
215 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Cwd;
#use diagnostics ;
#use Data::Dumper;
#use Time::HiRes;
# It's tempting to use environment variables for things like USER
# and CVSROOT; however, don't. Using the builtin CVS variables is
# a better idea, especially if you are using a three entry
# $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd (i.e., cvs runs as a local user instead of
# the actual user)
$::cvsrootdir = shift @ARGV;
# I'd really rather have all my "use" and "require" statements before
# anything else, but since I want to keep the module
# checked into $CVSROOT/CVSROOT, I need to do the ugly "parse" the
# root first, then require the module foo you see here.
require "$::cvsrootdir/CVSROOT/";
require "$::cvsrootdir/CVSROOT/";
#$::start = Time::HiRes::time;
$::cwd = cwd;
$::user = shift @ARGV;
$::time = time;
$::directory = shift @ARGV ;
$::directory =~ s/^$::cvsrootdir\/?(.*)$/$1/;
$::cvsroot = hostname() . ":" . $::cvsrootdir;
#print "#" x 80, "\n", Dumper(\@ARGV), "#" x 80, "\n";
### directory/file specific actions/checks
if ($::directory eq "CVSROOT") {
$::modulesfile = "./modules";
if (-e $::modulesfile ) {
$::modules = `cat $::modulesfile`;
$::modules_hash = &BuildModuleHash($::modules) ;
print "\nno circular references found in CVSROOT/modules\n";
} else {
print "\nno changes to CVSROOT/modules\n";
if (-e "./") {
require "./";
print "CVSROOT/ has changed and appears to be OK\n";
} else {
print "no changes to CVSROOT/\n";
if (-e "./") {
require "./";
print "CVSROOT/ has changed and appears to be OK\n";
} else {
print "no changes to CVSROOT/\n";
print "\n";
### Log checkin to database
open (ENTRIES, "<CVS/Entries") || die "Can't open CVS/Entries" ;
while (<ENTRIES>) {
my @line = split /\//;
next if &get('code', @line);
my $branch = &get('tag', @line);
my $oldrev = &get('rev', @line);
my $file = &get('file', @line);
if (&intersect([$file], \@ARGV)) {
# for my $f (@ARGV) { # Sometimes I really hate CVS
# if ($file eq $f) {
$::files .= $branch.":".$oldrev.":".$file." | ";
push @{$::change_ref->{$branch}}, $file;
# }
close ENTRIES;
$::files =~ s/^(.*) \| $/$1/;
#print "\$files -- $::files\n";
#print Time::HiRes::time - $::start, "\n";
my $ac = eval &retrieve("expanded_accessconfig");
&log_commit($::cwd, $::user, $::time, $::directory, $::cvsroot, 'checking permissions', $::files);
#print Dumper($::change_ref);
for my $i (0..$#{$ac}) {
if (&rule_applies($ac->[$i], $::change_ref)) {
if ( $ac->[$i]->{'close'} && !&included($::user, $ac->[$i]->{'bless'}) ) { push @::closed, $i }
if ( &included($::user, $ac->[$i]->{'deny'}) ) { push @::deny, $i }
if ( $ac->[$i]->{'permit'} && !&included($::user, $ac->[$i]->{'permit'}) ) { push @::deny, $i }
@::eol = @{&branch_eol($::cvsroot, keys(%$::change_ref))};
if (scalar @::eol) {
my $branch = join ", ", @::eol;
$::msg->{'denied'}->{'eol'} =~ s/#-branch-#/$branch/;
map { print "branch: $_\nfiles:\n"; map { print " $::directory/$_\n" } @{$::change_ref->{$_}} } @::eol;
print &center("", "#"), "\n";
&update_commit($::cwd, $::user, $::time, $::directory, $::cvsroot, 'branch eol');
exit 1;
if (scalar @::closed) {
my $branch = join ", ", &uniq(map{ $ac->[$_]->{'branch'} } @::closed);
$::msg->{'denied'}->{'closed'} =~ s/#-branch-#/$branch/;
&print_blocking_rules('close', @::closed);
&update_commit($::cwd, $::user, $::time, $::directory, $::cvsroot, 'branch closed');
exit 1;
if (scalar @::deny) {
&print_blocking_rules('deny_msg', @::deny);
&update_commit($::cwd, $::user, $::time, $::directory, $::cvsroot, 'permission denied');
exit 1;
&update_commit($::cwd, $::user, $::time, $::directory, $::cvsroot, 'checkin permitted');
#print Time::HiRes::time - $::start, "\n\n";
# subroutines #
sub print_blocking_rules {
my ($key, @array) = @_;
my $rules = join ", ", @array;
$rules =~ s/^([0-9, ]*[0-9]+), ([0-9]+)$/$1 and $2/;
print "access denied by rule", $#array?"s":"" , " $rules.\n\n";
map { print "$_. ", $ac->[$_]->{$key}?$ac->[$_]->{$key}:'<no reason given>', "\n" } @array;
print &center("", "#"), "\n";
sub print_deny_header {
my ($x) = @_;
print &center("", "#"), "\n";
print &center($::msg->{'denied'}->{'generic'}), "\n";
print &center("", "="), "\n";
print &center($::msg->{'denied'}->{$x}), "\n";
print &center("", "-"), "\n";
sub center {
my ($string, $chr, $width) = @_;
$chr = " " unless $chr;
$width = 50 unless $width;
my $half = ($width -length($string))/2;
$string = $chr x $half . $string . $chr x $half;
return $string;
sub line {
my ($chr, $width) = @_;
$chr = "-" unless $chr;
$width = 50 unless $width;
return $chr x $width;
sub included {
my ($user, $ph) = @_;
my $bga = &bonsai_groups($user);
my $uga = &unix_groups($user);
if (&intersect($bga, $ph->{'bonsai_group'}) ||
&intersect($uga, $ph->{'unix_group'}) ||
&intersect([$user, "#-all-#"], $ph->{'user'})) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub intersect { # find the intersection of N LIST references and return as a LIST
my %h;
map { map { $h{$_}++ } @$_ } @_;
return grep { $h{$_} > $#_ } keys %h;
sub rule_applies {
my ($ah, $ch_ref) = @_;
my $return = 0;
while (my ($b, $fa) = each (%$ch_ref)) {
if (($::cvsroot eq $ah->{'cvsroot'} || $ah->{'cvsroot'} eq "#-all-#") &&
($b eq $ah->{'branch'} || $ah->{'branch'} eq "#-all-#")) {
for my $f (@$fa) { # I would have like to have returned out of this
$return += &allowed($f, $ah->{'location'}); # loop at the first &allowed file, but when i did
} # the next call to the sub had ch_ref messed up and the each failed.
return $return;