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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Bill Law <>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "nsString.h"
// Where Mozilla stores its own registry values.
const char * const mozillaKeyName = "Software\\Mozilla\\Desktop";
static const char shortcutSuffix[] = " -url \"%1\"";
static const char chromeSuffix[] = " -chrome \"%1\"";
// Returns the (fully-qualified) name of this executable.
static nsCString thisApplication() {
static nsCAutoString result;
if ( result.IsEmpty() ) {
char buffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
DWORD len = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, buffer, sizeof buffer );
len = ::GetShortPathName( buffer, buffer, sizeof buffer );
result = buffer;
return result;
// Returns this
// RegistryEntry
// Generic registry entry (no saving of previous values). Each is comprised of:
// o A base HKEY
// o A subkey name.
// o An optional value name (empty for the "default" value).
// o The registry setting we'd like this entry to have when set.
struct RegistryEntry {
HKEY baseKey; // e.g., HKEY_CURRENT_USER
nsCString keyName; // Key name.
nsCString valueName; // Value name (can be empty, which implies NULL).
nsCString setting; // What we set it to.
RegistryEntry( HKEY baseKey, const char* keyName, const char* valueName, const char* setting )
: baseKey( baseKey ), keyName( keyName ), valueName( valueName ), setting( setting ) {
PRBool isAlreadySet() const;
nsresult set();
nsresult reset();
nsCString currentSetting() const;
// Return value name in proper form for passing to ::Reg functions
// (i.e., emptry string is converted to a NULL pointer).
const char* valueNameArg() const {
return valueName.IsEmpty() ? NULL : valueName.get();
nsCString fullName() const;
// BoolRegistryEntry
// These are used to store the "windows integration" preferences.
// You can query the value via operator void* (i.e., if ( boolPref )... ).
// These are stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Desktop.
// Set sets the stored value to "1". Reset deletes it (which implies 0).
struct BoolRegistryEntry : public RegistryEntry {
BoolRegistryEntry( const char *name )
: RegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, mozillaKeyName, name, "1" ) {
operator void*();
// SavedRegistryEntry
// Like a plain RegistryEntry, but set/reset save/restore the
// it had before we set it.
struct SavedRegistryEntry : public RegistryEntry {
SavedRegistryEntry( HKEY baseKey, const char *keyName, const char *valueName, const char *setting )
: RegistryEntry( baseKey, keyName, valueName, setting ) {
nsresult set();
nsresult reset();
// ProtocolRegistryEntry
// For setting entries for a given Internet Shortcut protocol.
// The key name is calculated as
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\protocol\shell\open\command.
// The setting is this executable (with appropriate suffix).
// Set/reset are trickier in this case.
struct ProtocolRegistryEntry : public SavedRegistryEntry {
nsCString protocol;
ProtocolRegistryEntry( const char* protocol )
: SavedRegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "", "", thisApplication() ),
protocol( protocol ) {
keyName = "Software\\Classes\\";
keyName += protocol;
keyName += "\\shell\\open\\command";
// Append appropriate suffix to setting.
if ( this->protocol.Equals( "chrome" ) || this->protocol.Equals( "MozillaXUL" ) ) {
// Use "-chrome" command line flag.
setting += chromeSuffix;
} else {
// Use standard "-url" command line flag.
setting += shortcutSuffix;
nsresult set();
nsresult reset();
// DDERegistryEntry
// Like a protocol registry entry, but for the shell\open\ddeexec subkey.
// set/reset handle setting/resetting various ddeexec sub-entries, also.
struct DDERegistryEntry : public SavedRegistryEntry {
DDERegistryEntry( const char *protocol )
: SavedRegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "", "", "-url \"%1\"" ),
app( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "", "", "Mozilla" ),
topic( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "", "", "WWW_OpenURL" ) {
// Derive keyName from protocol.
keyName = "Software\\Classes\\";
keyName += protocol;
keyName += "\\shell\\open\\ddeexec";
// Set subkey names.
app.keyName = keyName;
app.keyName += "\\Application";
topic.keyName = keyName;
topic.keyName += "\\Topic";
// Use -chrome for some protocols, though.
nsCAutoString strProtocol( protocol );
if ( strProtocol.Equals( "chrome" ) || strProtocol.Equals( "MozillaXUL" ) ) {
setting = "-chrome \"%1\"";
nsresult set();
nsresult reset();
SavedRegistryEntry app, topic;
// FileTypeRegistryEntry
// For setting entries relating to a file extension (or extensions).
// This object itself is for the "file type" associated with the extension.
// Set/reset manage the mapping from extension to the file type, as well.
struct FileTypeRegistryEntry : public ProtocolRegistryEntry {
nsCString fileType;
const char **ext;
nsCString desc;
FileTypeRegistryEntry ( const char **ext, const char *fileType, const char *desc )
: ProtocolRegistryEntry( fileType ),
fileType( fileType ),
ext( ext ),
desc( desc ) {
nsresult set();
nsresult reset();
// EditableFileTypeRegistryEntry
// Extends FileTypeRegistryEntry by setting an additional handler for an "edit" command.
struct EditableFileTypeRegistryEntry : public FileTypeRegistryEntry {
EditableFileTypeRegistryEntry( const char **ext, const char *fileType, const char *desc )
: FileTypeRegistryEntry( ext, fileType, desc ) {
nsresult set();
// Generate the "full" name of this registry entry.
nsCString RegistryEntry::fullName() const {
nsCString result;
if ( baseKey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER ) {
result = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\";
} else if ( baseKey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) {
result = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\";
} else {
result = "\\";
result += keyName;
if ( !valueName.IsEmpty() ) {
result += "[";
result += valueName;
result += "]";
return result;
// Tests whether registry entry already has desired setting.
PRBool RegistryEntry::isAlreadySet() const {
PRBool result = FALSE;
nsCAutoString current( currentSetting() );
result = ( current == setting );
return result;
// Gives registry entry the desired setting.
nsresult RegistryEntry::set() {
#ifdef DEBUG_law
printf( "Setting %s=%s\n", (const char*)fullName(), (const char*)setting );
nsresult result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
HKEY key;
LONG rc = ::RegOpenKey( baseKey, keyName, &key );
// See if key doesn't exist yet...
if ( rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
rc = ::RegCreateKey( baseKey, keyName, &key );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
char buffer[4096] = { 0 };
DWORD len = sizeof buffer;
rc = ::RegQueryValueEx( key, valueNameArg(), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &len );
if ( strcmp( setting, buffer ) != 0 ) {
rc = ::RegSetValueEx( key, valueNameArg(), NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(const char*)setting, strlen(setting) );
#ifdef DEBUG_law
NS_WARN_IF_FALSE( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS, (const char*)fullName() );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
result = NS_OK;
} else {
// Already has desired setting.
result = NS_OK;
::RegCloseKey( key );
} else {
#ifdef DEBUG_law
NS_WARN_IF_FALSE( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS, (const char*)fullName() );
return result;
// Get current setting, set new one, then save the previous.
nsresult SavedRegistryEntry::set() {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
nsCAutoString prev( currentSetting() );
// See if value is changing.
if ( setting != prev ) {
// Set new.
rv = RegistryEntry::set();
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) {
// Save old.
RegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Mozilla\\Desktop", fullName(), prev ).set();
return rv;
// Set this entry and its corresponding DDE entry. The DDE entry
// must be turned off to stop Windows from trying to use DDE.
nsresult ProtocolRegistryEntry::set() {
// Set this entry.
nsresult rv = SavedRegistryEntry::set();
// Save and set corresponding DDE entry(ies).
DDERegistryEntry( protocol ).set();
return rv;
// Set ddexec values:
// .../ddeexec -url "%1" / -chrome "%1"
// /Application Mozilla
// /Topic WWW_OpenURL
nsresult DDERegistryEntry::set() {
// Root (parameter to load url or chrome)
nsresult rv = SavedRegistryEntry::set();
rv = app.set();
rv = topic.set();
return rv;
// Not being a "saved" entry, we can't restore, so just delete it.
nsresult RegistryEntry::reset() {
HKEY key;
LONG rc = ::RegOpenKey( baseKey, keyName, &key );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
rc = ::RegDeleteValue( key, valueNameArg() );
return NS_OK;
// Resets registry entry to the saved value (if there is one). We first
// ensure that we still "own" that entry (by comparing its value to what
// we would set it to).
nsresult SavedRegistryEntry::reset() {
nsresult result = NS_OK;
// Get current setting for this key/value.
nsCAutoString current( currentSetting() );
// Test if we "own" it.
if ( current == setting ) {
// Unset it, then. First get saved value it had previously.
RegistryEntry saved = RegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, mozillaKeyName, fullName(), "" );
saved.setting = saved.currentSetting();
if ( !saved.setting.IsEmpty() ) {
// Set to previous value.
setting = saved.setting;
result = RegistryEntry::set();
// Remove saved entry.
} else {
// Just delete this key/value.
result = RegistryEntry::reset();
return result;
// Restore this entry and corresponding DDE entry.
nsresult ProtocolRegistryEntry::reset() {
// Restore this entry.
nsresult rv = SavedRegistryEntry::reset();
// Do same for corresponding DDE entry.
DDERegistryEntry( protocol ).reset();
return rv;
// Reset the main (ddeexec) value but also the Application and Topic.
nsresult DDERegistryEntry::reset() {
nsresult rv = SavedRegistryEntry::reset();
rv = app.reset();
rv = topic.reset();
return rv;
// Return current setting for this registry entry.
nsCString RegistryEntry::currentSetting() const {
nsCString result;
HKEY key;
LONG rc = ::RegOpenKey( baseKey, keyName, &key );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
char buffer[4096];
DWORD len = sizeof buffer;
rc = ::RegQueryValueEx( key, valueNameArg(), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &len );
if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
result = buffer;
::RegCloseKey( key );
return result;
// For each file extension, map it to this entry's file type.
// Set the file type so this application opens files of that type.
nsresult FileTypeRegistryEntry::set() {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// Set file extensions.
for ( int i = 0; NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) && ext[i]; i++ ) {
nsCAutoString thisExt( "Software\\Classes\\" );
thisExt += ext[i];
rv = SavedRegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, thisExt, "", fileType ).set();
// If OK, set file type opener.
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) {
rv = ProtocolRegistryEntry::set();
// If we just created this file type entry, set description and default icon.
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) {
nsCAutoString descKey( "Software\\Classes\\" );
descKey += protocol;
RegistryEntry descEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, descKey, NULL, desc );
if ( descEntry.currentSetting().IsEmpty() ) {
nsCAutoString iconKey( "Software\\Classes\\" );
iconKey += protocol;
iconKey += "\\DefaultIcon";
RegistryEntry iconEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, iconKey, NULL,
nsCAutoString( thisApplication() + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(",0") ) );
if ( iconEntry.currentSetting().IsEmpty() ) {
return rv;
// Basically, the inverse of set().
// First, reset the opener for this entry's file type.
// Then, reset the file type associated with each extension.
nsresult FileTypeRegistryEntry::reset() {
nsresult rv = ProtocolRegistryEntry::reset();
for ( int i = 0; ext[ i ]; i++ ) {
nsCAutoString thisExt( "Software\\Classes\\" );
thisExt += ext[i];
(void)SavedRegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, thisExt, "", fileType ).reset();
return rv;
// Do inherited set() and also set key for edit (with -edit option).
// Note: We make the rash assumption that we "own" this filetype (aka "protocol").
// If we ever start commandeering some other file type then this may have to be
// rethought. The solution is to override reset() and undo this (and make the
// "edit" entry a SavedRegistryEntry).
nsresult EditableFileTypeRegistryEntry::set() {
nsresult rv = FileTypeRegistryEntry::set();
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) {
nsCAutoString editKey( "Software\\Classes\\" );
editKey += protocol;
editKey += "\\shell\\edit\\command";
nsCAutoString editor( thisApplication() );
editor += " -edit \"%1\"";
rv = RegistryEntry( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, editKey, "", editor ).set();
return rv;
// Convert current registry setting to boolean.
BoolRegistryEntry::operator void*() {
return (void*)( currentSetting().Equals( "1" ) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE );