
554 строки
19 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["OnboardingTelemetry"];
const {utils: Cu} = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
PingCentre: "resource:///modules/PingCentre.jsm",
Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gUUIDGenerator",
";1", "nsIUUIDGenerator");
// Flag to control if we want to send new/old telemetry
// TODO: remove this flag and the legacy code in Bug 1419996
const NEW_TABLE = false;
// Validate the content has non-empty string
function hasString(str) {
return typeof str == "string" && str.length > 0;
// Validate the content is an empty string
function isEmptyString(str) {
return typeof str == "string" && str === "";
// Validate the content is an interger
function isInteger(i) {
return Number.isInteger(i);
// Validate the content is a positive interger
function isPositiveInteger(i) {
return Number.isInteger(i) && i > 0;
// Validate the number is -1
function isMinusOne(num) {
return num === -1;
// Validate the category value is within the list
function isValidCategory(category) {
return ["logo-interactions", "onboarding-interactions",
"overlay-interactions", "notification-interactions"]
// Validate the page value is within the list
function isValidPage(page) {
return ["about:newtab", "about:home"].includes(page);
// Validate the tour_type value is within the list
function isValidTourType(type) {
return ["new", "update"].includes(type);
// Validate the bubble state value is within the list
function isValidBubbleState(str) {
return ["bubble", "dot", "hide"].includes(str);
// Validate the logo state value is within the list
function isValidLogoState(str) {
return ["logo", "watermark"].includes(str);
// Validate the notification state value is within the list
function isValidNotificationState(str) {
return ["show", "hide", "finished"].includes(str);
// Validate the column must be defined per ping
function definePerPing(column) {
return function() {
throw new Error(`Must define the '${column}' validator per ping because it is not the same for all pings`);
// Basic validators for session pings
// client_id, locale are added by PingCentre, IP is added by server
// so no need check these column here
addon_version: hasString,
category: isValidCategory,
page: isValidPage,
parent_session_id: hasString,
root_session_id: hasString,
session_begin: isInteger,
session_end: isInteger,
session_id: hasString,
tour_type: isValidTourType,
type: hasString,
// Basic validators for event pings
// client_id, locale are added by PingCentre, IP is added by server
// so no need check these column here
addon_version: hasString,
bubble_state: definePerPing("bubble_state"),
category: isValidCategory,
current_tour_id: definePerPing("current_tour_id"),
logo_state: definePerPing("logo_state"),
notification_impression: definePerPing("notification_impression"),
notification_state: definePerPing("notification_state"),
page: isValidPage,
parent_session_id: hasString,
root_session_id: hasString,
target_tour_id: definePerPing("target_tour_id"),
timestamp: isInteger,
tour_type: isValidTourType,
type: hasString,
width: isPositiveInteger,
* We send 2 kinds (firefox-onboarding-event2, firefox-onboarding-session2) of pings to ping centre
* server (they call it `topic`). The `internal` state in `topic` field means this event is used internaly to
* track states and will not send out any message.
* To save server space and make query easier, we track session begin and end but only send pings
* when session end. Therefore the server will get single "onboarding/overlay/notification-session"
* event which includes both `session_begin` and `session_end` timestamp.
* We send `session_begin` and `session_end` timestamps instead of `session_duration` diff because
* of analytics engineer's request.
// track when a notification appears.
"notification-appear": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "notification-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isValidBubbleState,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isValidLogoState,
notification_impression: isPositiveInteger,
notification_state: isValidNotificationState,
target_tour_id: isEmptyString,
// track when a user clicks close notification button
"notification-close-button-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "notification-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isValidBubbleState,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isValidLogoState,
notification_impression: isPositiveInteger,
notification_state: isValidNotificationState,
target_tour_id: hasString,
// track when a user clicks notification's Call-To-Action button
"notification-cta-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "notification-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isValidBubbleState,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isValidLogoState,
notification_impression: isPositiveInteger,
notification_state: isValidNotificationState,
target_tour_id: hasString,
// track the start and end time of the notification session
"notification-session": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-session2",
category: "notification-interactions",
// track the start of a notification
"notification-session-begin": {topic: "internal"},
// track the end of a notification
"notification-session-end": {topic: "internal"},
// track when a user clicks the Firefox logo
"onboarding-logo-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "logo-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isValidBubbleState,
current_tour_id: isEmptyString,
logo_state: isValidLogoState,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isValidNotificationState,
target_tour_id: isEmptyString,
// track when the onboarding is not visisble due to small screen in the 1st load
"onboarding-noshow-smallscreen": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "onboarding-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: isEmptyString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: isEmptyString,
// init onboarding session with session_key, page url, and tour_type
"onboarding-register-session": {topic: "internal"},
// track the start and end time of the onboarding session
"onboarding-session": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-session2",
category: "onboarding-interactions",
// track onboarding start time (when user loads about:home or about:newtab)
"onboarding-session-begin": {topic: "internal"},
// track onboarding end time (when user unloads about:home or about:newtab)
"onboarding-session-end": {topic: "internal"},
// track when a user clicks the close overlay button
"overlay-close-button-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: hasString,
// track when a user clicks outside the overlay area to end the tour
"overlay-close-outside-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: hasString,
// track when a user clicks overlay's Call-To-Action button
"overlay-cta-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: hasString,
// track when a tour is shown in the overlay
"overlay-current-tour": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: isEmptyString,
// track when an overlay is opened and disappeared because the window is resized too small
"overlay-disapear-resize": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: isEmptyString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: isEmptyString,
// track when a user clicks a navigation button in the overlay
"overlay-nav-click": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: hasString,
// track the start and end time of the overlay session
"overlay-session": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-session2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
// track the start of an overlay session
"overlay-session-begin": {topic: "internal"},
// track the end of an overlay session
"overlay-session-end": {topic: "internal"},
// track when a user clicks 'Skip Tour' button in the overlay
"overlay-skip-tour": {
topic: "firefox-onboarding-event2",
category: "overlay-interactions",
validators: Object.assign({}, BASIC_EVENT_SCHEMA, {
bubble_state: isEmptyString,
current_tour_id: hasString,
logo_state: isEmptyString,
notification_impression: isMinusOne,
notification_state: isEmptyString,
target_tour_id: isEmptyString,
* We send 2 kinds (firefox-onboarding-event, firefox-onboarding-session) of pings to ping centre
* server (they call it `topic`). The `internal` state in `topic` field means this event is used internaly to
* track states and will not send out any message.
* To save server space and make query easier, we track session begin and end but only send pings
* when session end. Therefore the server will get single "onboarding/overlay/notification-session"
* event which includes both `session_begin` and `session_end` timestamp.
* We send `session_begin` and `session_end` timestamps instead of `session_duration` diff because
* of analytics engineer's request.
// track when click the notification close button
"notification-close-button-click": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-event", category: "notification-interactions"},
// track when click the notification Call-To-Action button
"notification-cta-click": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-event", category: "notification-interactions"},
// track when notification is shown
"notification-session-begin": {topic: "internal"},
// track when the notification closed
"notification-session-end": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-session", category: "notification-interactions"},
// init onboarding session with session_key and page url
"onboarding-register-session": {topic: "internal"},
// track when the onboarding script inited
"onboarding-session-begin": {topic: "internal"},
// track when the onboarding script destoryed
"onboarding-session-end": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-session", category: "overlay-interactions"},
// track when click the overlay Call-To-Action button
"overlay-cta-click": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-event", category: "overlay-interactions"},
// track when click or auto select the overlay navigate item
"overlay-nav-click": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-event", category: "overlay-interactions"},
// track when the overlay is shown
"overlay-session-begin": {topic: "internal"},
// track when the overlay is closed
"overlay-session-end": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-session", category: "overlay-interactions"},
// track when click the overlay "skip tour" button
"overlay-skip-tour": {topic: "firefox-onboarding-event", category: "overlay-interactions"},
const ONBOARDING_ID = "onboarding";
let OnboardingTelemetry = {
sessionProbe: null,
eventProbe: null,
state: {
sessions: {},
init(startupData) {
this.sessionProbe = new PingCentre({topic: "firefox-onboarding-session"});
this.eventProbe = new PingCentre({topic: "firefox-onboarding-event"});
this.state.addon_version = startupData.version;
// register per tab session data
registerNewTelemetrySession(data) {
let { page, session_key, tour_type } = data;
if (this.state.sessions[session_key]) {
// session_key and page url are must have
if (!session_key || !page || !tour_type) {
throw new Error("session_key, page url, and tour_type are required for onboarding-register-session");
let session_id = gUUIDGenerator.generateUUID().toString();
this.state.sessions[session_key] = {
process(data) {
if (NEW_TABLE) {
throw new Error("Will implement in bug 1413830");
} else {
processOldPings(data) {
let { event, session_key } = data;
let topic = OLD_EVENT_WHITELIST[event] && OLD_EVENT_WHITELIST[event].topic;
if (!topic) {
throw new Error(`ping-centre doesn't know ${event}, only knows ${Object.keys(OLD_EVENT_WHITELIST)}`);
if (event === "onboarding-register-session") {
if (!this.state.sessions[session_key]) {
throw new Error(`should pass valid session_key`);
if (topic === "internal") {
switch (event) {
case "onboarding-session-begin":
this.state.sessions[session_key].onboarding_session_begin =;
case "overlay-session-begin":
this.state.sessions[session_key].overlay_session_begin =;
case "notification-session-begin":
this.state.sessions[session_key].notification_session_begin =;
} else {
this._sendOldPings(topic, data);
// send out pings by topic
_sendOldPings(topic, data) {
let {
} = this.state;
let {
tour_id = "",
} = data;
let {
} = this.state.sessions[session_key];
let category = OLD_EVENT_WHITELIST[event].category;
// the field is used to identify how user open the overlay (through default logo or watermark),
// the number of open from notification can be retrieved via `notification-cta-click` event
let tour_source = Services.prefs.getStringPref("browser.onboarding.state", "default");
let session_begin;
switch (topic) {
case "firefox-onboarding-session":
switch (event) {
case "onboarding-session-end":
if (!onboarding_session_begin) {
throw new Error(`should fire onboarding-session-begin event before ${event}`);
event = "onboarding-session";
session_begin = onboarding_session_begin;
delete this.state.sessions[session_key];
case "overlay-session-end":
if (!overlay_session_begin) {
throw new Error(`should fire overlay-session-begin event before ${event}`);
event = "overlay-session";
session_begin = overlay_session_begin;
case "notification-session-end":
if (!notification_session_begin) {
throw new Error(`should fire notification-session-begin event before ${event}`);
event = "notification-session";
session_begin = notification_session_begin;
let session_end =;
this.sessionProbe && this.sessionProbe.sendPing({
}, {filter: ONBOARDING_ID});
case "firefox-onboarding-event":
let impression = (event === "notification-close-button-click" ||
event === "notification-cta-click") ?
Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.onboarding.notification.prompt-count", 0) : -1;
let timestamp =;
this.eventProbe && this.eventProbe.sendPing({
}, {filter: ONBOARDING_ID});
// validate data sanitation and make sure correct ping params are sent
_validatePayload(payload) {
let event = payload.type;
let { validators } = EVENT_WHITELIST[event];
if (!validators) {
throw new Error(`Event ${event} without validators should not be sent.`);
let validatorKeys = Object.keys(validators);
// Not send with undefined column
if (Object.keys(payload).length > validatorKeys.length) {
throw new Error(`Event ${event} want to send more columns than expect, should not be sent.`);
let results = {};
let failed = false;
// Per column validation
for (let key of validatorKeys) {
if (payload[key] !== undefined) {
results[key] = validators[key](payload[key]);
if (!results[key]) {
failed = true;
} else {
results[key] = false;
failed = true;
if (failed) {
throw new Error(`Event ${event} contains incorrect data: ${JSON.stringify(results)}, should not be sent.`);