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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
* IOUtils is a simple, efficient interface for performing file I/O from a
* privileged chrome-only context. All asynchronous I/O tasks are run on
* a background thread.
* Pending I/O tasks will block shutdown at the |profileBeforeChange| phase.
* During this shutdown phase, no additional I/O tasks will be accepted --
* method calls to this interface will reject once shutdown has entered this
* phase.
* IOUtils methods may reject for any number of reasons. Reasonable attempts
* have been made to map each common operating system error to a |DOMException|.
* Most often, a caller only needs to check if a given file wasn't found by
* catching the rejected error and checking if | === 'NotFoundError'|.
* In other cases, it is likely sufficient to allow the error to be caught and
* reported elsewhere.
[ChromeOnly, Exposed=(Window, Worker)]
namespace IOUtils {
* Reads up to |maxBytes| of the file at |path| according to |opts|.
* @param path An absolute file path.
* @return Resolves with an array of unsigned byte values read from disk,
* otherwise rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<Uint8Array> read(DOMString path, optional ReadOptions opts = {});
* Reads the UTF-8 text file located at |path| and returns the decoded
* contents as a |DOMString|.
* @param path An absolute file path.
* @return Resolves with the file contents encoded as a string, otherwise
* rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<UTF8String> readUTF8(DOMString path, optional ReadUTF8Options opts = {});
* Read the UTF-8 text file located at |path| and return the contents
* parsed as JSON into a JS value.
* @param path An absolute path.
* @return Resolves with the contents of the file parsed as JSON.
Promise<any> readJSON(DOMString path, optional ReadUTF8Options opts = {});
* Attempts to safely write |data| to a file at |path|.
* This operation can be made atomic by specifying the |tmpPath| option. If
* specified, then this method ensures that the destination file is not
* modified until the data is entirely written to the temporary file, after
* which point the |tmpPath| is moved to the specified |path|.
* The target file can also be backed up to a |backupFile| before any writes
* are performed to prevent data loss in case of corruption.
* @param path An absolute file path.
* @param data Data to write to the file at path.
* @return Resolves with the number of bytes successfully written to the file,
* otherwise rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<unsigned long long> write(DOMString path, Uint8Array data, optional WriteOptions options = {});
* Attempts to encode |string| to UTF-8, then safely write the result to a
* file at |path|. Works exactly like |write|.
* @param path An absolute file path.
* @param string A string to write to the file at path.
* @param options Options for writing the file.
* @return Resolves with the number of bytes successfully written to the file,
* otherwise rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<unsigned long long> writeUTF8(DOMString path, UTF8String string, optional WriteOptions options = {});
* Attempts to serialize |value| into a JSON string and encode it as into a
* UTF-8 string, then safely write the result to a file at |path|. Works
* exactly like |write|.
* @param path An absolute file path
* @param value The value to be serialized.
* @param options Options for writing the file. The "append" mode is not supported.
* @return Resolves with the number of bytes successfully written to the file,
* otherwise rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<unsigned long long> writeJSON(DOMString path, any value, optional WriteOptions options = {});
* Moves the file from |sourcePath| to |destPath|, creating necessary parents.
* If |destPath| is a directory, then the source file will be moved into the
* destination directory.
* @param sourcePath An absolute file path identifying the file or directory
* to move.
* @param destPath An absolute file path identifying the destination
* directory and/or file name.
* @return Resolves if the file is moved successfully, otherwise rejects with
* a DOMException.
Promise<void> move(DOMString sourcePath, DOMString destPath, optional MoveOptions options = {});
* Removes a file or directory at |path| according to |options|.
* @param path An absolute file path identifying the file or directory to
* remove.
* @return Resolves if the file is removed successfully, otherwise rejects
* with a DOMException.
Promise<void> remove(DOMString path, optional RemoveOptions options = {});
* Creates a new directory at |path| according to |options|.
* @param path An absolute file path identifying the directory to create.
* @return Resolves if the directory is created successfully, otherwise
* rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<void> makeDirectory(DOMString path, optional MakeDirectoryOptions options = {});
* Obtains information about a file, such as size, modification dates, etc.
* @param path An absolute file path identifying the file or directory to
* inspect.
* @return Resolves with a |FileInfo| object for the file at path, otherwise
* rejects with a DOMException.
* @see FileInfo
Promise<FileInfo> stat(DOMString path);
* Copies a file or directory from |sourcePath| to |destPath| according to
* |options|.
* @param sourcePath An absolute file path identifying the source file to be
* copied.
* @param destPath An absolute file path identifying the location for the
* copy.
* @return Resolves if the file was copied successfully, otherwise rejects
* with a DOMException.
Promise<void> copy(DOMString sourcePath, DOMString destPath, optional CopyOptions options = {});
* Updates the |modification| time for the file at |path|.
* @param path An absolute file path identifying the file to touch.
* @param modification An optional modification time for the file expressed in
* milliseconds since the Unix epoch
* (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). The current system time is used
* if this parameter is not provided.
* @return Resolves with the updated modification time expressed in
* milliseconds since the Unix epoch, otherwise rejects with a
* DOMException.
Promise<long long> touch(DOMString path, optional long long modification);
* Retrieves a (possibly empty) list of immediate children of the directory at
* |path|. If the file at |path| is not a directory, this method resolves with
* an empty list.
* @param path An absolute file path.
* @return Resolves with a sequence of absolute file paths representing the
* children of the directory at |path|, otherwise rejects with a
* DOMException.
Promise<sequence<DOMString>> getChildren(DOMString path);
* Set the permissions of the file at |path|.
* Windows does not make a distinction between user, group, and other
* permissions like UNICES do. If a permission flag is set for any of user,
* group, or other has a permission, then all users will have that
* permission. Additionally, Windows does not support setting the
* "executable" permission.
* @param path An absolute file path
* @param permissions The UNIX file mode representing the permissions.
* @param honorUmask If omitted or true, any UNIX file mode value is
* modified by the process umask. If false, the exact value
* of UNIX file mode will be applied. This value has no effect
* on Windows.
* @return Resolves if the permissions were set successfully, otherwise
* rejects with a DOMException.
Promise<void> setPermissions(DOMString path, unsigned long permissions, optional boolean honorUmask = true);
* Return whether or not the file exists at the given path.
* @param path An absolute file path.
* @return A promise that resolves to whether or not the given file exists.
Promise<boolean> exists(DOMString path);
partial namespace IOUtils {
readonly attribute any profileBeforeChange;
* Options to be passed to the |IOUtils.readUTF8| method.
dictionary ReadUTF8Options {
* If true, this option indicates that the file to be read is compressed with
* LZ4-encoding, and should be decompressed before the data is returned to
* the caller.
boolean decompress = false;
* Options to be passed to the || method.
dictionary ReadOptions : ReadUTF8Options {
* The offset into the file to read from. If unspecified, the file will be read
* from the start.
unsigned long offset = 0;
* The max bytes to read from the file at path. If unspecified, the entire
* file will be read. This option is incompatible with |decompress|.
unsigned long? maxBytes = null;
* Modes for writing to a file.
enum WriteMode {
* Overwrite the contents of the file.
* The file will be created if it does not exist.
* Append to the end of the file.
* This mode will refuse to create the file if it does not exist.
* Create a new file.
* This mode will refuse to overwrite an existing file.
* Options to be passed to the |IOUtils.write| and |writeUTF8|
* methods.
dictionary WriteOptions {
* If specified, backup the destination file to this path before writing.
DOMString backupFile;
* If specified, write the data to a file at |tmpPath| instead of directly to
* the destination. Once the write is complete, the destination will be
* overwritten by a move. Specifying this option will make the write a little
* slower, but also safer.
DOMString tmpPath;
* The mode used to write to the file.
WriteMode mode = "overwrite";
* If true, force the OS to write its internal buffers to the disk.
* This is considerably slower for the whole system, but safer in case of
* an improper system shutdown (e.g. due to a kernel panic) or device
* disconnection before the buffers are flushed.
boolean flush = false;
* If true, compress the data with LZ4-encoding before writing to the file.
boolean compress = false;
* Options to be passed to the |IOUtils.move| method.
dictionary MoveOptions {
* If true, fail if the destination already exists.
boolean noOverwrite = false;
* Options to be passed to the |IOUtils.remove| method.
dictionary RemoveOptions {
* If true, no error will be reported if the target file is missing.
boolean ignoreAbsent = true;
* If true, and the target is a directory, recursively remove files.
boolean recursive = false;
* Options to be passed to the |IOUtils.makeDirectory| method.
dictionary MakeDirectoryOptions {
* If true, create the directory and all necessary ancestors if they do not
* already exist. If false and any ancestor directories do not exist,
* |makeDirectory| will reject with an error.
boolean createAncestors = true;
* If true, succeed even if the directory already exists (default behavior).
* Otherwise, fail if the directory already exists.
boolean ignoreExisting = true;
* The file mode to create the directory with.
* This is ignored on Windows.
unsigned long permissions = 0755;
* Options to be passed to the |IOUtils.copy| method.
dictionary CopyOptions {
* If true, fail if the destination already exists.
boolean noOverwrite = false;
* If true, copy the source recursively.
boolean recursive = false;
* Types of files that are recognized by the |IOUtils.stat| method.
enum FileType { "regular", "directory", "other" };
* Basic metadata about a file.
dictionary FileInfo {
* The absolute path to the file on disk, as known when this file info was
* obtained.
DOMString path;
* Identifies if the file at |path| is a regular file, directory, or something
* something else.
FileType type;
* If this represents a regular file, the size of the file in bytes.
* Otherwise, -1.
long long size;
* The timestamp of the last file modification, represented in milliseconds
* since Epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z).
long long lastModified;
* The timestamp of file creation, represented in milliseconds since Epoch
* (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z).
* This is only available on MacOS and Windows.
long long creationTime;
* The permissions of the file, expressed as a UNIX file mode.
* NB: Windows does not make a distinction between user, group, and other
* permissions like UNICES do. The user, group, and other parts will always
* be identical on Windows.
unsigned long permissions;