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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
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* The Original Code is code.
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* construction of a frame tree that is nearly isomorphic to the content
* tree and updating of that tree in response to dynamic changes
#ifndef nsCSSFrameConstructor_h___
#define nsCSSFrameConstructor_h___
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsILayoutHistoryState.h"
#include "nsIXBLService.h"
#include "nsQuoteList.h"
#include "nsCounterManager.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
#include "nsPageContentFrame.h"
#include "nsIViewManager.h"
class nsIDocument;
struct nsFrameItems;
struct nsAbsoluteItems;
class nsStyleContext;
struct nsStyleContent;
struct nsStyleDisplay;
class nsIPresShell;
class nsVoidArray;
class nsFrameManager;
class nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement;
class nsPresContext;
class nsStyleChangeList;
class nsIFrame;
struct nsGenConInitializer;
struct nsFindFrameHint
nsIFrame *mPrimaryFrameForPrevSibling; // weak ref to the primary frame for the content for which we need a frame
nsFindFrameHint() : mPrimaryFrameForPrevSibling(nsnull) { }
typedef void (PR_CALLBACK nsLazyFrameConstructionCallback)
(nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame* aFrame, void* aArg);
class nsFrameConstructorState;
class nsFrameConstructorSaveState;
class nsCSSFrameConstructor
nsCSSFrameConstructor(nsIDocument *aDocument, nsIPresShell* aPresShell);
~nsCSSFrameConstructor(void) { }
// Maintain global objects - gXBLService
static nsIXBLService * GetXBLService();
static void ReleaseGlobals() { NS_IF_RELEASE(gXBLService); }
// get the alternate text for a content node
static void GetAlternateTextFor(nsIContent* aContent,
nsIAtom* aTag, // content object's tag
nsXPIDLString& aAltText);
// These are not supported and are not implemented!
nsCSSFrameConstructor(const nsCSSFrameConstructor& aCopy);
nsCSSFrameConstructor& operator=(const nsCSSFrameConstructor& aCopy);
// XXXbz this method needs to actually return errors!
nsresult ConstructRootFrame(nsIContent* aDocElement,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame);
nsresult ReconstructDocElementHierarchy();
nsresult ContentAppended(nsIContent* aContainer,
PRInt32 aNewIndexInContainer);
nsresult ContentInserted(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState);
nsresult ContentRemoved(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
PRBool* aDidReconstruct);
nsresult CharacterDataChanged(nsIContent* aContent,
PRBool aAppend);
nsresult ContentStatesChanged(nsIContent* aContent1,
nsIContent* aContent2,
PRInt32 aStateMask);
// Process the children of aContent and indicate that frames should be
// created for them. This is used for lazily built content such as that
// inside popups so that it is only created when the popup is opened.
// If aIsSynch is true, this method constructs the frames synchronously.
// aCallback will be called with three arguments, the first is the value
// of aContent, the second is aContent's primary frame, and the third is
// the value of aArg.
// aCallback will always be called even if the children of aContent had
// been generated earlier.
nsresult AddLazyChildren(nsIContent* aContent,
nsLazyFrameConstructionCallback* aCallback,
void* aArg, PRBool aIsSynch = PR_FALSE);
// Should be called when a frame is going to be destroyed and
// WillDestroyFrameTree hasn't been called yet.
void NotifyDestroyingFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame);
nsresult AttributeChanged(nsIContent* aContent,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsIAtom* aAttribute,
PRInt32 aModType,
PRUint32 aStateMask);
void BeginUpdate();
void EndUpdate();
void RecalcQuotesAndCounters();
void WillDestroyFrameTree();
// Note: It's the caller's responsibility to make sure to wrap a
// ProcessRestyledFrames call in a view update batch.
// This function does not call ProcessAttachedQueue() on the binding manager.
// If the caller wants that to happen synchronously, it needs to handle that
// itself.
nsresult ProcessRestyledFrames(nsStyleChangeList& aRestyleArray);
// Note: It's the caller's responsibility to make sure to wrap a
// ProcessOneRestyle call in a view update batch.
// This function does not call ProcessAttachedQueue() on the binding manager.
// If the caller wants that to happen synchronously, it needs to handle that
// itself.
void ProcessOneRestyle(nsIContent* aContent, nsReStyleHint aRestyleHint,
nsChangeHint aChangeHint);
// Restyling for a ContentInserted (notification after insertion) or
// for a CharacterDataChanged. |aContainer| must be non-null; when
// the container is null, no work is needed.
void RestyleForInsertOrChange(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild);
// This would be the same as RestyleForInsertOrChange if we got the
// notification before the removal. However, we get it after, so we
// have to use the index. |aContainer| must be non-null; when the
// container is null, no work is needed.
void RestyleForRemove(nsIContent* aContainer, nsIContent* aOldChild,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer);
// Same for a ContentAppended. |aContainer| must be non-null; when
// the container is null, no work is needed.
void RestyleForAppend(nsIContent* aContainer,
PRInt32 aNewIndexInContainer);
// Note: It's the caller's responsibility to make sure to wrap a
// ProcessPendingRestyles call in a view update batch.
// This function does not call ProcessAttachedQueue() on the binding manager.
// If the caller wants that to happen synchronously, it needs to handle that
// itself.
void ProcessPendingRestyles();
void RebuildAllStyleData(nsChangeHint aExtraHint);
void PostRestyleEvent(nsIContent* aContent, nsReStyleHint aRestyleHint,
nsChangeHint aMinChangeHint);
* Asynchronously clear style data from the root frame downwards and ensure
* it will all be rebuilt. This is safe to call anytime; it will schedule
* a restyle and take effect next time style changes are flushed.
* This method is used to recompute the style data when some change happens
* outside of any style rules, like a color preference change or a change
* in a system font size, or to fix things up when an optimization in the
* style data has become invalid. We assume that the root frame will not
* need to be reframed.
void PostRebuildAllStyleDataEvent();
// Request to create a continuing frame
nsresult CreateContinuingFrame(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame** aContinuingFrame,
PRBool aIsFluid = PR_TRUE);
// Copy over fixed frames from aParentFrame's prev-in-flow
nsresult ReplicateFixedFrames(nsPageContentFrame* aParentFrame);
// Request to find the primary frame associated with a given content object.
// This is typically called by the pres shell when there is no mapping in
// the pres shell hash table
nsresult FindPrimaryFrameFor(nsFrameManager* aFrameManager,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame** aFrame,
nsFindFrameHint* aHint);
// Get the XBL insertion point for a child
nsresult GetInsertionPoint(nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aChildContent,
nsIFrame** aInsertionPoint,
PRBool* aMultiple = nsnull);
nsresult CreateListBoxContent(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aPrevFrame,
nsIContent* aChild,
nsIFrame** aResult,
PRBool aIsAppend,
PRBool aIsScrollbar,
nsILayoutHistoryState* aFrameState);
nsresult RemoveMappingsForFrameSubtree(nsIFrame* aRemovedFrame);
// This is misnamed! This returns the outermost frame for the root element
nsIFrame* GetInitialContainingBlock() { return mInitialContainingBlock; }
// This returns the outermost frame for the root element
nsIFrame* GetRootElementFrame() { return mInitialContainingBlock; }
// This returns the frame for the root element that does not
// have a psuedo-element style
nsIFrame* GetRootElementStyleFrame() { return mRootElementStyleFrame; }
nsIFrame* GetPageSequenceFrame() { return mPageSequenceFrame; }
nsresult ReconstructDocElementHierarchyInternal();
nsresult ReinsertContent(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild);
nsresult ConstructPageFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aPrevPageFrame,
nsIFrame*& aPageFrame,
nsIFrame*& aCanvasFrame);
void DoContentStateChanged(nsIContent* aContent,
PRInt32 aStateMask);
/* aMinHint is the minimal change that should be made to the element */
void RestyleElement(nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aPrimaryFrame,
nsChangeHint aMinHint);
void RestyleLaterSiblings(nsIContent* aContent);
nsresult InitAndRestoreFrame (const nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow,
nsIFrame* aNewFrame,
PRBool aAllowCounters = PR_TRUE);
ResolveStyleContext(nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aContent);
nsresult ConstructFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
nsresult ConstructDocElementFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aDocElement,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame);
nsresult ConstructDocElementTableFrame(nsIContent* aDocElement,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame** aNewTableFrame,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState);
* CreateAttributeContent creates a single content/frame combination for an
* |attr(foo)| generated content.
* @param aParentContent the parent content for the generated content
* @param aParentFrame the parent frame for the generated frame
* @param aAttrNamespace the namespace of the attribute in question
* @param aAttrName the localname of the attribute
* @param aStyleContext the style context to use
* @param aGeneratedContent the array of generated content to append the
* created content to.
* @param [out] aNewContent the content node we create
* @param [out] aNewFrame the new frame we create
nsresult CreateAttributeContent(nsIContent* aParentContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
PRInt32 aAttrNamespace,
nsIAtom* aAttrName,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsCOMArray<nsIContent>& aGeneratedContent,
nsIContent** aNewContent,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame);
* Create a text node containing the given string. If aText is non-null
* then we also set aText to the returned node.
already_AddRefed<nsIContent> CreateGenConTextNode(const nsString& aString,
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMCharacterData>* aText,
nsGenConInitializer* aInitializer);
* Create a content node for the given generated content style.
* The caller takes care of making it SetNativeAnonymous, binding it
* to the document, and creating frames for it.
* @param aParentContent is the node that has the before/after style
* @param aStyleContext is the 'before' or 'after' pseudo-element
* style context
* @param aContentIndex is the index of the content item to create
already_AddRefed<nsIContent> CreateGeneratedContent(nsIContent* aParentContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRUint32 aContentIndex);
void CreateGeneratedContentFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIAtom* aPseudoElement,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
// This method can change aFrameList: it can chop off the end and
// put it in a special sibling of aParentFrame. It can also change
// aState by moving some floats out of it.
nsresult AppendFrames(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsFrameItems& aFrameList,
nsIFrame* aAfterFrame);
* ConstructTableFrame will construct the outer and inner table frames and
* return them. Unless aIsPseudo is PR_TRUE, it will put the inner frame in
* the child list of the outer frame, and will put any pseudo frames it had
* to create into aChildItems. The newly-created outer frame will either be
* in aChildItems or a descendant of a pseudo in aChildItems (unless it's
* positioned or floated, in which case its placeholder will be in
* aChildItems).
nsresult ConstructTableFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aContentParent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
PRBool aIsPseudo,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewOuterFrame,
nsIFrame*& aNewInnerFrame);
nsresult ConstructTableCaptionFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructTableRowGroupFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
PRBool aIsPseudo,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructTableColGroupFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
PRBool aIsPseudo,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructTableRowFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
PRBool aIsPseudo,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructTableColFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
PRBool aIsPseudo,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructTableCellFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
PRBool aIsPseudo,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
nsIFrame*& aNewCellOuterFrame,
nsIFrame*& aNewCellInnerFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
nsresult CreatePseudoTableFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn = nsnull);
nsresult CreatePseudoRowGroupFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn = nsnull);
nsresult CreatePseudoColGroupFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn = nsnull);
nsresult CreatePseudoRowFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn = nsnull);
nsresult CreatePseudoCellFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aParentFrameIn = nsnull);
nsresult GetPseudoTableFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn);
nsresult GetPseudoColGroupFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn);
nsresult GetPseudoRowGroupFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn);
nsresult GetPseudoRowFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn);
nsresult GetPseudoCellFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn);
nsresult GetParentFrame(PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsIFrame& aParentFrameIn,
nsIAtom* aChildFrameType,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame*& aParentFrame,
PRBool& aIsPseudoParent);
* Function to adjust aParentFrame and aFrameItems to deal with table
* pseudo-frames that may have to be inserted.
* @param aState the nsFrameConstructorState we're using.
* @param aChildContent the content node we want to construct a frame for
* @param aParentFrame the frame we think should be the parent. This will be
* adjusted to point to a pseudo-frame if needed.
* @param aTag tag that would be used for frame construction
* @param aNameSpaceID namespace that will be used for frame construction
* @param aChildStyle the style context for aChildContent
* @param aFrameItems the framelist we think we need to put the child frame
* into. If we have to construct pseudo-frames, we'll modify the
* pointer to point to the list the child frame should go into.
* @param aSaveState the nsFrameConstructorSaveState we can use for pushing a
* float containing block if we have to do it.
* @param aSuppressFrame whether we should not create a frame below this
* parent
* @param aCreatedPseudo whether we had to create a pseudo-parent
* @return NS_OK on success, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY and such as needed.
// XXXbz this function should really go away once we rework pseudo-frame
// handling to be better. This should simply be part of the job of
// GetGeometricParent, and stuff like the frameitems and parent frame should
// be kept track of in the state...
nsresult AdjustParentFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aChildContent,
nsIFrame* & aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aChildStyle,
nsFrameItems* & aFrameItems,
nsFrameConstructorSaveState& aSaveState,
PRBool& aSuppressFrame,
PRBool& aCreatedPseudo);
const nsStyleDisplay* GetDisplay(nsIFrame* aFrame);
static nsresult CreatePlaceholderFrameFor(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow,
nsIFrame** aPlaceholderFrame);
// @param OUT aNewFrame the new radio control frame
nsresult ConstructRadioControlFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext);
// @param OUT aNewFrame the new checkbox control frame
nsresult ConstructCheckboxControlFrame(nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext);
// ConstructButtonFrame puts the new frame in aFrameItems and
// handles the kids of the button.
nsresult ConstructButtonFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
const nsStyleDisplay* aStyleDisplay,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent);
// ConstructSelectFrame puts the new frame in aFrameItems and
// handles the kids of the select.
nsresult ConstructSelectFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
const nsStyleDisplay* aStyleDisplay,
PRBool& aFrameHasBeenInitialized,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
// ConstructFieldSetFrame puts the new frame in aFrameItems and
// handles the kids of the fieldset
nsresult ConstructFieldSetFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
const nsStyleDisplay* aStyleDisplay,
PRBool& aFrameHasBeenInitialized);
nsresult ConstructTextFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructPageBreakFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
// Construct a page break frame if page-break-before:always is set in aStyleContext
// and add it to aFrameItems. Return true if page-break-after:always is set on aStyleContext.
// Don't do this for row groups, rows or cell, because tables handle those internally.
PRBool PageBreakBefore(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
nsresult ConstructHTMLFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructFrameInternal( nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aXBLBaseTag);
nsresult CreateAnonymousFrames(nsIAtom* aTag,
nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aParent,
nsIFrame* aNewFrame,
PRBool aAppendToExisting,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems,
PRBool aIsRoot = PR_FALSE);
nsresult CreateAnonymousFrames(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aParent,
nsIDocument* aDocument,
nsIFrame* aNewFrame,
PRBool aAppendToExisting,
nsFrameItems& aChildItems);
//MathML Mod - RBS
* Takes the frames in aBlockItems and wraps them in a new anonymous block
* frame whose content is aContent and whose parent will be aParentFrame.
* The anonymous block is added to aNewItems and aBlockItems is cleared.
nsresult FlushAccumulatedBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsFrameItems* aBlockItems,
nsFrameItems* aNewItems);
nsresult ConstructMathMLFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent);
nsresult ConstructXULFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aXBLBaseTag,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent,
PRBool* aHaltProcessing);
// XTF
#ifdef MOZ_XTF
nsresult ConstructXTFFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent);
// SVG - rods
#ifdef MOZ_SVG
nsresult ConstructSVGFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent,
PRBool* aHaltProcessing);
nsresult ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay,
nsIContent* aContent,
PRInt32 aNameSpaceID,
nsIAtom* aTag,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent);
nsresult ProcessChildren(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
PRBool aCanHaveGeneratedContent,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aParentIsBlock);
// @param OUT aFrame the newly created frame
nsresult CreateInputFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aTag,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame** aFrame,
const nsStyleDisplay* aStyleDisplay,
PRBool& aFrameHasBeenInitialized,
PRBool& aAddedToFrameList,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aHasPseudoParent);
// A function that can be invoked to create some sort of image frame.
typedef nsIFrame* (* ImageFrameCreatorFunc)(nsIPresShell*, nsStyleContext*);
* CreateHTMLImageFrame will do some tests on aContent, and if it determines
* that the content should get an image frame it'll create one via aFunc and
* return it in *aFrame. Note that if this content node isn't supposed to
* have an image frame this method will return NS_OK and set *aFrame to null.
nsresult CreateHTMLImageFrame(nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
ImageFrameCreatorFunc aFunc,
nsIFrame** aFrame);
nsIFrame* GetFrameFor(nsIContent* aContent);
* These two functions are used when we start frame creation from a non-root
* element. They should recreate the same state that we would have
* arrived at if we had built frames from the root frame to aFrame.
* Therefore, any calls to PushFloatContainingBlock and
* PushAbsoluteContainingBlock during frame construction should get
* corresponding logic in these functions.
nsIFrame* GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aFrame);
nsIFrame* GetFloatContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aFrame);
nsIContent* PropagateScrollToViewport();
// Build a scroll frame:
// Calls BeginBuildingScrollFrame, InitAndRestoreFrame, and then FinishBuildingScrollFrame.
// Sets the primary frame for the content to the output aNewFrame.
// @param aNewFrame the created scrollframe --- output only
BuildScrollFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aContentStyle,
nsIFrame* aScrolledFrame,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aContentParentFrame,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame,
nsStyleContext*& aScrolledChildStyle);
// Builds the initial ScrollFrame
BeginBuildingScrollFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aContentStyle,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aContentParentFrame,
nsIAtom* aScrolledPseudo,
PRBool aIsRoot,
nsIFrame*& aNewFrame);
// Completes the building of the scrollframe:
// Creates a view for the scrolledframe and makes it the child of the scrollframe.
FinishBuildingScrollFrame(nsIFrame* aScrollFrame,
nsIFrame* aScrolledFrame);
// InitializeSelectFrame puts scrollFrame in aFrameItems if aBuildCombobox is false
InitializeSelectFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* scrollFrame,
nsIFrame* scrolledFrame,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRBool aBuildCombobox,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
nsresult MaybeRecreateFramesForContent(nsIContent* aContent);
nsresult RecreateFramesForContent(nsIContent* aContent);
// If removal of aFrame from the frame tree requires reconstruction of some
// containing block (either of aFrame or of its parent) due to {ib} splits,
// recreate the relevant containing block. The return value indicates
// whether this happened. If this method returns true, *aResult is the
// return value of ReframeContainingBlock. If this method returns false, the
// value of *aResult is no affected. aFrame and aResult must not be null.
// aFrame must be the result of a GetPrimaryFrameFor() call (which means its
// parent is also not null).
PRBool MaybeRecreateContainerForIBSplitterFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsresult* aResult);
nsresult CreateContinuingOuterTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame** aContinuingFrame);
nsresult CreateContinuingTableFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame** aContinuingFrame);
// Methods support creating block frames and their children
GetFirstLetterStyle(nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext);
GetFirstLineStyle(nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext);
PRBool ShouldHaveFirstLetterStyle(nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext);
// Check whether a given block has first-letter style. Make sure to
// only pass in blocks! And don't pass in null either.
PRBool HasFirstLetterStyle(nsIFrame* aBlockFrame);
PRBool ShouldHaveFirstLineStyle(nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext);
void ShouldHaveSpecialBlockStyle(nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRBool* aHaveFirstLetterStyle,
PRBool* aHaveFirstLineStyle);
// |aContentParentFrame| should be null if it's really the same as
// |aParentFrame|.
// @param aFrameItems where we want to put the block in case it's in-flow.
// @param aNewFrame an in/out parameter. On input it is the block to be
// constructed. On output it is reset to the outermost
// frame constructed (e.g. if we need to wrap the block in an
// nsColumnSetFrame.
// @param aParentFrame is the desired parent for the (possibly wrapped)
// block
// @param aContentParent is the parent the block would have if it
// were in-flow
nsresult ConstructBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aContentParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame** aNewFrame,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool aAbsPosContainer);
nsresult ConstructInline(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
PRBool aIsPositioned,
nsIFrame* aNewFrame);
* Move an already-constructed framelist into the inline frame at
* the tail end of an {ib} split. Creates said inline if it doesn't
* already exist.
* @param aState the frame construction state we're using right now.
* @param aExistingEndFrame if non-null, the already-existing end frame.
* @param aIsPositioned Whether the end frame should be positioned.
* @param aContent the content node for this {ib} split.
* @param aStyleContext the style context to use for the new frame
* @param aFramesToMove The frame list to move over
* @param aBlockPart the block part of the {ib} split.
* @param aTargetState if non-null, the target state to pass to
* MoveChildrenTo for float reparenting.
* XXXbz test float reparenting?
* @note aIsPositioned, aContent, aStyleContext, are
* only used if aExistingEndFrame is null.
nsIFrame* MoveFramesToEndOfIBSplit(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aExistingEndFrame,
PRBool aIsPositioned,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsIFrame* aFramesToMove,
nsIFrame* aBlockPart,
nsFrameConstructorState* aTargetState);
nsresult ProcessInlineChildren(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
PRBool aCanHaveGeneratedContent,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems,
PRBool* aKidsAllInline);
// Determine whether we need to wipe out what we just did and start over
// because we're doing something like adding block kids to an inline frame
// (and therefore need an {ib} split). If aIsAppend is true, aPrevSibling is
// ignored. Otherwise it may be used to determine whether to reframe when
// inserting into the block of an {ib} split.
// @return PR_TRUE if we reconstructed the containing block, PR_FALSE
// otherwise
PRBool WipeContainingBlock(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aContainingBlock,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
const nsFrameItems& aFrameList,
PRBool aIsAppend,
nsIFrame* aPrevSibling);
nsresult ReframeContainingBlock(nsIFrame* aFrame);
nsresult StyleChangeReflow(nsIFrame* aFrame);
/** Helper function that searches the immediate child frames
* (and their children if the frames are "special")
* for a frame that maps the specified content object
* @param aParentFrame the primary frame for aParentContent
* @param aContent the content node for which we seek a frame
* @param aParentContent the parent for aContent
* @param aHint an optional hint used to make the search for aFrame faster
nsIFrame* FindFrameWithContent(nsFrameManager* aFrameManager,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIContent* aParentContent,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsFindFrameHint* aHint);
// Methods support :first-letter style
void CreateFloatingLetterFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsIContent* aTextContent,
nsIFrame* aTextFrame,
nsIContent* aBlockContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsStyleContext* aStyleContext,
nsFrameItems& aResult);
nsresult CreateLetterFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsIContent* aTextContent,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsFrameItems& aResult);
nsresult WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aBlockContent,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsFrameItems& aBlockFrames);
nsresult WrapFramesInFirstLetterFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsIFrame* aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aParentFrameList,
nsIFrame** aModifiedParent,
nsIFrame** aTextFrame,
nsIFrame** aPrevFrame,
nsFrameItems& aLetterFrame,
PRBool* aStopLooking);
nsresult RecoverLetterFrames(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame);
nsresult RemoveLetterFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsFrameManager* aFrameManager,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame);
// Recursive helper for RemoveLetterFrames
nsresult RemoveFirstLetterFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsFrameManager* aFrameManager,
nsIFrame* aFrame,
PRBool* aStopLooking);
// Special remove method for those pesky floating first-letter frames
nsresult RemoveFloatingFirstLetterFrames(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIPresShell* aPresShell,
nsFrameManager* aFrameManager,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
PRBool* aStopLooking);
// Capture state for the frame tree rooted at the frame associated with the
// content object, aContent
nsresult CaptureStateForFramesOf(nsIContent* aContent,
nsILayoutHistoryState* aHistoryState);
// Capture state for the frame tree rooted at aFrame.
nsresult CaptureStateFor(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsILayoutHistoryState* aHistoryState);
// Methods support :first-line style
nsresult WrapFramesInFirstLineFrame(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aBlockContent,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
nsresult AppendFirstLineFrames(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
nsresult InsertFirstLineFrames(nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aBlockFrame,
nsIFrame** aParentFrame,
nsIFrame* aPrevSibling,
nsFrameItems& aFrameItems);
nsresult RemoveFixedItems(const nsFrameConstructorState& aState,
nsIFrame* aRootElementFrame);
// Find the right frame to use for aContent when looking for sibling
// frames for aTargetContent. If aPrevSibling is true, this
// will look for last continuations, etc, as necessary. This calls
// IsValidSibling as needed; if that returns false it returns null.
// @param aTargetContentDisplay the CSS display enum for aTargetContent if
// already known, UNSET_DISPLAY otherwise.
nsIFrame* FindFrameForContentSibling(nsIContent* aContent,
nsIContent* aTargetContent,
PRUint8& aTargetContentDisplay,
PRBool aPrevSibling);
// Find the ``rightmost'' frame for the content immediately preceding
// aIndexInContainer, following continuations if necessary.
nsIFrame* FindPreviousSibling(nsIContent* aContainer,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsIContent* aChild);
// Find the frame for the content node immediately following aIndexInContainer.
nsIFrame* FindNextSibling(nsIContent* aContainer,
PRInt32 aIndexInContainer,
nsIContent* aChild);
// see if aContent and aSibling are legitimate siblings due to restrictions
// imposed by table columns
// XXXbz this code is generally wrong, since the frame for aContent
// may be constructed based on tag, not based on aDisplay!
PRBool IsValidSibling(nsIFrame* aSibling,
nsIContent* aContent,
PRUint8& aDisplay);
* Find the ``rightmost'' frame for the anonymous content immediately
* preceding aChild, following continuation if necessary.
FindPreviousAnonymousSibling(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild);
* Find the frame for the anonymous content immediately following
* aChild.
FindNextAnonymousSibling(nsIContent* aContainer,
nsIContent* aChild);
void QuotesDirty() {
NS_PRECONDITION(mUpdateCount != 0, "Instant quote updates are bad news");
mQuotesDirty = PR_TRUE;
void CountersDirty() {
NS_PRECONDITION(mUpdateCount != 0, "Instant counter updates are bad news");
mCountersDirty = PR_TRUE;
struct RestyleData;
friend struct RestyleData;
struct RestyleData {
nsReStyleHint mRestyleHint; // What we want to restyle
nsChangeHint mChangeHint; // The minimal change hint for "self"
struct RestyleEnumerateData : public RestyleData {
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mContent;
class RestyleEvent;
friend class RestyleEvent;
class RestyleEvent : public nsRunnable {
RestyleEvent(nsCSSFrameConstructor *aConstructor)
: mConstructor(aConstructor) {
NS_PRECONDITION(aConstructor, "Must have a constructor!");
void Revoke() { mConstructor = nsnull; }
nsCSSFrameConstructor *mConstructor;
friend class nsFrameConstructorState;
class LazyGenerateChildrenEvent;
friend class LazyGenerateChildrenEvent;
// See comments of nsCSSFrameConstructor::AddLazyChildren()
class LazyGenerateChildrenEvent : public nsRunnable {
LazyGenerateChildrenEvent(nsIContent *aContent,
nsIPresShell *aPresShell,
nsLazyFrameConstructionCallback* aCallback,
void* aArg)
: mContent(aContent), mPresShell(aPresShell), mCallback(aCallback), mArg(aArg)
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mContent;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> mPresShell;
nsLazyFrameConstructionCallback* mCallback;
void* mArg;
nsIDocument* mDocument; // Weak ref
nsIPresShell* mPresShell; // Weak ref
// See the comment at the start of ConstructRootFrame for more details
// about the following frames.
// This is not the real CSS 2.1 "initial containing block"! It is just
// the outermost frame for the root element.
nsIFrame* mInitialContainingBlock;
// This is the frame for the root element that has no pseudo-element style.
nsIFrame* mRootElementStyleFrame;
// This is the containing block for fixed-pos frames --- the viewport
nsIFrame* mFixedContainingBlock;
// This is the containing block that contains the root element ---
// the real "initial containing block" according to CSS 2.1.
nsIFrame* mDocElementContainingBlock;
nsIFrame* mGfxScrollFrame;
nsIFrame* mPageSequenceFrame;
nsQuoteList mQuoteList;
nsCounterManager mCounterManager;
PRUint16 mUpdateCount;
PRPackedBool mQuotesDirty : 1;
PRPackedBool mCountersDirty : 1;
PRPackedBool mIsDestroyingFrameTree : 1;
PRPackedBool mRebuildAllStyleData : 1;
// This is true if mDocElementContainingBlock supports absolute positioning
PRPackedBool mHasRootAbsPosContainingBlock : 1;
nsRevocableEventPtr<RestyleEvent> mRestyleEvent;
nsCOMPtr<nsILayoutHistoryState> mTempFrameTreeState;
nsDataHashtable<nsISupportsHashKey, RestyleData> mPendingRestyles;
static nsIXBLService * gXBLService;
#endif /* nsCSSFrameConstructor_h___ */