
396 строки
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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/DocShellMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/layers/LayersMessageUtils.h";
include IPCBlob;
include IPCStream;
include protocol PIPCBlobInputStream;
include ProtocolTypes;
include protocol PSHEntry;
using struct mozilla::void_t
from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using moveonly struct mozilla::SerializedStructuredCloneBuffer
from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using LayoutDeviceIntRect from "Units.h";
using DesktopIntRect from "Units.h";
using DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale from "Units.h";
using CSSToLayoutDeviceScale from "Units.h";
using CSSRect from "Units.h";
using CSSSize from "Units.h";
using ScreenIntSize from "Units.h";
using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint from "Units.h";
using nsSizeMode from "nsIWidgetListener.h";
using ScrollbarPreference from "mozilla/ScrollbarPreferences.h";
using hal::ScreenOrientation from "mozilla/HalScreenConfiguration.h";
using mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat from "mozilla/gfx/Types.h";
using refcounted class nsIPrincipal from "mozilla/dom/PermissionMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::dom::MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext from "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h";
using refcounted class nsIURI from "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h";
using refcounted class nsIContentSecurityPolicy from "mozilla/dom/CSPMessageUtils.h";
using refcounted class nsIInputStream from "mozilla/ipc/IPCStreamUtils.h";
using refcounted class nsIReferrerInfo from "mozilla/dom/ReferrerInfoUtils.h";
using refcounted class nsIVariant from "mozilla/dom/PropertyBagUtils.h";
using class mozilla::TimeStamp from "mozilla/TimeStamp.h";
using refcounted class nsISHEntry from "nsISHEntry.h";
using refcounted class mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext from "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h";
using refcounted class mozilla::dom::CrossProcessSHEntry from "mozilla/dom/MaybeNewPSHEntry.h";
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
struct MessagePortIdentifier
nsID uuid;
nsID destinationUuid;
uint32_t sequenceId;
bool neutered;
* Cross-process representation for postMessage() style payloads where Blobs may
* be referenced/"cloned" and (optionally) messageports transferred. Use
* StructuredCloneData in your code to convert between this wire representation
* and the StructuredCloneData StructuredCloneHolder-subclass.
struct ClonedMessageData
SerializedStructuredCloneBuffer data;
IPCBlob[] blobs;
IPCStream[] inputStreams;
MessagePortIdentifier[] identifiers;
struct RefMessageData {
nsID uuid;
union MessageDataType {
struct MessageData {
nsID? agentClusterId;
MessageDataType data;
union IPCDataTransferData
nsString; // text
Shmem; // images using Shmem
IPCBlob; // files
struct IPCDataTransferImage
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t stride;
SurfaceFormat format;
struct IPCDataTransferItem
nsCString flavor;
// The image details are only used when transferring images.
IPCDataTransferImage imageDetails;
IPCDataTransferData data;
struct IPCDataTransfer
IPCDataTransferItem[] items;
struct ScreenDetails {
LayoutDeviceIntRect rect;
DesktopIntRect rectDisplayPix;
LayoutDeviceIntRect availRect;
DesktopIntRect availRectDisplayPix;
int32_t pixelDepth;
int32_t colorDepth;
DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale contentsScaleFactor;
CSSToLayoutDeviceScale defaultCSSScaleFactor;
float dpi;
struct DimensionInfo
CSSRect rect;
CSSSize size;
ScreenOrientation orientation;
LayoutDeviceIntPoint clientOffset;
LayoutDeviceIntPoint chromeOffset;
struct FrameScriptInfo
nsString url;
bool runInGlobalScope;
struct FeaturePolicyInfo
nsString[] inheritedDeniedFeatureNames;
nsString declaredString;
nsIPrincipal defaultOrigin;
nsIPrincipal selfOrigin;
nsIPrincipal srcOrigin;
* The information required to complete a window creation request.
struct CreatedWindowInfo
nsresult rv;
bool windowOpened;
FrameScriptInfo[] frameScripts;
nsCString urlToLoad;
uint32_t maxTouchPoints;
DimensionInfo dimensions;
bool hasSiblings;
* PerformanceInfo is used to pass performance info stored
* in WorkerPrivate and DocGroup instances, as well as
* memory-related information.
* Each (host, pid, windowId) is unique to a given DocGroup or
* Worker, and we collect the number of dispatches per Dispatch
* category and total execution duration as well as the current
* Zone JS Heap usage.
* This IPDL struct reflects the data collected in Performance counters,
* in addition of some memory usage information.
* see xpcom/threads/PerformanceCounter.h
struct MediaMemoryInfo {
uint64_t audioSize;
uint64_t videoSize;
uint64_t resourcesSize;
struct PerformanceMemoryInfo {
MediaMemoryInfo media;
uint64_t domDom;
uint64_t domStyle;
uint64_t domOther;
uint64_t GCHeapUsage;
struct CategoryDispatch
// DispatchCategory value
uint16_t category;
// Number of dispatch
uint16_t count;
struct PerformanceInfo
// Host of the document, if any
nsCString host;
// process id
uint32_t pid;
// window id
uint64_t windowId;
// Execution time in microseconds
uint64_t duration;
// Counter ID (unique across processes)
uint64_t counterId;
// True if the data is collected in a worker
bool isWorker;
// True if the document window is the top window
bool isTopLevel;
// Memory
PerformanceMemoryInfo memory;
// Counters per category. For workers, a single entry
CategoryDispatch[] items;
struct WindowGlobalInit
nsIPrincipal principal;
nsIPrincipal contentBlockingAllowListPrincipal;
nsIURI documentURI;
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext browsingContext;
uint64_t innerWindowId;
uint64_t outerWindowId;
struct DocShellLoadStateInit
nsIURI OriginalURI;
nsIURI ResultPrincipalURI;
bool ResultPrincipalURIIsSome;
nsIPrincipal TriggeringPrincipal;
nsIReferrerInfo ReferrerInfo;
bool KeepResultPrincipalURIIfSet;
bool LoadReplace;
bool InheritPrincipal;
bool PrincipalIsExplicit;
nsIPrincipal PrincipalToInherit;
nsIPrincipal StoragePrincipalToInherit;
bool ForceAllowDataURI;
bool OriginalFrameSrc;
bool IsFormSubmission;
uint32_t LoadType;
nsString Target;
uint32_t LoadFlags;
bool FirstParty;
bool HasValidUserGestureActivation;
nsCString TypeHint;
nsString FileName;
bool IsFromProcessingFrameAttributes;
// The Content Security Policy of the load, that is, the CSP of the entity
// responsible for causing the load to occur. Most likely this is the CSP
// of the document that started the load. In case the entity starting the
// load did not use a CSP, then Csp can be null. Please note that this is
// also the CSP that will be applied to the load in case the load
// encounters a server side redirect.
nsIContentSecurityPolicy Csp;
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext SourceBrowsingContext;
nsCString? OriginalURIString;
int32_t? CancelContentJSEpoch;
nsIInputStream PostDataStream;
nsIInputStream HeadersStream;
nsString SrcdocData; // useless without sourcedocshell
// This might be missing if serialization of session history entries is
// not supported. This is the case when 'fission.sessionHistoryInParent'
// pref is off.
CrossProcessSHEntry SHEntry;
// Fields missing due to lack of need or serialization
// nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> mSourceDocShell;
// bool mIsSrcDocLoad; // useless without sourcedocshell
// nsIChannel pendingRedirectedChannel; // sent through other mechanism
uint32_t LoadIdentifier;
struct TimedChannelInfo
bool timingEnabled;
int8_t redirectCount;
int8_t internalRedirectCount;
TimeStamp asyncOpen;
TimeStamp channelCreation;
TimeStamp redirectStart;
TimeStamp redirectEnd;
nsString initiatorType;
bool allRedirectsSameOrigin;
bool allRedirectsPassTimingAllowCheck;
bool? timingAllowCheckForPrincipal;
TimeStamp launchServiceWorkerStart;
TimeStamp launchServiceWorkerEnd;
TimeStamp dispatchFetchEventStart;
TimeStamp dispatchFetchEventEnd;
TimeStamp handleFetchEventStart;
TimeStamp handleFetchEventEnd;
TimeStamp responseStart;
TimeStamp responseEnd;
struct ReplacementChannelConfigInit
uint32_t redirectFlags;
uint32_t classOfService;
bool? privateBrowsing;
nsCString? method;
nsIReferrerInfo referrerInfo;
TimedChannelInfo? timedChannel;
nullable PIPCBlobInputStream uploadStream;
bool uploadStreamHasHeaders;
nsCString? contentType;
nsCString? contentLength;
union IPDLVariantValue
uint8_t; // In practice, uint8_t and uint16_t are likely unneeded,
int16_t; // as signed->unsigned->signed has universal behavior.
uint16_t; // but those conversions are only guaranteed in C++20.
struct IDPLVariant
uint32_t type; // We explicitly store the original nsIVariant type so that
// the conversion back into a nsVariant later is lossless.
IPDLVariantValue data;
struct IPDLProperty
nsString name;
nsIVariant value;
// Struct with information to show a frame from the parent process.
struct ParentShowInfo
nsString name;
bool fullscreenAllowed;
bool fakeShowInfo;
bool isTransparent;
float dpi;
int32_t widgetRounding;
double defaultScale;
// Struct with information to show an iframe from the process that owns the
// frame.
struct OwnerShowInfo {
// This can be an IntSize rather than a Rect because content processes always
// render to a virtual <0, 0> top-left point.
ScreenIntSize size;
// TODO(emilio): Margin preferences go here.
ScrollbarPreference scrollbarPreference;
// TODO(emilio): I think we should really be able to figure out these from the
// parent process too instead.
bool parentWindowIsActive;
nsSizeMode sizeMode;
struct SwapEntriesDocshellData {
CrossProcessSHEntry oldEntry;
CrossProcessSHEntry newEntry;
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext context;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla