
14028 строки
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at */
# This file defines static prefs, i.e. those that are defined at startup and
# used entirely or mostly from C++ and/or Rust code.
# The file is separated into sections, where each section contains a group of
# prefs that all share the same first segment of their name -- all the "gfx.*"
# prefs are together, all the "network.*" prefs are together, etc. Sections
# must be kept in alphabetical order, but prefs within sections need not be.
# Basics
# ------
# Any pref defined in one of the files included here should *not* be defined
# in a data file such as all.js; that would just be useless duplication.
# (Except under unusual circumstances where the value defined here must be
# overridden, e.g. for some Thunderbird prefs. In those cases the default
# value from the data file will override the static default value defined
# here.)
# Please follow the existing prefs naming convention when considering adding a
# new pref, and don't create a new pref group unless it's appropriate and there
# are likely to be multiple prefs within that group. (If you do, you'll need to
# update the `pref_groups` variable in modules/libpref/
# Definitions
# -----------
# A pref definition looks like this:
# - name: <pref-name> # mandatory
# type: <cpp-type> # mandatory
# value: <default-value> # mandatory
# mirror: <never | once | always> # mandatory
# do_not_use_directly: <true | false> # optional
# include: <header-file> # optional
# rust: <true | false> # optional
# - `name` is the name of the pref, without double-quotes, as it appears
# in about:config. It is used in most libpref API functions (from both C++
# and JS code).
# - `type` is one of `bool`, `int32_t`, `uint32_t`, `float`, an atomic version
# of one of those, or `String`. Note that float prefs are stored internally
# as strings. The C++ preprocessor doesn't like template syntax in a macro
# argument, so use the typedefs defined in StaticPrefsBase.h; for example,
# use `RelaxedAtomicBool` instead of `Atomic<bool, Relaxed>`.
# - `value` is the default value. Its type should be appropriate for
# <cpp-type>, otherwise the generated code will fail to compile. A complex
# C++ numeric expressions like `60 * 60` (which the YAML parser cannot treat
# as an integer or float) is treated as a string and passed through without
# change, which is useful.
# - `mirror` indicates how the pref value is mirrored into a C++ variable.
# * `never`: There is no C++ mirror variable. The pref value can only be
# accessed via the standard libpref API functions.
# * `once`: The pref value is mirrored into a variable at startup; the
# mirror variable is left unchanged after that. (The exact point at which
# all `once` mirror variables are set is when the first `once` mirror
# variable is accessed, via its getter function.) This is mostly useful for
# graphics prefs where we often don't want a new pref value to apply until
# restart. Otherwise, this update policy is best avoided because its
# behaviour can cause confusion and bugs.
# * `always`: The mirror variable is always kept in sync with the pref value.
# This is the most common choice.
# When a mirror variable is present, a getter will be created that can access
# it. Using the getter function to read the pref's value has the two
# following advantages over the normal API functions.
# * A direct variable access is faster than a hash table lookup.
# * A mirror variable can be accessed off the main thread. If a pref *is*
# accessed off the main thread, it should have an atomic type. Assertions
# enforce this.
# Note that Rust code must access the mirror variable directly, rather than
# via the getter function.
# - `do_not_use_directly` indicates if `_DoNotUseDirectly` should be appended to
# the name of the getter function. This is simply a naming convention
# indicating that there is some other wrapper getter function that should be
# used in preference to the normal static pref getter. Defaults to `false` if
# not present. Cannot be used with a `never` mirror value, because there is
# no getter function in that case.
# - `include` names a header file that must be included for the pref value to
# compile correctly, e.g. because it refers to a code constant. System
# headers should be surrounded with angle brackets, e.g. `<cmath>`.
# - `rust` indicates if the mirror variable is used by Rust code. If so, it
# will be usable via the `static_prefs::pref!` macro, e.g.
# `static_prefs::pref!("layout.css.font-display.enabled")`.
# The getter function's base name is the same as the pref's name, but with
# '.' or '-' chars converted to '_', to make a valid identifier. For example,
# the getter for `foo.bar_baz` is `foo_bar_baz()`. This is ugly but clear,
# and you can search for both the pref name and the getter using the regexp
# / Suffixes are added as follows:
# - If the `mirror` value is `once`, `_AtStartup` is appended, to indicate the
# value was obtained at startup.
# - If the `do_not_use_directly` value is true, `_DoNotUseDirectly` is
# appended.
# Preprocessor
# ------------
# Note finally that this file is preprocessed by, not the C++
# preprocessor. As a result, the following things may be surprising.
# - YAML comments start with a '#', so putting a comment on the same line as a
# preprocessor directive is dubious. E.g. avoid lines like `#define X 3 #
# three` because the ` # three` will be part of `X`.
# - '@' use is required for substitutions to occur. E.g. with `#define FOO 1`,
# `FOO` won't be replaced with `1` unless it has '@' chars around it.
# - Spaces aren't permitted between the leading '#' and the name of a
# directive, e.g. `#ifdef XYZ` works but `# ifdef XYZ` does not.
# Please indent all prefs defined within #ifdef/#ifndef conditions. This
# improves readability, particular for conditional blocks that exceed a single
# screen. But note that the leading '-' in a definition must remain in the
# first column for it to be valid YAML.
#define IS_NOT_RELEASE_OR_BETA false
#define IS_NIGHTLY_BUILD true
#define IS_NOT_NIGHTLY_BUILD false
#define IS_NIGHTLY_BUILD false
#if defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD) || defined(MOZ_DEV_EDITION)
#ifdef ANDROID
#define IS_ANDROID true
#define IS_NOT_ANDROID false
#define IS_ANDROID false
#define IS_NOT_ANDROID true
# Prefs starting with "accessibility."
- name: accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: accessibility.monoaudio.enable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: accessibility.browsewithcaret
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: accessibility.AOM.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: accessibility.ARIAReflection.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether form controls and images should be focusable with mouse, in content
# documents.
# This matches historical macOS / Safari behavior.
# * 0: never
# * 1: always
# * 2: on content documents
- name: accessibility.mouse_focuses_formcontrol
type: int32_t
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
value: 2
value: 1
mirror: always
# Whether to cache the entire accessibility trees of all content processes in
# the parent process.
- name: accessibility.cache.enabled
type: bool
#ifdef ANDROID
value: false
mirror: once
# Prefs starting with "alerts."
# Whether to use platform-specific backends for showing desktop notifications.
# If no such backend is available, or if the pref is false, then XUL
# notifications are used.
- name: alerts.useSystemBackend
type: bool
#ifdef XP_WIN
# Linux and macOS turn on system level notification as default, but Windows is
# disabled due to instability (dependencies of bug 1497425).
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
#ifdef ANDROID
# Prefs starting with "android."
# On Android, we want an opaque background to be visible under the page,
# so layout should not force a default background.
- name: android.widget_paints_background
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: android.touch_resampling.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "apz."
# The apz prefs are explained in AsyncPanZoomController.cpp
# amount we zoom in for a double tap gesture if we couldn't find any content
# based rect to zoom to
- name: apz.doubletapzoom.defaultzoomin
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.2f
mirror: always
- name: apz.scrollbarbuttonrepeat.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.wr.activate_all_scroll_frames
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.wr.activate_all_scroll_frames_when_fission
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.prefer_jank_minimal_displayports
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.allow_double_tap_zooming
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.mac.enable_double_tap_zoom_touchpad_gesture
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.allow_immediate_handoff
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.allow_zooming
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.allow_zooming_out
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.015f
mirror: always
- name:
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.35f
mirror: always
- name:
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.1f
mirror: always
- name: apz.autoscroll.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.axis_lock.breakout_angle
type: AtomicFloat
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: float(M_PI / 4.0) # 45 degrees
value: float(M_PI / 8.0) # 22.5 degrees
mirror: always
include: <cmath>
- name: apz.axis_lock.breakout_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f / 32.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.axis_lock.direct_pan_angle
type: AtomicFloat
value: float(M_PI / 3.0) # 60 degrees
mirror: always
include: <cmath>
- name: apz.axis_lock.lock_angle
type: AtomicFloat
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: float(M_PI / 4.0) # 45 degrees
value: float(M_PI / 6.0) # 30 degrees
mirror: always
include: <cmath>
# Whether to lock touch scrolling to one axis at a time.
# 0 = FREE (No locking at all)
# 1 = STANDARD (Once locked, remain locked until scrolling ends)
# 2 = STICKY (Allow lock to be broken, with hysteresis)
- name: apz.axis_lock.mode
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 2
mirror: always
- name: apz.content_response_timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 400
mirror: always
- name: apz.danger_zone_x
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 50
mirror: always
- name: apz.danger_zone_y
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 100
mirror: always
- name: apz.disable_for_scroll_linked_effects
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.displayport_expiry_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 15000
mirror: always
- name: apz.drag.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.drag.initial.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.drag.touch.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.enlarge_displayport_when_clipped
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Test only.
- name: apz.fixed-margin-override.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Test only.
- name: apz.fixed-margin-override.bottom
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Test only.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_accel_base_mult
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_accel_supplemental_mult
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_accel_min_fling_velocity
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.5f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_accel_min_pan_velocity
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.8f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_accel_max_pause_interval_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 50
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_curve_function_x1
type: float
value: 0.0f
mirror: once
- name: apz.fling_curve_function_x2
type: float
value: 1.0f
mirror: once
- name: apz.fling_curve_function_y1
type: float
value: 0.0f
mirror: once
- name: apz.fling_curve_function_y2
type: float
value: 1.0f
mirror: once
- name: apz.fling_curve_threshold_inches_per_ms
type: AtomicFloat
value: -1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_friction
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.002f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_min_velocity_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.5f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_stop_on_tap_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.05f
mirror: always
- name: apz.fling_stopped_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.01f
mirror: always
- name: apz.touch_acceleration_factor_x
type: float
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.touch_acceleration_factor_y
type: float
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
# new scrollbar code for desktop zooming
- name: apz.force_disable_desktop_zooming_scrollbars
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.gtk.kinetic_scroll.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Mode to use when receiving kinetic scroll input.
# * 0: Auto mode (uses the default behavior, subject to change).
# * 1: Page mode: Uses gtk deltas as a percentage of the page size to scroll. This mode matches:
# * 2: Pixel mode: Uses gtk deltas as a fixed pixel multiplier. This mode matches e.g. GNOME web.
# (multiplied then by pixelsPerLineStep which in GNOME-web is 40).
- name: apz.gtk.kinetic_scroll.delta_mode
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: apz.gtk.kinetic_scroll.page_delta_mode_multiplier
type: float
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.gtk.kinetic_scroll.pixel_delta_mode_multiplier
type: float
value: 40.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.gtk.touchpad_pinch.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.gtk.touchpad_pinch.three_fingers.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.keyboard.enabled
type: bool
mirror: once
- name: apz.keyboard.passive-listeners
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: apz.max_tap_time
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 300
mirror: always
- name: apz.max_velocity_inches_per_ms
type: AtomicFloat
value: -1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.max_velocity_queue_size
type: uint32_t
value: 5
mirror: once
- name: apz.min_skate_speed
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.minimap.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.mvm.force-enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.one_touch_pinch.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
- name: apz.overscroll.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# The "test async scroll offset" (used via reftest-async-scroll
# or nsIDOMWindowUtils.setAsyncScrollOffset()) can be used to
# trigger overscroll. Used for tests only.
- name: apz.overscroll.test_async_scroll_offset.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.overscroll.min_pan_distance_ratio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.overscroll.stop_distance_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 5.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.overscroll.spring_stiffness
type: AtomicFloat
value: 200
mirror: always
- name: apz.overscroll.damping
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.1
mirror: always
- name: apz.overscroll.max_velocity
type: AtomicFloat
value: 10
mirror: always
- name: apz.paint_skipping.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Fetch displayport updates early from the message queue.
- name: apz.pinch_lock.mode
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: apz.pinch_lock.scroll_lock_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f / 32.0f # 1/32 inches
mirror: always
- name: apz.pinch_lock.span_breakout_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f / 32.0f # 1/32 inches
mirror: always
- name: apz.pinch_lock.span_lock_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f / 32.0f # 1/32 inches
mirror: always
- name: apz.pinch_lock.buffer_max_age
type: int32_t
value: 50 # milliseconds
mirror: once
- name: apz.popups.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to print the APZC tree for debugging.
- name: apz.printtree
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.record_checkerboarding
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: apz.second_tap_tolerance
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.5f
mirror: always
- name: apz.test.fails_with_native_injection
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.test.logging_enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: apz.touch_move_tolerance
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.1f
mirror: always
- name: apz.touch_start_tolerance
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.1f
mirror: always
- name: apz.velocity_bias
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.velocity_relevance_time_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 100
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: apz.x_skate_highmem_adjust
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.x_skate_size_multiplier
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.25f
mirror: always
- name: apz.x_stationary_size_multiplier
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.5f
mirror: always
- name: apz.y_skate_highmem_adjust
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
- name: apz.y_skate_size_multiplier
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.5f
value: 3.5f
mirror: always
- name: apz.y_stationary_size_multiplier
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.5f
value: 3.5f
mirror: always
- name: apz.zoom_animation_duration_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 250
value: 350
mirror: always
- name: apz.scale_repaint_delay_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 500
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "beacon."
# Is support for Navigator.sendBeacon enabled?
- name: beacon.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "bidi."
# Whether delete and backspace should immediately delete characters not
# visually adjacent to the caret, or adjust the visual position of the caret
# on the first keypress and delete the character on a second keypress
- name: bidi.edit.delete_immediately
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Bidi caret movement style:
# 0 = logical
# 1 = visual
# 2 = visual, but logical during selection
- name: bidi.edit.caret_movement_style
type: int32_t
#if !defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: 1
value: 2 # See Bug 1638240
mirror: always
# Bidi numeral style:
# 0 = nominalnumeralBidi *
# 1 = regularcontextnumeralBidi
# 2 = hindicontextnumeralBidi
# 3 = arabicnumeralBidi
# 4 = hindinumeralBidi
# 5 = persiancontextnumeralBidi
# 6 = persiannumeralBidi
- name: bidi.numeral
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Bidi text type
# 1 = charsettexttypeBidi *
# 2 = logicaltexttypeBidi
# 3 = visualtexttypeBidi
- name: bidi.texttype
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1
mirror: always
# Bidi direction
# 1 = directionLTRBidi *
# 2 = directionRTLBidi
- name: bidi.direction
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1
mirror: always
# Setting this pref to |true| forces Bidi UI menu items and keyboard shortcuts
# to be exposed, and enables the directional caret hook. By default, only
# expose it for bidi-associated system locales.
- name: bidi.browser.ui
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "browser."
- name: browser.active_color
type: String
value: "#EE0000"
mirror: never
- name: browser.active_color.dark
type: String
value: "#FF6666"
mirror: never
- name: browser.anchor_color
type: String
value: "#0000EE"
mirror: never
# If you change this, you probably also want to change
# nsXPLookAndFeel::GenericDarkColor for MozNativehyperlinktext.
- name: browser.anchor_color.dark
type: String
value: "#8C8CFF"
mirror: never
# See
- name: browser.autofocus
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: browser.cache.offline.enable
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: browser.cache.disk.enable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: browser.cache.memory.enable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Limit of recent metadata we keep in memory for faster access, in KB.
- name: browser.cache.disk.metadata_memory_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 250 # 0.25 MB
mirror: always
# Does the user want smart-sizing?
- name: browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Disk cache capacity in kilobytes. It's used only when
# browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled == false
- name: browser.cache.disk.capacity
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 256000
mirror: always
# -1 = determine dynamically, 0 = none, n = memory capacity in kilobytes.
- name: browser.cache.memory.capacity
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: -1
mirror: always
# When smartsizing is disabled we could potentially fill all disk space by
# cache data when the disk capacity is not set correctly. To avoid that we
# check the free space every time we write some data to the cache. The free
# space is checked against two limits. Once the soft limit is reached we start
# evicting the least useful entries, when we reach the hard limit writing to
# the entry fails.
- name: browser.cache.disk.free_space_soft_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5 * 1024 # 5MB
mirror: always
- name: browser.cache.disk.free_space_hard_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1024 # 1MB
mirror: always
# The number of chunks we preload ahead of read. One chunk currently has
# 256kB.
- name: browser.cache.disk.preload_chunk_count
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4 # 1 MB of read ahead
mirror: always
# Max-size (in KB) for entries in disk cache. Set to -1 for no limit.
# (Note: entries bigger than 1/8 of disk-cache are never cached)
- name: browser.cache.disk.max_entry_size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 50 * 1024 # 50 MB
mirror: always
# Max-size (in KB) for entries in memory cache. Set to -1 for no limit.
# (Note: entries bigger than than 90% of the mem-cache are never cached.)
- name: browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5 * 1024
mirror: always
# Memory limit (in kB) for new cache data not yet written to disk. Writes to
# the cache are buffered and written to disk on background with low priority.
# With a slow persistent storage these buffers may grow when data is coming
# fast from the network. When the amount of unwritten data is exceeded, new
# writes will simply fail. We have two buckets, one for important data
# (priority) like html, css, fonts and js, and one for other data like images,
# video, etc.
# Note: 0 means no limit.
- name: browser.cache.disk.max_chunks_memory_usage
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 40 * 1024
mirror: always
- name: browser.cache.disk.max_priority_chunks_memory_usage
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 40 * 1024
mirror: always
# Number of seconds the cache spends writing pending data and closing files
# after shutdown has been signalled. Past that time data is not written and
# files are left open for the OS to clean up.
- name: browser.cache.max_shutdown_io_lag
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2
mirror: always
# A percentage limit for media content type in the disk cache. When some entries
# need to be evicted and media is over the limit, it's evicted first.
- name: browser.cache.disk.content_type_media_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 50
mirror: always
# How often to validate document in cache
# 0 = once-per-session,
# 1 = each-time,
# 2 = never,
# 3 = when-appropriate/automatically
- name: browser.cache.check_doc_frequency
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 3
mirror: always
# Compression level for cached JavaScript bytecode
# 0 = do not compress,
# 1 = minimal compression,
# 9 = maximal compression
- name: browser.cache.jsbc_compression_level
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: browser.contentblocking.database.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# How many recent block/unblock actions per origins we remember in the
# Content Blocking log for each top-level window.
- name: browser.contentblocking.originlog.length
type: uint32_t
value: 32
mirror: always
- name: browser.display.background_color
type: String
value: "#FFFFFF"
mirror: never
- name: browser.display.background_color.dark
type: String
value: "#1C1B22"
mirror: never
# This preference is a bit confusing because we use the opposite
# string value in the colors dialog to indicate to users how FF HCM
# will behave.
# With resect to document colors, these values mean:
# 0 = "default" = always, except in high contrast mode
# 1 = "always"
# 2 = "never"
# On windows, we set this to 0, which means FF HCM will mirror OS HCM.
# Everywhere else, we set this to 1, disabling FF HCM.
- name: browser.display.document_color_use
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: 0
value: 1
mirror: always
rust: true
# 0 = always native
# 1 = never native
# other = default
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2
mirror: always
rust: true
# This pref dictates whether or not backplates and background images
# are to be drawn, when in high-contrast mode:
# false: do not draw backplates or render background images
# true: render background images and draw backplates
# This condition is only considered when high-contrast mode is enabled
# in Firefox, ie. when the user has:
# (1) mUseAccessibilityMode set to true (Widows high-contrast mode is on)
# AND browser.display.document_color_use set to 0
# (only with high-contrast themes) OR
# (2) browser.display.document_color_use set to 2 (always)
- name: browser.display.permit_backplate
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether we should suppress the background-image of the canvas (the root
# frame) if we're in forced colors mode.
# This is important because some sites use background-image with a plain color
# and it causes undesirable results in high-contrast mode.
# See bug 1614921 for example.
- name: browser.display.suppress_canvas_background_image_on_forced_colors
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.display.focus_ring_width
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: browser.display.focus_background_color
type: String
value: "#117722"
mirror: never
# Focus ring border style.
# 0 = solid border, 1 = dotted border
- name: browser.display.focus_ring_style
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: browser.display.focus_text_color
type: String
value: "#ffffff"
mirror: never
- name: browser.display.foreground_color
type: String
value: "#000000"
mirror: never
- name: browser.display.foreground_color.dark
type: String
value: "#FBFBFE"
mirror: never
# Determines the behavior of OS zoom settings.
# 0: doesn't affect rendering at all
# 1: affects full zoom (dpi, effectively).
# 2: affects text zoom.
# Default is (1): Historical behavior on Linux, matches other browsers on
# Windows, and generally creates more consistent rendering.
- name: browser.display.os-zoom-behavior
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether focus rings are always shown by default.
# This is the initial value of nsWindowRoot::mShowFocusRings, but it can be
# overridden by system preferences.
- name: browser.display.show_focus_rings
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we should always enable focus rings after focus was moved by keyboard.
# This behavior matches both historical and GTK / Windows focus behavior.
# :focus-visible is intended to provide better heuristics than this.
- name: browser.display.always_show_rings_after_key_focus
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# In theory: 0 = never, 1 = quick, 2 = always, though we always just use it as
# a bool!
- name: browser.display.use_document_fonts
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1
mirror: always
rust: true
- name: browser.display.use_focus_colors
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.display.use_system_colors
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.dom.window.dump.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# See bug 1710926
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# See bug 1738574
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# See bug 1747343
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# See bug 1731668
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# See bug 1772569
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Image document's automatic image sizing.
- name: browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Image document's click-to-resize.
- name: browser.enable_click_image_resizing
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: browser.find.ignore_ruby_annotations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
# Whether pressing Esc will exit fullscreen.
- name: browser.fullscreen.exit_on_escape
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The max url length we'll store in history.
# The default value is mostly a guess based on various facts:
# * IE didn't support urls longer than 2083 chars
# * Sitemaps protocol used to support a maximum of 2048 chars
# * Various SEO guides suggest to not go over 2000 chars
# * Various apps/services are known to have issues over 2000 chars
# * RFC 2616 - HTTP/1.1 suggests being cautious about depending
# on URI lengths above 255 bytes
- name: browser.history.maxUrlLength
type: uint32_t
value: 2000
mirror: always
# Max size of push/replaceState data parameter
- name: browser.history.maxStateObjectSize
type: int32_t
value: 16777216
mirror: always
# True to collect wireframes upon navigations / pushState
- name: browser.history.collectWireframes
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# The minimum area for a rect to be included in a wireframe, in CSS pixels.
# The current value of 50 is pretty arbitrary, and will be tuned as we refine
# and test the wireframing capability.
- name: browser.history.wireframeAreaThreshold
type: uint32_t
value: 50
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_LINUX)
# Notify TabUnloader or send the memory pressure if the memory resource
# notification is signaled AND the available commit space is lower than
# this value.
- name: browser.low_commit_space_threshold_mb
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 200
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_LINUX
# On Linux we also check available memory in comparison to total memory,
# and use this percent value (out of 100) to determine if we are in a
# low memory scenario.
- name: browser.low_commit_space_threshold_percent
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5
mirror: always
# Render animations and videos as a solid color
- name: browser.measurement.render_anims_and_video_solid
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Indicates if about:newtab shows content (enabled) or just blank.
- name: browser.newtabpage.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Open PDFs in Edge with the --app flag if it is the default.
- name: browser.pdf.launchDefaultEdgeAsApp
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Maximium delay between keystrokes that will be considered typing (milliseconds).
- name: browser.places.interactions.typing_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 3000
mirror: always
# Maximum delay between scroll input events that will be considered a scrolling interaction (milliseconds).
- name: browser.places.interactions.scrolling_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Force usage of in-memory (rather than file on disk) media cache for video streaming when private browsing
- name: browser.privatebrowsing.forceMediaMemoryCache
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Communicates the toolbar color to platform (for e.g., prefers-color-scheme).
# Returns whether the toolbar is dark (0), light (1), or system (2).
# Default to "light" on macOS / Windows, and "system" elsewhere. The theming
# code sets it appropriately.
- name: browser.theme.toolbar-theme
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: 1
value: 2
mirror: always
# Communicates the preferred content theme color to platform (for e.g.,
# prefers-color-scheme).
# dark (0), light (1), system (2), or toolbar (3).
# Default to "toolbar", the theming code sets it appropriately.
- name: browser.theme.content-theme
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2
mirror: always
rust: true
# Blocked plugin content
- name: browser.safebrowsing.blockedURIs.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Malware protection
- name: browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Password protection
- name: browser.safebrowsing.passwords.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Phishing protection
- name: browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Maximum size for an array to store the safebrowsing prefixset.
- name: browser.safebrowsing.prefixset_max_array_size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 512*1024
mirror: always
# SessionStore prefs
# Maximum number of bytes of DOMSessionStorage data we collect per origin.
- name: browser.sessionstore.dom_storage_limit
type: uint32_t
value: 2048
mirror: always
# Maximum number of characters of form field data per field we collect.
- name: browser.sessionstore.dom_form_limit
type: uint32_t
value: 1024*1024*2
mirror: always
# Maximum number of characters of form data we collect per origin.
- name: browser.sessionstore.dom_form_max_limit
type: uint32_t
value: 1024*1024*50
mirror: always
# Minimal interval between two save operations in milliseconds (while the user is active).
- name: browser.sessionstore.interval
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 15000
mirror: always
# Causes SessionStore to ignore non-final update messages from
# browser tabs that were not caused by a flush from the parent.
# This is a testing flag and should not be used by end-users.
- name: browser.sessionstore.debug.no_auto_updates
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we should draw the tabs on top of the titlebar.
# no (0), yes (1), or default (2), which is true everywhere except Linux.
- name: browser.tabs.inTitlebar
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# If set, use DocumentChannel to directly initiate loads entirely
# from parent-process BrowsingContexts
- name: browser.tabs.documentchannel.parent-controlled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Testing-only pref which makes data: URIs be loaded in a "web" content process
# instead of within a process based on the URI's loader.
- name: browser.tabs.remote.dataUriInDefaultWebProcess
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Testing-only pref to force system-triggered about:blank loads to not change
# content processes. This is used for performance tests which load an
# about:blank document between navigations for historical reasons to avoid
# unnecessary process switches.
- name: browser.tabs.remote.systemTriggeredAboutBlankAnywhere
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Testing-only pref to cause PBrowser creation for a specific BrowsingContext to
# fail, to test the errored codepath.
- name: browser.tabs.remote.testOnly.failPBrowserCreation.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.tabs.remote.desktopbehavior
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.tabs.remote.force-paint
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# When this pref is enabled document loads with a mismatched
# Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header will fail to load
- name: browser.tabs.remote.useCrossOriginEmbedderPolicy
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# This pref makes `credentialless` a valid value for
# Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header
- name: browser.tabs.remote.coep.credentialless
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# When this pref is enabled top level loads with a mismatched
# Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header will be loaded in a separate process.
- name: browser.tabs.remote.useCrossOriginOpenerPolicy
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When this pref is enabled then we use a separate content process for
# top-level load of file:// URIs
- name: browser.tabs.remote.separateFileUriProcess
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to control whether we use a separate privileged content process
# for certain mozilla webpages (which are listed in the pref
# browser.tabs.remote.separatedMozillaDomains).
- name: browser.tabs.remote.separatePrivilegedMozillaWebContentProcess
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether or not process selection for subframes will prefer re-using an
# existing content process over creating a new one. Enabling this pref should
# reduce the number of processes allocated for non-first-party domains if
# dom.ipc.processCount.webIsolated > 1.
- name: browser.tabs.remote.subframesPreferUsed
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# When this pref is enabled, opaque response is only allowed to enter the
# content process if it's a response for media (audio, image, video), CSS, or
# JavaScript.
- name: browser.opaqueResponseBlocking
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# When true, zooming will be enabled on all sites, even ones that declare
# user-scalable=no.
- name: browser.ui.zoom.force-user-scalable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: browser.underline_anchors
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: browser.viewport.desktopWidth
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 980
mirror: always
- name: browser.visited_color
type: String
value: "#551A8B"
mirror: never
# If you change this, you probably also want to change
# nsXPLookAndFeel::GenericDarkColor for MozNativevisitedhyperlinktext.
- name: browser.visited_color.dark
type: String
value: "#FFADFF"
mirror: never
# When true, soft reloads (including location.reload())
# will only froce validate the top level document, subresources will
# be loaded normally as-if users normally navigated to the page.
- name: browser.soft_reload.only_force_validate_top_level_document
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "canvas."
# Limit for the canvas image cache. 0 means unlimited.
- name: canvas.image.cache.limit
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Add support for canvas path objects
- name: canvas.path.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: canvas.capturestream.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter enabled?
- name: canvas.filters.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Provide ability to turn on support for canvas focus rings.
- name: canvas.focusring.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for CanvasRenderingContext2D's hitRegion APIs enabled?
- name: canvas.hitregions.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for CanvasRenderingContext2D's createConicGradient API enabled?
- name: canvas.createConicGradient.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "channelclassifier."
- name: channelclassifier.allowlist_example
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "clipboard."
# Clipboard behavior.
- name: clipboard.autocopy
type: bool
#if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(XP_UNIX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_WIN
# allow to copy clipboard data to Clipboard History/Cloud
# (used on sensitive data in about:logins and Private Browsing)
- name: clipboard.copyPrivateDataToClipboardCloudOrHistory
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "consoleservice."
#if defined(ANDROID)
# Disable sending console to logcat on release builds.
- name: consoleservice.logcat
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "content."
- name: content.cors.disable
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Back off timer notification after count.
# -1 means never.
- name: content.notify.backoffcount
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: always
# Notification interval in microseconds.
# The notification interval has a dramatic effect on how long it takes to
# initially display content for slow connections. The current value
# provides good incremental display of content without causing an increase
# in page load time. If this value is set below 1/10 of a second it starts
# to impact page load performance.
# See bugzilla bug 72138 for more info.
- name: content.notify.interval
type: int32_t
value: 120000
mirror: always
# Do we notify based on time?
- name: content.notify.ontimer
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# How many times to deflect in interactive mode.
- name: content.sink.interactive_deflect_count
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# How many times to deflect in perf mode.
- name: content.sink.perf_deflect_count
type: int32_t
value: 200
mirror: always
# Parse mode for handling pending events.
# 0 = don't check for pending events
# 1 = don't deflect if there are pending events
# 2 = bail if there are pending events
- name: content.sink.pending_event_mode
type: int32_t
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: 1
value: 0
mirror: always
# How often to probe for pending events. 1 = every token.
- name: content.sink.event_probe_rate
type: int32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# How long to stay off the event loop in interactive mode (microseconds).
- name: content.sink.interactive_parse_time
type: int32_t
value: 3000
mirror: always
# How long to stay off the event loop in perf mode.
- name: content.sink.perf_parse_time
type: int32_t
value: 360000
mirror: always
# How long to be in interactive mode after an event.
- name: content.sink.interactive_time
type: uint32_t
value: 750000
mirror: always
# How long to stay in perf mode after initial loading.
- name: content.sink.initial_perf_time
type: uint32_t
value: 2000000
mirror: always
# Should we switch between perf-mode and interactive-mode?
# 0 = Switch
# 1 = Interactive mode
# 2 = Perf mode
- name: content.sink.enable_perf_mode
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "converter."
# Whether we include ruby annotation in the text despite whether it
# is requested. This was true because we didn't explicitly strip out
# annotations. Set false by default to provide a better behavior, but
# we want to be able to pref-off it if user doesn't like it.
- name: converter.html2txt.always_include_ruby
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "datareporting."
- name: datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Prefs starting with "device."
# Is support for the device sensors API enabled?
- name: device.sensors.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# KaiOS-only, see
- name: device.sensors.ambientLight.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: device.sensors.motion.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: device.sensors.orientation.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# KaiOS-only, see
- name: device.sensors.proximity.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "devtools."
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: devtools.console.stdout.content
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: devtools.toolbox.force-chrome-prefs
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "docshell."
# Used to indicate whether session history listeners should be notified
# about content viewer eviction. Used only for testing.
- name: docshell.shistory.testing.bfevict
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, pages with an opener won't be bfcached.
- name: docshell.shistory.bfcache.require_no_opener
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# If true, page with beforeunload or unload event listeners can be bfcached.
- name: docshell.shistory.bfcache.allow_unload_listeners
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# If true, page with beforeunload event listeners can be bfcached.
# This only works when sessionHistoryInParent is enabled.
- name: docshell.shistory.bfcache.ship_allow_beforeunload_listeners
type: bool
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "dom."
# Whether CanvasRenderingContext2D.mozCurrentTransform is enabled.
- name: dom.mozCurrentTransform.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Allow cut/copy
- name: dom.allow_cut_copy
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.allow_XUL_XBL_for_file
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Checks if offscreen animation throttling is enabled.
- name: dom.animations.offscreen-throttling
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for automatically removing replaced filling animations enabled?
- name: dom.animations-api.autoremove.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for composite operations from the Web Animations API enabled?
- name: dom.animations-api.compositing.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for the core interfaces of Web Animations API enabled?
- name: dom.animations-api.core.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for Document.getAnimations() and Element.getAnimations()
# supported?
- name: dom.animations-api.getAnimations.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for animations from the Web Animations API without 0%/100%
# keyframes enabled?
- name: dom.animations-api.implicit-keyframes.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for timelines from the Web Animations API enabled?
- name: dom.animations-api.timelines.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Synchronize transform animations with geometric animations on the
# main thread.
- name: dom.animations.mainthread-synchronization-with-geometric-animations
type: bool
mirror: always
# Is support for AudioWorklet enabled?
- name: dom.audioworklet.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for Navigator.getBattery enabled?
- name: dom.battery.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block multiple external protocol URLs in iframes per single event.
- name: dom.block_external_protocol_in_iframes
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block sandboxed BrowsingContexts from navigating to external protocols.
- name: dom.block_external_protocol_navigation_from_sandbox
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block Insecure downloads from Secure Origins
- name: dom.block_download_insecure
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block all downloads in iframes with the sandboxed attribute
- name: dom.block_download_in_sandboxed_iframes
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block multiple per single event.
- name: dom.block_multiple_popups
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The maximum number of popup that is allowed to be opened. Set to -1 for no
# limit.
- name: dom.popup_maximum
type: int32_t
value: 20
mirror: always
# Whether window.location.reload() and window.history.go(0) should be blocked
# if called directly from a window resize event handler.
# This used to be necessary long ago to prevent terrible UX when using stuff
# like TypeAheadFind (bug 258917), but it also causes compat issues on mobile
# (bug 1570566).
- name: dom.block_reload_from_resize_event_handler
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# SW Cache API
- name: dom.caches.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Exposes window.caches and skips SecureContext check.
# dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled also includes the same effect.
- name: dom.caches.testing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Disable CacheStorage in private browsing mode.
- name: dom.caches.hide_in_pbmode.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Disable capture attribute for input elements; only supported on GeckoView.
- name: dom.capture.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow control characters appear in composition string.
# When this is false, control characters except
# CHARACTER TABULATION (horizontal tab) are removed from
# both composition string and data attribute of compositionupdate
# and compositionend events.
- name: dom.compositionevent.allow_control_characters
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.crypto.randomUUID.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for CSSPseudoElement enabled?
- name: dom.css_pseudo_element.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# After how many seconds we allow external protocol URLs in iframe when not in
# single events
- name: dom.delay.block_external_protocol_in_iframes
type: uint32_t
value: 10 # in seconds
mirror: always
# Whether the above pref has any effect at all.
- name: dom.delay.block_external_protocol_in_iframes.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# HTML <dialog> element
- name: dom.dialog_element.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Only propagate the open window click permission if the setTimeout() is equal
# to or less than this value.
- name: dom.disable_open_click_delay
type: int32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: dom.disable_open_during_load
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.disable_beforeunload
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.require_user_interaction_for_beforeunload
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable/disable Gecko specific edit commands
- name: dom.document.edit_command.contentReadOnly.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: dom.document.edit_command.decreasefontsize.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.document.edit_command.gethtml.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.document.edit_command.heading.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.document.edit_command.increasefontsize.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.document.edit_command.insertBrOnReturn.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: dom.document.edit_command.readonly.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If set this to true, `Document.execCommand` may be performed nestedly.
# Otherwise, nested calls just return false.
- name: dom.document.exec_command.nested_calls_allowed
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.enable_window_print
type: bool
mirror: always
# Only intended for fuzzing purposes, this will break mozPrintCallback, etc.
- name: dom.window_print.fuzzing.block_while_printing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.element.transform-getters.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.mouse_capture.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for Performance.mozMemory enabled?
- name: dom.enable_memory_stats
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable Performance API
# Whether nonzero values can be returned from performance.timing.*
- name: dom.enable_performance
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable Performance Observer API
- name: dom.enable_performance_observer
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether resource timing will be gathered and returned by performance.GetEntries*
- name: dom.enable_resource_timing
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether event timing will be gathered and returned by performance observer*
- name: dom.enable_event_timing
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether performance.GetEntries* will contain an entry for the active document
- name: dom.enable_performance_navigation_timing
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the scheduler interface will be exposed
- name: dom.enable_web_task_scheduling
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# If this is true, it's allowed to fire "cut", "copy" and "paste" events.
# Additionally, "input" events may expose clipboard content when inputType
# is "insertFromPaste" or something.
- name: dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether touch event listeners are passive by default.
- name: dom.event.default_to_passive_touch_listeners
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether wheel listeners are passive by default.
- name: dom.event.default_to_passive_wheel_listeners
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.event.dragexit.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Whether WheelEvent should return pixels instead of lines for
# WheelEvent.deltaX/Y/Z, when deltaMode hasn't been checked.
# Other browsers don't use line deltas and websites forget to check for it, see
# bug 1392460.
- name: dom.event.wheel-deltaMode-lines.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Mostly for debugging. Whether we should do the same as
# dom.event.wheel-deltaMode-lines.disabled, but unconditionally rather than
# only when deltaMode hasn't been checked.
- name: dom.event.wheel-deltaMode-lines.always-disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# A blocklist (list of domains) for the
# dom.event.wheel-deltaMode-lines.disabled behavior, in case potential
# unforeseen problems with it arrive.
- name: dom.event.wheel-deltaMode-lines.always-enabled
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
# Whether to disable treating ctrl click as right click
- name: dom.event.treat_ctrl_click_as_right_click.disabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Whether .offset{X,Y} for events targeted at SVG nodes returns bounds relative
# to the outer SVG.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Disable, clipboard.write() and ClipboardItem by default
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Skips checking permission and user activation when accessing the clipboard.
# Should only be enabled in tests.
# Access with Clipboard::IsTestingPrefEnabled().
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# Control whether `navigator.clipboard.readText()` is exposed to content.
# Currently not supported by GeckoView, see bug 1776829.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# This pref controls whether or not the `protected` dataTransfer state is
# enabled. If the `protected` dataTransfer stae is disabled, then the
# DataTransfer will be read-only whenever it should be protected, and will not
# be disconnected after a drag event is completed.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# User interaction timer interval, in ms
- name:
type: uint32_t
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Whether to try to compress touchmove events on IPC layer.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# In addition to the above IPC layer compresison, allow touchmove
# events to be further coalesced in the child side after they
# are sent.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Allow mousemove events to be coalesced in the child side after they are sent.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to expose test interfaces of various sorts
- name: dom.expose_test_interfaces
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.fetchObserver.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow the content process to create a File from a path. This is allowed just
# on parent process, on 'file' Content process, or for testing.
- name: dom.file.createInChild
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether or not File Handle is enabled.
- name: dom.fileHandle.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Support @autocomplete values for form autofill feature.
- name: dom.forms.autocomplete.formautofill
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Only trusted submit event could trigger form submission.
- name: dom.forms.submit.trusted_event_only
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref just controls whether we format the number with grouping separator
# characters when the internal value is set or updated. It does not stop the
# user from typing in a number and using grouping separators.
- name: dom.forms.number.grouping
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether fullscreen should make the rest of the document inert.
# This matches other browsers but historically not Gecko.
- name: dom.fullscreen.modal
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the Gamepad API is enabled
- name: dom.gamepad.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is Gamepad Extension API enabled?
- name: dom.gamepad.extensions.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is LightIndicator API enabled in Gamepad Extension API?
- name: dom.gamepad.extensions.lightindicator
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is MultiTouch API enabled in Gamepad Extension API?
- name: dom.gamepad.extensions.multitouch
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is Gamepad vibrate haptic feedback function enabled?
- name: dom.gamepad.haptic_feedback.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.gamepad.non_standard_events.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: dom.gamepad.test.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# W3C draft ImageCapture API
- name: dom.imagecapture.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# <img loading="lazy">
# See
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The root margin for image lazy loading, defined as four (value, percentage)
# pairs.
- name:
type: float
value: 100 # 100%
value: 300
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.bottom
type: float
value: 100 # 100%
value: 300
mirror: always
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.bottom.percentage
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.left
type: float
value: 100 # 100%
value: 300
mirror: always
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.left.percentage
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.right
type: float
value: 100 # 100%
value: 300
mirror: always
- name: dom.image-lazy-loading.root-margin.right.percentage
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable passing the "storage" option to
- name: dom.indexedDB.storageOption.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable indexedDB in private browsing mode with encryption
- name: dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Disable IndexedDB in private browsing mode.
- name: dom.indexedDB.hide_in_pbmode.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: dom.input_events.beforeinput.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether innerWidth / innerHeight return rounded or fractional sizes.
# NOTE(emilio): Fractional sizes are not web-compatible, see the regressions
# from bug 1676843, but we want to expose the fractional sizes (probably in
# another API) one way or another, see [1], so we're keeping the code for the
# time being.
# [1]:
- name: dom.innerSize.rounded
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we conform to Input Events Level 1 or Input Events Level 2.
# true: conforming to Level 1
# false: conforming to Level 2
- name: dom.input_events.conform_to_level_1
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we allow BrowsingContextGroup to suspend input events
- name: dom.input_events.canSuspendInBCG.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we perform a more strict alignment with vsync for input events
- name: dom.input_events.strict_input_vsync_alignment
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable not moving the cursor to end when a text input or textarea has .value
# set to the value it already has. By default, enabled.
- name: dom.input.skip_cursor_move_for_same_value_set
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.cancel_content_js_when_navigating
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# How often to check for CPOW timeouts (ms). CPOWs are only timed
# out by the hang monitor.
- name: dom.ipc.cpow.timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 500
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.forkserver.enable
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Avoid the use of GTK in content processes if possible, by running
# them in headless mode, to conserve resources (e.g., connections to
# the X server). See the usage in `ContentParent.cpp` for the full
# definition of "if possible".
# This does not affect sandbox policies; content processes may still
# dynamically connect to the display server for, e.g., WebGL.
- name: dom.ipc.avoid-gtk
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether or not to collect a paired minidump when force-killing a
# content process.
- name: dom.ipc.tabs.createKillHardCrashReports
type: bool
mirror: once
# Allow Flash async drawing mode in 64-bit release builds.
- name: dom.ipc.plugins.asyncdrawing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# How long we wait before unloading an idle plugin process.
- name: dom.ipc.plugins.unloadTimeoutSecs
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 30
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.plugins.allow_dxgi_surface
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable e10s hang monitoring (slow script checking and plugin hang detection).
- name: dom.ipc.processHangMonitor
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether we report such process hangs
- name: dom.ipc.reportProcessHangs
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
# Don't report hangs in DEBUG builds. They're too slow and often a
# debugger is attached.
#ifdef DEBUG
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.tabs.disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Process launch delay (in milliseconds).
- name: dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.delayMs
type: uint32_t
# This number is fairly arbitrary ... the intention is to put off
# launching another app process until the last one has finished
# loading its content, to reduce CPU/memory/IO contention.
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.startupDelayMs
type: uint32_t
# delay starting content processes for a short time after browser start
# to provide time for the UI to come up
value: 1000
mirror: always
# Process preallocation cache
# Only used in fission; in e10s we use 1 always
- name: dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.fission.number
type: uint32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# Limit preallocated processes below this memory size (in MB)
- name: dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.lowmem_mb
type: uint32_t
value: 4096
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.testMode
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundPerceivableGracePeriodMS
type: uint32_t
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: 3000
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: dom.ipc.processPriorityManager.backgroundGracePeriodMS
type: uint32_t
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: 3000
value: 0
mirror: always
# Is support for HTMLElement.autocapitalize enabled?
- name: dom.forms.autocapitalize
type: bool
mirror: always
# Support for input type=month, type=week. By default, disabled.
- name: dom.forms.datetime.others
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Is support for HTMLElement.enterKeyHint enabled?
- name: dom.forms.enterkeyhint
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for HTMLElement.inputMode enabled?
- name: dom.forms.inputmode
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for HTMLInputElement.showPicker enabled?
- name: dom.input.showPicker
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to allow or disallow web apps to cancel `beforeinput` events caused
# by MozEditableElement#setUserInput() which is used by autocomplete, autofill
# and password manager.
- name: dom.input_event.allow_to_cancel_set_user_input
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# How long a content process can take before closing its IPC channel
# after shutdown is initiated. If the process exceeds the timeout,
# we fear the worst and kill it.
- name: dom.ipc.tabs.shutdownTimeoutSecs
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
#if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(MOZ_ASAN) && !defined(MOZ_VALGRIND) && !defined(MOZ_TSAN)
value: 20
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether a native event loop should be used in the content process.
- name: dom.ipc.useNativeEventProcessing.content
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# If this is true, TextEventDispatcher dispatches keydown and keyup events
# even during composition (keypress events are never fired during composition
# even if this is true).
- name: dom.keyboardevent.dispatch_during_composition
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable/disable KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent function
- name: dom.keyboardevent.init_key_event.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable/disable KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent function in addons even if it's
# disabled.
- name: dom.keyboardevent.init_key_event.enabled_in_addons
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If this is true, keypress events for non-printable keys are dispatched only
# for event listeners of the system event group in web content.
- name: dom.keyboardevent.keypress.dispatch_non_printable_keys_only_system_group_in_content
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If this is true, "keypress" event's keyCode value and charCode value always
# become same if the event is not created/initialized by JS.
- name: dom.keyboardevent.keypress.set_keycode_and_charcode_to_same_value
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether "W3C Web Manifest" processing is enabled
- name: dom.manifest.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable mapped array buffer by default.
- name: dom.mapped_arraybuffer.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# This pref is used to enable/disable the `document.autoplayPolicy` API which
# returns a enum string which presents current autoplay policy and can change
# overtime based on user session activity.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Media Session API
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Number of seconds of very quiet or silent audio before considering the audio
# inaudible.
- name:
type: AtomicFloat
value: 2.0f
mirror: always
# Enable meta-viewport support in remote APZ-enabled frames.
- name: dom.meta-viewport.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Timeout clamp in ms for timeouts we clamp.
- name: dom.min_timeout_value
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 4
mirror: always
# Timeout clamp in ms for background windows.
- name: dom.min_background_timeout_value
type: int32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# Timeout clamp in ms for background windows when throttling isn't enabled.
- name: dom.min_background_timeout_value_without_budget_throttling
type: int32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# Are missing-property use counters for certain DOM attributes enabled?
- name: dom.missing_prop_counters.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for module scripts (<script type="module">) enabled for content?
- name: dom.moduleScripts.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for import maps (<script type="importmap">) enabled for content?
- name: dom.importMaps.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we disable triggering mutation events for changes to style
# attribute via CSSOM.
# NOTE: This preference is used in unit tests. If it is removed or its default
# value changes, please update test_sharedMap_static_prefs.js accordingly.
- name: dom.mutation-events.cssom.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Limit of location change caused by content scripts in a time span per
# BrowsingContext. This includes calls to History and Location APIs.
- name: dom.navigation.locationChangeRateLimit.count
type: uint32_t
value: 200
mirror: always
# Time span in seconds for location change rate limit.
- name: dom.navigation.locationChangeRateLimit.timespan
type: uint32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
# Network Information API
# This feature is not available on Firefox desktop. It exposes too much
# user information. Let's be consistent and disable it on Android.
# But let's keep it around in case it becomes necessary for webcompat
# reasons
- name: dom.netinfo.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we should open noopener links in a new process.
- name: dom.noopener.newprocess.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we shouldn't show an error page for unknown protocols (and should
# show a console warning instead).
- name: dom.no_unknown_protocol_error.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether origin trials are enabled.
- name: dom.origin-trials.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we use the test key to verify tokens.
- name: dom.origin-trials.test-key.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Origin trial state for "TestTrial".
# 0: normal, 1: always-enabled, 2: always-disabled
- name: dom.origin-trials.test-trial.state
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Origin trial state for OffscreenCanvas.
# 0: normal, 1: always-enabled, 2: always-disabled
- name: dom.origin-trials.offscreen-canvas.state
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Is support for Window.paintWorklet enabled?
- name: dom.paintWorklet.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable/disable the PaymentRequest API
- name: dom.payments.request.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether a user gesture is required to call
- name: dom.payments.request.user_interaction_required
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Time in milliseconds for PaymentResponse to wait for
# the Web page to call complete().
- name: dom.payments.response.timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Enable printing performance marks/measures to log
- name: dom.performance.enable_user_timing_logging
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.performance.children_results_ipc_timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# Enable notification of performance timing
- name: dom.performance.enable_notify_performance_timing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for PerformanceTiming.timeToContentfulPaint enabled?
- name: dom.performance.time_to_contentful_paint.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for PerformanceTiming.timeToDOMContentFlushed enabled?
- name: dom.performance.time_to_dom_content_flushed.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for PerformanceTiming.timeToFirstInteractive enabled?
- name: dom.performance.time_to_first_interactive.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for PerformanceTiming.timeToNonBlankPaint enabled?
- name: dom.performance.time_to_non_blank_paint.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for Permissions.revoke enabled?
- name: dom.permissions.revoke.enable
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for Element.requestPointerLock enabled?
# This is added for accessibility purpose. When user has no way to exit
# pointer lock (e.g. no keyboard available), they can use this pref to
# disable the Pointer Lock API altogether.
- name: dom.pointer-lock.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# re-SAB: Whether to allow postMessage of a SharedArrayBuffer if various
# preconditions related to COOP and COEP are met
- name: dom.postMessage.sharedArrayBuffer.withCOOP_COEP
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Overridden in all.js on RELEASE_OR_BETA in order to add the locked attribute.
- name: dom.postMessage.sharedArrayBuffer.bypassCOOP_COEP.insecure.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This currently only affects XHTML. For XUL the cache is always allowed.
- name: dom.prototype_document_cache.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Push
- name: dom.push.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This enables the SVGPathSeg APIs
- name: dom.svg.pathSeg.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Preference that is primarily used for testing of problematic file paths.
# It can also be used for switching between different storage directories, but
# such feature is not officially supported.
- name: dom.quotaManager.storageName
type: String
value: "storage"
mirror: never
# An upper limit for the "age" of an origin. Any origin which is older than the
# threshold is considered as unaccessed. That doesn't necessarily mean that
# such origins will be immediatelly archived. They will be archived only when
# dom.quotaManager.checkQuotaInfoLoadTime is true and loading of quota info
# takes a long time (dom.quotaManager.longQuotaInfoLoadTimeThresholdMs is used
# to decide what is a long quota info load time).
- name: dom.quotaManager.unaccessedForLongTimeThresholdSec
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 33696000 # 13 months
mirror: always
# Should we try to load origin information from the cache?
# See bug 1563023 for more details.
- name: dom.quotaManager.loadQuotaFromCache
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Should we check build ID as part of the cache validation?
# When enabled, the cache is invalidated on any upgrade (or downgrade),
# ensuring that changes in how quota usage is calculated can't cause
# inconsistencies at the cost of a slower initialization. Currently, this
# should only be set to false in tests using a packaged profile that inherently
# includes a build id different from the building running the tests. In the
# future this may be set to false if we are confident that we have sufficiently
# thorough schema versioning.
- name: dom.quotaManager.caching.checkBuildId
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Should we check quota info load time and eventually archive some unaccessed
# origins if loading of quota info takes a long time ?
- name: dom.quotaManager.checkQuotaInfoLoadTime
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# An upper limit for quota info load time, anything which takes longer than the
# threshold is considered as long quota info load time.
- name: dom.quotaManager.longQuotaInfoLoadTimeThresholdMs
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 21000 # 21 seconds
mirror: always
# Preference that users can set to override temporary storage smart limit
# calculation.
- name: dom.quotaManager.temporaryStorage.fixedLimit
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: -1
mirror: always
# A pref that is used to enable testing features.
- name: dom.quotaManager.testing
type: SequentiallyConsistentAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_WIN
# Preference that is used to set nsILocalFileWin::useDOSDevicePathSyntax
# attribute for all local file instances created by QuotaManager and its
# clients. The value of this preference is cached so changing the preference
# during runtime has no effect.
# See bug 1626846 for setting this to false by default.
- name: dom.quotaManager.useDOSDevicePathSyntax
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# Preference that is used to enable the hack for overrriding xFullPathname in
# TelemetryVFS.
- name: dom.quotaManager.overrideXFullPathname
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# How many times we should retry directory removal or renaming if access was
# denied?
- name: dom.quotaManager.directoryRemovalOrRenaming.maxRetries
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: 10
value: 0
mirror: always
# How long we should wait between retries (in milliseconds)?
- name: dom.quotaManager.directoryRemovalOrRenaming.delayMs
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 200
mirror: always
# Reporting API.
- name: dom.reporting.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: dom.reporting.testing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.reporting.featurePolicy.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: dom.reporting.crash.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.reporting.header.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# In seconds. The timeout to remove not-active report-to endpoints.
- name: dom.reporting.cleanup.timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 3600
mirror: always
# Any X seconds the reports are dispatched to endpoints.
- name: dom.reporting.delivering.timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
# How many times the delivering of a report should be tried.
- name: dom.reporting.delivering.maxFailures
type: uint32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# How many reports should be stored in the report queue before being delivered.
- name: dom.reporting.delivering.maxReports
type: uint32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
# Enable requestIdleCallback API
- name: dom.requestIdleCallback.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable Screen Orientation lock
- name: dom.screenorientation.allow-lock
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to enable the JavaScript start-up cache. This causes one of the first
# execution to record the bytecode of the JavaScript function used, and save it
# in the existing cache entry. On the following loads of the same script, the
# bytecode would be loaded from the cache instead of being generated once more.
- name: dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Ignore the heuristics of the bytecode cache, and always record on the first
# visit. (used for testing purposes).
# Choose one strategy to use to decide when the bytecode should be encoded and
# saved. The following strategies are available right now:
# * -2 : (reader mode) The bytecode cache would be read, but it would never
# be saved.
# * -1 : (eager mode) The bytecode would be saved as soon as the script is
# seen for the first time, independently of the size or last access
# time.
# * 0 : (default) The bytecode would be saved in order to minimize the
# page-load time.
# Other values might lead to experimental strategies. For more details, have a
# look at: ScriptLoader::ShouldCacheBytecode function.
- name: dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.strategy
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Select which parse/delazification strategy should be used while parsing
# scripts off-main-thread. (see CompileOptions.h, DelazificationOption enum)
# 0: On-demand only. Delazification will be triggered only on the main thread
# before the execution of the function.
# 1: Compare on-demand delazification (= 0) with concurrent depth-first
# delazification (= 2).
# 2: Depth-first. Delazify all functions off-thread in the order of appearance
# in the source.
# 3: Large-first. Delazify all functions off-thread starting with the largest
# functions first, and the smallest as the last one to be delazified, where
# the size of function is measured in bytes between the start to the end of
# the function.
# 255: Parse everything eagerly, from the first parse. All functions are parsed
# at the same time as the top-level of a file.
- name: dom.script_loader.delazification.strategy
type: uint32_t
value: 255
mirror: always
# Maximum total size after which the delazification strategy, specified by
# `dom.script_loader.delazification.strategy`, is no longer applied, and the
# on-demand strategy is used by default.
# -1 disable the threshold, and delazification strategy is applied to all
# scripts.
# Default value is 10MB for utf8 scripts.
- name: dom.script_loader.delazification.max_size
type: int32_t
value: 10485760
mirror: always
# Minimum memory, in GB, required to enable delazification strategy, specified
# by `dom.script_loader.delazification.strategy`. Otherwise, the on-demand
# delazification strategy is used.
- name: dom.script_loader.delazification.min_mem
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Is support for decoding external (non-inline) classic or module DOM scripts
# (i.e. anything but workers) as UTF-8, then directly compiling without
# inflating to UTF-16, enabled?
- name: dom.script_loader.external_scripts.utf8_parsing.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable speculative off main thread parsing of external scripts as
# soon as they are fetched.
- name: dom.script_loader.external_scripts.speculative_omt_parse.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Speculatively compile non parser inserted scripts
- name: dom.script_loader.external_scripts.speculate_non_parser_inserted.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Speculatively compile async scripts
- name: dom.script_loader.external_scripts.speculate_async.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Speculatively compile link preload scripts
- name: dom.script_loader.external_scripts.speculate_link_preload.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.securecontext.allowlist_onions
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref enables Sec-Fetch-* logic and causes corresponding
# request headers to be set.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# This pref enables the featurePolicy header support.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Expose the 'featurePolicy' attribute in document and HTMLIFrameElement
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Perform IPC based Principal vetting in ContentParent
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# For testing purposes only: Flipping this pref to true allows
# to skip the allowlist for about: pages and do not ship with a
# CSP and NS_ASSERT right away.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# For testing purposes only: Flipping this pref to true allows
# to skip the assertion that every about page ships with a CSP.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# For testing purposes only: Flipping this pref to true allows
# to skip the assertion that HTML fragments (e.g. innerHTML) can
# not be used within chrome code or about: pages.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# For testing purposes only; Flipping this pref to true allows
# to skip the assertion that remote scripts can not be loaded
# in system privileged contexts.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, all content requests will get upgraded to HTTPS://
# (some Firefox functionality requests, like OCSP will not be affected)
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, all content requests in Private Browsing Mode will get
# upgraded to HTTPS://. (If is set
# to true then this pref has no effect)
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, sends http background request for top-level sites to
# counter long timeouts.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Time limit, in milliseconds, before sending the http background
# request for HTTPS-Only and HTTPS-First
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 3000
mirror: always
# If true, tries to break upgrade downgrade cycles where https-only tries
# to upgrad ethe connection, but the website tries to downgrade again.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If true, when checking if it's upgrade downgrade cycles, the URI path will be
# also checked.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If true and HTTPS-only mode is enabled, requests
# to local IP addresses are also upgraded
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true and HTTPS-only mode is enabled, requests
# to .onion hosts are also upgraded
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# WARNING: Don't ever update that pref manually! It is only used
# for telemetry purposes and allows to reason about retention of
# the pref from above.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# WARNING: Don't ever update that pref manually! It is only used
# for telemetry purposes and allows to reason about retention of
# the pref from above.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true checks for secure www connections when https fails
# and gives the user suggestions on the error page
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, top-level request will get upgraded to HTTPS and
# downgraded again if the request failed.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, top-level requests in Private Browsing Mode will get
# upgraded to HTTPS. (If
# is set to true then this pref has no effect)
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# pref controls `Sanitizer` API being exposed
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether or not selection events on text controls are enabled.
- name: dom.select_events.textcontrols.selectionchange.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.select_events.textcontrols.selectstart.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: dom.separate_event_queue_for_post_message.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.arena_allocator.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.navigationPreload.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Mitigates ServiceWorker navigation faults by bypassing the ServiceWorker on
# navigation faults. This is more extensive than just resetting interception
# because we also mark the page as uncontrolled so that subresources will not
# go to the ServiceWorker either.
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.mitigations.bypass_on_fault
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Additional ServiceWorker navigation mitigation control to unregister the
# ServiceWorker after multiple faults are encountered. The mitigation is
# disabled when this is set to zero, otherwise this is the number of faults that
# need to occur for a specific ServiceWorker before it will be unregistered.
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.mitigations.navigation_fault_threshold
type: uint32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# This is the group usage head room for service workers.
# The quota usage mitigation algorithm uses this preference to determine if the
# origin or also group data should be cleared or not.
# The default value is 400 MiB.
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.mitigations.group_usage_headroom_kb
type: uint32_t
value: 400 * 1024
mirror: always
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether ServiceWorkerManager should persist the service worker
# registered by temporary installed extension (only meant to be used
# for testing purpose, to make it easier to test some particular scenario
# with a temporary installed addon, which doesn't need to be signed to be
# installed on release channel builds).
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.testing.persistTemporarilyInstalledAddons
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Disable ServiceWorker in private browsing mode.
- name: dom.serviceWorkers.hide_in_pbmode.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.workers.requestAnimationFrame
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.workers.serialized-sab-access
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether automatic storage access granting heuristics should be turned on.
- name: dom.storage_access.auto_grants
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.storage_access.auto_grants.delayed
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Storage-access API.
- name: dom.storage_access.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# The maximum number of origins that a given third-party tracker is allowed
# to have concurrent access to before the user is presented with a storage
# access prompt. Only effective when the auto_grants pref is turned on.
- name: dom.storage_access.max_concurrent_auto_grants
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
# Enable Storage API for all platforms except Android.
- name: dom.storageManager.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Whether the File System API is enabled
- name: dom.fs.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# LocalStorage data limit as determined by summing up the lengths of all string
# keys and values. This is consistent with the legacy implementation and other
# browser engines. This value should really only ever change in unit testing
# where being able to lower it makes it easier for us to test certain edge
# cases. Measured in KiBs.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
# Only allow relatively small amounts of data since performance of the
# synchronous IO is very bad. We are enforcing simple per-origin quota only.
value: 5 * 1024
mirror: always
# Per-site quota for legacy LocalStorage implementation.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 25 * 1024
mirror: always
# Whether or not the unsupported legacy implemenation should be enabled. Please
# don't advertise this pref as a way for disabling LSNG. This pref is intended
# for internal testing only and will be removed in near future. Accidental
# disabling of LSNG can lead to a data loss in a combination with disabled
# shadow writes. Disabling of shadow writes is the initial step towards
# removing legacy implementation and will be done soon.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# The amount of snapshot peak usage which is attempted to be pre-incremented
# during snapshot creation.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 16384
mirror: always
# The amount of snapshot peak usage which is attempted to be pre-incremented
# during snapshot creation if the LocalStorage usage was already close to the
# limit (a fallback for
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4096
mirror: always
# The amount of snapshot peak usage which is attempted to be pre-incremented
# beyond the specific values which are subsequently requested after snapshot
# creation.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4096
mirror: always
# The amount of snapshot peak usage which is attempted to be pre-incremented
# beyond the specific values which are subsequently requested after snapshot
# creation if the LocalStorage total usage was already close to the limit
# (a fallback for
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1024
mirror: always
# How long between a snapshot becomes idle and when we actually finish the
# snapshot. This preference is only used when ""
# is true.
- name:
type: uint32_t
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Is support for Storage test APIs enabled?
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# DOM Streams Prefs
## Exposure Prefs: To ensure the DOM Streams don't expose more
# than existing JS Streams implementation, we want to hide some
# interfaces from the global until later.
- name: dom.streams.readable_stream_default_controller.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.streams.readable_stream_default_reader.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.streams.byte_streams.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.streams.writable_streams.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.streams.transform_streams.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.streams.pipeTo.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.streams.transferable.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# For area and anchor elements with target=_blank and no rel set to
# opener/noopener.
- name: dom.targetBlankNoOpener.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for Selection.GetRangesForInterval enabled?
- name: dom.testing.selection.GetRangesForInterval
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.testing.structuredclonetester.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.testing.sync-content-blocking-notifications
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# To enable TestUtils interface on WPT
- name: dom.testing.testutils.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.textMetrics.actualBoundingBox.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.textMetrics.baselines.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.textMetrics.emHeight.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.textMetrics.fontBoundingBox.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Time (in ms) that it takes to regenerate 1ms.
- name: dom.timeout.background_budget_regeneration_rate
type: int32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
# Time (in ms) that it takes to regenerate 1ms.
- name: dom.timeout.foreground_budget_regeneration_rate
type: int32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Maximum value (in ms) for the background budget. Only valid for
# values greater than 0.
- name: dom.timeout.background_throttling_max_budget
type: int32_t
value: 50
mirror: always
# Maximum value (in ms) for the foreground budget. Only valid for
# values greater than 0.
- name: dom.timeout.foreground_throttling_max_budget
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: always
# The maximum amount a timeout can be delayed by budget throttling.
- name: dom.timeout.budget_throttling_max_delay
type: int32_t
value: 15000
mirror: always
# Turn on budget throttling by default.
- name: dom.timeout.enable_budget_timer_throttling
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Should we defer timeouts and intervals while loading a page. Released
# on Idle or when the page is loaded.
- name: dom.timeout.defer_during_load
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Maximum amount of time in milliseconds consecutive setTimeout()/setInterval()
# callback are allowed to run before yielding the event loop.
- name: dom.timeout.max_consecutive_callbacks_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 4
mirror: always
# Maximum deferral time for setTimeout/Interval in milliseconds
- name: dom.timeout.max_idle_defer_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 10*1000
mirror: always
# Delay in ms from document load until we start throttling background timeouts.
- name: dom.timeout.throttling_delay
type: int32_t
value: 30000
mirror: always
# UDPSocket API
- name: dom.udpsocket.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Time limit, in milliseconds, for user gesture transient activation.
- name: dom.user_activation.transient.timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Whether to shim a Components object on untrusted windows.
- name: dom.use_components_shim
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: dom.vibrator.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.vibrator.max_vibrate_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10000
mirror: always
- name: dom.vibrator.max_vibrate_list_len
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 128
mirror: always
# Is support for Window.visualViewport enabled?
- name: dom.visualviewport.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for WebVR APIs enabled?
# Disabled everywhere, but not removed.
- name: dom.vr.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Should VR sessions always be reported as supported, without first
# checking for VR runtimes? This will prevent permission prompts
# from being suppressed on machines without VR runtimes and cause
# navigator.xr.isSessionSupported to always report that immersive-vr
# is supported.
- name: dom.vr.always_support_vr
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Should AR sessions always be reported as supported, without first
# checking for AR runtimes? This will prevent permission prompts
# from being suppressed on machines without AR runtimes and cause
# navigator.xr.isSessionSupported to always report that immersive-ar
# is supported.
- name: dom.vr.always_support_ar
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# It is often desirable to automatically start vr presentation when
# a user puts on the VR headset. This is done by emitting the
# Window.vrdisplayactivate event when the headset's sensors detect it
# being worn. This can result in WebVR content taking over the headset
# when the user is using it outside the browser or inadvertent start of
# presentation due to the high sensitivity of the proximity sensor in some
# headsets, so it is off by default.
- name: dom.vr.autoactivate.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Minimum number of milliseconds that the browser will wait before
# attempting to poll again for connected VR controllers. The browser
# will not attempt to poll for VR controllers until it needs to use them.
- name: dom.vr.controller.enumerate.interval
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1000
mirror: always
# The threshold value of trigger inputs for VR controllers.
- name: dom.vr.controller_trigger_threshold
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.1f
mirror: always
# Minimum number of milliseconds that the browser will wait before
# attempting to poll again for connected VR displays. The browser
# will not attempt to poll for VR displays until it needs to use
# them, such as when detecting a WebVR site.
- name: dom.vr.display.enumerate.interval
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# The number of milliseconds since last frame start before triggering a new
# frame. When content is failing to submit frames on time or the lower level
# VR platform APIs are rejecting frames, it determines the rate at which RAF
# callbacks will be called.
- name: dom.vr.display.rafMaxDuration
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 50
mirror: always
# Minimum number of milliseconds the browser will wait before attempting
# to re-start the VR service after an enumeration returned no devices.
- name: dom.vr.external.notdetected.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 60000
mirror: always
# Minimum number of milliseconds the browser will wait before attempting
# to re-start the VR service after a VR API (eg, OpenVR or Oculus)
# requests that we shutdown and unload its libraries.
# To ensure that we don't interfere with VR runtime software auto-updates,
# we will not attempt to re-load the service until this timeout has elapsed.
- name: dom.vr.external.quit.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 10000
mirror: always
# Minimum number of milliseconds that the VR session will be kept
# alive after the browser and content no longer are using the
# hardware. If a VR multitasking environment, this should be set
# very low or set to 0.
- name: dom.vr.inactive.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Maximum number of milliseconds the browser will wait for content to call
# VRDisplay.requestPresent after emitting vrdisplayactivate during VR
# link traversal. This prevents a long running event handler for
# vrdisplayactivate from later calling VRDisplay.requestPresent, which would
# result in a non-responsive browser in the VR headset.
- name: dom.vr.navigation.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Oculus device
- name: dom.vr.oculus.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(HAVE_64BIT_BUILD) && !defined(ANDROID)
# We are only enabling WebVR by default on 64-bit builds (Bug 1384459).
value: true
# On Android, this pref is irrelevant.
value: false
mirror: always
# When enabled, Oculus sessions may be created with the ovrInit_Invisible
# flag if a page is using tracking but not presenting. When a page
# begins presenting VR frames, the session will be re-initialized without
# the flag. This eliminates the "Firefox not responding" warnings in
# the headset, but might not be compatible with all versions of the Oculus
# runtime.
- name: dom.vr.oculus.invisible.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Minimum number of milliseconds after content has stopped VR presentation
# before the Oculus session is re-initialized to an invisible / tracking
# only mode. If this value is too high, users will need to wait longer
# after stopping WebVR presentation before automatically returning to the
# Oculus home interface. (They can immediately return to the Oculus Home
# interface through the Oculus HUD without waiting this duration)
# If this value is too low, the Oculus Home interface may be visible
# momentarily during VR link navigation.
- name: dom.vr.oculus.present.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 500
mirror: always
# OpenVR device
- name: dom.vr.openvr.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if !defined(HAVE_64BIT_BUILD) && !defined(ANDROID)
# We are only enabling WebVR by default on 64-bit builds (Bug 1384459).
value: false
#elif defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
# We enable OpenVR by default for Windows and macOS.
value: true
# See Bug 1310663 (Linux). On Android, this pref is irrelevant.
value: false
mirror: always
# OSVR device
- name: dom.vr.osvr.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pose prediction reduces latency effects by returning future predicted HMD
# poses to callers of the WebVR API. This currently only has an effect for
# Oculus Rift on SDK 0.8 or greater.
- name: dom.vr.poseprediction.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable a separate process for VR module.
- name: dom.vr.process.enabled
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name: dom.vr.process.startup_timeout_ms
type: int32_t
value: 5000
mirror: once
# Puppet device, used for simulating VR hardware within tests and dev tools.
- name: dom.vr.puppet.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Starting VR presentation is only allowed within a user gesture or event such
# as VRDisplayActivate triggered by the system. dom.vr.require-gesture allows
# this requirement to be disabled for special cases such as during automated
# tests or in a headless kiosk system.
- name: dom.vr.require-gesture
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for WebXR APIs enabled?
- name: dom.vr.webxr.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Points in the native bounds geometry are required to be quantized
# sufficiently to prevent fingerprinting. The WebXR spec suggests
# quantizing to the nearest 5 centimeters.
- name: dom.vr.webxr.quantization
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.05f
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_WIN
# Control firing WidgetMouseEvent by handling Windows pointer messages or
# mouse messages.
- name: dom.w3c_pointer_events.dispatch_by_pointer_messages
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.w3c_pointer_events.scroll_by_pen.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If the value is >= 0, it will be used for max touch points in child processes.
- name: dom.maxtouchpoints.testing.value
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: always
# Maximum value of navigator.hardwareConcurrency.
- name: dom.maxHardwareConcurrency
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 128
value: 16
mirror: always
# W3C pointer events draft.
- name: dom.w3c_pointer_events.implicit_capture
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# In case Touch API is enabled, this pref controls whether to support
# ontouch* event handlers, document.createTouch, document.createTouchList and
# document.createEvent("TouchEvent").
- name: dom.w3c_touch_events.legacy_apis.enabled
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# W3C touch events
# 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - autodetect
# Autodetection is currently only supported on Windows and GTK3 (and assumed on
# Android).
- name: dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled
type: int32_t
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: 0
value: 2
mirror: always
# Is support for the Web Audio API enabled?
- name: dom.webaudio.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.webkitBlink.dirPicker.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Is the 'delegatesFocus' attribute for shadow dom
- name: dom.shadowdom.delegatesFocus.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is the 'assign' API for slot element enabled?
- name: dom.shadowdom.slot.assign.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# NOTE: This preference is used in unit tests. If it is removed or its default
# value changes, please update test_sharedMap_static_prefs.js accordingly.
- name: dom.webcomponents.shadowdom.report_usage
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for the Web GPU API enabled?
- name: dom.webgpu.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for HTMLInputElement.webkitEntries enabled?
- name: dom.webkitBlink.filesystem.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Whether the Web Locks API is enabled
- name: dom.weblocks.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the WebMIDI API is enabled
- name: dom.webmidi.enabled
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# midi permission is addon-gated
- name: dom.webmidi.gated
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.allowinsecure
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.allowcrossoriginiframe
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.requireinteraction.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.silent.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.vibrate.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for Window.event enabled?
- name: dom.window.event.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.window.history.async
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable the "noreferrer" feature argument for
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.window.content.untrusted.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.window.clientinformation.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.window.sidebar.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.worker.canceling.timeoutMilliseconds
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 30000 # 30 seconds
mirror: always
# Is support for compiling DOM worker scripts directly from UTF-8 (without ever
# inflating to UTF-16) enabled?
- name: dom.worker.script_loader.utf8_parsing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.worker.use_medium_high_event_queue
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enables the dispatching of console log events from worker threads to the
# main-thread.
- name: dom.worker.console.dispatch_events_to_main_thread
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.workers.testing.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: dom.worklet.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable content type normalization of XHR uploads via MIME Sniffing standard
- name: dom.xhr.standard_content_type_normalization
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When this pref is set, parent documents may consider child iframes have
# loaded while they are still loading.
- name: dom.cross_origin_iframes_loaded_in_background
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# WebIDL test prefs.
- name: dom.webidl.test1
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.webidl.test2
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.webidl.crosscontext_hasinstance.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# WebShare API - exposes navigator.share()
- name: dom.webshare.enabled
type: bool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: false
mirror: always
# WebShare API - allows WebShare without user interaction (for tests only).
- name: dom.webshare.requireinteraction
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# about:home and about:newtab include remote snippets that contain arbitrarily
# placed anchor tags in their content; we want sanitization to be turned off
# in order to render them correctly
- name: dom.about_newtab_sanitization.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Hide the confirm dialog when a POST request is reloaded.
- name: dom.confirm_repost.testing.always_accept
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we should suspend inactive tabs or not
- name: dom.suspend_inactive.enabled
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# The following three prefs control the maximum script run time before slow
# script warning.
# Controls the time that a content script can run before showing a
# notification.
- name: dom.max_script_run_time
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
# Controls whether we want to wait for user input before surfacing notifying
# the parent process about a long-running script.
- name: dom.max_script_run_time.require_critical_input
type: bool
# On desktop, we don't want to annoy the user with a notification if they're
# not interacting with the browser. On Android however, we automatically
# terminate long-running scripts, so we want to make sure we don't get in the
# way of that by waiting for input.
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
- name: dom.max_chrome_script_run_time
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: dom.max_ext_content_script_run_time
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "editor"
# Default background color of HTML editor. This is referred only when
# "editor.use_custom_colors" is set to `true`.
- name: editor.background_color
type: String
value: "#FFFFFF"
mirror: never
# Default length unit of indent blocks with CSS.
# TODO: Delete this pref after checking the compatibility with the other
# browsers.
- name: editor.css.default_length_unit
type: String
value: "px"
mirror: never
# Allow or disallow to delete `<hr>` element when caret is at start of
# following line of the element. If false, Backspace from start of following
# line of an `<hr>` element causes moving caret to immediatly after the `<hr>`
# element, and then, another Backspace can delete it.
- name: editor.hr_element.allow_to_delete_from_following_line
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether editor initializes attributes and/or child nodes of newly inserting
# element before or after connecting to the DOM tree.
- name: editor.initialize_element_before_connect
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Delay to mask last input character in password fields.
# If negative value, to use platform's default behavior.
# If 0, no delay to mask password.
# Otherwise, password fields unmask last input character(s) during specified
# time (in milliseconds).
- name: editor.password.mask_delay
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: always
# Set to true when you test mask_delay of password editor. If this is set
# to true, "MozLastInputMasked" is fired when last input characters are
# masked by timeout.
- name: editor.password.testing.mask_delay
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# When an element becomes absolutely positioned, this offset is applied to
# both `left` and `top`.
# TODO: Delete this pref after verifying that nobody uses this pref.
- name: editor.positioning.offset
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether resizer keeps aspect ratio of `<img>` or can change its width/height
# independently.
# TODO: Delete this pref after verifying that nobody uses this pref.
- name: editor.resizing.preserve_ratio
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# How line breakers are treated in single line editor:
# * 0: Only remove the leading and trailing newlines.
# * 1: Remove the first newline and all characters following it.
# * 2: Replace newlines with spaces (default of Firefox).
# * 3: Remove newlines from the string.
# * 4: Replace newlines with commas (default of Thunderbird).
# * 5: Collapse newlines and surrounding white space characters and
# remove them from the string.
# Other values are treated as 1.
- name: editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether user pastes should be truncated.
- name: editor.truncate_user_pastes
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# When this is set to `true`, "editor.background_color" must be set, then,
# the value is treated as default background color of the HTML editor.
# If `false` and "browser.display.use_system_colors" is set to `true`,
# "browser.display.background_color" is used instead.
# Otherwise, no color is used as default background color.
# This pref is for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey.
- name: editor.use_custom_colors
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If this is set to `true`, CSS mode of style editor is enabled by default
# unless it's a mail editor.
# This pref is for Thunderbird and SeaMonkey.
- name: editor.use_css
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether inserting <div> when typing Enter in a block element which can
# contain <div>. If false, inserts <br> instead.
# TODO: Delete this pref after verifying nobody uses this pref.
- name: editor.use_div_for_default_newlines
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether enabling blink compatible white-space normalizer or keep using
# Gecko's traditional white-space normalizer.
- name: editor.white_space_normalization.blink_compatible
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# General prefs for editor, indicating whether Gecko-specific editing UI is
# enabled by default. Those UIs are not implemented by any other browsers. So,
# only Firefox users can change some styles with them. This means that Firefox
# users may get unexpected result of some web apps if they assume that users
# cannot change such styles.
- name: editor.resizing.enabled_by_default
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: editor.inline_table_editing.enabled_by_default
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: editor.positioning.enabled_by_default
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "extensions."
# Whether the InstallTrigger implementation should be enabled (or hidden and
# none of its methods available).
- name: extensions.InstallTriggerImpl.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether the InstallTrigger implementation should be enabled (or completely
# hidden), separate from InstallTriggerImpl because InstallTrigger is improperly
# used also for UA detection.
- name: extensions.InstallTrigger.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Whether the background.service_worker in the extension manifest.json file
# is enabled.
- name: extensions.backgroundServiceWorker.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Maximum number of misspelled words in a text.
- name: extensions.spellcheck.inline.max-misspellings
type: int32_t
value: 500
mirror: always
# Whether the extensions can register a service worker on its own.
# NOTE: WebExtensions Framework ability to register a background service worker
# is not controlled by this pref, only the extension code ability to use
# navigator.serviceWorker.register is locked behind this pref.
- name: extensions.serviceWorkerRegister.allowed
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Legacy behavior on filterResponse calls on intercepted sw script requests.
- name: extensions.filterResponseServiceWorkerScript.disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref governs whether we run webextensions in a separate process (true)
# or the parent/main process (false)
- name: extensions.webextensions.remote
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to expose the MockExtensionAPI test interface in tests.
# The interface MockExtensionAPI doesn't represent a real extension API,
# it is only available in test and does include a series of cases useful
# to test the API request handling without tying the unit test to a
# specific WebExtensions API.
- name: extensions.webidl-api.expose_mock_interface
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "fission."
# Whether to enable Fission in new windows by default.
# IMPORTANT: This preference should *never* be checked directly, since any
# session can contain a mix of Fission and non-Fission windows. Instead,
# callers should check whether the relevant nsILoadContext has the
# `useRemoteSubframes` flag set.
# Callers which cannot use `useRemoteSubframes` must use
# `Services.appinfo.fissionAutostart` or `mozilla::FissionAutostart()` to check
# if fission is enabled by default.
- name: fission.autostart
type: bool
mirror: never
# Prefs used by normandy to orchestrate the fission experiment. For more
# details, see the comments in nsAppRunner.cpp.
- name: fission.experiment.enrollmentStatus
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: never
- name: fission.experiment.startupEnrollmentStatus
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: never
# This pref has no effect within fission windows, it only controls the
# behaviour within non-fission windows. If true, preserve browsing contexts
# between process swaps.
- name: fission.preserve_browsing_contexts
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Store the session history in the parent process, and access it over IPC
# from the child processes.
- name: fission.sessionHistoryInParent
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
# If session history is stored in the parent process, enable bfcache for it.
- name: fission.bfcacheInParent
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# Allow renaming of processes from Private Windows to the eTLD+1 on nightly
# Setting this pref creates a privacy leak, but helps greatly with
# debugging.
- name: fission.processPrivateWindowSiteNames
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow renaming of process names to the eTLD+1 on all versions, NOT
# including processes from Private Windows
# Setting this pref creates a privacy leak, but helps greatly with
# debugging
- name: fission.processSiteNames
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, allow process-switching documents loaded by <object> and <embed>
# elements into a remote process.
# NOTE: This pref has no impact outside of windows with the
# `useRemoteSubframes` flag set.
- name: fission.remoteObjectEmbed
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The strategy used to control how sites are isolated into separate processes
# when Fisison is enabled. This pref has no effect if Fission is disabled.
# See the `WebContentIsolationStrategy` enum in `ProcessIsolation.cpp`.
- name: fission.webContentIsolationStrategy
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Time in seconds before a site loaded with the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
# header is no longer considered high-value and isolated in the "highValueCOOP"
# configuration.
- name:
type: uint32_t
value: 2592000 # 30 days (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Time in seconds before a site are considered high-value by the login detection
# service is no longer considered high-value and isolated in the "highValueHasSavedLogin"
# or "highValueIsLoggedIn" configuration.
- name: fission.highValue.login.expiration
type: uint32_t
value: 2592000 # 30 days (in seconds)
mirror: always
# If true, capture login attemp, and add "highValueIsLoggedIn" permission to
# the permission manager no matter whether fission is enabled and
# WebContentIsolationStrateg is set to IsolateHighvalue.
- name: fission.highValue.login.monitor
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# If true, do not send blocklisted preference values to the subprocess
- name: fission.omitBlocklistedPrefsInSubprocesses
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, crash when a blocklisted preference is accessed in a subprocess
- name: fission.enforceBlocklistedPrefsInSubprocesses
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Temporary prefs to be used for a few weeks, then removed
- name: fission.omitBlocklistedPrefsInSubprocesses.tmp
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: fission.enforceBlocklistedPrefsInSubprocesses.tmp
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "font."
# A value greater than zero enables font size inflation for
# pan-and-zoom UIs, so that the fonts in a block are at least the size
# that, if a block's width is scaled to match the device's width, the
# fonts in the block are big enough that at most the pref value ems of
# text fit in *the width of the device*.
# When both this pref and the next are set, the larger inflation is used.
- name: font.size.inflation.emPerLine
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# A value greater than zero enables font size inflation for
# pan-and-zoom UIs, so that if a block's width is scaled to match the
# device's width, the fonts in a block are at least the given font size.
# The value given is in twips, i.e., 1/20 of a point, or 1/1440 of an inch.
# When both this pref and the previous are set, the larger inflation is used.
- name: font.size.inflation.minTwips
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# In products with multi-mode pan-and-zoom and non-pan-and-zoom UIs,
# this pref forces font inflation to always be enabled in all modes.
# That is, any heuristics used to detect pan-and-zoom
# vs. non-pan-and-zoom modes are disabled and all content is treated
# as pan-and-zoom mode wrt font inflation.
# This pref has no effect if font inflation is not enabled through
# either of the prefs above. It has no meaning in single-mode UIs.
- name: font.size.inflation.forceEnabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# In products with multi-mode pan-and-zoom and non-pan-and-zoom UIs,
# this pref disables font inflation in master-process contexts where
# existing heuristics can't be used determine enabled-ness.
# This pref has no effect if font inflation is not enabled through
# either of the prefs above. The "forceEnabled" pref above overrides
# this pref.
- name: font.size.inflation.disabledInMasterProcess
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Defines the font size inflation mapping intercept parameter.
# Font size inflation computes a minimum font size, m, based on
# other preferences (see font.size.inflation.minTwips and
# font.size.inflation.emPerLine, above) and the width of the
# frame in which the text resides. Using this minimum, a specified
# font size, s, is mapped to an inflated font size, i, using an
# equation that varies depending on the value of the font size
# inflation mapping intercept parameter, P.
# If the intercept parameter is negative, then the following mapping
# function is used:
# i = m + s
# If the intercept parameter is non-negative, then the mapping function
# is a function such that its graph meets the graph of i = s at the
# point where both i and s are (1 + P/2) * m for values of s that are
# large enough. This means that when s=0, i is always equal to m.
- name: font.size.inflation.mappingIntercept
type: int32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Since the goal of font size inflation is to avoid having to
# repeatedly scroll side to side to read a block of text, and there are
# a number of page layouts where a relatively small chunk of text is
# better off not being inflated according to the same algorithm we use
# for larger chunks of text, we want a threshold for an amount of text
# that triggers font size inflation. This preference controls that
# threshold.
# It controls the threshold used within an *approximation* of the
# number of lines of text we use. In particular, if we assume that
# each character (collapsing collapsible whitespace) has a width the
# same as the em-size of the font (when, normally, it's actually quite
# a bit smaller on average), this preference gives the percentage of a
# number of lines of text we'd need to trigger inflation. This means
# that a percentage of 100 means that we'd need a number of characters
# (we know the font size and the width) equivalent to one line of
# square text (which is actually a lot less than a real line of text).
# A value of 0 means there's no character length threshold.
- name: font.size.inflation.lineThreshold
type: uint32_t
value: 400
mirror: always
# This controls the percentage that fonts will be inflated, if font
# size inflation is enabled. Essentially, if we have a specified font
# size, s, and an inflated font size, i, this specifies that the ratio
# i/s * 100 should never exceed the value of this preference. In order
# for this preference to have any effect, its value must be greater
# than 100, since font inflation can never decrease the ratio i/s.
- name: font.size.inflation.maxRatio
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# This setting corresponds to a global text zoom setting affecting
# all content that is not already subject to font size inflation.
# It is interpreted as a percentage value that is applied on top
# of the document's current text zoom setting.
# The resulting total zoom factor (text zoom * system font scale)
# will be limited by zoom.minPercent and maxPercent.
- name: font.size.systemFontScale
type: uint32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "full-screen-api."
- name: full-screen-api.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: full-screen-api.allow-trusted-requests-only
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: full-screen-api.mouse-event-allow-left-button-only
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: full-screen-api.exit-on.windowOpen
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: full-screen-api.exit-on.windowRaise
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: full-screen-api.pointer-lock.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "fuzzing.". It's important that these can only be
# checked in fuzzing builds (when FUZZING is defined), otherwise you could
# enable the fuzzing stuff on your regular build which would be bad :)
#ifdef FUZZING
- name: fuzzing.enabled
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: fuzzing.necko.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: fuzzing.necko.http3
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Prefs starting with "general."
- name: general.aboutConfig.enable
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Limits the depth of recursive conversion of data when opening
# a content to view. This is mostly intended to prevent infinite
# loops with faulty converters involved.
- name: general.document_open_conversion_depth_limit
type: uint32_t
value: 20
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# This pref and general.smoothScroll.stopDecelerationWeighting determine
# the timing function.
- name: general.smoothScroll.currentVelocityWeighting
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.25
mirror: always
# To connect consecutive scroll events into a continuous flow, the animation's
# duration should be longer than scroll events intervals (or else the scroll
# will stop before the next event arrives - we're guessing the next interval
# by averaging recent intervals).
# This defines how much longer the duration is compared to the events
# interval (percentage).
- name: general.smoothScroll.durationToIntervalRatio
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 200
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.lines
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMaxMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMinMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 200
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 50
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.other
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.other.durationMaxMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.other.durationMinMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.pages
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMaxMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMinMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.scrollbars
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMaxMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMinMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.pixels
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMaxMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMinMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 150
mirror: always
# This pref and general.smoothScroll.currentVelocityWeighting determine
# the timing function.
- name: general.smoothScroll.stopDecelerationWeighting
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.4f
mirror: always
# Alternative smooth scroll physics. ("MSD" = Mass-Spring-Damper)
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.continuousMotionMaxDeltaMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 120
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.motionBeginSpringConstant
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1250
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownMinDeltaMS
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 12
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownMinDeltaRatio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.3f
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownSpringConstant
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 2000
mirror: always
- name: general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.regularSpringConstant
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: general.utility-process.startup_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "geo."
# Is support for Navigator.geolocation enabled?
- name: geo.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Time, in milliseconds, to wait for the location provider to spin up.
- name: geo.timeout
type: int32_t
value: 6000
mirror: always
# Whether to use Geoclue location provider (if available on the system).
- name: geo.provider.use_geoclue
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to always provide high location accuracy, even if site
# doesn't actually request this level of accuracy.
# Almost no site correctly requests high accuracy so force it by default
# for compatibility with other geolocation providers.
- name: geo.provider.geoclue.always_high_accuracy
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "gfx."
- name: gfx.allow-texture-direct-mapping
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Allow 24-bit colour when the hardware supports it.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.apitrace.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Nb: we ignore this pref on release and beta.
- name: gfx.blocklist.all
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: once
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.cache-items
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2048
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.cache-size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 256
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.reserve-empty-cache
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 36
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.max-size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.min-size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 128
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.max-surface-size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5280
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.shared-page-size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1024
mirror: always
# The minimum number of frames before acting on performance profile info
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.profile-frames
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10
mirror: always
# The ratio of failed frames to total frames when to fall back from acceleration
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.profile-fallback-ratio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.3
mirror: always
# The ratio of cache misses at which to fail a profile frame
- name: gfx.canvas.accelerated.profile-cache-miss-ratio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.66
mirror: always
# 0x7fff is the maximum supported xlib surface size and is more than enough for canvases.
- name: gfx.canvas.max-size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0x7fff
mirror: always
- name: gfx.canvas.remote
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.color_management.force_srgb
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.color_management.native_srgb
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.color_management.enablev4
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# 0 = Off, 1 = Full, 2 = Tagged Images Only.
# See CMSMode in gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.h.
- name: gfx.color_management.mode
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 2
mirror: always
# The zero default here should match QCMS_INTENT_DEFAULT from qcms.h
- name: gfx.color_management.rendering_intent
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: gfx.compositor.clearstate
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether GL contexts can be migrated to a different GPU (to match the one the
# OS is using for composition).
# 0 = force disable migration
# 1 = use migration where in safe configurations (the default)
# 2 = force enable migration (for testing)
- name: gfx.compositor.gpu-migration
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: gfx.core-animation.tint-opaque
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# Create specialized video-only layers for video content, and
# attempt to isolate video layers in fullscreen windows.
- name: gfx.core-animation.specialize-video
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
# Spoof the timing of the video sample instead of marking the untimed
# sample to be displayed immediately.
- name: gfx.core-animation.specialize-video.spoof-timing
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Check that the sample has a color space and if it doesn't, log that
# and supply the default color space from the main display.
- name: gfx.core-animation.specialize-video.check-color-space
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Log properties of the video surface, buffer, and format.
- name: gfx.core-animation.specialize-video.log
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Overrides the glClear color used when the surface origin is not (0, 0)
# Used for drawing a border around the content.
- name: gfx.compositor.override.clear-color.r
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
- name: gfx.compositor.override.clear-color.g
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
- name: gfx.compositor.override.clear-color.b
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
- name: gfx.compositor.override.clear-color.a
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.0f
mirror: always
#endif # defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
- name: gfx.content.always-paint
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Size in megabytes
- name: gfx.content.skia-font-cache-size
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: once
- name: gfx.device-reset.limit
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: once
- name: gfx.device-reset.threshold-ms
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: once
# Whether to disable the automatic detection and use of direct2d.
- name: gfx.direct2d.disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to attempt to enable Direct2D regardless of automatic detection or
# blacklisting.
- name: gfx.direct2d.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to defer destruction of Direct2D DrawTargets to the paint thread
# when using OMTP.
- name: gfx.direct2d.destroy-dt-on-paintthread
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gfx.direct3d11.reuse-decoder-device
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Enable reuse decoder device even when it is blocked.
- name: gfx.direct3d11.reuse-decoder-device-force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.direct3d11.allow-keyed-mutex
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gfx.direct3d11.use-double-buffering
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.direct3d11.enable-debug-layer
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.direct3d11.break-on-error
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.direct3d11.sleep-on-create-device
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: once
# Rate by which the frame rate is divided. I.e. at a number higher than 1 we
# will only refresh every <x> frames.
- name: gfx.display.frame-rate-divisor
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1
mirror: always
# Whether to preserve color bitmap tables in fonts (bypassing OTS).
# Currently these are supported only on platforms where we use Freetype
# to render fonts (Linux/Gtk and Android).
- name: gfx.downloadable_fonts.keep_color_bitmaps
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether font sanitization is performed on the main thread or not.
- name: gfx.downloadable_fonts.sanitize_omt
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to validate OpenType variation tables in fonts.
- name: gfx.downloadable_fonts.validate_variation_tables
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether OTS validation should be applied to OpenType Layout (OTL) tables.
- name: gfx.downloadable_fonts.otl_validation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: gfx.draw-color-bars
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.e10s.hide-plugins-for-scroll
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: gfx.e10s.font-list.shared
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Do we fire a notification about missing fonts, so the front-end can decide
# whether to try and do something about it (e.g. download additional fonts)?
- name: gfx.missing_fonts.notify
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#if !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
- name: gfx.egl.prefer-gles.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# [Windows] Whether registry FontSubstitutes entries are used unconditionally,
# or only if the original font is not available.
#if defined(XP_WIN)
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.font-list-omt.enabled
type: bool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to load fonts (e.g. Twemoji Mozilla) bundled with the application:
# -1 - Auto behavior based on OS version (currently, disables loading on
# "low-memory" Android devices)
# 0 - Skip loading any bundled fonts
# 1 - Always load bundled fonts
- name: gfx.bundled-fonts.activate
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: once
- name: gfx.font_loader.delay
type: uint32_t
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: 60000
value: 8000
mirror: once
# Disable antialiasing of Ahem, for use in tests.
- name: gfx.font_rendering.ahem_antialias_none
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
# Set to true to revert from HarfBuzz AAT shaping to the old Core Text
# backend.
- name: gfx.font_rendering.coretext.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
- name: gfx.font_rendering.fallback.async
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# whether to always search all font cmaps during system font fallback
- name: gfx.font_rendering.fallback.always_use_cmaps
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_WIN)
# Whether the DirectWrite bold simulation should be used when a bold font-weight
# is requested but no bold face available in the family. This renders poorly with
# some third-party fonts, so by default we disable it for webfonts and allow it
# only with locally-installed fonts.
# Values:
# 0 - never use DWrite bold simulation; always multi-strike instead
# 1 - use DWrite bold for installed fonts, multi-strike for webfont resources
# 2 - use DWrite bold for all fonts
- name: gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.bold_simulation
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Cache shaped word results
- name: gfx.font_rendering.wordcache.charlimit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 32
mirror: always
# Cache shaped word results
- name: gfx.font_rendering.wordcache.maxentries
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10000
mirror: always
# The level of logging:
# - 0: no logging;
# - 1: adds errors;
# - 2: adds warnings;
# - 3 or 4: adds debug logging.
# If you set the value to 4, you will also need to set the environment
# variable MOZ_LOG to gfx:4. See mozilla/Logging.h for details.
- name: gfx.logging.level
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: mozilla::gfx::LOG_DEFAULT
mirror: always
include: mozilla/gfx/LoggingConstants.h
- name: gfx.logging.crash.length
type: uint32_t
value: 16
mirror: once
# The maximums here are quite conservative, we can tighten them if problems show up.
- name: gfx.logging.texture-usage.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.logging.peak-texture-usage.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.logging.slow-frames.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Use gfxPlatform::MaxAllocSize instead of the pref directly.
- name: gfx.max-alloc-size
type: int32_t
value: (int32_t)500000000
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
# Use gfxPlatform::MaxTextureSize instead of the pref directly.
- name: gfx.max-texture-size
type: int32_t
value: (int32_t)32767
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
# Enable OffscreenCanvas everywhere.
- name: gfx.offscreencanvas.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable OffscreenCanvas based on the domain allowlist.
- name: gfx.offscreencanvas.domain-enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Domains included in the allowlist.
- name: gfx.offscreencanvas.domain-allowlist
type: String
value: "*,"
mirror: never
- name: gfx.omta.background-color
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gfx.partialpresent.force
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# SwapInterval
- name: gfx.swap-interval.glx
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gfx.swap-interval.egl
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
value: true
value: false
# Log severe performance warnings to the error console and profiles.
# This should be use to quickly find which slow paths are used by test cases.
- name: gfx.perf-warnings.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef MOZ_X11
# Whether to force using GLX over EGL.
- name: gfx.x11-egl.force-disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to force using EGL over GLX.
- name: gfx.x11-egl.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.testing.device-fail
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.testing.device-reset
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: gfx.text.disable-aa
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.text.subpixel-position.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.text.subpixel-position.force-disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.use-iosurface-textures
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.use-mutex-on-present
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.use-ahardwarebuffer-content
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Use SurfaceTextures as preferred backend for TextureClient/Host.
- name: gfx.use-surfacetexture-textures
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.vsync.collect-scroll-transforms
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.vsync.compositor.unobserve-count
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: once
- name: gfx.vsync.force-disable-waitforvblank
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.will-change.ignore-opacity
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Should we override the blocklist to enable WebGPU?
- name: gfx.webgpu.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# We expose two prefs: gfx.webrender.all and gfx.webrender.enabled.
# The first enables WR+additional features, and the second just enables WR.
# For developer convenience, building with --enable-webrender=true or just
# --enable-webrender will set gfx.webrender.enabled to true by default.
# We also have a pref gfx.webrender.all.qualified which is not exposed via
# about:config. That pref enables WR but only on qualified hardware. This is
# the pref we'll eventually flip to deploy WebRender to the target population.
- name: gfx.webrender.all
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
#ifdef XP_WIN
- name: gfx.webrender.force-angle
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# WebRender is not enabled when there is no GPU process on window when
# WebRender uses ANGLE. It is for avoiding that WebGL and WebRender use ANGLE
# at once. But there is a case that we want to enable WebRender for testing.
#ifdef XP_WIN
- name: gfx.webrender.enabled-no-gpu-process-with-angle-win
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.blob-images
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.svg-images
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.blob.paint-flashing
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.enable-capture
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.dl.dump-parent
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.dl.dump-content
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.dl.dump-content-serialized
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.reject-software-driver
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.highlight-painted-layers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.late-scenebuild-threshold
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 4
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.max-filter-ops-per-chain
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 64
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.batching.lookback
type: uint32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.blob-tile-size
type: uint32_t
value: 256
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.batched-upload-threshold
type: int32_t
value: 262144
value: 65536
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.compositor
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.compositor.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.compositor.max_update_rects
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.compositor.surface-pool-size
type: uint32_t
value: 25
mirror: once
# Number of damage rects we can give to the compositor for a new frame with
# partial present. This controls whether partial present is used or not.
- name: gfx.webrender.max-partial-present-rects
type: uint32_t
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
value: 1
value: 0
mirror: once
# Whether or not we can reuse the buffer contents using the GL buffer age
# extension, if supported by the platform. This requires partial present
# to be used.
- name: gfx.webrender.allow-partial-present-buffer-age
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether or not we should force partial present on.
- name: gfx.webrender.force-partial-present
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.enable-gpu-markers
type: bool
#ifdef DEBUG
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.enable-item-cache
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether or not to fallback from WebRender to Software WebRender.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
#ifdef XP_WIN
# Whether or not to fallback from WebRender to Software WebRender + D3D11.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether to use a video overlay layers with DirectComposition
- name: gfx.webrender.dcomp-video-overlay-win
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Enable video overlay even when it is blocked.
- name: gfx.webrender.dcomp-video-overlay-win-force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to use a yuv video overlay layers with DirectComposition
- name: gfx.webrender.dcomp-video-yuv-overlay-win
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.dcomp-video-vp-scaling-win
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether or not fallback to Software WebRender requires the GPU process.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.program-binary-disk
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(ANDROID)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.use-optimized-shaders
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: gfx.webrender.precache-shaders
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# When gl debug message is a high severity message, forwward it to gfx critical
# note.
- name:
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
# Enable printing gl debug messages
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Keep this pref hidden on non-nightly builds to avoid people accidentally
# turning it on.
- name: gfx.webrender.panic-on-gl-error
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
#ifdef XP_WIN
# Enables display of performance debugging counters when DirectComposition
# is used.
# Performance counters are displayed on the top-right corner of the screen.
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.dcomp-counter
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enables highlighting redraw regions of DCompositionVisual
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.dcomp-redraw-regions
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# Files show up in $HOME/Desktop/nativelayerdumps-PID/frame-123.html
- name: gfx.webrender.debug.dump-native-layer-tree-to-file
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gfx.webrender.enable-low-priority-pool
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(ANDROID)
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# Force subpixel anti-aliasing as much as possible, despite performance cost.
- name: gfx.webrender.quality.force-subpixel-aa-where-possible
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
- name: gfx.webrender.enable-client-storage
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Width of WebRender tile size
- name: gfx.webrender.picture-tile-width
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1024
mirror: always
# Width of WebRender tile size
- name: gfx.webrender.picture-tile-height
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 512
mirror: always
# Whether to use EGL robustness or not.
- name: gfx.webrender.prefer-robustness
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to use the WebRender software backend
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to use the D3D11 RenderCompositor when using WebRender software backend
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name:
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 4
mirror: always
# Whether to force widgets to don't support acceleration to use WebRender
# despite that
- name: gfx.webrender.unaccelerated-widget.force
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable a lower quality, but higher performance pinch-zoom mode. Primarily
# for devices with weak GPUs, or when running SWGL.
- name: gfx.webrender.low-quality-pinch-zoom
type: bool
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) && defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
# Use vsync events generated by hardware
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: gfx.ycbcr.accurate-conversion
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "gl." (OpenGL)
- name: gl.allow-high-power
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: gl.ignore-dx-interop2-blacklist
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: gl.use-tls-is-current
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "html5."
# Turn HTML:inert on or off.
# Do not enable this by default until there's consensus in:
- name: html5.inert.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Toggle which thread the HTML5 parser uses for stream parsing.
- name: html5.offmainthread
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Time in milliseconds between the time a network buffer is seen and the timer
# firing when the timer hasn't fired previously in this parse in the
# off-the-main-thread HTML5 parser.
- name: html5.flushtimer.initialdelay
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 16
mirror: always
# Time in milliseconds between the time a network buffer is seen and the timer
# firing when the timer has already fired previously in this parse.
- name: html5.flushtimer.subsequentdelay
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 16
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "idle_period."
- name: idle_period.min
type: uint32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
- name: idle_period.during_page_load.min
type: uint32_t
value: 12
mirror: always
- name: idle_period.cross_process_scheduling
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "image."
# The maximum size (in kB) that the aggregate frames of an animation can use
# before it starts to discard already displayed frames and redecode them as
# necessary.
- name: image.animated.decode-on-demand.threshold-kb
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 20*1024
mirror: always
# The minimum number of frames we want to have buffered ahead of an
# animation's currently displayed frame.
- name: image.animated.decode-on-demand.batch-size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 6
mirror: always
# Whether we should recycle already displayed frames instead of discarding
# them. This saves on the allocation itself, and may be able to reuse the
# contents as well. Only applies if generating full frames.
- name: image.animated.decode-on-demand.recycle
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Resume an animated image from the last displayed frame rather than
# advancing when out of view.
- name: image.animated.resume-from-last-displayed
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Maximum number of surfaces for an image before entering "factor of 2" mode.
# This in addition to the number of "native" sizes of an image. A native size
# is a size for which we can decode a frame without up or downscaling. Most
# images only have 1, but some (i.e. ICOs) may have multiple frames for the
# same data at different sizes.
- name: image.cache.factor2.threshold-surfaces
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 4
mirror: always
# Maximum size of a surface in KB we are willing to produce when rasterizing
# an SVG.
- name: image.cache.max-rasterized-svg-threshold-kb
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 200*1024
mirror: always
# The maximum size, in bytes, of the decoded images we cache.
- name: image.cache.size
type: int32_t
value: 5*1024*1024
mirror: once
# A weight, from 0-1000, to place on time when comparing to size.
# Size is given a weight of 1000 - timeweight.
- name: image.cache.timeweight
type: int32_t
value: 500
mirror: once
# Decode all images automatically on load, ignoring our normal heuristics.
- name: image.decode-immediately.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Decode all images synchronously
- name: image.decode-sync.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we attempt to downscale images during decoding.
- name: image.downscale-during-decode.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we use EXIF metadata for image density.
- name: image.exif-density-correction.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether EXIF density metadata is sanity checked against PixelXDimension and PixelYDimension
- name: image.exif-density-correction.sanity-check.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The threshold for inferring that changes to an <img> element's |src|
# attribute by JavaScript represent an animation, in milliseconds. If the |src|
# attribute is changing more frequently than this value, then we enter a
# special "animation mode" which is designed to eliminate flicker. Set to 0 to
# disable.
- name: image.infer-src-animation.threshold-ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2000
mirror: always
# Whether the network request priority should be adjusted according
# the layout and view frame position of each particular image.
- name: image.layout_network_priority
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Chunk size for calls to the image decoders.
- name: image.mem.decode_bytes_at_a_time
type: uint32_t
value: 16384
mirror: once
# Discards inactive image frames and re-decodes them on demand from
# compressed data.
- name: image.mem.discardable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Discards inactive image frames of _animated_ images and re-decodes them on
# demand from compressed data. Has no effect if image.mem.discardable is false.
- name: image.mem.animated.discardable
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether the heap should be used for frames from animated images. On Android,
# volatile memory keeps file handles open for each buffer.
- name: image.mem.animated.use_heap
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Enable extra information for debugging in the image memory reports.
- name: image.mem.debug-reporting
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Decodes images into shared memory to allow direct use in separate
# rendering processes. Only applicable with WebRender.
- name: image.mem.shared
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Force unmapping of unused shared surfaces after a timeout period or when we
# encounter virtual memory pressure. By default this is only enabled on 32-bit
# Firefox.
- name: image.mem.shared.unmap.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Minimum timeout to unmap shared surfaces since they have been last used,
# in milliseconds.
- name: image.mem.shared.unmap.min_expiration_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 60*1000
mirror: once
# Mininum size for shared surfaces to consider unmapping, in kilobytes.
- name: image.mem.shared.unmap.min_threshold_kb
type: uint32_t
value: 100
mirror: once
# How much of the data in the surface cache is discarded when we get a memory
# pressure notification, as a fraction. The discard factor is interpreted as a
# reciprocal, so a discard factor of 1 means to discard everything in the
# surface cache on memory pressure, a discard factor of 2 means to discard half
# of the data, and so forth. The default should be a good balance for desktop
# and laptop systems, where we never discard visible images.
- name: image.mem.surfacecache.discard_factor
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: once
# Maximum size for the surface cache, in kilobytes.
- name: image.mem.surfacecache.max_size_kb
type: uint32_t
value: 2024 * 1024
mirror: once
# Minimum timeout for expiring unused images from the surface cache, in
# milliseconds. This controls how long we store cached temporary surfaces.
- name: image.mem.surfacecache.min_expiration_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 60*1000
mirror: once
# The surface cache's size, within the constraints of the maximum size set
# above, is determined as a fraction of main memory size. The size factor is
# interpreted as a reciprocal, so a size factor of 4 means to use no more than
# 1/4 of main memory. The default should be a good balance for most systems.
- name: image.mem.surfacecache.size_factor
type: uint32_t
value: 4
mirror: once
# Minimum buffer size in KB before using volatile memory over the heap.
- name: image.mem.volatile.min_threshold_kb
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
#if defined(ANDROID)
# On Android, volatile memory keeps file handles open for each buffer.
value: 100
value: -1
mirror: always
# How long in ms before we should start shutting down idle decoder threads.
- name: image.multithreaded_decoding.idle_timeout
type: int32_t
value: 600000
mirror: once
# How many threads we'll use for multithreaded decoding. If < 0, will be
# automatically determined based on the system's number of cores.
- name: image.multithreaded_decoding.limit
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: once
# Whether we record SVG images as blobs or not.
- name: image.svg.blob-image
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we attempt to decode WebP images or not.
- name: image.webp.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we attempt to decode AVIF images or not.
- name: image.avif.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(MOZ_AV1)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# How strict we are in accepting/rejecting AVIF inputs according to whether they
# conform to the specification
# 0 = Permissive: accept whatever we can simply, unambiguously interpret
# 1 = Normal: reject violations of "shall" specification directives
# 2 = Strict: reject violations of "should" specification directives
- name: image.avif.compliance_strictness
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1
mirror: always
# Whether we apply container-level transforms like mirroring and rotation
- name: image.avif.apply_transforms
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we use dav1d (true) or libaom (false) to decode AVIF image
- name: image.avif.use-dav1d
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we attempt to decode JXL images or not.
- name: image.jxl.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "intl."
# If true, dispatch the keydown and keyup events on any web apps even during
# composition.
- name: intl.ime.hack.on_any_apps.fire_key_events_for_composition
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Android-specific pref to control if keydown and keyup events are fired even
# during composition. Note that those prefs are ignored if
# dom.keyboardevent.dispatch_during_composition is false.
- name: intl.ime.hack.on_ime_unaware_apps.fire_key_events_for_composition
type: bool
# If true and intl.ime.hack.on_any_apps.fire_key_events_for_composition is
# false, dispatch the keydown and keyup events only on IME-unaware web apps.
# So, this supports web apps which listen to only keydown or keyup events
# to get a change to do something at every text input.
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_WIN
# If true, automatically extend selection to cluster boundaries when
# TSF/TIP requests to select from/by middle of a cluster.
- name: intl.tsf.hack.extend_setting_selection_range_to_cluster_boundaries
type: bool
mirror: always
#if defined(ENABLE_TESTS)
# If true, NS_GetComplexLineBreaks compares the line breaks produced in the
# content process using the Uniscribe line breaker, with those from a
# brokered call to the parent.
- name: intl.compare_against_brokered_complex_line_breaks
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If you use legacy Chinese IME which puts an ideographic space to composition
# string as placeholder, this pref might be useful. If this is true and when
# web contents forcibly commits composition (e.g., moving focus), the
# ideographic space will be ignored (i.e., commits with empty string).
- name: intl.ime.remove_placeholder_character_at_commit
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
# Whether text input without keyboard press nor IME composition should cause a
# set of composition events or not. E.g., when you use Emoji picker on macOS,
# it inserts an Emoji character directly. If set to true, `compositionstart`,
# `compositionupdate` and `compositionend` events will be fired, and the
# correspnding `beforeinput` events are not cancelable. Otherwise, if set to
# false, any user input events are not exposed to web apps but only
# `beforeinput` event is fired as "insert text" as a cancelable event.
- name: intl.ime.use_composition_events_for_insert_text
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "javascript."
# NOTE: SpiderMonkey starts up before `mirror: once` preferences are sealed and
# we cannot use them (Bug 1698311). Instead, we use `mirror: always`
# prefs but mark as `do_not_use_directly` and `LoadStartupJSPrefs` will
# mirror them into SpiderMonkey.
# The JavaScript JIT compilers. These are read once on startup so a browser may
# need to be restarted if toggling them. In general each subsequent JIT depends
# on the ones before it being enabled.
- name: javascript.options.blinterp
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.baselinejit
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.ion
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
# The irregexp JIT for regex evaluation.
- name: javascript.options.native_regexp
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
# "Warm-up" thresholds at which we attempt to compile a script/function with
# the next JIT tier.
# NOTE: These must match JitOptions defaults.
- name: javascript.options.blinterp.threshold
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.baselinejit.threshold
type: int32_t
value: 100
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.ion.threshold
type: int32_t
value: 1500
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
# Enable off-main-thread Warp compilation.
- name: javascript.options.ion.offthread_compilation
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
#ifdef DEBUG
# Enable extra correctness checks in the JITs that are slow and only available
# in debug builds.
- name: javascript.options.jit.full_debug_checks
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
# Heuristic threshold for Warp/Ion to decide that too many bailouts are
# happening and an IonScript should be discarded.
# NOTE: This must match JitOptions defaults.
- name: javascript.options.ion.frequent_bailout_threshold
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
# A threshold for Warp to decide whether a function can be inlined.
# If the size of a function is smaller than this threshold, then it
# may be inlined.
# NOTE: These must match JitOptions defaults.
- name: javascript.options.inlining_bytecode_max_length
type: uint32_t
value: 130
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# Whether the megamorphic property lookup cache is enabled.
# NOTE: This must match JitOptions defaults.
- name: javascript.options.watchtower.megamorphic
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.compact_on_user_inactive
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The default amount of time to wait from the user being idle to starting a
# shrinking GC. Measured in milliseconds.
- name: javascript.options.compact_on_user_inactive_delay
type: uint32_t
value: 15000
value: 300000
mirror: always
# Use better error message when accessing property of null or undefined.
- name: javascript.options.property_error_message_fix
type: bool
mirror: always
# Support for weak references in JavaScript (WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry).
- name: javascript.options.weakrefs
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to expose the FinalizationRegistry.prototype.cleanupSome method.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.weakrefs.expose_cleanupSome
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# ShadowRealms:
- name: javascript.options.experimental.shadow_realms
# Atomic, as we assert the preference, and that assertion may happen
# in a worker.
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Experimental support for Iterator Helpers in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.iterator_helpers
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Experimental support for Array Grouping in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.array_grouping
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Experimental support for Array.findLast/Array.findLastIndex in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.array_find_last
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Experimental support for class static blocks in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.class_static_blocks
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Experimental support for Import Assertions in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.import_assertions
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Support for Private Fields in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.private_fields
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Experimental support for Private Methods in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.private_methods
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Experimental support for the ergonomic brand check proposal.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.ergonomic_brand_checks
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Experimental support for change-array-by-copy methods
- name: javascript.options.experimental.enable_change_array_by_copy
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Experimental support for New Set methods
- name: javascript.options.experimental.enable_new_set_methods
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Experimental support for Top-level Await in JavaScript.
- name: javascript.options.experimental.top_level_await
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.wasm_caching
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The amount of time we wait between a request to GC (due to leaving a page) and doing the actual GC, in ms.
- name: javascript.options.gc_delay
type: uint32_t
value: 4000
mirror: always
# The amount of time we wait from the first request to GC to actually doing the first GC, in ms.
- name: javascript.options.gc_delay.first
type: uint32_t
value: 10000
mirror: always
# After doing a zonal GC, wait this much time (in ms) and then do a full GC,
# unless one is already pending.
- name: javascript.options.gc_delay.full
type: uint32_t
value: 60000
mirror: always
# Maximum amount of time that should elapse between incremental GC slices, in ms.
- name: javascript.options.gc_delay.interslice
type: uint32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
# nsJSEnvironmentObserver observes the memory-pressure notifications and
# forces a garbage collection and cycle collection when it happens, if the
# appropriate pref is set.
- name: javascript.options.gc_on_memory_pressure
type: bool
# Disable the JS engine's GC on memory pressure, since we do one in the
# mobile browser (bug 669346).
# XXX: this value possibly should be changed, or the pref removed entirely.
# See bug 1450787.
mirror: always
# We allow at most MIN(max, MAX(NUM_CPUS / cpu_divisor, 1)) concurrent GCs
# between processes
- name: javascript.options.concurrent_multiprocess_gcs.cpu_divisor
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4
mirror: always
# See 'cpu_divisor' above, 0 means UINT_32_MAX.
- name: javascript.options.concurrent_multiprocess_gcs.max
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.mem.log
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.mem.notify
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether the Parent process allocates and shares memory with all content
# processes. This is mirrored once, as the parent process will do this
# allocation early on.
- name: javascript.options.self_hosted.use_shared_memory
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.main_thread_stack_quota_cap
type: uint32_t
#if defined(MOZ_ASAN)
value: 6 * 1024 * 1024
value: 2 * 1024 * 1024
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.wasm_optimizingjit
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.wasm_relaxed_simd
type: bool
mirror: always
#endif // defined(ENABLE_WASM_RELAXED_SIMD)
- name: javascript.options.wasm_moz_intgemm
type: bool
mirror: always
#endif // defined(ENABLE_WASM_MOZ_INTGEMM)
- name: javascript.options.wasm_extended_const
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.wasm_exceptions
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: javascript.options.wasm_function_references
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(ENABLE_WASM_GC)
- name: javascript.options.wasm_gc
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#endif // defined(ENABLE_WASM_GC)
# This is x64-only and it would break unified macOS builds if
# it were in all.js. The feature rides the trains but not the
# pref to control it; in late beta and release, it is only
# available to privileged content.
- name: javascript.options.wasm_simd_wormhole
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(ENABLE_WASM_SIMD)
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_X64) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_X86)
# Enables AVX instructions support on X86/X64 platforms.
# Changing these prefs requires a restart.
- name: javascript.options.wasm_simd_avx
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
#if defined(ENABLE_WASM_MEMORY64)
- name: javascript.options.wasm_memory64
type: bool
mirror: always
#endif // defined(ENABLE_WASM_MEMORY64)
# Support for ArrayBuffers larger than 2 GB on 64-bit systems
- name: javascript.options.large_arraybuffers
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
# Support for pretenuring allocations based on their allocation site.
- name: javascript.options.site_based_pretenuring
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
#if !defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) && !defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64)
# Spectre security vulnerability mitigations for the JS JITs.
# NOTE: The MIPS backends do not support these mitigations (and generally
# do not need them). In that case, leave the pref unlisted with its
# default value of false.
- name: javascript.options.spectre.index_masking
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.spectre.object_mitigations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.spectre.string_mitigations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.spectre.value_masking
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: javascript.options.spectre.jit_to_cxx_calls
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always # LoadStartupJSPrefs
do_not_use_directly: true
#endif // !defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPSXX)
# Whether to use the XPCOM thread pool for JS helper tasks.
- name: javascript.options.external_thread_pool
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# Whether to use fdlibm for Math.sin, Math.cos, and Math.tan. When
# privacy.resistFingerprinting is true, this pref is ignored and fdlibm is used
# anyway.
- name: javascript.options.use_fdlibm_for_sin_cos_tan
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "layers."
# Whether to disable acceleration for all widgets.
- name: layers.acceleration.disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
# Instead, use gfxConfig::IsEnabled(Feature::HW_COMPOSITING).
# Whether to force acceleration on, ignoring blacklists.
# bug 838603 -- on Android, accidentally blacklisting OpenGL layers
# means a startup crash for everyone.
# Temporarily force-enable GL compositing. This is default-disabled
# deep within the bowels of the widgetry system. Remove me when GL
# compositing isn't default disabled in widget/android.
- name: layers.acceleration.force-enabled
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
# Whether we allow AMD switchable graphics.
- name: layers.amd-switchable-gfx.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Whether to use async panning and zooming.
- name: layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
do_not_use_directly: true
- name: layers.child-process-shutdown
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layers.d3d11.force-warp
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: layers.d3d11.enable-blacklist
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Enable DEAA antialiasing for transformed layers in the compositor.
- name: layers.deaa.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# Force all possible layers to be always active layers.
- name: layers.force-active
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layers.force-shmem-tiles
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: layers.draw-mask-debug
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layers.force-synchronous-resize
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
# We want to control it by nsWindow::SynchronouslyRepaintOnResize() on Linux/Wayland.
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layers.gpu-process.allow-software
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name: layers.gpu-process.enabled
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
value: true
value: false
mirror: once
- name: layers.gpu-process.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: layers.gpu-process.ipc_reply_timeout_ms
type: int32_t
value: 10000
mirror: once
# How many unstable GPU process restarts we allow for a given configuration.
- name: layers.gpu-process.max_restarts
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
#if defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: 6
value: 3
value: 1
mirror: always
# How many frames we must render before declaring the GPU process stable, and
# allow restarts without it counting against our maximum restarts.
- name: layers.gpu-process.stable.frame-threshold
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10
mirror: always
# How many milliseconds the GPU process must have lived before we accept that
# it is stable, and allow restarts without it counting against our maximum
# restarts.
- name: layers.gpu-process.stable.min-uptime-ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 4 * 60000
mirror: always
# Note: This pref will only be used if it is less than layers.gpu-process.max_restarts.
- name: layers.gpu-process.max_restarts_with_decoder
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: layers.gpu-process.startup_timeout_ms
type: int32_t
value: 5000
mirror: once
- name: layers.gpu-process.crash-also-crashes-browser
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layers.low-precision-buffer
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layers.low-precision-resolution
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.25f
mirror: always
# Whether to animate simple opacity and transforms on the compositor.
- name: layers.offmainthreadcomposition.async-animations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to log information about off main thread animations to stderr.
- name: layers.offmainthreadcomposition.log-animations
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layers.offmainthreadcomposition.force-disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Compositor target frame rate. NOTE: If vsync is enabled the compositor
# frame rate will still be capped.
# -1 -> default (match layout.frame_rate or 60 FPS)
# 0 -> full-tilt mode: Recomposite even if not transaction occured.
- name: layers.offmainthreadcomposition.frame-rate
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: -1
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_WIN
- name: layers.prefer-opengl
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Copy-on-write canvas.
- name: layers.shared-buffer-provider.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layers.recycle-allocator-rdd
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: layers.iosurfaceimage.recycle-limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 15
mirror: always
- name: layers.iosurfaceimage.use-nv12
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Prefs starting with "layout."
# Debug-only pref to force enable the AccessibleCaret. If you want to
# control AccessibleCaret by mouse, you'll need to set
# "layout.accessiblecaret.hide_carets_for_mouse_input" to false.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable the accessible caret on platforms/devices
# that we detect have touch support. Note that this pref is an
# additional way to enable the accessible carets, rather than
# overriding the layout.accessiblecaret.enabled pref.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.enabled_on_touch
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# By default, carets become tilt only when they are overlapping.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.always_tilt
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Show caret in cursor mode when long tapping on an empty content. This
# also changes the default update behavior in cursor mode, which is based
# on the emptiness of the content, into something more heuristic. See
# AccessibleCaretManager::UpdateCaretsForCursorMode() for the details.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.caret_shown_when_long_tapping_on_empty_content
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# 0 = by default, always hide carets for selection changes due to JS calls.
# 1 = update any visible carets for selection changes due to JS calls,
# but don't show carets if carets are hidden.
# 2 = always show carets for selection changes due to JS calls.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.script_change_update_mode
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Allow one caret to be dragged across the other caret without any limitation.
# This matches the built-in convention for all desktop platforms.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.allow_dragging_across_other_caret
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Optionally provide haptic feedback on long-press selection events.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.hapticfeedback
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Smart phone-number selection on long-press is not enabled by default.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.extend_selection_for_phone_number
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Keep the accessible carets hidden when the user is using mouse input (as
# opposed to touch/pen/etc.).
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.hide_carets_for_mouse_input
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# CSS attributes (width, height, margin-left) of the AccessibleCaret in CSS
# pixels.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.width
type: float
value: 34.0f
mirror: always
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.height
type: float
value: 36.0f
mirror: always
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.margin-left
type: float
value: -18.5f
mirror: always
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.transition-duration
type: float
value: 250.0f
mirror: always
# Simulate long tap events to select words. Mainly used in manual testing
# with mouse.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.use_long_tap_injector
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# To support magnify glass, whether we dispatch additional chrome event such as
# dragcaret.
- name: layout.accessiblecaret.magnifier.enabled
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# One of several prefs affecting the maximum area to pre-render when animating
# a large element on the compositor.
# This pref enables transform (and transform like properties) animations on a
# large element run on the compositor with rendering partial area of the
# element on the main thread instead of rendering the whole area. Once the
# animation tried to composite out of the partial rendered area, the animation
# is rendered again with the latest visible partial area.
- name: layout.animation.prerender.partial
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# One of several prefs affecting the maximum area to pre-render when animating
# a large element on the compositor.
# This value is applied to both x and y axes and a perfect square contructed
# by the greater axis value which will be capped by the absolute limits is used
# for the partial pre-render area.
- name: layout.animation.prerender.viewport-ratio-limit
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.125f
mirror: always
# One of several prefs affecting the maximum area to pre-render when animating
# a large element on the compositor.
- name: layout.animation.prerender.absolute-limit-x
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4096
mirror: always
# One of several prefs affecting the maximum area to pre-render when animating
# a large element on the compositor.
- name: layout.animation.prerender.absolute-limit-y
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4096
mirror: always
# Test-only pref, if this is true, partial pre-rendered transform animations
# get stuck when it reaches to the pre-rendered boundaries and the pre-render
# region is never updated.
- name: layout.animation.prerender.partial.jank
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Override DPI. A value of -1 means use the maximum of 96 and the system DPI.
# A value of 0 means use the system DPI. A positive value is used as the DPI.
# This sets the physical size of a device pixel and thus controls the
# interpretation of physical units such as "pt".
- name: layout.css.dpi
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: always
# Whether non-standard caption-side values are enabled
- name: layout.css.caption-side-non-standard.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether @layer is enabled
- name: layout.css.cascade-layers.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether Container Queries are enabled
- name: layout.css.container-queries.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether Constructable Stylesheets are enabled in script.
- name: layout.css.constructable-stylesheets.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether trigonometric constants and functions are enabled in calc().
- name: layout.css.trig.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Should we look for counter ancestor scopes first?
- name: layout.css.counter-ancestor-scope.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we get notified of history queries for visited even if unvisited.
- name: layout.css.notify-of-unvisited
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we always restyle / repaint as a result of a visited query
- name: layout.css.always-repaint-on-unvisited
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Make `zoom` a `transform` + `transform-origin` alias.
- name: layout.css.zoom-transform-hack.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether the `-moz-control-character-visibility` property is exposed to
# content.
# Only for testing purposes.
- name: layout.css.moz-control-character-visibility.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether the `accent-color` css property is enabled.
- name: layout.css.accent-color.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether the `color-scheme` css property and meta tags are enabled.
- name: layout.css.color-scheme.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# The minimum contrast ratio between the accent color foreground and background
# colors.
# We don't use this for text, so we need a contrast of at least AA (for user
# interface components and graphical objects), which per WCAG is 3:1
- name: layout.css.accent-color.min-contrast-ratio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 3.0
mirror: always
# The target contrast ratio between the accent color foreground and background
# colors when darkening.
# We aim a bit further than the minimum contrast ratio, which seems to provide
# nice results in practice.
- name: layout.css.accent-color.darkening-target-contrast-ratio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 6.0
mirror: always
# Whether the `aspect-ratio` in css-sizing-4 is enabled.
- name: layout.css.aspect-ratio.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is the codepath for using cached scrollbar styles enabled?
- name: layout.css.cached-scrollbar-styles.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we should return an empty style on invalid pseudo-elements starting
# with a colon.
# Old behavior is returning an empty style if the string starts with a double
# colon, and return the regular style otherwise.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether computed local-fragment-only image urls serialize using the same
# rules as filter/mask/etc (not resolving the URL for local refs).
# See
- name: layout.css.computed-style.dont-resolve-image-local-refs
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether we should expose all shorthands in getComputedStyle().
- name: layout.css.computed-style.shorthands
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we should avoid exposing styles of elements outside the flat tree in getComputedStyle().
- name: layout.css.computed-style.styles-outside-flat-tree
type: bool
mirror: always
# Are implicit tracks in computed grid templates serialized?
- name: layout.css.serialize-grid-implicit-tracks
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the system-ui generic family is enabled.
- name: layout.css.system-ui.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether the rule hash is applied to attribute names too, not
# only classes / id / namespaces / etc.
- name: layout.css.bucket-attribute-names.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Set the number of device pixels per CSS pixel. A value <= 0 means choose
# automatically based on user settings for the platform (e.g., "UI scale factor"
# on Mac). A positive value is used as-is. This effectively controls the size
# of a CSS "px". This is only used for windows on the screen, not for printing.
- name: layout.css.devPixelsPerPx
type: AtomicFloat
value: -1.0f
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS backdrop-filter enabled?
- name: layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Should stray control characters be rendered visibly?
- name: layout.css.control-characters.visible
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether the `content-visibility` CSS property is enabled
- name: layout.css.content-visibility.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for GeometryUtils.convert*FromNode enabled?
- name: layout.css.convertFromNode.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
- name: layout.css.cross-fade.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
- name: layout.css.linear-easing-function.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for color-mix on content enabled?
- name: layout.css.color-mix.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for color-mix with non-SRGB color spaces on content enabled?
- name: layout.css.color-mix.color-spaces.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for d property for SVG path element?
- name: layout.css.d-property.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Are we emulating -moz-{inline}-box layout using CSS flexbox?
- name: layout.css.emulate-moz-box-with-flex
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for fit-content() enabled?
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for the font-display @font-face descriptor enabled?
- name: layout.css.font-display.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for document.fonts enabled?
- name: layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for the @font-face metrics override descriptors enabled?
- name: layout.css.font-metrics-overrides.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for variation fonts enabled?
- name: layout.css.font-variations.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for the size-adjust @font-face descriptor enabled?
- name: layout.css.size-adjust.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is the optional adjustment-basis value for font-size-adjust enabled?
- name: layout.css.font-size-adjust.basis.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Visibility level of font families available to CSS font-matching:
# 1 - only base system fonts
# 2 - also fonts from optional language packs
# 3 - also user-installed fonts
- name: layout.css.font-visibility.standard
type: int32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# font-visibility setting when Tracking Protection is enabled
- name: layout.css.font-visibility.trackingprotection
type: int32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# font-visibility setting when Resist Fingerprinting is enabled
- name: layout.css.font-visibility.resistFingerprinting
type: int32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Max font-visibility setting for Private Browsing contexts
# (The actual value used in a private-browsing context will be the lesser of
# the appropriate standard/trackingprotection/RFP value from above, and the
# private-browsing level specified by this pref.)
- name: layout.css.font-visibility.private
type: int32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# Is support for GeometryUtils.getBoxQuads enabled?
- name: layout.css.getBoxQuads.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS "grid-template-{columns,rows}: subgrid X" enabled?
- name: layout.css.grid-template-subgrid-value.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for caching an grid item's block axis measurement enabled?
- name: layout.css.grid-item-baxis-measurement.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS masonry layout enabled?
- name: layout.css.grid-template-masonry-value.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for :has() enabled?
- name: layout.css.has-selector.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for CSS hyphenate-character enabled?
- name: layout.css.hyphenate-character.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS individual transform enabled?
- name: layout.css.individual-transform.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS initial-letter property enabled?
- name: layout.css.initial-letter.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to control whether line-height: -moz-block-height is exposed to content.
- name: layout.css.line-height-moz-block-height.content.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for motion-path enabled?
- name: layout.css.motion-path.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for motion-path ray() enabled?
- name: layout.css.motion-path-ray.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Pref to control whether the ::marker property restrictions defined in [1]
# apply.
# [1]:
- name: layout.css.marker.restricted
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for math-style enabled?
- name: layout.css.math-style.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for math-depth enabled?
# This must not be enabled until implementation is complete (see bug 1667090).
- name: layout.css.math-depth.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Pref to control whether @-moz-document rules are enabled in content pages.
- name: layout.css.moz-document.content.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is -moz-osx-font-smoothing enabled? (Only supported in OSX builds)
- name: layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled
type: bool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS overflow-clip-box enabled for non-UA sheets?
- name: layout.css.overflow-clip-box.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Is support for CSS overflow: -moz-hidden-unscrollable enabled
- name: layout.css.overflow-moz-hidden-unscrollable.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for overscroll-behavior enabled?
- name: layout.css.overscroll-behavior.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layout.css.overflow-logical.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enables support for the size property inside of CSS @page rules.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Enables support for the named pages
- name: layout.css.named-pages.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Dictates whether or not the prefers contrast media query will be
# usable.
# true: prefers-contrast will toggle based on OS and browser settings.
# false: prefers-contrast will only parse and toggle in the browser
# chrome and ua.
- name: layout.css.prefers-contrast.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# An override for prefers-color-scheme for content documents.
# Dark (0), light (1), system (2) or browser (3).
- name: layout.css.prefers-color-scheme.content-override
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 3
mirror: always
# Dictates whether or not the forced-colors media query is enabled.
- name: layout.css.forced-colors.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is support for -moz-prefixed animation properties enabled?
- name: layout.css.prefixes.animations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for -moz-border-image enabled?
- name: layout.css.prefixes.border-image
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for -moz-box-sizing enabled?
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for -moz-prefixed font feature properties enabled?
- name: layout.css.prefixes.font-features
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for -moz-prefixed transform properties enabled?
- name: layout.css.prefixes.transforms
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for -moz-prefixed transition properties enabled?
- name: layout.css.prefixes.transitions
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is CSS error reporting enabled?
- name: layout.css.report_errors
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Are inter-character ruby annotations enabled?
- name: layout.css.ruby.intercharacter.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layout.css.scroll-behavior.damping-ratio
type: AtomicFloat
value: 1.0f
mirror: always
- name: layout.css.supports-selector.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Tuning of the smooth scroll motion used by CSSOM-View scroll-behavior.
# Spring-constant controls the strength of the simulated MSD
# (Mass-Spring-Damper).
- name: layout.css.scroll-behavior.spring-constant
type: AtomicFloat
value: 250.0f
mirror: always
# Whether the scroll-linked animations generated by CSS is enabled. This
# includes @scroll-timeline css rule and animation-timelime property.
- name: layout.css.scroll-linked-animations.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# When selecting the snap point for CSS scroll snapping, the velocity of the
# scroll frame is clamped to this speed, in CSS pixels / s.
- name: layout.css.scroll-snap.prediction-max-velocity
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 2000
mirror: always
# When selecting the snap point for CSS scroll snapping, the velocity of the
# scroll frame is integrated over this duration, in seconds. The snap point
# best suited for this position is selected, enabling the user to perform fling
# gestures.
- name: layout.css.scroll-snap.prediction-sensitivity
type: AtomicFloat
value: 0.750f
mirror: always
# Set the threshold distance in CSS pixels below which scrolling will snap to
# an edge, when scroll snapping is set to "proximity".
- name: layout.css.scroll-snap.proximity-threshold
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 200
mirror: always
# Is steps(jump-*) supported in easing functions?
- name: layout.css.step-position-jump.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Are counters for implemented CSS properties enabled?
- name: layout.css.use-counters.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Are counters for unimplemented CSS properties enabled?
- name: layout.css.use-counters-unimplemented.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Should the :visited selector ever match (otherwise :link matches instead)?
- name: layout.css.visited_links_enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layout.css.xul-display-values.content.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Pref to control whether display: -moz-box and display: -moz-inline-box are
# parsed in content pages.
- name: layout.css.xul-box-display-values.content.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether to block large cursors intersecting UI.
- name: layout.cursor.block.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The maximum width or height of the cursor we should allow when intersecting
# the UI, in CSS pixels.
- name: layout.cursor.block.max-size
type: uint32_t
value: 32
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Toggle retaining display lists between paints.
- name: layout.display-list.retain
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Toggle retaining display lists between paints.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Set the maximum number of modified frames allowed before doing a full
# display list rebuild.
- name: layout.display-list.rebuild-frame-limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 500
mirror: always
# Pref to dump the display list to the log. Useful for debugging drawing.
- name: layout.display-list.dump
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to dump the display list to the log. Useful for debugging drawing.
- name: layout.display-list.dump-content
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to dump the display list to the log. Useful for debugging drawing.
- name: layout.display-list.dump-parent
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layout.display-list.flatten-transform
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layout.display-list.improve-fragmentation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Are dynamic reflow roots enabled?
- name: layout.dynamic-reflow-roots.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Enables the mechanism to optimize away flex item's final reflow.
# Warning: Disabling the pref will impact the performance. This is useful only for
# debugging flexbox issues.
- name: layout.flexbox.item-final-reflow-optimization.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enables the <input type=search> custom layout frame with a clear icon.
# Still needs tests and a web-exposed way to remove that icon, see bug 1654288.
- name: layout.forms.input-type-search.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enables the Reveal Password button inside a <input type=password>.
- name: layout.forms.reveal-password-button.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enables the Reveal Password context-menu entry.
- name: layout.forms.reveal-password-context-menu.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to control browser frame rate, in Hz. A value <= 0 means choose
# automatically based on knowledge of the platform (or 60Hz if no platform-
# specific information is available).
- name: layout.frame_rate
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: -1
mirror: always
# If it has been this many frame periods since a refresh, assume that painting
# is quiescent (will not happen again soon).
- name: layout.idle_period.required_quiescent_frames
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# The amount of time (milliseconds) needed between an idle period's
# end and the start of the next tick to avoid jank.
- name: layout.idle_period.time_limit
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# The minimum amount of time (milliseconds) required to be remaining
# in the current vsync interval for us to attempt an extra tick, or
# <0 to disable extra ticks entirely.
- name: layout.extra-tick.minimum-ms
type: int32_t
value: 4
mirror: always
# Enable/disable interruptible reflow, which allows reflows to stop
# before completion (and display the partial results) when user events
# are pending.
- name: layout.interruptible-reflow.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layout.min-active-layer-size
type: int32_t
value: 64
mirror: always
# On Android, don't synth mouse move events after scrolling, as they cause
# unexpected user-visible behaviour. Can remove this after bug 1633450 is
# satisfactorily resolved.
- name: layout.reflow.synthMouseMove
type: bool
mirror: always
# This pref is to be set by test code only.
- name: layout.scrollbars.always-layerize-track
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether anchor is kept selected.
- name: layout.selectanchor
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Controls caret style and word-delete during text selection.
# 0: Use platform default
# 1: Caret moves and blinks as when there is no selection; word
# delete deselects the selection and then deletes word.
# 2: Caret moves to selection edge and is not visible during selection;
# word delete deletes the selection (Mac and Linux default).
# 3: Caret moves and blinks as when there is no selection; word delete
# deletes the selection.
# Windows default is 1 for word delete behavior, the rest as for 2.
- name: layout.selection.caret_style
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# If layout.show_previous_page is true then during loading of a new page we
# will draw the previous page if the new page has painting suppressed.
- name: layout.show_previous_page
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Pref to stop overlay scrollbars from fading out, for testing purposes.
- name: layout.testing.overlay-scrollbars.always-visible
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Throttled frame rate, in frames per second.
- name: layout.throttled_frame_rate
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Whether we should throttle in-process iframes in the active tab.
- name: layout.throttle_in_process_iframes
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Activity granted to out-of-process iframes in the foreground tab, in milliseconds.
- name: layout.oopif_activity_grace_period_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: layout.lower_priority_refresh_driver_during_load
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If > 0, nsRefreshDriver will keep ticking this amount of milliseconds after
# top level page load.
- name: layout.keep_ticking_after_load_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# Is layout of CSS outline-style:auto enabled?
- name: layout.css.outline-style-auto.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Pref to control enabling scroll anchoring.
- name: layout.css.scroll-anchoring.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Pref to control how many consecutive scroll-anchoring adjustments (since the
# most recent user scroll) we'll average, before we consider whether to
# automatically turn off scroll anchoring. When we hit this threshold, the
# actual decision to disable also depends on the
# min-average-adjustment-threshold pref, see below for more details.
# Zero disables the heuristic.
- name: layout.css.scroll-anchoring.max-consecutive-adjustments
type: uint32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
# Pref to control whether we should disable scroll anchoring on a scroller
# where at least max-consecutive-adjustments have happened, and which the
# average adjustment ends up being less than this number, in CSS pixels.
# So, for example, given max-consecutive-adjustments=10 and
# min-average-adjustment-treshold=3, we'll block scroll anchoring if there have
# been 10 consecutive adjustments without a user scroll or more, and the
# average offset difference between them amount to less than 3 CSS pixels.
- name: layout.css.scroll-anchoring.min-average-adjustment-threshold
type: uint32_t
value: 3
mirror: always
# Pref to control disabling scroll anchoring suppression triggers, see
# Those triggers should be unnecessary after bug 1561450.
- name: layout.css.scroll-anchoring.suppressions.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: layout.css.scroll-anchoring.highlight
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to control whether we reselect scroll anchors if sub-optimal
# See
- name: layout.css.scroll-anchoring.reselect-if-suboptimal
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Are shared memory User Agent style sheets enabled?
- name: layout.css.shared-memory-ua-sheets.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for -webkit-line-clamp enabled?
- name: layout.css.webkit-line-clamp.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is 'content:none' supported on (non-pseudo) elements?
- name: layout.css.element-content-none.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
rust: true
# Is 'font-synthesis: small-caps' supported?
- name: layout.css.font-synthesis-small-caps.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether we want scrollbar-width: thin to behave as scrollbar-width: auto.
- name: layout.css.scrollbar-width-thin.disabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether the `scrollbar-gutter` CSS property is enabled.
- name: layout.css.scrollbar-gutter.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
rust: true
# Whether frame visibility tracking is enabled globally.
- name: layout.framevisibility.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# The fraction of the scrollport we allow to horizontally scroll by before we
# schedule an update of frame visibility.
- name: layout.framevisibility.amountscrollbeforeupdatehorizontal
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# The fraction of the scrollport we allow to vertically scroll by before we
# schedule an update of frame visibility.
- name: layout.framevisibility.amountscrollbeforeupdatevertical
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# The number of scrollports wide to expand when tracking frame visibility.
- name: layout.framevisibility.numscrollportwidths
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 1
value: 0
mirror: always
# The number of scrollports high to expand when tracking frame visibility.
- name: layout.framevisibility.numscrollportheights
type: uint32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Test only.
- name: layout.dynamic-toolbar-max-height
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether outlines should include all overflowing descendants, or just the
# border-box of a given element.
# Historically we have included descendants but other browsers have not.
- name: layout.outline.include-overflow
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layout.visibility.min-recompute-interval-ms
type: uint32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# Controls double click and Alt+Arrow word selection behavior.
- name: layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word
type: bool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether underscore should be treated as a word-breaking character for
# word selection/arrow-key movement purposes.
- name: layout.word_select.stop_at_underscore
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Should deprecated plugin behavior fallback to normal behavior or use
# the experimental design.
- name: layout.use-plugin-fallback
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to draw images in CSS backgrounds if we only have a partial frame.
- name: layout.display_partial_background_images
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Controls whether nsRefreshDriver::IsInHighRateMode() may ever return true.
- name: layout.expose_high_rate_mode_from_refreshdriver
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "mathml."
# Whether to disable deprecated style attributes background, color, fontfamily,
# fontsize, fontstyle and fontweight.
- name: mathml.deprecated_style_attributes.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable deprecated "radical" notation for the menclose element.
- name: mathml.deprecated_menclose_notation_radical.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable legacy names "small", "normal" and "big" for the
# mathsize attribute.
- name: mathml.mathsize_names.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable legacy names "thickmathspace", "mediummathspace",
# "thickmathspace" etc for length attributes.
- name: mathml.mathspace_names.disabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Whether to disable the mfrac bevelled attribute.
- name: mathml.mfrac_bevelled_attribute.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable legacy names "thin", "thick" and "medium" for the
# linethickness attribute of the mfrac element.
- name: mathml.mfrac_linethickness_names.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable deprecated numalign/denomalign/align attributes
- name: mathml.deprecated_alignment_attributes.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable subscriptshift and superscriptshift attributes.
- name: mathml.script_shift_attributes.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable the scriptminsize attribute.
# Note that this only disables parsing, not the default effect when no attribute
# is unspecified.
- name: mathml.scriptminsize_attribute.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable the scriptsizemultiplier attribute.
- name: mathml.scriptsizemultiplier_attribute.disabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to disable support for stretching operators with STIXGeneral fonts.
# macos still has the deprecated STIXGeneral font pre-installed.
- name: mathml.stixgeneral_operator_stretching.disabled
type: bool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "media."
# This pref defines what the blocking policy would be used in blocking autoplay.
# 0 : use sticky activation (default)
# 1 : use transient activation (the transient activation duration can be
# adjusted by the pref `dom.user_activation.transient.timeout`)
# 2 : user input depth (allow autoplay when the play is trigged by user input
# which is determined by the user input depth)
- name: media.autoplay.blocking_policy
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# File-backed MediaCache size.
- name: media.cache_size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 512000 # Measured in KiB
mirror: always
# Size of file backed MediaCache while on a connection which is cellular (3G,
# etc), and thus assumed to be "expensive".
- name: media.cache_size.cellular
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 32768 # Measured in KiB
mirror: always
# Whether cubeb is sandboxed (AudioIPC)
- name: media.cubeb.sandbox
type: bool
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(_ARM64_)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: false
value: false
# Whether cubeb sandbox (AudioIPC) is v2
- name: media.cubeb.sandbox_v2
type: bool
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
value: false
#elif defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(_ARM64_)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: false
value: false
# Whether or not to pass AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS_RAW when initializing audio
# streams when using WASAPI.
# 0 - don't use RAW streams
# 1 - use RAW streams for input streams only
# 2 - use RAW streams for output streams only
# 3 - use RAW streams for input and output streams
#if defined (XP_WIN)
- name: media.cubeb.wasapi-raw
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
mirror: always
value: 0
#endif // XP_WIN
# Whether to make the start of cubeb stream slower, and by how many
# milliseconds.
- name: media.cubeb.slow_stream_init_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
mirror: always
value: 0
# ClockDrift desired buffering in milliseconds
- name: media.clockdrift.buffering
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
mirror: always
value: 50
# If a resource is known to be smaller than this size (in kilobytes), a
# memory-backed MediaCache may be used; otherwise the (single shared global)
# file-backed MediaCache is used.
- name: media.memory_cache_max_size
type: uint32_t
value: 8192 # Measured in KiB
mirror: always
# Don't create more memory-backed MediaCaches if their combined size would go
# above this absolute size limit.
- name: media.memory_caches_combined_limit_kb
type: uint32_t
value: 524288
mirror: always
# Don't create more memory-backed MediaCaches if their combined size would go
# above this relative size limit (a percentage of physical memory).
- name: media.memory_caches_combined_limit_pc_sysmem
type: uint32_t
value: 5 # A percentage
mirror: always
# When a network connection is suspended, don't resume it until the amount of
# buffered data falls below this threshold (in seconds).
- name: media.cache_resume_threshold
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 30
mirror: always
- name: media.cache_resume_threshold.cellular
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10
mirror: always
# Stop reading ahead when our buffered data is this many seconds ahead of the
# current playback position. This limit can stop us from using arbitrary
# amounts of network bandwidth prefetching huge videos.
- name: media.cache_readahead_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 60
mirror: always
- name: media.cache_readahead_limit.cellular
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 30
mirror: always
# MediaCapabilities
- name: media.mediacapabilities.drop-threshold
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 95
mirror: always
- name: media.mediacapabilities.from-database
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# AudioSink
- name: media.resampling.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# libcubeb backend implements .get_preferred_channel_layout
- name: media.forcestereo.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_DARWIN) || defined(MOZ_PULSEAUDIO)
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# MediaSource
# Whether to enable MediaSource support.
- name: media.mediasource.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.mediasource.mp4.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.mediasource.webm.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Check if vp9 is enabled by default in mediasource. False on Android.
# If disabled, vp9 will only be enabled under some conditions:
# - h264 HW decoding is not supported
# - mp4 is not enabled
# - Device was deemed fast enough to decode VP9 via the VP9Benchmark utility
# - A VP9 HW decoder is present.
- name: media.mediasource.vp9.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to enable MediaSource v2 support.
- name: media.mediasource.experimental.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# VideoSink
- name: media.ruin-av-sync.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Encrypted Media Extensions
- name: media.eme.enabled
type: bool
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
# On Linux EME is visible but disabled by default. This is so that the "Play
# DRM content" checkbox in the Firefox UI is unchecked by default. DRM
# requires downloading and installing proprietary binaries, which users on an
# open source operating systems didn't opt into. The first time a site using
# EME is encountered, the user will be prompted to enable DRM, whereupon the
# EME plugin binaries will be downloaded if permission is granted.
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we expose the functionality proposed in
# I.e. if true, apps calling navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() can pass
# an optional encryption scheme as part of MediaKeySystemMediaCapability
# objects. If a scheme is present when we check for support, we must ensure we
# support that scheme in order to provide key system access.
- name: media.eme.encrypted-media-encryption-scheme.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Do we need explicit approval from the application to allow access to EME?
# If true, Gecko will ask for permission before allowing MediaKeySystemAccess.
# At time of writing this is aimed at GeckoView, and setting this to true
# outside of GeckoView or test environments will likely break EME.
- name: media.eme.require-app-approval
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 6
mirror: always
# Is support for MediaKeys.getStatusForPolicy enabled?
- name: media.eme.hdcp-policy-check.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.eme.max-throughput-ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 500
mirror: always
- name: media.clearkey.persistent-license.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Are test specific clearkey key systems enabled and exposed?
- name: media.clearkey.test-key-systems.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.cloneElementVisually.testing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
# Whether to allow, on a Linux system that doesn't support the necessary
# sandboxing features, loading Gecko Media Plugins unsandboxed. However, EME
# CDMs will not be loaded without sandboxing even if this pref is changed.
- name: media.gmp.insecure.allow
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# These prefs control whether or not a universal build running on
# an Apple Silicon machine will attempt to use an x64 Widevine or
# OpenH264 plugin. This requires launching the GMP child process
# executable in x64 mode. We expect to allow this for Widevine until
# an arm64 version of Widevine is made available. We don't expect
# to need to allow this for OpenH264.
# Allow a Widevine GMP x64 process to be executed on ARM builds.
- name: media.gmp-widevinecdm.allow-x64-plugin-on-arm64
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Don't allow an OpenH264 GMP x64 process to be executed on ARM builds.
- name: media.gmp-gmpopenh264.allow-x64-plugin-on-arm64
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Specifies whether the PDMFactory can create a test decoder that just outputs
# blank frames/audio instead of actually decoding. The blank decoder works on
# all platforms.
- name: media.use-blank-decoder
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.gpu-process-decoder
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-process.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-retryonfailure.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-process.startup_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Specifies how many times we restart RDD process after crash till we give up.
# After first RDD restart we disable HW acceleration on Linux.
- name: media.rdd-process.max-crashes
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 2
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-ffmpeg.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
#ifdef MOZ_FFVPX
- name: media.rdd-ffvpx.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef MOZ_WMF
- name: media.rdd-wmf.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-applemedia.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-theora.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-vorbis.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-vpx.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-wav.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-opus.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_FREEBSD)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.rdd-webaudio.batch.size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 100
mirror: always
# This pref is here to control whether we want to perform audio decoding by
# using the IPC actor within the Utility process rather than the RDD process.
# When it is set to true, then the utility process will take precedence over RDD
# to perform audio decoding.
# TODO: Android: Bug 1767930
- name: media.utility-process.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(ANDROID)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_OPENBSD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.utility-ffmpeg.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
#ifdef MOZ_FFVPX
- name: media.utility-ffvpx.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
#ifdef MOZ_WMF
- name: media.utility-wmf.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.utility-applemedia.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.utility-vorbis.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.utility-wav.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.utility-opus.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
#ifdef ANDROID
# Enable the MediaCodec PlatformDecoderModule by default.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Bug 1771196
# Dont yet enable AndroidDecoderModule on Utility
- name: media.utility-android-media-codec.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
#endif # ANDROID
#ifdef MOZ_OMX
- name: media.omx.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow ffmpeg decoder to decode directly onto shmem buffer
- name: media.ffmpeg.customized-buffer-allocation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.ffmpeg.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.libavcodec.allow-obsolete
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Use VA-API for ffmpeg video playback on Linux
- name: media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#endif # MOZ_WAYLAND
#endif # MOZ_FFMPEG
- name: media.ffvpx.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef MOZ_FFVPX
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.ffvpx.mp3.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef MOZ_FFVPX
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Set to true in marionette tests to disable the sanity test
# which would lead to unnecessary start of the RDD process.
- name: media.sanity-test.disabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef MOZ_WMF
- name: media.wmf.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether DD should consider WMF-disabled a WMF failure, useful for testing.
- name: media.decoder-doctor.wmf-disabled-is-failure
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.dxva.d3d11.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.dxva.max-videos
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.use-nv12-format
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Enable hardware decoded video no copy even when it is blocked.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: media.wmf.force.allow-p010-format
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.use-sync-texture
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
- name: media.wmf.low-latency.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.low-latency.force-disabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.skip-blacklist
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.amd.highres.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.allow-unsupported-resolutions
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.vp9.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.wmf.av1.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Using Windows Media Foundation Media Engine for encrypted playback
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Testing purpose, enable video stream for the media engine.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Testing purpose, enable media engine on channel decoder as well.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#endif # MOZ_WMF
- name: media.decoder-doctor.testing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.hardware-video-decoding.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Whether to check the decoder supports recycling.
- name: media.decoder.recycle.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Should MFR try to skip to the next key frame?
- name: media.decoder.skip-to-next-key-frame.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When video continues later than the current media time for this period of
# time, then it will trigger skip-to-next-keyframe mechanism. As this aims to
# solve the drop frames issue where video decoding too slow for high
# resolution videos. eg. 4k+. Therefore, the value is is determined by the
# telemetry probe `video_inter_keyframe_max_ms` in the key of `AV,h>2160` which
# shows that 95% video's key frame interval are less than ~5000. We use its
# half value as a threashold to decide whether we should keep decoding in the
# current video position or jump to the next keyframe in order to decode future
# frames in advance.
- name: media.decoder.skip_when_video_too_slow_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 2500
mirror: always
- name: media.gmp.decoder.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to suspend decoding of videos in background tabs.
- name: media.suspend-bkgnd-video.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Delay, in ms, from time window goes to background to suspending
# video decoders. Defaults to 10 seconds.
- name: media.suspend-bkgnd-video.delay-ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10000
mirror: always
- name: media.dormant-on-pause-timeout-ms
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# AudioTrack and VideoTrack support
- name: media.track.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref disables the reception of RTCP. It is used for testing.
- name:
type: ReleaseAcquireAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# TextTrack WebVTT Region extension support.
- name: media.webvtt.regions.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# This pref controls whether dispatch testing-only events.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.synth.force_global_queue
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.test.enable
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.test.fake_fsm_events
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.test.fake_recognition_service
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.recognition.enable
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.recognition.force_enable
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webspeech.synth.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.encoder.webm.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: uint32_t
#if defined(RELEASE_OR_BETA)
value: 3
# Zero tolerance in pre-release builds to detect any decoder regression.
value: 0
mirror: always
- name:
type: uint32_t
#if defined(RELEASE_OR_BETA)
value: 2
# Zero tolerance in pre-release builds to detect any decoder regression.
value: 0
mirror: always
# Are video stats enabled? (Disabling can help prevent fingerprinting.)
- name: media.video_stats.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# forces the number of dropped frames to 0
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Opus
- name: media.opus.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Wave
- name: media.wave.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Ogg
- name: media.ogg.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# WebM
- name: media.webm.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# AV1
- name: media.av1.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(_ARM64_)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.av1.use-dav1d
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN) && !defined(_ARM64_)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: true
#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.av1.force-thread-count
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: media.flac.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Hls
- name: media.hls.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Max number of HLS players that can be created concurrently. Used only on
# Android and when "media.hls.enabled" is true.
#ifdef ANDROID
- name: media.hls.max-allocations
type: uint32_t
value: 20
mirror: always
- name: media.mp4.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef MOZ_FMP4
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.mp4.sniff_iso_brand
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Error/warning handling, Decoder Doctor.
# Set to true to force demux/decode warnings to be treated as errors.
- name: media.playback.warnings-as-errors
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Resume video decoding when the cursor is hovering on a background tab to
# reduce the resume latency and improve the user experience.
- name: media.resume-bkgnd-video-on-tabhover
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.videocontrols.lock-video-orientation
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Media Seamless Looping
- name: media.seamless-looping
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.autoplay.block-event.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.benchmark.vp9.fps
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: media.benchmark.vp9.threshold
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 150
mirror: always
- name: media.benchmark.vp9.versioncheck
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: media.benchmark.frames
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 300
mirror: always
- name: media.benchmark.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# MediaCapture prefs follow
# Enables navigator.mediaDevices and getUserMedia() support. See also
# media.peerconnection.enabled
- name: media.navigator.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# This pref turns off window-focus checks on the navigator.mediaDevices methods,
# for partner testing frameworks.
# Prefer "focusmanager.testmode", which is already set by default for
# web-platform tests.
- name: media.devices.unfocused.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref turns off [SecureContext] on the navigator.mediaDevices object, for
# more compatible legacy behavior.
- name: media.devices.insecure.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If the above pref is also enabled, this pref enabled getUserMedia() support
# in http, bypassing the instant NotAllowedError you get otherwise.
- name: media.getusermedia.insecure.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable tab sharing
- name: media.getusermedia.browser.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The getDisplayMedia method is always SecureContext regardless of the above two
# prefs. But it is not implemented on android, and can be turned off elsewhere.
- name: media.getdisplaymedia.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Turn off any cameras (but not mics) while in the background. This is desirable
# on mobile.
- name:
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# WebRTC prefs follow
# Enables RTCPeerConnection support. Note that, when true, this pref enables
# navigator.mediaDevices and getUserMedia() support as well.
# See also media.navigator.enabled
- name: media.peerconnection.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.peerconnection.dtmf.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: media.peerconnection.identity.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Use MediaDataDecoder API for VP8/VP9 in WebRTC. This includes hardware
# acceleration for decoding.
- name: media.navigator.mediadatadecoder_vpx_enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Use MediaDataDecoder API for H264 in WebRTC. This includes hardware
# acceleration for decoding.
- name: media.navigator.mediadatadecoder_h264_enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(_ARM64_) && defined(XP_WIN)
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
#endif # MOZ_WEBRTC
# HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay should be exposed to web content when
# block autoplay rides the trains to release. Until then, Nightly only.
- name: media.allowed-to-play.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Is support for MediaDevices.ondevicechange enabled?
- name: media.ondevicechange.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for HTMLMediaElement.seekToNextFrame enabled?
- name: media.seekToNextFrame.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# setSinkId will be enabled in bug 1498512. Till then the
# implementation will remain hidden behind this pref (Bug 1152401, Bug 934425).
- name: media.setsinkid.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Turn on this pref can enable test-only events for media element.
- name: media.testing-only-events
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.useAudioChannelService.testing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.hardwaremediakeys.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If this pref is on, then `` would take
# effect and determine the timing to stop controlling media.
- name: media.mediacontrol.stopcontrol.timer
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If media is being paused after a certain period, then we would think that
# media doesn't need to be controlled anymore. Therefore, that media would stop
# listening to the media control key events. The value of this pref is how long
# media would stop listening to the event after it's paused. The default value
# is set to 24 hrs (24*60*60*1000)
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 86400000
mirror: always
# If this pref is on, we would stop controlling media after it reaches to the
# end.
- name: media.mediacontrol.stopcontrol.aftermediaends
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# We would only use media control to control media which duration is longer
# than this value.
- name:
type: AtomicFloat
value: 3.0f
mirror: always
- name: media.webrtc.platformencoder
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webrtc.software_encoder.fallback
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webrtc.platformencoder.sw_mft
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground
type: bool
#if !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: media.webrtc.hw.h264.enabled
type: bool
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# If true, then we require explicit approval from the embedding app (ex. Fenix)
# on GeckoView to know if we can allow audible, inaudible media or both kinds
# of media to autoplay.
- name: media.geckoview.autoplay.request
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# This is used in testing only, in order to skip the prompting process. This
# pref works only when enabling the pref `media.geckoview.autoplay.request`.
# 0=prompt as normal, 1=allow all, 2=deny all, 3=allow audible request,
# 4=deny audible request, 5=allow inaudible request, 6=deny inaudible request.
# 7=leave all requests pending.
- name: media.geckoview.autoplay.request.testing
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: media.mediacontrol.testingevents.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
- name: media.macos.screenrecording.oscheck.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# When the playback rate of an HTMLMediaElement is greater than this value, or
# lower than the inverse of this value, the audio is muted.
- name:
type: uint32_t
value: 8
mirror: always
# Time-stretch algorithm single processing sequence length in milliseconds.
# This determines to how long sequences the original sound is chopped in the
# time-stretch algorithm.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 10
mirror: always
# Time-stretch algorithm seeking window length in milliseconds for algorithm
# that finds the best possible overlapping location. This determines from how
# wide window the algorithm may look for an optimal joining location when mixing
# the sound sequences back together.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 15
mirror: always
# Time-stretch algorithm overlap length in milliseconds. When the chopped sound
# sequences are mixed back together, to form a continuous sound stream, this
# parameter defines over how long period the two consecutive sequences are let
# to overlap each other.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 8
mirror: always
# The duration, in milliseconds, of decoded audio to keep around in the
# AudioSink ring-buffer. New decoding operations are started when this limit is
# reached. The total size of the ring-buffer is slightly bigger than this.
- name:
type: AtomicFloat
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) && defined(MOZ_AARCH64)
value: 1000.0
value: 200.0
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "midi."
- name: midi.testing
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "mousewheel."
# This affects how line scrolls from wheel events will be accelerated.
# Factor to be multiplied for constant acceleration.
- name: mousewheel.acceleration.factor
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 10
mirror: always
# This affects how line scrolls from wheel events will be accelerated.
# Number of mousewheel clicks when acceleration starts.
# Acceleration can be turned off if pref is set to -1.
- name: mousewheel.acceleration.start
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: -1
mirror: always
# Auto-dir is a feature which treats any single-wheel scroll as a scroll in the
# only one scrollable direction if the target has only one scrollable
# direction. For example, if the user scrolls a vertical wheel inside a target
# which is horizontally scrollable but vertical unscrollable, then the vertical
# scroll is converted to a horizontal scroll for that target.
# Note that auto-dir only takes effect for |mousewheel.*.action|s and
# |mousewheel.*.action.override_x|s whose values are 1.
- name: mousewheel.autodir.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# When a wheel scroll is converted due to auto-dir, which side the converted
# scroll goes towards is decided by one thing called "honoured target". If the
# content of the honoured target horizontally starts from right to left, then
# an upward scroll maps to a rightward scroll and a downward scroll maps to a
# leftward scroll; otherwise, an upward scroll maps to a leftward scroll and a
# downward scroll maps to a rightward scroll.
# If this pref is set to false, then consider the scrolling target as the
# honoured target.
# If set to true, then consider the root element in the document where the
# scrolling target is as the honoured target. But note that there's one
# exception: for targets in an HTML document, the real root element(I.e. the
# <html> element) is typically not considered as a root element, but the <body>
# element is typically considered as a root element. If there is no <body>
# element, then consider the <html> element instead.
- name: mousewheel.autodir.honourroot
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs for overriding the system mouse wheel scrolling speed on
# content of the web pages. When
# "mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled" is true and the
# system scrolling speed isn't customized by the user, the content scrolling
# speed is multiplied by the following factors. The value will be used as
# 1/100. E.g., 200 means 2.00.
# NOTE: Even if "mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled" is
# true, when Gecko detects the user customized the system scrolling speed
# settings, the override isn't executed.
- name: mousewheel.system_scroll_override.horizontal.factor
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 200
mirror: always
- name: mousewheel.system_scroll_override.vertical.factor
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 200
mirror: always
# Mouse wheel scroll transaction is held even if the mouse cursor is moved.
- name: mousewheel.transaction.ignoremovedelay
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 100
mirror: always
# Mouse wheel scroll transaction period of time (in milliseconds).
- name: mousewheel.transaction.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1500
mirror: always
# Mouse wheel scroll position is determined by GetMessagePos rather than
# LPARAM msg value
- name: mousewheel.ignore_cursor_position_in_lparam
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If line-height is lower than this value (in device pixels), 1 line scroll
# scrolls this height.
- name: mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "mozilla."
- name: mozilla.widget.raise-on-setfocus
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Prefs starting with "network."
# Force less-secure NTLMv1 when needed (NTLMv2 is the default).
- name: network.auth.force-generic-ntlm-v1
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Sub-resources HTTP-authentication:
# 0 - don't allow sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials
# dialogs
# 1 - allow sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials dialogs,
# but don't allow it for cross-origin sub-resources
# 2 - allow the cross-origin authentication as well.
- name: network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Sub-resources HTTP-authentication for cross-origin images:
# - true: It is allowed to present http auth. dialog for cross-origin images.
# - false: It is not allowed.
# If network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow has values 0 or 1 this pref does
# not have any effect.
- name: network.auth.subresource-img-cross-origin-http-auth-allow
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Resources that are triggered by some non-web-content:
# - true: They are allow to present http auth. dialog
# - false: They are not allow to present http auth. dialog.
- name: network.auth.non-web-content-triggered-resources-http-auth-allow
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to show anti-spoof confirmation prompts when navigating to a url
# with userinfo
- name: network.auth.confirmAuth.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to use new implementation of ParseReasm
- name: network.auth.use_new_parse_realm
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to use new implementation of ParseReasm
- name: network.auth.allow_multiple_challenges_same_line
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to use challenges in the most secure order. See bug 650091.
- name: network.auth.choose_most_secure_challenge
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# See the full list of values in nsICookieService.idl.
- name: network.cookie.cookieBehavior
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0 # accept all cookies
mirror: always
# See the full list of values in nsICookieService.idl.
- name: network.cookie.rejectForeignWithExceptions.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# The cookieBehavior to be used in Private Browsing mode.
- name: network.cookie.cookieBehavior.pbmode
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0 # accept all cookies
mirror: always
# Stale threshold for cookies in seconds.
- name: network.cookie.staleThreshold
type: uint32_t
value: 60
mirror: always
- name: network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# lax-by-default 2 minutes tollerance for unsafe methods. The value is in seconds.
- name: network.cookie.sameSite.laxPlusPOST.timeout
type: uint32_t
value: 120
mirror: always
- name: network.cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.cookie.sameSite.schemeful
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.cookie.thirdparty.nonsecureSessionOnly
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If we should not store "persistent" cookies at all, i.e., make the
# "persistent" storage be like "private" storage. This value is only read when
# instantiating persistent storage for the cookie service, which usually only
# happens when the cookie service singleton is created.
- name: network.cookie.noPersistentStorage
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If we should attempt to race the cache and network.
- name: network.http.rcwn.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.rcwn.cache_queue_normal_threshold
type: uint32_t
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: network.http.rcwn.cache_queue_priority_threshold
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# We might attempt to race the cache with the network only if a resource
# is smaller than this size.
- name: network.http.rcwn.small_resource_size_kb
type: uint32_t
value: 256
mirror: always
- name: network.http.rcwn.min_wait_before_racing_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: network.http.rcwn.max_wait_before_racing_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 500
mirror: always
# false=real referer, true=spoof referer (use target URI as referer).
- name: network.http.referer.spoofSource
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Check whether we need to hide referrer when leaving a .onion domain.
# false=allow onion referer, true=hide onion referer (use empty referer).
- name: network.http.referer.hideOnionSource
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Include an origin header on non-GET and non-HEAD requests regardless of CORS.
# 0=never send, 1=send when same-origin only, 2=always send.
- name: network.http.sendOriginHeader
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether to respect the redirected-tainted origin flag
- name: network.http.origin.redirectTainted
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs allowing granular control of referers.
# 0=don't send any, 1=send only on clicks, 2=send on image requests as well
- name: network.http.sendRefererHeader
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# The maximum allowed length for a referrer header - 4096 default.
# 0 means no limit.
- name: network.http.referer.referrerLengthLimit
type: uint32_t
value: 4096
mirror: always
# 0=always send, 1=send iff base domains match, 2=send iff hosts match.
- name: network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# 0=full URI, 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port.
- name: network.http.referer.trimmingPolicy
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# 0=full URI, 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port.
- name: network.http.referer.XOriginTrimmingPolicy
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# Set the default Referrer Policy; to be used unless overriden by the site.
# 0=no-referrer, 1=same-origin, 2=strict-origin-when-cross-origin,
# 3=no-referrer-when-downgrade.
- name: network.http.referer.defaultPolicy
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Set the default Referrer Policy applied to third-party trackers when the
# default cookie policy is set to reject third-party trackers, to be used
# unless overriden by the site.
# 0=no-referrer, 1=same-origin, 2=strict-origin-when-cross-origin,
# 3=no-referrer-when-downgrade.
# Trim referrers from trackers to origins by default.
- name: network.http.referer.defaultPolicy.trackers
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Set the Private Browsing Default Referrer Policy, to be used
# unless overriden by the site.
# 0=no-referrer, 1=same-origin, 2=strict-origin-when-cross-origin,
# 3=no-referrer-when-downgrade.
- name: network.http.referer.defaultPolicy.pbmode
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Set to ignore referrer policies which is less restricted than the default for
# cross-site requests, including 'unsafe-url', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' and
# 'origin-when-cross-origin'.
- name: network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we ignore less restricted referrer policies for top navigations.
- name: network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault.top_navigation
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Set to ignore referrer policies which is less restricted than the default for
# cross-site requests in the private browsing mode, including 'unsafe-url',
# 'no-referrer-when-downgrade' and 'origin-when-cross-origin'.
- name: network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault.pbmode
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we ignore less restricted referrer policies for top navigations in the
# private browsing mode.
- name: network.http.referer.disallowCrossSiteRelaxingDefault.pbmode.top_navigation
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Set the Private Browsing Default Referrer Policy applied to third-party
# trackers when the default cookie policy is set to reject third-party
# trackers, to be used unless overriden by the site.
# 0=no-referrer, 1=same-origin, 2=strict-origin-when-cross-origin,
# 3=no-referrer-when-downgrade.
# No need to change this pref for trimming referrers from trackers since in
# private windows we already trim all referrers to origin only.
- name: network.http.referer.defaultPolicy.trackers.pbmode
type: uint32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether certain http header values should be censored out in logs.
# Specifically filters out "authorization" and "proxy-authorization".
- name: network.http.sanitize-headers-in-logs
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Set this pref to an integer like 99 to override the User-Agent string's
# Firefox version. The value 0 means use the default Firefox version. If
# enterprise users rely on sites that aren't compatible with Firefox version
# 100's three-digit version number, enterprise admins can set this pref to a
# known-good version (like 99) in an enterprise policy file.
- name: network.http.useragent.forceVersion
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether or not we use Windows for SSO to Microsoft sites.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The factor by which to increase the keepalive timeout when the
# NS_HTTP_LARGE_KEEPALIVE flag is used for a connection
- name: network.http.largeKeepaliveFactor
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10
mirror: always
# If set to true, IOService.offline depends on IOService.connectivity.
- name: network.offline-mirrors-connectivity
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If set to true, disallow localhost connections when offline.
- name: network.disable-localhost-when-offline
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enables the predictive service.
- name: network.predictor.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Set true to allow resolving proxy for localhost
- name: network.proxy.allow_hijacking_localhost
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref will still treat localhost URLs as secure even when hijacked
# during testing. This is necessary for automated testing to check that we
# actually treat localhost as a secure origin.
- name: network.proxy.testing_localhost_is_secure_when_hijacked
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow CookieJarSettings to be unblocked for channels without a document.
# This is for testing only.
- name: network.cookieJarSettings.unblocked_for_testing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.enable-hover-on-ssl
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.enable-prefetch
type: bool
mirror: always
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 25
mirror: always
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 50
mirror: always
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.subresource-degradation.week
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.subresource-degradation.month
type: int32_t
value: 25
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.subresource-degradation.year
type: int32_t
value: 50
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.subresource-degradation.max
type: int32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.prefetch-rolling-load-count
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.prefetch-min-confidence
type: int32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.preconnect-min-confidence
type: int32_t
value: 90
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.preresolve-min-confidence
type: int32_t
value: 60
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.prefetch-force-valid-for
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
- name: network.predictor.max-resources-per-entry
type: int32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
# This is selected in concert with max-resources-per-entry to keep memory
# usage low-ish. The default of the combo of the two is ~50k.
- name: network.predictor.max-uri-length
type: uint32_t
value: 500
mirror: always
# A testing flag.
- name: network.predictor.doing-tests
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enables `<link rel="preload">` tag and `Link: rel=preload` response header handling.
- name: network.preload
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable 103 Early Hint status code (RFC 8297)
- name: network.early-hints.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to use the network process or not
# Start a separate socket process. Performing networking on the socket process
# is control by a sepparate pref
# ("network.http.network_access_on_socket_process.enabled").
# Changing these prefs requires a restart.
- name: network.process.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(MOZ_THUNDERBIRD)
value: false # see bug 1641427
value: true
# Whether we can send OnDataAvailable to content process directly.
- name: network.send_ODA_to_content_directly
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Perform all network access on the socket process.
# The pref requires "network.process.enabled" to be true.
# Changing these prefs requires a restart.
- name: network.http.network_access_on_socket_process.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
value: false
# Telemetry of traffic categories. Whether or not to enable HttpTrafficAnalyzer.
- name: network.traffic_analyzer.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether DNS resolution is limited to literals and cached entries.
- name: network.dns.disabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether DNS resolution is limited to literals and cached entries.
- name: network.dns.skipTRR-when-parental-control-enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.dns.disablePrefetchFromHTTPS
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Max time to shutdown the resolver threads
- name: network.dns.resolver_shutdown_timeout_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 2000
mirror: always
# When true on Windows DNS resolutions for single label domains
# (domains that don't contain a dot) will be resolved using the DnsQuery
# API instead of PR_GetAddrInfoByName
- name: network.dns.dns_query_single_label
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# When this pref is true we enforce a 253 character limit on domains we try to
# resolve. See bug 1264117. If it doesn't cause any web-compat issues we can
# remove it in a few releases
- name: network.dns.limit_253_chars
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When this pref is true, we copy the host name to a fresh string before
# calling into getaddrinfo.
- name: network.dns.copy_string_before_call
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The proxy type. See nsIProtocolProxyService.idl
- name: network.proxy.type
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5
mirror: always
# Whether the SOCKS proxy should be in charge of DNS resolution.
- name: network.proxy.socks_remote_dns
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# When receiving a network change event, the time (in ms) we wait to reload the
# PAC url.
- name: network.proxy.reload_pac_delay
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2000
mirror: always
# When parsing "SOCKS" in PAC string, the default version of SOCKS that will be
# used.
- name: network.proxy.default_pac_script_socks_version
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4
mirror: always
# Whether to force failover to direct for system requests.
- name: network.proxy.failover_direct
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to allow a bypass flag to be set on httpChannel that will
# prevent proxies from being used for that specific request.
- name: network.proxy.allow_bypass
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.proxy.parse_pac_on_socket_process
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.proxy.detect_system_proxy_changes
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Some requests during a page load are marked as "tail", mainly trackers, but not only.
# This pref controls whether such requests are put to the tail, behind other requests
# emerging during page loading process.
- name: network.http.tailing.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to run proxy checks when processing Alt-Svc headers.
- name: network.http.altsvc.proxy_checks
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.stale_while_revalidate.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to cache SSL resumption tokens in necko.
- name: network.ssl_tokens_cache_enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Capacity of the above cache, in kilobytes.
- name: network.ssl_tokens_cache_capacity
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2048
mirror: always
# The maximum allowed length for a URL - 1MB default.
- name: network.standard-url.max-length
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1048576
mirror: always
# Default global TRR provider
- name: network.trr.default_provider_uri
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# If true, retry TRR for recoverable errors once.
- name: network.trr.retry_on_recoverable_errors
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If true, don't fallback to native DNS upon network errors.
- name: network.trr.strict_native_fallback
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# If true, we'll fallback to native if the retry also times out.
- name: network.trr.strict_native_fallback_allow_timeouts
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Single TRR request timeout (ms) when strict native fallback is enabled.
- name: network.trr.strict_fallback_request_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 6000
mirror: always
# If false, the temporary blocklisting feature is disabled.
# This is useful for tests to prevent bleeding extra reqs
# between tasks, since we may attempt to look up the
# parent domain in the background when blocklisting a host.
- name: network.trr.temp_blocklist
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# TRR blocklist entry expire time (in seconds). Default is one minute.
# Meant to survive basically a page load.
- name: network.trr.temp_blocklist_duration_sec
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 60
mirror: always
# Single TRR request timeout, in milliseconds
- name: network.trr.request_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1500
mirror: always
# Single TRR request timeout, in milliseconds for mode 3
- name: network.trr.request_timeout_mode_trronly_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 30000
mirror: always
# The timeout of the TRR confirmation request
- name: network.trr.confirmation_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 6000
mirror: always
# The timeout of the TRR confirmation request
- name: network.trr.confirmation_telemetry_enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to send the Accept-Language header for TRR requests
- name: network.trr.send_accept-language_headers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to send an empty Accept-Encoding header for TRR requests
- name: network.trr.send_empty_accept-encoding_headers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to send the User-Agent header for TRR requests
- name: network.trr.send_user-agent_headers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref controls whether to use TRRServiceChannel off main thread.
- name: network.trr.fetch_off_main_thread
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If we should wait for captive portal confirmation before enabling TRR
- name: network.trr.wait-for-portal
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If we should wait for TRR service confirmation to complete before enabling
# TRR for lookups when fallback is enabled. Confirmation is always skipped when
# global mode is TRR-only (no fallback).
- name: network.trr.wait-for-confirmation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Normally when confirmation fails we wait for the confirmation to succeed
# before attempting to do TRR. When this pref is true, we optimistically
# assume the confirmation will succeed and might attempt TRR anyway.
# If network.trr.wait-for-confirmation is true, this pref is ignored.
- name: network.trr.attempt-when-retrying-confirmation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Use GET (rather than POST)
- name: network.trr.useGET
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow RFC1918 address in responses?
- name: network.trr.allow-rfc1918
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# When true, it only sends AAAA when the system has IPv6 connectivity
- name: network.trr.skip-AAAA-when-not-supported
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to apply split horizon mitigations when using TRR.
# These include adding the DNS suffix to the excluded domains
- name: network.trr.split_horizon_mitigations
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Explicitly disable ECS (EDNS Client Subnet, RFC 7871)
- name: network.trr.disable-ECS
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When true, the DNS+TRR cache will be cleared when a relevant TRR pref
# changes. (uri, bootstrapAddress, excluded-domains)
- name: network.trr.clear-cache-on-pref-change
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# After this many failed TRR requests in a row, consider TRR borked
- name: network.trr.max-fails
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 15
mirror: always
# When the TRR confirmation is set to CONFIRM_FAILED due to many failures in
# a row, we set a timer to retry. This has an exponential backoff up to
# 64 seconds.
- name: network.trr.retry-timeout-ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 125
mirror: always
# Retry with no TRR when the response contained only or ::
- name: network.trr.fallback-on-zero-response
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If true we parse the /etc/hosts file and exclude any host names from TRR.
# Reading the file is only done once, when TRR is first enabled - this could be
# soon after startup or when the pref is flipped.
- name: network.trr.exclude-etc-hosts
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to enable odoh.
- name: network.trr.odoh.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The uri of Oblivious Proxy.
- name: network.trr.odoh.proxy_uri
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# The host name of Oblivious Target.
- name: network.trr.odoh.target_host
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# The uri path of the odoh uri.
- name: network.trr.odoh.target_path
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# The minimum ttl of the DNS record that contains ODoHConfigs.
- name: network.trr.odoh.min_ttl
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 60
mirror: always
# The uri indicates where to get ODoHConfigs.
- name: network.trr.odoh.configs_uri
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# Whether to add padding in the doh dns queries (rfc 7830)
- name: network.trr.padding
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The block size to pad to. Capped at 1024 bytes.
# Setting it to 0 doesn't add additional padding, but allows the server to
# respond with padding (RFC7930 Sec 4)
- name: network.trr.padding.length
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 128
mirror: always
# Whether to skip the NS check for the blocked host.
# Note this is used for test only.
- name: network.trr.skip-check-for-blocked-host
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to use the connection info that is generated asynchronously.
- name: network.trr.async_connInfo
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allow the network changed event to get sent when a network topology or setup
# change is noticed while running.
- name: network.notify.changed
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Allow network detection of IPv6 related changes (bug 1245059)
- name: network.notify.IPv6
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to check the dnsSuffix on network changes
- name: network.notify.dnsSuffixList
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to check the registry for proxies on network changes that indicate
# that TRR should not be used.
- name: network.notify.checkForProxies
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to check the registry for NRPT rules on network changes that
# indicate that TRR should not be used.
- name: network.notify.checkForNRPT
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether NotifyIpInterfaceChange should be called immediately after
# registration in order to record the initial state of the network adapters.
- name: network.notify.initial_call
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to check for DNS resolvers
- name: network.notify.resolvers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to use the rust implemented DefaultURI for unknown scheme types
- name: network.url.useDefaultURI
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The maximum allowed length for a URL - 32MB default.
# If 0 that means no limit.
- name: network.url.max-length
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 32 * 1024 * 1024
mirror: always
# Force remapping of remote port numbers to allow reaching local testing
# servers or port forwarders listening on non-standard ports. Note that
# this is not changing the origin URL in the addressbar, only internally
# the port number used. This is intended to be used along with the
# `network.dns.forceResolve` preference.
# The form is:
# "80,443,808-888=8080; 563=8081"
# this will remap ports for HTTP, HTTPS and the range of 808-888 included
# to use port 8080, and port 563 to go to 8081.
- name: network.socket.forcePort
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# Try and use HTTP2 when using SSL
- name: network.http.http2.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.enabled.deps
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.enforce-tls-profile
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.chunk-size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 16000
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 170
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.coalesce-hostnames
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.persistent-settings
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 58
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.send-buffer-size
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 131072
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.allow-push
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.push-allowance
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 131072 # 128KB
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.pull-allowance
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 12582912 # 12MB
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.default-concurrent
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 100
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.default-hpack-buffer
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 65536 # 64K
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.websockets
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http2.enable-hpack-dump
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable HTTP/3
- name: network.http.http3.enable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Receive buffer size of QUIC socket
- name: network.http.http3.recvBufferSize
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 1048576
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http3.enable_qlog
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.http.http3.enable_0rtt
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When a h3 transaction is inserted in the pending queue, the time (ms) we wait
# to create a TCP backup connection.
- name: network.http.http3.backup_timer_delay
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 100
mirror: always
# The global half open sockets allowed for creating a backup connection.
- name: network.http.http3.parallel_fallback_conn_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 32
mirror: always
# Receive buffer size of QUIC socket
- name: network.http.http3.max_data
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 25165824
mirror: always
# Receive buffer size of QUIC socket
- name: network.http.http3.max_stream_data
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 12582912
mirror: always
# Enable http3 network priority as described in
- name: network.http.http3.priority
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Depriorizing background tabs notifies websites when switching to or from the
# tab while still loading resources for the website. On one hand it might
# improve performance when switching to an tab with a website using the same
# QUIC connection. On the other hand it sends more data to the website and
# might be a privacy concern.
- name: network.http.http3.send_background_tabs_deprioritization
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# When true, a http request will be upgraded to https when HTTPS RR is
# available.
- name: network.dns.upgrade_with_https_rr
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to use HTTPS RR as AltSvc
- name: network.dns.use_https_rr_as_altsvc
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to check for NAT64 using the system resolver
- name: network.connectivity-service.nat64-check
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Manually enter the NAT64 prefix that will be used if IPv4 is unavailable.
# The value is formatted as IPv6 with the least significant bits to be dropped.
# For example, 64:ff9b:: is a common prefix. This will not disable
# the NAT64 check, although the value of this pref will be prioritized.
- name: network.connectivity-service.nat64-prefix
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# Whether to enable echconfig.
- name: network.dns.echconfig.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Whether to enable echconfig for http3.
- name: network.dns.http3_echconfig.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This pref needs to be worked together with network.dns.echconfig.enabled
# being true and there is no record without ECHConfig.
# When we try all records with ECHConfig in HTTPS RRs and still can't connect,
# this pref indicate whether we can fallback to the origin server.
- name: network.dns.echconfig.fallback_to_origin_when_all_failed
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# When true, reset the exclusion list when all records are excluded.
- name: network.dns.httpssvc.reset_exclustion_list
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If the http3 connection cannot be ready after the timeout value here, the
# transaction will start another non-http3 conneciton.
# Setting this value to 0 indicates this feature is disabled.
- name: network.dns.httpssvc.http3_fast_fallback_timeout
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 50
mirror: always
# Whether to force a transaction to wait https rr.
- name: network.dns.force_waiting_https_rr
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# The TTL for negative responses of TXT and HTTPS records.
- name: network.dns.negative_ttl_for_type_record
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 300 # 5 minutes (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Whether to use port prefixed QNAME for HTTPS RR
- name: network.dns.port_prefixed_qname_https_rr
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: network.cache.frecency_array_check_enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# When this pref is true, AddStorageEntry will return an error if the
# OPEN_READONLY & OPEN_SECRETLY flags are passed and no entry exists.
# If no regressions occur this pref should be removed.
- name: network.cache.bug1708673
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This is used for a temporary workaround for a web-compat issue. If pref is
# true CORS preflight requests are allowed to send client certificates.
- name: network.cors_preflight.allow_client_cert
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to record the telemetry event when a JAR channel is failed to load.
- name: network.jar.record_failure_reason
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# When this pref is true we clear the Content-Encoding header for
# application/x-gzip Content-Type responses, see bug 1030660.
# Assuming there are no regressions, this pref and related code should be
# removed.
- name: network.http.clear_bogus_content_encoding
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# When this pref is true, we will use the HTTPS acceptable content encoding
# list for trustworthy domains such as http://localhost
- name: network.http.encoding.trustworthy_is_https
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Support http3 version1
- name: network.http.http3.support_version1
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Disable early data on an origin if SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_ALERT is received
- name: network.http.early_data_disable_on_error
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Disable early data if it fails for more than this number of origins
- name: network.http.early_data_max_error
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5
mirror: always
# The maximum count that we allow socket prrocess to crash. If this count is
# reached, we won't use networking over socket process.
- name: network.max_socket_process_failed_count
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: network.allow_raw_sockets_in_content_processes
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Prefs starting with "nglayout."
# Enable/disable display list invalidation logging --- useful for debugging.
- name: nglayout.debug.invalidation
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enable/disable widget update area flashing --- only supported with
# BasicLayers (other layer managers always update the entire widget area).
- name: nglayout.debug.widget_update_flashing
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: nglayout.initialpaint.delay
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
- name: nglayout.initialpaint.delay_in_oopif
type: int32_t
value: 5
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "page_load."
# Time in milliseconds during which certain tasks are deprioritized during
# page load.
- name: page_load.deprioritization_period
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5000
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "pdfjs."
- name: pdfjs.disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "permissions."
# 1-Accept, 2-Deny, Any other value: Accept
- name: permissions.default.image
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1
mirror: always
- name: permissions.delegation.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: permissions.isolateBy.userContext
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: permissions.isolateBy.privateBrowsing
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "plain_text."
# When false, text in plaintext documents does not wrap long lines.
- name: plain_text.wrap_long_lines
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "plugin."
- name: plugin.state.flash
type: uint32_t
# Flash is Click-to-Activate by default on all channels. Disabled for ARM builds.
#if defined(_ARM64_) && defined(XP_WIN)
value: 0
value: 1
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "plugins."
- name: plugins.http_https_only
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "preferences."
- name: preferences.allow.omt-write
type: bool
value: true
mirror: never
#ifdef DEBUG
# If set to true, setting a Preference matched to a `Once` StaticPref will
# assert that the value matches. Such assertion being broken is a clear flag
# that the Once policy shouldn't be used.
- name: preferences.check.once.policy
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# If set to true, StaticPrefs Once policy check will be skipped during
# automation regression test. Use with care. This pref must be set back to
# false as soon as specific test has completed.
- name: preferences.force-disable.check.once.policy
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "print."
# Variation fonts can't always be embedded in certain output formats
# such as PDF. To work around this, draw the variation fonts using
# paths instead of using font embedding.
- name: print.font-variations-as-paths
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we always print silently (without a print dialog).
- name: print.always_print_silent
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether the pages per sheet print setting is enabled.
- name: print.pages_per_sheet.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Print via the parent process. This is only used when e10s is enabled.
- name: print.print_via_parent
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we attempt to generate links in Save As PDF output.
- name: print.save_as_pdf.links.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we attempt to generate and use document-internal PDF destinations.
# This currently sometimes results in an internal cairo error, see bug 1725743;
# disabled by default until that is resolved.
- name: print.save_as_pdf.internal_destinations.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The default DPI for printing.
# For PDF-based output, DPI should ideally be irrelevant, but in fact it is not
# for multiple reasons:
# * Layout code that tries to respect device pixels (e.g. for snapping glyph
# positions and baselines, and especially for the "GDI Classic"
# rendering-mode threshold for certain fonts).
# * The limitations of the PDF format mean that we can't natively represent
# certain effects, such as filters, in PDF output, so we need to rasterize
# the parts of the document with these applied.
# * Other rasterized things like images and such are also affected by DPI
# (both in the output, and the images we select via srcset, for example).
# Therefore, using a high DPI is preferable. For now, we use 144dpi to match
# physical printer output on Windows, but higher (e.g. 300dpi) might be better
# if it does not lead to issues such as excessive memory use.
- name: print.default_dpi
type: float
value: 144.0f
mirror: always
# Whether support for monochrome printing is enabled for CUPS.
- name: print.cups.monochrome.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The maximum amount of time CUPS should spend enumerating print destinations
# (in milliseconds).
# The default value chosen here is completely arbitrary.
- name: print.cups.enum_dests_timeout_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 150
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "privacy."
- name: privacy.fuzzyfox.clockgrainus
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 100
mirror: always
# Annotate trackers using the strict list. If set to false, the basic list will
# be used instead.
- name: privacy.annotate_channels.strict_list.enabled
type: bool
mirror: always
# Enable the clearing of cache data using the clear-site-data header. If enabled,
# header values of "cache" and "*" will clear cached data from the site
- name: privacy.clearsitedata.cache.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# First Party Isolation (double keying), disabled by default.
- name: privacy.firstparty.isolate
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# If false, two windows in the same domain with different first party domains
# (top level URLs) can access resources through window.opener. This pref is
# effective only when "privacy.firstparty.isolate" is true.
- name: privacy.firstparty.isolate.restrict_opener_access
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: privacy.firstparty.isolate.block_post_message
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: privacy.firstparty.isolate.use_site
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enforce tracking protection in all modes.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enforce tracking protection in Private Browsing mode.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Annotate channels based on the tracking protection list in all modes
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.annotate_channels
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block 3rd party fingerprinting resources.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.fingerprinting.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Block 3rd party cryptomining resources.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.cryptomining.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Block 3rd party socialtracking resources.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.socialtracking.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Consider socialtracking annotation as trackers (see ETP).
- name: privacy.socialtracking.block_cookies.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether Origin Telemetry should be enabled.
# NOTE: if telemetry.origin_telemetry_test_mode.enabled is enabled, this pref
# won't have any effect.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.origin_telemetry.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.testing.report_blocked_node
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether to spoof user locale to English (used as part of Resist
# Fingerprinting).
# 0 - will prompt
# 1 - don't spoof
# 2 - spoof
- name: privacy.spoof_english
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Send "do not track" HTTP header, disabled by default.
- name: privacy.donottrackheader.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Potentially send "global privacy control" HTTP header and set navigator
# property accordingly. Communicates user's desire to opt-out/in of
# websites or services selling or sharing the user's information, false by
# default.
# true - Send the header with a value of 1 to indicate opting-out
# false - Do not send header to indicate opting-in
- name: privacy.globalprivacycontrol.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Controls whether or not GPC signals are sent. Meant to act as a third option
# of 'undecided' by leaving the navigator property undefined and not attaching
# the Sec-GPC HTTP header.
- name: privacy.globalprivacycontrol.functionality.enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Lower the priority of network loads for resources on the tracking protection
# list. Note that this requires the
# privacy.trackingprotection.annotate_channels pref to be on in order to have
# any effect.
- name: privacy.trackingprotection.lower_network_priority
type: bool
mirror: always
# A subset of Resist Fingerprinting protections focused specifically on timers.
# This affects the Animation API, the performance APIs, Date.getTime,
# Event.timestamp, File.lastModified, audioContext.currentTime,
# canvas.captureStream.currentTime.
- name: privacy.reduceTimerPrecision
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If privacy.reduceTimerPrecision is false, this pref controls whether or not
# to clamp all timers at a fixed 20 microsconds. It should always be enabled,
# and is only specified as a pref to enable an emergency disabling in the event
# of catastrophic failure.
- name: privacy.reduceTimerPrecision.unconditional
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The resistFingerprinting variables are marked with 'Relaxed' memory ordering.
# We don't particurally care that threads have a percently consistent view of
# the values of these prefs. They are not expected to change often, and having
# an outdated view is not particurally harmful. They will eventually become
# consistent.
# The variables will, however, be read often (specifically .microseconds on
# each timer rounding) so performance is important.
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# We automatically decline canvas permission requests if they are not initiated
# from user input. Just in case that breaks something, we allow the user to
# revert this behavior with this obscure pref. We do not intend to support this
# long term. If you do set it, to work around some broken website, please file
# a bug with information so we can understand why it is needed.
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.autoDeclineNoUserInputCanvasPrompts
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether canvas extraction should result in random data. If false, canvas
# extraction results in all-white, opaque pixel data.
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.randomDataOnCanvasExtract
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The log level for browser console messages logged in RFPHelper.jsm. Change to
# 'All' and restart to see the messages.
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.jsmloglevel
type: String
value: "Warn"
mirror: never
# Enable jittering the clock one precision value forward.
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.reduceTimerPrecision.jitter
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Dynamically tune the resolution of the timer reduction for
# `privacy.reduceTimerPrecision` and `privacy.resistFingerprinting`.
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.reduceTimerPrecision.microseconds
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.target_video_res
type: uint32_t
value: 480
mirror: always
# Bitfield for selectively disabling RFP
# 0 for no new behavior
# 1 for disabling RFP if it's a WebExtension
# 2 for disabling RFP if we are not in PBM
# 4 for disabling RFP on specific domains (see privacy.resistFingerprinting.exemptedDomains)
- name: privacy.resistFingerprinting.testGranularityMask
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Anti-tracking permission expiration.
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.expiration
type: uint32_t
value: 2592000 # 30 days (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Report Anti-tracking warnings to console lazily
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.console.lazy
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable the heuristic to allow storage access for windows opened using after user interaction
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.heuristic.opened_window_after_interaction
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable the heuristic to allow storage access for windows opened using
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.heuristic.window_open
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable the heuristic to allow storage access for windows opened using
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.heuristic.redirect
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Anti-tracking permission expiration.
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.expiration_redirect
type: uint32_t
value: 2592000 # 30 days (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Anti-tracking user-interaction expiration.
- name: privacy.userInteraction.expiration
type: uint32_t
value: 3888000 # 45 days (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Anti-tracking user-interaction document interval.
- name: privacy.userInteraction.document.interval
type: uint32_t
value: 1800 # 30 minutes (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Enable Anti-tracking testing. When it enables, it will notify the observers
# when user-interaction permission or storage access permission is added. This
# is for testing only.
- name: privacy.antitracking.testing
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Controls the anti-tracking webcompat features. This includes:
# - All URL-Classifier and state partitioning skip lists (prefs and remote
# settings)
# - Storage access heuristics (opener, redirect, etc.)
# - StorageAccessAPI automatic grants (skips the prompt)
# - Allowing specific tracking channels on user opt-in (e.g. facebook login
# shim).
- name: privacy.antitracking.enableWebcompat
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable the heuristic to allow storage access for recent visited pages
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.heuristic.recently_visited
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Valid time gap since last visit
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.heuristic.recently_visited_time
type: uint32_t
value: 600 # 10 minutes
mirror: always
# Recent visited pages redirection permission expiration.
- name: privacy.restrict3rdpartystorage.expiration_visited
type: uint32_t
value: 2592000 # 30 days (in seconds)
mirror: always
# Maximum client-side cookie life-time cap. Measured in seconds, set to 0 to
# disable.
- name: privacy.documentCookies.maxage
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: privacy.window.maxInnerWidth
type: int32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: privacy.window.maxInnerHeight
type: int32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: privacy.clearOnShutdown.cache
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: privacy.dynamic_firstparty.limitForeign
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: privacy.dynamic_firstparty.use_site
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: privacy.partition.network_state
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Partition the OCSP cache by the partitionKey.
- name: privacy.partition.network_state.ocsp_cache
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Partition the OCSP cache by the partitionKey for private browsing mode.
- name: privacy.partition.network_state.ocsp_cache.pbmode
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: privacy.partition.bloburl_per_agent_cluster
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# By default, the network state isolation is not active when there is a proxy
# setting. This pref forces the network isolation even in these scenarios.
- name: privacy.partition.network_state.connection_with_proxy
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Partition the websocket pending connection queue by OriginAttributes.
- name: privacy.partition.network_state.ws_connection_queue
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Partition the service workers unconditionally when dFPI is enabled.
- name: privacy.partition.serviceWorkers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Enables / disables the URL query string stripping in normal browsing mode
# which strips query parameters from loading URIs to prevent bounce (redirect)
# tracking.
- name: privacy.query_stripping.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Same as the pref above, but controls query stripping for private browsing
# mode.
- name: privacy.query_stripping.enabled.pbmode
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The list which contains query parameters that are needed to be stripped from
# URIs. The query parameters are separated by a space.
- name: privacy.query_stripping.strip_list
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# This controls if we will do the query string stripping for redirects.
- name: privacy.query_stripping.redirect
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# the list which contains sites where should exempt from query stripping
- name: privacy.query_stripping.allow_list
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# Prefs starting with "prompts."
# Prompt modal type prefs
# See nsIPromptService::MODAL_TYPE fields for possible values.
# Insecure form submit warning.
- name: prompts.modalType.insecureFormSubmit
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# nsHttpChannelAuthProvider#ConfirmAuth anti-phishing prompts.
- name: prompts.modalType.confirmAuth
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "security."
# Mochitests that need to load resource:// URIs not declared content-accessible
# in manifests should set this pref.
- name: security.all_resource_uri_content_accessible
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.bad_cert_domain_error.url_fix_enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.csp.reporting.script-sample.max-length
type: int32_t
value: 40
mirror: always
- name: security.csp.truncate_blocked_uri_for_frame_navigations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# If true, all toplevel data: URI navigations will be blocked.
# Please note that manually entering a data: URI in the
# URL-Bar will not be blocked when flipping this pref.
- name: security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether window A is allowed to navigate cross-origin window B (that is not
# a descendant frame of A) to a URI that loads externally.
- name: security.allow_disjointed_external_uri_loads
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Allowed by default so it doesn't affect Thunderbird/SeaMonkey, but
# not allowed for Firefox Desktop in firefox.js
- name: security.allow_parent_unrestricted_js_loads
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Allowed by default so it doesn't affect Thunderbird/SeaMonkey, but
# not allowed for Firefox Desktop in firefox.js
- name: security.allow_eval_with_system_principal
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Allowed by default so it doesn't affect Thunderbird/SeaMonkey, but
# not allowed for Firefox Desktop in firefox.js
- name: security.allow_eval_in_parent_process
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Disallowed by default, ensure not disallowed content is loaded in the parent
# process.
- name: security.allow_unsafe_parent_loads
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref to block mixed scripts (fonts, plugin content, scripts, stylesheets,
# iframes, websockets, XHR).
- name: security.mixed_content.block_active_content
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# Pref to block sub requests that happen within an object.
- name: security.mixed_content.block_object_subrequest
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref for mixed display content blocking (images, audio, video).
- name: security.mixed_content.block_display_content
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Pref for mixed display content upgrading (images, audio, video).
- name: security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether strict file origin policy is in effect. "False" is traditional.
- name: security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# The level to which we sandbox the content process. firefox.js sets the
# default to different values on a per-OS basis, and has documentation
# on what the defaults are and what the numbers mean.
- name: security.sandbox.content.level
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true # Consumers should use SandboxSettings to ask.
- name: security.sandbox.socket.process.level
type: int32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true # Consumers should use SandboxSettings to ask.
# Enrollment preferences for the win32k experiment, set and managed by Normandy
- name: security.sandbox.content.win32k-experiment.enrollmentStatus
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: never
- name: security.sandbox.content.win32k-experiment.startupEnrollmentStatus
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: never
#if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
# Whether win32k is disabled for content processes.
# true means win32k system calls are not permitted.
- name: security.sandbox.content.win32k-disable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Note: win32k is currently _not_ disabled for GMP due to intermittent test
# failures, where the GMP process fails very early. See bug 1449348.
- name: security.sandbox.gmp.win32k-disable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether win32k is disabled for socket processes.
# true means win32k system calls are not permitted.
- name: security.sandbox.socket.win32k-disable
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether CET User Shadow Stack compatible modules only is enabled for the
# relevant process type.
- name: security.sandbox.content.shadow-stack.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.sandbox.rdd.shadow-stack.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.sandbox.socket.shadow-stack.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.sandbox.gpu.shadow-stack.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.sandbox.gmp.shadow-stack.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# This controls the depth of stack trace that is logged when Windows sandbox
# logging is turned on. This is only currently available for the content
# process because the only other sandbox (for GMP) has too strict a policy to
# allow stack tracing. This does not require a restart to take effect.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
#if defined(XP_LINUX) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
# Run content processes in headless mode and disallow
# connections to the X server. Requires:
# * `webgl.out-of-process` (or else WebGL breaks)
# * `widget.non-native-theme.enabled` (scrollbars & form controls)
# Changing it requires a restart because sandbox policy information
# dependent on it is cached. See bug 1640345 for details.
- name: security.sandbox.content.headless
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Pref to show warning when submitting from secure to insecure.
- name: security.warn_submit_secure_to_insecure
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Hardware Origin-bound Second Factor Support
- name: security.webauth.webauthn
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Navigate-to CSP 3 directive
- name: security.csp.enableNavigateTo
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# wasm-unsafe-eval source keyword
- name: security.csp.wasm-unsafe-eval.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# No way to enable on Android, Bug 1552602
- name: security.webauth.u2f
type: bool
mirror: always
# WebAuthn CTAP2 support
- name: security.webauthn.ctap2
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Block Worker/SharedWorker scripts with wrong MIME type.
- name: security.block_Worker_with_wrong_mime
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Block the execution of scripts using a wrong type as defined by the file extension
# (OS) mapping when loaded via the file:// protocol.
- name: security.block_fileuri_script_with_wrong_mime
type: bool
mirror: always
# Cancel outgoing requests from SystemPrincipal:
# but only with scheme http(s) and contentpolicytype subdocument
- name: security.disallow_privileged_https_subdocuments_loads
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# but only with scheme data and contentpolicytype subdocument
- name: security.disallow_privileged_data_subdocuments_loads
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Cancel outgoing requests from SystemPrincipal:
# but only with scheme http(s) and contentpolicytype stylesheet
- name: security.disallow_privileged_https_stylesheet_loads
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Cancel outgoing requests from SystemPrincipal:
# but only with scheme http(s) and contentpolicytype script
- name: security.disallow_privileged_https_script_loads
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Cancel outgoing requests from SystemPrincipal:
# where there is no finalURI.
- name: security.disallow_privileged_no_finaluri_loads
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Cancel outgoing requests from privileged about pages:
# but only with scheme http(s) and contentpolicytype script
- name: security.disallow_privilegedabout_remote_script_loads
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Disable preloaded static key pins by default.
- name: security.cert_pinning.enforcement_level
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
do_not_use_directly: true
# OCSP fetching behavior:
# 0: do not fetch OCSP
# 1: fetch OCSP for DV and EV certificates
# 2: fetch OCSP only for EV certificates
- name: security.OCSP.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 2
value: 1
mirror: always
# Whether or not OCSP is required.
# true => hard-fail (if an OCSP request times out, stop the connection)
# false => soft-fail (if an OCSP request times out, continue the connection)
- name: security.OCSP.require
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# How many milliseconds to wait for an OCSP response before assuming it failed
# (when fetching for soft-fail).
- name: security.OCSP.timeoutMilliseconds.soft
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2000
value: 1000
mirror: always
# How many milliseconds to wait for an OCSP response before assuming it failed
# (when fetching for hard-fail).
- name: security.OCSP.timeoutMilliseconds.hard
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10000
mirror: always
# Whether or not to enable OCSP must-staple (in other words, TLS-feature with
# status request).
- name: security.ssl.enable_ocsp_must_staple
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether or not to enable OCSP stapling.
- name: security.ssl.enable_ocsp_stapling
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# This is checked at startup to see if NSS should be initialized without the
# user's certificate and key databases.
- name: security.nocertdb
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# On Windows 8.1, if the following preference is 2, we will attempt to detect
# if the Family Safety TLS interception feature has been enabled. If so, we
# will behave as if the enterprise roots feature has been enabled (i.e. import
# and trust third party root certificates from the OS).
# With any other value of the pref or on any other platform, this does nothing.
# This preference takes precedence over "security.enterprise_roots.enabled".
- name: security.family_safety.mode
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether or not to import and trust third party root certificates from the OS.
- name: security.enterprise_roots.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.intermediate_preloading_healer.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: security.intermediate_preloading_healer.timer_interval_ms
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 300000
mirror: always
# If true, attempt to load the osclientcerts PKCS#11 module at startup on a
# background thread. This module allows Firefox to use client certificates
# stored in OS certificate storage. Currently only available for Windows and
# macOS.
- name: security.osclientcerts.autoload
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.pki.cert_short_lifetime_in_days
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 10
mirror: always
# security.pki.netscape_step_up_policy controls how the platform handles the
# id-Netscape-stepUp OID in extended key usage extensions of CA certificates.
# 0: id-Netscape-stepUp is always considered equivalent to id-kp-serverAuth
# 1: it is considered equivalent when the notBefore is before 23 August 2016
# 2: similarly, but for 23 August 2015
# 3: it is never considered equivalent
- name: security.pki.netscape_step_up_policy
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1
value: 2
mirror: always
# Configures Certificate Transparency support mode:
# 0: Fully disabled.
# 1: Only collect telemetry. CT qualification checks are not performed.
- name: security.pki.certificate_transparency.mode
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
# 0: Disable CRLite entirely.
# 1: Consult CRLite but only collect telemetry.
# 2: Consult CRLite and enforce both "Revoked" and "Not Revoked" results.
# 3: Consult CRLite and enforce "Not Revoked" results, but defer to OCSP for "Revoked".
- name: security.pki.crlite_mode
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 3
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.version.min
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 3
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.version.max
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.version.enable-deprecated
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.version.fallback-limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4
mirror: always
# Turn off post-handshake authentication for TLS 1.3 by default,
# until the incompatibility with HTTP/2 is resolved:
- name: security.tls.enable_post_handshake_auth
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Probability of GREASEing a TLS connection with ECH (0-100)
# 0 means never GREASE, 100 means always GREASE
- name: security.tls.ech.grease_probability
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 50
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether to retry connections without ECH Grease
- name: security.tls.ech.disable_grease_on_fallback
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# ECH GREASE Padding target (1-255)
- name: security.tls.ech.grease_size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 100
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.hello_downgrade_check
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.enable_delegated_credentials
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.tls.enable_0rtt_data
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl.treat_unsafe_negotiation_as_broken
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl.require_safe_negotiation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl.enable_false_start
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl.enable_alpn
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl.disable_session_identifiers
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_chacha20_poly1305_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_chacha20_poly1305_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_gcm_sha384
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_256_gcm_sha384
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_256_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_256_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.rsa_aes_128_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.rsa_aes_256_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.rsa_aes_256_gcm_sha384
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.ssl3.deprecated.rsa_des_ede3_sha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.tls13.aes_128_gcm_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.tls13.chacha20_poly1305_sha256
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: security.tls13.aes_256_gcm_sha384
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "signon."
- name: signon.usernameOnlyForm.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "slider."
# Scrollbar snapping region.
# - 0: off
# - 1 and higher: slider thickness multiple
- name: slider.snapMultiplier
type: int32_t
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: 6
value: 0
mirror: once
# Prefs starting with "storage."
# Whether to use a non-exclusive VFS.
# By default we use the unix-excl VFS, for the following reasons:
# 1. It improves compatibility with NFS shares, whose implementation
# is incompatible with SQLite's locking requirements (reliable fcntl), and
# in particular with WAL journaling.
# Bug 433129 attempted to automatically identify such file-systems,
# but a reliable way was not found and the fallback locking is slower than
# POSIX locking, so we do not want to do it by default.
# 2. It allows wal mode to avoid the memory mapped -shm file, reducing the
# likelihood of SIGBUS failures when disk space is exhausted.
# 3. It provides some protection from third party database tampering while a
# connection is open.
# Note there's no win32-excl VFS, so this has no effect on Windows.
- name: storage.sqlite.exclusiveLock.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "svg."
# This pref controls whether the 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke' keywords
# can be used in SVG-as-an-image in the content processes to use the fill/
# stroke specified on the element that embeds the image. (These keywords are
# always enabled in the chrome process, regardless of this pref.) Also, these
# keywords are currently not part of any spec, which is partly why we disable
# them for web content.
- name: svg.context-properties.content.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Enables the 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke' keywords for particular
# domains. We expect this list to be Mozilla-controlled properties, since the
# 'context-*' keywords are not part of any spec. We expect to remove this
# preference and the 'context-` keyword support entirely in the
# not-too-distant future when a standardized alternative ships. This preference
# is _not_ for allowing web content to use these keywords. For performance
# reasons, the list of domains in this preference should remain short in
# length.
- name: svg.context-properties.content.allowed-domains
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
# Enable the use of display-lists for SVG hit-testing.
- name: svg.display-lists.hit-testing.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Enable the use of display-lists for SVG painting.
- name: svg.display-lists.painting.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Is support for the new getBBox method from SVG 2 enabled?
# See
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Tweak which elements are allowed in <svg:use> subtrees, and in which
# circumstances. See RemoveForbiddenNodes in SVGUseElement.cpp for the spec
# text.
# - 0: Don't restrict ever.
# - 1: Restrict only cross-document.
# - 2/other: restrict always.
# We allow the behavior to be configurable via this pref. Our chosen default
# value forbids non-graphical content in <svg:use> clones of cross-document
# elements. This is a compromise between our more-permissive pre-existing
# behavior (which SVG 2 seems to call for, and maps to pref value 0) and the
# behavior of other UAs (which SVG 1.1 seems to call for, and maps to pref
# value 2).
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 1
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "telemetry."
# Enable origin telemetry test mode or not
# NOTE: turning this on will override the
# privacy.trackingprotection.origin_telemetry.enabled pref.
- name: telemetry.origin_telemetry_test_mode.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: telemetry.number_of_site_origin.min_interval
type: uint32_t
value: 300000
mirror: always
- name: telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
rust: true
- name: telemetry.fog.test.activity_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 120
mirror: always
rust: true
- name: telemetry.fog.test.inactivity_limit
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1200
mirror: always
rust: true
# Prefs starting with "test."
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: test.mousescroll
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "thread."
- name: threads.medium_high_event_queue.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# If control tasks aren't enabled, they get medium high priority.
- name: threads.control_event_queue.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "timer."
# Since our timestamp on macOS does not increment while the system is asleep, we
# should ignore sleep/wake notifications to make timer thread process timers.
- name: timer.ignore_sleep_wake_notifications
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "toolkit."
# Returns true if BHR is disabled.
- name: toolkit.content-background-hang-monitor.disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: toolkit.scrollbox.horizontalScrollDistance
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 5
mirror: always
- name: toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 3
mirror: always
# The lateWriteChecksStage and fastShutdownStage below represent the stage
# of shutdown after which we (for lateWriteChecksStage) crash / gather
# telemetry data on file writes, or (for fastShutdownStage) we call _exit(0).
# Higher values are earlier during shutdown, and the full enumeration can
# be found in AppShutdown.h in the AppShutdownPhase enum.
- name: toolkit.shutdown.lateWriteChecksStage
type: int32_t
value: 0
value: 3
mirror: always
# See the comment above toolkit.shutdown.lateWriteChecksStage. A higher value
# for this pref means we call _exit(0) earlier during shutdown.
- name: toolkit.shutdown.fastShutdownStage
type: int32_t
#if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(MOZ_ASAN) && !defined(MOZ_TSAN) && !defined(MOZ_CODE_COVERAGE) && !defined(MOZ_VALGRIND) && !defined(MOZ_PROFILE_GENERATE) && !defined(JS_STRUCTURED_SPEW)
value: 1
value: 0
mirror: always
# Sending each remote accumulation immediately places undue strain on the IPC
# subsystem. Batch the remote accumulations for a period of time before sending
# them all at once. This value was chosen as a balance between data timeliness
# and performance (see bug 1218576).
- name: toolkit.telemetry.ipcBatchTimeout
type: uint32_t
value: 2000
mirror: always
- name: toolkit.telemetry.geckoview.batchDurationMS
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 5000
mirror: always
- name: toolkit.telemetry.geckoview.maxBatchStalenessMS
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 60000
mirror: always
- name: toolkit.telemetry.geckoview.streaming
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: toolkit.telemetry.testing.overrideProductsCheck
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "ui."
- name: ui.key.generalAccessKey
type: int32_t
value: -1
mirror: always
# Only used if generalAccessKey is -1.
- name: ui.key.chromeAccess
type: int32_t
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# 0 = disabled, 1 = Shift, 2 = Ctrl, 4 = Alt, 3 = ctrl+shift, 8 = Meta
value: 2
# 0 = disabled, 1 = Shift, 2 = Ctrl, 4 = Alt, 5 = Alt+Shift,
# 8 = Meta, 16 = Win
value: 4
mirror: always
# Only used if generalAccessKey is -1.
- name: ui.key.contentAccess
type: int32_t
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# 0 = disabled, 1 = Shift, 2 = Ctrl, 4 = Alt, 3 = ctrl+shift, 8 = Meta
value: 6
# 0 = disabled, 1 = Shift, 2 = Ctrl, 4 = Alt, 5 = Alt+Shift,
# 8 = Meta, 16 = Win
value: 5
mirror: always
# Does the access key by itself focus the menu bar?
- name: ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
# On Windows and Linux, we now default to showing the menu bar only when alt
# is pressed.
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether native key bindings in the environment or builtin shortcut key
# definitions in Gecko are used first in <input> and <textarea>
- name: ui.key.textcontrol.prefer_native_key_bindings_over_builtin_shortcut_key_definitions
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Only GtkTextView (native multiline text viewer/editor) supports "select-all"
# signal so that we cannot know "select-all" key bindings only with GtkEntry.
# When this pref is set to true, if a key combination does not cause any
# signals in GtkEntry, try to check the key combination is mapped to
# "select-all" in GtkTextView or not. If it's mapped to other commands, they
# are just ignored.
- name: ui.key.use_select_all_in_single_line_editor
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Duration of timeout of incremental search in menus (ms). 0 means infinite.
- name:
type: uint32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# If true, all popups won't hide automatically on blur
- name: ui.popup.disable_autohide
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Negate scroll, true will make the mouse scroll wheel move the screen the
# same direction as with most desktops or laptops.
- name: ui.scrolling.negate_wheel_scroll
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# If the user puts a finger down on an element and we think the user might be
# executing a pan gesture, how long do we wait before tentatively deciding the
# gesture is actually a tap and activating the target element?
- name: ui.touch_activation.delay_ms
type: int32_t
value: 100
mirror: always
# If the user has clicked an element, how long do we keep the :active state
# before it is cleared by the mouse sequences fired after a
# touchstart/touchend.
- name: ui.touch_activation.duration_ms
type: int32_t
value: 10
mirror: always
# Prevent system colors from being exposed to CSS or canvas.
- name: ui.use_standins_for_native_colors
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Disable page loading activity cursor by default.
- name: ui.use_activity_cursor
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether context menus should only appear on mouseup instead of mousedown,
# on OSes where they normally appear on mousedown (macOS, *nix).
# Note: ignored on Windows (context menus always use mouseup).
- name: ui.context_menus.after_mouseup
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether click-hold context menus are enabled.
- name: ui.click_hold_context_menus
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# How long to wait for a drag gesture before displaying click-hold context menu,
# in milliseconds.
- name: ui.click_hold_context_menus.delay
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 500
mirror: always
# When enabled, the touch.radius and mouse.radius prefs allow events to be
# dispatched to nearby elements that are sensitive to the event. See
# PositionedEventTargeting.cpp. The 'mm' prefs define a rectangle around the
# nominal event target point within which we will search for suitable elements.
# 'visitedWeight' is a percentage weight; a value > 100 makes a visited link be
# treated as further away from the event target than it really is, while a
# value < 100 makes a visited link be treated as closer to the event target
# than it really is.
- name: ui.touch.radius.enabled
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
- name: ui.touch.radius.topmm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 2
value: 12
mirror: always
- name: ui.touch.radius.rightmm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 3
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: ui.touch.radius.bottommm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 2
value: 4
mirror: always
- name: ui.touch.radius.leftmm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 3
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: ui.touch.radius.visitedWeight
type: uint32_t
value: 120
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.enabled
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.topmm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 2
value: 12
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.rightmm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 3
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.bottommm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 2
value: 4
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.leftmm
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 3
value: 8
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.visitedWeight
type: uint32_t
value: 120
mirror: always
- name: ui.mouse.radius.reposition
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
# When true, the ui.mouse.radius.* prefs will only affect simulated mouse
# events generated by touch input. When false, the prefs will be used for all
# mouse events.
- name: ui.mouse.radius.inputSource.touchOnly
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "urlclassifier."
# Update server response timeout for Safe Browsing.
- name: urlclassifier.update.response_timeout_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 30000
mirror: always
# Download update timeout for Safe Browsing.
- name: urlclassifier.update.timeout_ms
type: uint32_t
value: 90000
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "view_source."
- name: view_source.editor.external
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: view_source.wrap_long_lines
type: bool
value: @IS_ANDROID@
mirror: always
- name: view_source.syntax_highlight
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: view_source.tab_size
type: int32_t
value: 4
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "webgl." (for pref access from Worker threads)
- name: webgl.1.allow-core-profiles
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.all-angle-options
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.angle.force-d3d11
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.angle.try-d3d11
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.angle.force-warp
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.can-lose-context-in-foreground
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.cgl.multithreaded
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.colorspaces.prototype
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.debug.incomplete-tex-color
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: webgl.default-antialias
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
mirror: always
- name: webgl.default-no-alpha
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.disable-angle
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.disable-wgl
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.dxgl.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.dxgl.needs-finish
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.disable-fail-if-major-performance-caveat
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.disable-DOM-blit-uploads
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.disabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-debug-renderer-info
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-draft-extensions
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-privileged-extensions
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-renderer-query
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-surface-texture
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-ahardwarebuffer
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.enable-webgl2
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.force-enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.force-layers-readback
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.force-index-validation
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: webgl.lose-context-on-memory-pressure
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.max-contexts
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 1000
mirror: always
- name: webgl.max-contexts-per-principal
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 300
mirror: always
- name: webgl.max-warnings-per-context
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 32
mirror: always
- name: webgl.min_capability_mode
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.msaa-force
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.msaa-samples
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 4
mirror: always
- name: webgl.out-of-process
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
# (When reading the next line, know that doesn't
# understand parentheses, but && is higher precedence than ||.)
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.out-of-process.worker
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
# (When reading the next line, know that doesn't
# understand parentheses, but && is higher precedence than ||.)
#if defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_LINUX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
value: true
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.out-of-process.force
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.out-of-process.shmem-size
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 100000 # 100KB
mirror: always
# WebGL and Canvas2D aren't allowed to be async by spec,
# unless they have e.g.
# enabled, which defaults to false.
# This pref enables async present in cases where it is allowed.
- name: webgl.out-of-process.async-present
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Override the blocklist to assume that GL is threadsafe.
- name: webgl.threadsafe-gl.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Override the blocklist to assume that GL is not threadsafe.
- name: webgl.threadsafe-gl.force-disabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
- name: webgl.override-unmasked-renderer
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
- name: webgl.override-unmasked-vendor
type: String
value: ""
mirror: never
- name: webgl.power-preference-override
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: webgl.prefer-16bpp
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.sanitize-unmasked-renderer
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
- name: webgl.allow-immediate-queries
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.allow-fb-invalidation
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: webgl.perf.max-warnings
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: webgl.perf.max-acceptable-fb-status-invals
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
- name: webgl.perf.spew-frame-allocs
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "widget."
# Global user preference for disabling native theme in content processes.
# NOTE(emilio): When changing this make sure to update the non_native_theme
# entry in python/mozbuild/mozbuild/ and
- name: widget.non-native-theme.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the non-native theme should always use system colors. Useful mostly
# for testing forced colors mode.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.always-high-contrast
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# The style of scrollbars to use. Here are the current options:
# 0: Default platform scrollbar style.
# 1: macOS scrollbars
# 2: GTK scrollbars
# 3: Android scrollbars
# 4: Windows 10 scrollbars
# 5: Windows 11 scrollbars
# Note that switching to non-default scrollbars is experimental and other
# scrollbar-related prefs may interfere with the experience. For example,
# setting the GTK thumb size may have no effect when using non-GTK scrollbars
# on GTK.
- name:
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# An override that allows to override the default platform size. The size in CSS
# pixels at full zoom of the minimum scrollbar width.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.size.override
type: uint32_t
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether we should use themed values for dark scrollbars.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.dark-themed
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the active thumb color should always use the themed colors, even if
# dark scrollbars are in use.
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we use the Windows CSS scrollbar sizes, or the scrollbar sizes
# defined above.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether Windows 11 scrollbars are always drawn with the thinner "overlay"
# scrollbar style.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.win11.scrollbar.force-overlay-style
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# The amount of space that the thumb should fill the scrollbar, from zero to
# one.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-size
type: float
value: 0.75
mirror: always
# The minimum size of the scroll thumb, in the scrollbar direction.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-cross-size
type: uint32_t
value: 40
mirror: always
# Whether the thumb should be rounded for the non-native scrollbars.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.round-thumb
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether buttons shouldn't be suppressed for non-native scrollbars.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.allow-buttons
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we should use the default accent color or the theme-provided one for
# content (e.g. for form controls and CSS system colors).
# Turned off on Windows, for now (we always use the default blue-ish
# accent-color there). We might want to turn this on there, though it's worth
# thinking on what the behavior should be for grey-ish accent colors (which are
# a thing on Windows and can cause confusion with things like disabled form
# controls). Maybe it's just fine.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.use-theme-accent
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
#ifdef XP_WIN
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we should try to use WebRender to render widgets.
- name: widget.non-native-theme.webrender
type: bool
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
# Disabled on macOS release / beta because of a suspected AMD driver bug (see
# bug 1715452).
value: true
mirror: always
# Preference to disable dark scrollbar implementation.
# This is mainly for testing because dark scrollbars have to be semi-
# transparent, but many reftests expect scrollbars to look identical
# among different backgrounds.
# However, some users may want to disable this as well.
- name: widget.disable-dark-scrollbar
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name: widget.window-transforms.disabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# Whether to shift by the menubar height on fullscreen mode.
# 0: never
# 1: always
# 2: auto (tries to detect when it is needed)
- name: widget.macos.shift-by-menubar-on-fullscreen
type: RelaxedAtomicUint32
value: 2
mirror: always
- name: widget.macos.native-context-menus
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to allow gtk dark themes in content.
- name: widget.content.allow-gtk-dark-theme
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether native GTK context menus are enabled.
# Disabled because at the very least there's missing custom icon support.
- name: widget.gtk.native-context-menus
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Whether we use overlay scrollbars on GTK.
- name: widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we honor the scrollbar colors from the gtk theme.
- name: widget.gtk.theme-scrollbar-colors.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether selection colors for the non-system theme get passed from the system
# GTK theme.
- name: widget.gtk.alt-theme.selection
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether form control accent colors for the non-system theme get passed from
# the system GTK theme.
- name: widget.gtk.alt-theme.accent
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether the scrollbar thumb active color from the non-system theme gets
# passed from the system GTK theme.
- name: widget.gtk.alt-theme.scrollbar_active
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to use gtk high contrast themes to disable content styling like on
# windows high contrast mode.
- name: widget.content.gtk-high-contrast.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to pause the compositor when a native window is minimized.
- name: widget.pause-compositor-when-minimized
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to override the DMABuf blocklist.
- name: widget.dmabuf.force-enabled
type: bool
value: false
mirror: once
# Keep those pref hidden on non-nightly builds to avoid people accidentally
# turning it on.
# Use DMABuf for content textures.
# For testing purposes only.
- name: widget.dmabuf-textures.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: false
mirror: always
# Use DMABuf backend for WebGL.
- name: widget.dmabuf-webgl.enabled
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Force fractional scaling using wp_viewporter. Valid values: 0.5 - 8
- name: widget.wayland.fractional_buffer_scale
type: float
value: 0.0f
mirror: once
# Use opaque region for MozContainer wl_surface
- name: widget.wayland.opaque-region.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Use frame callback based vsync
- name: widget.wayland.vsync.enabled
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Use gdk_window_move_to_rect to move Wayland popups when available.
- name: widget.wayland.use-move-to-rect
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# The time we should spend on a DBUS call to the FileManager1 interface before
# giving up and trying an alternative method.
# -1 for the default system timeout, INT_MAX for "infinite time".
# This happens right now on the main thread so 1 second should be enough, we
# should consider moving it to a background task and just use the default
# timeout.
- name: widget.gtk.file-manager-show-items-timeout-ms
type: int32_t
value: 1000
mirror: always
# The timeout we should spend on a DBUS call to the Settings proxy before
# giving up.
# -1 for the default system timeout, INT_MAX for "infinite time".
# This runs just once, but during startup, so make sure it doesn't take too
# long. Three seconds should be way more than enough, and if we don't get the
# reply on time then the only potential issue is that we use a light instead of
# dark interface or vice versa.
- name: widget.gtk.settings-portal-timeout-ms
type: int32_t
value: 3000
mirror: always
# Whether to use gtk portal for the file picker.
# - 0: never
# - 1: always
# - 2: auto (true for flatpak or GTK_USE_PORTAL=1, false otherwise)
- name: widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether to use gtk portal for the mime handler.
# - 0: never
# - 1: always
# - 2: auto (for now only true for flatpak, see bug 1516290)
- name: widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.mime-handler
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether to try to use XDG portal for settings / look-and-feel information.
# - 0: never
# - 1: always
# - 2: auto
- name: widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.settings
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether to use XDG portal for geolocation.
# - 0: never
# - 1: always
# - 2: auto
- name: widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.location
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
# Whether to use XDG portal for opening to a file.
# - 0: never
# - 1: always
# - 2: auto (true for flatpak or GTK_USE_PORTAL=1, false otherwise)
- name:
type: int32_t
value: 2
mirror: always
#ifdef XP_WIN
# WindowsUIUtils::Share to wait for user action on Windows share dialog
# `true` means the promise resolves when user completes or cancels the share
# action. This can be unsafe since selecting copy action fires no DataPackage
# event as of 21H1.
# `false` means the promise resolves when the share data is passed to
# DataPackage.
# This affects the behavior of `navigator.share()`.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether overlay scrollbars respect the system settings.
# Note that these can be overridden by the ui.useOverlayScrollbars pref.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we allow accessing the UWP system color pallete.
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether we use the accent color for highlight as some other UWP apps do.
# false for now since it can cause some contrast-with-background issues
# specially with grey accents, see bug 1776588.
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: false
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
- name:
type: bool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to apply logic intended to improve taskbar behavior involving
# non-foreground fullscreen windows. (See bug 1732517.)
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicBool
value: true
mirror: always
# Whether to apply a workaround intended to prevent Windows from treating
# non-foreground-marked fullscreen windows as fullscreen on Windows 7 and
# earlier. (See bug 1732517.)
# Valid values:
# * -1: the workaround is never used.
# * 1: the workaround is always used.
# * 0: the workaround is used if we think it should be. (Default.)
- name:
type: RelaxedAtomicInt32
value: 0
mirror: always
# Whether to disable SwipeTracker (e.g. swipe-to-nav).
- name: widget.disable-swipe-tracker
type: bool
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
value: false
mirror: always
# Various metrics to control SwipeTracker.
- name: widget.swipe.velocity-twitch-tolerance
type: float
value: 0.0000001f
mirror: always
- name: widget.swipe.success-velocity-contribution
type: float
value: 0.05f
mirror: always
# The values for this pref are derived from trial and error in an effort to
# match the existing behavior on the respective platforms.
- name: widget.swipe.whole-page-pixel-size
type: float
#if defined(XP_WIN)
value: 1100.0f
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
value: 550.0f
value: 40.0f
mirror: always
- name: widget.transparent-windows
type: bool
value: true
mirror: once
# Prefs starting with "xul."
# Pref to control whether arrow-panel animations are enabled or not.
# Transitions are currently disabled on Linux due to rendering issues on
# certain configurations.
- name: xul.panel-animations.enabled
type: bool
value: false
value: true
mirror: always
# Prefs starting with "zoom."
- name: zoom.maxPercent
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 400
value: 500
mirror: always
- name: zoom.minPercent
type: uint32_t
#ifdef ANDROID
value: 20
value: 30
mirror: always
# End of prefs