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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* This module is responsible for uploading pings to the server and persisting
* pings that can't be send now.
* Those pending pings are persisted on disk and sent at the next opportunity,
* newest first.
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ServiceRequest.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryUtils.jsm", this);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm", this);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AsyncShutdown",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryStorage",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryReportingPolicy",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "Telemetry",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryHealthPing",
const Utils = TelemetryUtils;
const LOGGER_NAME = "Toolkit.Telemetry";
const LOGGER_PREFIX = "TelemetrySend::";
const TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY = "idle-daily";
// The following topics are notified when Firefox is closing
// because the OS is shutting down.
const TOPIC_QUIT_APPLICATION_GRANTED = "quit-application-granted";
const TOPIC_QUIT_APPLICATION_FORCED = "quit-application-forced";
const PREF_CHANGED_TOPIC = "nsPref:changed";
const TOPIC_PROFILE_CHANGE_NET_TEARDOWN = "profile-change-net-teardown";
// Whether the FHR/Telemetry unification features are enabled.
// Changing this pref requires a restart.
const IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.Unified, false);
const MS_IN_A_MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
const PING_TYPE_DELETION = "deletion";
// We try to spread "midnight" pings out over this interval.
// We delay sending "midnight" pings on this client by this interval.
// Timeout after which we consider a ping submission failed.
// To keep resource usage in check, we limit ping sending to a maximum number
// of pings per minute.
// If we have more pending pings then we can send right now, we schedule the next
// send for after SEND_TICK_DELAY.
// If we had any ping send failures since the last ping, we use a backoff timeout
// for the next ping sends. We increase the delay exponentially up to a limit of
// This exponential backoff will be reset by external ping submissions & idle-daily.
// The age of a pending ping to be considered overdue (in milliseconds).
const OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE = 7 * 24 * 60 * MS_IN_A_MINUTE; // 1 week
// Strings to map from XHR.errorCode to TELEMETRY_SEND_FAILURE_TYPE.
// Echoes XMLHttpRequestMainThread's ErrorType enum.
const XHR_ERROR_TYPE = [
* This is a policy object used to override behavior within this module.
* Tests override properties on this object to allow for control of behavior
* that would otherwise be very hard to cover.
var Policy = {
now: () => new Date(),
midnightPingFuzzingDelay: () => MIDNIGHT_FUZZING_DELAY_MS,
pingSubmissionTimeout: () => PING_SUBMIT_TIMEOUT_MS,
setSchedulerTickTimeout: (callback, delayMs) => setTimeout(callback, delayMs),
clearSchedulerTickTimeout: (id) => clearTimeout(id),
* Determine if the ping has the new v4 ping format or the legacy v2 one or earlier.
function isV4PingFormat(aPing) {
return ("id" in aPing) && ("application" in aPing) &&
("version" in aPing) && (aPing.version >= 2);
* Check if the provided ping is a deletion ping.
* @param {Object} aPing The ping to check.
* @return {Boolean} True if the ping is a deletion ping, false otherwise.
function isDeletionPing(aPing) {
return isV4PingFormat(aPing) && (aPing.type == PING_TYPE_DELETION);
* Save the provided ping as a pending ping. If it's a deletion ping, save it
* to a special location.
* @param {Object} aPing The ping to save.
* @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the ping is saved.
function savePing(aPing) {
if (isDeletionPing(aPing)) {
return TelemetryStorage.saveDeletionPing(aPing);
return TelemetryStorage.savePendingPing(aPing);
* @return {String} This returns a string with the gzip compressed data.
function gzipCompressString(string) {
let observer = {
buffer: "",
onStreamComplete(loader, context, status, length, result) {
this.buffer = String.fromCharCode.apply(this, result);
let scs = Cc[";1"]
let listener = Cc[";1"]
let converter = scs.asyncConvertData("uncompressed", "gzip",
listener, null);
let stringStream = Cc[";1"]
.createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); = string;
converter.onStartRequest(null, null);
converter.onDataAvailable(null, null, stringStream, 0, string.length);
converter.onStopRequest(null, null, null);
return observer.buffer;
this.TelemetrySend = {
* Age in ms of a pending ping to be considered overdue.
get pendingPingCount() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.pendingPingCount;
* Partial setup that runs immediately at startup. This currently triggers
* the crash report annotations.
earlyInit() {
* Initializes this module.
* @param {Boolean} testing Whether this is run in a test. This changes some behavior
* to enable proper testing.
* @return {Promise} Resolved when setup is finished.
setup(testing = false) {
return TelemetrySendImpl.setup(testing);
* Shutdown this module - this will cancel any pending ping tasks and wait for
* outstanding async activity like network and disk I/O.
* @return {Promise} Promise that is resolved when shutdown is finished.
shutdown() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.shutdown();
* Submit a ping for sending. This will:
* - send the ping right away if possible or
* - save the ping to disk and send it at the next opportunity
* @param {Object} ping The ping data to send, must be serializable to JSON.
* @param {Object} [aOptions] Options object.
* @param {Boolean} [options.usePingSender=false] if true, send the ping using the PingSender.
* @return {Promise} Test-only - a promise that is resolved when the ping is sent or saved.
submitPing(ping, options = {}) {
options.usePingSender = options.usePingSender || false;
return TelemetrySendImpl.submitPing(ping, options);
* Count of pending pings that were found to be overdue at startup.
get overduePingsCount() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.overduePingsCount;
* Notify that we can start submitting data to the servers.
notifyCanUpload() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.notifyCanUpload();
* Only used in tests. Used to reset the module data to emulate a restart.
reset() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.reset();
* Only used in tests.
setServer(server) {
return TelemetrySendImpl.setServer(server);
* Clear out unpersisted, yet to be sent, pings and cancel outgoing ping requests.
clearCurrentPings() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.clearCurrentPings();
* Only used in tests to wait on outgoing pending pings.
testWaitOnOutgoingPings() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.promisePendingPingActivity();
* Only used in tests to set whether it is too late in shutdown to send pings.
testTooLateToSend(tooLate) {
TelemetrySendImpl._tooLateToSend = tooLate;
* Test-only - this allows overriding behavior to enable ping sending in debug builds.
setTestModeEnabled(testing) {
* This returns state info for this module for AsyncShutdown timeout diagnostics.
getShutdownState() {
return TelemetrySendImpl.getShutdownState();
* Send a ping using the ping sender.
* This method will not wait for the ping to be sent, instead it will return
* as soon as the pingsender program has been launched.
* This method is currently exposed here only for testing purposes as it's
* only used internally.
* @param {String} aUrl The telemetry server URL
* @param {String} aPingFilePath The path to the file holding the ping
* contents, if if sent successfully the pingsender will delete it.
* @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE if we couldn't find or run the pingsender
* executable.
* @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on Android as the pingsender is not
* available.
testRunPingSender(url, pingPath) {
TelemetrySendImpl.runPingSender(url, pingPath);
var CancellableTimeout = {
_deferred: null,
_timer: null,
* This waits until either the given timeout passed or the timeout was cancelled.
* @param {Number} timeoutMs The timeout in ms.
* @return {Promise<bool>} Promise that is resolved with false if the timeout was cancelled,
* false otherwise.
promiseWaitOnTimeout(timeoutMs) {
if (!this._deferred) {
this._deferred = PromiseUtils.defer();
this._timer = Policy.setSchedulerTickTimeout(() => this._onTimeout(), timeoutMs);
return this._deferred.promise;
_onTimeout() {
if (this._deferred) {
this._timer = null;
this._deferred = null;
cancelTimeout() {
if (this._deferred) {
this._timer = null;
this._deferred = null;
* SendScheduler implements the timer & scheduling behavior for ping sends.
var SendScheduler = {
// Whether any ping sends failed since the last tick. If yes, we start with our exponential
// backoff timeout.
_sendsFailed: false,
// The current retry delay after ping send failures. We use this for the exponential backoff,
// increasing this value everytime we had send failures since the last tick.
_backoffDelay: SEND_TICK_DELAY,
_shutdown: false,
_sendTask: null,
// A string that tracks the last seen send task state, null if it never ran.
_sendTaskState: null,
_logger: null,
get _log() {
if (!this._logger) {
this._logger = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX + "Scheduler::");
return this._logger;
shutdown() {
this._shutdown = true;
return Promise.resolve(this._sendTask);
start() {
this._sendsFailed = false;
this._backoffDelay = SEND_TICK_DELAY;
this._shutdown = false;
* Only used for testing, resets the state to emulate a restart.
reset() {
return this.shutdown().then(() => this.start());
* Notify the scheduler of a failure in sending out pings that warrants retrying.
* This will trigger the exponential backoff timer behavior on the next tick.
notifySendsFailed() {
if (this._sendsFailed) {
this._sendsFailed = true;
this._log.trace("notifySendsFailed - had send failures");
* Returns whether ping submissions are currently throttled.
isThrottled() {
const now =;
const nextPingSendTime = this._getNextPingSendTime(now);
return (nextPingSendTime > now.getTime());
waitOnSendTask() {
return Promise.resolve(this._sendTask);
triggerSendingPings(immediately) {
this._log.trace("triggerSendingPings - active send task: " + !!this._sendTask + ", immediately: " + immediately);
if (!this._sendTask) {
this._sendTask = this._doSendTask();
let clear = () => this._sendTask = null;
this._sendTask.then(clear, clear);
} else if (immediately) {
return this._sendTask;
async _doSendTask() {
this._sendTaskState = "send task started";
this._backoffDelay = SEND_TICK_DELAY;
this._sendsFailed = false;
const resetBackoffTimer = () => {
this._backoffDelay = SEND_TICK_DELAY;
for (;;) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask iteration");
this._sendTaskState = "start iteration";
if (this._shutdown) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - shutting down, bailing out");
this._sendTaskState = "bail out - shutdown check";
// Get a list of pending pings, sorted by last modified, descending.
// Filter out all the pings we can't send now. This addresses scenarios like "deletion" pings
// which can be send even when upload is disabled.
let pending = TelemetryStorage.getPendingPingList();
let current = TelemetrySendImpl.getUnpersistedPings();
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - pending: " + pending.length + ", current: " + current.length);
// Note that the two lists contain different kind of data. |pending| only holds ping
// info, while |current| holds actual ping data.
if (!TelemetrySendImpl.sendingEnabled()) {
pending = pending.filter(pingInfo => TelemetryStorage.isDeletionPing(;
current = current.filter(p => isDeletionPing(p));
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - can send - pending: " + pending.length + ", current: " + current.length);
// Bail out if there is nothing to send.
if ((pending.length == 0) && (current.length == 0)) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - no pending pings, bailing out");
this._sendTaskState = "bail out - no pings to send";
// If we are currently throttled (e.g. fuzzing to avoid midnight spikes), wait for the next send window.
const now =;
if (this.isThrottled()) {
const nextPingSendTime = this._getNextPingSendTime(now);
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - throttled, delaying ping send to " + new Date(nextPingSendTime));
this._sendTaskState = "wait for throttling to pass";
const delay = nextPingSendTime - now.getTime();
const cancelled = await CancellableTimeout.promiseWaitOnTimeout(delay);
if (cancelled) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - throttling wait was cancelled, resetting backoff timer");
let sending = pending.slice(0, MAX_PING_SENDS_PER_MINUTE);
pending = pending.slice(MAX_PING_SENDS_PER_MINUTE);
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - triggering sending of " + sending.length + " pings now" +
", " + pending.length + " pings waiting");
this._sendsFailed = false;
const sendStartTime =;
this._sendTaskState = "wait on ping sends";
await TelemetrySendImpl.sendPings(current, =>;
if (this._shutdown || (TelemetrySend.pendingPingCount == 0)) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - bailing out after sending, shutdown: " + this._shutdown +
", pendingPingCount: " + TelemetrySend.pendingPingCount);
this._sendTaskState = "bail out - shutdown & pending check after send";
// Calculate the delay before sending the next batch of pings.
// We start with a delay that makes us send max. 1 batch per minute.
// If we had send failures in the last batch, we will override this with
// a backoff delay.
const timeSinceLastSend = - sendStartTime;
let nextSendDelay = Math.max(0, SEND_TICK_DELAY - timeSinceLastSend);
if (!this._sendsFailed) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - had no send failures, resetting backoff timer");
} else {
const newDelay = Math.min(SEND_MAXIMUM_BACKOFF_DELAY_MS,
this._backoffDelay * 2);
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - had send failures, backing off -" +
" old timeout: " + this._backoffDelay +
", new timeout: " + newDelay);
this._backoffDelay = newDelay;
nextSendDelay = this._backoffDelay;
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - waiting for next send opportunity, timeout is " + nextSendDelay);
this._sendTaskState = "wait on next send opportunity";
const cancelled = await CancellableTimeout.promiseWaitOnTimeout(nextSendDelay);
if (cancelled) {
this._log.trace("_doSendTask - batch send wait was cancelled, resetting backoff timer");
* This helper calculates the next time that we can send pings at.
* Currently this mostly redistributes ping sends from midnight until one hour after
* to avoid submission spikes around local midnight for daily pings.
* @param now Date The current time.
* @return Number The next time (ms from UNIX epoch) when we can send pings.
_getNextPingSendTime(now) {
// 1. First we check if the time is between 0am and 1am. If it's not, we send
// immediately.
// 2. If we confirmed the time is indeed between 0am and 1am in step 1, we disallow
// sending before (midnight + fuzzing delay), which is a random time between 0am-1am
// (decided at startup).
const midnight = Utils.truncateToDays(now);
// Don't delay pings if we are not within the fuzzing interval.
if ((now.getTime() - midnight.getTime()) > MIDNIGHT_FUZZING_INTERVAL_MS) {
return now.getTime();
// Delay ping send if we are within the midnight fuzzing range.
// We spread those ping sends out between |midnight| and |midnight + midnightPingFuzzingDelay|.
return midnight.getTime() + Policy.midnightPingFuzzingDelay();
getShutdownState() {
return {
shutdown: this._shutdown,
hasSendTask: !!this._sendTask,
sendsFailed: this._sendsFailed,
sendTaskState: this._sendTaskState,
backoffDelay: this._backoffDelay,
var TelemetrySendImpl = {
_sendingEnabled: false,
// Tracks the shutdown state.
_shutdown: false,
_logger: null,
// This tracks all pending ping requests to the server.
_pendingPingRequests: new Map(),
// This tracks all the pending async ping activity.
_pendingPingActivity: new Set(),
// This is true when running in the test infrastructure.
_testMode: false,
// This holds pings that we currently try and haven't persisted yet.
_currentPings: new Map(),
// Used to skip spawning the pingsender if OS is shutting down.
_isOSShutdown: false,
// Count of pending pings that were overdue.
_overduePingCount: 0,
// Has the network shut down, making it too late to send pings?
_tooLateToSend: false,
// Whether sending pings has been overridden.
get _overrideOfficialCheck() {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.OverrideOfficialCheck, false);
get _log() {
if (!this._logger) {
this._logger = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX);
return this._logger;
get overduePingsCount() {
return this._overduePingCount;
get pendingPingRequests() {
return this._pendingPingRequests;
get pendingPingCount() {
return TelemetryStorage.getPendingPingList().length + this._currentPings.size;
setTestModeEnabled(testing) {
this._testMode = testing;
earlyInit() {
// Install the observer to detect OS shutdown early enough, so
// that we catch this before the delayed setup happens.
Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_QUIT_APPLICATION_FORCED);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_QUIT_APPLICATION_GRANTED);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
async setup(testing) {
this._testMode = testing;
Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_IDLE_DAILY);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_PROFILE_CHANGE_NET_TEARDOWN);
this._server = Services.prefs.getStringPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.Server, undefined);
this._sendingEnabled = true;
// Annotate crash reports so that crash pings are sent correctly and listen
// to pref changes to adjust the annotations accordingly.
for (let pref of this.OBSERVED_PREFERENCES) {
Services.prefs.addObserver(pref, this, true);
// Check the pending pings on disk now.
try {
await this._checkPendingPings();
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("setup - _checkPendingPings rejected", ex);
// Enforce the pending pings storage quota. It could take a while so don't
// block on it.
// Start sending pings, but don't block on this.
* Triggers the crash report annotations depending on the current
* configuration. This communicates to the crash reporter if it can send a
* crash ping or not. This method can be called safely before setup() has
* been called.
_annotateCrashReport() {
try {
const cr = Cc[";1"];
if (cr) {
const crs = cr.getService(Ci.nsICrashReporter);
let clientId = ClientID.getCachedClientID();
let server = this._server || Services.prefs.getStringPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.Server, undefined);
if (!this.sendingEnabled() || !TelemetryReportingPolicy.canUpload()) {
// If we cannot send pings then clear the crash annotations
crs.annotateCrashReport("TelemetryClientId", "");
crs.annotateCrashReport("TelemetryServerURL", "");
} else {
crs.annotateCrashReport("TelemetryClientId", clientId);
crs.annotateCrashReport("TelemetryServerURL", server);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore errors when crash reporting is disabled
* Discard old pings from the pending pings and detect overdue ones.
* @return {Boolean} True if we have overdue pings, false otherwise.
async _checkPendingPings() {
// Scan the pending pings - that gives us a list sorted by last modified, descending.
let infos = await TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPingList();"_checkPendingPings - pending ping count: " + infos.length);
if (infos.length == 0) {
this._log.trace("_checkPendingPings - no pending pings");
const now =;
// Check for overdue pings.
const overduePings = infos.filter((info) =>
(now.getTime() - info.lastModificationDate) > OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE);
this._overduePingCount = overduePings.length;
// Submit the age of the pending pings.
for (let pingInfo of infos) {
const ageInDays =
Utils.millisecondsToDays(Math.abs(now.getTime() - pingInfo.lastModificationDate));
async shutdown() {
this._shutdown = true;
for (let pref of this.OBSERVED_PREFERENCES) {
// FIXME: When running tests this causes errors to be printed out if
// TelemetrySend.shutdown() is called twice in a row without calling
// TelemetrySend.setup() in-between.
Services.prefs.removeObserver(pref, this);
for (let topic of this.OBSERVER_TOPICS) {
try {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("shutdown - failed to remove observer for " + topic, ex);
// We can't send anymore now.
this._sendingEnabled = false;
// Cancel any outgoing requests.
await this._cancelOutgoingRequests();
// Stop any active send tasks.
await SendScheduler.shutdown();
// Wait for any outstanding async ping activity.
await this.promisePendingPingActivity();
// Save any outstanding pending pings to disk.
await this._persistCurrentPings();
reset() {
this._shutdown = false;
this._currentPings = new Map();
this._overduePingCount = 0;
this._tooLateToSend = false;
this._isOSShutdown = false;
const histograms = [
histograms.forEach(h => Telemetry.getHistogramById(h).clear());
return SendScheduler.reset();
* Notify that we can start submitting data to the servers.
notifyCanUpload() {
if (!this._sendingEnabled) {
this._log.trace("notifyCanUpload - notifying before sending is enabled. Ignoring.");
return Promise.resolve();
// Let the scheduler trigger sending pings if possible, also inform the
// crash reporter that it can send crash pings if appropriate.
return this.promisePendingPingActivity();
observe(subject, topic, data) {
let setOSShutdown = () => {
this._log.trace("setOSShutdown - in OS shutdown");
this._isOSShutdown = true;
switch (topic) {
if (data == "syncShutdown") {
if (this.OBSERVED_PREFERENCES.includes(data)) {
this._tooLateToSend = true;
* Spawn the PingSender process that sends a ping. This function does
* not return an error or throw, it only logs an error.
* Even if the function doesn't fail, it doesn't mean that the ping was
* successfully sent, as we have no control over the spawned process. If it,
* succeeds, the ping is eventually removed from the disk to prevent duplicated
* submissions.
* @param {String} pingId The id of the ping to send.
* @param {String} submissionURL The complete Telemetry-compliant URL for the ping.
_sendWithPingSender(pingId, submissionURL) {
this._log.trace("_sendWithPingSender - sending " + pingId + " to " + submissionURL);
try {
const pingPath = OS.Path.join(TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath, pingId);
this.runPingSender(submissionURL, pingPath);
} catch (e) {
this._log.error("_sendWithPingSender - failed to submit ping", e);
submitPing(ping, options) {
this._log.trace("submitPing - ping id: " + + ", options: " + JSON.stringify(options));
if (!this.sendingEnabled(ping)) {
this._log.trace("submitPing - Telemetry is not allowed to send pings.");
return Promise.resolve();
// Send the ping using the PingSender, if requested and the user was
// notified of our policy. We don't support the pingsender on Android,
// so ignore this option on that platform (see bug 1335917).
// Moreover, if the OS is shutting down, we don't want to spawn the
// pingsender as it could unnecessarily slow down OS shutdown.
// Additionally, it could be be killed before it can complete its tasks,
// for example after successfully sending the ping but before removing
// the copy from the disk, resulting in receiving duplicate pings when
// Firefox restarts.
if (options.usePingSender &&
!this._isOSShutdown &&
TelemetryReportingPolicy.canUpload() &&
AppConstants.platform != "android") {
const url = this._buildSubmissionURL(ping);
// Serialize the ping to the disk and then spawn the PingSender.
return savePing(ping).then(() => this._sendWithPingSender(, url));
if (!this.canSendNow) {
// Sending is disabled or throttled, add this to the persisted pending pings.
this._log.trace("submitPing - can't send ping now, persisting to disk - " +
"canSendNow: " + this.canSendNow);
return savePing(ping);
// Let the scheduler trigger sending pings if possible.
// As a safety mechanism, this resets any currently active throttling.
this._log.trace("submitPing - can send pings, trying to send now");
this._currentPings.set(, ping);
return Promise.resolve();
* Only used in tests.
setServer(server) {
this._log.trace("setServer", server);
this._server = server;
* Clear out unpersisted, yet to be sent, pings and cancel outgoing ping requests.
async clearCurrentPings() {
if (this._shutdown) {
this._log.trace("clearCurrentPings - in shutdown, bailing out");
// Temporarily disable the scheduler. It must not try to reschedule ping sending
// while we're deleting them.
await SendScheduler.shutdown();
// Now that the ping activity has settled, abort outstanding ping requests.
// Also, purge current pings.
// We might have been interrupted and shutdown could have been started.
// We need to bail out in that case to avoid triggering send activity etc.
// at unexpected times.
if (this._shutdown) {
this._log.trace("clearCurrentPings - in shutdown, not spinning SendScheduler up again");
// Enable the scheduler again and spin the send task.
_cancelOutgoingRequests() {
// Abort any pending ping XHRs.
for (let [id, request] of this._pendingPingRequests) {
this._log.trace("_cancelOutgoingRequests - aborting ping request for id " + id);
try {
} catch (e) {
this._log.error("_cancelOutgoingRequests - failed to abort request for id " + id, e);
sendPings(currentPings, persistedPingIds) {
let pingSends = [];
// Prioritize health pings to enable low-latency monitoring.
currentPings = [
...currentPings.filter(ping => ping.type === "health"),
...currentPings.filter(ping => ping.type !== "health"),
for (let current of currentPings) {
let ping = current;
let p = (async () => {
try {
await this._doPing(ping,, false);
} catch (ex) {"sendPings - ping " + + " not sent, saving to disk", ex);
// Deletion pings must be saved to a special location.
await savePing(ping);
} finally {
if (persistedPingIds.length > 0) {
pingSends.push(this._sendPersistedPings(persistedPingIds).catch((ex) => {"sendPings - persisted pings not sent", ex);
return Promise.all(pingSends);
* Send the persisted pings to the server.
* @param {Array<string>} List of ping ids that should be sent.
* @return Promise A promise that is resolved when all pings finished sending or failed.
async _sendPersistedPings(pingIds) {
if (TelemetryStorage.pendingPingCount < 1) {
this._log.trace("_sendPersistedPings - no pings to send");
if (pingIds.length < 1) {
this._log.trace("sendPersistedPings - no pings to send");
// We can send now.
// If there are any send failures, _doPing() sets up handlers that e.g. trigger backoff timer behavior.
this._log.trace("sendPersistedPings - sending " + pingIds.length + " pings");
let pingSendPromises = [];
for (let pingId of pingIds) {
const id = pingId;
.then((data) => this._doPing(data, id, true))
.catch(e => this._log.error("sendPersistedPings - failed to send ping " + id, e)));
let promise = Promise.all(pingSendPromises);
await promise;
_onPingRequestFinished(success, startTime, id, isPersisted) {
this._log.trace("_onPingRequestFinished - success: " + success + ", persisted: " + isPersisted);
let hsend = Telemetry.getHistogramById(sendId);
let hsuccess = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SUCCESS");
hsend.add(Utils.monotonicNow() - startTime);
if (!success) {
// Let the scheduler know about send failures for triggering backoff timeouts.
if (success && isPersisted) {
if (TelemetryStorage.isDeletionPing(id)) {
return TelemetryStorage.removeDeletionPing();
return TelemetryStorage.removePendingPing(id);
return Promise.resolve();
_buildSubmissionURL(ping) {
const version = isV4PingFormat(ping) ? PING_FORMAT_VERSION : 1;
return this._server + this._getSubmissionPath(ping) + "?v=" + version;
_getSubmissionPath(ping) {
// The new ping format contains an "application" section, the old one doesn't.
let pathComponents;
if (isV4PingFormat(ping)) {
// We insert the Ping id in the URL to simplify server handling of duplicated
// pings.
let app = ping.application;
pathComponents = [, ping.type,, app.version,, app.buildId
} else {
// This is a ping in the old format.
if (!("slug" in ping)) {
// That's odd, we don't have a slug. Generate one so that TelemetryStorage.jsm works.
ping.slug = Utils.generateUUID();
// Do we have enough info to build a submission URL?
let payload = ("payload" in ping) ? ping.payload : null;
if (payload && ("info" in payload)) {
let info =;
pathComponents = [ ping.slug, info.reason, info.appName, info.appVersion,
info.appUpdateChannel, info.appBuildID ];
} else {
// Only use the UUID as the slug.
pathComponents = [ ping.slug ];
let slug = pathComponents.join("/");
return "/submit/telemetry/" + slug;
_doPing(ping, id, isPersisted) {
if (!this.sendingEnabled(ping)) {
// We can't send the pings to the server, so don't try to.
this._log.trace("_doPing - Can't send ping " +;
return Promise.resolve();
if (this._tooLateToSend) {
this._log.trace("_doPing - Too late to send ping " +;
return Promise.resolve();
this._log.trace("_doPing - server: " + this._server + ", persisted: " + isPersisted +
", id: " + id);
const url = this._buildSubmissionURL(ping);
let request = new ServiceRequest();
request.mozBackgroundRequest = true;
request.timeout = Policy.pingSubmissionTimeout();"POST", url, true);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
this._pendingPingRequests.set(id, request);
// Prevent the request channel from running though URLClassifier (bug 1296802) &= ~Ci.nsIChannel.LOAD_CLASSIFY_URI;
const monotonicStartTime = Utils.monotonicNow();
let deferred = PromiseUtils.defer();
let onRequestFinished = (success, event) => {
let onCompletion = () => {
if (success) {
let histogram = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SUCCESSFUL_SEND_PINGS_SIZE_KB");
} else {
let histogram = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_FAILED_SEND_PINGS_SIZE_KB");
this._onPingRequestFinished(success, monotonicStartTime, id, isPersisted)
.then(() => onCompletion(),
(error) => {
this._log.error("_doPing - request success: " + success + ", error: " + error);
let errorhandler = (event) => {
let failure = event.type;
if (failure === "error") {
failure = XHR_ERROR_TYPE[request.errorCode];
this._log.error("_doPing - error making request to " + url + ": " + failure);
onRequestFinished(false, event);
request.onerror = errorhandler;
request.ontimeout = errorhandler;
request.onabort = errorhandler;
request.onload = (event) => {
let status = request.status;
let statusClass = status - (status % 100);
let success = false;
if (statusClass === 200) {
// We can treat all 2XX as success."_doPing - successfully loaded, status: " + status);
success = true;
} else if (statusClass === 400) {
// 4XX means that something with the request was broken.
this._log.error("_doPing - error submitting to " + url + ", status: " + status
+ " - ping request broken?");
// TODO: we should handle this better, but for now we should avoid resubmitting
// broken requests by pretending success.
success = true;
} else if (statusClass === 500) {
// 5XX means there was a server-side error and we should try again later.
this._log.error("_doPing - error submitting to " + url + ", status: " + status
+ " - server error, should retry later");
} else {
// We received an unexpected status code.
this._log.error("_doPing - error submitting to " + url + ", status: " + status
+ ", type: " + event.type);
onRequestFinished(success, event);
// If that's a legacy ping format, just send its payload.
let networkPayload = isV4PingFormat(ping) ? ping : ping.payload;
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
let converter = Cc[""]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let startTime = Utils.monotonicNow();
let utf8Payload = converter.ConvertFromUnicode(JSON.stringify(networkPayload));
utf8Payload += converter.Finish();
Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_STRINGIFY").add(Utils.monotonicNow() - startTime);
// Check the size and drop pings which are too big.
const pingSizeBytes = utf8Payload.length;
if (pingSizeBytes > TelemetryStorage.MAXIMUM_PING_SIZE) {
this._log.error("_doPing - submitted ping exceeds the size limit, size: " + pingSizeBytes);
.add(Math.floor(pingSizeBytes / 1024 / 1024));
// We don't need to call |request.abort()| as it was not sent yet.
return TelemetryStorage.removePendingPing(id);
let payloadStream = Cc[";1"]
startTime = Utils.monotonicNow(); = gzipCompressString(utf8Payload);
const compressedPingSizeKB = Math.floor( / 1024);
Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_COMPRESS").add(Utils.monotonicNow() - startTime);
return deferred.promise;
* Check if sending is temporarily disabled.
* @return {Boolean} True if we can send pings to the server right now, false if
* sending is temporarily disabled.
get canSendNow() {
// If the reporting policy was not accepted yet, don't send pings.
if (!TelemetryReportingPolicy.canUpload()) {
return false;
return this._sendingEnabled;
* Check if sending is disabled. If FHR is not allowed to upload,
* pings are not sent to the server (Telemetry is a sub-feature of FHR). If trying
* to send a deletion ping, don't block it.
* If unified telemetry is off, don't send pings if Telemetry is disabled.
* @param {Object} [ping=null] A ping to be checked.
* @return {Boolean} True if pings can be send to the servers, false otherwise.
sendingEnabled(ping = null) {
// We only send pings from official builds, but allow overriding this for tests.
if (!Telemetry.isOfficialTelemetry &&
!this._testMode &&
!this._overrideOfficialCheck) {
return false;
// With unified Telemetry, the FHR upload setting controls whether we can send pings.
// The Telemetry pref enables sending extended data sets instead.
// Deletion pings are sent even if the upload is disabled.
if (ping && isDeletionPing(ping)) {
return true;
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FhrUploadEnabled, false);
// Without unified Telemetry, the Telemetry enabled pref controls ping sending.
return Utils.isTelemetryEnabled;
* Track any pending ping send and save tasks through the promise passed here.
* This is needed to block shutdown on any outstanding ping activity.
_trackPendingPingTask(promise) {
let clear = () => this._pendingPingActivity.delete(promise);
promise.then(clear, clear);
* Return a promise that allows to wait on pending pings.
* @return {Object<Promise>} A promise resolved when all the pending pings promises
* are resolved.
promisePendingPingActivity() {
this._log.trace("promisePendingPingActivity - Waiting for ping task");
let p = Array.from(this._pendingPingActivity, p => p.catch(ex => {
this._log.error("promisePendingPingActivity - ping activity had an error", ex);
return Promise.all(p);
async _persistCurrentPings() {
for (let [id, ping] of this._currentPings) {
try {
await savePing(ping);
this._log.trace("_persistCurrentPings - saved ping " + id);
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("_persistCurrentPings - failed to save ping " + id, ex);
} finally {
* Returns the current pending, not yet persisted, pings, newest first.
getUnpersistedPings() {
let current = [...this._currentPings.values()];
return current;
getShutdownState() {
return {
sendingEnabled: this._sendingEnabled,
pendingPingRequestCount: this._pendingPingRequests.size,
pendingPingActivityCount: this._pendingPingActivity.size,
unpersistedPingCount: this._currentPings.size,
persistedPingCount: TelemetryStorage.getPendingPingList().length,
schedulerState: SendScheduler.getShutdownState(),
runPingSender(url, pingPath) {
if (AppConstants.platform === "android") {
const exeName = AppConstants.platform === "win" ? "pingsender.exe"
: "pingsender";
let exe = Services.dirsvc.get("GreBinD", Ci.nsIFile);
let process = Cc[";1"]
process.startHidden = true;
process.noShell = true;* blocking */ false, [url, pingPath], 2);