
499 строки
16 KiB

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
Mochitest version of the WebGL Conformance Test Suite
<script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="resources/webgl-test-harness.js"></script>
var CONFORMANCE_TEST_VERSION = "1.0.1 (beta)";
var OPTIONS = {
* This is copied from webgl-test-harness.js where it is defined as a private function, not accessible to us (argh!)
* Loads text from an external file. This function is synchronous.
* @param {string} url The url of the external file.
* @return {string} the loaded text if the request is synchronous.
var loadTextFileSynchronous = function (url) {
var error = 'loadTextFileSynchronous failed to load url "' + url + '"';
var request;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (request.overrideMimeType) {
} else {
throw 'XMLHttpRequest is disabled';
}'GET', url, false);
if (request.readyState != 4) {
throw error;
return request.responseText;
function start() {
var kIsWindows = false;
var kIsLinux = false;
var kIsAndroid = false;
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0)
kIsWindows = true;
else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android") != -1)
kIsAndroid = true;
else if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") == 0) // must be checked after android, as android also has a 'Linux' platform string
kIsLinux = true;
// Set kMacVersion to the OS X version for Mac, and 0 otherwise.
var osxmatch = /Mac OS X (\d+.\d+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
var kMacVersion = osxmatch ? parseFloat(osxmatch[1]) : 0;
var kIsWindowsVistaOrHigher = false;
if (kIsWindows) {
// code borrowed from browser/modules/test/browser_taskbar_preview.js"UniversalXPConnect");
var version = Components.classes[";1"]
kIsWindowsVistaOrHigher = (parseFloat(version) >= 6.0);
function getEnv(env) {"UniversalXPConnect");
var envsvc = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment);
var val = envsvc.get(env);
if (val == "")
return null;
return val;
var reportType = WebGLTestHarnessModule.TestHarness.reportType;
var Page = function(reporter, url) {
this.reporter = reporter;
this.url = url;
this.totalTests = 0;
this.totalSuccessful = 0;
this.totalTimeouts = 0;
var li = reporter.localDoc.createElement('li');
var div = reporter.localDoc.createElement('div');
var a = reporter.localDoc.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
var node = reporter.localDoc.createTextNode(url);
li.setAttribute('class', 'testpage');
var ul = reporter.localDoc.createElement('ul');
var node = reporter.localDoc.createTextNode('');
this.totalsElem = node;
this.resultElem = ul;
this.elem = li;
* Indicates whether this test page results are not to be ignored.
Page.prototype.shouldBeAccountedFor = function() {
return testsToIgnore.indexOf(this.url) == -1;
* Indicates whether all this test page results are expected not to fail,
* if not ignored.
Page.prototype.isExpectedToFullyPass = function() {
return this.shouldBeAccountedFor() &&
testsExpectedToFail.indexOf(this.url) == -1;
* Returns log message with added test page url.
Page.prototype.logMsg = function(msg) {
return '[' + this.url + '] ' + msg;
* Reports an individual test result of test page.
Page.prototype.addResult = function(msg, success) {
if (success === undefined) {
var result = "timeout";
var css = "timeout";
// only few timeouts are actually caught here --- most are caught in finishPage().
if (this.isExpectedToFullyPass()) {
ok(false, this.logMsg('Test timed out'), msg);
} else {
todo(false, this.logMsg('Test timed out'), msg);
} else if (success) {
var result = "success";
var css = "success";
if (this.shouldBeAccountedFor()) {
ok(true, this.logMsg('Test passed'), msg);
} else {
todo(false, this.logMsg('Test passed, but is ignored'), msg);
// Don't report individual success to UI, to keep it light.
} else {
var result = "failed";
var css = "fail";
if (this.isExpectedToFullyPass()) {
ok(false, this.logMsg('Test failed'), msg);
} else {
todo(false, this.logMsg('Test failed'), msg);
var node = this.reporter.localDoc.createTextNode(result + ': ' + msg);
var li = this.reporter.localDoc.createElement('li');
li.setAttribute('class', css);
Page.prototype.startPage = function() {
this.totalTests = 0;
this.totalSuccessful = 0;
this.totalTimeouts = 0;
// remove previous results.
while (this.resultElem.hasChildNodes()) {
this.totalsElem.textContent = '';
return true;
* Reports test page result summary.
Page.prototype.finishPage = function(success) {
var msg = ' (' + this.totalSuccessful + ' of ' +
this.totalTests + ' passed)';
if (success === undefined) {
var css = 'testpagetimeout';
msg = '(*timeout*)';
// Most timeouts are only caught here --- though a few are (already) caught in addResult().
if (this.isExpectedToFullyPass()) {
ok(false, this.logMsg('Timeout in this test page'));
} else {
todo(false, this.logMsg('Timeout in this test page'));
} else if (this.totalSuccessful != this.totalTests) {
var css = 'testpagefail';
var totalFailed = this.totalTests - this.totalTimeouts - this.totalSuccessful;
if (this.isExpectedToFullyPass()) {
ok(false, this.logMsg("(WebGL test error) " + totalFailed + ' failure(s) and ' + this.totalTimeouts + ' timeout(s)'));
} else {
todo(false, this.logMsg("(WebGL test error) " + totalFailed + ' failure(s) and ' + this.totalTimeouts + ' timeout(s)'));
} else {
var css = 'testpagesuccess';
if (this.isExpectedToFullyPass()) {
ok(true, this.logMsg('All ' + this.totalSuccessful + ' test(s) passed'));
} else {
if (this.shouldBeAccountedFor()) {
todo(true, this.logMsg('Test page expected to fail, but all ' + this.totalSuccessful + ' tests passed'));
} else {
todo(false, this.logMsg('All ' + this.totalSuccessful + ' test(s) passed, but test page is ignored'));
this.elem.setAttribute('class', css);
this.totalsElem.textContent = msg;
var Reporter = function() {
this.localDoc = document;
this.fullResultsElem = document.getElementById("results-default");
this.resultElem = document.getElementById("results");
var node = this.localDoc.createTextNode('');
this.fullResultsNode = node;
this.iframe = document.getElementById("testframe");
this.currentPageElem = null;
this.totalPages = 0;
this.pagesByURL = {};
this.currentPage = null;
this.totalTests = 0;
this.totalSuccessful = 0;
this.totalTimeouts = 0;
Reporter.prototype.runTest = function(url) {
var page = this.pagesByURL[url];
this.currentPage = page;
this.iframe.src = url;
return result;
Reporter.prototype.addPage = function(url) {
this.currentPage = new Page(this, url, this.resultElem);
this.pagesByURL[url] = this.currentPage;
Reporter.prototype.startPage = function(url) {
if (testsToSkip.indexOf(url) != -1) {
info("[" + url + "] (WebGL mochitest) Skipping test page");
return false;
info("[" + url + "] (WebGL mochitest) Starting test page");
// Calling garbageCollect before each test page fixes intermittent failures with
// out-of-memory errors, often failing to create a WebGL context.
// The explanation is that the JS engine keeps unreferenced WebGL contexts around
// for too long before GCing (bug 617453), so that during this mochitest dozens of unreferenced
// WebGL contexts can accumulate at a given time.
var page = this.pagesByURL[url];
this.currentPage = page;
statusTextNode.textContent = 'Running URL: ' + url;
expectedtofailTextNode.textContent = testsExpectedToFail.length +
' test pages are expected to fail out of ' +
ignoredtestsTextNode.textContent = testsToIgnore.length +
' test pages have their results ignored';
return page.startPage();
Reporter.prototype.displayStats = function() {
var totalFailed = this.totalTests - this.totalTimeouts - this.totalSuccessful;
this.fullResultsNode.textContent =
this.totalSuccessful + ' passed, ' +
totalFailed + ' failed, ' +
this.totalTimeouts + ' timed out';
Reporter.prototype.addResult = function(msg, success) {
if (this.currentPage != null) {
this.currentPage.addResult(msg, success);
Reporter.prototype.finishPage = function(success) {
if (this.currentPage != null) {
this.currentPage.finishPage(success); // must call that first, since this is where totalTimeouts is computed
this.totalTests += this.currentPage.totalTests;
this.totalSuccessful += this.currentPage.totalSuccessful;
this.totalTimeouts += this.currentPage.totalTimeouts;
this.currentPage = null;
Reporter.prototype.finishedTestSuite = function() {
statusTextNode.textContent = 'Finished';
Reporter.prototype.ready = function() {
statusTextNode.textContent = 'Loaded test lists. Starting tests...';
Reporter.prototype.reportFunc = function(type, msg, success) {
switch (type) {
case reportType.ADD_PAGE:
return this.addPage(msg);
case reportType.READY:
return this.ready();
case reportType.START_PAGE:
return this.startPage(msg);
case reportType.TEST_RESULT:
return this.addResult(msg, success);
case reportType.FINISH_PAGE:
return this.finishPage(success);
case reportType.FINISHED_ALL_TESTS:
return true;
throw 'unhandled';
var getURLOptions = function(obj) {
var s = window.location.href;
var q = s.indexOf("?");
var e = s.indexOf("#");
if (e < 0) {
e = s.length;
var query = s.substring(q + 1, e);
var pairs = query.split("&");
for (var ii = 0; ii < pairs.length; ++ii) {
var keyValue = pairs[ii].split("=");
var key = keyValue[0];
var value = decodeURIComponent(keyValue[1]);
obj[key] = value;
function runTestSuite() {
var reporter = new Reporter();
// try to create a dummy WebGL context, just to catch context creation failures once here,
// rather than having them result in 100's of failures (one in each test page)
var ctx;
try {
ctx = document.getElementById("webglcheck-default")
} catch(e) {}
if (!ctx) {
var errmsg = "Can't create a WebGL context";
reporter.fullResultsNode.textContent = errmsg;
// Workaround for SeaMonkey tinderboxes which don't support WebGL.
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/ SeaMonkey\//))
todo(false, errmsg + " (This is expected on SeaMonkey (tinderboxes).)");
ok(false, errmsg);
statusTextNode.textContent = 'Loading test lists...';
var iframe = document.getElementById("testframe");
var testHarness = new WebGLTestHarnessModule.TestHarness(
function(type, msg, success) {
return reporter.reportFunc(type, msg, success);
// Make timeout delay much higher when running under valgrind.
window.webglTestHarness = testHarness;
SimpleTest.requestLongerTimeout(kIsAndroid ? 6 : 3);
var statusElem = document.getElementById("status");
var statusTextNode = document.createTextNode('');
var expectedtofailElem = document.getElementById("expectedtofail");
var expectedtofailTextNode = document.createTextNode('');
var ignoredtestsElem = document.getElementById("ignoredtests");
var ignoredtestsTextNode = document.createTextNode('');
// Windows uses the ANGLE library for rendering. Until everything is perfect, this means a different set of
// failing tests. It's easier to do a platform check for Windows than for ANGLE itself.
// Moreover, we currently also have different tests failing on Mac and on Linux,
// presumably due to differences in the drivers.
var failingTestsFilename;
if (kIsWindows)
failingTestsFilename = 'failing_tests_windows.txt';
else if (kIsLinux)
failingTestsFilename = 'failing_tests_linux.txt';
else if (kMacVersion == 10.8)
failingTestsFilename = 'failing_tests_mac_mtnlion.txt';
else if (kMacVersion)
failingTestsFilename = 'failing_tests_mac.txt';
else if (kIsAndroid)
failingTestsFilename = 'failing_tests_android.txt';
var testsExpectedToFail = loadTextFileSynchronous(failingTestsFilename)
.replace(/\r/g, '') // convert to unix line breaks
// remove empty filenames
var indexOfEmptyFilename = testsExpectedToFail.indexOf("");
while(indexOfEmptyFilename != -1) {
testsExpectedToFail.splice(indexOfEmptyFilename, 1);
indexOfEmptyFilename = testsExpectedToFail.indexOf("");
if (kIsWindows && !kIsWindowsVistaOrHigher)
var testsToIgnore = [];
var testsToSkip = [];
if (kIsAndroid) {
var testsToSkip = loadTextFileSynchronous('skipped_tests_android.txt')
.replace(/\r/g, '') // convert to unix line breaks
<body onload="start();">
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<table border="2px">
<tr style="height: 500px;">
<td style="width: 500px;">
<iframe id="testframe" scrolling="no" width="500px" height="500px"></iframe>
<td><h4>WebGL Conformance Test Runner</h4></td>
<div style="border: 1px">
<b>Status:</b> <div><span id="status"></span></div><br />
<div><span id="results-default"></span></div>
<br />
<div><span id="expectedtofail"></span></div>
<br />
<div><span id="ignoredtests"></span></div>
<td colspan="2">
<div style="text-align: left; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto;">
<div><ul id="results"></ul></div>
<canvas id="webglcheck-default" style="display: none;"></canvas>