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// Constants
const EVENT_HIDE = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_HIDE;
const EVENT_FOCUS = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_FOCUS;
const EVENT_REORDER = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_REORDER;
const EVENT_SHOW = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_SHOW;
// General
* Set up this variable to dump events into DOM.
var gA11yEventDumpID = "";
* Executes the function when requested event is handled.
* @param aEventType [in] event type
* @param aTarget [in] event target
* @param aFunc [in] function to call when event is handled
* @param aContext [in, optional] object in which context the function is
* called
* @param aArg1 [in, optional] argument passed into the function
* @param aArg2 [in, optional] argument passed into the function
function waitForEvent(aEventType, aTarget, aFunc, aContext, aArg1, aArg2)
var handler = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) {
if (aTarget) {
if (aTarget instanceof nsIAccessible &&
aTarget != aEvent.accessible)
if (aTarget instanceof nsIDOMNode &&
aTarget != aEvent.DOMNode)
unregisterA11yEventListener(aEventType, this);
function ()
{, aArg1, aArg2);
registerA11yEventListener(aEventType, handler);
* Register accessibility event listener.
* @param aEventType the accessible event type (see nsIAccessibleEvent for
* available constants).
* @param aEventHandler event listener object, when accessible event of the
* given type is handled then 'handleEvent' method of
* this object is invoked with nsIAccessibleEvent object
* as the first argument.
function registerA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler)
addA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler);
* Unregister accessibility event listener. Must be called for every registered
* event listener (see registerA11yEventListener() function) when the listener
* is not needed.
function unregisterA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler)
removeA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler);
// Event queue
* Return value of invoke method of invoker object. Indicates invoker was unable
* to prepare action.
* Return value of eventQueue.onFinish. Indicates eventQueue should not finish
* tests.
* Creates event queue for the given event type. The queue consists of invoker
* objects, each of them generates the event of the event type. When queue is
* started then every invoker object is asked to generate event after timeout.
* When event is caught then current invoker object is asked to check whether
* event was handled correctly.
* Invoker interface is:
* var invoker = {
* // Generates accessible event or event sequence. If returns
* // INVOKER_ACTION_FAILED constant then stop tests.
* invoke: function(){},
* // [optional] Invoker's check of handled event for correctness.
* check: function(aEvent){},
* // [optional] Is called when event of registered type is handled.
* debugCheck: function(aEvent){},
* // [ignored if 'eventSeq' is defined] DOM node event is generated for
* // (used in the case when invoker expects single event).
* DOMNode getter: function() {},
* // Array of checker objects defining expected events on invoker's action.
* //
* // Checker object interface:
* //
* // var checker = {
* // type getter: function() {}, // DOM or a11y event type
* // target getter: function() {}, // DOM node or accessible
* // phase getter: function() {}, // DOM event phase (false - bubbling)
* // check: function(aEvent) {},
* // getID: function() {}
* // };
* eventSeq getter() {},
* // Array of checker objects defining unexpected events on invoker's
* // action.
* unexpectedEventSeq getter() {},
* // The ID of invoker.
* getID: function(){} // returns invoker ID
* };
* @param aEventType [in, optional] the default event type (isn't used if
* invoker defines eventSeq property).
function eventQueue(aEventType)
// public
* Add invoker object into queue.
this.push = function eventQueue_push(aEventInvoker)
* Start the queue processing.
this.invoke = function eventQueue_invoke()
// XXX: Intermittent test_events_caretmove.html fails withouth timeout,
// see bug 474952.
* This function is called when all events in the queue were handled.
* Override it if you need to be notified of this.
this.onFinish = function eventQueue_finish()
// private
* Process next invoker.
this.processNextInvoker = function eventQueue_processNextInvoker()
// Finish processing of the current invoker.
var testFailed = false;
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
if (invoker) {
if ("finalCheck" in invoker)
if (invoker.wasCaught) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < invoker.wasCaught.length; idx++) {
var id = this.getEventID(idx);
var type = this.getEventType(idx);
var unexpected = this.mEventSeq[idx].unexpected;
var typeStr = (typeof type == "string") ?
type : gAccRetrieval.getStringEventType(type);
var msg = "test with ID = '" + id + "' failed. ";
if (unexpected) {
var wasCaught = invoker.wasCaught[idx];
if (!testFailed)
testFailed = wasCaught;
msg + "There is unexpected " + typeStr + " event.");
} else {
var wasCaught = invoker.wasCaught[idx];
if (!testFailed)
testFailed = !wasCaught;
msg + "No " + typeStr + " event.");
} else {
testFailed = true;
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
var id = this.getEventID(idx);
"test with ID = '" + id + "' failed. No events were registered.");
// Check if need to stop the test.
if (testFailed || this.mIndex == this.mInvokers.length - 1) {
var res = this.onFinish();
if (res != DO_NOT_FINISH_TEST)
// Start processing of next invoker.
invoker = this.getNextInvoker();
if (invoker.invoke() == INVOKER_ACTION_FAILED) {
// Invoker failed to prepare action, fail and finish tests.
if (this.areAllEventsUnexpected())
this.processNextInvokerInTimeout = function eventQueue_processNextInvokerInTimeout(aUncondProcess)
if (!aUncondProcess && this.areAllEventsExpected()) {
// We need delay to avoid events coalesce from different invokers.
var queue = this;
SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { queue.processNextInvoker(); });
// Check in timeout invoker didn't fire registered events.
window.setTimeout(function(aQueue) { aQueue.processNextInvoker(); }, 500,
* Handle events for the current invoker.
this.handleEvent = function eventQueue_handleEvent(aEvent)
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
if (!invoker) // skip events before test was started
if (!this.mEventSeq) {
// Bad invoker object, error will be reported before processing of next
// invoker in the queue.
if ("debugCheck" in invoker)
// Search through unexpected events to ensure no one of them was handled.
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
if (this.mEventSeq[idx].unexpected && this.compareEvents(idx, aEvent))
invoker.wasCaught[idx] = true;
// Wait for next expected event in an order specified by event sequence.
// Compute next expected event index.
for (var idx = this.mEventSeqIdx + 1;
idx < this.mEventSeq.length && this.mEventSeq[idx].unexpected; idx++);
if (idx == this.mEventSeq.length) {
// There is no expected events in the sequence.
var matched = this.compareEvents(idx, aEvent);
this.dumpEventToDOM(aEvent, idx, matched);
if (matched) {
this.checkEvent(idx, aEvent);
invoker.wasCaught[idx] = true;
// The last event is expected and was handled, proceed next invoker.
if (idx == this.mEventSeq.length - 1) {
this.mEventSeqIdx = idx;
// Helpers
this.getInvoker = function eventQueue_getInvoker()
return this.mInvokers[this.mIndex];
this.getNextInvoker = function eventQueue_getNextInvoker()
return this.mInvokers[++this.mIndex];
this.setEventHandler = function eventQueue_setEventHandler(aInvoker)
// Create unique event sequence concatenating expected and unexpected
// events.
this.mEventSeq = ("eventSeq" in aInvoker) ?
aInvoker.eventSeq :
[ new invokerChecker(this.mDefEventType, aInvoker.DOMNode) ];
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++)
this.mEventSeq[idx].unexpected = false;
var unexpectedSeq = aInvoker.unexpectedEventSeq;
if (unexpectedSeq) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < unexpectedSeq.length; idx++)
unexpectedSeq[idx].unexpected = true;
this.mEventSeq = this.mEventSeq.concat(unexpectedSeq);
this.mEventSeqIdx = -1;
// Register event listeners
if (this.mEventSeq) {
aInvoker.wasCaught = new Array(this.mEventSeq.length);
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
var eventType = this.getEventType(idx);
if (typeof eventType == "string") {
// DOM event
var target = this.getEventTarget(idx);
var phase = this.getEventPhase(idx);
target.ownerDocument.addEventListener(eventType, this, phase);
} else {
// A11y event
addA11yEventListener(eventType, this);
this.clearEventHandler = function eventQueue_clearEventHandler()
if (this.mEventSeq) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
var eventType = this.getEventType(idx);
if (typeof eventType == "string") {
// DOM event
var target = this.getEventTarget(idx);
var phase = this.getEventPhase(idx);
target.ownerDocument.removeEventListener(eventType, this, phase);
} else {
// A11y event
removeA11yEventListener(eventType, this);
this.mEventSeq = null;
this.getEventType = function eventQueue_getEventType(aIdx)
return this.mEventSeq[aIdx].type;
this.getEventTarget = function eventQueue_getEventTarget(aIdx)
return this.mEventSeq[aIdx].target;
this.getEventPhase = function eventQueue_getEventPhase(aIdx)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("phase" in eventItem)
return eventItem.phase;
return true;
this.getEventID = function eventQueue_getEventID(aIdx)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("getID" in eventItem)
return eventItem.getID();
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
return invoker.getID();
this.compareEvents = function eventQueue_compareEvents(aIdx, aEvent)
var eventType1 = this.getEventType(aIdx);
var eventType2 = (aEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) ?
aEvent.type : aEvent.eventType;
if (eventType1 != eventType2)
return false;
var target1 = this.getEventTarget(aIdx);
if (target1 instanceof nsIAccessible) {
var target2 = (aEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) ?
getAccessible( : aEvent.accessible;
return target1 == target2;
// If original target isn't suitable then extend interface to support target
// (original target is used in test_elm_media.html).
var target2 = (aEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) ?
aEvent.originalTarget : aEvent.DOMNode;
return target1 == target2;
this.checkEvent = function eventQueue_checkEvent(aIdx, aEvent)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("check" in eventItem)
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
if ("check" in invoker)
this.areAllEventsExpected = function eventQueue_areAllEventsExpected()
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
if (this.mEventSeq[idx].unexpected)
return false;
return true;
this.areAllEventsUnexpected = function eventQueue_areAllEventsUnxpected()
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
if (!this.mEventSeq[idx].unexpected)
return false;
return true;
this.dumpEventToDOM = function eventQueue_dumpEventToDOM(aOrigEvent,
if (!gA11yEventDumpID) // debug stuff
// Dump DOM event information. Skip a11y event since it is dumped by
// gA11yEventObserver.
if (aOrigEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) {
var info = "Event type: " + aOrigEvent.type;
info += ". Target: " + prettyName(aOrigEvent.originalTarget);
var currType = this.getEventType(aExpectedEventIdx);
var currTarget = this.getEventTarget(aExpectedEventIdx);
var info = "EQ: " + (aMatch ? "matched" : "expected") + " event, type: ";
info += (typeof currType == "string") ?
currType : eventTypeToString(currType);
info += ". Target: " + prettyName(currTarget);
this.mDefEventType = aEventType;
this.mInvokers = new Array();
this.mIndex = -1;
this.mEventSeq = null;
this.mEventSeqIdx = -1;
// Action sequence
* Deal with action sequence. Used when you need to execute couple of actions
* each after other one.
function sequence()
* Append new sequence item.
* @param aProcessor [in] object implementing interface
* {
* // execute item action
* process: function() {},
* // callback, is called when item was processed
* onProcessed: function() {}
* };
* @param aEventType [in] event type of expected event on item action
* @param aTarget [in] event target of expected event on item action
* @param aItemID [in] identifier of item
this.append = function sequence_append(aProcessor, aEventType, aTarget,
var item = new sequenceItem(aProcessor, aEventType, aTarget, aItemID);
* Process next sequence item.
this.processNext = function sequence_processNext()
if (this.idx >= this.items.length) {
ok(false, "End of sequence: nothing to process!");
this.items = new Array();
this.idx = -1;
// Event queue invokers
* Invokers defined below take a checker object implementing 'check' method
* which will be called when proper event is handled. Invokers listen default
* event type registered in event queue object until it is passed explicetly.
* Note, checker object is optional.
* Note, you don't need to initialize 'target' and 'type' members of checker
* object. The 'target' member will be initialized by invoker object and you are
* free to use it in 'check' method.
* Click invoker.
function synthClick(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType);
this.invoke = function synthClick_invoke()
// Scroll the node into view, otherwise synth click may fail.
if (this.DOMNode instanceof nsIDOMNSHTMLElement)
synthesizeMouse(this.DOMNode, 1, 1, {});
this.getID = function synthClick_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " click";
* Mouse move invoker.
function synthMouseMove(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType);
this.invoke = function synthMouseMove_invoke()
synthesizeMouse(this.DOMNode, 1, 1, { type: "mousemove" });
synthesizeMouse(this.DOMNode, 2, 2, { type: "mousemove" });
this.getID = function synthMouseMove_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " mouse move";
* General key press invoker.
function synthKey(aNodeOrID, aKey, aArgs, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType);
this.invoke = function synthKey_invoke()
synthesizeKey(this.mKey, this.mArgs);
this.getID = function synthKey_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " '" + this.mKey + "' key";
this.mKey = aKey;
this.mArgs = aArgs ? aArgs : {};
* Tab key invoker.
function synthTab(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthKey(aNodeOrID, "VK_TAB", { shiftKey: false },
aChecker, aEventType);
this.getID = function synthTab_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " tab";
* Shift tab key invoker.
function synthShiftTab(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthKey(aNodeOrID, "VK_TAB", { shiftKey: true },
aChecker, aEventType);
this.getID = function synthTabTest_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " shift tab";
* Down arrow key invoker.
function synthDownKey(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthKey(aNodeOrID, "VK_DOWN", null, aChecker,
this.getID = function synthDownKey_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " key down";
* Right arrow key invoker.
function synthRightKey(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthKey(aNodeOrID, "VK_RIGHT", null, aChecker,
this.getID = function synthRightKey_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " key right";
* Home key invoker.
function synthHomeKey(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthKey(aNodeOrID, "VK_HOME", null, aChecker,
this.getID = function synthHomeKey_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " key home";
* Focus invoker.
function synthFocus(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType);
this.invoke = function synthFocus_invoke()
this.getID = function synthFocus_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " focus";
* Focus invoker. Focus the HTML body of content document of iframe.
function synthFocusOnFrame(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(getNode(aNodeOrID).contentDocument,
aChecker, aEventType);
this.invoke = function synthFocus_invoke()
this.getID = function synthFocus_getID()
return prettyName(aNodeOrID) + " frame document focus";
* Select all invoker.
function synthSelectAll(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.__proto__ = new synthAction(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType);
this.invoke = function synthSelectAll_invoke()
if (this.DOMNode instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement);
this.getID = function synthSelectAll_getID()
return aNodeOrID + " selectall";
// Event queue checkers
* Common invoker checker (see eventSeq of eventQueue).
function invokerChecker(aEventType, aTarget)
this.type = aEventType; = aTarget;
// Private implementation details.
// General
var gA11yEventListeners = {};
var gA11yEventApplicantsCount = 0;
var gA11yEventObserver =
// The service reference needs to live in the observer, instead of as a global var,
// to be available in observe() catch case too.
observerService :
observe: function observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
if (aTopic != "accessible-event")
var event;
try {
event = aSubject.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleEvent);
} catch (ex) {
// After a test is aborted (i.e. timed out by the harness), this exception is soon triggered.
// Remove the leftover observer, otherwise it "leaks" to all the following tests.
this.observerService.removeObserver(this, "accessible-event");
// Forward the exception, with added explanation.
throw "[accessible/events.js, gA11yEventObserver.observe] This is expected if a previous test has been aborted... Initial exception was: [ " + ex + " ]";
var listenersArray = gA11yEventListeners[event.eventType];
if (gA11yEventDumpID) { // debug stuff
var target = event.DOMNode;
var dumpElm = document.getElementById(gA11yEventDumpID);
var parent = target;
while (parent && parent != dumpElm)
parent = parent.parentNode;
if (parent != dumpElm) {
var type = eventTypeToString(event.eventType);
var info = "Event type: " + type;
info += ". Target: " + prettyName(event.accessible);
if (listenersArray)
info += ". Listeners count: " + listenersArray.length;
if (!listenersArray)
for (var index = 0; index < listenersArray.length; index++)
function listenA11yEvents(aStartToListen)
if (aStartToListen) {
// Add observer when adding the first applicant only.
if (!(gA11yEventApplicantsCount++))
.addObserver(gA11yEventObserver, "accessible-event", false);
} else {
// Remove observer when there are no more applicants only.
// '< 0' case should not happen, but just in case: removeObserver() will throw.
if (--gA11yEventApplicantsCount <= 0)
.removeObserver(gA11yEventObserver, "accessible-event");
function addA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler)
if (!(aEventType in gA11yEventListeners))
gA11yEventListeners[aEventType] = new Array();
function removeA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler)
var listenersArray = gA11yEventListeners[aEventType];
if (!listenersArray)
return false;
var index = listenersArray.indexOf(aEventHandler);
if (index == -1)
return false;
listenersArray.splice(index, 1);
if (!listenersArray.length) {
gA11yEventListeners[aEventType] = null;
delete gA11yEventListeners[aEventType];
return true;
* Dumps message to DOM.
* @param aInfo [in] the message to dump
* @param aDumpNode [in, optional] host DOM node for dumped message, if ommited
* then global variable gA11yEventDumpID is used
function dumpInfoToDOM(aInfo, aDumpNode)
var dumpID = gA11yEventDumpID ? gA11yEventDumpID : aDumpNode;
if (!dumpID)
var dumpElm = document.getElementById(dumpID);
if (!dumpElm) {
ok(false, "No dump element '" + dumpID + "' within the document!");
var containerTagName = document instanceof nsIDOMHTMLDocument ?
"div" : "description";
var container = document.createElement(containerTagName);
container.textContent = aInfo;
// Sequence
* Base class of sequence item.
function sequenceItem(aProcessor, aEventType, aTarget, aItemID)
// private
this.startProcess = function sequenceItem_startProcess()
var item = this;
this.queue = new eventQueue();
this.queue.onFinish = function()
var invoker = {
invoke: function invoker_invoke() {
return aProcessor.process();
getID: function invoker_getID()
return aItemID;
eventSeq: [ new invokerChecker(aEventType, aTarget) ]
// Event queue invokers
* Invoker base class for prepare an action.
function synthAction(aNodeOrID, aChecker, aEventType)
this.DOMNode = getNode(aNodeOrID);
if (aChecker) = this.DOMNode;
if (aEventType)
this.eventSeq = [ new invokerChecker(aEventType, this.DOMNode) ];
this.check = function synthAction_check(aEvent)
if (aChecker)
this.getID = function synthAction_getID() { return aNodeOrID + " action"; }