
292 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use config;
use proc;
use access;
use DB::Util;
use DB::Select;
use DB::Update;
use DB::Insert;
umask 0;
# Need /usr/local/bin in the path since sometimes
# diff3 needs to find the gnu version of diff
# overload the die function to send me email when things go bad
# don't send mail if died in since it does it's own error
# catching and email bitching.
# TODO: maybe put this in the main loop and get a list of people from
# the database to send bitch mail to
# Trap some signals and send mail to the interested parties
$SIG{HUP} = \&signal_handler;
$SIG{INT} = \&signal_handler;
$SIG{TERM} = \&signal_handler;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&signal_handler;
$SIG{SEGV} = \&signal_handler;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&signal_handler;
sub signal_handler {
my $msg = join "\n--\n", (@_, " is quitting now.\n");
unless ($_[0] =~ /^.* failed at .* line \d{1,3}\.$/) {
&proc::notify("[CVS-mirror] FATAL ERROR", $msg);
die @_;
#$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
# my $msg = join "\n--\n", (@_, " is quitting now.\n");
# unless ($_[0] =~ /^.* failed at .* line \d{1,3}\.$/) {
# &proc::notify("[CVS-mirror] FATAL ERROR", $msg);
# }
# die @_;
my $checkin = {};
my $change = {};
my $runtime;
my $totalops;
my $mirror_cmd = $FindBin::Bin . "/";
my $paramref = {
'tmpdir' => '/tmp/mirror',
'return' => 'hashref',
# 'nomail' => 1,
'noop' => 0,
# 'log_stdout' => 1,
$main::host_id = &DB::Util::id("mh_hostname", Sys::Hostname::hostname());
# Main loop
while (1) {
my $loopstart = time;
my $lastcommand = defined $runtime->{'command'} ? $runtime->{'command'} : "";
# fetch some operating parameters from the database
$runtime = &DB::Select::runtime($main::host_id);
unless ($::mirror_delay = $runtime->{'mirror_delay'} ) { $::mirror_delay = $default::mirror_delay };
unless ($::min_scan_time = $runtime->{'min_scan_time'} ) { $::min_scan_time = $default::min_scan_time };
unless ($::throttle_time = $runtime->{'throttle_time'} ) { $::throttle_time = $default::throttle_time };
unless ($::max_addcheckins = $runtime->{'max_addcheckins'}) { $::max_addcheckins = $default::max_addcheckins };
# Send some mail when the command changes
if (defined $runtime->{'command'} && $runtime->{'command'} ne $lastcommand ) {
&proc::notify("[CVS-mirror] $runtime->{'command'}", "");
# log an acknowledgement in the database and shutdown if the 'command' parameter = exit
if (defined $runtime->{'command'} && $runtime->{'command'} =~ m/exit/i ) {
&DB::Update::runtime($runtime->{'response'}, $runtime->{'id'}) if defined $runtime->{'id'};
# if 'command' != pause, acknowledge and start gathering mirror information
unless (defined $runtime->{'command'} && $runtime->{'command'} =~ m/pause/i) {
&DB::Update::runtime($runtime->{'response'}, $runtime->{'id'}) if defined $runtime->{'id'};
#print "running...\nlast_update = $runtime->{'last_update'}\n";
# Get a copy of the accessconfig from the database. (used later to prevent attempting
# to mirror to a branch/module/directory/file that is closed)
my $accessconfig = eval &DB::Util::retrieve("expanded_accessconfig");
# get a list(ref) of mirrors currently labelled as 'pending'
my $mirrors = &DB::Select::mirrors('pending');
# loop over the mirror list
for my $m (@$mirrors) {
# extract data from mirror reference and store it in convenience variables
my $mid = $m->[0];
my $cid = $m->[1];
my $to_branch = $m->[2];
my $to_cvsroot = $m->[3];
my $offset = $m->[4];
# gather information about the checkin that produced this mirror object
# and cache it since it will likely be used by another mirror object in the list
$checkin->{$cid} = &DB::Select::checkin($cid) unless defined $checkin->{$cid};
# store the checkin info in convenience variables
my $directory = $checkin->{$cid}->{'directory'};
my $user = $checkin->{$cid}->{'user'};
my $log = $checkin->{$cid}->{'log'};
my $from_cvsroot = $checkin->{$cid}->{'cvsroot'};
# gather a list of changes from the source checkin that apply to this mirror
my $mirror_changes = &DB::Select::mirror_changes("pending", $mid);
# loop over the changes for this mirror object
for my $mc (@$mirror_changes) {
# extract information about the mirror-change, and store in blah blah blah...
my $chid = $mc->[0];
my $action = $mc->[1];
# gather info about this particular change and cache it...
$change->{$chid} = &DB::Select::change($chid) unless defined $change->{$chid};
# extract into convenience variables
my $file = $change->{$chid}->{'file'};
my $oldrev = $change->{$chid}->{'oldrev'};
my $newrev = $change->{$chid}->{'newrev'};
my $from_branch = $change->{$chid}->{'branch'};
# Check to see if to_branch has been EOL'd, if so, update the mirror_change status
# send a friendly reminder to the cvs administrator that he/she sucks. (Oh, and don't
# mirror this change).
if (@{&DB::Select::branch_eol($to_cvsroot, $to_branch)}) {
print "EOL BRANCH = ", @{&DB::Select::branch_eol($to_cvsroot, $to_branch)}, "\n";
&DB::Update::mirror_change($mid, $chid, 'to_branch_eol');
&proc::notify("[CVS-mirror] warning - to_branch_eol",
"An attempt was made to mirror $directory/$file from $from_cvsroot:$from_branch " .
"to $to_cvsroot:$to_branch (oldrev = $oldrev, newrev = $newrev, offset = \"$offset\")." .
"\n\nYou've likely EOL'd a branch and forgot to update your mirror rules. " .
"\n\n\tcheckin_id = $cid\n\tchange_id = $chid\n\tmirror_id = $mid" .
"\n\taction = $action\n\tuser = $user\n\tlog message = $log\n\n" .
"\n-- Your loving and ever-present MirrorHandler"
print "--> branch eol\n";
# Ckeck to see if the repository is open before proceeding (blessed users are NOT mirrored)
#my $pre = time;
next if &access::closed($accessconfig, $to_cvsroot, $to_branch, $directory, $file);
#my $post = time;
#print "--> $to_cvsroot, $to_branch, $directory, $file -- ", $post - $pre, "\n";
print "--> $to_cvsroot, $to_branch, $directory, $file\n";
# if we are using the old bonsai on this machine, lets limit the number of
# process that are spawned, since each uses about
# 8MB of RAM.
print "--> count: ", &proc::addcheckin_count(), "\n";
sleep $::throttle_time while (&proc::addcheckin_count() > $::max_addcheckins);
# TODO: Check that mirror is still valid before proceeding. There is the possiblilty that the
# mirror rules may have changed between the time of the source checkin and the execution of the
# mirror, if so I should detect it and marke the mirror-change as 'mirror_rule_cancelled' or
# some such.
# build up the command that we will call to mirror this change.
# We are using 'sudo' so that we can run as an unprivileged user
# and still execute cvs and patch/diff as the person who initially performed
# the checkin.
# we pass checkin/mirror metadata (mirror_id and change_id) so that mirror_cmd
# can update the database appropriately. logging is good.
my $cmd =
"sudo -u " . quotemeta($user)
. " " . quotemeta($mirror_cmd)
. " --mirror_id=" . quotemeta($mid)
. " --change_id=" . quotemeta($chid)
. " --action=" . quotemeta($action)
. " --user=" . quotemeta($user)
. " --from_branch=" . quotemeta($from_branch)
. " --from_cvsroot=" . quotemeta($from_cvsroot)
. " --to_branch=" . quotemeta($to_branch)
. " --to_cvsroot=" . quotemeta($to_cvsroot)
. " --offset=" . quotemeta($offset)
. " --directory=" . quotemeta($directory)
. " --file=" . quotemeta($file)
. " --oldrev=" . quotemeta($oldrev)
. " --newrev=" . quotemeta($newrev)
. " --log=" . quotemeta($log)
# execute cmd using our googfy little system wrapper so that we can trap
# runtime errors, capture stdout/stderr, send bitch mail, etc.
print "\n$cmd\n\n";
my $result = &proc::run($cmd, $paramref);
#print Dumper($result);
# associate the log entry (if produced) with this mirror-change
&DB::Insert::mirror_change_exec_map( $mid, $chid, $result->{'log_id'}) if defined $result->{'log_id'};
# mark the mirror-change status as 'error' if a non-zero exit status was rerurned, the process
# terminated as the result of receiving a signal, or if it core dumped.
if ($result->{'stderr'} || $result->{'exit_value'} || $result->{'signal_num'} || $result->{'dumped_core'}) {
&DB::Update::mirror_change($mid, $chid, 'error');
# get a count of changes that are still marked as pending (likely due to a branch closure) or that
# experienced an error. If no pending or error changes, mark this mirror object as complete.
my $not_mirrored = scalar @{&DB::Select::mirror_changes("pending", $mid)};
my $errors = scalar @{&DB::Select::mirror_changes("error", $mid)};
&DB::Update::mirror($mid, 'complete') unless ($not_mirrored || $errors);
#print "*** changes still pending = $not_mirrored\n";
#print "*** changes with errors = $errors\n";
#$totalops += scalar @$mirror_changes;
#print "changes details -- ", Dumper($checkin);
#print "checkins -- ", scalar keys %$checkin, "\n";
#print "changes -- ", scalar keys %$change, "\n";
#print "mirrors -- ", scalar @$mirrors, "\n" if $mirrors;
#print "totalops -- ", $totalops, "\n" if $totalops;
} else {
# acknowledge the 'pause' command
&DB::Update::runtime($runtime->{'response'}, $runtime->{'id'}) if defined $runtime->{'id'};
print "paused...\n";
my $looptime = time - $loopstart;
print "--> mirror loop duration: $looptime seconds.\n";
$checkin = {};
$change = {};
# sleep a bit, if we finished before the min_scan_time so that we don;t needlessly trash the db and network
if ($looptime < $::min_scan_time) {
print "--> Sleeping for ", $::min_scan_time - $looptime, " seconds.\n\n";
sleep $::min_scan_time - $looptime;
print "exiting...\n";