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The DB library is a family of groups of functions that
provides a modular programming interface to transactions
and record-oriented file access. The library includes
support for transactions, locking, logging and file page
caching, as well as various indexed access methods. Many
of the functional groups (e.g., the file page caching
functions) are useful independent of the other DB
functions, although some functional groups are explicitly
based on other functional groups (e.g., transactions and
logging). For a general description of the DB package,
see <B><A HREF="db_intro.html">db_intro(3)</A></B>.
The DB library does not provide user interfaces, data
entry GUI's, SQL support or any of the other standard
user-level database interfaces. What it does provide are
the programmatic building blocks that allow you to easily
embed database-style functionality and support into other
objects or interfaces.
The DB library supports two different models of
applications: client-server and embedded.
In the client-server model, a database server is created
by writing an application that accepts requests via some
form of IPC and issues calls to the DB functions based on
those queries. In this model, applications are client
programs that attach to the server and issue queries. The
client-server model trades performance for protection, as
it does not require that the applications share a
protection domain with the server, but IPC/RPC is
generally slower than a function call. In addition, this
model simplifies the creation of network client-server
In the embedded model, an application links the DB library
directly into its address space. This provides for faster
access to database functionality, but means that the
applications sharing log files, lock manager, transaction
manager or memory pool manager have the ability to read,
write, and corrupt each other's data.
It is the application designer's responsibility to select
the appropriate model for their application.
Applications require a single include file, &lt;db.h&gt;, which
must be installed in an appropriate location on the
The C++ classes provide a thin wrapper around the C API,
with the major advantages being improved encapsulation and
an optional exception mechanism for errors.
The classes and methods are named in a fashion that
directly corresponds to structures and functions in the C
interface. Likewise, arguments to methods appear in the
same order as the C interface, except to remove the
explicit ``this'' pointer. The #defines used for flags
are identical between the C and C++ interfaces.
As a rule, each C++ object has exactly one structure from
the underlying C API associated with it. The C structure
is allocated with each constructor call and deallocated
with each destructor call. Thus, the rules the user needs
to follow in allocating and deallocating structures are
the same between the C and C++ interfaces.
To ensure portability to many platforms, both new and old,
we make few assumptions about the C++ compiler and
library. For example, we do not expect STL, templates or
namespaces to be available. The newest C++ feature used
is exceptions, which are used liberally to transmit error
information. Even the use of exceptions can be disabled
at runtime, by using DbEnv::set_error_model() (see
<B><A HREF="DbEnv.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>). For a discussion of the exception mechanism,
see <B><A HREF="DbException.html">DbException(3)</A></B>.
For the rest of this manual page, C interfaces are listed
as the primary reference, and C++ interfaces following
parenthetically, e.g., db_open (Db::open).
The Java classes provide a layer around the C API that is
almost identical to the C++ layer. The classes and
methods are, for the most part identical to the C++ layer.
Db constants and #defines are represented as "static final
int" values. Errors conditions appear as Java exceptions.
As in C++, each Java object has exactly one structure from
the underlying C API associated with it. The Java
structure is allocated with each constructor or open call,
but is deallocated only when the Java GC does so. Because
the timing or ordering of GC is not predictable, the user
should take care to do a close() when finished with any
object that has such a method.
The DB library is made up of five major subsystems, as
Access methods
The access methods subsystem is made up of general-
purpose support for creating and accessing files
formatted as B+tree's, hashed files, and fixed and
variable length records. These modules are useful in
the absence of transactions for processes that need
fast, formatted file support. See <B><A HREF="db_open.html">db_open(3)</A></B> and
<B><A HREF="db_cursor.html">db_cursor(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="Db.html">Db(3)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="Dbc.html">Dbc(3)</A></B>) for more information.
The locking subsystem is a general-purpose lock
manager used by DB. This module is useful in the
absence of the rest of the DB package for processes
that require a fast, configurable lock manager. See
<B><A HREF="db_lock.html">db_lock(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="DbLockTab.html">DbLockTab(3)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="DbLock.html">DbLock(3)</A></B>) for more
The logging subsystem is the logging support used to
support the DB transaction model. It is largely
specific to the DB package, and unlikely to be used
elsewhere. See <B><A HREF="db_log.html">db_log(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="DbLog.html">DbLog(3)</A></B>) for more
Memory Pool
The memory pool subsystem is the general-purpose
shared memory buffer pool used by DB. This module is
useful outside of the DB package for processes that
require page-oriented, cached, shared file access.
See <B><A HREF="db_mpool.html">db_mpool(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="DbMpool.html">DbMpool(3)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="DbMpoolFile.html">DbMpoolFile(3)</A></B>) for
more information.
The transaction subsystem implements the DB
transaction model. It is largely specific to the DB
package. See <B><A HREF="db_txn.html">db_txn(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="DbTxnMgr.html">DbTxnMgr(3)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="DbTxn.html">DbTxn(3)</A></B>)
for more information.
There are several stand-alone utilities that support the
DB environment. They are as follows:
The db_archive utility supports database backup,
archival and log file administration. See
<B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B> for more information.
The db_recover utility runs after an unexpected DB or
system failure to restore the database to a
consistent state. See <B><A HREF="db_recover.html">db_recover(1)</A></B> for more
The db_checkpoint utility runs as a daemon process,
monitoring the database log and periodically issuing
checkpoints. See <B><A HREF="db_checkpoint.html">db_checkpoint(1)</A></B> for more
The db_deadlock utility runs as a daemon process,
periodically traversing the database lock structures
and aborting transactions when it detects a deadlock.
See <B><A HREF="db_deadlock.html">db_deadlock(1)</A></B> for more information.
The db_dump utility writes a copy of the database to
a flat-text file in a portable format. See
<B><A HREF="db_dump.html">db_dump(1)</A></B> for more information.
The db_load utility reads the flat-text file produced
by db_dump, and loads it into a database file. See
<B><A HREF="db_load.html">db_load(1)</A></B> for more information.
The db_stat utility displays statistics for databases
and database environments. See <B><A HREF="db_stat.html">db_stat(1)</A></B> for more
The DB application environment is described by the
<B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_appinit(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="DbEnv.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>) manual page. The db_appinit
(DbEnv::appinit) function is used to create a consistent
naming scheme for all of the subsystems sharing a DB
environment. If db_appinit (DbEnv::appinit) is not called
by a DB application, naming is performed as specified by
the manual page for the specific subsystem.
DB applications that run with additional privilege should
always call the db_appinit (DbEnv::appinit) function to
initialize DB naming for their application. This ensures
that the environment variables DB_HOME and TMPDIR will
only be used if the application explicitly specifies that
they are safe.
A DB environment consists of a database home directory and
all the long-running daemons necessary to ensure continued
functioning of DB and its applications. In the presence
of transactions, the checkpoint daemon, db_checkpoint,
must be run as long as there are applications present (see
<B><A HREF="db_checkpoint.html">db_checkpoint(1)</A></B> for details). When locking is being
used, the deadlock detection daemon, db_deadlock, must be
run as long as there are applications present (see
<B><A HREF="db_deadlock.html">db_deadlock(1)</A></B> for details). The db_archive utility
provides information to facilitate log reclamation and
creation of database snapshots (see <B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B> for
details). After application or system failure, the
db_recover utility must be run before any applications are
restarted to return the database to a consistent state
(see <B><A HREF="db_recover.html">db_recover(1)</A></B> for details).
The simplest way to administer a DB application
environment is to create a single ``home'' directory that
houses all the files for the applications that are sharing
the DB environment. In this model, the shared memory
regions (i.e., the locking, logging, memory pool, and
transaction regions) and log files will be stored in the
specified directory hierarchy. In addition, all data
files specified using relative pathnames will be named
relative to this home directory. When recovery needs to
be run (e.g., after system or application failure), this
directory is specified as the home directory to
<B><A HREF="db_recover.html">db_recover(1)</A></B>, and the system is restored to a consistent
state, ready for the applications to be restarted.
In situations where further customization is desired, such
as placing the log files on a separate device, it is
recommended that the application installation process
create a configuration file named ``DB_CONFIG'' in the
database home directory, specifying the customization.
See <B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_appinit(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="DbEnv.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>) for details on this
The DB architecture does not support placing the shared
memory regions on remote filesystems, e.g., the Network
File System (NFS) and the Andrew File System (AFS). For
this reason, the database home directory must reside on a
local filesystem. Databases, log files and temporary
files may be placed on remote filesystems, although the
application may incur a performance penalty for doing so.
It is important to realize that all applications sharing a
single home directory implicitly trust each other. They
have access to each other's data as it resides in the
shared memory buffer pool and will share resources such as
buffer space and locks. At the same time, any
applications that access the same files <B>must</B> share an
environment if consistency is to be maintained across the
different applications.
Except for the historic dbm and hsearch interfaces (see
<B><A HREF="db_dbm.html">db_dbm(3)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="db_hsearch.html">db_hsearch(3)</A></B>), DB does not use the global
variable errno to return error values. The return values
for all DB functions can be grouped into three categories:
0 A return value of 0 indicates that the operation was
&gt;0 A return value that is greater than 0 indicates that
there was a system error. The errno value returned
by the system is returned by the function, e.g., when
a DB function is unable to allocate memory, the
return value from the function will be ENOMEM.
&lt;0 A return value that is less than 0 indicates a
condition that was not a system failure, but was not
an unqualified success, either. For example, a
routine to retrieve a key/data pair from the database
may return DB_NOTFOUND when the key/data pair does
not appear in the database, as opposed to the value
of 0, which would be returned if the key/data pair
were found in the database. All such special values
returned by DB functions are less than 0 in order to
avoid conflict with possible values of errno.
There are two special return values that are somewhat
similar in meaning, are returned in similar situations,
and therefore might be confused: DB_NOTFOUND and
DB_KEYEMPTY. The DB_NOTFOUND error return indicates that
the requested key/data pair did not exist in the database
or that start- or end-of-file has been reached. The
DB_KEYEMPTY error return indicates that the requested
key/data pair logically exists but was never explicitly
created by the application (the recno access method will
automatically create key/data pairs under some
circumstances, see <B><A HREF="db_open.html">db_open(3)</A></B> (<B><A HREF="Db.html">Db(3)</A></B>) for more
information), or that the requested key/data pair was
deleted and is currently in a deleted state.
When applications using DB receive signals, it is
important that they exit gracefully, discarding any DB
locks that they may hold. This is normally done by
setting a flag when a signal arrives, and then checking
for that flag periodically within the application.
Specifically, the signal handler should not attempt to
release locks and/or close the database handles itself.
This is not guaranteed to work correctly and the results
are undefined.
If an application exits holding a lock, the situation is
no different than if the application crashed, and all
applications participating in the database environment
must be shutdown, and then recovery must be performed. If
this is not done, the locks that the application held can
cause unresolvable deadlocks inside the database, and
applications may then hang.
See <B><A HREF="db_thread.html">db_thread(3)</A></B> for information on using DB in threaded
DB stores database file page numbers as unsigned 32-bit
numbers and database file page sizes as unsigned 16-bit
numbers. This results in a maximum database size of 2^48.
The minimum database page size is 512 bytes, resulting in
a minimum maximum database size of 2^41.
DB is potentially further limited if the host system does
not have filesystem support for files larger than 2^32,
including seeking to absolute offsets within such files.
The maximum btree depth is 255.
The database files created by DB can be created in either
little or big-endian formats. By default, the native
format of the machine on which the database is created
will be used. Any format database can be used on a
machine with a different native format, although it is
possible that the application will incur a performance
penalty for the run-time conversion.
DB includes tools to simplify the development of
application-specific logging and recovery. Specifically,
given a description of the information to be logged, these
tools will automatically create logging functions
(functions that take the values as parameters and
construct a single record that is written to the log),
read functions (functions that read a log record and
unmarshall the values into a structure that maps onto the
values you chose to log), a print function (for
debugging), templates for the recovery functions, and
automatic dispatching to your recovery functions.
There are a number of examples included with the DB
library distribution, intended to demonstrate various ways
of using the DB library.
Some applications require the use of formatted files to
store data, but do not require concurrent access and can
cope with the loss of data due to catastrophic failure.
Generally, these applications create short-lived databases
that are discarded or recreated when the system fails.
Such applications need only use the DB access methods.
The DB access methods will use the memory pool subsystem,
but the application is unlikely to do so explicitly. See
the files examples/ex_access.c, examples/ex_btrec.c,
examples_cxx/AccessExample.cpp and
java/src/com/sleepycat/examples/ in the
DB source distribution for C, C++, and Java language code
examples of how such applications might use the DB
Some applications require the use formatted files to store
data, but also need to use <B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_appinit(3)</A></B>
(<B><A HREF="DbEnv.html">DbEnv::appinit(3)</A></B>) for environment initialization. See
the files examples/ex_appinit.c,
examples_cxx/AppinitExample.cpp or
java/src/com/sleepycat/examples/ in the
DB source distribution for C, C++ and Java language code
examples of how such an application might use the DB
Some applications use the DB access methods, but are also
concerned about catastrophic failure, and therefore need
to transaction protect the underlying DB files. See the
files examples/ex_tpcb.c, examples_cxx/TpcbExample.cpp or
java/src/com/sleepycat/examples/ in the DB
source distribution for C, C++ and Java language code
examples of how such an application might use the DB
Some applications will benefit from the ability to buffer
input files other than the underlying DB access method
files. See the files examples/ex_mpool.c or
examples_cxx/MpoolExample.cpp in the DB source
distribution for C and C++ language code examples of how
such an application might use the DB library.
Some applications need a general-purpose lock manager
separate from locking support for the DB access methods.
See the files examples/ex_lock.c,
examples_cxx/LockExample.cpp or
java/src/com/sleepycat/examples/ in the DB
source distribution for C, C++ and Java language code
examples of how such an application might use the DB
Some applications will use the DB access methods in a
threaded fashion, including trickle flushing of the
underlying buffer pool and deadlock detection. See the
file examples/ex_thread.c in the DB source distribution
for a C language code example of how such an application
might use the DB library. Note that the Java API assumes
a threaded environment and performs all thread-specific
initialization automatically.
The DB 2.0 library provides backward compatible interfaces
for the historic UNIX <B>dbm(3)</B>, <B>ndbm(3)</B> and <B>hsearch(3)</B>
interfaces. See <B><A HREF="db_dbm.html">db_dbm(3)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="db_hsearch.html">db_hsearch(3)</A></B> for further
information on these interfaces. It also provides a
backward compatible interface for the historic DB 1.85
release. <B>DB</B> <B>2.0</B> <B>does</B> <B>not</B> <B>provide</B> <B>database</B> <B>compatibility</B>
<B>for</B> <B>any</B> <B>of</B> <B>the</B> <B>above</B> <B>interfaces,</B> <B>and</B> <B>existing</B> <B>databases</B>
<B>must</B> <B>be</B> <B>converted</B> <B>manually.</B> To convert existing databases
from the DB 1.85 format to the DB 2.0 format, review the
<B><A HREF="db_dump.html">db_dump185(1)</A></B> and <B><A HREF="db_load.html">db_load(1)</A></B> manual pages.
The name space in DB 2.0 has been changed from that of
previous DB versions, notably version 1.85, for
portability and consistency reasons. The only name
collisions in the two libraries are the names used by the
<B>dbm(3)</B>, <B>ndbm(3)</B>, <B>hsearch(3)</B> and the DB 1.85 compatibility
interfaces. To include both DB 1.85 and DB 2.0 in a
single library, remove the <B>dbm(3)</B>, <B>ndbm(3)</B> and <B>hsearch(3)</B>
interfaces from either of the two libraries, and the DB
1.85 compatibility interface from the DB 2.0 library.
This can be done by editing the library Makefiles and
reconfiguring and rebuilding the DB 2.0 library.
Obviously, if you use the historic interfaces, you will
get the version in the library from which you did not
remove it. Similarly, you will not be able to access DB
2.0 files using the DB 1.85 compatibility interface, since
you have removed that from the library as well.
It is possible to simply relink applications written to
the DB 1.85 interface against the DB 2.0 library.
Recompilation of such applications is slightly more
complex. When the DB 2.0 library is installed, it
installs two include files, db.h and db_185.h. The former
file is likely to replace the DB 1.85 version's include
file which had the same name. If this did not happen,
recompiling DB 1.85 applications to use the DB 2.0 library
is simple: recompile as done historically, and load
against the DB 2.0 library instead of the DB 1.85 library.
If, however, the DB 2.0 installation process has replaced
the system's db.h include file, replace the application's
include of db.h with inclusion of db_185.h, recompile as
done historically, and then load against the DB 2.0
Applications written using the historic interfaces of the
DB library should not require significant effort to port
to the DB 2.0 interfaces. While the functionality has
been greatly enhanced in DB 2.0, the historic interface
and functionality and is largely unchanged. Reviewing the
application's calls into the DB library and updating those
calls to the new names, flags and return values should be
While loading applications that use the DB 1.85 interfaces
against the DB 2.0 library, or converting DB 1.85 function
calls to DB 2.0 function calls will work, reconsidering
your application's interface to the DB database library in
light of the additional functionality in DB 2.0 is
recommended, as it is likely to result in enhanced
application performance.
<B><A HREF="db_archive.html">db_archive(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_checkpoint.html">db_checkpoint(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_deadlock.html">db_deadlock(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_dump.html">db_dump(1)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="db_load.html">db_load(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_recover.html">db_recover(1)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_stat.html">db_stat(1)</A></B>
<B><A HREF="db_appinit.html">db_appinit(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_cursor.html">db_cursor(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_dbm.html">db_dbm(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_lock.html">db_lock(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_log.html">db_log(3)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="db_mpool.html">db_mpool(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_open.html">db_open(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="db_txn.html">db_txn(3)</A></B>
<H2>SEE ALSO: C++ and Java API</H2><PRE>
<B><A HREF="Db.html">Db(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="Dbc.html">Dbc(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbEnv.html">DbEnv(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbException.html">DbException(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbInfo.html">DbInfo(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLock.html">DbLock(3)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="DbLockTab.html">DbLockTab(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLog.html">DbLog(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbLsn.html">DbLsn(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbMpool.html">DbMpool(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbMpoolFile.html">DbMpoolFile(3)</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="Dbt.html">Dbt(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbTxn.html">DbTxn(3)</A></B>, <B><A HREF="DbTxnMgr.html">DbTxnMgr(3)</A></B>
LIBTP: Portable, Modular Transactions for UNIX, Margo Seltzer,
Michael Olson, USENIX proceedings, Winter 1992.
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