
356 строки
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use app_units::Au;
use bindings::{RawGeckoDocument, RawGeckoElement, RawGeckoNode};
use bindings::{RawServoStyleSet, RawServoStyleSheet, ServoComputedValues, ServoNodeData};
use bindings::{nsIAtom};
use data::PerDocumentStyleData;
use euclid::Size2D;
use gecko_style_structs::SheetParsingMode;
use properties::GeckoComputedValues;
use selector_impl::{GeckoSelectorImpl, PseudoElement, SharedStyleContext, Stylesheet};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::{forget, transmute};
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
use std::str::from_utf8_unchecked;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use style::context::{ReflowGoal};
use style::dom::{TDocument, TElement, TNode};
use style::error_reporting::StdoutErrorReporter;
use style::parallel;
use style::properties::ComputedValues;
use style::selector_impl::{SelectorImplExt, PseudoElementCascadeType};
use style::stylesheets::Origin;
use traversal::RecalcStyleOnly;
use url::Url;
use util::arc_ptr_eq;
use wrapper::{GeckoDocument, GeckoElement, GeckoNode, NonOpaqueStyleData};
// TODO: This is ugly and should go away once we get an atom back-end.
pub fn pseudo_element_from_atom(pseudo: *mut nsIAtom,
in_ua_stylesheet: bool) -> Result<PseudoElement, String> {
use bindings::Gecko_GetAtomAsUTF16;
use selectors::parser::{ParserContext, SelectorImpl};
let pseudo_string = unsafe {
let mut length = 0;
let mut buff = Gecko_GetAtomAsUTF16(pseudo, &mut length);
// Handle the annoying preceding colon in front of everything in nsCSSAnonBoxList.h.
debug_assert!(length >= 2 && *buff == ':' as u16 && *buff.offset(1) != ':' as u16);
buff = buff.offset(1);
length -= 1;
String::from_utf16(slice::from_raw_parts(buff, length as usize)).unwrap()
let mut context = ParserContext::new();
context.in_user_agent_stylesheet = in_ua_stylesheet;
GeckoSelectorImpl::parse_pseudo_element(&context, &pseudo_string).map_err(|_| pseudo_string)
* For Gecko->Servo function calls, we need to redeclare the same signature that was declared in
* the C header in Gecko. In order to catch accidental mismatches, we run rust-bindgen against
* those signatures as well, giving us a second declaration of all the Servo_* functions in this
* crate. If there's a mismatch, LLVM will assert and abort, which is a rather awful thing to
* depend on but good enough for our purposes.
pub extern "C" fn Servo_RestyleDocument(doc: *mut RawGeckoDocument, raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet) -> () {
let document = unsafe { GeckoDocument::from_raw(doc) };
let node = match document.root_node() {
Some(x) => x,
None => return,
let data = unsafe { &mut *(raw_data as *mut PerDocumentStyleData) };
// Force the creation of our lazily-constructed initial computed values on
// the main thread, since it's not safe to call elsewhere. This should move
// into a runtime-wide init hook at some point.
let _needs_dirtying = Arc::get_mut(&mut data.stylist).unwrap()
.update(&data.stylesheets, data.stylesheets_changed);
data.stylesheets_changed = false;
let shared_style_context = SharedStyleContext {
viewport_size: Size2D::new(Au(0), Au(0)),
screen_size_changed: false,
generation: 0,
goal: ReflowGoal::ForScriptQuery,
stylist: data.stylist.clone(),
new_animations_sender: Mutex::new(data.new_animations_sender.clone()),
running_animations: data.running_animations.clone(),
expired_animations: data.expired_animations.clone(),
error_reporter: Box::new(StdoutErrorReporter),
if node.is_dirty() || node.has_dirty_descendants() {
parallel::traverse_dom::<GeckoNode, RecalcStyleOnly>(node, &shared_style_context, &mut data.work_queue);
pub extern "C" fn Servo_DropNodeData(data: *mut ServoNodeData) -> () {
unsafe {
let _ = Box::<NonOpaqueStyleData>::from_raw(data as *mut NonOpaqueStyleData);
pub extern "C" fn Servo_StylesheetFromUTF8Bytes(bytes: *const u8,
length: u32,
mode: SheetParsingMode) -> *mut RawServoStyleSheet {
let input = unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(slice::from_raw_parts(bytes, length as usize)) };
let origin = match mode {
SheetParsingMode::eAuthorSheetFeatures => Origin::Author,
SheetParsingMode::eUserSheetFeatures => Origin::User,
SheetParsingMode::eAgentSheetFeatures => Origin::UserAgent,
// FIXME(heycam): Pass in the real base URL.
let url = Url::parse("about:none").unwrap();
let sheet = Arc::new(Stylesheet::from_str(input, url, origin, Box::new(StdoutErrorReporter)));
unsafe {
pub struct ArcHelpers<GeckoType, ServoType> {
phantom1: PhantomData<GeckoType>,
phantom2: PhantomData<ServoType>,
impl<GeckoType, ServoType> ArcHelpers<GeckoType, ServoType> {
pub fn with<F, Output>(raw: *mut GeckoType, cb: F) -> Output
where F: FnOnce(&Arc<ServoType>) -> Output {
let owned = unsafe { Self::into(raw) };
let result = cb(&owned);
pub fn maybe_with<F, Output>(maybe_raw: *mut GeckoType, cb: F) -> Output
where F: FnOnce(Option<&Arc<ServoType>>) -> Output {
let owned = if maybe_raw.is_null() {
} else {
Some(unsafe { Self::into(maybe_raw) })
let result = cb(owned.as_ref());
pub unsafe fn into(ptr: *mut GeckoType) -> Arc<ServoType> {
pub fn from(owned: Arc<ServoType>) -> *mut GeckoType {
unsafe { transmute(owned) }
pub unsafe fn addref(ptr: *mut GeckoType) {
Self::with(ptr, |arc| forget(arc.clone()));
pub unsafe fn release(ptr: *mut GeckoType) {
let _ = Self::into(ptr);
pub extern "C" fn Servo_AppendStyleSheet(raw_sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet,
raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet) {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
let data = PerDocumentStyleData::borrow_mut_from_raw(raw_data);
Helpers::with(raw_sheet, |sheet| {
data.stylesheets.retain(|x| !arc_ptr_eq(x, sheet));
data.stylesheets_changed = true;
pub extern "C" fn Servo_PrependStyleSheet(raw_sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet,
raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet) {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
let data = PerDocumentStyleData::borrow_mut_from_raw(raw_data);
Helpers::with(raw_sheet, |sheet| {
data.stylesheets.retain(|x| !arc_ptr_eq(x, sheet));
data.stylesheets.insert(0, sheet.clone());
data.stylesheets_changed = true;
pub extern "C" fn Servo_InsertStyleSheetBefore(raw_sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet,
raw_reference: *mut RawServoStyleSheet,
raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet) {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
let data = PerDocumentStyleData::borrow_mut_from_raw(raw_data);
Helpers::with(raw_sheet, |sheet| {
Helpers::with(raw_reference, |reference| {
data.stylesheets.retain(|x| !arc_ptr_eq(x, sheet));
let index = data.stylesheets.iter().position(|x| arc_ptr_eq(x, reference)).unwrap();
data.stylesheets.insert(index, sheet.clone());
data.stylesheets_changed = true;
pub extern "C" fn Servo_RemoveStyleSheet(raw_sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet,
raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet) {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
let data = PerDocumentStyleData::borrow_mut_from_raw(raw_data);
Helpers::with(raw_sheet, |sheet| {
data.stylesheets.retain(|x| !arc_ptr_eq(x, sheet));
data.stylesheets_changed = true;
pub extern "C" fn Servo_StyleSheetHasRules(raw_sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet) -> bool {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
Helpers::with(raw_sheet, |sheet| !sheet.rules.is_empty())
pub extern "C" fn Servo_AddRefStyleSheet(sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet) -> () {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
unsafe { Helpers::addref(sheet) };
pub extern "C" fn Servo_ReleaseStyleSheet(sheet: *mut RawServoStyleSheet) -> () {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<RawServoStyleSheet, Stylesheet>;
unsafe { Helpers::release(sheet) };
pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetComputedValues(node: *mut RawGeckoNode)
-> *mut ServoComputedValues {
let node = unsafe { GeckoNode::from_raw(node) };
let arc_cv = node.borrow_data().map(|data|;
arc_cv.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |arc| unsafe { transmute(arc) })
pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetComputedValuesForAnonymousBox(parent_style_or_null: *mut ServoComputedValues,
pseudo_tag: *mut nsIAtom,
raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet)
-> *mut ServoComputedValues {
let data = PerDocumentStyleData::borrow_mut_from_raw(raw_data);
let pseudo = match pseudo_element_from_atom(pseudo_tag, /* ua_stylesheet = */ true) {
Ok(pseudo) => pseudo,
Err(pseudo) => {
warn!("stylo: Unable to parse anonymous-box pseudo-element: {}", pseudo);
return ptr::null_mut();
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<ServoComputedValues, GeckoComputedValues>;
Helpers::maybe_with(parent_style_or_null, |maybe_parent| {
let new_computed = data.stylist.precomputed_values_for_pseudo(&pseudo, maybe_parent);
new_computed.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |c| Helpers::from(c))
pub extern "C" fn Servo_GetComputedValuesForPseudoElement(parent_style: *mut ServoComputedValues,
match_element: *mut RawGeckoElement,
pseudo_tag: *mut nsIAtom,
raw_data: *mut RawServoStyleSet,
is_probe: bool)
-> *mut ServoComputedValues {
let parent_or_null = || {
if is_probe {
} else {
let pseudo = match pseudo_element_from_atom(pseudo_tag, /* ua_stylesheet = */ true) {
Ok(pseudo) => pseudo,
Err(pseudo) => {
warn!("stylo: Unable to parse anonymous-box pseudo-element: {}", pseudo);
return parent_or_null();
let data = PerDocumentStyleData::borrow_mut_from_raw(raw_data);
let element = unsafe { GeckoElement::from_raw(match_element) };
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<ServoComputedValues, GeckoComputedValues>;
match GeckoSelectorImpl::pseudo_element_cascade_type(&pseudo) {
PseudoElementCascadeType::Eager => {
let node = element.as_node();
let maybe_computed = node.borrow_data()
.and_then(|data| {
data.per_pseudo.get(&pseudo).map(|c| c.clone())
maybe_computed.map_or_else(parent_or_null, Helpers::from)
PseudoElementCascadeType::Lazy => {
Helpers::with(parent_style, |parent| {
.lazily_compute_pseudo_element_style(&element, &pseudo, parent)
.map_or_else(parent_or_null, Helpers::from)
PseudoElementCascadeType::Precomputed => {
unreachable!("Anonymous pseudo found in \
pub extern "C" fn Servo_AddRefComputedValues(ptr: *mut ServoComputedValues) -> () {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<ServoComputedValues, GeckoComputedValues>;
unsafe { Helpers::addref(ptr) };
pub extern "C" fn Servo_ReleaseComputedValues(ptr: *mut ServoComputedValues) -> () {
type Helpers = ArcHelpers<ServoComputedValues, GeckoComputedValues>;
unsafe { Helpers::release(ptr) };
pub extern "C" fn Servo_InitStyleSet() -> *mut RawServoStyleSet {
let data = Box::new(PerDocumentStyleData::new());
Box::into_raw(data) as *mut RawServoStyleSet
pub extern "C" fn Servo_DropStyleSet(data: *mut RawServoStyleSet) -> () {
unsafe {
let _ = Box::<PerDocumentStyleData>::from_raw(data as *mut PerDocumentStyleData);