
4524 строки
138 KiB

microformat-shiv - v1.4.0
Built: 2016-03-02 10:03 -
Copyright (c) 2016 Glenn Jones
Licensed MIT
var Microformats; // jshint ignore:line
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory();
} else {
root.Microformats = factory();
}(this, function () {
var modules = {};
modules.version = '1.4.0';
modules.livingStandard = '2015-09-25T12:26:04Z';
* constructor
modules.Parser = function () {
this.rootPrefix = 'h-';
this.propertyPrefixes = ['p-', 'dt-', 'u-', 'e-'];
this.excludeTags = ['br', 'hr'];
// create objects incase the v1 map modules don't load
modules.maps = (modules.maps)? modules.maps : {};
modules.rels = (modules.rels)? modules.rels : {};
modules.Parser.prototype = {
init: function() {
this.rootNode = null;
this.document = null;
this.options = {
'baseUrl': '',
'filters': [],
'textFormat': 'whitespacetrimmed',
'dateFormat': 'auto', // html5 for testing
'overlappingVersions': false,
'impliedPropertiesByVersion': true,
'parseLatLonGeo': false
this.rootID = 0;
this.errors = [];
this.noContentErr = 'No options.node or options.html was provided and no document object could be found.';
* internal parse function
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Object}
get: function(options) {
var out = this.formatEmpty(),
data = [],
options = (options)? options : {};
this.getDOMContext( options );
// if we do not have any context create error
if (!this.rootNode || !this.document) {
} else {
// only parse h-* microformats if we need to
// this is added to speed up parsing
if (this.hasMicroformats(this.rootNode, options)) {
this.prepareDOM( options );
if (this.options.filters.length > 0) {
// parse flat list of items
var newRootNode = this.findFilterNodes(this.rootNode, this.options.filters);
data = this.walkRoot(newRootNode);
} else {
// parse whole document from root
data = this.walkRoot(this.rootNode);
out.items = data;
// don't clear-up DOM if it was cloned
if (modules.domUtils.canCloneDocument(this.document) === false) {
// find any rels
if (this.findRels) {
rels = this.findRels(this.rootNode);
out.rels = rels.rels;
out['rel-urls'] = rels['rel-urls'];
if (this.errors.length > 0) {
return this.formatError();
return out;
* parse to get parent microformat of passed node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Object}
getParent: function(node, options) {
options = (options)? options : {};
if (node) {
return this.getParentTreeWalk(node, options);
return this.formatError();
* get the count of microformats
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
* @return {Int}
count: function( options ) {
var out = {},
options = (options)? options : {};
this.getDOMContext( options );
// if we do not have any context create error
if (!this.rootNode || !this.document) {
return {'errors': [this.noContentErr]};
items = this.findRootNodes( this.rootNode, true );
i = items.length;
while (i--) {
classItems = modules.domUtils.getAttributeList(items[i], 'class');
x = classItems.length;
while (x--) {
// find v2 names
if (modules.utils.startWith( classItems[x], 'h-' )) {
this.appendCount(classItems[x], 1, out);
// find v1 names
for (var key in modules.maps) {
// dont double count if v1 and v2 roots are present
if (modules.maps[key].root === classItems[x] && classItems.indexOf(key) === -1) {
this.appendCount(key, 1, out);
var relCount = this.countRels( this.rootNode );
if (relCount > 0) {
out.rels = relCount;
return out;
* does a node have a class that marks it as a microformats root
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Objecte} options
* @return {Boolean}
isMicroformat: function( node, options ) {
var classes,
if (!node) {
return false;
// if documemt gets topmost node
node = modules.domUtils.getTopMostNode( node );
// look for h-* microformats
classes = this.getUfClassNames(node);
if (options && options.filters && modules.utils.isArray(options.filters)) {
i = options.filters.length;
while (i--) {
if (classes.root.indexOf(options.filters[i]) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
return (classes.root.length > 0);
* does a node or its children have microformats
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Objecte} options
* @return {Boolean}
hasMicroformats: function( node, options ) {
var items,
if (!node) {
return false;
// if browser based documemt get topmost node
node = modules.domUtils.getTopMostNode( node );
// returns all microformat roots
items = this.findRootNodes( node, true );
if (options && options.filters && modules.utils.isArray(options.filters)) {
i = items.length;
while (i--) {
if ( this.isMicroformat( items[i], options ) ) {
return true;
return false;
return (items.length > 0);
* add a new v1 mapping object to parser
* @param {Array} maps
add: function( maps ) {
maps.forEach(function(map) {
if (map && map.root && && {
modules.maps[] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(map));
* internal parse to get parent microformats by walking up the tree
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Int} recursive
* @return {Object}
getParentTreeWalk: function (node, options, recursive) {
options = (options)? options : {};
// recursive calls
if (recursive === undefined) {
if (node.parentNode && node.nodeName !== 'HTML') {
return this.getParentTreeWalk(node.parentNode, options, true);
return this.formatEmpty();
if (node !== null && node !== undefined && node.parentNode) {
if (this.isMicroformat( node, options )) {
// if we have a match return microformat
options.node = node;
return this.get( options );
return this.getParentTreeWalk(node.parentNode, options, true);
return this.formatEmpty();
* configures what are the base DOM objects for parsing
* @param {Object} options
getDOMContext: function( options ) {
var nodes = modules.domUtils.getDOMContext( options );
this.rootNode = nodes.rootNode;
this.document = nodes.document;
* prepares DOM before the parse begins
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Boolean}
prepareDOM: function( options ) {
var baseTag,
// use current document to define baseUrl, try/catch needed for IE10+ error
try {
if (!options.baseUrl && this.document && this.document.location) {
this.options.baseUrl = this.document.location.href;
} catch (e) {
// there is no alt action
// find base tag to set baseUrl
baseTag = modules.domUtils.querySelector(this.document, 'base');
if (baseTag) {
href = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(baseTag, 'href');
if (href) {
this.options.baseUrl = href;
// get path to rootNode
// then clone document
// then reset the rootNode to its cloned version in a new document
var path,
path = modules.domUtils.getNodePath(this.rootNode);
newDocument = modules.domUtils.cloneDocument(this.document);
newRootNode = modules.domUtils.getNodeByPath(newDocument, path);
// check results as early IE fails
if (newDocument && newRootNode) {
this.document = newDocument;
this.rootNode = newRootNode;
// add includes
if (this.addIncludes) {
this.addIncludes( this.document );
return (this.rootNode && this.document);
* returns an empty structure with errors
* @return {Object}
formatError: function() {
var out = this.formatEmpty();
out.errors = this.errors;
return out;
* returns an empty structure
* @return {Object}
formatEmpty: function() {
return {
'items': [],
'rels': {},
'rel-urls': {}
// find microformats of a given type and return node structures
findFilterNodes: function(rootNode, filters) {
if (modules.utils.isString(filters)) {
filters = [filters];
var newRootNode = modules.domUtils.createNode('div'),
items = this.findRootNodes(rootNode, true),
i = 0,
x = 0,
y = 0;
// add v1 names
y = filters.length;
while (y--) {
if (this.getMapping(filters[y])) {
var v1Name = this.getMapping(filters[y]).root;
if (items) {
i = items.length;
while (x < i) {
// append matching nodes into newRootNode
y = filters.length;
while (y--) {
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(items[x], 'class', filters[y])) {
var clone = modules.domUtils.clone(items[x]);
modules.domUtils.appendChild(newRootNode, clone);
return newRootNode;
* appends data to output object for count
* @param {string} name
* @param {Int} count
* @param {Object}
appendCount: function(name, count, out) {
if (out[name]) {
out[name] = out[name] + count;
} else {
out[name] = count;
* is the microformats type in the filter list
* @param {Object} uf
* @param {Array} filters
* @return {Boolean}
shouldInclude: function(uf, filters) {
var i;
if (modules.utils.isArray(filters) && filters.length > 0) {
i = filters.length;
while (i--) {
if (uf.type[0] === filters[i]) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
* finds all microformat roots in a rootNode
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
* @param {Boolean} includeRoot
* @return {Array}
findRootNodes: function(rootNode, includeRoot) {
var arr = null,
out = [],
classList = [],
// build an array of v1 root names
for (key in modules.maps) {
if (modules.maps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// get all elements that have a class attribute
includeRoot = (includeRoot) ? includeRoot : false;
if (includeRoot && rootNode.parentNode) {
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode.parentNode, 'class');
} else {
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, 'class');
// loop elements that have a class attribute
x = 0;
i = arr.length;
while (x < i) {
items = modules.domUtils.getAttributeList(arr[x], 'class');
// loop classes on an element
y = items.length;
while (y--) {
// match v1 root names
if (classList.indexOf(items[y]) > -1) {
// match v2 root name prefix
if (modules.utils.startWith(items[y], 'h-')) {
return out;
* starts the tree walk to find microformats
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Array}
walkRoot: function(node) {
var context = this,
children = [],
items = [],
out = [];
classes = this.getUfClassNames(node);
// if it is a root microformat node
if (classes && classes.root.length > 0) {
items = this.walkTree(node);
if (items.length > 0) {
out = out.concat(items);
} else {
// check if there are children and one of the children has a root microformat
children = modules.domUtils.getChildren( node );
if (children && children.length > 0 && this.findRootNodes(node, true).length > -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
child = children[i];
items = context.walkRoot(child);
if (items.length > 0) {
out = out.concat(items);
return out;
* starts the tree walking for a single microformat
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Array}
walkTree: function(node) {
var classes,
out = [],
// loop roots found on one element
classes = this.getUfClassNames(node);
if (classes && classes.root.length && classes.root.length > 0) {
itemRootID = this.rootID;
obj = this.createUfObject(classes.root, classes.typeVersion);
this.walkChildren(node, obj, classes.root, itemRootID, classes);
if (this.impliedRules) {
this.impliedRules(node, obj, classes);
out.push( this.cleanUfObject(obj) );
return out;
* finds child properties of microformat
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} out
* @param {String} ufName
* @param {Int} rootID
* @param {Object} parentClasses
walkChildren: function(node, out, ufName, rootID, parentClasses) {
var context = this,
children = [],
children = modules.domUtils.getChildren( node );
y = 0;
z = children.length;
while (y < z) {
child = children[y];
// get microformat classes for this single element
var classes = context.getUfClassNames(child, ufName);
// a property which is a microformat
if (classes.root.length > 0 && > 0 && !child.addedAsRoot) {
// create object with type, property and value
rootItem = context.createUfObject(
modules.text.parse(this.document, child, context.options.textFormat)
// add the microformat as an array of properties
propertyName = context.removePropPrefix([0][0]);
// modifies value with "implied value rule"
if (parentClasses && parentClasses.root.length === 1 && === 1) {
if (context.impliedValueRule) {
out = context.impliedValueRule(out,[0][0],[0][0], value);
if ([propertyName]) {[propertyName].push(rootItem);
} else {[propertyName] = [rootItem];
// used to stop duplication in heavily nested structures
child.addedAsRoot = true;
x = 0;
i = rootItem.type.length;
itemRootID = context.rootID;
while (x < i) {
context.walkChildren(child, rootItem, rootItem.type, itemRootID, classes);
if (this.impliedRules) {
context.impliedRules(child, rootItem, classes);
// a property which is NOT a microformat and has not been used for a given root element
if (classes.root.length === 0 && > 0) {
x = 0;
i =;
while (x < i) {
value = context.getValue(child,[x][0], out);
propertyName = context.removePropPrefix([x][0]);
propertyVersion =[x][1];
// modifies value with "implied value rule"
if (parentClasses && parentClasses.root.length === 1 && === 1) {
if (context.impliedValueRule) {
out = context.impliedValueRule(out,[0][0],[x][0], value);
// if we have not added this value into a property with the same name already
if (!context.hasRootID(child, rootID, propertyName)) {
// check the root and property is the same version or if overlapping versions are allowed
if ( context.isAllowedPropertyVersion( out.typeVersion, propertyVersion ) ) {
// add the property as an array of properties
if ([propertyName]) {[propertyName].push(value);
} else {[propertyName] = [value];
// add rootid to node so we can track its use
context.appendRootID(child, rootID, propertyName);
context.walkChildren(child, out, ufName, rootID, classes);
// if the node has no microformat classes, see if its children have
if (classes.root.length === 0 && === 0) {
context.walkChildren(child, out, ufName, rootID, classes);
// if the node is a child root add it to the children tree
if (classes.root.length > 0 && === 0) {
// create object with type, property and value
rootItem = context.createUfObject(
modules.text.parse(this.document, child, context.options.textFormat)
// add the microformat as an array of properties
if (!out.children) {
out.children = [];
if (!context.hasRootID(child, rootID, 'child-root')) {
out.children.push( rootItem );
context.appendRootID(child, rootID, 'child-root');
x = 0;
i = rootItem.type.length;
itemRootID = context.rootID;
while (x < i) {
context.walkChildren(child, rootItem, rootItem.type, itemRootID, classes);
if (this.impliedRules) {
context.impliedRules(child, rootItem, classes);
context.cleanUfObject( rootItem );
* gets the value of a property from a node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} className
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {String || Object}
getValue: function(node, className, uf) {
var value = '';
if (modules.utils.startWith(className, 'p-')) {
value = this.getPValue(node, true);
if (modules.utils.startWith(className, 'e-')) {
value = this.getEValue(node);
if (modules.utils.startWith(className, 'u-')) {
value = this.getUValue(node, true);
if (modules.utils.startWith(className, 'dt-')) {
value = this.getDTValue(node, className, uf, true);
return value;
* gets the value of a node which contains a 'p-' property
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Boolean} valueParse
* @return {String}
getPValue: function(node, valueParse) {
var out = '';
if (valueParse) {
out = this.getValueClass(node, 'p');
if (!out && valueParse) {
out = this.getValueTitle(node);
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['abbr'], 'title');
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['data', 'input'], 'value');
if ( === 'br' || === 'hr') {
out = '';
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['img', 'area'], 'alt');
if (!out) {
out = modules.text.parse(this.document, node, this.options.textFormat);
return (out) ? out : '';
* gets the value of a node which contains the 'e-' property
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Object}
getEValue: function(node) {
var out = {value: '', html: ''};
this.expandURLs(node, 'src', this.options.baseUrl);
this.expandURLs(node, 'href', this.options.baseUrl);
out.value = modules.text.parse(this.document, node, this.options.textFormat);
out.html = modules.html.parse(node);
return out;
* gets the value of a node which contains the 'u-' property
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Boolean} valueParse
* @return {String}
getUValue: function(node, valueParse) {
var out = '';
if (valueParse) {
out = this.getValueClass(node, 'u');
if (!out && valueParse) {
out = this.getValueTitle(node);
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['a', 'area'], 'href');
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['img', 'audio', 'video', 'source'], 'src');
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['object'], 'data');
// if we have no protocol separator, turn relative url to absolute url
if (out && out !== '' && out.indexOf('://') === -1) {
out = modules.url.resolve(out, this.options.baseUrl);
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['abbr'], 'title');
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['data', 'input'], 'value');
if (!out) {
out = modules.text.parse(this.document, node, this.options.textFormat);
return (out) ? out : '';
* gets the value of a node which contains the 'dt-' property
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} className
* @param {Object} uf
* @param {Boolean} valueParse
* @return {String}
getDTValue: function(node, className, uf, valueParse) {
var out = '';
if (valueParse) {
out = this.getValueClass(node, 'dt');
if (!out && valueParse) {
out = this.getValueTitle(node);
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['time', 'ins', 'del'], 'datetime');
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['abbr'], 'title');
if (!out) {
out = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['data', 'input'], 'value');
if (!out) {
out = modules.text.parse(this.document, node, this.options.textFormat);
if (out) {
if (modules.dates.isDuration(out)) {
// just duration
return out;
} else if (modules.dates.isTime(out)) {
// just time or time+timezone
if (uf) {
uf.times.push([className, modules.dates.parseAmPmTime(out, this.options.dateFormat)]);
return modules.dates.parseAmPmTime(out, this.options.dateFormat);
// returns a date - microformat profile
if (uf) {
uf.dates.push([className, new modules.ISODate(out).toString( this.options.dateFormat )]);
return new modules.ISODate(out).toString( this.options.dateFormat );
return '';
* appends a new rootid to a given node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} propertyName
appendRootID: function(node, id, propertyName) {
if (this.hasRootID(node, id, propertyName) === false) {
var rootids = [];
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'rootids')) {
rootids = modules.domUtils.getAttributeList(node, 'rootids');
rootids.push('id' + id + '-' + propertyName);
modules.domUtils.setAttribute(node, 'rootids', rootids.join(' '));
* does a given node already have a rootid
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} id
* @param {String} propertyName
* @return {Boolean}
hasRootID: function(node, id, propertyName) {
var rootids = [];
if (!modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'rootids')) {
return false;
rootids = modules.domUtils.getAttributeList(node, 'rootids');
return (rootids.indexOf('id' + id + '-' + propertyName) > -1);
* gets the text of any child nodes with a class value
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} propertyName
* @return {String || null}
getValueClass: function(node, propertyType) {
var context = this,
children = [],
out = [],
children = modules.domUtils.getChildren( node );
x = 0;
i = children.length;
while (x < i) {
child = children[x];
var value = null;
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(child, 'class', 'value')) {
switch (propertyType) {
case 'p':
value = context.getPValue(child, false);
case 'u':
value = context.getUValue(child, false);
case 'dt':
value = context.getDTValue(child, '', null, false);
if (value) {
if (out.length > 0) {
if (propertyType === 'p') {
return modules.text.parseText( this.document, out.join(' '), this.options.textFormat);
if (propertyType === 'u') {
return out.join('');
if (propertyType === 'dt') {
return modules.dates.concatFragments(out, this.options.dateFormat).toString(this.options.dateFormat);
return undefined;
return null;
* returns a single string of the 'title' attr from all
* the child nodes with the class 'value-title'
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
getValueTitle: function(node) {
var out = [],
items = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttributeValue(node, 'class', 'value-title');
x = 0;
i = items.length;
while (x < i) {
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(items[x], 'title')) {
out.push(modules.domUtils.getAttribute(items[x], 'title'));
return out.join('');
* finds out whether a node has h-* class v1 and v2
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Boolean}
hasHClass: function(node) {
var classes = this.getUfClassNames(node);
if (classes.root && classes.root.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
* get both the root and property class names from a node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Array} ufNameArr
* @return {Object}
getUfClassNames: function(node, ufNameArr) {
var context = this,
out = {
'root': [],
'properties': []
// don't get classes from excluded list of tags
if (modules.domUtils.hasTagName(node, this.excludeTags) === false) {
// find classes for node
classNames = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(node, 'class');
if (classNames) {
items = classNames.split(' ');
x = 0;
i = items.length;
while (x < i) {
item = modules.utils.trim(items[x]);
// test for root prefix - v2
if (modules.utils.startWith(item, context.rootPrefix)) {
if (out.root.indexOf(item) === -1) {
out.typeVersion = 'v2';
// test for property prefix - v2
z = context.propertyPrefixes.length;
while (z--) {
if (modules.utils.startWith(item, context.propertyPrefixes[z])) {[item, 'v2']);
// test for mapped root classnames v1
for (key in modules.maps) {
if (modules.maps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// only add a root once
if (modules.maps[key].root === item && out.root.indexOf(key) === -1) {
// if root map has subTree set to true
// test to see if we should create a property or root
if (modules.maps[key].subTree) {['p-' + modules.maps[key].root, 'v1']);
} else {
if (!out.typeVersion) {
out.typeVersion = 'v1';
// test for mapped property classnames v1
if (ufNameArr) {
for (var a = 0; a < ufNameArr.length; a++) {
ufName = ufNameArr[a];
// get mapped property v1 microformat
map = context.getMapping(ufName);
if (map) {
for (key in {
if ( {
prop =[key];
propName = ( ? : 'p-' + key;
if (key === item) {
if (prop.uf) {
// loop all the classList make sure
// 1. this property is a root
// 2. that there is not already an equivalent v2 property i.e. url and u-url on the same element
y = 0;
while (y < i) {
v2Name = context.getV2RootName(items[y]);
// add new root
if (prop.uf.indexOf(v2Name) > -1 && out.root.indexOf(v2Name) === -1) {
out.typeVersion = 'v1';
//only add property once
if ( === -1) {[propName, 'v1']);
} else if ( === -1) {[propName, 'v1']);
// finds any alt rel=* mappings for a given node/microformat
if (ufNameArr && this.findRelImpied) {
for (var b = 0; b < ufNameArr.length; b++) {
ufName = ufNameArr[b];
impiedRel = this.findRelImpied(node, ufName);
if (impiedRel && === -1) {[impiedRel, 'v1']);
//if(out.root.length === 1 && === 1) {
// if(out.root[0].replace('h-','') === this.removePropPrefix([0][0])) {
// out.typeVersion = 'v2';
// }
return out;
* given a v1 or v2 root name, return mapping object
* @param {String} name
* @return {Object || null}
getMapping: function(name) {
var key;
for (key in modules.maps) {
if (modules.maps[key].root === name || key === name) {
return modules.maps[key];
return null;
* given a v1 root name returns a v2 root name i.e. vcard >>> h-card
* @param {String} name
* @return {String || null}
getV2RootName: function(name) {
var key;
for (key in modules.maps) {
if (modules.maps[key].root === name) {
return key;
return null;
* whether a property is the right microformats version for its root type
* @param {String} typeVersion
* @param {String} propertyVersion
* @return {Boolean}
isAllowedPropertyVersion: function(typeVersion, propertyVersion) {
if (this.options.overlappingVersions === true) {
return true;
return (typeVersion === propertyVersion);
* creates a blank microformats object
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} value
* @return {Object}
createUfObject: function(names, typeVersion, value) {
var out = {};
// is more than just whitespace
if (value && modules.utils.isOnlyWhiteSpace(value) === false) {
out.value = value;
// add type i.e. ["h-card", "h-org"]
if (modules.utils.isArray(names)) {
out.type = names;
} else {
out.type = [names];
} = {};
// metadata properties for parsing
out.typeVersion = typeVersion;
out.times = [];
out.dates = [];
out.altValue = null;
return out;
* removes unwanted microformats property before output
* @param {Object} microformat
cleanUfObject: function( microformat ) {
delete microformat.times;
delete microformat.dates;
delete microformat.typeVersion;
delete microformat.altValue;
return microformat;
* removes microformat property prefixes from text
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
removePropPrefix: function(text) {
var i;
i = this.propertyPrefixes.length;
while (i--) {
var prefix = this.propertyPrefixes[i];
if (modules.utils.startWith(text, prefix)) {
text = text.substr(prefix.length);
return text;
* expands all relative URLs to absolute ones where it can
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attrName
* @param {String} baseUrl
expandURLs: function(node, attrName, baseUrl) {
var i,
nodes = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(node, attrName);
i = nodes.length;
while (i--) {
try {
// the url parser can blow up if the format is not right
attr = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(nodes[i], attrName);
if (attr && attr !== '' && baseUrl !== '' && attr.indexOf('://') === -1) {
//attr = urlParser.resolve(baseUrl, attr);
attr = modules.url.resolve(attr, baseUrl);
modules.domUtils.setAttribute(nodes[i], attrName, attr);
} catch (err) {
// do nothing - convert only the urls we can, leave the rest as they are
* merges passed and default options -single level clone of properties
* @param {Object} options
mergeOptions: function(options) {
var key;
for (key in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.options[key] = options[key];
* removes all rootid attributes
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
removeRootIds: function(rootNode) {
var arr,
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, 'rootids');
i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
modules.domUtils.removeAttribute(arr[i], 'rootids');
* removes all changes made to the DOM
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
clearUpDom: function(rootNode) {
if (this.removeIncludes) {
modules.Parser.prototype.constructor = modules.Parser;
// check parser module is loaded
if (modules.Parser) {
* applies "implied rules" microformat output structure i.e. feed-title, name, photo, url and date
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} uf (microformat output structure)
* @param {Object} parentClasses (classes structure)
* @param {Boolean} impliedPropertiesByVersion
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedRules = function(node, uf, parentClasses) {
var typeVersion = (uf.typeVersion)? uf.typeVersion: 'v2';
// TEMP: override to allow v1 implied properties while spec changes
if (this.options.impliedPropertiesByVersion === false) {
typeVersion = 'v2';
if (node && uf && {
uf = this.impliedBackwardComp( node, uf, parentClasses );
if (typeVersion === 'v2') {
uf = this.impliedhFeedTitle( uf );
uf = this.impliedName( node, uf );
uf = this.impliedPhoto( node, uf );
uf = this.impliedUrl( node, uf );
uf = this.impliedValue( node, uf, parentClasses );
uf = this.impliedDate( uf );
// TEMP: flagged while spec changes are put forward
if (this.options.parseLatLonGeo === true) {
uf = this.impliedGeo( uf );
return uf;
* apply implied name rule
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedName = function(node, uf) {
// implied name rule
img.h-x[alt] <img class="h-card" src="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></a>
area.h-x[alt] <area class="h-card" href="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></area>
abbr.h-x[title] <abbr class="h-card" title="Glenn Jones"GJ</abbr>
.h-x>img:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><a src="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></a></div>
.h-x>area:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><area href="glenn.htm" alt="Glenn Jones"></area></div>
.h-x>abbr:only-child[title] <div class="h-card"><abbr title="Glenn Jones">GJ</abbr></div>
.h-x>:only-child>img:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><img src="jane.html" alt="Jane Doe"/></span></div>
.h-x>:only-child>area:only-child[alt]:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><area href="jane.html" alt="Jane Doe"></area></span></div>
.h-x>:only-child>abbr:only-child[title] <div class="h-card"><span><abbr title="Jane Doe">JD</abbr></span></div>
var name,
if (! {
value = this.getImpliedProperty(node, ['img', 'area', 'abbr'], this.getNameAttr);
var textFormat = this.options.textFormat;
// if no value for tags/properties use text
if (!value) {
name = [modules.text.parse(this.document, node, textFormat)];
} else {
name = [modules.text.parseText(this.document, value, textFormat)];
if (name && name[0] !== '') { = name;
return uf;
* apply implied photo rule
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedPhoto = function(node, uf) {
// implied photo rule
img.h-x[src] <img class="h-card" alt="Jane Doe" src="jane.jpeg"/>
object.h-x[data] <object class="h-card" data="jane.jpeg"/>Jane Doe</object>
.h-x>img[src]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><img alt="Jane Doe" src="jane.jpeg"/></div>
.h-x>object[data]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><object data="jane.jpeg"/>Jane Doe</object></div>
.h-x>:only-child>img[src]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><img alt="Jane Doe" src="jane.jpeg"/></span></div>
.h-x>:only-child>object[data]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card"><span><object data="jane.jpeg"/>Jane Doe</object></span></div>
var value;
if (! {
value = this.getImpliedProperty(node, ['img', 'object'], this.getPhotoAttr);
if (value) {
// relative to absolute URL
if (value && value !== '' && this.options.baseUrl !== '' && value.indexOf('://') === -1) {
value = modules.url.resolve(value, this.options.baseUrl);
} = [modules.utils.trim(value)];
return uf;
* apply implied URL rule
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedUrl = function(node, uf) {
// implied URL rule
a.h-x[href] <a class="h-card" href="glenn.html">Glenn</a>
area.h-x[href] <area class="h-card" href="glenn.html">Glenn</area>
.h-x>a[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card" ><a href="glenn.html">Glenn</a><p>...</p></div>
.h-x>area[href]:only-of-type:not[.h-*] <div class="h-card" ><area href="glenn.html">Glenn</area><p>...</p></div>
var value;
if (! {
value = this.getImpliedProperty(node, ['a', 'area'], this.getURLAttr);
if (value) {
// relative to absolute URL
if (value && value !== '' && this.options.baseUrl !== '' && value.indexOf('://') === -1) {
value = modules.url.resolve(value, this.options.baseUrl);
} = [modules.utils.trim(value)];
return uf;
* apply implied date rule - if there is a time only property try to concat it with any date property
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedDate = function(uf) {
// implied date rule
var newDate;
if (uf.times.length > 0 && uf.dates.length > 0) {
newDate = modules.dates.dateTimeUnion(uf.dates[0][1], uf.times[0][1], this.options.dateFormat);[this.removePropPrefix(uf.times[0][0])][0] = newDate.toString(this.options.dateFormat);
// clean-up object
delete uf.times;
delete uf.dates;
return uf;
* get an implied property value from pre-defined tag/attriubte combinations
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} tagList (Array of tags from which an implied value can be pulled)
* @param {String} getAttrFunction (Function which can extract implied value)
* @return {String || null}
modules.Parser.prototype.getImpliedProperty = function(node, tagList, getAttrFunction) {
// i.e. img.h-card
var value = getAttrFunction(node),
if (!value) {
// i.e. .h-card>img:only-of-type:not(.h-card)
descendant = modules.domUtils.getSingleDescendantOfType( node, tagList);
if (descendant && this.hasHClass(descendant) === false) {
value = getAttrFunction(descendant);
if (node.children.length > 0 ) {
// i.e. .h-card>:only-child>img:only-of-type:not(.h-card)
child = modules.domUtils.getSingleDescendant(node);
if (child && this.hasHClass(child) === false) {
descendant = modules.domUtils.getSingleDescendantOfType(child, tagList);
if (descendant && this.hasHClass(descendant) === false) {
value = getAttrFunction(descendant);
return value;
* get an implied name value from a node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String || null}
modules.Parser.prototype.getNameAttr = function(node) {
var value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['img', 'area'], 'alt');
if (!value) {
value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['abbr'], 'title');
return value;
* get an implied photo value from a node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String || null}
modules.Parser.prototype.getPhotoAttr = function(node) {
var value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['img'], 'src');
if (!value && modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(node, 'class', 'include') === false) {
value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['object'], 'data');
return value;
* get an implied photo value from a node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String || null}
modules.Parser.prototype.getURLAttr = function(node) {
var value = null;
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(node, 'class', 'include') === false) {
value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['a'], 'href');
if (!value) {
value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(node, ['area'], 'href');
return value;
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedValue = function(node, uf, parentClasses) {
// intersection of implied name and implied value rules
if ( {
if (uf.value && parentClasses.root.length > 0 && === 1) {
uf = this.getAltValue(uf,[0][0], 'p-name',[0]);
// intersection of implied URL and implied value rules
if ( {
if (parentClasses && parentClasses.root.length === 1 && === 1) {
uf = this.getAltValue(uf,[0][0], 'u-url',[0]);
// apply alt value
if (uf.altValue !== null) {
uf.value = uf.altValue.value;
delete uf.altValue;
return uf;
* get alt value based on rules about parent property prefix
* @param {Object} uf
* @param {String} parentPropertyName
* @param {String} propertyName
* @param {String} value
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.getAltValue = function(uf, parentPropertyName, propertyName, value) {
if (uf.value && !uf.altValue) {
// first p-name of the h-* child
if (modules.utils.startWith(parentPropertyName, 'p-') && propertyName === 'p-name') {
uf.altValue = {name: propertyName, value: value};
// if it's an e-* property element
if (modules.utils.startWith(parentPropertyName, 'e-') && modules.utils.startWith(propertyName, 'e-')) {
uf.altValue = {name: propertyName, value: value};
// if it's an u-* property element
if (modules.utils.startWith(parentPropertyName, 'u-') && propertyName === 'u-url') {
uf.altValue = {name: propertyName, value: value};
return uf;
* if a h-feed does not have a title use the title tag of a page
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedhFeedTitle = function( uf ) {
if (uf.type && uf.type.indexOf('h-feed') > -1) {
// has no name property
if ( === undefined ||[0] === '' ) {
// use the text from the title tag
var title = modules.domUtils.querySelector(this.document, 'title');
if (title) { = [modules.domUtils.textContent(title)];
return uf;
* implied Geo from pattern <abbr class="p-geo" title="37.386013;-122.082932">
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedGeo = function( uf ) {
var geoPair,
valid = true;
if (uf.type && uf.type.indexOf('h-geo') > -1) {
// has no latitude or longitude property
if ( === undefined || === undefined ) {
geoPair = ([0] : null;
geoPair = (!geoPair && : geoPair;
if (geoPair) {
// allow for the use of a ';' as in microformats and also ',' as in Geo URL
geoPair = geoPair.replace(';', ',');
// has sep char
if (geoPair.indexOf(',') > -1 ) {
parts = geoPair.split(',');
// only correct if we have two or more parts
if (parts.length > 1) {
// latitude no value outside the range -90 or 90
latitude = parseFloat( parts[0] );
if (modules.utils.isNumber(latitude) && latitude > 90 || latitude < -90) {
valid = false;
// longitude no value outside the range -180 to 180
longitude = parseFloat( parts[1] );
if (modules.utils.isNumber(longitude) && longitude > 180 || longitude < -180) {
valid = false;
if (valid) { = [latitude]; = [longitude];
return uf;
* if a backwards compat built structure has no properties add name through this.impliedName
* @param {Object} uf
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.impliedBackwardComp = function(node, uf, parentClasses) {
// look for pattern in parent classes like "p-geo h-geo"
// these are structures built from backwards compat parsing of geo
if (parentClasses.root.length === 1 && === 1) {
if (parentClasses.root[0].replace('h-', '') === this.removePropPrefix([0][0])) {
// if microformat has no properties apply the impliedName rule to get value from containing node
// this will get value from html such as <abbr class="geo" title="30.267991;-97.739568">Brighton</abbr>
if ( modules.utils.hasProperties( === false ) {
uf = this.impliedName( node, uf );
return uf;
// check parser module is loaded
if (modules.Parser) {
* appends clones of include Nodes into the DOM structure
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
modules.Parser.prototype.addIncludes = function(rootNode) {
this.addAttributeIncludes(rootNode, 'itemref');
this.addAttributeIncludes(rootNode, 'headers');
* appends clones of include Nodes into the DOM structure for attribute based includes
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
* @param {String} attributeName
modules.Parser.prototype.addAttributeIncludes = function(rootNode, attributeName) {
var arr,
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, attributeName);
x = 0;
i = arr.length;
while (x < i) {
idList = modules.domUtils.getAttributeList(arr[x], attributeName);
if (idList) {
z = 0;
y = idList.length;
while (z < y) {
this.apppendInclude(arr[x], idList[z]);
* appends clones of include Nodes into the DOM structure for class based includes
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
modules.Parser.prototype.addClassIncludes = function(rootNode) {
var id,
x = 0,
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttributeValue(rootNode, 'class', 'include');
i = arr.length;
while (x < i) {
id = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(arr[x], ['a'], 'href');
if (!id) {
id = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(arr[x], ['object'], 'data');
this.apppendInclude(arr[x], id);
* appends a clone of an include into another Node using Id
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
* @param {Stringe} id
modules.Parser.prototype.apppendInclude = function(node, id) {
var include,
id = modules.utils.trim(id.replace('#', ''));
include = modules.domUtils.getElementById(this.document, id);
if (include) {
clone = modules.domUtils.clone(include);
modules.domUtils.appendChild(node, clone);
* adds an attribute marker to all the child microformat roots
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
modules.Parser.prototype.markIncludeChildren = function(rootNode) {
var arr,
// loop the array and add the attribute
arr = this.findRootNodes(rootNode);
x = 0;
i = arr.length;
modules.domUtils.setAttribute(rootNode, 'data-include', 'true');
modules.domUtils.setAttribute(rootNode, 'style', 'display:none');
while (x < i) {
modules.domUtils.setAttribute(arr[x], 'data-include', 'true');
* removes all appended include clones from DOM
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
modules.Parser.prototype.removeIncludes = function(rootNode) {
var arr,
// remove all the items that were added as includes
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, 'data-include');
i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
modules.domUtils.removeChild(rootNode, arr[i]);
// check parser module is loaded
if (modules.Parser) {
* finds rel=* structures
* @param {DOM node} rootNode
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.findRels = function(rootNode) {
var out = {
'items': [],
'rels': {},
'rel-urls': {}
arr = modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, 'rel');
x = 0;
i = arr.length;
while (x < i) {
relList = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(arr[x], 'rel');
if (relList) {
items = relList.split(' ');
// add rels
z = 0;
y = items.length;
while (z < y) {
item = modules.utils.trim(items[z]);
// get rel value
value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(arr[x], ['a', 'area'], 'href');
if (!value) {
value = modules.domUtils.getAttrValFromTagList(arr[x], ['link'], 'href');
// create the key
if (!out.rels[item]) {
out.rels[item] = [];
if (typeof this.options.baseUrl === 'string' && typeof value === 'string') {
var resolved = modules.url.resolve(value, this.options.baseUrl);
// do not add duplicate rels - based on resolved URLs
if (out.rels[item].indexOf(resolved) === -1) {
out.rels[item].push( resolved );
var url = null;
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(arr[x], 'href')) {
url = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(arr[x], 'href');
if (url) {
url = modules.url.resolve(url, this.options.baseUrl );
// add to rel-urls
var relUrl = this.getRelProperties(arr[x]);
relUrl.rels = items;
// // do not add duplicate rel-urls - based on resolved URLs
if (url && out['rel-urls'][url] === undefined) {
out['rel-urls'][url] = relUrl;
return out;
* gets the properties of a rel=*
* @param {DOM node} node
* @return {Object}
modules.Parser.prototype.getRelProperties = function(node) {
var obj = {};
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'media')) { = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(node, 'media');
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'type')) {
obj.type = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(node, 'type');
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'hreflang')) {
obj.hreflang = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(node, 'hreflang');
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'title')) {
obj.title = modules.domUtils.getAttribute(node, 'title');
if (modules.utils.trim(this.getPValue(node, false)) !== '') {
obj.text = this.getPValue(node, false);
return obj;
* finds any alt rel=* mappings for a given node/microformat
* @param {DOM node} node
* @param {String} ufName
* @return {String || undefined}
modules.Parser.prototype.findRelImpied = function(node, ufName) {
var out,
map = this.getMapping(ufName);
if (map) {
for (var key in {
if ( {
var prop =[key],
propName = ( ? : 'p-' + key,
relCount = 0;
// is property an alt rel=* mapping
if (prop.relAlt && modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'rel')) {
i = prop.relAlt.length;
while (i--) {
if (modules.domUtils.hasAttributeValue(node, 'rel', prop.relAlt[i])) {
if (relCount === prop.relAlt.length) {
out = propName;
return out;
* returns whether a node or its children has rel=* microformat
* @param {DOM node} node
* @return {Boolean}
modules.Parser.prototype.hasRel = function(node) {
return (this.countRels(node) > 0);
* returns the number of rel=* microformats
* @param {DOM node} node
* @return {Int}
modules.Parser.prototype.countRels = function(node) {
if (node) {
return modules.domUtils.getNodesByAttribute(node, 'rel').length;
return 0;
modules.utils = {
* is the object a string
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
isString: function( obj ) {
return typeof( obj ) === 'string';
* is the object a number
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
isNumber: function( obj ) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat( obj )) && isFinite( obj );
* is the object an array
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
isArray: function( obj ) {
return obj && !( obj.propertyIsEnumerable( 'length' ) ) && typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.length === 'number';
* is the object a function
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
isFunction: function(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply);
* does the text start with a test string
* @param {String} text
* @param {String} test
* @return {Boolean}
startWith: function( text, test ) {
return (text.indexOf(test) === 0);
* removes spaces at front and back of text
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
trim: function( text ) {
if (text && this.isString(text)) {
return (text.trim())? text.trim() : text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
return '';
* replaces a character in text
* @param {String} text
* @param {Int} index
* @param {String} character
* @return {String}
replaceCharAt: function( text, index, character ) {
if (text && text.length > index) {
return text.substr(0, index) + character + text.substr(index+character.length);
return text;
* removes whitespace, tabs and returns from start and end of text
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
trimWhitespace: function( text ) {
if (text && text.length) {
var i = text.length,
x = 0;
// turn all whitespace chars at end into spaces
while (i--) {
if (this.isOnlyWhiteSpace(text[i])) {
text = this.replaceCharAt( text, i, ' ' );
} else {
// turn all whitespace chars at start into spaces
i = text.length;
while (x < i) {
if (this.isOnlyWhiteSpace(text[x])) {
text = this.replaceCharAt( text, i, ' ' );
} else {
return this.trim(text);
* does text only contain whitespace characters
* @param {String} text
* @return {Boolean}
isOnlyWhiteSpace: function( text ) {
return !(/[^\t\n\r ]/.test( text ));
* removes whitespace from text (leaves a single space)
* @param {String} text
* @return {Sring}
collapseWhiteSpace: function( text ) {
return text.replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' ');
* does an object have any of its own properties
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Boolean}
hasProperties: function( obj ) {
var key;
for (key in obj) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* a sort function - to sort objects in an array by a given property
* @param {String} property
* @param {Boolean} reverse
* @return {Int}
sortObjects: function(property, reverse) {
reverse = (reverse) ? -1 : 1;
return function (a, b) {
a = a[property];
b = b[property];
if (a < b) {
return reverse * -1;
if (a > b) {
return reverse * 1;
return 0;
modules.domUtils = {
// blank objects for DOM
document: null,
rootNode: null,
* gets DOMParser object
* @return {Object || undefined}
getDOMParser: function () {
if (typeof DOMParser === "undefined") {
try {
return Components.classes[";1"]
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
} else {
return new DOMParser();
* configures what are the base DOM objects for parsing
* @param {Object} options
* @return {DOM Node} node
getDOMContext: function( options ) {
// if a node is passed
if (options.node) {
this.rootNode = options.node;
// if a html string is passed
if (options.html) {
//var domParser = new DOMParser();
var domParser = this.getDOMParser();
this.rootNode = domParser.parseFromString( options.html, 'text/html' );
// find top level document from rootnode
if (this.rootNode !== null) {
if (this.rootNode.nodeType === 9) {
this.document = this.rootNode;
this.rootNode = modules.domUtils.querySelector(this.rootNode, 'html');
} else {
// if it's DOM node get parent DOM Document
this.document = modules.domUtils.ownerDocument(this.rootNode);
// use global document object
if (!this.rootNode && document) {
this.rootNode = modules.domUtils.querySelector(document, 'html');
this.document = document;
if (this.rootNode && this.document) {
return {document: this.document, rootNode: this.rootNode};
return {document: null, rootNode: null};
* gets the first DOM node
* @param {Dom Document}
* @return {DOM Node} node
getTopMostNode: function( node ) {
//var doc = this.ownerDocument(node);
//if(doc && doc.nodeType && doc.nodeType === 9 && doc.documentElement){
// return doc.documentElement;
return node;
* abstracts DOM ownerDocument
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Dom Document}
ownerDocument: function(node) {
return node.ownerDocument;
* abstracts DOM textContent
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
textContent: function(node) {
if (node.textContent) {
return node.textContent;
} else if (node.innerText) {
return node.innerText;
return '';
* abstracts DOM innerHTML
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
innerHTML: function(node) {
return node.innerHTML;
* abstracts DOM hasAttribute
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @return {Boolean}
hasAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
return node.hasAttribute(attributeName);
* does an attribute contain a value
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @param {String} value
* @return {Boolean}
hasAttributeValue: function(node, attributeName, value) {
return (this.getAttributeList(node, attributeName).indexOf(value) > -1);
* abstracts DOM getAttribute
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @return {String || null}
getAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
return node.getAttribute(attributeName);
* abstracts DOM setAttribute
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @param {String} attributeValue
setAttribute: function(node, attributeName, attributeValue) {
node.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);
* abstracts DOM removeAttribute
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
removeAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
* abstracts DOM getElementById
* @param {DOM Node || DOM Document} node
* @param {String} id
* @return {DOM Node}
getElementById: function(docNode, id) {
return docNode.querySelector( '#' + id );
* abstracts DOM querySelector
* @param {DOM Node || DOM Document} node
* @param {String} selector
* @return {DOM Node}
querySelector: function(docNode, selector) {
return docNode.querySelector( selector );
* get value of a Node attribute as an array
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @return {Array}
getAttributeList: function(node, attributeName) {
var out = [],
attList = node.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (attList && attList !== '') {
if (attList.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
out = attList.split(' ');
} else {
return out;
* gets all child nodes with a given attribute
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @return {NodeList}
getNodesByAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
var selector = '[' + attributeName + ']';
return node.querySelectorAll(selector);
* gets all child nodes with a given attribute containing a given value
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} attributeName
* @return {DOM NodeList}
getNodesByAttributeValue: function(rootNode, name, value) {
var arr = [],
x = 0,
out = [];
arr = this.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, name);
if (arr) {
i = arr.length;
while (x < i) {
if (this.hasAttributeValue(arr[x], name, value)) {
return out;
* gets attribute value from controlled list of tags
* @param {Array} tagNames
* @param {String} attributeName
* @return {String || null}
getAttrValFromTagList: function(node, tagNames, attributeName) {
var i = tagNames.length;
while (i--) {
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagNames[i]) {
var attrValue = this.getAttribute(node, attributeName);
if (attrValue && attrValue !== '') {
return attrValue;
return null;
* get node if it has no siblings. CSS equivalent is :only-child
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
* @param {Array} tagNames
* @return {DOM Node || null}
getSingleDescendant: function(node) {
return this.getDescendant( node, null, false );
* get node if it has no siblings of the same type. CSS equivalent is :only-of-type
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
* @param {Array} tagNames
* @return {DOM Node || null}
getSingleDescendantOfType: function(node, tagNames) {
return this.getDescendant( node, tagNames, true );
* get child node limited by presence of siblings - either CSS :only-of-type or :only-child
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
* @param {Array} tagNames
* @return {DOM Node || null}
getDescendant: function( node, tagNames, onlyOfType ) {
var i = node.children.length,
countAll = 0,
countOfType = 0,
out = null;
while (i--) {
child = node.children[i];
if (child.nodeType === 1) {
if (tagNames) {
// count just only-of-type
if (this.hasTagName(child, tagNames)) {
out = child;
} else {
// count all elements
out = child;
if (onlyOfType === true) {
return (countOfType === 1)? out : null;
return (countAll === 1)? out : null;
* is a node one of a list of tags
* @param {DOM Node} rootNode
* @param {Array} tagNames
* @return {Boolean}
hasTagName: function(node, tagNames) {
var i = tagNames.length;
while (i--) {
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagNames[i]) {
return true;
return false;
* abstracts DOM appendChild
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {DOM Node} childNode
* @return {DOM Node}
appendChild: function(node, childNode) {
return node.appendChild(childNode);
* abstracts DOM removeChild
* @param {DOM Node} childNode
* @return {DOM Node || null}
removeChild: function(childNode) {
if (childNode.parentNode) {
return childNode.parentNode.removeChild(childNode);
return null;
* abstracts DOM cloneNode
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {DOM Node}
clone: function(node) {
var newNode = node.cloneNode(true);
return newNode;
* gets the text of a node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
getElementText: function( node ) {
if (node && {
return '';
* gets the attributes of a node - ordered by sequence in html
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Array}
getOrderedAttributes: function( node ) {
var nodeStr = node.outerHTML,
attrs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = node.attributes[i];
attr.indexNum = nodeStr.indexOf(;
attrs.push( attr );
return attrs.sort( modules.utils.sortObjects( 'indexNum' ) );
* decodes html entities in given text
* @param {DOM Document} doc
* @param String} text
* @return {String}
decodeEntities: function( doc, text ) {
//return text;
return doc.createTextNode( text ).nodeValue;
* clones a DOM document
* @param {DOM Document} document
* @return {DOM Document}
cloneDocument: function( document ) {
var newNode,
newDocument = null;
if ( this.canCloneDocument( document )) {
newDocument = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
newNode = newDocument.importNode( document.documentElement, true );
newDocument.replaceChild(newNode, newDocument.querySelector('html'));
return (newNode && newNode.nodeType && newNode.nodeType === 1)? newDocument : document;
* can environment clone a DOM document
* @param {DOM Document} document
* @return {Boolean}
canCloneDocument: function( document ) {
return (document && document.importNode && document.implementation && document.implementation.createHTMLDocument);
* get the child index of a node. Used to create a node path
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Int}
getChildIndex: function (node) {
var parent = node.parentNode,
i = -1,
while (parent && (child = parent.childNodes[++i])) {
if (child === node) {
return i;
return -1;
* get a node's path
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {Array}
getNodePath: function (node) {
var parent = node.parentNode,
path = [],
index = this.getChildIndex(node);
if (parent && (path = this.getNodePath(parent))) {
if (index > -1) {
return path;
* get a node from a path.
* @param {DOM document} document
* @param {Array} path
* @return {DOM Node}
getNodeByPath: function (document, path) {
var node = document.documentElement,
i = 0,
while ((index = path[++i]) > -1) {
node = node.childNodes[index];
return node;
* get an array/nodeList of child nodes
* @param {DOM node} node
* @return {Array}
getChildren: function( node ) {
return node.children;
* create a node
* @param {String} tagName
* @return {DOM node}
createNode: function( tagName ) {
return this.document.createElement(tagName);
* create a node with text content
* @param {String} tagName
* @param {String} text
* @return {DOM node}
createNodeWithText: function( tagName, text ) {
var node = this.document.createElement(tagName);
node.innerHTML = text;
return node;
modules.url = {
* creates DOM objects needed to resolve URLs
init: function() {
//this._domParser = new DOMParser();
this._domParser = modules.domUtils.getDOMParser();
// do not use a head tag it does not work with IE9
this._html = '<base id="base" href=""></base><a id="link" href=""></a>';
this._nodes = this._domParser.parseFromString( this._html, 'text/html' );
this._baseNode = modules.domUtils.getElementById(this._nodes, 'base');
this._linkNode = modules.domUtils.getElementById(this._nodes, 'link');
* resolves url to absolute version using baseUrl
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} baseUrl
* @return {String}
resolve: function(url, baseUrl) {
// use modern URL web API where we can
if (modules.utils.isString(url) && modules.utils.isString(baseUrl) && url.indexOf('://') === -1) {
// this try catch is required as IE has an URL object but no constuctor support
try {
var resolved = new URL(url, baseUrl).toString();
// deal with early Webkit not throwing an error - for Safari
if (resolved === '[object URL]') {
resolved = URI.resolve(baseUrl, url);
return resolved;
} catch (e) {
// otherwise fallback to DOM
if (this._domParser === undefined) {
// do not use setAttribute it does not work with IE9
this._baseNode.href = baseUrl;
this._linkNode.href = url;
// dont use getAttribute as it returns orginal value not resolved
return this._linkNode.href;
} else {
if (modules.utils.isString(url)) {
return url;
return '';
* constructor
* parses text to find just the date element of an ISO date/time string i.e. 2008-05-01
* @param {String} dateString
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
modules.ISODate = function ( dateString, format ) {
this.format = (format)? format : 'auto'; // auto or W3C or RFC3339 or HTML5
// optional should be full iso date/time string
if (arguments[0]) {
this.parse(dateString, format);
modules.ISODate.prototype = {
* clear all states
clear: function() {
* clear date states
clearDate: function() {
this.dY = -1;
this.dM = -1;
this.dD = -1;
this.dDDD = -1;
* clear time states
clearTime: function() {
this.tH = -1;
this.tM = -1;
this.tS = -1;
this.tD = -1;
* clear timezone states
clearTimeZone: function() {
this.tzH = -1;
this.tzM = -1;
this.tzPN = '+';
this.z = false;
* resets the auto profile state
setAutoProfileState: function() {
this.autoProfile = {
sep: 'T',
dsep: '-',
tsep: ':',
tzsep: ':',
tzZulu: 'Z'
* parses text to find ISO date/time string i.e. 2008-05-01T15:45:19Z
* @param {String} dateString
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
parse: function( dateString, format ) {
var parts = [],
tzArray = [],
position = 0,
datePart = '',
timePart = '',
timeZonePart = '';
if (format) {
this.format = format;
// discover date time separtor for auto profile
// Set to 'T' by default
if (dateString.indexOf('t') > -1) {
this.autoProfile.sep = 't';
if (dateString.indexOf('z') > -1) {
this.autoProfile.tzZulu = 'z';
if (dateString.indexOf('Z') > -1) {
this.autoProfile.tzZulu = 'Z';
if (dateString.toUpperCase().indexOf('T') === -1) {
this.autoProfile.sep = ' ';
dateString = dateString.toUpperCase().replace(' ', 'T');
// break on 'T' divider or space
if (dateString.indexOf('T') > -1) {
parts = dateString.split('T');
datePart = parts[0];
timePart = parts[1];
// zulu UTC
if (timePart.indexOf( 'Z' ) > -1) {
this.z = true;
// timezone
if (timePart.indexOf( '+' ) > -1 || timePart.indexOf( '-' ) > -1) {
tzArray = timePart.split( 'Z' ); // incase of incorrect use of Z
timePart = tzArray[0];
timeZonePart = tzArray[1];
// timezone
if (timePart.indexOf( '+' ) > -1 || timePart.indexOf( '-' ) > -1) {
position = 0;
if (timePart.indexOf( '+' ) > -1) {
position = timePart.indexOf( '+' );
} else {
position = timePart.indexOf( '-' );
timeZonePart = timePart.substring( position, timePart.length );
timePart = timePart.substring( 0, position );
} else {
datePart = dateString;
if (datePart !== '') {
this.parseDate( datePart );
if (timePart !== '') {
this.parseTime( timePart );
if (timeZonePart !== '') {
this.parseTimeZone( timeZonePart );
return this.toString( format );
* parses text to find just the date element of an ISO date/time string i.e. 2008-05-01
* @param {String} dateString
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
parseDate: function( dateString, format ) {
var parts = [];
// discover timezone separtor for auto profile // default is ':'
if (dateString.indexOf('-') === -1) {
this.autoProfile.tsep = '';
parts = dateString.match( /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d\d)/ );
if (parts) {
if (parts[1]) {
this.dY = parts[1];
if (parts[2]) {
this.dDDD = parts[2];
if (this.dDDD === -1) {
// YYYY-MM-DD ie 2008-05-01 and YYYYMMDD ie 20080501
parts = dateString.match( /(\d\d\d\d)?-?(\d\d)?-?(\d\d)?/ );
if (parts[1]) {
this.dY = parts[1];
if (parts[2]) {
this.dM = parts[2];
if (parts[3]) {
this.dD = parts[3];
return this.toString(format);
* parses text to find just the time element of an ISO date/time string i.e. 13:30:45
* @param {String} timeString
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
parseTime: function( timeString, format ) {
var parts = [];
// discover date separtor for auto profile // default is ':'
if (timeString.indexOf(':') === -1) {
this.autoProfile.tsep = '';
// finds timezone HH:MM:SS and HHMMSS ie 13:30:45, 133045 and 13:30:45.0135
parts = timeString.match( /(\d\d)?:?(\d\d)?:?(\d\d)?.?([0-9]+)?/ );
if (parts[1]) {
this.tH = parts[1];
if (parts[2]) {
this.tM = parts[2];
if (parts[3]) {
this.tS = parts[3];
if (parts[4]) {
this.tD = parts[4];
return this.toTimeString(format);
* parses text to find just the time element of an ISO date/time string i.e. +08:00
* @param {String} timeString
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
parseTimeZone: function( timeString, format ) {
var parts = [];
if (timeString.toLowerCase() === 'z') {
this.z = true;
// set case for z
this.autoProfile.tzZulu = (timeString === 'z')? 'z' : 'Z';
} else {
// discover timezone separtor for auto profile // default is ':'
if (timeString.indexOf(':') === -1) {
this.autoProfile.tzsep = '';
// finds timezone +HH:MM and +HHMM ie +13:30 and +1330
parts = timeString.match( /([\-\+]{1})?(\d\d)?:?(\d\d)?/ );
if (parts[1]) {
this.tzPN = parts[1];
if (parts[2]) {
this.tzH = parts[2];
if (parts[3]) {
this.tzM = parts[3];
this.tzZulu = 'z';
return this.toTimeString( format );
* returns ISO date/time string in W3C Note, RFC 3339, HTML5, or auto profile
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
toString: function( format ) {
var output = '';
if (format) {
this.format = format;
if (this.dY > -1) {
output = this.dY;
if (this.dM > 0 && this.dM < 13) {
output += this.dsep + this.dM;
if (this.dD > 0 && this.dD < 32) {
output += this.dsep + this.dD;
if (this.tH > -1 && this.tH < 25) {
output += this.sep + this.toTimeString( format );
if (this.dDDD > -1) {
output += this.dsep + this.dDDD;
} else if (this.tH > -1) {
output += this.toTimeString( format );
return output;
* returns just the time string element of an ISO date/time
* in W3C Note, RFC 3339, HTML5, or auto profile
* @param {String} format
* @return {String}
toTimeString: function( format ) {
var out = '';
if (format) {
this.format = format;
// time can only be created with a full date
if (this.tH) {
if (this.tH > -1 && this.tH < 25) {
out += this.tH;
if (this.tM > -1 && this.tM < 61) {
out += this.tsep + this.tM;
if (this.tS > -1 && this.tS < 61) {
out += this.tsep + this.tS;
if (this.tD > -1) {
out += '.' + this.tD;
// time zone offset
if (this.z) {
out += this.tzZulu;
} else if (this.tzH && this.tzH > -1 && this.tzH < 25) {
out += this.tzPN + this.tzH;
if (this.tzM > -1 && this.tzM < 61) {
out += this.tzsep + this.tzM;
return out;
* set the current profile to W3C Note, RFC 3339, HTML5, or auto profile
setFormatSep: function() {
switch ( this.format.toLowerCase() ) {
case 'rfc3339':
this.sep = 'T';
this.dsep = '';
this.tsep = '';
this.tzsep = '';
this.tzZulu = 'Z';
case 'w3c':
this.sep = 'T';
this.dsep = '-';
this.tsep = ':';
this.tzsep = ':';
this.tzZulu = 'Z';
case 'html5':
this.sep = ' ';
this.dsep = '-';
this.tsep = ':';
this.tzsep = ':';
this.tzZulu = 'Z';
// auto - defined by format of input string
this.sep = this.autoProfile.sep;
this.dsep = this.autoProfile.dsep;
this.tsep = this.autoProfile.tsep;
this.tzsep = this.autoProfile.tzsep;
this.tzZulu = this.autoProfile.tzZulu;
* does current data contain a full date i.e. 2015-03-23
* @return {Boolean}
hasFullDate: function() {
return (this.dY !== -1 && this.dM !== -1 && this.dD !== -1);
* does current data contain a minimum date which is just a year number i.e. 2015
* @return {Boolean}
hasDate: function() {
return (this.dY !== -1);
* does current data contain a minimum time which is just a hour number i.e. 13
* @return {Boolean}
hasTime: function() {
return (this.tH !== -1);
* does current data contain a minimum timezone i.e. -1 || +1 || z
* @return {Boolean}
hasTimeZone: function() {
return (this.tzH !== -1);
modules.ISODate.prototype.constructor = modules.ISODate;
modules.dates = {
* does text contain am
* @param {String} text
* @return {Boolean}
hasAM: function( text ) {
text = text.toLowerCase();
return (text.indexOf('am') > -1 || text.indexOf('a.m.') > -1);
* does text contain pm
* @param {String} text
* @return {Boolean}
hasPM: function( text ) {
text = text.toLowerCase();
return (text.indexOf('pm') > -1 || text.indexOf('p.m.') > -1);
* remove am and pm from text and return it
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
removeAMPM: function( text ) {
return text.replace('pm', '').replace('p.m.', '').replace('am', '').replace('a.m.', '');
* simple test of whether ISO date string is a duration i.e. PY17M or PW12
* @param {String} text
* @return {Boolean}
isDuration: function( text ) {
if (modules.utils.isString( text )) {
text = text.toLowerCase();
if (modules.utils.startWith(text, 'p') ) {
return true;
return false;
* is text a time or timezone
* i.e. HH-MM-SS or z+-HH-MM-SS 08:43 | 15:23:00:0567 | 10:34pm | 10:34 p.m. | +01:00:00 | -02:00 | z15:00 | 0843
* @param {String} text
* @return {Boolean}
isTime: function( text ) {
if (modules.utils.isString(text)) {
text = text.toLowerCase();
text = modules.utils.trim( text );
// start with timezone char
if ( text.match(':') && ( modules.utils.startWith(text, 'z') || modules.utils.startWith(text, '-') || modules.utils.startWith(text, '+') )) {
return true;
// has ante meridiem or post meridiem
if ( text.match(/^[0-9]/) &&
( this.hasAM(text) || this.hasPM(text) )) {
return true;
// contains time delimiter but not datetime delimiter
if ( text.match(':') && !text.match(/t|\s/) ) {
return true;
// if it's a number of 2, 4 or 6 chars
if (modules.utils.isNumber(text)) {
if (text.length === 2 || text.length === 4 || text.length === 6) {
return true;
return false;
* parses a time from text and returns 24hr time string
* i.e. 5:34am = 05:34:00 and 1:52:04p.m. = 13:52:04
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
parseAmPmTime: function( text ) {
var out = text,
times = [];
// if the string has a text : or am or pm
if (modules.utils.isString(out)) {
//text = text.toLowerCase();
text = text.replace(/[ ]+/g, '');
if (text.match(':') || this.hasAM(text) || this.hasPM(text)) {
if (text.match(':')) {
times = text.split(':');
} else {
// single number text i.e. 5pm
times[0] = text;
times[0] = this.removeAMPM(times[0]);
// change pm hours to 24hr number
if (this.hasPM(text)) {
if (times[0] < 12) {
times[0] = parseInt(times[0], 10) + 12;
// add leading zero's where needed
if (times[0] && times[0].length === 1) {
times[0] = '0' + times[0];
// rejoin text elements together
if (times[0]) {
text = times.join(':');
// remove am/pm strings
return this.removeAMPM(text);
* overlays a time on a date to return the union of the two
* @param {String} date
* @param {String} time
* @param {String} format ( Modules.ISODate profile format )
* @return {Object} Modules.ISODate
dateTimeUnion: function(date, time, format) {
var isodate = new modules.ISODate(date, format),
isotime = new modules.ISODate();
isotime.parseTime(this.parseAmPmTime(time), format);
if (isodate.hasFullDate() && isotime.hasTime()) {
isodate.tH = isotime.tH;
isodate.tM = isotime.tM;
isodate.tS = isotime.tS;
isodate.tD = isotime.tD;
return isodate;
if (isodate.hasFullDate()) {
return isodate;
return new modules.ISODate();
* concatenate an array of date and time text fragments to create an ISODate object
* used for microformat value and value-title rules
* @param {Array} arr ( Array of Strings )
* @param {String} format ( Modules.ISODate profile format )
* @return {Object} Modules.ISODate
concatFragments: function (arr, format) {
var out = new modules.ISODate(),
i = 0,
value = '';
// if the fragment already contains a full date just return it once
if (arr[0].toUpperCase().match('T')) {
return new modules.ISODate(arr[0], format);
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
value = arr[i];
// date pattern
if ( value.charAt(4) === '-' && out.hasFullDate() === false ) {
// time pattern
if ( (value.indexOf(':') > -1 || modules.utils.isNumber( this.parseAmPmTime(value) )) && out.hasTime() === false ) {
// split time and timezone
var items = this.splitTimeAndZone(value);
value = items[0];
// parse any use of am/pm
value = this.parseAmPmTime(value);
// parse any timezone
if (items.length > 1) {
out.parseTimeZone(items[1], format);
// timezone pattern
if (value.charAt(0) === '-' || value.charAt(0) === '+' || value.toUpperCase() === 'Z') {
if ( out.hasTimeZone() === false ) {
return out;
* parses text by splitting it into an array of time and timezone strings
* @param {String} text
* @return {Array} Modules.ISODate
splitTimeAndZone: function ( text ) {
var out = [text],
chars = ['-', '+', 'z', 'Z'],
i = chars.length;
while (i--) {
if (text.indexOf(chars[i]) > -1) {
out[0] = text.slice( 0, text.indexOf(chars[i]) );
out.push( text.slice( text.indexOf(chars[i]) ) );
return out;
modules.text = {
// normalised or whitespace or whitespacetrimmed
textFormat: 'whitespacetrimmed',
// block level tags, used to add line returns
blockLevelTags: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'hr', 'pre', 'table',
'address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'div',
'dt', 'dir', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr',
'li', 'map', 'menu', 'nav', 'optgroup', 'option', 'section', 'tbody', 'testarea',
'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'td', 'ul', 'ol', 'dl', 'details'],
// tags to exclude
excludeTags: ['noframe', 'noscript', 'template', 'script', 'style', 'frames', 'frameset'],
* parses the text from the DOM Node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @param {String} textFormat
* @return {String}
parse: function(doc, node, textFormat) {
var out;
this.textFormat = (textFormat)? textFormat : this.textFormat;
if (this.textFormat === 'normalised') {
out = this.walkTreeForText( node );
if (out !== undefined) {
return this.normalise( doc, out );
return '';
return this.formatText( doc, modules.domUtils.textContent(node), this.textFormat );
* parses the text from a html string
* @param {DOM Document} doc
* @param {String} text
* @param {String} textFormat
* @return {String}
parseText: function( doc, text, textFormat ) {
var node = modules.domUtils.createNodeWithText( 'div', text );
return this.parse( doc, node, textFormat );
* parses the text from a html string - only for whitespace or whitespacetrimmed formats
* @param {String} text
* @param {String} textFormat
* @return {String}
formatText: function( doc, text, textFormat ) {
this.textFormat = (textFormat)? textFormat : this.textFormat;
if (text) {
var out = '',
regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
out = text.replace(regex, '');
if (this.textFormat === 'whitespacetrimmed') {
out = modules.utils.trimWhitespace( out );
//return entities.decode( out, 2 );
return modules.domUtils.decodeEntities( doc, out );
return '';
* normalises whitespace in given text
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
normalise: function( doc, text ) {
text = text.replace( /&nbsp;/g, ' ') ; // exchanges html entity for space into space char
text = modules.utils.collapseWhiteSpace( text ); // removes linefeeds, tabs and addtional spaces
text = modules.domUtils.decodeEntities( doc, text ); // decode HTML entities
text = text.replace( '–', '-' ); // correct dash decoding
return modules.utils.trim( text );
* walks DOM tree parsing the text from DOM Nodes
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
walkTreeForText: function( node ) {
var out = '',
j = 0;
if (node.tagName && this.excludeTags.indexOf( node.tagName.toLowerCase() ) > -1) {
return out;
// if node is a text node get its text
if (node.nodeType && node.nodeType === 3) {
out += modules.domUtils.getElementText( node );
// get the text of the child nodes
if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < node.childNodes.length; j++) {
var text = this.walkTreeForText( node.childNodes[j] );
if (text !== undefined) {
out += text;
// if it's a block level tag add an additional space at the end
if (node.tagName && this.blockLevelTags.indexOf( node.tagName.toLowerCase() ) !== -1) {
out += ' ';
return (out === '')? undefined : out ;
modules.html = {
// elements which are self-closing
selfClosingElt: ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'command', 'keygen', 'source'],
* parse the html string from DOM Node
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
parse: function( node ) {
var out = '',
j = 0;
// we do not want the outer container
if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < node.childNodes.length; j++) {
var text = this.walkTreeForHtml( node.childNodes[j] );
if (text !== undefined) {
out += text;
return out;
* walks the DOM tree parsing the html string from the nodes
* @param {DOM Document} doc
* @param {DOM Node} node
* @return {String}
walkTreeForHtml: function( node ) {
var out = '',
j = 0;
// if node is a text node get its text
if (node.nodeType && node.nodeType === 3) {
out += modules.domUtils.getElementText( node );
// exclude text which has been added with include pattern -
if (node.nodeType && node.nodeType === 1 && modules.domUtils.hasAttribute(node, 'data-include') === false) {
// begin tag
out += '<' + node.tagName.toLowerCase();
// add attributes
var attrs = modules.domUtils.getOrderedAttributes(node);
for (j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++) {
out += ' ' + attrs[j].name + '=' + '"' + attrs[j].value + '"';
if (this.selfClosingElt.indexOf(node.tagName.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
out += '>';
// get the text of the child nodes
if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
for (j = 0; j < node.childNodes.length; j++) {
var text = this.walkTreeForHtml( node.childNodes[j] );
if (text !== undefined) {
out += text;
// end tag
if (this.selfClosingElt.indexOf(node.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
out += ' />';
} else {
out += '</' + node.tagName.toLowerCase() + '>';
return (out === '')? undefined : out;
modules.maps['h-adr'] = {
root: 'adr',
name: 'h-adr',
properties: {
'post-office-box': {},
'street-address': {},
'extended-address': {},
'locality': {},
'region': {},
'postal-code': {},
'country-name': {}
modules.maps['h-card'] = {
root: 'vcard',
name: 'h-card',
properties: {
'fn': {
'map': 'p-name'
'adr': {
'map': 'p-adr',
'uf': ['h-adr']
'agent': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'bday': {
'map': 'dt-bday'
'class': {},
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'email': {
'map': 'u-email'
'geo': {
'map': 'p-geo',
'uf': ['h-geo']
'key': {
'map': 'u-key'
'label': {},
'logo': {
'map': 'u-logo'
'mailer': {},
'honorific-prefix': {},
'given-name': {},
'additional-name': {},
'family-name': {},
'honorific-suffix': {},
'nickname': {},
'note': {}, // could be html i.e. e-note
'org': {},
'p-organization-name': {},
'p-organization-unit': {},
'photo': {
'map': 'u-photo'
'rev': {
'map': 'dt-rev'
'role': {},
'sequence': {},
'sort-string': {},
'sound': {
'map': 'u-sound'
'title': {
'map': 'p-job-title'
'tel': {},
'tz': {},
'uid': {
'map': 'u-uid'
'url': {
'map': 'u-url'
modules.maps['h-entry'] = {
root: 'hentry',
name: 'h-entry',
properties: {
'entry-title': {
'map': 'p-name'
'entry-summary': {
'map': 'p-summary'
'entry-content': {
'map': 'e-content'
'published': {
'map': 'dt-published'
'updated': {
'map': 'dt-updated'
'author': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'geo': {
'map': 'p-geo',
'uf': ['h-geo']
'latitude': {},
'longitude': {},
'url': {
'map': 'u-url',
'relAlt': ['bookmark']
modules.maps['h-event'] = {
root: 'vevent',
name: 'h-event',
properties: {
'summary': {
'map': 'p-name'
'dtstart': {
'map': 'dt-start'
'dtend': {
'map': 'dt-end'
'description': {},
'url': {
'map': 'u-url'
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'location': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'geo': {
'uf': ['h-geo']
'latitude': {},
'longitude': {},
'duration': {
'map': 'dt-duration'
'contact': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'organizer': {
'uf': ['h-card']},
'attendee': {
'uf': ['h-card']},
'uid': {
'map': 'u-uid'
'attach': {
'map': 'u-attach'
'status': {},
'rdate': {},
'rrule': {}
modules.maps['h-feed'] = {
root: 'hfeed',
name: 'h-feed',
properties: {
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'summary': {
'map': 'p-summary'
'author': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'url': {
'map': 'u-url'
'photo': {
'map': 'u-photo'
modules.maps['h-geo'] = {
root: 'geo',
name: 'h-geo',
properties: {
'latitude': {},
'longitude': {}
modules.maps['h-item'] = {
root: 'item',
name: 'h-item',
subTree: false,
properties: {
'fn': {
'map': 'p-name'
'url': {
'map': 'u-url'
'photo': {
'map': 'u-photo'
modules.maps['h-listing'] = {
root: 'hlisting',
name: 'h-listing',
properties: {
'version': {},
'lister': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'dtlisted': {
'map': 'dt-listed'
'dtexpired': {
'map': 'dt-expired'
'location': {},
'price': {},
'item': {
'uf': ['h-card', 'a-adr', 'h-geo']
'summary': {
'map': 'p-name'
'description': {
'map': 'e-description'
'listing': {}
modules.maps['h-news'] = {
root: 'hnews',
name: 'h-news',
properties: {
'entry': {
'uf': ['h-entry']
'geo': {
'uf': ['h-geo']
'latitude': {},
'longitude': {},
'source-org': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'dateline': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'item-license': {
'map': 'u-item-license'
'principles': {
'map': 'u-principles',
'relAlt': ['principles']
modules.maps['h-org'] = {
root: 'h-x-org', // drop this from v1 as it causes issue with fn org hcard pattern
name: 'h-org',
childStructure: true,
properties: {
'organization-name': {},
'organization-unit': {}
modules.maps['h-product'] = {
root: 'hproduct',
name: 'h-product',
properties: {
'brand': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'price': {},
'description': {
'map': 'e-description'
'fn': {
'map': 'p-name'
'photo': {
'map': 'u-photo'
'url': {
'map': 'u-url'
'review': {
'uf': ['h-review', 'h-review-aggregate']
'listing': {
'uf': ['h-listing']
'identifier': {
'map': 'u-identifier'
modules.maps['h-recipe'] = {
root: 'hrecipe',
name: 'h-recipe',
properties: {
'fn': {
'map': 'p-name'
'ingredient': {
'map': 'e-ingredient'
'yield': {},
'instructions': {
'map': 'e-instructions'
'duration': {
'map': 'dt-duration'
'photo': {
'map': 'u-photo'
'summary': {},
'author': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'published': {
'map': 'dt-published'
'nutrition': {},
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
modules.maps['h-resume'] = {
root: 'hresume',
name: 'h-resume',
properties: {
'summary': {},
'contact': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'education': {
'uf': ['h-card', 'h-event']
'experience': {
'uf': ['h-card', 'h-event']
'skill': {},
'affiliation': {
'uf': ['h-card']
modules.maps['h-review-aggregate'] = {
root: 'hreview-aggregate',
name: 'h-review-aggregate',
properties: {
'summary': {
'map': 'p-name'
'item': {
'map': 'p-item',
'uf': ['h-item', 'h-geo', 'h-adr', 'h-card', 'h-event', 'h-product']
'rating': {},
'average': {},
'best': {},
'worst': {},
'count': {},
'votes': {},
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'url': {
'map': 'u-url',
'relAlt': ['self', 'bookmark']
modules.maps['h-review'] = {
root: 'hreview',
name: 'h-review',
properties: {
'summary': {
'map': 'p-name'
'description': {
'map': 'e-description'
'item': {
'map': 'p-item',
'uf': ['h-item', 'h-geo', 'h-adr', 'h-card', 'h-event', 'h-product']
'reviewer': {
'uf': ['h-card']
'dtreviewer': {
'map': 'dt-reviewer'
'rating': {},
'best': {},
'worst': {},
'category': {
'map': 'p-category',
'relAlt': ['tag']
'url': {
'map': 'u-url',
'relAlt': ['self', 'bookmark']
modules.rels = {
// xfn
'friend': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'acquaintance': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'contact': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'met': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'co-worker': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'colleague': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'co-resident': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'neighbor': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'child': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'parent': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'sibling': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'spouse': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'kin': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'muse': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'crush': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'date': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'sweetheart': [ 'yes', 'external'],
'me': [ 'yes', 'external'],
// other rel=*
'license': [ 'yes', 'yes'],
'nofollow': [ 'no', 'external'],
'tag': [ 'no', 'yes'],
'self': [ 'no', 'external'],
'bookmark': [ 'no', 'external'],
'author': [ 'no', 'external'],
'home': [ 'no', 'external'],
'directory': [ 'no', 'external'],
'enclosure': [ 'no', 'external'],
'pronunciation': [ 'no', 'external'],
'payment': [ 'no', 'external'],
'principles': [ 'no', 'external']
var External = {
version: modules.version,
livingStandard: modules.livingStandard
External.get = function(options) {
var parser = new modules.Parser();
addV1(parser, options);
return parser.get( options );
External.getParent = function(node, options) {
var parser = new modules.Parser();
addV1(parser, options);
return parser.getParent( node, options );
External.count = function(options) {
var parser = new modules.Parser();
addV1(parser, options);
return parser.count( options );
External.isMicroformat = function( node, options ) {
var parser = new modules.Parser();
addV1(parser, options);
return parser.isMicroformat( node, options );
External.hasMicroformats = function( node, options ) {
var parser = new modules.Parser();
addV1(parser, options);
return parser.hasMicroformats( node, options );
function addV1(parser, options) {
if (options && options.maps) {
if (Array.isArray(options.maps)) {
} else {
return External;
try {
// mozilla jsm support
} catch (e) {}
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['Microformats'];