
785 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/CompositorHitTestInfo.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/IpcResourceUpdateQueue.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/ScrollableLayerGuid.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/SyncObject.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositionRecorder.h"
#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
#include "mozilla/Range.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/webrender_ffi.h"
#include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h"
#include "GLTypes.h"
#include "Units.h"
class gfxContext;
class nsDisplayItem;
class nsPaintedDisplayItem;
class nsDisplayTransform;
#undef None
namespace mozilla {
struct ActiveScrolledRoot;
namespace widget {
class CompositorWidget;
namespace layers {
class CompositorBridgeParent;
class DisplayItemCache;
class WebRenderBridgeParent;
class RenderRootStateManager;
class StackingContextHelper;
struct DisplayListData;
} // namespace layers
namespace layout {
class TextDrawTarget;
namespace wr {
class DisplayListBuilder;
class RendererOGL;
class RendererEvent;
// This isn't part of WR's API, but we define it here to simplify layout's
// logic and data plumbing.
struct Line {
wr::LayoutRect bounds;
float wavyLineThickness;
wr::LineOrientation orientation;
wr::ColorF color;
wr::LineStyle style;
/// A handler that can be bundled into a transaction and notified at specific
/// points in the rendering pipeline, such as after scene building or after
/// frame building.
/// If for any reason the handler is dropped before reaching the requested
/// point, it is notified with the value Checkpoint::TransactionDropped.
/// So it is safe to assume that the handler will be notified "at some point".
class NotificationHandler {
virtual void Notify(wr::Checkpoint aCheckpoint) = 0;
virtual ~NotificationHandler() = default;
struct WrHitResult {
layers::LayersId mLayersId;
layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID mScrollId;
gfx::CompositorHitTestInfo mHitInfo;
SideBits mSideBits;
class TransactionBuilder final {
explicit TransactionBuilder(bool aUseSceneBuilderThread = true);
void SetLowPriority(bool aIsLowPriority);
void UpdateEpoch(PipelineId aPipelineId, Epoch aEpoch);
void SetRootPipeline(PipelineId aPipelineId);
void RemovePipeline(PipelineId aPipelineId);
void SetDisplayList(const gfx::DeviceColor& aBgColor, Epoch aEpoch,
const wr::LayoutSize& aViewportSize,
wr::WrPipelineId pipeline_id,
wr::BuiltDisplayListDescriptor dl_descriptor,
wr::Vec<uint8_t>& dl_data);
void ClearDisplayList(Epoch aEpoch, wr::WrPipelineId aPipeline);
void GenerateFrame(const VsyncId& aVsyncId);
void InvalidateRenderedFrame();
void UpdateDynamicProperties(
const nsTArray<wr::WrOpacityProperty>& aOpacityArray,
const nsTArray<wr::WrTransformProperty>& aTransformArray,
const nsTArray<wr::WrColorProperty>& aColorArray);
void SetDocumentView(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aDocRect);
void UpdateScrollPosition(
const wr::WrPipelineId& aPipelineId,
const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aScrollId,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aScrollPosition);
bool IsEmpty() const;
bool IsResourceUpdatesEmpty() const;
bool IsRenderedFrameInvalidated() const;
void AddImage(wr::ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes);
void AddBlobImage(wr::BlobImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes,
const wr::DeviceIntRect& aVisibleRect);
void AddExternalImageBuffer(ImageKey key, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aHandle);
void AddExternalImage(ImageKey key, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aExtID,
wr::ExternalImageType aImageType,
uint8_t aChannelIndex = 0);
void UpdateImageBuffer(wr::ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes);
void UpdateBlobImage(wr::BlobImageKey aKey,
const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes,
const wr::DeviceIntRect& aVisibleRect,
const wr::LayoutIntRect& aDirtyRect);
void UpdateExternalImage(ImageKey aKey, const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aExtID,
wr::ExternalImageType aImageType,
uint8_t aChannelIndex = 0);
void UpdateExternalImageWithDirtyRect(ImageKey aKey,
const ImageDescriptor& aDescriptor,
ExternalImageId aExtID,
wr::ExternalImageType aImageType,
const wr::DeviceIntRect& aDirtyRect,
uint8_t aChannelIndex = 0);
void SetBlobImageVisibleArea(BlobImageKey aKey,
const wr::DeviceIntRect& aArea);
void DeleteImage(wr::ImageKey aKey);
void DeleteBlobImage(wr::BlobImageKey aKey);
void AddRawFont(wr::FontKey aKey, wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes, uint32_t aIndex);
void AddFontDescriptor(wr::FontKey aKey, wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aBytes,
uint32_t aIndex);
void DeleteFont(wr::FontKey aKey);
void AddFontInstance(wr::FontInstanceKey aKey, wr::FontKey aFontKey,
float aGlyphSize,
const wr::FontInstanceOptions* aOptions,
const wr::FontInstancePlatformOptions* aPlatformOptions,
wr::Vec<uint8_t>& aVariations);
void DeleteFontInstance(wr::FontInstanceKey aKey);
void UpdateQualitySettings(bool aForceSubpixelAAWherePossible);
void Notify(wr::Checkpoint aWhen, UniquePtr<NotificationHandler> aHandler);
void Clear();
bool UseSceneBuilderThread() const { return mUseSceneBuilderThread; }
Transaction* Raw() { return mTxn; }
bool mUseSceneBuilderThread;
Transaction* mTxn;
class TransactionWrapper final {
explicit TransactionWrapper(Transaction* aTxn);
void UpdateDynamicProperties(
const nsTArray<wr::WrOpacityProperty>& aOpacityArray,
const nsTArray<wr::WrTransformProperty>& aTransformArray,
const nsTArray<wr::WrColorProperty>& aColorArray);
void AppendTransformProperties(
const nsTArray<wr::WrTransformProperty>& aTransformArray);
void UpdateScrollPosition(
const wr::WrPipelineId& aPipelineId,
const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aScrollId,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aScrollPosition);
void UpdatePinchZoom(float aZoom);
void UpdateIsTransformAsyncZooming(uint64_t aAnimationId, bool aIsZooming);
Transaction* mTxn;
class WebRenderAPI final {
/// This can be called on the compositor thread only.
static already_AddRefed<WebRenderAPI> Create(
layers::CompositorBridgeParent* aBridge,
RefPtr<widget::CompositorWidget>&& aWidget,
const wr::WrWindowId& aWindowId, LayoutDeviceIntSize aSize,
layers::WindowKind aWindowKind, nsACString& aError);
already_AddRefed<WebRenderAPI> Clone();
wr::WindowId GetId() const { return mId; }
/// Do a non-blocking hit-testing query on a shared version of the hit
/// testing information.
std::vector<WrHitResult> HitTest(const wr::WorldPoint& aPoint);
void SendTransaction(TransactionBuilder& aTxn);
void SetFrameStartTime(const TimeStamp& aTime);
void RunOnRenderThread(UniquePtr<RendererEvent> aEvent);
void Readback(const TimeStamp& aStartTime, gfx::IntSize aSize,
const gfx::SurfaceFormat& aFormat,
const Range<uint8_t>& aBuffer, bool* aNeedsYFlip);
void ClearAllCaches();
void EnableNativeCompositor(bool aEnable);
void EnableMultithreading(bool aEnable);
void SetBatchingLookback(uint32_t aCount);
void SetClearColor(const gfx::DeviceColor& aColor);
void SetProfilerUI(const nsCString& aUIString);
void Pause();
bool Resume();
void WakeSceneBuilder();
void FlushSceneBuilder();
void NotifyMemoryPressure();
void AccumulateMemoryReport(wr::MemoryReport*);
wr::WrIdNamespace GetNamespace();
layers::WebRenderBackend GetBackendType() { return mBackend; }
layers::WebRenderCompositor GetCompositorType() { return mCompositor; }
uint32_t GetMaxTextureSize() const { return mMaxTextureSize; }
bool GetUseANGLE() const { return mUseANGLE; }
bool GetUseDComp() const { return mUseDComp; }
bool GetUseTripleBuffering() const { return mUseTripleBuffering; }
bool SupportsExternalBufferTextures() const {
return mSupportsExternalBufferTextures;
layers::SyncHandle GetSyncHandle() const { return mSyncHandle; }
void Capture();
void ToggleCaptureSequence();
void BeginRecording(const TimeStamp& aRecordingStart,
wr::PipelineId aRootPipelineId);
typedef MozPromise<bool, nsresult, true> WriteCollectedFramesPromise;
typedef MozPromise<layers::CollectedFrames, nsresult, true>
* Write the frames collected since the call to BeginRecording() to disk.
* If there is not currently a recorder, this is a no-op.
RefPtr<WriteCollectedFramesPromise> WriteCollectedFrames();
* Return the frames collected since the call to BeginRecording() encoded
* as data URIs.
* If there is not currently a recorder, this is a no-op and the promise will
* be rejected.
RefPtr<GetCollectedFramesPromise> GetCollectedFrames();
WebRenderAPI(wr::DocumentHandle* aHandle, wr::WindowId aId,
layers::WebRenderBackend aBackend,
layers::WebRenderCompositor aCompositor,
uint32_t aMaxTextureSize, bool aUseANGLE, bool aUseDComp,
bool aUseTripleBuffering, bool aSupportsExternalBufferTextures,
layers::SyncHandle aSyncHandle);
// Should be used only for shutdown handling
void WaitFlushed();
void UpdateDebugFlags(uint32_t aFlags);
wr::DocumentHandle* mDocHandle;
wr::WindowId mId;
layers::WebRenderBackend mBackend;
layers::WebRenderCompositor mCompositor;
int32_t mMaxTextureSize;
bool mUseANGLE;
bool mUseDComp;
bool mUseTripleBuffering;
bool mSupportsExternalBufferTextures;
bool mCaptureSequence;
layers::SyncHandle mSyncHandle;
// We maintain alive the root api to know when to shut the render backend
// down, and the root api for the document to know when to delete the
// document. mRootApi is null for the api object that owns the channel (and is
// responsible for shutting it down), and mRootDocumentApi is null for the api
// object owning (and responsible for destroying) a given document. All api
// objects in the same window use the same channel, and some api objects write
// to the same document (but there is only one owner for each channel and for
// each document).
RefPtr<wr::WebRenderAPI> mRootApi;
RefPtr<wr::WebRenderAPI> mRootDocumentApi;
friend class DisplayListBuilder;
friend class layers::WebRenderBridgeParent;
// This is a RAII class that automatically sends the transaction on
// destruction. This is useful for code that has multiple exit points and we
// want to ensure that the stuff accumulated in the transaction gets sent
// regardless of which exit we take. Note that if the caller explicitly calls
// mApi->SendTransaction() that's fine too because that empties out the
// TransactionBuilder and leaves it as a valid empty transaction, so calling
// SendTransaction on it again ends up being a no-op.
class MOZ_RAII AutoTransactionSender {
AutoTransactionSender(WebRenderAPI* aApi, TransactionBuilder* aTxn)
: mApi(aApi), mTxn(aTxn) {}
~AutoTransactionSender() { mApi->SendTransaction(*mTxn); }
WebRenderAPI* mApi;
TransactionBuilder* mTxn;
* A set of optional parameters for stacking context creation.
struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS StackingContextParams : public WrStackingContextParams {
: WrStackingContextParams{
/* prim_flags = */ wr::PrimitiveFlags::IS_BACKFACE_VISIBLE,
wr::StackingContextFlags{0}} {}
void SetPreserve3D(bool aPreserve) {
transform_style =
aPreserve ? wr::TransformStyle::Preserve3D : wr::TransformStyle::Flat;
nsTArray<wr::FilterOp> mFilters;
nsTArray<wr::WrFilterData> mFilterDatas;
wr::LayoutRect mBounds = wr::ToLayoutRect(LayoutDeviceRect());
const gfx::Matrix4x4* mBoundTransform = nullptr;
const gfx::Matrix4x4* mTransformPtr = nullptr;
Maybe<nsDisplayTransform*> mDeferredTransformItem;
// Whether the stacking context is possibly animated. This alters how
// coordinates are transformed/snapped to invalidate less when transforms
// change frequently.
bool mAnimated = false;
// Whether items should be rasterized in a local space that is (mostly)
// invariant to transforms, i.e. disabling subpixel AA and screen space pixel
// snapping on text runs that would only make sense in screen space.
bool mRasterizeLocally = false;
/// This is a simple C++ wrapper around WrState defined in the rust bindings.
/// We may want to turn this into a direct wrapper on top of
/// WebRenderFrameBuilder instead, so the interface may change a bit.
class DisplayListBuilder final {
explicit DisplayListBuilder(wr::PipelineId aId, size_t aCapacity = 0,
layers::DisplayItemCache* aCache = nullptr);
DisplayListBuilder(DisplayListBuilder&&) = default;
void Save();
void Restore();
void ClearSave();
usize Dump(usize aIndent, const Maybe<usize>& aStart,
const Maybe<usize>& aEnd);
void DumpSerializedDisplayList();
void Finalize(wr::BuiltDisplayList& aOutDisplayList);
void Finalize(layers::DisplayListData& aOutTransaction);
Maybe<wr::WrSpatialId> PushStackingContext(
const StackingContextParams& aParams, const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::RasterSpace& aRasterSpace);
void PopStackingContext(bool aIsReferenceFrame);
wr::WrClipChainId DefineClipChain(const nsTArray<wr::WrClipId>& aClips,
bool aParentWithCurrentChain = false);
wr::WrClipId DefineClip(
const Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClip>& aParent, const wr::LayoutRect& aClipRect,
const nsTArray<wr::ComplexClipRegion>* aComplex = nullptr);
wr::WrClipId DefineImageMaskClip(const wr::ImageMask& aMask);
wr::WrClipId DefineRoundedRectClip(const wr::ComplexClipRegion& aComplex);
wr::WrClipId DefineRectClip(wr::LayoutRect aClipRect);
wr::WrSpatialId DefineStickyFrame(const wr::LayoutRect& aContentRect,
const float* aTopMargin,
const float* aRightMargin,
const float* aBottomMargin,
const float* aLeftMargin,
const StickyOffsetBounds& aVerticalBounds,
const StickyOffsetBounds& aHorizontalBounds,
const wr::LayoutVector2D& aAppliedOffset);
Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClip> GetScrollIdForDefinedScrollLayer(
layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID aViewId) const;
wr::WrSpaceAndClip DefineScrollLayer(
const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aViewId,
const Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClip>& aParent,
const wr::LayoutRect& aContentRect, const wr::LayoutRect& aClipRect,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aScrollOffset);
void PushRect(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::ColorF& aColor);
void PushRectWithAnimation(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::ColorF& aColor,
const WrAnimationProperty* aAnimation);
void PushRoundedRect(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::ColorF& aColor);
void PushHitTest(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID& aScrollId,
gfx::CompositorHitTestInfo aHitInfo, SideBits aSideBits);
void PushClearRect(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds);
void PushClearRectWithComplexRegion(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::ComplexClipRegion& aRegion);
void PushBackdropFilter(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::ComplexClipRegion& aRegion,
const nsTArray<wr::FilterOp>& aFilters,
const nsTArray<wr::WrFilterData>& aFilterDatas,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible);
void PushLinearGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aStartPoint,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aEndPoint,
const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
const wr::LayoutSize aTileSize,
const wr::LayoutSize aTileSpacing);
void PushRadialGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aCenter,
const wr::LayoutSize& aRadius,
const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
const wr::LayoutSize aTileSize,
const wr::LayoutSize aTileSpacing);
void PushConicGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aCenter, const float aAngle,
const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
const wr::LayoutSize aTileSize,
const wr::LayoutSize aTileSpacing);
void PushImage(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
wr::ImageKey aImage, bool aPremultipliedAlpha = true,
const wr::ColorF& aColor = wr::ColorF{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
bool aPreferCompositorSurface = false,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing = false);
void PushRepeatingImage(
const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSize& aStretchSize,
const wr::LayoutSize& aTileSpacing, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
wr::ImageKey aImage, bool aPremultipliedAlpha = true,
const wr::ColorF& aColor = wr::ColorF{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});
void PushYCbCrPlanarImage(
const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel0,
wr::ImageKey aImageChannel1, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel2,
wr::WrColorDepth aColorDepth, wr::WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
wr::WrColorRange aColorRange, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface = false,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing = false);
void PushNV12Image(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel0,
wr::ImageKey aImageChannel1, wr::WrColorDepth aColorDepth,
wr::WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
wr::WrColorRange aColorRange, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface = false,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing = false);
void PushYCbCrInterleavedImage(
const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, wr::ImageKey aImageChannel0,
wr::WrColorDepth aColorDepth, wr::WrYuvColorSpace aColorSpace,
wr::WrColorRange aColorRange, wr::ImageRendering aFilter,
bool aPreferCompositorSurface = false,
bool aSupportsExternalCompositing = false);
void PushIFrame(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
wr::PipelineId aPipeline, bool aIgnoreMissingPipeline);
// XXX WrBorderSides are passed with Range.
// It is just to bypass compiler bug. See Bug 1357734.
void PushBorder(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths,
const Range<const wr::BorderSide>& aSides,
const wr::BorderRadius& aRadius,
wr::AntialiasBorder = wr::AntialiasBorder::Yes);
void PushBorderImage(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::WrBorderImage& aParams);
void PushBorderGradient(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds,
const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths,
const int32_t aWidth, const int32_t aHeight,
bool aFill, const wr::DeviceIntSideOffsets& aSlice,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aStartPoint,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aEndPoint,
const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops,
wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aOutset);
void PushBorderRadialGradient(
const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths, bool aFill,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aCenter, const wr::LayoutSize& aRadius,
const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops, wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aOutset);
void PushBorderConicGradient(
const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aWidths, bool aFill,
const wr::LayoutPoint& aCenter, const float aAngle,
const nsTArray<wr::GradientStop>& aStops, wr::ExtendMode aExtendMode,
const wr::LayoutSideOffsets& aOutset);
void PushText(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::ColorF& aColor,
wr::FontInstanceKey aFontKey,
Range<const wr::GlyphInstance> aGlyphBuffer,
const wr::GlyphOptions* aGlyphOptions = nullptr);
void PushLine(const wr::LayoutRect& aClip, bool aIsBackfaceVisible,
const wr::Line& aLine);
void PushShadow(const wr::LayoutRect& aBounds, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::Shadow& aShadow,
bool aShouldInflate);
void PopAllShadows();
void PushBoxShadow(const wr::LayoutRect& aRect, const wr::LayoutRect& aClip,
bool aIsBackfaceVisible, const wr::LayoutRect& aBoxBounds,
const wr::LayoutVector2D& aOffset,
const wr::ColorF& aColor, const float& aBlurRadius,
const float& aSpreadRadius,
const wr::BorderRadius& aBorderRadius,
const wr::BoxShadowClipMode& aClipMode);
* Notifies the DisplayListBuilder that it can group together WR display items
* that are pushed until |CancelGroup()| or |FinishGroup()| call.
void StartGroup(nsPaintedDisplayItem* aItem);
* Cancels grouping of the display items and discards all the display items
* pushed between the |StartGroup()| and |CancelGroup()| calls.
void CancelGroup(const bool aDiscard = false);
* Finishes the display item group. The group is stored in WebRender backend,
* and can be reused with |ReuseItem()|, if the Gecko display item is reused.
void FinishGroup();
* Try to reuse the previously created WebRender display items for the given
* Gecko display item |aItem|.
* Returns true if the items were reused, otherwise returns false.
bool ReuseItem(nsPaintedDisplayItem* aItem);
uint64_t CurrentClipChainId() const {
return mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain.clip_chain;
const wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain& CurrentSpaceAndClipChain() const {
return mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain;
const wr::PipelineId& CurrentPipelineId() const { return mPipelineId; }
// Checks to see if the innermost enclosing fixed pos item has the same
// ASR. If so, it returns the scroll target for that fixed-pos item.
// Otherwise, it returns Nothing().
Maybe<layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID> GetContainingFixedPosScrollTarget(
const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr);
Maybe<SideBits> GetContainingFixedPosSideBits(const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr);
already_AddRefed<gfxContext> GetTextContext(
wr::IpcResourceUpdateQueue& aResources,
const layers::StackingContextHelper& aSc,
layers::RenderRootStateManager* aManager, nsDisplayItem* aItem,
nsRect& aBounds, const gfx::Point& aDeviceOffset);
// Try to avoid using this when possible.
wr::WrState* Raw() { return mWrState; }
void SetClipChainLeaf(const Maybe<wr::LayoutRect>& aClipRect) {
mClipChainLeaf = aClipRect;
// A chain of RAII objects, each holding a (ASR, ViewID, SideBits) tuple of
// data. The topmost object is pointed to by the mActiveFixedPosTracker
// pointer in the wr::DisplayListBuilder.
class MOZ_RAII FixedPosScrollTargetTracker final {
FixedPosScrollTargetTracker(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr,
layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID aScrollId,
SideBits aSideBits);
Maybe<layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID> GetScrollTargetForASR(
const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr);
Maybe<SideBits> GetSideBitsForASR(const ActiveScrolledRoot* aAsr);
FixedPosScrollTargetTracker* mParentTracker;
DisplayListBuilder& mBuilder;
const ActiveScrolledRoot* mAsr;
layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID mScrollId;
SideBits mSideBits;
wr::LayoutRect MergeClipLeaf(const wr::LayoutRect& aClip) {
if (mClipChainLeaf) {
return wr::IntersectLayoutRect(*mClipChainLeaf, aClip);
return aClip;
// See the implementation of PushShadow for details on these methods.
void SuspendClipLeafMerging();
void ResumeClipLeafMerging();
wr::WrState* mWrState;
// Track each scroll id that we encountered. We use this structure to
// ensure that we don't define a particular scroll layer multiple times,
// as that results in undefined behaviour in WR.
std::unordered_map<layers::ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID, wr::WrSpaceAndClip>
wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain;
// Contains the current leaf of the clip chain to be merged with the
// display item's clip rect when pushing an item. May be set to Nothing() if
// there is no clip rect to merge with.
Maybe<wr::LayoutRect> mClipChainLeaf;
// Versions of the above that are on hold while SuspendClipLeafMerging is on
// (see the implementation of PushShadow for details).
Maybe<wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain> mSuspendedSpaceAndClipChain;
Maybe<wr::LayoutRect> mSuspendedClipChainLeaf;
RefPtr<layout::TextDrawTarget> mCachedTextDT;
RefPtr<gfxContext> mCachedContext;
FixedPosScrollTargetTracker* mActiveFixedPosTracker;
wr::PipelineId mPipelineId;
wr::LayoutSize mContentSize;
nsTArray<wr::PipelineId> mRemotePipelineIds;
layers::DisplayItemCache* mDisplayItemCache;
Maybe<uint16_t> mCurrentCacheSlot;
friend class WebRenderAPI;
friend class SpaceAndClipChainHelper;
// This is a RAII class that overrides the current Wr's SpatialId and
// ClipChainId.
class MOZ_RAII SpaceAndClipChainHelper final {
SpaceAndClipChainHelper(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain aSpaceAndClipChain)
: mBuilder(aBuilder),
mOldSpaceAndClipChain(aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain) {
aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain = aSpaceAndClipChain;
SpaceAndClipChainHelper(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
wr::WrSpatialId aSpatialId)
: mBuilder(aBuilder),
mOldSpaceAndClipChain(aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain) { = aSpatialId;
SpaceAndClipChainHelper(DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
wr::WrClipChainId aClipChainId)
: mBuilder(aBuilder),
mOldSpaceAndClipChain(aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain) {
aBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain.clip_chain =;
~SpaceAndClipChainHelper() {
mBuilder.mCurrentSpaceAndClipChain = mOldSpaceAndClipChain;
SpaceAndClipChainHelper(const SpaceAndClipChainHelper&) = delete;
DisplayListBuilder& mBuilder;
wr::WrSpaceAndClipChain mOldSpaceAndClipChain;
Maybe<wr::ImageFormat> SurfaceFormatToImageFormat(gfx::SurfaceFormat aFormat);
} // namespace wr
} // namespace mozilla