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Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода!

Этот файл содержит невидимые символы Юникода, которые могут быть отображены не так, как показано ниже. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы показать скрытые символы.

Этот файл содержит неоднозначные символы Юникода, которые могут быть перепутаны с другими в текущей локали. Если это намеренно, можете спокойно проигнорировать это предупреждение. Используйте кнопку Экранировать, чтобы подсветить эти символы.

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_ReadableByteStreamController_h
#define mozilla_dom_ReadableByteStreamController_h
#include <cstddef>
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/QueuingStrategyBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/QueueWithSizes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ReadableStream.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ReadRequest.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ReadableStreamBYOBRequest.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ReadableStreamController.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TypedArray.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UnderlyingSourceCallbackHelpers.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
namespace mozilla::dom {
enum ReaderType { Default, BYOB };
struct PullIntoDescriptor;
struct ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry;
struct ReadIntoRequest;
class ReadableByteStreamController final : public ReadableStreamController,
public nsWrapperCache {
ReadableByteStreamController, ReadableStreamController)
explicit ReadableByteStreamController(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal);
bool IsDefault() override { return false; }
bool IsByte() override { return true; }
ReadableStreamDefaultController* AsDefault() override { return nullptr; }
ReadableByteStreamController* AsByte() override { return this; }
JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
already_AddRefed<ReadableStreamBYOBRequest> GetByobRequest(JSContext* aCx);
Nullable<double> GetDesiredSize() const;
void Close(JSContext* aCx, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Enqueue(JSContext* aCx, const ArrayBufferView& aChunk, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Error(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aErrorValue,
ErrorResult& aRv);
virtual already_AddRefed<Promise> CancelSteps(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JS::Value> aReason,
ErrorResult& aRv) override;
virtual void PullSteps(JSContext* aCx, ReadRequest* aReadRequest,
ErrorResult& aRv) override;
// Internal Slot Accessors
Maybe<uint64_t> AutoAllocateChunkSize() { return mAutoAllocateChunkSize; }
void SetAutoAllocateChunkSize(Maybe<uint64_t>& aSize) {
mAutoAllocateChunkSize = aSize;
ReadableStreamBYOBRequest* GetByobRequest() const { return mByobRequest; }
void SetByobRequest(ReadableStreamBYOBRequest* aByobRequest) {
mByobRequest = aByobRequest;
LinkedList<RefPtr<PullIntoDescriptor>>& PendingPullIntos() {
return mPendingPullIntos;
void ClearPendingPullIntos();
ReadableStream* Stream() const { return mStream; }
double QueueTotalSize() const { return mQueueTotalSize; }
void SetQueueTotalSize(double aQueueTotalSize) {
mQueueTotalSize = aQueueTotalSize;
void AddToQueueTotalSize(double aLength) { mQueueTotalSize += aLength; }
double StrategyHWM() const { return mStrategyHWM; }
void SetStrategyHWM(double aStrategyHWM) { mStrategyHWM = aStrategyHWM; }
bool CloseRequested() const { return mCloseRequested; }
void SetCloseRequested(bool aCloseRequested) {
mCloseRequested = aCloseRequested;
UnderlyingSourceCancelCallbackHelper* GetCancelAlgorithm() const {
return mCancelAlgorithm;
void SetCancelAlgorithm(
UnderlyingSourceCancelCallbackHelper* aCancelAlgorithm) {
mCancelAlgorithm = aCancelAlgorithm;
UnderlyingSourcePullCallbackHelper* GetPullAlgorithm() const {
return mPullAlgorithm;
void SetPullAlgorithm(UnderlyingSourcePullCallbackHelper* aPullAlgorithm) {
mPullAlgorithm = aPullAlgorithm;
LinkedList<RefPtr<ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry>>& Queue() { return mQueue; }
void ClearQueue();
bool Started() const { return mStarted; }
void SetStarted(bool aStarted) { mStarted = aStarted; }
bool Pulling() const { return mPulling; }
void SetPulling(bool aPulling) { mPulling = aPulling; }
bool PullAgain() const { return mPullAgain; }
void SetPullAgain(bool aPullAgain) { mPullAgain = aPullAgain; }
// A boolean flag indicating whether the stream has been closed by its
// underlying byte source, but still has chunks in its internal queue that
// have not yet been read
bool mCloseRequested = false;
// A boolean flag set to true if the streams mechanisms requested a call
// to the underlying byte source's pull algorithm to pull more data, but the
// pull could not yet be done since a previous call is still executing
bool mPullAgain = false;
// A boolean flag indicating whether the underlying byte source has finished
// starting
bool mStarted = false;
// A boolean flag set to true while the underlying byte source's pull
// algorithm is executing and the returned promise has not yet fulfilled,
// used to prevent reentrant calls
bool mPulling = false;
// A positive integer, when the automatic buffer allocation feature is
// enabled. In that case, this value specifies the size of buffer to allocate.
// It is undefined otherwise.
Maybe<uint64_t> mAutoAllocateChunkSize;
// A ReadableStreamBYOBRequest instance representing the current BYOB pull
// request, or null if there are no pending requests
RefPtr<ReadableStreamBYOBRequest> mByobRequest;
// A promise-returning algorithm, taking one argument (the cancel reason),
// which communicates a requested cancelation to the underlying byte source
RefPtr<UnderlyingSourceCancelCallbackHelper> mCancelAlgorithm;
// A promise-returning algorithm that pulls data from the underlying byte
// source
RefPtr<UnderlyingSourcePullCallbackHelper> mPullAlgorithm;
// A list of pull-into descriptors
LinkedList<RefPtr<PullIntoDescriptor>> mPendingPullIntos;
// A list of readable byte stream queue entries representing the streams
// internal queue of chunks
// This is theoretically supposed to be a QueueWithSizes, but it is
// mostly not actually manipulated or used like QueueWithSizes, so instead we
// use a LinkedList.
LinkedList<RefPtr<ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry>> mQueue;
// The total size, in bytes, of all the chunks stored in [[queue]] (see §8.1
// Queue-with-sizes)
double mQueueTotalSize = 0.0;
// A number supplied to the constructor as part of the streams queuing
// strategy, indicating the point at which the stream will apply backpressure
// to its underlying byte source
double mStrategyHWM = 0.0;
RefPtr<ReadableStream> mStream;
// Important: These list elements need to be traced by the owning structure.
struct ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry
: LinkedListElement<RefPtr<ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry>> {
friend class ReadableByteStreamController::cycleCollection;
ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aBuffer,
size_t aByteOffset, size_t aByteLength)
: LinkedListElement<RefPtr<ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry>>(),
mByteLength(aByteLength) {}
JSObject* Buffer() const { return mBuffer; }
void SetBuffer(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aBuffer) { mBuffer = aBuffer; }
size_t ByteOffset() const { return mByteOffset; }
void SetByteOffset(size_t aByteOffset) { mByteOffset = aByteOffset; }
size_t ByteLength() const { return mByteLength; }
void SetByteLength(size_t aByteLength) { mByteLength = aByteLength; }
void ClearBuffer() { mBuffer = nullptr; }
// An ArrayBuffer, which will be a transferred version of the one originally
// supplied by the underlying byte source.
// This is traced by the list owner (see ReadableByteStreamController's
// tracing code).
JS::Heap<JSObject*> mBuffer;
// A nonnegative integer number giving the byte offset derived from the view
// originally supplied by the underlying byte source
size_t mByteOffset = 0;
// A nonnegative integer number giving the byte length derived from the view
// originally supplied by the underlying byte source
size_t mByteLength = 0;
~ReadableByteStreamQueueEntry() = default;
// Important: These list elments need to be traced by the owning structure.
struct PullIntoDescriptor final
: LinkedListElement<RefPtr<PullIntoDescriptor>> {
enum Constructor {
#define DEFINE_TYPED_CONSTRUCTOR_ENUM_NAMES(ExternalT, NativeT, Name) Name,
static Constructor constructorFromScalar(JS::Scalar::Type type) {
switch (type) {
#define REMAP_PULL_INTO_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(ExternalT, NativeT, Name) \
case JS::Scalar::Name: \
return Constructor::Name;
#undef REMAP
case JS::Scalar::Int64:
case JS::Scalar::Simd128:
case JS::Scalar::MaxTypedArrayViewType:
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected Scalar::Type");
friend class ReadableByteStreamController::cycleCollection;
PullIntoDescriptor(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aBuffer, uint64_t aBufferByteLength,
uint64_t aByteOffset, uint64_t aByteLength,
uint64_t aBytesFilled, uint64_t aElementSize,
Constructor aViewConstructor, ReaderType aReaderType)
: LinkedListElement<RefPtr<PullIntoDescriptor>>(),
mReaderType(aReaderType) {}
JSObject* Buffer() const { return mBuffer; }
void SetBuffer(JS::Handle<JSObject*> aBuffer) { mBuffer = aBuffer; }
uint64_t BufferByteLength() const { return mBufferByteLength; }
void SetBufferByteLength(const uint64_t aBufferByteLength) {
mBufferByteLength = aBufferByteLength;
uint64_t ByteOffset() const { return mByteOffset; }
void SetByteOffset(const uint64_t aByteOffset) { mByteOffset = aByteOffset; }
uint64_t ByteLength() const { return mByteLength; }
void SetByteLength(const uint64_t aByteLength) { mByteLength = aByteLength; }
uint64_t BytesFilled() const { return mBytesFilled; }
void SetBytesFilled(const uint64_t aBytesFilled) {
mBytesFilled = aBytesFilled;
uint64_t ElementSize() const { return mElementSize; }
void SetElementSize(const uint64_t aElementSize) {
mElementSize = aElementSize;
Constructor ViewConstructor() const { return mViewConstructor; }
// Note: Named GetReaderType to avoid name conflict with type.
ReaderType GetReaderType() const { return mReaderType; }
void SetReaderType(const ReaderType aReaderType) {
mReaderType = aReaderType;
void ClearBuffer() { mBuffer = nullptr; }
// This is traced by the list owner (see ReadableByteStreamController's
// tracing code).
JS::Heap<JSObject*> mBuffer;
uint64_t mBufferByteLength = 0;
uint64_t mByteOffset = 0;
uint64_t mByteLength = 0;
uint64_t mBytesFilled = 0;
uint64_t mElementSize = 0;
Constructor mViewConstructor;
ReaderType mReaderType;
~PullIntoDescriptor() = default;
extern void ReadableByteStreamControllerRespond(
JSContext* aCx, ReadableByteStreamController* aController,
uint64_t aBytesWritten, ErrorResult& aRv);
extern void ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondInternal(
JSContext* aCx, ReadableByteStreamController* aController,
uint64_t aBytesWritten, ErrorResult& aRv);
extern void ReadableByteStreamControllerRespondWithNewView(
JSContext* aCx, ReadableByteStreamController* aController,
JS::Handle<JSObject*> aView, ErrorResult& aRv);
extern void ReadableByteStreamControllerPullInto(
JSContext* aCx, ReadableByteStreamController* aController,
JS::HandleObject aView, ReadIntoRequest* aReadIntoRequest,
ErrorResult& aRv);
} // namespace mozilla::dom