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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// The Gecko Profiler is an always-on profiler that takes fast and low overhead
// samples of the program execution using only userspace functionality for
// portability. The goal of this module is to provide performance data in a
// generic cross-platform way without requiring custom tools or kernel support.
// Samples are collected to form a timeline with optional timeline event
// (markers) used for filtering. The samples include both native stacks and
// platform-independent "label stack" frames.
#ifndef GeckoProfiler_h
#define GeckoProfiler_h
// This file can be #included unconditionally. However, everything within this
// file must be guarded by a #ifdef MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER, *except* for the
// following macros, which encapsulate the most common operations and thus
// avoid the need for many #ifdefs.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL(label, category)
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_CSTR(label, category, cStr)
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_NSCSTRING(label, category, nsCStr)
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_FAST(label, category, ctx)
#define PROFILER_ADD_MARKER(markerName)
#define PROFILER_ADD_NETWORK_MARKER(uri, pri, channel, type, start, end, count, timings, redirect)
#define PROFILER_TRACING(category, markerName, kind)
#define AUTO_PROFILER_TRACING(category, markerName)
#include <functional>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/GuardObjects.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
#include "mozilla/ThreadLocal.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/net/TimingStruct.h"
#include "js/ProfilingStack.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
// Make sure that we can use std::min here without the Windows headers messing
// with us.
#ifdef min
# undef min
class ProfilerBacktrace;
class ProfilerMarkerPayload;
class SpliceableJSONWriter;
namespace mozilla {
class MallocAllocPolicy;
template <class T, size_t MinInlineCapacity, class AllocPolicy> class Vector;
class TimeStamp;
} // namespace mozilla
// Macros used by the AUTO_PROFILER_* macros below.
#define PROFILER_RAII_PASTE(id, line) id ## line
// Profiler features
// Higher-order macro containing all the feature info in one place. Define
// |macro| appropriately to extract the relevant parts. Note that the number
// values are used internally only and so can be changed without consequence.
// Any changes to this list should also be applied to the feature list in
// browser/components/extensions/schemas/geckoProfiler.json.
/* Profile Java code (Android only). */ \
macro(0, "java", Java) \
/* Get the JS engine to expose the JS stack to the profiler */ \
macro(1, "js", JS) \
/* Include the C++ leaf node if not stackwalking. */ \
/* The DevTools profiler doesn't want the native addresses. */ \
macro(2, "leaf", Leaf) \
/* Add main thread I/O to the profile. */ \
macro(3, "mainthreadio", MainThreadIO) \
/* Add memory measurements (e.g. RSS). */ \
macro(4, "memory", Memory) \
/* Do not include user-identifiable information. */ \
macro(5, "privacy", Privacy) \
/* Collect thread responsiveness information. */ \
macro(6, "responsiveness", Responsiveness) \
/* Take a snapshot of the window on every composition. */ \
macro(7, "screenshots", Screenshots) \
/* Disable parallel traversal in styling. */ \
macro(8, "seqstyle", SequentialStyle) \
/* Walk the C++ stack. Not available on all platforms. */ \
macro(9, "stackwalk", StackWalk) \
/* Start profiling with feature TaskTracer. */ \
macro(10, "tasktracer", TaskTracer) \
/* Profile the registered secondary threads. */ \
macro(11, "threads", Threads) \
/* Have the JavaScript engine track JIT optimizations. */ \
macro(12, "trackopts", TrackOptimizations)
struct ProfilerFeature
#define DECLARE(n_, str_, Name_) \
static const uint32_t Name_ = (1u << n_); \
static bool Has##Name_(uint32_t aFeatures) { return aFeatures & Name_; } \
static void Set##Name_(uint32_t& aFeatures) { aFeatures |= Name_; } \
static void Clear##Name_(uint32_t& aFeatures) { aFeatures &= ~Name_; }
// Define a bitfield constant, a getter, and two setters for each feature.
#undef DECLARE
namespace mozilla {
namespace profiler {
namespace detail {
// RacyFeatures is only defined in this header file so that its methods can
// be inlined into profiler_is_active(). Please do not use anything from the
// detail namespace outside the profiler.
// Within the profiler's code, the preferred way to check profiler activeness
// and features is via ActivePS(). However, that requires locking gPSMutex.
// There are some hot operations where absolute precision isn't required, so we
// duplicate the activeness/feature state in a lock-free manner in this class.
class RacyFeatures
static void SetActive(uint32_t aFeatures)
sActiveAndFeatures = Active | aFeatures;
static void SetInactive() { sActiveAndFeatures = 0; }
static bool IsActive() { return uint32_t(sActiveAndFeatures) & Active; }
static bool IsActiveWithFeature(uint32_t aFeature)
uint32_t af = sActiveAndFeatures; // copy it first
return (af & Active) && (af & aFeature);
static bool IsActiveWithoutPrivacy()
uint32_t af = sActiveAndFeatures; // copy it first
return (af & Active) && !(af & ProfilerFeature::Privacy);
static const uint32_t Active = 1u << 31;
// Ensure Active doesn't overlap with any of the feature bits.
#define NO_OVERLAP(n_, str_, Name_) \
static_assert(ProfilerFeature::Name_ != Active, "bad Active value");
// We combine the active bit with the feature bits so they can be read or
// written in a single atomic operation. Accesses to this atomic are not
// recorded by web replay as they may occur at non-deterministic points.
static mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t, mozilla::MemoryOrdering::Relaxed,
recordreplay::Behavior::DontPreserve> sActiveAndFeatures;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace profiler
} // namespace mozilla
// Start and stop the profiler
#if !defined(ARCH_ARMV6)
// Initialize the profiler. If MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP is set the profiler will
// also be started. This call must happen before any other profiler calls
// (except profiler_start(), which will call profiler_init() if it hasn't
// already run).
void profiler_init(void* stackTop);
mozilla::AutoProfilerInit PROFILER_RAII
// Clean up the profiler module, stopping it if required. This function may
// also save a shutdown profile if requested. No profiler calls should happen
// after this point and all profiling stack labels should have been popped.
void profiler_shutdown();
// Start the profiler -- initializing it first if necessary -- with the
// selected options. Stops and restarts the profiler if it is already active.
// After starting the profiler is "active". The samples will be recorded in a
// circular buffer.
// "aEntries" is the number of entries in the profiler's circular buffer.
// "aInterval" the sampling interval, measured in millseconds.
// "aFeatures" is the feature set. Features unsupported by this
// platform/configuration are ignored.
// "aFilters" is the list of thread filters. Threads that do not match any
// of the filters are not profiled. A filter matches a thread if
// (a) the thread name contains the filter as a case-insensitive
// substring, or
// (b) the filter is of the form "pid:<n>" where n is the process
// id of the process that the thread is running in.
void profiler_start(uint32_t aEntries, double aInterval, uint32_t aFeatures,
const char** aFilters, uint32_t aFilterCount);
// Stop the profiler and discard the profile without saving it. A no-op if the
// profiler is inactive. After stopping the profiler is "inactive".
void profiler_stop();
// If the profiler is inactive, start it. If it's already active, restart it if
// the requested settings differ from the current settings. Both the check and
// the state change are performed while the profiler state is locked.
// The only difference to profiler_start is that the current buffer contents are
// not discarded if the profiler is already running with the requested settings.
void profiler_ensure_started(uint32_t aEntries, double aInterval,
uint32_t aFeatures, const char** aFilters,
uint32_t aFilterCount);
// Control the profiler
// Register/unregister threads with the profiler. Both functions operate the
// same whether the profiler is active or inactive.
do { char stackTop; profiler_register_thread(name, &stackTop); } while (0)
ProfilingStack* profiler_register_thread(const char* name, void* guessStackTop);
void profiler_unregister_thread();
// Register and unregister a thread within a scope.
mozilla::AutoProfilerRegisterThread PROFILER_RAII(name)
// Pause and resume the profiler. No-ops if the profiler is inactive. While
// paused the profile will not take any samples and will not record any data
// into its buffers. The profiler remains fully initialized in this state.
// Timeline markers will still be stored. This feature will keep JavaScript
// profiling enabled, thus allowing toggling the profiler without invalidating
// the JIT.
void profiler_pause();
void profiler_resume();
// These functions tell the profiler that a thread went to sleep so that we can
// avoid sampling it while it's sleeping. Calling profiler_thread_sleep()
// twice without an intervening profiler_thread_wake() is an error. All three
// functions operate the same whether the profiler is active or inactive.
void profiler_thread_sleep();
void profiler_thread_wake();
// Mark a thread as asleep/awake within a scope.
mozilla::AutoProfilerThreadSleep PROFILER_RAII
mozilla::AutoProfilerThreadWake PROFILER_RAII
// Called by the JSRuntime's operation callback. This is used to start profiling
// on auxiliary threads. Operates the same whether the profiler is active or
// not.
#define PROFILER_JS_INTERRUPT_CALLBACK() profiler_js_interrupt_callback()
void profiler_js_interrupt_callback();
// Set and clear the current thread's JSContext.
#define PROFILER_SET_JS_CONTEXT(cx) profiler_set_js_context(cx)
#define PROFILER_CLEAR_JS_CONTEXT() profiler_clear_js_context()
void profiler_set_js_context(JSContext* aCx);
void profiler_clear_js_context();
// Get information from the profiler
// Is the profiler active? Note: the return value of this function can become
// immediately out-of-date. E.g. the profile might be active but then
// profiler_stop() is called immediately afterward. One common and reasonable
// pattern of usage is the following:
// if (profiler_is_active()) {
// ExpensiveData expensiveData = CreateExpensiveData();
// PROFILER_OPERATION(expensiveData);
// }
// where PROFILER_OPERATION is a no-op if the profiler is inactive. In this
// case the profiler_is_active() check is just an optimization -- it prevents
// us calling CreateExpensiveData() unnecessarily in most cases, but the
// expensive data will end up being created but not used if another thread
// stops the profiler between the CreateExpensiveData() and PROFILER_OPERATION
// calls.
inline bool profiler_is_active()
return mozilla::profiler::detail::RacyFeatures::IsActive();
// Is the profiler active and paused? Returns false if the profiler is inactive.
bool profiler_is_paused();
// Is the current thread sleeping?
bool profiler_thread_is_sleeping();
// Get all the features supported by the profiler that are accepted by
// profiler_start(). The result is the same whether the profiler is active or
// not.
uint32_t profiler_get_available_features();
// Check if a profiler feature (specified via the ProfilerFeature type) is
// active. Returns false if the profiler is inactive. Note: the return value
// can become immediately out-of-date, much like the return value of
// profiler_is_active().
bool profiler_feature_active(uint32_t aFeature);
// Get the params used to start the profiler. Returns 0 and an empty vector
// (via outparams) if the profile is inactive. It's possible that the features
// returned may be slightly different to those requested due to required
// adjustments.
void profiler_get_start_params(int* aEntrySize, double* aInterval,
uint32_t* aFeatures,
mozilla::Vector<const char*, 0,
// The number of milliseconds since the process started. Operates the same
// whether the profiler is active or inactive.
double profiler_time();
// Get the current thread's ID.
int profiler_current_thread_id();
// An object of this class is passed to profiler_suspend_and_sample_thread().
// For each stack frame, one of the Collect methods will be called.
class ProfilerStackCollector
// Some collectors need to worry about possibly overwriting previous
// generations of data. If that's not an issue, this can return Nothing,
// which is the default behaviour.
virtual mozilla::Maybe<uint64_t> SamplePositionInBuffer() { return mozilla::Nothing(); }
virtual mozilla::Maybe<uint64_t> BufferRangeStart() { return mozilla::Nothing(); }
// This method will be called once if the thread being suspended is the main
// thread. Default behaviour is to do nothing.
virtual void SetIsMainThread() {}
// WARNING: The target thread is suspended when the Collect methods are
// called. Do not try to allocate or acquire any locks, or you could
// deadlock. The target thread will have resumed by the time this function
// returns.
virtual void CollectNativeLeafAddr(void* aAddr) = 0;
virtual void CollectJitReturnAddr(void* aAddr) = 0;
virtual void CollectWasmFrame(const char* aLabel) = 0;
virtual void CollectProfilingStackFrame(const js::ProfilingStackFrame& aFrame) = 0;
// This method suspends the thread identified by aThreadId, samples its
// profiling stack, JS stack, and (optionally) native stack, passing the collected
// frames into aCollector. aFeatures dictates which compiler features are used.
// |Privacy| and |Leaf| are the only relevant ones.
void profiler_suspend_and_sample_thread(int aThreadId, uint32_t aFeatures,
ProfilerStackCollector& aCollector,
bool aSampleNative = true);
struct ProfilerBacktraceDestructor
void operator()(ProfilerBacktrace*);
using UniqueProfilerBacktrace =
mozilla::UniquePtr<ProfilerBacktrace, ProfilerBacktraceDestructor>;
// Immediately capture the current thread's call stack and return it. A no-op
// if the profiler is inactive or in privacy mode.
UniqueProfilerBacktrace profiler_get_backtrace();
struct ProfilerBufferInfo
uint64_t mRangeStart;
uint64_t mRangeEnd;
uint32_t mEntryCount;
// Get information about the current buffer status.
// Returns Nothing() if the profiler is inactive.
// This information may be useful to a user-interface displaying the current
// status of the profiler, allowing the user to get a sense for how fast the
// buffer is being written to, and how much data is visible.
mozilla::Maybe<ProfilerBufferInfo> profiler_get_buffer_info();
// Put profiling data into the profiler (labels and markers)
// Insert an RAII object in this scope to enter a label stack frame. Any
// samples collected in this scope will contain this label in their stack.
// The label argument must be a static C string. It is usually of the
// form "ClassName::FunctionName". (Ideally we'd use the compiler to provide
// that for us, but __func__ gives us the function name without the class
// name.) If the label applies to only part of a function, you can qualify it
// like this: "ClassName::FunctionName:PartName".
// Use AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_* if you want to add additional / dynamic
// information to the label stack frame.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL(label, category) \
mozilla::AutoProfilerLabel PROFILER_RAII(label, nullptr, __LINE__, \
// Similar to AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL, but with an additional string. The inserted
// RAII object stores the cStr pointer in a field; it does not copy the string.
// WARNING: This means that the string you pass to this macro needs to live at
// least until the end of the current scope. Be careful using this macro with
// ns[C]String; the other AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_* macros below are
// preferred because they avoid this problem.
// If the profiler samples the current thread and walks the label stack while
// this RAII object is on the stack, it will copy the supplied string into the
// profile buffer. So there's one string copy operation, and it happens at
// sample time.
// Compare this to the plain AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL macro, which only accepts
// literal strings: When the label stack frames generated by
// AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL are sampled, no string copy needs to be made because the
// profile buffer can just store the raw pointers to the literal strings.
// Consequently, AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL frames take up considerably less space in
// the profile buffer than AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_* frames.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_CSTR(label, category, cStr) \
mozilla::AutoProfilerLabel \
PROFILER_RAII(label, cStr, __LINE__, js::ProfilingStackFrame::Category::category)
// Similar to AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_CSTR, but takes an nsACString.
// Note: The use of the Maybe<>s ensures the scopes for the dynamic string and
// the AutoProfilerLabel are appropriate, while also not incurring the runtime
// cost of the string assignment unless the profiler is active. Therefore,
// doesn't push/pop a label when the profiler is inactive.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_NSCSTRING(label, category, nsCStr) \
mozilla::Maybe<nsAutoCString> autoCStr; \
mozilla::Maybe<AutoProfilerLabel> raiiObjectNsCString; \
if (profiler_is_active()) { \
autoCStr.emplace(nsCStr); \
raiiObjectNsCString.emplace(label, autoCStr->get(), __LINE__, \
js::ProfilingStackFrame::Category::category); \
// Similar to AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_CSTR, but takes an nsString that is
// is lossily converted to an ASCII string.
// Note: The use of the Maybe<>s ensures the scopes for the converted dynamic
// string and the AutoProfilerLabel are appropriate, while also not incurring
// the runtime cost of the string conversion unless the profiler is active.
// this macro doesn't push/pop a label when the profiler is inactive.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_DYNAMIC_LOSSY_NSSTRING(label, category, nsStr) \
mozilla::Maybe<NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII> asciiStr; \
mozilla::Maybe<AutoProfilerLabel> raiiObjectLossyNsString; \
if (profiler_is_active()) { \
asciiStr.emplace(nsStr); \
raiiObjectLossyNsString.emplace(label, asciiStr->get(), __LINE__, \
js::ProfilingStackFrame::Category::category); \
// Similar to AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL, but accepting a JSContext* parameter, and a
// no-op if the profiler is disabled.
// Used to annotate functions for which overhead in the range of nanoseconds is
// noticeable. It avoids overhead from the TLS lookup because it can get the
// ProfilingStack from the JS context, and avoids almost all overhead in the case
// where the profiler is disabled.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_FAST(label, category, ctx) \
mozilla::AutoProfilerLabel PROFILER_RAII(ctx, label, nullptr, __LINE__, \
// Insert a marker in the profile timeline. This is useful to delimit something
// important happening such as the first paint. Unlike labels, which are only
// recorded in the profile buffer if a sample is collected while the label is
// on the label stack, markers will always be recorded in the profile buffer.
// aMarkerName is copied, so the caller does not need to ensure it lives for a
// certain length of time. A no-op if the profiler is inactive or in privacy
// mode.
#define PROFILER_ADD_MARKER(markerName) \
void profiler_add_marker(const char* aMarkerName);
void profiler_add_marker(const char* aMarkerName,
mozilla::UniquePtr<ProfilerMarkerPayload> aPayload);
// Insert a marker in the profile timeline for a specified thread.
void profiler_add_marker_for_thread(int aThreadId,
const char* aMarkerName,
mozilla::UniquePtr<ProfilerMarkerPayload> aPayload);
enum class NetworkLoadType {
#define PROFILER_ADD_NETWORK_MARKER(uri, pri, channel, type, start, end, count, timings, redirect) \
profiler_add_network_marker(uri, pri, channel, type, start, end, count, timings, redirect)
void profiler_add_network_marker(nsIURI* aURI,
int32_t aPriority,
uint64_t aChannelId,
NetworkLoadType aType,
mozilla::TimeStamp aStart,
mozilla::TimeStamp aEnd,
int64_t aCount,
const mozilla::net::TimingStruct* aTimings = nullptr,
nsIURI* aRedirectURI = nullptr);
enum TracingKind {
// Adds a tracing marker to the profile. A no-op if the profiler is inactive or
// in privacy mode.
#define PROFILER_TRACING(category, markerName, kind) \
profiler_tracing(category, markerName, kind)
void profiler_tracing(const char* aCategory, const char* aMarkerName,
TracingKind aKind);
void profiler_tracing(const char* aCategory, const char* aMarkerName,
TracingKind aKind, UniqueProfilerBacktrace aCause);
// Adds a START/END pair of tracing markers.
#define AUTO_PROFILER_TRACING(category, markerName) \
mozilla::AutoProfilerTracing PROFILER_RAII(category, markerName)
// Output profiles
// Get the profile encoded as a JSON string. A no-op (returning nullptr) if the
// profiler is inactive.
// If aIsShuttingDown is true, the current time is included as the process
// shutdown time in the JSON's "meta" object.
mozilla::UniquePtr<char[]> profiler_get_profile(double aSinceTime = 0,
bool aIsShuttingDown = false);
// Write the profile for this process (excluding subprocesses) into aWriter.
// Returns false if the profiler is inactive.
bool profiler_stream_json_for_this_process(SpliceableJSONWriter& aWriter,
double aSinceTime = 0,
bool aIsShuttingDown = false);
// Get the profile and write it into a file. A no-op if the profile is
// inactive.
// This function is 'extern "C"' so that it is easily callable from a debugger
// in a build without debugging information (a workaround for
extern "C" {
void profiler_save_profile_to_file(const char* aFilename);
// RAII classes
namespace mozilla {
class MOZ_RAII AutoProfilerInit
~AutoProfilerInit() { profiler_shutdown(); }
// Convenience class to register and unregister a thread with the profiler.
// Needs to be the first object on the stack of the thread.
class MOZ_RAII AutoProfilerRegisterThread final
explicit AutoProfilerRegisterThread(const char* aName
profiler_register_thread(aName, this);
~AutoProfilerRegisterThread() { profiler_unregister_thread(); }
AutoProfilerRegisterThread(const AutoProfilerRegisterThread&) = delete;
AutoProfilerRegisterThread& operator=(const AutoProfilerRegisterThread&) =
class MOZ_RAII AutoProfilerThreadSleep
explicit AutoProfilerThreadSleep(MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_ONLY_PARAM)
~AutoProfilerThreadSleep() { profiler_thread_wake(); }
// Temporarily wake up the profiling of a thread while servicing events such as
// Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APCs).
class MOZ_RAII AutoProfilerThreadWake
: mIssuedWake(profiler_thread_is_sleeping())
if (mIssuedWake) {
if (mIssuedWake) {
bool mIssuedWake;
// This class creates a non-owning ProfilingStack reference. Objects of this class
// are stack-allocated, and so exist within a thread, and are thus bounded by
// the lifetime of the thread, which ensures that the references held can't be
// used after the ProfilingStack is destroyed.
class MOZ_RAII AutoProfilerLabel
AutoProfilerLabel(const char* aLabel, const char* aDynamicString,
uint32_t aLine, js::ProfilingStackFrame::Category aCategory
// Get the ProfilingStack from TLS.
Push(sProfilingStack.get(), aLabel, aDynamicString, aLine, aCategory);
// This is the AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL_FAST variant. It's guarded on
// profiler_is_active() and retrieves the ProfilingStack from the JSContext.
AutoProfilerLabel(JSContext* aJSContext,
const char* aLabel, const char* aDynamicString,
uint32_t aLine, js::ProfilingStackFrame::Category aCategory
if (profiler_is_active()) {
aLabel, aDynamicString, aLine, aCategory);
} else {
mProfilingStack = nullptr;
void Push(ProfilingStack* aProfilingStack,
const char* aLabel, const char* aDynamicString,
uint32_t aLine, js::ProfilingStackFrame::Category aCategory)
// This function runs both on and off the main thread.
mProfilingStack = aProfilingStack;
if (mProfilingStack) {
mProfilingStack->pushLabelFrame(aLabel, aDynamicString, this, aLine,
// This function runs both on and off the main thread.
if (mProfilingStack) {
// We save a ProfilingStack pointer in the ctor so we don't have to redo the TLS
// lookup in the dtor.
ProfilingStack* mProfilingStack;
// See the comment on the definition in platform.cpp for details about this.
static MOZ_THREAD_LOCAL(ProfilingStack*) sProfilingStack;
class MOZ_RAII AutoProfilerTracing
AutoProfilerTracing(const char* aCategory, const char* aMarkerName
: mCategory(aCategory)
, mMarkerName(aMarkerName)
profiler_tracing(mCategory, mMarkerName, TRACING_INTERVAL_START);
AutoProfilerTracing(const char* aCategory, const char* aMarkerName,
UniqueProfilerBacktrace aBacktrace
: mCategory(aCategory)
, mMarkerName(aMarkerName)
profiler_tracing(mCategory, mMarkerName, TRACING_INTERVAL_START,
profiler_tracing(mCategory, mMarkerName, TRACING_INTERVAL_END);
const char* mCategory;
const char* mMarkerName;
// Set MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP* environment variables that will be inherited into
// a child process that is about to be launched, in order to make that child
// process start with the same profiler settings as in the current process.
class MOZ_RAII AutoSetProfilerEnvVarsForChildProcess
explicit AutoSetProfilerEnvVarsForChildProcess(MOZ_GUARD_OBJECT_NOTIFIER_ONLY_PARAM);
char mSetEntries[64];
char mSetInterval[64];
char mSetFeaturesBitfield[64];
char mSetFilters[1024];
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // GeckoProfiler_h