugs being modified in this request.
# This list will either consist of a single bug number from the "id"
# form/URL field or a series of numbers from multiple form/URL fields
# named "id_x" where "x" is the bug number.
# For each bug being modified, make sure its ID is a valid bug number
# representing an existing bug that the user is authorized to access.
my @idlist;
if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
push @idlist, $::FORM{'id'};
} else {
foreach my $i (keys %::FORM) {
if ($i =~ /^id_([1-9][0-9]*)/) {
my $id = $1;
push @idlist, $id;
# Make sure there are bugs to process.
|| DisplayError("You did not select any bugs to modify.")
&& exit;
# If we are duping bugs, let's also make sure that we can change
# the original. This takes care of issue A on bug 96085.
if (defined $::FORM{'dup_id'} && $::FORM{'knob'} eq "duplicate") {
# Also, let's see if the reporter has authorization to see the bug
# to which we are duping. If not we need to prompt.
# End Data/Security Validation
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Start displaying the response page.
$vars->{'title'} = "Bug processed";
$template->process("global/header.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
$vars->{'header_done'} = 1;
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'product');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'version');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'component');
# check if target milestone is defined -
if ( Param("usetargetmilestone") ) {
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'target_milestone');
# This function checks if there is a comment required for a specific
# function and tests, if the comment was given.
# If comments are required for functions is defined by params.
sub CheckonComment( $ ) {
my ($function) = (@_);
# Param is 1 if comment should be added !
my $ret = Param( "commenton" . $function );
# Allow without comment in case of undefined Params.
$ret = 0 unless ( defined( $ret ));
if( $ret ) {
if (!defined $::FORM{'comment'} || $::FORM{'comment'} =~ /^\s*$/) {
# No comment - sorry, action not allowed !
ThrowUserError("You have to specify a <b>comment</b> on this change.
Please give some words on the reason for your change.");
} else {
$ret = 0;
return( ! $ret ); # Return val has to be inverted
# Figure out whether or not the user is trying to change the product
# (either the "product" variable is not set to "don't change" or the
# user is changing a single bug and has changed the bug's product),
# and make the user verify the version, component, target milestone,
# and bug groups if so.
if ( $::FORM{'id'} ) {
SendSQL("SELECT product FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
$::oldproduct = FetchSQLData();
if ((($::FORM{'id'} && $::FORM{'product'} ne $::oldproduct)
|| (!$::FORM{'id'} && $::FORM{'product'} ne $::dontchange))
&& CheckonComment( "reassignbycomponent" ))
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
my $prod = $::FORM{'product'};
# note that when this script is called from buglist.cgi (rather
# than show_bug.cgi), it's possible that the product will be changed
# but that the version and/or component will be set to
# "--dont_change--" but still happen to be correct. in this case,
# the if statement will incorrectly trigger anyway. this is a
# pretty weird case, and not terribly unreasonable behavior, but
# worthy of a comment, perhaps.
my $vok = lsearch($::versions{$prod}, $::FORM{'version'}) >= 0;
my $cok = lsearch($::components{$prod}, $::FORM{'component'}) >= 0;
my $mok = 1; # so it won't affect the 'if' statement if milestones aren't used
if ( Param("usetargetmilestone") ) {
$mok = lsearch($::target_milestone{$prod}, $::FORM{'target_milestone'}) >= 0;
# If the product-specific fields need to be verified, or we need to verify
# whether or not to add the bugs to their new product's group, display
# a verification form.
if (!$vok || !$cok || !$mok || (Param('usebuggroups') && !defined($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'}))) {
$vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM;
if (!$vok || !$cok || !$mok) {
$vars->{'verify_fields'} = 1;
$vars->{'versions'} = $::versions{$prod};
$vars->{'components'} = $::components{$prod};
if (Param("usetargetmilestone")) {
$vars->{'use_target_milestone'} = 1;
$vars->{'milestones'} = $::target_milestone{$prod};
else {
$vars->{'use_target_milestone'} = 0;
else {
$vars->{"verify_fields"} = 0;
$vars->{'verify_bug_group'} = (Param('usebuggroups')
&& !defined($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'}));
$template->process("bug/process/verify-new-product.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# Checks that the user is allowed to change the given field. Actually, right
# now, the rules are pretty simple, and don't look at the field itself very
# much, but that could be enhanced.
my $lastbugid = 0;
my $ownerid;
my $reporterid;
my $qacontactid;
sub CheckCanChangeField {
my ($f, $bugid, $oldvalue, $newvalue) = (@_);
if ($f eq "assigned_to" || $f eq "reporter" || $f eq "qa_contact") {
if ($oldvalue =~ /^\d+$/) {
if ($oldvalue == 0) {
$oldvalue = "";
} else {
$oldvalue = DBID_to_name($oldvalue);
if ($oldvalue eq $newvalue) {
return 1;
if (trim($oldvalue) eq trim($newvalue)) {
return 1;
if ($f =~ /^longdesc/) {
return 1;
if ($f eq "resolution") { # always OK this. if they really can't,
return 1; # it'll flag it when "status" is checked.
if ($UserInEditGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInEditGroupSet = UserInGroup("editbugs");
if ($UserInEditGroupSet) {
return 1;
if ($lastbugid != $bugid) {
SendSQL("SELECT reporter, assigned_to, qa_contact FROM bugs " .
"WHERE bug_id = $bugid");
($reporterid, $ownerid, $qacontactid) = (FetchSQLData());
# Let reporter change bug status, even if they can't edit bugs.
# If reporter can't re-open their bug they will just file a duplicate.
# While we're at it, let them close their own bugs as well.
if ( ($f eq "bug_status") && ($whoid eq $reporterid) ) {
return 1;
if ($f eq "bug_status" && $newvalue ne $::unconfirmedstate &&
IsOpenedState($newvalue)) {
# Hmm. They are trying to set this bug to some opened state
# that isn't the UNCONFIRMED state. Are they in the right
# group? Or, has it ever been confirmed? If not, then this
# isn't legal.
if ($UserInCanConfirmGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInCanConfirmGroupSet = UserInGroup("canconfirm");
if ($UserInCanConfirmGroupSet) {
return 1;
SendSQL("SELECT everconfirmed FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $bugid");
my $everconfirmed = FetchOneColumn();
if ($everconfirmed) {
return 1;
} elsif ($reporterid eq $whoid || $ownerid eq $whoid ||
$qacontactid eq $whoid) {
return 1;
$oldvalue = html_quote($oldvalue);
$newvalue = html_quote($newvalue);
ThrowUserError("You tried to change the <strong>$f</strong> field
from <em>$oldvalue</em> to <em>$newvalue</em>,
but only the owner or submitter of the bug, or a
sufficiently empowered user, may change that field.");
# Confirm that the reporter of the current bug can access the bug we are duping to.
sub DuplicateUserConfirm {
# if we've already been through here, then exit
if (defined $::FORM{'confirm_add_duplicate'}) {
my $dupe = trim($::FORM{'id'});
my $original = trim($::FORM{'dup_id'});
SendSQL("SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($dupe));
my $reporter = FetchOneColumn();
SendSQL("SELECT profiles.groupset FROM profiles WHERE profiles.userid =".SqlQuote($reporter));
my $reportergroupset = FetchOneColumn();
if (CanSeeBug($original, $reporter, $reportergroupset)) {
$::FORM{'confirm_add_duplicate'} = "1";
SendSQL("SELECT cclist_accessible FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $original");
$vars->{'cclist_accessible'} = FetchOneColumn();
# Once in this part of the subroutine, the user has not been auto-validated
# and the duper has not chosen whether or not to add to CC list, so let's
# ask the duper what he/she wants to do.
$vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM;
$vars->{'original_bug_id'} = $original;
$vars->{'duplicate_bug_id'} = $dupe;
# Confirm whether or not to add the reporter to the cc: list
# of the original bug (the one this bug is being duped against).
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$template->process("bug/process/confirm-duplicate.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
} # end DuplicateUserConfirm()
if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
# since this means that we were called from show_bug.cgi, now is a good
# time to do a whole bunch of error checking that can't easily happen when
# we've been called from buglist.cgi, because buglist.cgi only tweaks
# values that have been changed instead of submitting all the new values.
# (XXX those error checks need to happen too, but implementing them
# is more work in the current architecture of this script...)
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'rep_platform', \@::legal_platform);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'priority', \@::legal_priority);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'bug_severity', \@::legal_severity);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'component',
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'bug_file_loc');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'short_desc');
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'version',
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'op_sys', \@::legal_opsys);
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'longdesclength');
my $action = '';
if (defined $::FORM{action}) {
$action = trim($::FORM{action});
if (Param("move-enabled") && $action eq Param("move-button-text")) {
$::FORM{'buglist'} = join (":", @idlist);
do "" || die "Error executing move.cgi: $!";
$::query = "update bugs\nset";
$::comma = "";
sub DoComma {
$::query .= "$::comma\n ";
$::comma = ",";
sub DoConfirm {
if ($UserInEditGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInEditGroupSet = UserInGroup("editbugs");
if ($UserInCanConfirmGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInCanConfirmGroupSet = UserInGroup("canconfirm");
if ($UserInEditGroupSet || $UserInCanConfirmGroupSet) {
$::query .= "everconfirmed = 1";
sub ChangeStatus {
my ($str) = (@_);
if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
# Ugly, but functional. We don't want to change Status if we are
# reasigning non-open bugs via the mass change form.
if ( ($::FORM{knob} eq 'reassign' || $::FORM{knob} eq 'reassignbycomponent') &&
! defined $::FORM{id} && $str eq 'NEW' ) {
# If we got to here, we're dealing with a reassign from the mass
# change page. We don't know (and can't easily figure out) if this
# bug is open or closed. If it's closed, we don't want to change
# its status to NEW. We have to put some logic into the SQL itself
# to handle that.
my @open_state = map(SqlQuote($_), OpenStates());
my $open_state = join(", ", @open_state);
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(bug_status IN($open_state), '$str', bug_status)";
} elsif (IsOpenedState($str)) {
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(everconfirmed = 1, '$str', '$::unconfirmedstate')";
} else {
$::query .= "bug_status = '$str'";
$::FORM{'bug_status'} = $str; # Used later for call to
# CheckCanChangeField to make sure this
# is really kosher.
sub ChangeResolution {
my ($str) = (@_);
if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
$::query .= "resolution = " . SqlQuote($str);
# Changing this so that it will process groups from checkboxes instead of
# select lists. This means that instead of looking for the bit-X values in
# the form, we need to loop through all the bug groups this user has access
# to, and for each one, see if it's selected.
# In order to make mass changes work correctly, keep a sum of bits for groups
# added, and another one for groups removed, and then let mysql do the bit
# operations
# If the form element isn't present, or the user isn't in the group, leave
# it as-is
if($::usergroupset ne '0') {
my $groupAdd = "0";
my $groupDel = "0";
SendSQL("SELECT bit, isactive FROM groups WHERE " .
"isbuggroup != 0 AND bit & $::usergroupset != 0 ORDER BY bit");
while (my ($b, $isactive) = FetchSQLData()) {
# The multiple change page may not show all groups a bug is in
# (eg product groups when listing more than one product)
# Only consider groups which were present on the form. We can't do this
# for single bug changes because non-checked checkboxes aren't present.
# All the checkboxes should be shown in that case, though, so its not
# an issue there
if ($::FORM{'id'} || exists $::FORM{"bit-$b"}) {
if (!$::FORM{"bit-$b"}) {
$groupDel .= "+$b";
} elsif ($::FORM{"bit-$b"} == 1 && $isactive) {
$groupAdd .= "+$b";
if ($groupAdd ne "0" || $groupDel ne "0") {
# mysql < 3.23.5 doesn't support the ~ operator, even though
# the docs say that it does
$::query .= "groupset = ((groupset & ($::superusergroupset - ($groupDel))) | ($groupAdd))";
foreach my $field ("rep_platform", "priority", "bug_severity",
"summary", "component", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc",
"product", "version", "op_sys",
"target_milestone", "status_whiteboard") {
if (defined $::FORM{$field}) {
if ($::FORM{$field} ne $::dontchange) {
$::query .= "$field = " . SqlQuote(trim($::FORM{$field}));
if (defined $::FORM{'qa_contact'}) {
my $name = trim($::FORM{'qa_contact'});
if ($name ne $::dontchange) {
my $id = 0;
if ($name ne "") {
$id = DBNameToIdAndCheck($name);
$::query .= "qa_contact = $id";
# If the user is submitting changes from show_bug.cgi for a single bug,
# and that bug is restricted to a group, process the checkboxes that
# allowed the user to set whether or not the reporter
# and cc list can see the bug even if they are not members of all groups
# to which the bug is restricted.
if ( $::FORM{'id'} ) {
SendSQL("SELECT groupset FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
my ($groupset) = FetchSQLData();
if ( $groupset ) {
$::FORM{'reporter_accessible'} = $::FORM{'reporter_accessible'} ? '1' : '0';
$::query .= "reporter_accessible = $::FORM{'reporter_accessible'}";
$::FORM{'cclist_accessible'} = $::FORM{'cclist_accessible'} ? '1' : '0';
$::query .= "cclist_accessible = $::FORM{'cclist_accessible'}";
my $duplicate = 0;
# We need to check the addresses involved in a CC change before we touch any bugs.
# What we'll do here is formulate the CC data into two hashes of ID's involved
# in this CC change. Then those hashes can be used later on for the actual change.
my (%cc_add, %cc_remove);
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# If masscc is defined, then we came from buglist and need to either add or
# remove cc's... otherwise, we came from bugform and may need to do both.
my ($cc_add, $cc_remove) = "";
if (defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
if ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'add') {
$cc_add = $::FORM{masscc};
} elsif ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'remove') {
$cc_remove = $::FORM{masscc};
} else {
$cc_add = $::FORM{newcc};
# We came from bug_form which uses a select box to determine what cc's
# need to be removed...
if (defined $::FORM{removecc} && $::FORM{cc}) {
$cc_remove = join (",", @{$::MFORM{cc}});
if ($cc_add) {
$cc_add =~ s/[\s,]+/ /g; # Change all delimiters to a single space
foreach my $person ( split(" ", $cc_add) ) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
$cc_add{$pid} = $person;
if ($cc_remove) {
$cc_remove =~ s/[\s,]+/ /g; # Change all delimiters to a single space
foreach my $person ( split(" ", $cc_remove) ) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
$cc_remove{$pid} = $person;
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'knob');
SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
/^none$/ && do {
last SWITCH;
/^confirm$/ && CheckonComment( "confirm" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^accept$/ && CheckonComment( "accept" ) && do {
if (Param("musthavemilestoneonaccept") &&
scalar(@{$::target_milestone{$::FORM{'product'}}}) > 1) {
if (Param("usetargetmilestone")) {
$requiremilestone = 1;
last SWITCH;
/^clearresolution$/ && CheckonComment( "clearresolution" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^resolve$/ && CheckonComment( "resolve" ) && do {
# Check here, because its the only place we require the resolution
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'resolution', \@::settable_resolution);
last SWITCH;
/^reassign$/ && CheckonComment( "reassign" ) && do {
if ($::FORM{'andconfirm'}) {
if ( !defined$::FORM{'assigned_to'} ||
trim($::FORM{'assigned_to'}) eq "") {
ThrowUserError("You cannot reassign to a bug to nobody. Unless you
intentionally cleared out the \"Reassign bug to\"
field, " . Param("browserbugmessage"));
my $newid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($::FORM{'assigned_to'});
$::query .= "assigned_to = $newid";
last SWITCH;
/^reassignbycomponent$/ && CheckonComment( "reassignbycomponent" ) && do {
if ($::FORM{'product'} eq $::dontchange) {
ThrowUserError("You must specify a product to help determine
the new owner of these bugs.");
if ($::FORM{'component'} eq $::dontchange) {
ThrowUserError("You must specify a component whose owner
should get assigned these bugs.");
if ($::FORM{'compconfirm'}) {
SendSQL("select initialowner from components where program=" .
SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'}) . " and value=" .
my $newid = FetchOneColumn();
my $newname = DBID_to_name($newid);
$::query .= "assigned_to = $newid";
if (Param("useqacontact")) {
SendSQL("select initialqacontact from components where program=" .
SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'}) .
" and value=" . SqlQuote($::FORM{'component'}));
my $qacontact = FetchOneColumn();
if (defined $qacontact && $qacontact != 0) {
$::query .= "qa_contact = $qacontact";
last SWITCH;
/^reopen$/ && CheckonComment( "reopen" ) && do {
SendSQL("SELECT resolution FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
if (FetchOneColumn() eq 'DUPLICATE') {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = $::FORM{'id'}");
last SWITCH;
/^verify$/ && CheckonComment( "verify" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^close$/ && CheckonComment( "close" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^duplicate$/ && CheckonComment( "duplicate" ) && do {
my $num = trim($::FORM{'dup_id'});
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($num));
$num = FetchOneColumn();
if (!$num) {
ThrowUserError("You must specify a valid bug number of which this bug
is a duplicate. The bug has not been changed.")
if (!defined($::FORM{'id'}) || $num == $::FORM{'id'}) {
ThrowUserError("Nice try, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}, but it doesn't
really make sense to mark a bug as a duplicate of itself,
does it?");
my $checkid = trim($::FORM{'id'});
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs where bug_id = " . SqlQuote($checkid));
$checkid = FetchOneColumn();
if (!$checkid) {
ThrowUserError("The bug id $::FORM{'id'} is invalid.");
$::FORM{'comment'} .= "\n\n*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of $num ***";
$duplicate = $num;
last SWITCH;
# default
my $escaped_knob = html_quote($::FORM{'knob'});
ThrowCodeError("Unknown action $escaped_knob!\n");
if ($#idlist < 0) {
ThrowUserError("You apparently didn't choose any bugs to modify.");
my @keywordlist;
my %keywordseen;
if ($::FORM{'keywords'}) {
foreach my $keyword (split(/[\s,]+/, $::FORM{'keywords'})) {
if ($keyword eq '') {
my $i = GetKeywordIdFromName($keyword);
if (!$i) {
ThrowUserError("Unknown keyword named <code>" . html_quote($keyword) .
"</code>. <p>The legal keyword names are
<a href=\"describekeywords.cgi\">listed here</a></p>.");
if (!$keywordseen{$i}) {
push(@keywordlist, $i);
$keywordseen{$i} = 1;
my $keywordaction = $::FORM{'keywordaction'} || "makeexact";
if ($::comma eq ""
&& 0 == @keywordlist && $keywordaction ne "makeexact"
&& defined $::FORM{'masscc'} && ! $::FORM{'masscc'}
) {
if (!defined $::FORM{'comment'} || $::FORM{'comment'} =~ /^\s*$/) {
ThrowUserError("Um, you apparently did not change anything
on the selected bugs.");
my $basequery = $::query;
my $delta_ts;
sub SnapShotBug {
my ($id) = (@_);
SendSQL("select delta_ts, " . join(',', @::log_columns) .
" from bugs where bug_id = $id");
my @row = FetchSQLData();
$delta_ts = shift @row;
return @row;
sub SnapShotDeps {
my ($i, $target, $me) = (@_);
SendSQL("select $target from dependencies where $me = $i order by $target");
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, FetchOneColumn());
return join(',', @list);
my $timestamp;
my $bug_changed;
sub FindWrapPoint {
my ($string, $startpos) = @_;
if (!$string) { return 0 }
if (length($string) < $startpos) { return length($string) }
my $wrappoint = rindex($string, ",", $startpos); # look for comma
if ($wrappoint < 0) { # can't find comma
$wrappoint = rindex($string, " ", $startpos); # look for space
if ($wrappoint < 0) { # can't find space
$wrappoint = rindex($string, "-", $startpos); # look for hyphen
if ($wrappoint < 0) { # can't find hyphen
$wrappoint = $startpos; # just truncate it
} else {
$wrappoint++; # leave hyphen on the left side
return $wrappoint;
sub LogActivityEntry {
my ($i,$col,$removed,$added) = @_;
# in the case of CCs, deps, and keywords, there's a possibility that someone
# might try to add or remove a lot of them at once, which might take more
# space than the activity table allows. We'll solve this by splitting it
# into multiple entries if it's too long.
while ($removed || $added) {
my ($removestr, $addstr) = ($removed, $added);
if (length($removestr) > 254) {
my $commaposition = FindWrapPoint($removed, 254);
$removestr = substr($removed,0,$commaposition);
$removed = substr($removed,$commaposition);
$removed =~ s/^[,\s]+//; # remove any comma or space
} else {
$removed = ""; # no more entries
if (length($addstr) > 254) {
my $commaposition = FindWrapPoint($added, 254);
$addstr = substr($added,0,$commaposition);
$added = substr($added,$commaposition);
$added =~ s/^[,\s]+//; # remove any comma or space
} else {
$added = ""; # no more entries
$addstr = SqlQuote($addstr);
$removestr = SqlQuote($removestr);
my $fieldid = GetFieldID($col);
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
"($i,$whoid," . SqlQuote($timestamp) . ",$fieldid,$removestr,$addstr)");
$bug_changed = 1;
sub LogDependencyActivity {
my ($i, $oldstr, $target, $me) = (@_);
my $newstr = SnapShotDeps($i, $target, $me);
if ($oldstr ne $newstr) {
# Figure out what's really different...
my ($removed, $added) = DiffStrings($oldstr, $newstr);
# update timestamp on target bug so midairs will be triggered
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts=NOW() WHERE bug_id=$i");
return 1;
return 0;
# this loop iterates once for each bug to be processed (eg when this script
# is called with multiple bugs selected from buglist.cgi instead of
# show_bug.cgi).
foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my %dependencychanged;
$bug_changed = 0;
my $write = "WRITE"; # Might want to make a param to control
# whether we do LOW_PRIORITY ...
SendSQL("LOCK TABLES bugs $write, bugs_activity $write, cc $write, " .
"cc AS selectVisible_cc $write, " .
"profiles $write, dependencies $write, votes $write, " .
"keywords $write, longdescs $write, fielddefs $write, " .
"keyworddefs READ, groups READ, attachments READ, products READ");
my @oldvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
my %oldhash;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $col (@::log_columns) {
$oldhash{$col} = $oldvalues[$i];
if (exists $::FORM{$col}) {
CheckCanChangeField($col, $id, $oldvalues[$i], $::FORM{$col});
if ($requiremilestone) {
my $value = $::FORM{'target_milestone'};
if (!defined $value || $value eq $::dontchange) {
$value = $oldhash{'target_milestone'};
SendSQL("SELECT defaultmilestone FROM products WHERE product = " .
if ($value eq FetchOneColumn()) {
ThrowUserError("You must determine a target milestone for bug $id
if you are going to accept it. Part of accepting
a bug is giving an estimate of when it will be fixed.",
if (defined $::FORM{'delta_ts'} && $::FORM{'delta_ts'} ne $delta_ts) {
($vars->{'operations'}) = GetBugActivity($::FORM{'id'}, $::FORM{'delta_ts'});
$vars->{'start_at'} = $::FORM{'longdesclength'};
$vars->{'comments'} = GetComments($id);
$::FORM{'comment'} =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # Get rid of windows-style line endings.
$::FORM{'comment'} =~ s/\r/\n/g; # Get rid of mac-style line endings.
$::FORM{'delta_ts'} = $delta_ts;
$vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM;
$vars->{'bug_id'} = $id;
$vars->{'quoteUrls'} = \&quoteUrls;
# Warn the user about the mid-air collision and ask them what to do.
$template->process("bug/process/midair.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
my %deps;
if (defined $::FORM{'dependson'}) {
my $me = "blocked";
my $target = "dependson";
my %deptree;
for (1..2) {
$deptree{$target} = [];
my %seen;
foreach my $i (split('[\s,]+', $::FORM{$target})) {
if ($i eq "") {
my $orig = $i;
if (!detaint_natural($i)) {
ThrowUserError("$orig is not a legal bug number", undef, "abort");
# Don't use CanSeeBug, since we want to keep deps to bugs a
# user can't see
SendSQL("select bug_id from bugs where bug_id = " .
my $comp = FetchOneColumn();
if ($comp ne $i) {
ThrowUserError("$i is not a legal bug number", undef, "abort");
if ($id eq $i) {
ThrowUserError("You can't make a bug blocked or dependent on itself.",
if (!exists $seen{$i}) {
push(@{$deptree{$target}}, $i);
$seen{$i} = 1;
# populate $deps{$target} as first-level deps only.
# and find remainder of dependency tree in $deptree{$target}
@{$deps{$target}} = @{$deptree{$target}};
my @stack = @{$deps{$target}};
while (@stack) {
my $i = shift @stack;
SendSQL("select $target from dependencies where $me = " .
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my $t = FetchOneColumn();
# ignore any _current_ dependencies involving this bug,
# as they will be overwritten with data from the form.
if ($t != $id && !exists $seen{$t}) {
push(@{$deptree{$target}}, $t);
push @stack, $t;
$seen{$t} = 1;
if ($me eq 'dependson') {
my @deps = @{$deptree{'dependson'}};
my @blocks = @{$deptree{'blocked'}};
my @union = ();
my @isect = ();
my %union = ();
my %isect = ();
foreach my $b (@deps, @blocks) { $union{$b}++ && $isect{$b}++ }
@union = keys %union;
@isect = keys %isect;
if (@isect > 0) {
my $both;
foreach my $i (@isect) {
$both = $both . GetBugLink($i, "#" . $i) . " ";
ThrowUserError(qq|Dependency loop detected!<p>
The following bug(s) would appear on both the "depends on"
and "blocks" parts of the dependency tree if these changes
are committed: $both<br>This would create a circular
dependency, which is not allowed.</p>|,
my $tmp = $me;
$me = $target;
$target = $tmp;
if (@::legal_keywords) {
# There are three kinds of "keywordsaction": makeexact, add, delete.
# For makeexact, we delete everything, and then add our things.
# For add, we delete things we're adding (to make sure we don't
# end up having them twice), and then we add them.
# For delete, we just delete things on the list.
my $changed = 0;
if ($keywordaction eq "makeexact") {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM keywords WHERE bug_id = $id");
$changed = 1;
foreach my $keyword (@keywordlist) {
if ($keywordaction ne "makeexact") {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM keywords
WHERE bug_id = $id AND keywordid = $keyword");
$changed = 1;
if ($keywordaction ne "delete") {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO keywords
(bug_id, keywordid) VALUES ($id, $keyword)");
$changed = 1;
if ($changed) {
FROM keyworddefs, keywords
WHERE keywords.bug_id = $id
AND = keywords.keywordid
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, FetchOneColumn());
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET keywords = " .
SqlQuote(join(', ', @list)) .
" WHERE bug_id = $id");
my $query = "$basequery\nwhere bug_id = $id";
if ($::comma ne "") {
SendSQL("select now()");
$timestamp = FetchOneColumn();
if (defined $::FORM{'comment'}) {
AppendComment($id, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}, $::FORM{'comment'});
my $removedCcString = "";
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# Get the current CC list for this bug
my %oncc;
SendSQL("SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
$oncc{FetchOneColumn()} = 1;
my (@added, @removed) = ();
foreach my $pid (keys %cc_add) {
# If this person isn't already on the cc list, add them
if (! $oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES ($id, $pid)");
push (@added, $cc_add{$pid});
$oncc{$pid} = 1;
foreach my $pid (keys %cc_remove) {
# If the person is on the cc list, remove them
if ($oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id AND who = $pid");
push (@removed, $cc_remove{$pid});
$oncc{$pid} = 0;
# Save off the removedCcString so it can be fed to processmail
$removedCcString = join (",", @removed);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar(@removed) || scalar(@added)) {
my $removed = join(", ", @removed);
my $added = join(", ", @added);
if (defined $::FORM{'dependson'}) {
my $me = "blocked";
my $target = "dependson";
for (1..2) {
SendSQL("select $target from dependencies where $me = $id order by $target");
my %snapshot;
my @oldlist;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@oldlist, FetchOneColumn());
my @newlist = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$deps{$target}};
@dependencychanged{@oldlist} = 1;
@dependencychanged{@newlist} = 1;
while (0 < @oldlist || 0 < @newlist) {
if (@oldlist == 0 || (@newlist > 0 &&
$oldlist[0] > $newlist[0])) {
$snapshot{$newlist[0]} = SnapShotDeps($newlist[0], $me,
shift @newlist;
} elsif (@newlist == 0 || (@oldlist > 0 &&
$newlist[0] > $oldlist[0])) {
$snapshot{$oldlist[0]} = SnapShotDeps($oldlist[0], $me,
shift @oldlist;
} else {
if ($oldlist[0] != $newlist[0]) {
die "Error in list comparing code";
shift @oldlist;
shift @newlist;
my @keys = keys(%snapshot);
if (@keys) {
my $oldsnap = SnapShotDeps($id, $target, $me);
SendSQL("delete from dependencies where $me = $id");
foreach my $i (@{$deps{$target}}) {
SendSQL("insert into dependencies ($me, $target) values ($id, $i)");
foreach my $k (@keys) {
LogDependencyActivity($k, $snapshot{$k}, $me, $target);
LogDependencyActivity($id, $oldsnap, $target, $me);
my $tmp = $me;
$me = $target;
$target = $tmp;
# When a bug changes products and the old or new product is associated
# with a bug group, it may be necessary to remove the bug from the old
# group or add it to the new one. There are a very specific series of
# conditions under which these activities take place, more information
# about which can be found in comments within the conditionals below.
if (
# the "usebuggroups" parameter is on, indicating that products
# are associated with groups of the same name;
# the user has changed the product to which the bug belongs;
&& defined $::FORM{'product'}
&& $::FORM{'product'} ne $::dontchange
&& $::FORM{'product'} ne $oldhash{'product'}
) {
if (
# the user wants to add the bug to the new product's group;
($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'} eq 'yes'
|| ($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'} eq 'yesifinold'
&& GroupNameToBit($oldhash{'product'}) & $oldhash{'groupset'}))
# the new product is associated with a group;
&& GroupExists($::FORM{'product'})
# the bug is not already in the group; (This can happen when the user
# goes to the "edit multiple bugs" form with a list of bugs at least
# one of which is in the new group. In this situation, the user can
# simultaneously change the bugs to a new product and move the bugs
# into that product's group, which happens earlier in this script
# and thus is already done. If we didn't check for this, then this
# situation would cause us to add the bug to the group twice, which
# would result in the bug being added to a totally different group.)
&& !BugInGroup($id, $::FORM{'product'})
# the user is a member of the associated group, indicating they
# are authorized to add bugs to that group, *or* the "usebuggroupsentry"
# parameter is off, indicating that users can add bugs to a product
# regardless of whether or not they belong to its associated group;
&& (UserInGroup($::FORM{'product'}) || !Param('usebuggroupsentry'))
# the associated group is active, indicating it can accept new bugs;
&& GroupIsActive(GroupNameToBit($::FORM{'product'}))
) {
# Add the bug to the group associated with its new product.
my $groupbit = GroupNameToBit($::FORM{'product'});
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET groupset = groupset + $groupbit WHERE bug_id = $id");
if (
# the old product is associated with a group;
# the bug is a member of that group;
&& BugInGroup($id, $oldhash{'product'})
) {
# Remove the bug from the group associated with its old product.
my $groupbit = GroupNameToBit($oldhash{'product'});
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET groupset = groupset - $groupbit WHERE bug_id = $id");
# get a snapshot of the newly set values out of the database,
# and then generate any necessary bug activity entries by seeing
# what has changed since before we wrote out the new values.
my @newvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
# for passing to processmail to ensure that when someone is removed
# from one of these fields, they get notified of that fact (if desired)
my $origOwner = "";
my $origQaContact = "";
foreach my $c (@::log_columns) {
my $col = $c; # We modify it, don't want to modify array
# values in place.
my $old = shift @oldvalues;
my $new = shift @newvalues;
if (!defined $old) {
$old = "";
if (!defined $new) {
$new = "";
if ($old ne $new) {
# save off the old value for passing to processmail so the old
# owner can be notified
if ($col eq 'assigned_to') {
$old = ($old) ? DBID_to_name($old) : "";
$new = ($new) ? DBID_to_name($new) : "";
$origOwner = $old;
# ditto for the old qa contact
if ($col eq 'qa_contact') {
$old = ($old) ? DBID_to_name($old) : "";
$new = ($new) ? DBID_to_name($new) : "";
$origQaContact = $old;
# If this is the keyword field, only record the changes, not everything.
if ($col eq 'keywords') {
($old, $new) = DiffStrings($old, $new);
if ($col eq 'product') {
RemoveVotes($id, 0,
"This bug has been moved to a different product");
if ($bug_changed) {
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = " . SqlQuote($timestamp) . " WHERE bug_id = $id");
my @ARGLIST = ();
if ( $removedCcString ne "" ) {
push @ARGLIST, ("-forcecc", $removedCcString);
if ( $origOwner ne "" ) {
push @ARGLIST, ("-forceowner", $origOwner);
if ( $origQaContact ne "") {
push @ARGLIST, ( "-forceqacontact", $origQaContact);
push @ARGLIST, ($id, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
# Send mail to let people know the bug has been changed. Uses
# a special syntax of the "open" and "exec" commands to capture
# the output "processmail", which "system" doesn't allow
# (i.e. "system ('./processmail', $bugid , $::userid);"), without
# the insecurity of running the command through a shell via backticks
# (i.e. "my $mailresults = `./processmail $bugid $::userid`;").
$vars->{'mail'} = "";
open(PMAIL, "-|") or exec('./processmail', @ARGLIST);
$vars->{'mail'} .= $_ while <PMAIL>;
$vars->{'id'} = $id;
# Let the user know the bug was changed and who did and didn't
# receive email about the change.
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
if ($duplicate) {
# Check to see if Reporter of this bug is reporter of Dupe
SendSQL("SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($::FORM{'id'}));
my $reporter = FetchOneColumn();
SendSQL("SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . " and reporter = $reporter");
my $isreporter = FetchOneColumn();
SendSQL("SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . " and who = $reporter");
my $isoncc = FetchOneColumn();
unless ($isreporter || $isoncc || ! $::FORM{'confirm_add_duplicate'}) {
# The reporter is oblivious to the existance of the new bug and is permitted access
# ... add 'em to the cc (and record activity)
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (who, bug_id) VALUES ($reporter, " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . ")");
AppendComment($duplicate, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}, "*** Bug $::FORM{'id'} has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***");
SendSQL("INSERT INTO duplicates VALUES ($duplicate, $::FORM{'id'})");
$vars->{'mail'} = "";
open(PMAIL, "-|") or exec('./processmail', $duplicate, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
$vars->{'mail'} .= $_ while <PMAIL>;
$vars->{'id'} = $duplicate;
$vars->{'type'} = "dupe";
# Let the user know a duplication notation was added to the original bug.
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
foreach my $k (keys(%dependencychanged)) {
$vars->{'mail'} = "";
open(PMAIL, "-|") or exec('./processmail', $k, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
$vars->{'mail'} .= $_ while <PMAIL>;
$vars->{'id'} = $k;
$vars->{'type'} = "dep";
# Let the user know we checked to see if we should email notice
# of this change to users with a relationship to the dependent
# bug and who did and didn't receive email about it.
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# Show next bug, if it exists.
if ($::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"} && $::FORM{'id'}) {
my @bugs = split(/:/, $::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"});
$vars->{'bug_list'} = \@bugs;
my $cur = lsearch(\@bugs, $::FORM{"id"});
if ($cur >= 0 && $cur < $#bugs) {
my $next_bug = $bugs[$cur + 1];
if (detaint_natural($next_bug) && CanSeeBug($next_bug)) {
$::FORM{'id'} = $next_bug;
$vars->{'next_id'} = $next_bug;
# Let the user know we are about to display the next bug in their list.
$template->process("bug/process/next.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
show_bug("header is already done");
# End the response page.
$template->process("bug/navigate.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
$template->process("global/footer.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());