
600 строки
18 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "DocAccessible.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/DocAccessibleParent.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/DocManager.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Platform.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/RemoteAccessibleBase.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/RemoteAccessible.h"
#include "mozilla/a11y/Role.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserParent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/CanonicalBrowsingContext.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentInlines.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include "nsAccUtils.h"
#include "RelationType.h"
#include "xpcAccessibleDocument.h"
#ifdef A11Y_LOG
# include "Logging.h"
# define VERIFY_CACHE(domain) \
if (logging::IsEnabled(logging::eCache)) { \
Unused << mDoc->SendVerifyCache(mID, domain, mCachedFields); \
# define VERIFY_CACHE(domain) \
do { \
} while (0)
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::Shutdown() {
xpcAccessibleDocument* xpcDoc =
if (xpcDoc) {
// XXX Ideally this wouldn't be necessary, but it seems OuterDoc accessibles
// can be destroyed before the doc they own.
uint32_t childCount = mChildren.Length();
if (!IsOuterDoc()) {
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < childCount; idx++) mChildren[idx]->Shutdown();
} else {
if (childCount > 1) {
MOZ_CRASH("outer doc has too many documents!");
} else if (childCount == 1) {
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::SetChildDoc(
DocAccessibleParent* aChildDoc) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mChildren.Length() == 0);
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::ClearChildDoc(
DocAccessibleParent* aChildDoc) {
// This is possible if we're replacing one document with another: Doc 1
// has not had a chance to remove itself, but was already replaced by Doc 2
// in SetChildDoc(). This could result in two subsequent calls to
// ClearChildDoc() even though mChildren.Length() == 1.
MOZ_ASSERT(mChildren.Length() <= 1);
template <class Derived>
uint32_t RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::EmbeddedChildCount() const {
size_t count = 0, kids = mChildren.Length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kids; i++) {
if (mChildren[i]->IsEmbeddedObject()) {
return count;
template <class Derived>
int32_t RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::IndexOfEmbeddedChild(
Accessible* aChild) {
size_t index = 0, kids = mChildren.Length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kids; i++) {
if (mChildren[i]->IsEmbeddedObject()) {
if (mChildren[i] == aChild) {
return index;
return -1;
template <class Derived>
Accessible* RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::EmbeddedChildAt(uint32_t aChildIdx) {
size_t index = 0, kids = mChildren.Length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < kids; i++) {
if (!mChildren[i]->IsEmbeddedObject()) {
if (index == aChildIdx) {
return mChildren[i];
return nullptr;
template <class Derived>
LocalAccessible* RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::OuterDocOfRemoteBrowser()
const {
auto tab = static_cast<dom::BrowserParent*>(mDoc->Manager());
dom::Element* frame = tab->GetOwnerElement();
NS_ASSERTION(frame, "why isn't the tab in a frame!");
if (!frame) return nullptr;
DocAccessible* chromeDoc = GetExistingDocAccessible(frame->OwnerDoc());
return chromeDoc ? chromeDoc->GetAccessible(frame) : nullptr;
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::SetParent(Derived* aParent) {
if (!aParent) {
mParent = kNoParent;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(!IsDoc() || !aParent->IsDoc());
mParent = aParent->ID();
template <class Derived>
Derived* RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::RemoteParent() const {
if (mParent == kNoParent) {
return nullptr;
// if we are not a document then are parent is another proxy in the same
// document. That means we can just ask our document for the proxy with our
// parent id.
if (!IsDoc()) {
return Document()->GetAccessible(mParent);
// If we are a top level document then our parent is not a proxy.
if (AsDoc()->IsTopLevel()) {
return nullptr;
// Finally if we are a non top level document then our parent id is for a
// proxy in our parent document so get the proxy from there.
DocAccessibleParent* parentDoc = AsDoc()->ParentDoc();
return parentDoc->GetAccessible(mParent);
template <class Derived>
ENameValueFlag RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::Name(nsString& aName) const {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (IsText()) {
mCachedFields->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::text, aName);
return eNameOK;
if (mCachedFields->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::name, aName)) {
auto nameFlag =
return nameFlag ? static_cast<ENameValueFlag>(*nameFlag) : eNameOK;
return eNameOK;
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::Description(nsString& aDescription) const {
if (mCachedFields) {
mCachedFields->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::description, aDescription);
template <class Derived>
double RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::CurValue() const {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto value = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<double>(nsGkAtoms::value)) {
return *value;
return UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
template <class Derived>
double RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::MinValue() const {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto min = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<double>(nsGkAtoms::min)) {
return *min;
return UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
template <class Derived>
double RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::MaxValue() const {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto max = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<double>(nsGkAtoms::max)) {
return *max;
return UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
template <class Derived>
double RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::Step() const {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto step = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<double>(nsGkAtoms::step)) {
return *step;
return UnspecifiedNaN<double>();
template <class Derived>
Maybe<nsRect> RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::RetrieveCachedBounds() const {
Maybe<const nsTArray<int32_t>&> maybeArray =
if (maybeArray) {
const nsTArray<int32_t>& relativeBoundsArr = *maybeArray;
MOZ_ASSERT(relativeBoundsArr.Length() == 4,
"Incorrectly sized bounds array");
nsRect relativeBoundsRect(relativeBoundsArr[0], relativeBoundsArr[1],
relativeBoundsArr[2], relativeBoundsArr[3]);
return Some(relativeBoundsRect);
return Nothing();
template <class Derived>
LayoutDeviceIntRect RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::Bounds() const {
if (mCachedFields) {
Maybe<nsRect> maybeBounds = RetrieveCachedBounds();
if (maybeBounds) {
nsRect bounds = *maybeBounds;
LayoutDeviceIntRect devPxBounds;
dom::CanonicalBrowsingContext* cbc =
dom::BrowserParent* bp = cbc->GetBrowserParent();
nsPresContext* presContext =
const Accessible* acc = this;
while (acc) {
if (LocalAccessible* localAcc =
const_cast<Accessible*>(acc)->AsLocal()) {
// LocalAccessible::Bounds returns screen-relative bounds in
// dev pixels.
LayoutDeviceIntRect localBounds = localAcc->Bounds();
// Convert our existing `bounds` rect from app units to dev pixels
devPxBounds = LayoutDeviceIntRect::FromAppUnitsToNearest(
bounds, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
// We factor in our zoom level before offsetting by
// `localBounds`, which has already taken zoom into account.
// The root document will always have an APZ resolution of 1,
// so we don't factor in its scale here. We also don't scale
// by GetFullZoom because LocalAccessible::Bounds already does
// that.
devPxBounds.MoveBy(localBounds.X(), localBounds.Y());
RemoteAccessible* remoteAcc = const_cast<Accessible*>(acc)->AsRemote();
// Verify that remoteAcc is not `this`, since `bounds` was
// initialised to include this->RetrieveCachedBounds()
Maybe<nsRect> maybeRemoteBounds =
(remoteAcc == this) ? Nothing() : remoteAcc->RetrieveCachedBounds();
if (maybeRemoteBounds) {
// We need to take into account a non-1 resolution set on the
// presshell. This happens with async pinch zooming, among other
// things. We can't reliably query this value in the parent process,
// so we retrieve it from the document's cache.
Maybe<float> res;
if (remoteAcc->IsDoc()) {
// Apply the document's resolution to the bounds we've gathered
// thus far. We do this before applying the document's offset
// because document accs should not have their bounds scaled by
// their own resolution. They should be scaled by the resolution
// of their containing document (if any). We also skip this in the
// case that remoteAcc == this, since that implies `bounds` should
// be scaled relative to its parent doc.
res = remoteAcc->AsDoc()->mCachedFields->GetAttribute<float>(
// Regardless of whether this is a doc, we should offset `bounds`
// by the bounds retrieved here. This is how we build screen
// coordinates from relative coordinates.
nsRect remoteBounds = *maybeRemoteBounds;
bounds.MoveBy(remoteBounds.X(), remoteBounds.Y());
acc = acc->Parent();
PresShell* presShell = presContext->PresShell();
// Our relative bounds are pulled from the coordinate space of the layout
// viewport, but we need them to be in the coordinate space of the visual
// viewport. We calculate the difference and translate our bounds here.
nsPoint viewportOffset = presShell->GetVisualViewportOffset() -
viewportOffset, presContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel())));
return devPxBounds;
return LayoutDeviceIntRect();
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::AppendTextTo(nsAString& aText,
uint32_t aStartOffset,
uint32_t aLength) {
if (IsText()) {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto text = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<nsString>(nsGkAtoms::text)) {
aText.Append(Substring(*text, aStartOffset, aLength));
if (aStartOffset != 0 || aLength == 0) {
if (IsHTMLBr()) {
aText += kForcedNewLineChar;
} else if (RemoteParent() && nsAccUtils::MustPrune(RemoteParent())) {
// Expose the embedded object accessible as imaginary embedded object
// character if its parent hypertext accessible doesn't expose children to
// AT.
aText += kImaginaryEmbeddedObjectChar;
} else {
aText += kEmbeddedObjectChar;
template <class Derived>
uint32_t RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::GetCachedTextLength() {
if (!mCachedFields) {
return 0;
auto text = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<nsString>(nsGkAtoms::text);
if (!text) {
return 0;
return text->Length();
template <class Derived>
Maybe<const nsTArray<int32_t>&>
RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::GetCachedTextLines() {
if (!mCachedFields) {
return Nothing();
return mCachedFields->GetAttribute<nsTArray<int32_t>>(nsGkAtoms::line);
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::DOMNodeID(nsString& aID) const {
if (mCachedFields) {
mCachedFields->GetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::id, aID);
template <class Derived>
RefPtr<const AccAttributes>
RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::GetCachedTextAttributes() {
MOZ_ASSERT(IsText() || IsHyperText());
if (mCachedFields) {
auto attrs =
return attrs;
return nullptr;
template <class Derived>
RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::DefaultTextAttributes() {
RefPtr<const AccAttributes> attrs = GetCachedTextAttributes();
RefPtr<AccAttributes> result = new AccAttributes();
if (attrs) {
return result.forget();
template <class Derived>
uint64_t RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::State() {
uint64_t state = 0;
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto rawState =
mCachedFields->GetAttribute<uint64_t>(nsGkAtoms::state)) {
state = *rawState;
// Handle states that are derived from other states.
if (!(state & states::UNAVAILABLE)) {
state |= states::ENABLED | states::SENSITIVE;
if (state & states::EXPANDABLE && !(state & states::EXPANDED)) {
state |= states::COLLAPSED;
auto* browser = static_cast<dom::BrowserParent*>(Document()->Manager());
if (browser == dom::BrowserParent::GetFocused()) {
if (this == Document()->GetFocusedAcc()) {
state |= states::FOCUSED;
return state;
template <class Derived>
already_AddRefed<AccAttributes> RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::Attributes() {
RefPtr<AccAttributes> attributes = new AccAttributes();
if (mCachedFields) {
// We use GetAttribute instead of GetAttributeRefPtr because we need
// nsAtom, not const nsAtom.
if (auto tag =
mCachedFields->GetAttribute<RefPtr<nsAtom>>(nsGkAtoms::tag)) {
attributes->SetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::tag, *tag);
GroupPos groupPos = GroupPosition();
nsAccUtils::SetAccGroupAttrs(attributes, groupPos.level, groupPos.setSize,
bool hierarchical = false;
uint32_t itemCount = AccGroupInfo::TotalItemCount(this, &hierarchical);
if (itemCount) {
if (hierarchical) {
attributes->SetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::tree, true);
if (auto inputType = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<RefPtr<nsAtom>>(
nsGkAtoms::textInputType)) {
attributes->SetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::textInputType, *inputType);
return attributes.forget();
template <class Derived>
nsAtom* RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::TagName() const {
if (mCachedFields) {
if (auto tag =
mCachedFields->GetAttribute<RefPtr<nsAtom>>(nsGkAtoms::tag)) {
return *tag;
return nullptr;
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::ARIAGroupPosition(
int32_t* aLevel, int32_t* aSetSize, int32_t* aPosInSet) const {
if (!mCachedFields) {
if (aLevel) {
if (auto level =
mCachedFields->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::aria_level)) {
*aLevel = *level;
if (aSetSize) {
if (auto setsize =
mCachedFields->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::aria_setsize)) {
*aSetSize = *setsize;
if (aPosInSet) {
if (auto posinset =
mCachedFields->GetAttribute<int32_t>(nsGkAtoms::aria_posinset)) {
*aPosInSet = *posinset;
template <class Derived>
AccGroupInfo* RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::GetGroupInfo() const {
if (!mCachedFields) {
return nullptr;
if (auto groupInfo = mCachedFields->GetAttribute<UniquePtr<AccGroupInfo>>(
nsGkAtoms::group)) {
return groupInfo->get();
return nullptr;
template <class Derived>
AccGroupInfo* RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::GetOrCreateGroupInfo() {
AccGroupInfo* groupInfo = GetGroupInfo();
if (groupInfo) {
return groupInfo;
groupInfo = AccGroupInfo::CreateGroupInfo(this);
if (groupInfo) {
if (!mCachedFields) {
mCachedFields = new AccAttributes();
mCachedFields->SetAttribute(nsGkAtoms::group, groupInfo);
return groupInfo;
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::InvalidateGroupInfo() {
if (mCachedFields) {
template <class Derived>
void RemoteAccessibleBase<Derived>::TakeFocus() const {
Unused << mDoc->SendTakeFocus(mID);
template class RemoteAccessibleBase<RemoteAccessible>;
} // namespace a11y
} // namespace mozilla