
88 строки
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
"use strict";
// Enable web manifest processing.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.manifest.enabled", true);
add_task(async function() {
info("Testing fetching a valid manifest");
const response = await fetchManifest("application-manifest-basic.html");
response.manifest && == "FooApp",
"Returns an object populated with the manifest data"
add_task(async function() {
info("Testing fetching an existing manifest with invalid values");
const response = await fetchManifest("application-manifest-warnings.html");
response.manifest && response.manifest.moz_validation,
"Returns an object populated with the manifest data"
const warnings = response.manifest.moz_validation;
warnings.length === 1 &&
warnings[0].warn &&
warnings[0].warn.includes("name member to be a string"),
"The returned object contains the expected warning info"
add_task(async function() {
info("Testing fetching a manifest in a page that does not have one");
const response = await fetchManifest("application-manifest-no-manifest.html");
is(response.manifest, null, "Returns an object with a `null` manifest");
ok(!response.errorMessage, "Does not return an error message");
add_task(async function() {
info("Testing an error happening fetching a manifest");
// the page that we are testing contains an invalid URL for the manifest
const response = await fetchManifest(
is(response.manifest, null, "Returns an object with a `null` manifest");
response.errorMessage &&
response.errorMessage.toLowerCase().includes("404 - not found"),
"Returns the expected error message"
add_task(async function() {
info("Testing a validation error when fetching a manifest with invalid JSON");
const response = await fetchManifest(
response.manifest && response.manifest.moz_validation,
"Returns an object with validation data"
const validation = response.manifest.moz_validation;
validation.find(x => x.error && x.type === "json"),
"Has the expected error in the validation field"
async function fetchManifest(filename) {
const url = MAIN_DOMAIN + filename;
const target = await addTabTarget(url);
info("Initializing manifest front for tab");
const manifestFront = await target.getFront("manifest");
info("Fetching manifest");
const response = await manifestFront.fetchCanonicalManifest();
return response;